• v1.0.0 e2425a106a

    FrederikBaerentsen released this 2025-01-19 09:47:15 +01:00 | 80 commits to master since this release

    BrickTracker v1.0.0 Release Notes

    Major Changes

    BrickTracker has undergone a complete rewrite (thanks for gregoo) with significant improvements to both functionality and design. You can preview the new interface in the documentation.

    ⚠️ Important: This update includes changes to the application structure and configuration. Please follow the migration steps carefully to ensure your data remains intact.

    Environment Configuration

    You can configure environment variables in two ways:

    1. In the compose.yaml file under the environment section
    2. In a separate .env file referenced by env_file

    Choose the method that best suits your deployment needs. All variables can be used in either location.

    Migration Guide

    Option 1: Local Installation (Git + Docker Build)

    For users who installed via git clone and use build: . in their Docker configuration:

    1. Update the repository:

      cd BrickTracker
      git pull
    2. Restructure your static directories:

      mv static/instructions .
      mv static/sets .
      mv static/parts .
      mv static/minifigs .
    3. Create data directory:

      mkdir data
      mv app.db data/
    4. Replace your compose.yaml with:

          container_name: BrickTracker
          restart: unless-stopped
          build: .
            - "3333:3333"
            - ./data:/data/
            - ./instructions:/app/static/instructions/
            - ./minifigures:/app/static/minifigures/
            - ./parts:/app/static/parts/
            - ./sets:/app/static/sets/
            BK_DATABASE_PATH: /data/app.db
            BK_RETIRED_SETS_PATH: /data/retired_sets.csv
            BK_THEMES_PATH: /data/themes.csv
          env_file: ".env"

      Note: You can move any environment variables from the .env file to the environment section above, or vice versa.

    5. Update environment configuration:

      mv .env .env.backup
      mv .env.sample .env

      Then edit .env to include your API key and any desired customizations.

      Note: Make sure BK_RETIRED_SETS_PATH and BK_THEMES_PATH are set correctly to match your volume mappings.

    6. Rebuild and restart:

      docker compose build
      docker compose up -d

    Option 2: Pre-built Docker Image

    For users who prefer using the pre-built Docker image:

    1. Create data directory:

      mkdir data
      mv app.db data/
    2. Update your compose.yaml:

          container_name: BrickTracker
          restart: unless-stopped
          image: gitea.baerentsen.space/frederikbaerentsen/bricktracker:1.0.0
            - "3333:3333"
            - ./parts:/app/static/parts
            - ./instructions:/app/static/instructions
            - ./minifigs:/app/static/minifigs
            - ./sets:/app/static/sets
            - ./data:/data/
          env_file: ".env"

      Note: You can add an environment section to specify variables directly in the compose file instead of using .env.

    3. Configure environment:
      Either download the sample configuration:

      wget -O .env https://gitea.baerentsen.space/FrederikBaerentsen/BrickTracker/raw/branch/master/.env.sample

      Or update your existing .env with these required fields:

    4. Deploy:

      docker compose pull
      docker compose up -d

    Post-Installation Steps

    1. Access BrickTracker at http://localhost:3333
    2. Visit http://localhost:3333/admin
    3. Update default images, themes, and retired sets using the provided buttons

    Additional Notes

    • The new .env file includes numerous customization options. Review it thoroughly to optimize your setup.
    • Ensure all volume mappings in your compose.yaml are correct before starting the container.
    • Back up your data before performing the migration.
    • Environment variables can be configured either in the compose.yaml file or in the .env file, providing flexibility in how you manage your configuration.