Deduplicated minifigure and parts, set owners, set tags, damaged pieces, parts color, parts print, refresh from Rebrickable #57

gregoo wants to merge 0 commits from gregoo/BrickTracker:master into master

These are the 2 remaining "overhauls" to be completed to start building sanely on top of the database.
Minifigure is complete, parts remaining.

It also contains other things... 😂

These are the 2 remaining "overhauls" to be completed to start building sanely on top of the database. Minifigure is complete, parts remaining. It also contains other things... 😂
gregoo added 14 commits 2025-01-27 18:48:33 +01:00
gregoo added 5 commits 2025-01-27 23:15:01 +01:00
gregoo force-pushed master from d1b5c8076c to 5615ebf40c 2025-01-27 23:24:47 +01:00 Compare

Updated some docs, but it shouldn't touch any of the files you have changes in, so hopefully it doesn't interfere.

Updated some docs, but it shouldn't touch any of the files you have changes in, so hopefully it doesn't interfere.
gregoo added 81 commits 2025-01-31 20:56:47 +01:00
gregoo force-pushed master from e9e44f4804 to 6903667946 2025-01-31 20:58:08 +01:00 Compare
gregoo changed title from WIP: Initial work on deduplicating the minifigures and parts to WIP: Deduplicated minifigure and parts, set owners, set tags, damaged pieces, parts color, parts print, refresh from Rebrickable 2025-01-31 21:00:11 +01:00

It's turning into yet another monster 🙃

It's turning into yet another monster 🙃
gregoo changed title from WIP: Deduplicated minifigure and parts, set owners, set tags, damaged pieces, parts color, parts print, refresh from Rebrickable to Deduplicated minifigure and parts, set owners, set tags, damaged pieces, parts color, parts print, refresh from Rebrickable 2025-02-04 23:08:16 +01:00

@FrederikBaerentsen if you want to take this one for a spin to see what I broke and what I added, I don't have anything else to add 🙂.
The CHANGELOG changes are in the Unreleased chapter, and I haven't put the new env variable in your env doc. Can you please update those when you release?

@FrederikBaerentsen if you want to take this one for a spin to see what I broke and what I added, I don't have anything else to add 🙂. The `CHANGELOG` changes are in the Unreleased chapter, and I haven't put the new env variable in your env doc. Can you please update those when you release?

@gregoo I'll take a look and test it out!

@gregoo I'll take a look and test it out!

Looks great and upgrade works smoothly. I'll change update the docs and work on the release.

Looks great and upgrade works smoothly. I'll change update the docs and work on the release.

The PR is hanging. It is merged and released but for some reason the runner isn't closing the PR. I'll let it run a day and else try and manually fix it.

The PR is hanging. It is merged and released but for some reason the runner isn't closing the PR. I'll let it run a day and else try and manually fix it.

Pull request closed

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