initial upload
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
BasedOnStyle: Google
AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: 'true'
AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: 'true'
AlignOperands: 'true'
AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: 'false'
AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None
AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: 'false'
BinPackArguments: 'true'
BinPackParameters: 'true'
ColumnLimit: '1000'
IndentCaseLabels: 'true'
IndentPPDirectives: AfterHash
IndentWidth: '4'
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: '1'
PointerAlignment: Right
SortIncludes: 'false'
SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: 'true'
SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements
SpaceInEmptyParentheses: 'false'
TabWidth: '4'
UseTab: Never
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
# We recommend you to keep these unchanged
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
indent_size = 4
charset = utf-8
max_line_length = 200
# Make these match what we have in .gitattributes
end_of_line = lf
indent_style = tab
end_of_line = lf
indent_style = tab
end_of_line = lf
# The gitattributes file will handle the line endings conversion properly according to the operating system settings for other files
# We don't have gitattributes properly for these
# So if the user have for example core.autocrlf set to true
# the line endings would be wrong.
end_of_line = unset
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# auto for anything unspecified
* text=auto
# sources
*.c text
*.cc text
*.cxx text
*.cpp text
*.c++ text
*.hpp text
*.h text
*.h++ text
*.hh text
*.bat text
*.coffee text
*.css text
*.htm text
*.html text
*.inc text
*.ini text
*.js text
*.jsx text
*.json text
*.less text
*.php text
*.pl text
*.py text
*.rb text
*.sass text
*.scm text
*.scss text
*.sh text
*.sql text
*.styl text
*.ts text
*.xml text
*.xhtml text
# make files (need to always use lf for compatibility with Windows 10 bash)
Makefile eol=lf
*.mk eol=lf
# make files (need to always use lf for compatibility with Windows 10 bash)
*.sh eol=lf
# documentation
*.markdown text
*.md text
*.mdwn text
*.mdown text
*.mkd text
*.mkdn text
*.mdtxt text
*.mdtext text
*.txt text
license text
NEWS text
readme text
*README* text
TODO text
*.ai binary
*.bmp binary
*.eps binary
*.gif binary
*.ico binary
*.jng binary
*.jp2 binary
*.jpg binary
*.jpeg binary
*.jpx binary
*.jxr binary
*.pdf binary
*.png binary
*.psb binary
*.psd binary
*.svg text
*.svgz binary
*.tif binary
*.tiff binary
*.wbmp binary
*.webp binary
# hex files
*.hex binary
*.eep binary
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve QMK Firmware.
title: "[Bug] "
labels: bug, help wanted
assignees: ''
<!-- Provide a general summary of the bug in the title above. -->
<!--- This template is entirely optional and can be removed, but is here to help both you and us. -->
<!--- Anything on lines wrapped in comments like these will not show up in the final text. -->
## Describe the Bug
<!-- A clear and concise description of what the bug is. -->
## System Information
- Keyboard:
- Revision (if applicable):
- Operating system:
- AVR GCC version:
<!-- Run `avr-gcc --version` to find this out. -->
- ARM GCC version:
<!-- Run `arm-none-eabi-gcc --version` to find this out. -->
- QMK Firmware version:
<!-- Run `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags` to find this out. -->
- Any keyboard related software installed?
- [ ] AutoHotKey
- [ ] Karabiner
- [ ] Other:
## Additional Context
<!-- Add any other relevant information about the problem here. -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
blank_issues_enabled: false
- name: QMK Discord
about: Ask questions, discuss issues and features. Chill.
- name: OLKB Subreddit
about: All things OLKB and QMK.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest a new feature or changes to existing features.
title: "[Feature Request] "
labels: enhancement, help wanted
assignees: ''
<!--- Provide a general summary of the changes you want in the title above. -->
<!--- This template is entirely optional and can be removed, but is here to help both you and us. -->
<!--- Anything on lines wrapped in comments like these will not show up in the final text. -->
## Feature Request Type
- [ ] Core functionality
- [ ] Add-on hardware support (eg. audio, RGB, OLED screen, etc.)
- [ ] Alteration (enhancement/optimization) of existing feature(s)
- [ ] New behavior
## Description
<!-- A few sentences describing what it is that you'd like to see in QMK. Additional information (such as links to spec sheets, licensing info, other related issues or PRs, etc) would be helpful. -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name: Other issues
about: Anything else that doesn't fall into the above categories.
title: ''
labels: help wanted, question
assignees: ''
<!--- Provide a general summary of the changes you want in the title above. -->
<!--- Anything on lines wrapped in comments like these will not show up in the final text. -->
<!-- Please check for additional resources first. If that doesn't answer your question, choose the bug report template instead, as that may be more appropriate. -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
name: Blank issue
about: If you're 100% sure that you don't need one of the other issue templates, use
this one instead.
title: ''
labels: help wanted, question
assignees: ''
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<!--- Provide a general summary of your changes in the title above. -->
<!--- This template is entirely optional and can be removed, but is here to help both you and us. -->
<!--- Anything on lines wrapped in comments like these will not show up in the final text. -->
## Description
<!--- Describe your changes in detail here. -->
## Types of Changes
<!--- What types of changes does your code introduce? Put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. -->
- [ ] Core
- [ ] Bugfix
- [ ] New feature
- [ ] Enhancement/optimization
- [ ] Keyboard (addition or update)
- [ ] Keymap/layout/userspace (addition or update)
- [ ] Documentation
## Issues Fixed or Closed by This PR
## Checklist
<!--- Go over all the following points, and put an `x` in all the boxes that apply. -->
<!--- If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! -->
- [ ] My code follows the code style of this project.
- [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation.
- [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
- [ ] I have read the [**CONTRIBUTING** document](
- [ ] I have added tests to cover my changes.
- [ ] I have tested the changes and verified that they work and don't break anything (as well as I can manage).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Configuration for probot-stale -
# General configuration
# Pull request specific configuration
staleLabel: awaiting changes
# Number of days of inactivity before an Issue or Pull Request becomes stale
daysUntilStale: 45
# Number of days of inactivity before a stale Issue or Pull Request is closed.
# Set to false to disable. If disabled, issues still need to be closed manually, but will remain marked as stale.
daysUntilClose: 30
# Comment to post when marking as stale. Set to `false` to disable
markComment: >
Thank you for your contribution!
This pull request has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had
activity in the last 45 days. It will be closed in 30 days if no further activity occurs.
Please feel free to give a status update now, or re-open when it's ready.
For maintainers: Please label with `awaiting review`, `breaking_change`, `in progress`, or `on hold` to prevent
the issue from being re-flagged.
# Comment to post when closing a stale Issue or Pull Request.
closeComment: >
Thank you for your contribution!
This pull request has been automatically closed because it has not had activity in the last 30 days.
Please feel free to give a status update now, ping for review, or re-open when it's ready.
# Limit the number of actions per hour, from 1-30. Default is 30
limitPerRun: 30
- awaiting review
- breaking_change
- in progress
- on hold
# Issue specific configuration
staleLabel: stale
limitPerRun: 10
daysUntilStale: 90
daysUntilClose: 30
markComment: >
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had activity in the
last 90 days. It will be closed in the next 30 days unless it is tagged properly or other activity
For maintainers: Please label with `bug`, `in progress`, `on hold`, `discussion` or `to do` to prevent
the issue from being re-flagged.
closeComment: >
This issue has been automatically closed because it has not had activity in the last 30 days.
If this issue is still valid, re-open the issue and let us know.
- bug
- in progress
- on hold
- discussion
- to do
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
name: CLI CI
- master
- future
- 'lib/python/**'
- 'bin/qmk'
- 'requirements.txt'
- '.github/workflows/cli.yml'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: qmkfm/base_container
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
submodules: recursive
- name: Install dependencies
run: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- name: Run tests
run: bin/qmk pytest
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# Eclipse/PyCharm/Other IDE Settings
# Let these ones be user specific, since we have so many different configurations
# ignore image files
# things travis sees
# python things
# prerequisites for updating ChibiOS
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
[submodule "lib/chibios"]
path = lib/chibios
url =
branch = master
[submodule "lib/chibios-contrib"]
path = lib/chibios-contrib
url =
branch = master
[submodule "lib/ugfx"]
path = lib/ugfx
url =
branch = master
[submodule "lib/googletest"]
path = lib/googletest
url =
[submodule "lib/lufa"]
path = lib/lufa
url =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
os: linux
dist: trusty
group: edge
language: c
- /^.*-automated-build$/
- /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/
- secure: 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
- MAKEFLAGS="-j3 --output-sync"
- docker
- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- llvm-toolchain-trusty-7
- pandoc
- diffutils
- dos2unix
- doxygen
- clang-format-7
- libstdc++-7-dev
- npm install -g moxygen
- git rev-parse --short HEAD
- git diff --name-only HEAD $TRAVIS_BRANCH
- bash util/
- bash util/
- bash util/
bash util/
on_success: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always
on_failure: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always
on_start: never # options: [always|never|change] default: always
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// Suggested extensions
"recommendations": [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings.
// Unofficially, QMK uses spaces for indentation
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
// Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders.
"files.exclude": {
"**/.build": true,
"**/*.hex": true,
"**/*.bin": true
"files.associations": {
"*.h": "c",
"*.c": "c",
"*.cpp": "cpp",
"*.hpp": "cpp",
"xstddef": "c",
"type_traits": "c",
"utility": "c"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Code Of Conduct
QMK strives to be an inclusive, tolerant, and welcoming community. We encourage participation from anyone regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, political belief, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
> “A gentle word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."
Our users, contributors, and collaborators are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect, to assume good intentions, and to gently correct, where possible, rather than react with escalation. While our goal is to be as accurate as possible, kindness and understanding are more valuable than correctness. Some examples of behavior we will not tolerate include, but is not limited to:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery
* Unwelcome advances, sexual or otherwise
* Deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following
* Insults or derogatory comments, or personal or political attacks
* Publishing others’ private information without explicit permission
* Sustained disruption of talks or other events
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
* Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour
# Reporting
If someone is violating this Code of Conduct, please email or reach out to one of the Collaborators to bring it to our attention. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated.
QMK will seek to use the least punitive means available to resolve an issue. If the circumstances require asking an offender to leave, we will do that.
Reports will be taken and kept in strict confidence. You will not be required to confront an offender directly.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
FROM qmkfm/base_container
VOLUME /qmk_firmware
WORKDIR /qmk_firmware
COPY . .
CMD make all:default
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
# Doxyfile 1.8.14
# This file describes the settings to be used by the documentation system
# doxygen ( for qmk_firmware (
# All text after a double hash (##) is considered a comment and is placed in
# front of the TAG it is preceding.
# All text after a single hash (#) is considered a comment and will be ignored.
# The format is:
# TAG = value [value, ...]
# For lists, items can also be appended using:
# TAG += value [value, ...]
# Values that contain spaces should be placed between quotes (\" \").
# Project related configuration options
PROJECT_BRIEF = "Keyboard controller firmware for Atmel AVR and ARM USB families"
ABBREVIATE_BRIEF = "The $name class" \
"The $name widget" \
"The $name file" \
is \
provides \
specifies \
contains \
represents \
a \
an \
# Build related configuration options
# Configuration options related to warning and progress messages
WARN_FORMAT = "$file:$line: $text"
# Configuration options related to the input files
INPUT = tmk_core quantum drivers
*.cc \
*.cxx \
*.cpp \
*.c++ \
*.h \
*.hh \
*.hxx \
*.hpp \
# Configuration options related to source browsing
# Configuration options related to the alphabetical class index
# Configuration options related to disabled outputs
# Configuration options related to the XML output
# Configuration options related to the preprocessor
# Configuration options related to external references
PERL_PATH = /usr/bin/perl
# Configuration options related to the dot tool
DOT_FONTNAME = Helvetica
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
ifndef VERBOSE
# Never run this makefile in parallel, as it could screw things up
# It won't affect the submakes, so you still get the speedup from specifying -jx
# Allow the silent with lower caps to work the same way as upper caps
ifdef silent
SILENT = $(silent)
ifdef SILENT
# We need to make sure that silent is always turned off at the top level
# Otherwise the [OK], [ERROR] and [WARN] messages won't be displayed correctly
override SILENT := false
ifndef SKIP_GIT
QMK_VERSION := $(shell git describe --abbrev=0 --tags 2>/dev/null)
ifneq ($(QMK_VERSION),)
$(info QMK Firmware $(QMK_VERSION))
ON_ERROR := error_occurred=1
ifeq ($(ROOT_DIR),)
BUILD_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/.build
ERROR_FILE := $(BUILD_DIR)/error_occurred
# Helper function to process the newt element of a space separated path
# It works a bit like the traditional functional head tail
# so the CURRENT_PATH_ELEMENT will become the new head
# and the PATH_ELEMENTS are the rest that are still unprocessed
$$(eval CURRENT_PATH_ELEMENT := $$(firstword $$(PATH_ELEMENTS)))
$$(eval PATH_ELEMENTS := $$(wordlist 2,9999,$$(PATH_ELEMENTS)))
# We change the / to spaces so that we more easily can work with the elements
# separately
# Initialize the path elements list for further processing
$(eval $(call NEXT_PATH_ELEMENT))
# This function sets the KEYBOARD; KEYMAP and SUBPROJECT to the correct
# variables depending on which directory you stand in.
# It's really a very simple if else chain, if you squint enough,
# but the makefile syntax makes it very verbose.
# If we are in a subfolder of keyboards
# *** No longer needed **
# ifeq ($(CURRENT_PATH_ELEMENT),keyboards)
# $(eval $(call NEXT_PATH_ELEMENT))
# $(eval $(call NEXT_PATH_ELEMENT))
# # If we are in a subfolder of keymaps, or in other words in a keymap
# # folder
# ifeq ($(CURRENT_PATH_ELEMENT),keymaps)
# $(eval $(call NEXT_PATH_ELEMENT))
# # else if we are not in the keyboard folder itself
# else ifneq ($(CURRENT_PATH_ELEMENT),)
# # the we can assume it's a subproject, as no other folders
# # should have make files in them
# $(eval $(call NEXT_PATH_ELEMENT))
# # if we are inside a keymap folder of a subproject
# ifeq ($(CURRENT_PATH_ELEMENT),keymaps)
# $(eval $(call NEXT_PATH_ELEMENT))
# endif
# endif
# endif
All_RULES_MK := $$(patsubst $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/%/,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/*/
All_RULES_MK += $$(patsubst $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/%/,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/*/*/
All_RULES_MK += $$(patsubst $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/%/,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/*/*/*/
All_RULES_MK += $$(patsubst $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/%/,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/*/*/*/*/
KEYMAPS_MK := $$(patsubst $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/%/,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/*/keymaps/*/
KEYMAPS_MK += $$(patsubst $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/%/,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/*/*/keymaps/*/
KEYMAPS_MK += $$(patsubst $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/%/,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/*/*/*/keymaps/*/
KEYMAPS_MK += $$(patsubst $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/%/,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/*/*/*/*/keymaps/*/
KEYBOARDS := $$(sort $$(filter-out $$(KEYMAPS_MK), $$(All_RULES_MK)))
KEYBOARDS := $(shell find keyboards/ -type f -iname "" | grep -v keymaps | sed 's!keyboards/\(.*\)/!\1!' | sort | uniq)
$(eval $(call GET_KEYBOARDS))
# Only consider folders with makefiles, to prevent errors in case there are extra folders
#KEYBOARDS += $(patsubst $(ROOD_DIR)/keyboards/%/,%,$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/*/*/
.PHONY: list-keyboards
.PHONY: generate-keyboards-file
.PHONY: clean
echo -n 'Deleting .build/ ... '
rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR)
echo 'done.'
.PHONY: distclean
distclean: clean
echo -n 'Deleting *.bin and *.hex ... '
rm -f *.bin *.hex
echo 'done.'
#Compatibility with the old make variables, anything you specify directly on the command line
# always overrides the detected folders
ifdef keyboard
KEYBOARD := $(keyboard)
ifdef keymap
KEYMAP := $(keymap)
# Uncomment these for debugging
# $(info Keyboard: $(KEYBOARD))
# $(info Keymap: $(KEYMAP))
# $(info Subproject: $(SUBPROJECT))
# $(info Keyboards: $(KEYBOARDS))
# Set the default goal depending on where we are running make from
# this handles the case where you run make without any arguments
.DEFAULT_GOAL := all:all
ifneq ($(KEYMAP),)
else ifneq ($(KEYBOARD),)
# Inside a keyboard folder, build all keymaps for all subprojects
# Note that this is different from the old behaviour, which would
# build only the default keymap of the default keyboard
# Compare the start of the RULE variable with the first argument($1)
# If the rules equals $1 or starts with $1:, RULE_FOUND is set to true
# and $1 is removed from the RULE variable
# Otherwise the RULE_FOUND variable is set to false, and RULE left as it was
# The function is a bit tricky, since there's no built in $(startswith) function
ifeq ($1,$$(RULE))
RULE_FOUND := true
RULE_FOUND := true
RULE_FOUND := false
# This makes it easier to call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE, since it makes it behave like
# a function that returns the value
# Recursively try to find a match for the start of the rule to be checked
# $1 The list to be checked
# If a match is found, then RULE_FOUND is set to true
# and MATCHED_ITEM to the item that was matched
ifneq ($1,)
ifeq ($$(call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE,$$(firstword $1)),true)
MATCHED_ITEM := $$(firstword $1)
$$(eval $$(call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST_HELPER3,$$(wordlist 2,9999,$1)))
# A recursive helper function for finding the longest match
# $1 The list to be checked
# It works by always removing the currently matched item from the list
# and call itself recursively, until a match is found
# Stop the recursion when the list is empty
ifneq ($1,)
$$(eval $$(call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST_HELPER3,$1))
# If a match is found in the current list, otherwise just return what we had before
ifeq ($$(RULE_FOUND),true)
# Save the best match so far and call itself recursively
RULE_FOUND := false
$$(eval $$(call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST_HELPER2,$$(filter-out $$(MATCHED_ITEM),$1)))
# Recursively try to find the longest match for the start of the rule to be checked
# $1 The list to be checked
# If a match is found, then RULE_FOUND is set to true
# and MATCHED_ITEM to the item that was matched
$$(eval $$(call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST_HELPER2,$1))
ifneq ($$(BEST_MATCH),)
RULE_FOUND := true
RULE_FOUND := false
# Make it easier to call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST
OLD_RULE$1 := $$(RULE)
$$(eval $$(call $1,$$(ITEM$1)))
RULE := $$(OLD_RULE$1)
$$(foreach ITEM$1,$2,$$(eval $$(call ALL_IN_LIST_LOOP,$1)))
# The entry point for rule parsing
# parses a rule in the format <keyboard>:<keymap>:<target>
# but this particular function only deals with the first <keyboard> part
RULE := $1
# If the rule starts with all, then continue the parsing from
ifeq ($$(call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE,all),true)
$$(eval $$(call PARSE_ALL_KEYBOARDS))
else ifeq ($$(call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE,test),true)
$$(eval $$(call PARSE_TEST))
# If the rule starts with the name of a known keyboard, then continue
# the parsing from PARSE_KEYBOARD
else ifeq ($$(call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST,$$(KEYBOARDS)),true)
$$(eval $$(call PARSE_KEYBOARD,$$(MATCHED_ITEM)))
# Otherwise use the KEYBOARD variable, which is determined either by
# the current directory you run make from, or passed in as an argument
else ifneq ($$(KEYBOARD),)
$$(eval $$(call PARSE_KEYBOARD,$$(KEYBOARD)))
$$(info make: *** No rule to make target '$1'. Stop.)
$$(info |)
$$(info | QMK's make format recently changed to use folder locations and colons:)
$$(info | make project_folder:keymap[:target])
$$(info | Examples:)
$$(info | make planck/rev4:default:dfu)
$$(info | make planck:default)
$$(info |)
# $1 = Keyboard
# Parses a rule in the format <keymap>:<target>
# the keyboard is already known when entering this function
# If we want to compile the default subproject, then we need to
# include the correct makefile to determine the actual name of it
# KEYBOARD_FOLDERS := $$(subst /, , $(CURRENT_KB))
# We assume that every will contain the full default value
$$(eval include $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(CURRENT_KB)/
$$(eval include $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(DEFAULT_FOLDER)/
# 5/4/3/2/1
KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2 := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$(dir $$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_1)))
KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3 := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$(dir $$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2)))
KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4 := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$(dir $$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3)))
KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_5 := $$(patsubst %/,%,$$(dir $$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4)))
# get a list of all keymaps
KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_1)/keymaps/*/.)))
KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2)/keymaps/*/.)))
KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3)/keymaps/*/.)))
KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4)/keymaps/*/.)))
KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_5)/keymaps/*/.)))
# this might be needed, but in a different form
#KEYMAPS := $$(sort $$(filter-out $$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_1) $$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_2) \
ifneq ("$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_5)/","")
$$(eval include $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_5)/
ifneq ("$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4)/","")
$$(eval include $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4)/
ifneq ("$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3)/","")
$$(eval include $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3)/
ifneq ("$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2)/","")
$$(eval include $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2)/
ifneq ("$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_1)/","")
$$(eval include $(ROOT_DIR)/keyboards/$$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_1)/
$$(foreach LAYOUT,$$(KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS),$$(eval LAYOUT_KEYMAPS += $$(notdir $$(patsubst %/.,%,$$(wildcard $(ROOT_DIR)/layouts/*/$$(LAYOUT)/*/.)))))
# if the rule after removing the start of it is empty (we haven't specified a kemap or target)
# compile all the keymaps
ifeq ($$(RULE),)
$$(eval $$(call PARSE_ALL_KEYMAPS))
# The same if all was specified
else ifeq ($$(call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE,all),true)
$$(eval $$(call PARSE_ALL_KEYMAPS))
# List all keymaps for the given keyboard
else ifeq ($$(call COMPARE_AND_REMOVE_FROM_RULE,list-keymaps),true)
$$(eval $$(call LIST_ALL_KEYMAPS))
# Try to match the specified keyamp with the list of known keymaps
else ifeq ($$(call TRY_TO_MATCH_RULE_FROM_LIST,$$(KEYMAPS)),true)
$$(eval $$(call PARSE_KEYMAP,$$(MATCHED_ITEM)))
# Otherwise try to match the keymap from the current folder, or arguments to the make command
else ifneq ($$(KEYMAP),)
$$(eval $$(call PARSE_KEYMAP,$$(KEYMAP)))
# Otherwise if we are running make all:<user> just skip
else ifeq ($$(KEYBOARD_RULE),all)
# $$(info Skipping: No user keymap for $$(CURRENT_KB))
# Otherwise, make all keymaps, again this is consistent with how it works without
# any arguments
$$(eval $$(call PARSE_ALL_KEYMAPS))
# if we are going to compile all keyboards, match the rest of the rule
# for each of them
# $1 Subproject
# When entering this, the keyboard and subproject are known, so now we need
# to determine which keymaps are going to get compiled
# endef
# If we want to parse all subprojects, but the keyboard doesn't have any,
# then use defaultsp instead
# ifeq ($$(SUBPROJECTS),)
# $$(eval $$(call PARSE_SUBPROJECT,defaultsp))
# else
# endif
# endef
# Prints a list of all known keymaps for the given keyboard
printf "$$(KEYMAPS)\n";
printf "$$(MSG_AVAILABLE_KEYMAPS)\n"; \
printf "$$(KEYMAPS)\n";
# $1 Keymap
# This is the meat of compiling a keyboard, when entering this, everything is known
# keyboard, subproject, and keymap
# Note that we are not directly calling the command here, but instead building a list,
# which will later be processed
# The rest of the rule is the target
# Remove the leading ":" from the target, as it acts as a separator
MAKE_TARGET := $$(patsubst :%,%,$$(RULE))
# We need to generate an unique indentifer to append to the COMMANDS list
CURRENT_KB_UNDER := $$(subst /,_,$$(CURRENT_KB))
# If we are compiling a keyboard without a subproject, we want to display just the name
# of the keyboard, otherwise keyboard/subproject
# Format it in bold
# Specify the variables that we are passing forward to submake
# And the first part of the make command
MAKE_CMD := $$(MAKE) -r -R -C $(ROOT_DIR) -f $$(MAKE_TARGET)
# The message to display
# We run the command differently, depending on if we want more output or not
# The true version for silent output and the false version otherwise
$$(eval $$(call BUILD))
define BUILD
COMMAND_true_$$(COMMAND) := \
printf "$$(MAKE_MSG)" | \
LOG=$$$$($$(MAKE_CMD) $$(MAKE_VARS) SILENT=true 2>&1) ; \
if [ $$$$? -gt 0 ]; \
elif [ "$$$$LOG" != "" ] ; \
else \
$$(PRINT_OK); \
COMMAND_false_$$(COMMAND) := \
printf "$$(MAKE_MSG)\n\n"; \
$$(MAKE_CMD) $$(MAKE_VARS) SILENT=false; \
if [ $$$$? -gt 0 ]; \
then error_occurred=1; \
# Just parse all the keymaps for a specific keyboard
MAKE_CMD := $$(MAKE) -r -R -C $(ROOT_DIR) -f $$(MAKE_TARGET)
$$(eval $$(call BUILD))
ifneq ($$(MAKE_TARGET),clean)
printf "$$(TEST_MSG)\n"; \
if [ $$$$? -gt 0 ]; \
then error_occurred=1; \
fi; \
printf "\n";
TEST_NAME := $$(firstword $$(subst :, ,$$(RULE)))
TEST_TARGET := $$(subst $$(TEST_NAME),,$$(subst $$(TEST_NAME):,,$$(RULE)))
ifeq ($$(TEST_NAME),all)
MATCHED_TESTS := $$(foreach TEST,$$(TEST_LIST),$$(if $$(findstring $$(TEST_NAME),$$(TEST)),$$(TEST),))
$$(foreach TEST,$$(MATCHED_TESTS),$$(eval $$(call BUILD_TEST,$$(TEST),$$(TEST_TARGET))))
# Set the silent mode depending on if we are trying to compile multiple keyboards or not
# By default it's on in that case, but it can be overridden by specifying silent=false
# from the command line
else ifeq ($$(words $$(COMMANDS)),1)
SILENT_MODE := false
include $(ROOT_DIR)/
ifeq ($(strip $(BREAK_ON_ERRORS)), yes)
HANDLE_ERROR = echo $$error_occurred > $(ERROR_FILE)
# The empty line is important here, as it will force a new shell to be created for each command
# Otherwise the command line will become too long with a lot of keyboards and keymaps
if [ $$error_occurred -gt 0 ]; then $(HANDLE_ERROR); fi;
define RUN_TEST
if [ $$error_occurred -gt 0 ]; then $(HANDLE_ERROR); fi;
# Let's match everything, we handle all the rule parsing ourselves
# Check if we have the CMP tool installed
cmp $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile >/dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -gt 0 ]; then printf "$(MSG_NO_CMP)"; exit 1; fi;
# Ensure that python3 is installed. This check can be removed after python is used in more places.
if ! python3 --version 1> /dev/null 2>&1; then printf "$(MSG_PYTHON_MISSING)"; fi
# Check if the submodules are dirty, and display a warning if they are
ifndef SKIP_GIT
if [ ! -e lib/chibios ]; then git submodule sync lib/chibios && git submodule update --depth 50 --init lib/chibios; fi
if [ ! -e lib/chibios-contrib ]; then git submodule sync lib/chibios-contrib && git submodule update --depth 50 --init lib/chibios-contrib; fi
if [ ! -e lib/ugfx ]; then git submodule sync lib/ugfx && git submodule update --depth 50 --init lib/ugfx; fi
if [ ! -e lib/lufa ]; then git submodule sync lib/lufa && git submodule update --depth 50 --init lib/lufa; fi
git submodule status --recursive 2>/dev/null | \
while IFS= read -r x; do \
case "$$x" in \
\ *) ;; \
*) printf "$(MSG_SUBMODULE_DIRTY)";break;; \
esac \
rm -f $(ERROR_FILE) > /dev/null 2>&1
$(eval $(call PARSE_RULE,$@))
$(eval $(call SET_SILENT_MODE))
# Run all the commands in the same shell, notice the + at the first line
# it has to be there to allow parallel execution of the submake
# This always tries to compile everything, even if error occurs in the middle
# But we return the error code at the end, to trigger travis failures
# The sort at this point is to remove duplicates
$(foreach COMMAND,$(sort $(COMMANDS)),$(RUN_COMMAND))
if [ -f $(ERROR_FILE) ]; then printf "$(MSG_ERRORS)" & exit 1; fi;
$(foreach TEST,$(sort $(TESTS)),$(RUN_TEST))
if [ -f $(ERROR_FILE) ]; then printf "$(MSG_ERRORS)" & exit 1; fi;
# These no longer work because of the colon system
# All should compile everything
# .PHONY: all
# all: all-keyboards test-all
# Define some shortcuts, mostly for compatibility with the old syntax
# .PHONY: all-keyboards
# all-keyboards: all\:all\:all
# .PHONY: all-keyboards-defaults
# all-keyboards-defaults: all\:default
# .PHONY: test
# test: test-all
# .PHONY: test-clean
# test-clean: test-all-clean
git submodule sync $?
git submodule update --init $?
.PHONY: git-submodule
git submodule sync --recursive
git submodule update --init --recursive --progress
SKIP_GIT := yes
# Generate the version.h file
ifndef SKIP_GIT
GIT_VERSION := $(shell git describe --abbrev=6 --dirty --always --tags 2>/dev/null || date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
CHIBIOS_VERSION := $(shell cd lib/chibios && git describe --abbrev=6 --dirty --always --tags 2>/dev/null || date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
CHIBIOS_CONTRIB_VERSION := $(shell cd lib/chibios-contrib && git describe --abbrev=6 --dirty --always --tags 2>/dev/null || date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
BUILD_DATE := $(shell date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
$(shell echo '#define QMK_VERSION "$(GIT_VERSION)"' > $(ROOT_DIR)/quantum/version.h)
$(shell echo '#define QMK_BUILDDATE "$(BUILD_DATE)"' >> $(ROOT_DIR)/quantum/version.h)
$(shell echo '#define CHIBIOS_VERSION "$(CHIBIOS_VERSION)"' >> $(ROOT_DIR)/quantum/version.h)
$(shell echo '#define CHIBIOS_CONTRIB_VERSION "$(CHIBIOS_CONTRIB_VERSION)"' >> $(ROOT_DIR)/quantum/version.h)
include $(ROOT_DIR)/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
# define a name instead of just 'default'
config.vm.define "qmk_firmware"
# VMware/Virtualbox ( and also Hyperv/Parallels) 64 bit
| = "generic/debian9"
config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant'
# This section allows you to customize the Virtualbox VM
# settings, ie showing the GUI or upping the memory
# or cores if desired
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
# Hide the VirtualBox GUI when booting the machine
vb.gui = false
# Uncomment the below lines if you want to program
# your Teensy via the VM rather than your host OS
#vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--usb', 'on']
#vb.customize ['usbfilter', 'add', '0',
# '--target', :id,
# '--name', 'teensy',
# '--vendorid', '0x16c0',
# '--productid','0x0478'
# ]
# Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
vb.memory = "512"
# Uncomment the below lines if you have time sync
# issues with make and incremental builds
#vb.customize [ "guestproperty", "set", :id, "/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/VBoxService/--timesync-set-threshold", 1000 ]
# This section allows you to customize the VMware VM
# settings, ie showing the GUI or upping the memory
# or cores if desired
config.vm.provider "vmware_workstation" do |vmw|
# Hide the VMware GUI when booting the machine
vmw.gui = false
# Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
vmw.memory = "512"
config.vm.provider "vmware_fusion" do |vmf|
# Hide the vmfare GUI when booting the machine
vmf.gui = false
# Customize the amount of memory on the VM:
vmf.memory = "512"
# Docker provider pulls from respecting docker.image if
# is nil. In this case, we adhoc build util/vagrant/Dockerfile.
# Note that this bind-mounts from the current dir to
# /vagrant in the guest, so unless your UID is 1000 to match vagrant in the
# image, you'll need to: chmod -R a+rw .
config.vm.provider "docker" do |docker, override|
| = nil
docker.build_dir = "util/vagrant"
docker.has_ssh = true
# Unless we are running the docker container directly
# 1. run container detached on vm
# 2. attach on 'vagrant ssh'
["virtualbox", "vmware_workstation", "vmware_fusion"].each do |type|
config.vm.provider type do |virt, override|
override.vm.provision "docker" do |d|
| "qmkfm/base_container",
cmd: "tail -f /dev/null",
args: "--privileged -v /dev:/dev -v '/vagrant:/vagrant'"
override.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
echo 'docker restart qmkfm-base_container && exec docker exec -it qmkfm-base_container /bin/bash -l' >> ~vagrant/.bashrc
config.vm.post_up_message = <<-EOT
Log into the environment using 'vagrant ssh'. QMK directory synchronized with
host is located at /vagrant
To compile the .hex files use make command inside this directory, e.g.
cd /vagrant
make <keyboard>:default
make planck/rev4:default:dfu
make planck:default
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""CLI wrapper for running QMK commands.
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from importlib.util import find_spec
from time import strftime
# Add the QMK python libs to our path
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
qmk_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_dir, '..'))
python_lib_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(qmk_dir, 'lib', 'python'))
# Make sure our modules have been setup
with open(os.path.join(qmk_dir, 'requirements.txt'), 'r') as fd:
for line in fd.readlines():
line = line.strip().replace('<', '=').replace('>', '=')
if line[0] == '#':
if '#' in line:
line = line.split('#')[0]
module = line.split('=')[0] if '=' in line else line
if module in ['pep8-naming']:
# Not every module is importable by its own name.
if not find_spec(module):
print('Could not find module %s!' % module)
print('Please run `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` to install the python dependencies.')
# Figure out our version
# TODO(skullydazed/anyone): Find a method that doesn't involve git. This is slow in docker and on windows.
command = ['git', 'describe', '--abbrev=6', '--dirty', '--always', '--tags']
result =, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if result.returncode == 0:
os.environ['QMK_VERSION'] = result.stdout.strip()
os.environ['QMK_VERSION'] = 'nogit-' + strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') + '-dirty'
# Setup the CLI
import milc # noqa
milc.EMOJI_LOGLEVELS['INFO'] = '{fg_blue}Ψ{style_reset_all}'
@milc.cli.entrypoint('QMK Helper Script')
def qmk_main(cli):
"""The function that gets run when no subcommand is provided.
def main():
"""Setup our environment and then call the CLI entrypoint.
# Change to the root of our checkout
os.environ['ORIG_CWD'] = os.getcwd()
# Import the subcommands
import qmk.cli # noqa
# Execute
return_code = milc.cli()
if return_code is False:
elif return_code is not True and isinstance(return_code, int):
if return_code < 0 or return_code > 255:
milc.cli.log.error('Invalid return_code: %d', return_code)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
"structure": {
"summary": ""
"plugins" : [
"pluginsConfig": {
"edit-link": {
"base": "",
"label": "Suggest an edit"
"forkmegithub": {
"color": "red",
"url": ""
"page-toc": {
"selector": ".markdown-section h1, .markdown-section h2"
"terminal": {
"copyButtons": true,
"fade": false,
"style": "flat"
"toolbar": {
"buttons": [
"label": "QMK Firmware",
"icon": "fa fa-github",
"url": ""
"bulk-redirect": {
"basepath": "/",
"redirectsFile": "docs/redirects.json"
"root": "./docs/"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# Copyright 2017 Jack Humbert
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# If it's possible that multiple bootloaders can be used for one project,
# you can leave this unset, and the correct size will be selected
# automatically.
# Sets the bootloader defined in the keyboard's/keymap's
# Current options:
# halfkay PJRC Teensy
# caterina Pro Micro (Sparkfun/generic)
# atmel-dfu Atmel factory DFU
# lufa-dfu LUFA DFU
# qmk-dfu QMK DFU (LUFA + blinkenlight)
# bootloadHID HIDBootFlash compatible (ATmega32A)
# USBasp USBaspLoader (ATmega328P)
# BOOTLOADER_SIZE can still be defined manually, but it's recommended
# you add any possible configuration to this list
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), atmel-dfu)
ifneq (,$(filter $(MCU), at90usb646 atmega16u2 atmega16u4 atmega32u2 atmega32u4))
ifeq ($(strip $(MCU)), at90usb1286)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), lufa-dfu)
ifneq (,$(filter $(MCU), at90usb646 atmega16u2 atmega16u4 atmega32u2 atmega32u4))
ifeq ($(strip $(MCU)), at90usb1286)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), qmk-dfu)
ifneq (,$(filter $(MCU), at90usb646 atmega16u2 atmega16u4 atmega32u2 atmega32u4))
ifeq ($(strip $(MCU)), at90usb1286)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), halfkay)
ifeq ($(strip $(MCU)), atmega32u4)
ifeq ($(strip $(MCU)), at90usb1286)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), caterina)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), bootloadHID)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), USBasp)
ifeq ($(strip $(BOOTLOADER)), lufa-ms)
# It is extremely prone to bricking, and is only included to support existing boards.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Copyright 2017 Fred Sundvik
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include $(TMK_PATH)/
$(TEST)_SRC= \
$(TEST_PATH)/keymap.c \
$(SRC) \
tests/test_common/matrix.c \
tests/test_common/test_driver.cpp \
tests/test_common/keyboard_report_util.cpp \
$(TEST)_SRC += $(patsubst $(ROOTDIR)/%,%,$(wildcard $(TEST_PATH)/*.cpp))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Look for a json keymap file
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_5)/keymap.json)","")
KEYMAP_C := $(KEYBOARD_OUTPUT)/src/keymap.c
KEYMAP_JSON := $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_5)/keymap.json
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_4)/keymap.json)","")
KEYMAP_C := $(KEYBOARD_OUTPUT)/src/keymap.c
KEYMAP_JSON := $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_4)/keymap.json
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_3)/keymap.json)","")
KEYMAP_C := $(KEYBOARD_OUTPUT)/src/keymap.c
KEYMAP_JSON := $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_3)/keymap.json
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_2)/keymap.json)","")
KEYMAP_C := $(KEYBOARD_OUTPUT)/src/keymap.c
KEYMAP_JSON := $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_2)/keymap.json
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_1)/keymap.json)","")
KEYMAP_C := $(KEYBOARD_OUTPUT)/src/keymap.c
KEYMAP_JSON := $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_1)/keymap.json
# Generate the keymap.c
bin/qmk json2c --quiet --output $(KEYMAP_C) $(KEYMAP_JSON)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
# Determine what keyboard we are building and setup the build environment.
# We support folders up to 5 levels deep below `keyboards/`. This file is
# responsible for determining which folder is being used and doing the
# corresponding environment setup.
ifndef VERBOSE
# Set the filename for the final firmware binary
STM32_PATH := quantum/stm32
# Force expansion
# For split boards we need to set a master half.
MASTER ?= left
ifdef master
MASTER = $(master)
ifeq ($(MASTER),right)
ifneq ($(MASTER),left)
$(error MASTER does not have a valid value(left/right))
# Determine which subfolders exist.
KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2 := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_1)))
KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3 := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2)))
KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4 := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3)))
KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_5 := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4)))
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/)","")
# Pull in files from all our subfolders
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/","")
include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/","")
include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/","")
include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/","")
include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/","")
include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/
# Check for keymap.json first, so we can regenerate keymap.c
ifeq ("$(wildcard $(KEYMAP_PATH))", "")
# Look through the possible keymap folders until we find a matching keymap.c
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_5)/keymap.c)","")
-include $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_5)/
KEYMAP_C := $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_5)/keymap.c
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_4)/keymap.c)","")
-include $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_4)/
KEYMAP_C := $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_4)/keymap.c
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_3)/keymap.c)","")
-include $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_3)/
KEYMAP_C := $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_3)/keymap.c
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_2)/keymap.c)","")
-include $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_2)/
KEYMAP_C := $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_2)/keymap.c
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_1)/keymap.c)","")
-include $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_1)/
KEYMAP_C := $(MAIN_KEYMAP_PATH_1)/keymap.c
else ifneq ($(LAYOUTS),)
# If we haven't found a keymap yet fall back to community layouts
$(error Could not find keymap)
# this state should never be reached
ifeq ($(strip $(CTPC)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(CONVERT_TO_PROTON_C)), yes)
TARGET := $(TARGET)_proton_c
include $(STM32_PATH)/
ifneq ($(FORCE_LAYOUT),)
include quantum/
# Find all the C source files to be compiled in subfolders.
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_C_5))","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_C_4))","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_C_3))","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_C_2))","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_C_1))","")
# Generate KEYBOARD_name_subname for all levels of the keyboard folder
KEYBOARD_FILESAFE_1 := $(subst .,,$(subst /,_,$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_1)))
KEYBOARD_FILESAFE_2 := $(subst .,,$(subst /,_,$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_2)))
KEYBOARD_FILESAFE_3 := $(subst .,,$(subst /,_,$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_3)))
KEYBOARD_FILESAFE_4 := $(subst .,,$(subst /,_,$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_4)))
KEYBOARD_FILESAFE_5 := $(subst .,,$(subst /,_,$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_PATH_5)))
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/)","")
# Setup the define for QMK_KEYBOARD_H. This is used inside of keymaps so
# that the same keymap may be used on multiple keyboards.
# We grab the most top-level include file that we can. That file should
# use #ifdef statements to include all the neccesary subfolder includes,
# as described here:
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_1).h)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_2).h)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_3).h)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_4).h)","")
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/$(KEYBOARD_FOLDER_5).h)","")
# Determine and set parameters based on the keyboard's processor family.
# We can assume a ChibiOS target When MCU_FAMILY is defined since it's
# not used for LUFA
else ifdef ARM_ATSAM
include $(TMK_PATH)/
OPT_OS = chibios
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h
else ifneq ("$(wildcard $(TOP_DIR)/drivers/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h)","")
OPT_DEFS += -include $(TOP_DIR)/drivers/boards/$(BOARD)/bootloader_defs.h
# Find all of the config.h files and add them to our CONFIG_H define.
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/config.h)","")
CONFIG_H += $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/config.h
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/config.h)","")
CONFIG_H += $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/config.h
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/config.h)","")
CONFIG_H += $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/config.h
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/config.h)","")
CONFIG_H += $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/config.h
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/config.h)","")
CONFIG_H += $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/config.h
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/post_config.h)","")
POST_CONFIG_H += $(KEYBOARD_PATH_1)/post_config.h
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/post_config.h)","")
POST_CONFIG_H += $(KEYBOARD_PATH_2)/post_config.h
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/post_config.h)","")
POST_CONFIG_H += $(KEYBOARD_PATH_3)/post_config.h
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/post_config.h)","")
POST_CONFIG_H += $(KEYBOARD_PATH_4)/post_config.h
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/post_config.h)","")
POST_CONFIG_H += $(KEYBOARD_PATH_5)/post_config.h
# Save the defines and includes here, so we don't include any keymap specific ones
# Userspace setup and definitions
ifeq ("$(USER_NAME)","")
-include $(USER_PATH)/
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(USER_PATH)/config.h)","")
CONFIG_H += $(USER_PATH)/config.h
# Object files directory
# To put object files in current directory, use a dot (.), do NOT make
# this an empty or blank macro!
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(KEYMAP_PATH)/config.h)","")
CONFIG_H += $(KEYMAP_PATH)/config.h
# project specific files
# Optimize size but this may cause error "relocation truncated to fit"
#EXTRALDFLAGS = -Wl,--relax
# Search Path
include $(TMK_PATH)/
include $(TMK_PATH)/
SRC += $(patsubst %.c,%.clib,$(LIB_SRC))
SRC += $(patsubst %.c,%.clib,$(QUANTUM_LIB_SRC))
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),AVR)
ifeq ($(strip $(PROTOCOL)), VUSB)
include $(TMK_PATH)/protocol/
include $(TMK_PATH)/protocol/
include $(TMK_PATH)/
include $(TMK_PATH)/
include $(TMK_PATH)/protocol/
include $(TMK_PATH)/protocol/
ifeq ($(strip $(VISUALIZER_ENABLE)), yes)
# Default target.
all: build check-size
build: elf cpfirmware
check-size: build
objs-size: build
include $(TMK_PATH)/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
LAYOUTS_PATH := layouts
LAYOUTS_REPOS := $(patsubst %/,%,$(sort $(dir $(wildcard $(LAYOUTS_PATH)/*/))))
ifneq ("$$(wildcard $$(LAYOUT_KEYMAP_C))","")
-include $$(LAYOUT_KEYMAP_PATH)/
$$(foreach LAYOUTS_REPO,$$(LAYOUTS_REPOS),$$(eval $$(call SEARCH_LAYOUTS_REPO)))
ifneq ($(FORCE_LAYOUT),)
ifneq (,$(findstring $(FORCE_LAYOUT),$(LAYOUTS)))
$(info Forcing layout: $(FORCE_LAYOUT))
$(error Forced layout does not exist)
$(foreach LAYOUT,$(LAYOUTS),$(eval $(call SEARCH_LAYOUTS)))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
ifndef VERBOSE
TEST_OBJ = $(BUILD_DIR)/test_obj
LDFLAGS += -lstdc++ -lpthread -shared-libgcc
all: elf
ifneq ($(filter $(FULL_TESTS),$(TEST)),)
include tests/$(TEST)/
include $(TMK_PATH)/
include $(QUANTUM_PATH)/serial_link/tests/
ifneq ($(filter $(FULL_TESTS),$(TEST)),)
include $(TMK_PATH)/
include $(TMK_PATH)/
$(shell mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/test 2>/dev/null)
$(shell mkdir -p $(TEST_OBJ) 2>/dev/null)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# Directory common source files exist
TMK_DIR = tmk_core
LIB_PATH = lib
QUANTUM_DIR = quantum
DRIVER_DIR = drivers
BUILD_DIR := .build
COMMON_VPATH += $(QUANTUM_PATH)/keymap_extras
COMMON_VPATH += $(QUANTUM_PATH)/process_keycode
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
# Copyright 2017 Fred Sundvik
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
SERIAL_DIR := $(QUANTUM_DIR)/serial_link
SERIAL_PATH := $(QUANTUM_PATH)/serial_link
SERIAL_SRC := $(wildcard $(SERIAL_PATH)/protocol/*.c)
SERIAL_SRC += $(wildcard $(SERIAL_PATH)/system/*.c)
ifeq ($(strip $(API_SYSEX_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/api/api_sysex.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/api.c
ifeq ($(strip $(AUDIO_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_audio.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_clicky.c
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),AVR)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/audio/audio.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/audio/audio_arm.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/audio/voices.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/audio/luts.c
ifeq ($(strip $(MIDI_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_midi.c
ifeq ($(MUSIC_ENABLE), 1)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_music.c
ifeq ($(strip $(COMBO_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_combo.c
ifeq ($(strip $(STENO_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_steno.c
ifeq ($(strip $(VIRTSER_ENABLE)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(FAUXCLICKY_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/fauxclicky.c
ifeq ($(strip $(POINTING_DEVICE_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/pointing_device.c
ifeq ($(strip $(UCIS_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_ucis.c
ifeq ($(strip $(UNICODEMAP_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_unicodemap.c
ifeq ($(strip $(UNICODE_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_unicode.c
ifeq ($(strip $(UNICODE_COMMON)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_unicode_common.c
VALID_EEPROM_DRIVER_TYPES := vendor custom transient i2c
$(error EEPROM_DRIVER="$(EEPROM_DRIVER)" is not a valid EEPROM driver)
ifeq ($(strip $(EEPROM_DRIVER)), custom)
SRC += eeprom_driver.c
else ifeq ($(strip $(EEPROM_DRIVER)), i2c)
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += i2c_master.c
SRC += eeprom_driver.c eeprom_i2c.c
else ifeq ($(strip $(EEPROM_DRIVER)), transient)
SRC += eeprom_driver.c eeprom_transient.c
else ifeq ($(strip $(EEPROM_DRIVER)), vendor)
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),AVR)
# Automatically provided by avr-libc, nothing required
else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),CHIBIOS)
ifeq ($(MCU_SERIES), STM32F3xx)
SRC += $(PLATFORM_COMMON_DIR)/eeprom_stm32.c
SRC += $(PLATFORM_COMMON_DIR)/flash_stm32.c
else ifeq ($(MCU_SERIES), STM32F1xx)
SRC += $(PLATFORM_COMMON_DIR)/eeprom_stm32.c
SRC += $(PLATFORM_COMMON_DIR)/flash_stm32.c
else ifeq ($(MCU_SERIES)_$(MCU_LDSCRIPT), STM32F0xx_STM32F072xB)
SRC += $(PLATFORM_COMMON_DIR)/eeprom_stm32.c
SRC += $(PLATFORM_COMMON_DIR)/flash_stm32.c
else ifneq ($(filter $(MCU_SERIES),STM32L0xx STM32L1xx),)
SRC += eeprom_driver.c eeprom_stm32_L0_L1.c
# This will effectively work the same as "transient" if not supported by the chip
SRC += $(PLATFORM_COMMON_DIR)/eeprom_teensy.c
else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),ARM_ATSAM)
else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),TEST)
ifeq ($(strip $(RGBLIGHT_ENABLE)), yes)
POST_CONFIG_H += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/rgblight_post_config.h
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/color.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/rgblight.c
CIE1931_CURVE := yes
ifeq ($(strip $(RGBLIGHT_CUSTOM_DRIVER)), yes)
VALID_MATRIX_TYPES := yes IS31FL3731 IS31FL3733 IS31FL3737 WS2812 custom
ifneq ($(strip $(LED_MATRIX_ENABLE)), no)
$(error LED_MATRIX_ENABLE="$(LED_MATRIX_ENABLE)" is not a valid matrix type)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/led_matrix.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/led_matrix_drivers.c
ifeq ($(strip $(LED_MATRIX_ENABLE)), IS31FL3731)
OPT_DEFS += -DIS31FL3731
SRC += is31fl3731-simple.c
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += i2c_master.c
ifneq ($(strip $(RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE)), no)
$(error RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE="$(RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE)" is not a valid matrix type)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/color.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/rgb_matrix.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/rgb_matrix_drivers.c
CIE1931_CURVE := yes
ifeq ($(strip $(RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE)), IS31FL3731)
SRC += is31fl3731.c
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += i2c_master.c
ifeq ($(strip $(RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE)), IS31FL3733)
SRC += is31fl3733.c
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += i2c_master.c
ifeq ($(strip $(RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE)), IS31FL3737)
SRC += is31fl3737.c
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += i2c_master.c
ifeq ($(strip $(RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE)), WS2812)
OPT_DEFS += -DWS2812
ifeq ($(strip $(RGB_MATRIX_CUSTOM_KB)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(RGB_MATRIX_CUSTOM_USER)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(RGB_KEYCODES_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_rgb.c
ifeq ($(strip $(TAP_DANCE_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_tap_dance.c
ifeq ($(strip $(KEY_LOCK_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_key_lock.c
ifeq ($(strip $(PRINTING_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_printer.c
SRC += $(TMK_DIR)/protocol/serial_uart.c
ifeq ($(strip $(AUTO_SHIFT_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_auto_shift.c
ifeq ($(strip $(AUTO_SHIFT_MODIFIERS)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(SERIAL_LINK_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(patsubst $(QUANTUM_PATH)/%,%,$(SERIAL_SRC))
ifneq ($(strip $(VARIABLE_TRACE)),)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/variable_trace.c
ifneq ($(strip $(MAX_VARIABLE_TRACE_SIZE)),)
ifeq ($(strip $(LCD_ENABLE)), yes)
CIE1931_CURVE := yes
# backward compat
ifeq ($(strip $(BACKLIGHT_CUSTOM_DRIVER)), yes)
VALID_BACKLIGHT_TYPES := pwm software custom
ifeq ($(strip $(BACKLIGHT_ENABLE)), yes)
$(error BACKLIGHT_DRIVER="$(BACKLIGHT_DRIVER)" is not a valid backlight type)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/backlight/backlight.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_backlight.c
ifeq ($(strip $(BACKLIGHT_DRIVER)), custom)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/backlight/backlight_driver_common.c
ifeq ($(strip $(BACKLIGHT_DRIVER)), pwm)
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),AVR)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/backlight/backlight_avr.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/backlight/backlight_arm.c
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/backlight/backlight_$(strip $(BACKLIGHT_DRIVER)).c
VALID_WS2812_DRIVER_TYPES := bitbang pwm spi i2c
WS2812_DRIVER ?= bitbang
ifeq ($(strip $(WS2812_DRIVER_REQUIRED)), yes)
ifeq ($(filter $(WS2812_DRIVER),$(VALID_WS2812_DRIVER_TYPES)),)
$(error WS2812_DRIVER="$(WS2812_DRIVER)" is not a valid WS2812 driver)
OPT_DEFS += -DWS2812_DRIVER_$(strip $(shell echo $(WS2812_DRIVER) | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'))
ifeq ($(strip $(WS2812_DRIVER)), bitbang)
SRC += ws2812.c
SRC += ws2812_$(strip $(WS2812_DRIVER)).c
# add extra deps
ifeq ($(strip $(WS2812_DRIVER)), i2c)
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += i2c_master.c
ifeq ($(strip $(VISUALIZER_ENABLE)), yes)
CIE1931_CURVE := yes
ifeq ($(strip $(CIE1931_CURVE)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(LED_TABLES)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/led_tables.c
ifeq ($(strip $(TERMINAL_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_terminal.c
ifeq ($(strip $(USB_HID_ENABLE)), yes)
include $(TMK_DIR)/protocol/
ifeq ($(strip $(ENCODER_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/encoder.c
ifneq ($(strip $(HAPTIC_ENABLE)),no)
SRC += haptic.c
ifneq ($(filter DRV2605L, $(HAPTIC_ENABLE)), )
SRC += DRV2605L.c
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += i2c_master.c
ifneq ($(filter SOLENOID, $(HAPTIC_ENABLE)), )
SRC += solenoid.c
ifeq ($(strip $(HD44780_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += drivers/avr/hd44780.c
ifeq ($(strip $(VELOCIKEY_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/velocikey.c
ifeq ($(strip $(VIA_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/via.c
ifeq ($(strip $(DYNAMIC_KEYMAP_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/dynamic_keymap.c
ifeq ($(strip $(LEADER_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_leader.c
ifeq ($(strip $(DIP_SWITCH_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/dip_switch.c
include $(DRIVER_PATH)/qwiic/
$(QUANTUM_DIR)/quantum.c \
$(QUANTUM_DIR)/keymap_common.c \
ifneq ($(strip $(CUSTOM_MATRIX)), yes)
$(error CUSTOM_MATRIX="$(CUSTOM_MATRIX)" is not a valid custom matrix type)
# Include common stuff for all non custom matrix users
QUANTUM_SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/matrix_common.c
# if 'lite' then skip the actual matrix implementation
ifneq ($(strip $(CUSTOM_MATRIX)), lite)
# Include the standard or split matrix code if needed
ifeq ($(strip $(SPLIT_KEYBOARD)), yes)
QUANTUM_SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/split_common/matrix.c
# Debounce Modules. Set DEBOUNCE_TYPE=custom if including one manually.
ifneq ($(strip $(DEBOUNCE_TYPE)), custom)
ifeq ($(strip $(SPLIT_KEYBOARD)), yes)
POST_CONFIG_H += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/split_common/post_config.h
# Include files used by all split keyboards
QUANTUM_SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/split_common/split_util.c
# Determine which (if any) transport files are required
ifneq ($(strip $(SPLIT_TRANSPORT)), custom)
QUANTUM_SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/split_common/transport.c
# Functions added via QUANTUM_LIB_SRC are only included in the final binary if they're called.
# Unused functions are pruned away, which is why we can add multiple drivers here without bloat.
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),AVR)
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += i2c_master.c \
SERIAL_DRIVER ?= bitbang
ifeq ($(strip $(SERIAL_DRIVER)), bitbang)
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += serial.c
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += serial_$(strip $(SERIAL_DRIVER)).c
COMMON_VPATH += $(QUANTUM_PATH)/split_common
ifeq ($(strip $(OLED_DRIVER_ENABLE)), yes)
QUANTUM_LIB_SRC += i2c_master.c
SRC += oled_driver.c
ifeq ($(strip $(SPACE_CADET_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_space_cadet.c
ifeq ($(strip $(MAGIC_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_magic.c
ifeq ($(strip $(GRAVE_ESC_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_grave_esc.c
ifeq ($(strip $(DYNAMIC_MACRO_ENABLE)), yes)
SRC += $(QUANTUM_DIR)/process_keycode/process_dynamic_macro.c
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
# QMK Breaking Change - 2019 Aug 30
Four times a year QMK runs a process for merging Breaking Changes. A Breaking Change is any change which modifies how QMK behaves in a way that is incompatible or potentially dangerous. We limit these changes to 4 times per year so that users can have confidence that updating their QMK tree will not break their keymaps.
This document marks the inaugural Breaking Change merge. A list of changes follows.
## Core code formatting with clang-format
* All core files (`drivers/`, `quantum/`, `tests/`, and `tmk_core/`) have been formatted with clang-format
* A travis process to reformat PR's on merge has been instituted
* You can use the new CLI command `qmk cformat` to format before submitting your PR if you wish.
## LUFA USB descriptor cleanup
* Some code cleanups related to the USB HID descriptors on AVR keyboards, to make them easier to read and understand
* More information: see
* No behaviour changes anticipated and no keymaps modified
## Migrating `ACTION_LAYER_MOMENTARY()` entries in `fn_actions` to `MO()` keycodes
* `fn_actions` is deprecated, and its functionality has been superseded by direct keycodes and `process_record_user()`
* The end result of removing this obsolete feature should result in a decent reduction in firmware size and code complexity
* All keymaps affected are recommended to switch away from `fn_actions` in favour of the [custom keycode]( and [macro]( features
## Update Atreus to current code conventions
* Duplicate include guards have bypassed the expected header processing behavior
* All keymaps affected are recommended to remove duplication of `<keyboard>/config.h` to `<keyboard>/keymaps/<user>/config.h` and only provide overrides at the keymap level
## Backport changes to keymap language files from ZSA fork
* Fixes an issue in the `keymap_br_abnt2.h` file that includes the wrong source (`keymap_common.h` instead of `keymap.h`)
* Updates the `keymap_swedish.h` file to be specific to swedish, and not just "nordic" in general.
* Any keymaps using this will need to remove `NO_*` and replace it with `SE_*`.
## Update repo to use LUFA as a git submodule
* `/lib/LUFA` removed from the repo
* LUFA set as a submodule, pointing to qmk/lufa
* This should allow more flexibility with LUFA, and allow us to keep the sub-module up to date, a lot more easily. It was ~2 years out of date with no easy path to fix that. This prevents that from being an issue in the future
## Migrating `ACTION_BACKLIGHT_*()` entries in `fn_actions` to `BL_` keycodes
* `fn_actions` is deprecated, and its functionality has been superseded by direct keycodes and `process_record_user()`
* All keymaps using these actions have had the relevant `KC_FN*` keys replaced with the equivalent `BL_*` keys
* If you currently use `KC_FN*` you will need to replace `fn_actions` with the [custom keycode]( and [macro]( features
## Remove `KC_DELT` alias in favor of `KC_DEL`
* `KC_DELT` was a redundant, undocumented alias for `KC_DELETE`
* It has been removed and all its uses replaced with the more common `KC_DEL` alias
* Around 90 keymaps (mostly for ErgoDox boards) have been modified as a result
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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# QMK Breaking Change - 2020 Feb 29 Changelog
Four times a year QMK runs a process for merging Breaking Changes. A Breaking Change is any change which modifies how QMK behaves in a way that is incompatible or potentially dangerous. We limit these changes to 4 times per year so that users can have confidence that updating their QMK tree will not break their keymaps.
## Update ChibiOS/ChibiOS-Contrib/uGFX submodules
* General Notes
* A `make git-submodule` may be required after pulling the latest QMK firmware code to update affected submodules to the upgraded revisions
* Enabling link-time-optimization (`LINK_TIME_OPTIMIZATION_ENABLE = yes`) should work on a lot more boards
* Upgrade to ChibiOS ver19.1.3
* This will allow QMK to update to upstream ChibiOS a lot easier -- the old version was ~2 years out of date. Automated update scripts have been made available to simplify future upgrades.
* Includes improved MCU support and bugfixes
* ChibiOS revision is now included in Command output
* Timers should now be more accurate
* Upgrade to newer ChibiOS-Contrib
* Also includes improved MCU support and bugfixes
* ChibiOS-Contrib revision is now included in Command output
* Upgrade to newer uGFX
* Required in order to support updated ChibiOS
## Fix ChibiOS timer overflow for 16-bit SysTick devices
* On 16-bit SysTick devices, the timer subsystem in QMK was incorrectly dealing with overflow.
* When running at a 100000 SysTick frequency (possible on 16-bit devices, but uncommon), this overflow would occur after 0.65 seconds.
* Timers are now correctly handling this overflow case and timing should now be correct on ChibiOS/ARM.
## Update LUFA submodule
* Updates the LUFA submodule to include updates from upstream (abcminiuser/lufa)
* Includes some cleanup for QMK DFU generation
## Encoder flip
* Flips the encoder direction so that `clockwise == true` is for actually turning the knob clockwise
* Adds `ENCODER_DIRECTION_FLIP` define, so that reversing the expected dirction is simple for users.
* Cleans up documentation page for encoders
## Adding support for `BACKLIGHT_ON_STATE` for hardware PWM backlight
* Previously, the define only affected software PWM, and hardware PWM always assumed an N-channel MOSFET.
* The hardware PWM backlight setup has been updated to respect this option.
* The default "on" state has been changed to `1` - **this impacts all keyboards using software PWM backlight that do not define it explicitly**. If your keyboard's backlight is acting strange, it may have a P-channel MOSFET, and will need to have `#define BACKLIGHT_ON_STATE 0` added to the keyboard-level `config.h`. Please see the PR for more detailed information.
## Migrating `ACTION_LAYER_TAP_KEY()` entries in `fn_actions` to `LT()` keycodes
* `fn_actions` is deprecated, and its functionality has been superseded by direct keycodes and `process_record_user()`
* The end result of removing this obsolete feature should result in a decent reduction in firmware size and code complexity
* All keymaps affected are recommended to switch away from `fn_actions` in favour of the [custom keycode]( and [macro]( features
## Moving backlight keycode handling to `process_keycode/`
* This refactors the backlight keycode logic to be clearer and more modular.
* All backlight-related keycodes are now actioned in a single file.
* The `ACTION_BACKLIGHT_*` macros have also been deleted. If you are still using these in a `fn_actions[]` block, please switch to using the backlight keycodes or functions directly.
## Refactor Planck keymaps to use Layout Macros
* Refactor Planck keymaps to use layout macros instead of raw matrix assignments
* Makes keymaps revision-agnostic
* Should reduce noise and errors in Travis CI logs
## GON NerD codebase refactor
* Splits the codebase for GON NerD 60 and NerdD TKL PCBs into two separate directories.
* If your keymap is for a NerD 60 PCB, your `make` command is now `make gon/nerd60:<keymap>`.
* If your keymap is for a NerD TKL PCB, your `make` command is now `make gon/nerdtkl:<keymap>`.
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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Quantum Mechanical Keyboard Firmware
## What is QMK Firmware?
QMK (*Quantum Mechanical Keyboard*) is an open source community centered around developing computer input devices. The community encompasses all sorts of input devices, such as keyboards, mice, and MIDI devices. A core group of collaborators maintains [QMK Firmware](, [QMK Configurator](, [QMK Toolbox](, [](, and this documentation with the help of community members like you.
## Get Started
Totally new to QMK? There are two ways to get started:
* Basic: [QMK Configurator](
* Just select your keyboard from the dropdown and program your keyboard.
* We have an [introductory video]( you can watch.
* There is also an overview [document you can read](
* Advanced: [Use The Source](
* More powerful, but harder to use
## Make It Yours
QMK has lots of [features]( to explore, and a good deal of reference documentation to dig through. Most features are taken advantage of by modifying your [keymap](, and changing the [keycodes](
## Need help?
Check out the [support page]( to see how you can get help using QMK.
## Give Back
There are a lot of ways you can contribute to the QMK Community. The easiest way to get started is to use it and spread the word to your friends.
* Help people out on our forums and chat rooms:
* [/r/olkb](
* [Discord Server](
* Contribute to our documentation by clicking "Edit This Page" at the bottom
* [Translate our documentation into your language](
* [Report a bug](
* [Open a Pull Request](
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- Translations
- [:uk: English](/)
- [:cn: 中文](/zh-cn/)
- [:es: Español](/es/)
- [:fr: Français](/fr-fr/)
- [:he: עברית](/he-il/)
- [:brazil: Português](/pt-br/)
- [:ru: Русский](/ru-ru/)
- [:jp: 日本語](/ja/)
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* Tutorial
* [Introduction](
* [Setup](
* [Building Your First Firmware](
* [Flashing Firmware](
* [Testing and Debugging](
* [Getting Help/Support](
* [Other Resources](
* FAQs
* [General FAQ](
* [Build/Compile QMK](
* [Debugging/Troubleshooting QMK](
* [Keymap FAQ](
* [Glossary](
* Configurator
* [Overview](
* [Step by Step](
* [Troubleshooting](
* [Problems and Bugs](
* [Overview](
* [API Documentation](
* [Keyboard Support](
* [Overview](
* [Configuration](
* [Commands](
* Using QMK
* Guides
* [Customizing Functionality](
* [Driver Installation with Zadig](
* [Keymap Overview](
* [Vagrant Guide](
* Flashing
* [Flashing](
* [Flashing ATmega32A (ps2avrgb)](
* IDEs
* [Using Eclipse with QMK](
* [Using VSCode with QMK](
* Git Best Practices
* [Introduction](
* [Your Fork](
* [Merge Conflicts](
* [Fixing Your Branch](
* Keyboard Building
* [Hand Wiring Guide](
* [ISP Flashing Guide](
* Simple Keycodes
* [Full List](
* [Basic Keycodes](
* [Layer Switching](
* [Quantum Keycodes](
* Advanced Keycodes
* [Command](
* [Dynamic Macros](
* [Grave Escape](
* [Leader Key](
* [Mod-Tap](
* [Macros](
* [Mouse Keys](
* [Space Cadet Shift](
* [US ANSI Shifted Keys](
* Software Features
* [Auto Shift](
* [Combos](
* [Debounce API](
* [Key Lock](
* [One Shot Keys](
* [Pointing Device](
* [Swap Hands](
* [Tap Dance](
* [Tap-Hold Configuration](
* [Terminal](
* [Unicode](
* [Userspace](
* Hardware Features
* Displays
* [HD44780 LCD Controller](
* [OLED Driver](
* Lighting
* [Backlight](
* [LED Matrix](
* [RGB Lighting](
* [RGB Matrix](
* [Audio](
* [Bluetooth](
* [Bootmagic](
* [Custom Matrix](
* [DIP Switch](
* [Encoders](
* [Haptic Feedback](
* [Proton C Conversion](
* [PS/2 Mouse](
* [Split Keyboard](
* [Stenography](
* [Thermal Printer](
* [Velocikey](
* Developing QMK
* Breaking Changes
* [Overview](
* [My Pull Request Was Flagged](
* History
* [2020 Feb 29](ChangeLog/
* [2019 Aug 30](ChangeLog/
* C Development
* [ARM Debugging Guide](
* [AVR Processors](
* [Coding Conventions](
* [Compatible Microcontrollers](
* [Drivers](
* [ADC Driver](
* [I2C Driver](
* [WS2812 Driver](
* [EEPROM Driver](
* [GPIO Controls](
* [Keyboard Guidelines](
* Python Development
* [Coding Conventions](
* [QMK CLI Development](
* [QMK CLI Config](
* Configurator Development
* [Development Environment](
* [Architecture Overview](
* QMK Reference
* [Contributing to QMK](
* [Translating the QMK Docs](
* [Config Options](
* [Make Documentation](
* [Documentation Best Practices](
* [Documentation Templates](
* [Community Layouts](
* [Unit Testing](
* [Useful Functions](
* [info.json Format](
* For a Deeper Understanding
* [How Keyboards Work](
* [How a Matrix Works](
* [Understanding QMK](
* QMK Internals (In Progress)
* [Defines](
* [Input Callback Reg](
* [Midi Device](
* [Midi Device Setup Process](
* [Midi Util](
* [Send Functions](
* [Sysex Tools](
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# ADC Driver
QMK can leverage the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) on supported MCUs to measure voltages on certain pins. This can be useful for implementing things such as battery level indicators for Bluetooth keyboards, or volume controls using a potentiometer, as opposed to a [rotary encoder](
This driver currently supports both AVR and a limited selection of ARM devices. On AVR devices, the values returned are 10-bit integers (0-1023) mapped between 0V and VCC (usually 5V or 3.3V). On supported ARM devices, there is more flexibility in control of operation through `#define`s, but by default the values returned are 12-bit integers (0-4095) mapped between 0V and VCC (usually 3.3V).
## Usage
To use this driver, add the following to your ``:
SRC += analog.c
Then place this include at the top of your code:
#include "analog.h"
## Channels
### AVR
|0 |`F0` |`F0` |`A0` |`C0` |
|1 |`F1` |`F1` |`A1` |`C1` |
|2 |`F2` | |`A2` |`C2` |
|3 |`F3` | |`A3` |`C3` |
|4 |`F4` |`F4` |`A4` |`C4` |
|5 |`F5` |`F5` |`A5` |`C5` |
|6 |`F6` |`F6` |`A6` |* |
|7 |`F7` |`F7` |`A7` |* |
|8 | |`D4` | | |
|9 | |`D6` | | |
|10 | |`D7` | | |
|11 | |`B4` | | |
|12 | |`B5` | | |
|13 | |`B6` | | |
<sup>\* The ATmega328P possesses two extra ADC channels; however, they are not present on the DIP pinout, and are not shared with GPIO pins. You can use `adc_read()` directly to gain access to these.</sup>
### ARM
Note that some of these pins are doubled-up on ADCs with the same channel. This is because the pins can be used for either ADC.
Also note that the F0 and F3 use different numbering schemes. The F0 has a single ADC and the channels are 0-based, whereas the F3 has 4 ADCs and the channels are 1 based. This is because the F0 uses the `ADCv1` implementation of the ADC, whereas the F3 uses the `ADCv3` implementation.
|1 |0 |`A0` | |
|1 |1 |`A1` |`A0` |
|1 |2 |`A2` |`A1` |
|1 |3 |`A3` |`A2` |
|1 |4 |`A4` |`A3` |
|1 |5 |`A5` |`F4` |
|1 |6 |`A6` |`C0` |
|1 |7 |`A7` |`C1` |
|1 |8 |`B0` |`C2` |
|1 |9 |`B1` |`C3` |
|1 |10 |`C0` |`F2` |
|1 |11 |`C1` | |
|1 |12 |`C2` | |
|1 |13 |`C3` | |
|1 |14 |`C4` | |
|1 |15 |`C5` | |
|1 |16 | | |
|2 |1 | |`A4` |
|2 |2 | |`A5` |
|2 |3 | |`A6` |
|2 |4 | |`A7` |
|2 |5 | |`C4` |
|2 |6 | |`C0` |
|2 |7 | |`C1` |
|2 |8 | |`C2` |
|2 |9 | |`C3` |
|2 |10 | |`F2` |
|2 |11 | |`C5` |
|2 |12 | |`B2` |
|2 |13 | | |
|2 |14 | | |
|2 |15 | | |
|2 |16 | | |
|3 |1 | |`B1` |
|3 |2 | |`E9` |
|3 |3 | |`E13` |
|3 |4 | | |
|3 |5 | | |
|3 |6 | |`E8` |
|3 |7 | |`D10` |
|3 |8 | |`D11` |
|3 |9 | |`D12` |
|3 |10 | |`D13` |
|3 |11 | |`D14` |
|3 |12 | |`B0` |
|3 |13 | |`E7` |
|3 |14 | |`E10` |
|3 |15 | |`E11` |
|3 |16 | |`E12` |
|4 |1 | |`E14` |
|4 |2 | |`B12` |
|4 |3 | |`B13` |
|4 |4 | |`B14` |
|4 |5 | |`B15` |
|4 |6 | |`E8` |
|4 |7 | |`D10` |
|4 |8 | |`D11` |
|4 |9 | |`D12` |
|4 |10 | |`D13` |
|4 |11 | |`D14` |
|4 |12 | |`D8` |
|4 |13 | |`D9` |
|4 |14 | | |
|4 |15 | | |
|4 |16 | | |
## Functions
### AVR
|Function |Description |
|`analogReference(mode)` |Sets the analog voltage reference source. Must be one of `ADC_REF_EXTERNAL`, `ADC_REF_POWER` or `ADC_REF_INTERNAL`.|
|`analogRead(pin)` |Reads the value from the specified Arduino pin, eg. `4` for ADC6 on the ATmega32U4. |
|`analogReadPin(pin)` |Reads the value from the specified QMK pin, eg. `F6` for ADC6 on the ATmega32U4. |
|`pinToMux(pin)` |Translates a given QMK pin to a mux value. If an unsupported pin is given, returns the mux value for "0V (GND)". |
|`adc_read(mux)` |Reads the value from the ADC according to the specified mux. See your MCU's datasheet for more information. |
### ARM
Note that care was taken to match all of the functions used for AVR devices, however complications in the ARM platform prevent that from always being possible. For example, the `STM32` chips do not have assigned Arduino pins. We could use the default pin numbers, but those numbers change based on the package type of the device. For this reason, please specify your target pins with their identifiers (`A0`, `F3`, etc.). Also note that there are some variants of functions that accept the target ADC for the pin. Some pins can be used for multiple ADCs, and this specified can help you pick which ADC will be used to interact with that pin.
|Function |Description |
|`analogReadPin(pin)` |Reads the value from the specified QMK pin, eg. `A0` for channel 0 on the STM32F0 and ADC1 channel 1 on the STM32F3. Note that if a pin can be used for multiple ADCs, it will pick the lower numbered ADC for this function. eg. `C0` will be channel 6 of ADC 1 when it could be used for ADC 2 as well.|
|`analogReadPinAdc(pin, adc)`|Reads the value from the specified QMK pin and ADC, eg. `C0, 1` will read from channel 6, ADC 2 instead of ADC 1. Note that the ADCs are 0-indexed for this function.|
|`pinToMux(pin)` |Translates a given QMK pin to a channel and ADC combination. If an unsupported pin is given, returns the mux value for "0V (GND)".|
|`adc_read(mux)` |Reads the value from the ADC according to the specified pin and adc combination. See your MCU's datasheet for more information.|
## Configuration
## ARM
The ARM implementation of the ADC has a few additional options that you can override in your own keyboards and keymaps to change how it operates.
|`#define` |Type |Default |Description|
|ADC_CIRCULAR_BUFFER|`bool`|`false` |If `TRUE`, then the implementation will use a circular buffer.|
|ADC_NUM_CHANNELS |`int` |`1` |Sets the number of channels that will be scanned as part of an ADC operation. The current implementation only supports `1`.|
|ADC_BUFFER_DEPTH |`int` |`2` |Sets the depth of each result. Since we are only getting a 12-bit result by default, we set this to `2` bytes so we can contain our one value. This could be set to 1 if you opt for a 8-bit or lower result.|
|ADC_SAMPLING_RATE |`int` |`ADC_SMPR_SMP_1P5` |Sets the sampling rate of the ADC. By default, it is set to the fastest setting. Please consult the corresponding `hal_adc_lld.h` in ChibiOS for your specific microcontroller for further documentation on your available options.|
|ADC_RESOLUTION |`int` |`ADC_CFGR1_RES_12BIT`|The resolution of your result. We choose 12 bit by default, but you can opt for 12, 10, 8, or 6 bit. Please consult the corresponding `hal_adc_lld.h` in ChibiOS for your specific microcontroller for further documentation on your available options.|
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# Development Environment Setup
To setup a development stack head over to the [qmk_web_stack](
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# QMK Compiler Development Guide
This page attempts to introduce developers to the QMK Compiler. It does not go into nitty gritty details- for that you should read code. What this will give you is a framework to hang your understanding on as you read the code.
# Overview
The QMK Compile API consists of a few movings parts:

API Clients interact exclusively with the API service. This is where they submit jobs, check status, and download results. The API service inserts compile jobs into [Redis Queue]( and checks both RQ and S3 for the results of those jobs.
Workers fetch new compile jobs from RQ, compile them, and then upload the source and the binary to an S3 compatible storage engine.
# Workers
QMK Compiler Workers are responsible for doing the actual building. When a worker pulls a job from RQ it does several things to complete that job:
* Make a fresh qmk_firmware checkout
* Use the supplied layers and keyboard metadata to build a `keymap.c`
* Build the firmware
* Zip a copy of the source
* Upload the firmware, source zip, and a metadata file to S3.
* Report the status of the job to RQ
# API Service
The API service is a relatively simple Flask application. There are a few main views you should understand.
## @app.route('/v1/compile', methods=['POST'])
This is the main entrypoint for the API. A client's interaction starts here. The client POST's a JSON document describing their keyboard, and the API does some (very) basic validation of that JSON before submitting the compile job.
## @app.route('/v1/compile/<string:job_id>', methods=['GET'])
This is the most frequently called endpoint. It pulls the job details from redis, if they're still available, or the cached job details on S3 if they're not.
## @app.route('/v1/compile/<string:job_id>/download', methods=['GET'])
This method allows users to download the compiled firmware file.
## @app.route('/v1/compile/<string:job_id>/source', methods=['GET'])
This method allows users to download the source for their firmware.
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This page describes using the QMK API. If you are an application developer you can use this API to compile firmware for any [QMK]( Keyboard.
## Overview
This service is an asynchronous API for compiling custom keymaps. You POST some JSON to the API, periodically check the status, and when your firmware has finished compiling you can download the resulting firmware and (if desired) source code for that firmware.
#### Example JSON Payload:
"keyboard": "clueboard/66/rev2",
"keymap": "my_awesome_keymap",
"layout": "LAYOUT_all",
"layers": [
As you can see the payload describes all aspects of a keyboard necessary to create and generate a firmware. Each layer is a single list of QMK keycodes the same length as the keyboard's `LAYOUT` macro. If a keyboard supports mulitple `LAYOUT` macros you can specify which macro to use.
## Submitting a Compile Job
To compile your keymap into a firmware simply POST your JSON to the `/v1/compile` endpoint. In the following example we've placed the JSON payload into a file named `json_data`.
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "$(< json_data)"
"enqueued": true,
"job_id": "ea1514b3-bdfc-4a7b-9b5c-08752684f7f6"
## Checking The Status
After submitting your keymap you can check the status using a simple HTTP GET call:
$ curl
"created_at": "Sat, 19 Aug 2017 21:39:12 GMT",
"enqueued_at": "Sat, 19 Aug 2017 21:39:12 GMT",
"id": "f5f9b992-73b4-479b-8236-df1deb37c163",
"status": "running",
"result": null
This shows us that the job has made it through the queue and is currently running. There are 5 possible statuses:
* **failed**: Something about the compiling service has broken.
* **finished**: The compilation is complete and you should check `result` to see the results.
* **queued**: The keymap is waiting for a compilation server to become available.
* **running**: The compilation is in progress and should be complete soon.
* **unknown**: A serious error has occurred and you should [file a bug](
## Examining Finished Results
Once your compile job has finished you'll check the `result` key. The value of this key is a hash containing several key bits of information:
* `firmware_binary_url`: A list of URLs for the the flashable firmware
* `firmware_keymap_url`: A list of URLs for the the `keymap.c`
* `firmware_source_url`: A list of URLs for the full firmware source code
* `output`: The stdout and stderr for this compile job. Errors will be found here.
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The QMK API provides an asynchronous API that Web and GUI tools can use to compile arbitrary keymaps for any keyboard supported by [QMK]( The stock keymap template supports all QMK keycodes that do not require supporting C code. Keyboard maintainers can supply their own custom templates to enable more functionality.
## App Developers
If you are an app developer interested in using this API in your application you should head over to [Using The API](
## Keyboard Maintainers
If you would like to enhance your keyboard's support in the QMK Compiler API head over to the [Keyboard Support]( section.
## Backend Developers
If you are interested in working on the API itself you should start by setting up a [Development Environment](, then check out [Hacking On The API](
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# ARM Debugging using Eclipse
This page describes how to setup debugging for ARM MCUs using an SWD adapter and open-source/free tools. In this guide we will install GNU MCU Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers and OpenOCD together with all the necessary dependencies.
This guide is catered towards advance users and assumes you can compile an ARM compatible keyboard on your machine using the MAKE flow.
## Installing the software
The main objective here is to get the MCU Eclipse IDE correctly installed on our machine. The necessary instructions are derived from [this]( install guide.
### The xPack Manager
This tool is a software package manager and it is used to help us get the necessary dependencies.
XPM runs using Node.js so grab that from [here]( After installation, open a terminal and type `npm -v`. A reply with the version number means that the installation was successful.
XPM installation instructions can be found [here]( and are OS specific. Entering `xpm --version` to your terminal should return the software version.
### The ARM Toolchain
Using XPM it is very easy to install the ARM toolchain. Enter the command `xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/arm-none-eabi-gcc`.
### Windows build tools
If you are using windows you need to install this!
`xpm install --global @gnu-mcu-eclipse/windows-build-tools`
### Programmer/Debugger Drivers
Now it's time to install your programmer's drivers. This tutorial was made using an ST-Link v2 which you can get from almost anywhere.
If you have an ST-Link the drivers can be found [here]( otherwise consult the manufacturer of your tool.
### OpenOCD
This dependency allows SWD access from GDB and it is essential for debugging. Run `xpm install --global @xpack-dev-tools/openocd`.
### Java
Java is needed by Eclipse so please download it from [here](
### GNU MCU Eclipse IDE
Now its finally time to install the IDE. Use the Release page [here]( to get the latest version.
## Configuring Eclipse
Open up the Eclipse IDE we just downloaded. To import our QMK directory select File -> Import -> C/C++ -> Existing Code as Makefile Project. Select Next and use Browse to select your QMK folder. In the tool-chain list select ARM Cross GCC and select Finish.
Now you can see the QMK folder on the left hand side. Right click it and select Properties. On the left hand side, expand MCU and select ARM Toolchains Paths. Press xPack and OK. Repeat for OpenOCD Path and if you are on Windows for Build Tools Path. Select Apply and Close.
Now its time to install the necessary MCU packages. Go to Packs perspective by selecting Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other... -> Packs. Now select the yellow refresh symbol next to the Packs tab. This will take a long time as it is requesting the MCU definitions from various places. If some of the links fail you can probably select Ignore.
When this finishes you must find the MCU which we will be building/debugging for. In this example I will be using the STM32F3 series MCUs. On the left, select STMicroelectronics -> STM32F3 Series. On the middle window we can see the pack. Right click and select Install. Once that is done we can go back to the default perspective, Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other... -> C/C++.
We need to let eclipse know the device we intent to build QMK on. Right click on the QMK folder -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings. Select the Devices tab and under Devices select the appropriate variant of your MCU. For my example it is STM32F303CC
While we are here let's setup the build command as well. Select C/C++ Build and then the Behavior tab. On the Build command, replace `all` with your necessary make command. For example for a rev6 Planck with the default keymap this would be `planck/rev6:default`. Select Apply and Close.
## Building
If you have setup everything correctly pressing the hammer button should build the firmware for you and a .bin file should appear.
## Debugging
### Connecting the Debugger
ARM MCUs use the Single Wire Debug (SWD) protocol which comprises of the clock (SWCLK) signal and the data (SWDIO) signal. Connecting this two wires and ground should be enough to allow full manipulation of the MCU. Here we assume that the keyboard will be powered though USB. The RESET signal is not necessary as we can manually assert it using the reset button. For a more advance setup, the SWO signal can be used which pipes printf and scanf asynchronously to the host but for our setup we will ignore it.
NOTE: Make sure the SWCLK and SWDIO pins are not used in the matrix of your keyboard. If they are you can temporarily switch them for some other pins.
### Configuring the Debugger
Right click on your QMK folder, select Debug As -> Debug Configurations... . Here double click on GDB OpenOCD Debugging. Select the Debugger tab and enter the configuration necessary for your MCU. This might take some fiddling and Googling to find out. The default script for the STM32F3 is called `stm32f3discovery.cfg`. To let OpenOCD know, in the Config options enter `-f board/stm32f3discovery.cfg`.
NOTE: In my case this configuration script requires editing to disable the reset assertion. The locations of the scripts can be found in the actual executable field usually under the path `openocd/version/.content/scripts/board`. Here I edited `reset_config srst_only` to `reset_config none`.
Select Apply and Close.
### Running the Debugger.
Reset your keyboard.
Press the bug icon and if all goes well you should soon find yourself in the Debug perspective. Here the program counter will pause at the beginning of the main function and wait for you to press Play. Most of the features of all debuggers work on Arm MCUs but for exact details Google is your friend!
Happy debugging!
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# Breaking Changes
This document describes QMK's Breaking Change process. A Breaking Change is any change which modifies how QMK behaves in a way that in incompatible or potentially dangerous. We limit these changes so that users can have confidence that updating their QMK tree will not break their keymaps.
The breaking change period is when we will merge PR's that change QMK in dangerous or unexpected ways. There is a built-in period of testing so we are confident that any problems caused are rare or unable to be predicted.
## What has been included in past Breaking Changes?
* [2020 Feb 29](ChangeLog/
* [2019 Aug 30](ChangeLog/
## When is the next Breaking Change?
The next Breaking Change is scheduled for May 30, 2020.
### Important Dates
* [x] 2020 Feb 29 - `future` is created. It will be rebased weekly.
* [ ] 2020 May 2 - `future` closed to new PR's.
* [ ] 2020 May 2 - Call for testers.
* [ ] 2020 May 28 - `master` is locked, no PR's merged.
* [ ] 2020 May 30 - Merge `future` to `master`.
* [ ] 2020 May 30 - `master` is unlocked. PR's can be merged again.
## What changes will be included?
To see a list of breaking change candidates you can look at the [`breaking_change` label]( New changes might be added between now and when `future` is closed, and a PR with that label applied is not guaranteed to be merged.
If you want your breaking change to be included in this round you need to create a PR with the `breaking_change` label and have it accepted before `future` closes. After `future` closes no new breaking changes will be accepted.
Criteria for acceptance:
* PR is complete and ready to merge
* PR has a ChangeLog
# Checklists
This section documents various processes we use when running the Breaking Changes process.
## Rebase `future` from `master`
This is run every Friday while `future` is open.
cd qmk_firmware
git checkout master
git pull --ff-only
git checkout future
git rebase master
git push --force
## Creating the `future` branch
This happens immediately after the previous `future` branch is merged.
* `qmk_firmware` git commands
* [ ] `git checkout master`
* [ ] `git pull --ff-only`
* [ ] `git checkout -b future`
* [ ] Edit ``
* [ ] Add a big notice at the top that this is a testing branch.
* [ ] Include a link to this document
* [ ] `git commit -m 'Branch point for <DATE> Breaking Change'`
* [ ] `git tag breakpoint_<YYYY>_<MM>_<DD>`
* [ ] `git tag <next_version>` # Prevent the breakpoint tag from confusing version incrementing
* [ ] `git push origin future`
* [ ] `git push --tags`
## 4 Weeks Before Merge
* `future` is now closed to new PR's, only fixes for current PR's may be merged
* Post call for testers
* [ ] Discord
* [ ] GitHub PR
* [ ]
## 1 Week Before Merge
* Announce that master will be closed from <2 Days Before> to <Day of Merge>
* [ ] Discord
* [ ] GitHub PR
* [ ]
## 2 Days Before Merge
* Announce that master is closed for 2 days
* [ ] Discord
* [ ] GitHub PR
* [ ]
## Day Of Merge
* `qmk_firmware` git commands
* [ ] `git checkout future`
* [ ] `git pull --ff-only`
* [ ] `git rebase origin/master`
* [ ] Edit ``
* [ ] Remove the notes about `future`
* [ ] Roll up the ChangeLog into one file.
* [ ] `git commit -m 'Merge point for <DATE> Breaking Change'`
* [ ] `git push origin future`
* Github Actions
* [ ] Create a PR for `future`
* [ ] Make sure travis comes back clean
* [ ] Merge `future` PR
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# Breaking Changes: My Pull Request Was Flagged
A QMK member may have replied to your pull request stating that your submission is a breaking change. In their judgment, the changes you have proposed have greater implications for either QMK, or its users.
Some things that may cause a pull request to be flagged are:
- **Edits to User Keymaps**
A user may submit their keymap to QMK, then some time later open a pull request with further updates, only to find it can't be merged because it was edited in the `qmk/qmk_firmware` repository. As not all users are proficient at using Git or GitHub, the user may find themself unable to fix the issue on their own.
- **Changes to Expected Behavior**
Changes to QMK behavior may cause users to believe their hardware or QMK is broken if they flash new firmware that incorporates changes to existing QMK features, and find themselves without a means to restore the desired behavior.
- **Changes Requiring User Action**
Changes may also require action to be taken by users, such as updating a toolchain or taking some action in Git.
- **Changes Necessitating Increased Scrutiny**
On occasion, a submission may have implications for QMK as a project. This could be copyright/licensing issues, coding conventions, large feature overhauls, "high-risk" changes that need wider testing by our community, or something else entirely.
- **Changes Requiring Communication to End Users**
This includes warnings about future deprecations, outdated practices, and anything else that needs to be communicated but doesn't fit into one of the above categories.
## What Do I Do?
If it is determined that your submission is a breaking change, there are a few things you can do to smooth the process:
### Consider Splitting Up Your PR
If you are contributing core code, and the only reason it needs to go through breaking changes is that you are updating keymaps to match your change, consider whether you can submit your feature in a way that the old keymaps continue to work. Then submit a separate PR that goes through the breaking changes process to remove the old code.
### Contribute a ChangeLog Entry
We require submissions that go through the Breaking Change process to include a changelog entry. The entry should be a short summary of the changes your pull request makes – [each section here started as a changelog](ChangeLog/ "n.b. This should link to the 2019 Aug 30 Breaking Changes doc - @noroadsleft").
Your changelog should be located at `docs/ChangeLog/YYYYMMDD/`, where `YYYYMMDD` is the date on which QMK's breaking change branch – usually named `future` – will be merged into the `master` branch, and `####` is the number of your pull request.
If your submission requires action on the part of users, your changelog should instruct users what action(s) must be taken, or link to a location that does so.
### Document Your Changes
Understanding the purpose for your submission, and possible implications or actions it will require can make the review process more straightforward. A changelog may suffice for this purpose, but more extensive changes may require a level of detail that is ill-suited for a changelog.
Commenting on your pull request and being responsive to questions, comments, and change requests is much appreciated.
### Ask for Help
Having your submission flagged may have caught you off guard. If you find yourself intimidated or overwhelmed, let us know. Comment on your pull request, or [reach out to the QMK team on Discord](
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This page describes how to setup and use the QMK CLI.
# Overview
The QMK CLI makes building and working with QMK keyboards easier. We have provided a number of commands to simplify and streamline tasks such as obtaining and compiling the QMK firmware, creating keymaps, and more.
* [Global CLI](#global-cli)
* [Local CLI](#local-cli)
* [CLI Commands](#cli-commands)
# Requirements
The CLI requires Python 3.5 or greater. We try to keep the number of requirements small but you will also need to install the packages listed in [`requirements.txt`](
# Global CLI
QMK provides an installable CLI that can be used to setup your QMK build environment, work with QMK, and which makes working with multiple copies of `qmk_firmware` easier. We recommend installing and updating this periodically.
## Install Using Homebrew (macOS, some Linux)
If you have installed [Homebrew]( you can tap and install QMK:
brew tap qmk/qmk
brew install qmk
export QMK_HOME='~/qmk_firmware' # Optional, set the location for `qmk_firmware`
qmk setup # This will clone `qmk/qmk_firmware` and optionally set up your build environment
## Install Using easy_install or pip
If your system is not listed above you can install QMK manually. First ensure that you have python 3.5 (or later) installed and have installed pip. Then install QMK with this command:
pip3 install qmk
export QMK_HOME='~/qmk_firmware' # Optional, set the location for `qmk_firmware`
qmk setup # This will clone `qmk/qmk_firmware` and optionally set up your build environment
## Packaging For Other Operating Systems
We are looking for people to create and maintain a `qmk` package for more operating systems. If you would like to create a package for your OS please follow these guidelines:
* Follow best practices for your OS when they conflict with these guidelines
* Document why in a comment when you do deviate
* Install using a virtualenv
* Instruct the user to set the environment variable `QMK_HOME` to have the firmware source checked out somewhere other than `~/qmk_firmware`.
# Local CLI
If you do not want to use the global CLI there is a local CLI bundled with `qmk_firmware`. You can find it in `qmk_firmware/bin/qmk`. You can run the `qmk` command from any directory and it will always operate on that copy of `qmk_firmware`.
$ ~/qmk_firmware/bin/qmk hello
Ψ Hello, World!
## Local CLI Limitations
There are some limitations to the local CLI compared to the global CLI:
* The local CLI does not support `qmk setup` or `qmk clone`
* The local CLI always operates on the same `qmk_firmware` tree, even if you have multiple repositories cloned.
* The local CLI does not run in a virtualenv, so it's possible that dependencies will conflict
# CLI Commands
## `qmk cformat`
This command formats C code using clang-format.
Run it with no arguments to format all core code that has been changed. Default checks `origin/master` with `git diff`, branch can be changed using `-b <branch_name>`
Run it with `-a` to format all core code, or pass filenames on the command line to run it on specific files.
**Usage for specified files**:
qmk cformat [file1] [file2] [...] [fileN]
**Usage for all core files**:
qmk cformat -a
**Usage for only changed files against origin/master**:
qmk cformat
**Usage for only changed files against branch_name**:
qmk cformat -b branch_name
## `qmk compile`
This command allows you to compile firmware from any directory. You can compile JSON exports from <>, compile keymaps in the repo, or compile the keyboard in the current working directory.
**Usage for Configurator Exports**:
qmk compile <configuratorExport.json>
**Usage for Keymaps**:
qmk compile -kb <keyboard_name> -km <keymap_name>
**Usage in Keyboard Directory**:
Must be in keyboard directory with a default keymap, or in keymap directory for keyboard, or supply one with `--keymap <keymap_name>`
qmk compile
$ qmk config compile.keymap=default
$ cd ~/qmk_firmware/keyboards/planck/rev6
$ qmk compile
Ψ Compiling keymap with make planck/rev6:default
or with optional keymap argument
$ cd ~/qmk_firmware/keyboards/clueboard/66/rev4
$ qmk compile -km 66_iso
Ψ Compiling keymap with make clueboard/66/rev4:66_iso
or in keymap directory
$ cd ~/qmk_firmware/keyboards/gh60/satan/keymaps/colemak
$ qmk compile
Ψ Compiling keymap with make make gh60/satan:colemak
**Usage in Layout Directory**:
Must be under `qmk_firmware/layouts/`, and in a keymap folder.
qmk compile -kb <keyboard_name>
$ cd ~/qmk_firmware/layouts/community/60_ansi/mechmerlin-ansi
$ qmk compile -kb dz60
Ψ Compiling keymap with make dz60:mechmerlin-ansi
## `qmk flash`
This command is similar to `qmk compile`, but can also target a bootloader. The bootloader is optional, and is set to `:flash` by default.
To specify a different bootloader, use `-bl <bootloader>`. Visit the [Flashing Firmware]( guide for more details of the available bootloaders.
**Usage for Configurator Exports**:
qmk flash <configuratorExport.json> -bl <bootloader>
**Usage for Keymaps**:
qmk flash -kb <keyboard_name> -km <keymap_name> -bl <bootloader>
**Listing the Bootloaders**
qmk flash -b
## `qmk config`
This command lets you configure the behavior of QMK. For the full `qmk config` documentation see [CLI Configuration](
qmk config [-ro] [config_token1] [config_token2] [...] [config_tokenN]
## `qmk docs`
This command starts a local HTTP server which you can use for browsing or improving the docs. Default port is 8936.
qmk docs [-p PORT]
## `qmk doctor`
This command examines your environment and alerts you to potential build or flash problems. It can fix many of them if you want it to.
qmk doctor [-y] [-n]
Check your environment for problems and prompt to fix them:
qmk doctor
Check your environment and automatically fix any problems found:
qmk doctor -y
Check your environment and report problems only:
qmk doctor -n
## `qmk json2c`
Creates a keymap.c from a QMK Configurator export.
qmk json2c [-o OUTPUT] filename
## `qmk kle2json`
This command allows you to convert from raw KLE data to QMK Configurator JSON. It accepts either an absolute file path, or a file name in the current directory. By default it will not overwrite `info.json` if it is already present. Use the `-f` or `--force` flag to overwrite.
qmk kle2json [-f] <filename>
$ qmk kle2json kle.txt
☒ File info.json already exists, use -f or --force to overwrite.
$ qmk kle2json -f kle.txt -f
Ψ Wrote out to info.json
## `qmk list-keyboards`
This command lists all the keyboards currently defined in `qmk_firmware`
qmk list-keyboards
## `qmk list-keymaps`
This command lists all the keymaps for a specified keyboard (and revision).
qmk list-keymaps -kb planck/ez
## `qmk new-keymap`
This command creates a new keymap based on a keyboard's existing default keymap.
qmk new-keymap [-kb KEYBOARD] [-km KEYMAP]
## `qmk pyformat`
This command formats python code in `qmk_firmware`.
qmk pyformat
## `qmk pytest`
This command runs the python test suite. If you make changes to python code you should ensure this runs successfully.
qmk pytest
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# QMK CLI Configuration
This document explains how `qmk config` works.
# Introduction
Configuration for the QMK CLI is a key/value system. Each key consists of a subcommand and an argument name separated by a period. This allows for a straightforward and direct translation between config keys and the arguments they set.
## Simple Example
As an example let's look at the command `qmk compile --keyboard clueboard/66/rev4 --keymap default`.
There are two command line arguments that could be read from configuration instead:
* `compile.keyboard`
* `compile.keymap`
Let's set these now:
$ qmk config compile.keyboard=clueboard/66/rev4 compile.keymap=default
compile.keyboard: None -> clueboard/66/rev4
compile.keymap: None -> default
Ψ Wrote configuration to '/Users/example/Library/Application Support/qmk/qmk.ini'
Now I can run `qmk compile` without specifying my keyboard and keymap each time.
## Setting User Defaults
Sometimes you want to share a setting between multiple commands. For example, multiple commands take the argument `--keyboard`. Rather than setting this value for every command you can set a user value which will be used by any command that takes that argument.
$ qmk config user.keyboard=clueboard/66/rev4 user.keymap=default
user.keyboard: None -> clueboard/66/rev4
user.keymap: None -> default
Ψ Wrote configuration to '/Users/example/Library/Application Support/qmk/qmk.ini'
# CLI Documentation (`qmk config`)
The `qmk config` command is used to interact with the underlying configuration. When run with no argument it shows the current configuration. When arguments are supplied they are assumed to be configuration tokens, which are strings containing no spaces with the following form:
## Setting Configuration Values
You can set configuration values by putting an equal sign (=) into your config key. The key must always be the full `<section>.<key>` form.
$ qmk config default.keymap=default
default.keymap: None -> default
Ψ Wrote configuration to '/Users/example/Library/Application Support/qmk/qmk.ini'
## Reading Configuration Values
You can read configuration values for the entire configuration, a single key, or for an entire section. You can also specify multiple keys to display more than one value.
### Entire Configuration Example
qmk config
### Whole Section Example
qmk config compile
### Single Key Example
qmk config compile.keyboard
### Multiple Keys Example
qmk config user compile.keyboard compile.keymap
## Deleting Configuration Values
You can delete a configuration value by setting it to the special string `None`.
$ qmk config default.keymap=None
default.keymap: default -> None
Ψ Wrote configuration to '/Users/example/Library/Application Support/qmk/qmk.ini'
## Multiple Operations
You can combine multiple read and write operations into a single command. They will be executed and displayed in order:
$ qmk config compile default.keymap=default compile.keymap=None
default.keymap: None -> default
compile.keymap: skully -> None
Ψ Wrote configuration to '/Users/example/Library/Application Support/qmk/qmk.ini'
# User Configuration Options
| Key | Default Value | Description |
| user.keyboard | None | The keyboard path (Example: `clueboard/66/rev4`) |
| user.keymap | None | The keymap name (Example: `default`) |
| | None | The user's github username. |
# All Configuration Options
| Key | Default Value | Description |
| compile.keyboard | None | The keyboard path (Example: `clueboard/66/rev4`) |
| compile.keymap | None | The keymap name (Example: `default`) |
| | None | The name to greet when run. |
| new_keyboard.keyboard | None | The keyboard path (Example: `clueboard/66/rev4`) |
| new_keyboard.keymap | None | The keymap name (Example: `default`) |
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# QMK CLI Development
This document has useful information for developers wishing to write new `qmk` subcommands.
# Overview
The QMK CLI operates using the subcommand pattern made famous by git. The main `qmk` script is simply there to setup the environment and pick the correct entrypoint to run. Each subcommand is a self-contained module with an entrypoint (decorated by `@cli.subcommand()`) that performs some action and returns a shell returncode, or None.
# Subcommands
[MILC]( is the CLI framework `qmk` uses to handle argument parsing, configuration, logging, and many other features. It lets you focus on writing your tool without wasting your time writing glue code.
Subcommands in the local CLI are always found in `qmk_firmware/lib/python/qmk/cli`.
Let's start by looking at an example subcommand. This is `lib/python/qmk/cli/`:
"""QMK Python Hello World
This is an example QMK CLI script.
from milc import cli
@cli.argument('-n', '--name', default='World', help='Name to greet.')
@cli.subcommand('QMK Hello World.')
def hello(cli):
"""Log a friendly greeting.
|'Hello, %s!',
First we import the `cli` object from `milc`. This is how we interact with the user and control the script's behavior. We use `@cli.argument()` to define a command line flag, `--name`. This also creates a configuration variable named `` (and the corresponding ``) which the user can set so they don't have to specify the argument. The `cli.subcommand()` decorator designates this function as a subcommand. The name of the subcommand will be taken from the name of the function.
Once inside our function we find a typical "Hello, World!" program. We use `cli.log` to access the underlying [Logger Object](, whose behavior is user controllable. We also access the value for name supplied by the user as ``. The value for `` will be determined by looking at the `--name` argument supplied by the user, if not provided it will use the value in the `qmk.ini` config file, and if neither of those is provided it will fall back to the default supplied in the `cli.argument()` decorator.
# User Interaction
MILC and the QMK CLI have several nice tools for interacting with the user. Using these standard tools will allow you to colorize your text for easier interactions, and allow the user to control when and how that information is displayed and stored.
## Printing Text
There are two main methods for outputting text in a subcommand- `cli.log` and `cli.echo()`. They operate in similar ways but you should prefer to use `` for most general purpose printing.
You can use special tokens to colorize your text, to make it easier to understand the output of your program. See [Colorizing Text](#colorizing-text) below.
Both of these methods support built-in string formatting using python's [printf style string format operations]( You can use tokens such as `%s` and `%d` within your text strings then pass the values as arguments. See our Hello, World program above for an example.
You should never use the format operator (`%`) directly, always pass values as arguments.
### Logging (`cli.log`)
The `cli.log` object gives you access to a [Logger Object]( We have configured our log output to show the user a nice emoji for each log level (or the log level name if their terminal does not support unicode.) This way the user can tell at a glance which messages are most important when something goes wrong.
The default log level is `INFO`. If the user runs `qmk -v <subcommand>` the default log level will be set to `DEBUG`.
| Function | Emoji |
| cli.log.critical | `{bg_red}{fg_white}¬_¬{style_reset_all}` |
| cli.log.error | `{fg_red}☒{style_reset_all}` |
| cli.log.warning | `{fg_yellow}⚠{style_reset_all}` |
| | `{fg_blue}Ψ{style_reset_all}` |
| cli.log.debug | `{fg_cyan}☐{style_reset_all}` |
| cli.log.notset | `{style_reset_all}¯\\_(o_o)_/¯` |
### Printing (`cli.echo`)
Sometimes you simply need to print text outside of the log system. This is appropriate if you are outputting fixed data or writing out something that should never be logged. Most of the time you should prefer `` over `cli.echo`.
### Colorizing Text
You can colorize the output of your text by including color tokens within text. Use color to highlight, not to convey information. Remember that the user can disable color, and your subcommand should still be usable if they do.
You should generally avoid setting the background color, unless it's integral to what you are doing. Remember that users have a lot of preferences when it comes to their terminal color, so you should pick colors that work well against both black and white backgrounds.
Colors prefixed with 'fg' will affect the foreground (text) color. Colors prefixed with 'bg' will affect the background color.
| Color | Background | Extended Background | Foreground | Extended Foreground|
| Black | {bg_black} | {bg_lightblack_ex} | {fg_black} | {fg_lightblack_ex} |
| Blue | {bg_blue} | {bg_lightblue_ex} | {fg_blue} | {fg_lightblue_ex} |
| Cyan | {bg_cyan} | {bg_lightcyan_ex} | {fg_cyan} | {fg_lightcyan_ex} |
| Green | {bg_green} | {bg_lightgreen_ex} | {fg_green} | {fg_lightgreen_ex} |
| Magenta | {bg_magenta} | {bg_lightmagenta_ex} | {fg_magenta} | {fg_lightmagenta_ex} |
| Red | {bg_red} | {bg_lightred_ex} | {fg_red} | {fg_lightred_ex} |
| White | {bg_white} | {bg_lightwhite_ex} | {fg_white} | {fg_lightwhite_ex} |
| Yellow | {bg_yellow} | {bg_lightyellow_ex} | {fg_yellow} | {fg_lightyellow_ex} |
There are also control sequences that can be used to change the behavior of
ANSI output:
| Control Sequences | Description |
| {style_bright} | Make the text brighter |
| {style_dim} | Make the text dimmer |
| {style_normal} | Make the text normal (neither `{style_bright}` nor `{style_dim}`) |
| {style_reset_all} | Reset all text attributes to default. (This is automatically added to the end of every string.) |
| {bg_reset} | Reset the background color to the user's default |
| {fg_reset} | Reset the foreground color to the user's default |
# Arguments and Configuration
QMK handles the details of argument parsing and configuration for you. When you add a new argument it is automatically incorporated into the config tree based on your subcommand's name and the long name of the argument. You can access this configuration in `cli.config`, using either attribute-style access (`cli.config.<subcommand>.<argument>`) or dictionary-style access (`cli.config['<subcommand>']['<argument>']`).
Under the hood QMK uses [ConfigParser]( to store configurations. This gives us an easy and straightforward way to represent the configuration in a human-editable way. We have wrapped access to this configuration to provide some nicities that ConfigParser does not normally have.
## Reading Configuration Values
You can interact with `cli.config` in all the ways you'd normally expect. For example the `qmk compile` command gets the keyboard name from `cli.config.compile.keyboard`. It does not need to know whether that value came from the command line, an environment variable, or the configuration file.
Iteration is also supported:
for section in cli.config:
for key in cli.config[section]:
|'%s.%s: %s', section, key, cli.config[section][key])
## Setting Configuration Values
You can set configuration values in the usual ways.
Dictionary style:
cli.config['<section>']['<key>'] = <value>
Attribute style:
cli.config.<section>.<key> = <value>
## Deleting Configuration Values
You can delete configuration values in the usual ways.
Dictionary style:
Attribute style:
## Writing The Configuration File
The configuration is not written out when it is changed. Most commands do not need to do this. We prefer to have the user change their configuration deliberitely using `qmk config`.
You can use `cli.save_config()` to write out the configuration.
## Excluding Arguments From Configuration
Some arguments should not be propagated to the configuration file. These can be excluded by adding `arg_only=True` when creating the argument.
@cli.argument('-o', '--output', arg_only=True, help='File to write to')
@cli.argument('filename', arg_only=True, help='Configurator JSON file')
@cli.subcommand('Create a keymap.c from a QMK Configurator export.')
def json_keymap(cli):
You will only be able to access these arguments using `cli.args`. For example:
|'Reading from %s and writing to %s', cli.args.filename, cli.args.output)
# Testing, and Linting, and Formatting (oh my!)
We use nose2, flake8, and yapf to test, lint, and format code. You can use the `pytest` and `pyformat` subcommands to run these tests:
### Testing and Linting
qmk pytest
### Formatting
qmk pyformat
## Formatting Details
We use [yapf]( to automatically format code. Our configuration is in the `[yapf]` section of `setup.cfg`.
?> Tip- Many editors can use yapf as a plugin to automatically format code as you type.
## Testing Details
Our tests can be found in `lib/python/qmk/tests/`. You will find both unit and integration tests in this directory. We hope you will write both unit and integration tests for your code, but if you do not please favor integration tests.
If your PR does not include a comprehensive set of tests please add comments like this to your code so that other people know where they can help:
# TODO(unassigned/<yourGithubUsername>): Write <unit|integration> tests
We use [nose2]( to run our tests. You can refer to the nose2 documentation for more details on what you can do in your test functions.
## Linting Details
We use flake8 to lint our code. Your code should pass flake8 before you open a PR. This will be checked when you run `qmk pytest` and by CI when you submit a PR.
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# Coding Conventions (C)
Most of our style is pretty easy to pick up on, but right now it's not entirely consistent. You should match the style of the code surrounding your change, but if that code is inconsistent or unclear use the following guidelines:
* We indent using four (4) spaces (soft tabs)
* We use a modified One True Brace Style
* Opening Brace: At the end of the same line as the statement that opens the block
* Closing Brace: Lined up with the first character of the statement that opens the block
* Else If: Place the closing brace at the beginning of the line and the next opening brace at the end of the same line.
* Optional Braces: Always include optional braces.
* Good: if (condition) { return false; }
* Bad: if (condition) return false;
* We encourage use of C style comments: `/* */`
* Think of them as a story describing the feature
* Use them liberally to explain why particular decisions were made.
* Do not write obvious comments
* If you're not sure if a comment is obvious, go ahead and include it.
* In general we don't wrap lines, they can be as long as needed. If you do choose to wrap lines please do not wrap any wider than 76 columns.
* We use `#pragma once` at the start of header files rather than old-style include guards (`#ifndef THIS_FILE_H`, `#define THIS_FILE_H`, ..., `#endif`)
* We accept both forms of preprocessor if's: `#ifdef DEFINED` and `#if defined(DEFINED)`
* If you are not sure which to prefer use the `#if defined(DEFINED)` form.
* Do not change existing code from one style to the other, except when moving to a multiple condition `#if`.
* Do not put whitespace between `#` and `if`.
* When deciding how (or if) to indent directives keep these points in mind:
* Readability is more important than consistency.
* Follow the file's existing style. If the file is mixed follow the style that makes sense for the section you are modifying.
* When choosing to indent you can follow the indention level of the surrounding C code, or preprocessor directives can have their own indent level. Choose the style that best communicates the intent of your code.
Here is an example for easy reference:
/* Enums for foo */
enum foo_state {
/* Returns a value */
int foo(void) {
if (some_condition) {
return FOO_BAR;
} else {
return -1;
# Auto-formatting with clang-format
[Clang-format]( is part of LLVM and can automatically format your code for you, because ain't nobody got time to do it manually. We supply a configuration file for it that applies most of the coding conventions listed above. It will only change whitespace and newlines, so you will still have to remember to include optional braces yourself.
Use the [full LLVM installer]( to get clang-format on Windows, or use `sudo apt install clang-format` on Ubuntu.
If you run it from the command-line, pass `-style=file` as an option and it will automatically find the .clang-format configuration file in the QMK root directory.
If you use VSCode, the standard C/C++ plugin supports clang-format, alternatively there is a [separate extension]( for it.
Some things (like LAYOUT macros) are destroyed by clang-format, so either don't run it on those files, or wrap the sensitive code in `// clang-format off` and `// clang-format on`.
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# Coding Conventions (Python)
Most of our style follows PEP8 with some local modifications to make things less nit-picky.
* We target Python 3.5 for compatability with all supported platforms.
* We indent using four (4) spaces (soft tabs)
* We encourage liberal use of comments
* Think of them as a story describing the feature
* Use them liberally to explain why particular decisions were made.
* Do not write obvious comments
* If you're not sure if a comment is obvious, go ahead and include it.
* We require useful docstrings for all functions.
* In general we don't wrap lines, they can be as long as needed. If you do choose to wrap lines please do not wrap any wider than 76 columns.
* Some of our practices conflict with the wider python community to make our codebase more approachable to non-pythonistas.
You can use [yapf]( to style your code. We provide a config in [setup.cfg](setup.cfg).
# Imports
We don't have a hard and fast rule for when to use `import ...` vs `from ... import ...`. Understandability and maintainability is our ultimate goal.
Generally we prefer to import specific function and class names from a module to keep code shorter and easier to understand. Sometimes this results in a name that is ambiguous, and in such cases we prefer to import the module instead. You should avoid using the "as" keyword when importing, unless you are importing a compatability module.
Imports should be one line per module. We group import statements together using the standard python rules- system, 3rd party, local.
Do not use `from foo import *`. Supply a list of objects you want to import instead, or import the whole module.
## Import Examples
from qmk import effects
from qmk.effects import echo
echo() # It's unclear where echo comes from
from qmk.keymap import compile_firmware
OK, but the above is better:
import qmk.keymap
# Statements
One statement per line.
Even when allowed (EG `if foo: bar`) we do not combine 2 statements onto a single line.
# Naming
`module_name`, `package_name`, `ClassName`, `method_name`, `ExceptionName`, `function_name`, `GLOBAL_CONSTANT_NAME`, `global_var_name`, `instance_var_name`, `function_parameter_name`, `local_var_name`.
Function names, variable names, and filenames should be descriptive; eschew abbreviation. In particular, do not use abbreviations that are ambiguous or unfamiliar to readers outside your project, and do not abbreviate by deleting letters within a word.
Always use a .py filename extension. Never use dashes.
## Names to Avoid
* single character names except for counters or iterators. You may use `e` as an exception identifier in try/except statements.
* dashes (`-`) in any package/module name
* `__double_leading_and_trailing_underscore__` names (reserved by Python)
# Docstrings
To maintain consistency with our docstrings we've set out the following guidelines.
* Use markdown formatting
* Always use triple-dquote docstrings with at least one linebreak: `"""\n"""`
* First line is a short (< 70 char) description of what the function does
* If you need more in your docstring leave a blank line between the description and the rest.
* Start indented lines at the same indent level as the opening triple-dquote
* Document all function arguments using the format described below
* If present, Args:, Returns:, and Raises: should be the last three things in the docstring, separated by a blank line each.
## Simple docstring example
def my_awesome_function():
"""Return the number of seconds since 1970 Jan 1 00:00 UTC.
return int(time.time())
## Complex docstring example
def my_awesome_function():
"""Return the number of seconds since 1970 Jan 1 00:00 UTC.
This function always returns an integer number of seconds.
return int(time.time())
## Function arguments docstring example
def my_awesome_function(start=None, offset=0):
"""Return the number of seconds since 1970 Jan 1 00:00 UTC.
This function always returns an integer number of seconds.
The time to start at instead of 1970 Jan 1 00:00 UTC
Return an answer that has this number of seconds subtracted first
An integer describing a number of seconds.
When `start` or `offset` are not positive numbers
if start < 0 or offset < 0:
raise ValueError('start and offset must be positive numbers.')
if not start:
start = time.time()
return int(start - offset)
# Exceptions
Exceptions are used to handle exceptional situations. They should not be used for flow control. This is a break from the python norm of "ask for forgiveness." If you are catching an exception it should be to handle a situation that is unusual.
If you use a catch-all exception for any reason you must log the exception and stacktrace using cli.log.
Make your try/except blocks as short as possible. If you need a lot of try statements you may need to restructure your code.
# Tuples
When defining one-item tuples always include a trailing comma so that it is obvious you are using a tuple. Do not rely on implicit one-item tuple unpacking. Better still use a list which is unambiguous.
This is particularly important when using the printf-style format strings that are commonly used.
# Lists and Dictionaries
We have configured YAPF to differentiate between sequence styles with a trailing comma. When a trailing comma is omitted YAPF will format the sequence as a single line. When a trailing comma is included YAPF will format the sequence with one item per line.
You should generally prefer to keep short definition on a single line. Break out to multiple lines sooner rather than later to aid readability and maintainability.
# Parentheses
Avoid excessive parentheses, but do use parentheses to make code easier to understand. Do not use them in return statements unless you are explicitly returning a tuple, or it is part of a math expression.
# Format Strings
We generally prefer printf-style format strings. Example:
name = 'World'
print('Hello, %s!' % (name,))
This style is used by the logging module, which we make use of extensively, and we have adopted it in other places for consistency. It is also more familiar to C programmers, who are a big part of our casual audience.
Our included CLI module has support for using these without using the percent (%) operator. Look at `cli.echo()` and the various `cli.log` functions (EG, ``) for more details.
# Comprehensions & Generator Expressions
We encourage the liberal use of comprehensions and generators, but do not let them get too complex. If you need complexity fall back to a for loop that is easier to understand.
# Lambdas
OK to use but probably should be avoided. With comprehensions and generators the need for lambdas is not as strong as it once was.
# Conditional Expressions
OK in variable assignment, but otherwise should be avoided.
Conditional expressions are if statements that are in line with code. For example:
x = 1 if cond else 2
It's generally not a good idea to use these as function arguments, sequence items, etc. It's too easy to overlook.
# Default Argument Values
Encouraged, but values must be immutable objects.
When specifying default values in argument lists always be careful to specify objects that can't be modified in place. If you use a mutable object the changes you make will persist between calls, which is usually not what you want. Even if that is what you intend to do it is confusing for others and will hinder understanding.
def my_func(foo={}):
def my_func(foo=None):
if not foo:
foo = {}
# Properties
Always use properties instead of getter and setter functions.
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self):
self._bar = None
def bar(self):
return self._bar
def bar(self, bar):
self._bar = bar
# True/False Evaluations
You should generally prefer the implicit True/False evaluation in if statements, rather than checking equivalency.
if foo == True:
if bar == False:
if foo:
if not bar:
# Decorators
Use when appropriate. Try to avoid too much magic unless it helps with understanding.
# Threading and Multiprocessing
Should be avoided. If you need this you will have to make a strong case before we merge your code.
# Power Features
Python is an extremely flexible language and gives you many fancy features such as custom metaclasses, access to bytecode, on-the-fly compilation, dynamic inheritance, object reparenting, import hacks, reflection, modification of system internals, etc.
Don't use these.
Performance is not a critical concern for us, and code understandability is. We want our codebase to be approachable by someone who only has a day or two to play with it. These features generally come with a cost to easy understanding, and we would prefer to have code that can be readily understood over faster or more compact code.
Note that some standard library modules use these techniques and it is ok to make use of those modules. But please keep readability and understandability in mind when using them.
# Type Annotated Code
For now we are not using any type annotation system, and would prefer that code remain unannotated. We may revisit this in the future.
# Function length
Prefer small and focused functions.
We recognize that long functions are sometimes appropriate, so no hard limit is placed on function length. If a function exceeds about 40 lines, think about whether it can be broken up without harming the structure of the program.
Even if your long function works perfectly now, someone modifying it in a few months may add new behavior. This could result in bugs that are hard to find. Keeping your functions short and simple makes it easier for other people to read and modify your code.
You could find long and complicated functions when working with some code. Do not be intimidated by modifying existing code: if working with such a function proves to be difficult, you find that errors are hard to debug, or you want to use a piece of it in several different contexts, consider breaking up the function into smaller and more manageable pieces.
It is OK to leave FIXMEs in code. Why? Encouraging people to at least document parts of code that need to be thought out more (or that are confusing) is better than leaving this code undocumented.
All FIXMEs should be formatted like:
FIXME(username): Revisit this code when the frob feature is done.
...where username is your GitHub username.
# Testing
We use a combination of Integration and Unit testing to ensure that the our code is as bug-free as possible. All the tests can be found in `lib/python/qmk/tests/`. You can run all the tests with `qmk pytest`.
At the time of this writing our tests are not very comprehensive. Looking at the current tests and writing new test cases for untested situations is a great way to both familiarize yourself with the codebase and contribute to QMK.
## Integration Tests
Integration tests can be found in `lib/python/qmk/tests/`. This is where CLI commands are actually run and their overall behavior is verified. We use [`subprocess`]( to launch each CLI command and a combination of checking output and returncode to determine if the right thing happened.
## Unit Tests
The other `test_*.py` files in `lib/python/qmk/tests/` contain unit tests. You can write tests for individual functions inside `lib/python/qmk/` here. Generally these files are named after the module, with dots replaced by underscores.
At the time of this writing we do not do any mocking for our tests. If you would like to help us change this please [open an issue]( or [join #cli on Discord]( and start a conversation there.
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# Compatible Microcontrollers
QMK runs on any USB-capable AVR or ARM microcontroller with enough flash space - generally 32kB or more, though it will *just* squeeze into 16kB with most features disabled.
## Atmel AVR
The following use [LUFA]( as the USB stack:
* [ATmega16U2]( / [ATmega32U2](
* [ATmega16U4]( / [ATmega32U4](
* [AT90USB64]( / [AT90USB128](
Certain MCUs which do not have native USB will use [V-USB]( instead:
* [ATmega32A](
* [ATmega328P](
## ARM
You can also use any ARM chip with USB that [ChibiOS]( supports. Most have plenty of flash. Known to work are:
### STMicroelectronics (STM32)
* [STM32F0x2](
* [STM32F103](
* [STM32F303](
### NXP (Kinetis)
* [MKL26Z64](
* [MK20DX128](
* [MK20DX256](
## Atmel ATSAM
There is limited support for one of Atmel's ATSAM microcontrollers, that being the [ATSAMD51J18A]( used by the [Massdrop keyboards](
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# Configuring QMK
QMK is nearly infinitely configurable. Wherever possible we err on the side of allowing users to customize their keyboard, even at the expense of code size. That level of flexibility makes for a daunting configuration experience, however.
There are two main types of configuration files in QMK- `config.h` and ``. These files exist at various levels in QMK and all files of the same type are combined to build the final configuration. The levels, from lowest priority to highest priority, are:
* QMK Default
* Keyboard
* Folders (Up to 5 levels deep)
* Keymap
## QMK Default
Every available setting in QMK has a default. If that setting is not set at the Keyboard, Folder, or Keymap level this is the setting that will be used.
## Keyboard
This level contains config options that should apply to the whole keyboard. Some settings won't change in revisions, or most keymaps. Other settings are merely defaults for this keyboard and can be overridden by folders and/or keymaps.
## Folders
Some keyboards have folders and sub-folders to allow for different hardware configurations. Most keyboards only go 1 folder deep, but QMK supports structures up to 5 folders deep. Each folder can have its own `config.h` and `` files that are incorporated into the final configuration.
## Keymap
This level contains all of the options for that particular keymap. If you wish to override a previous declaration, you can use `#undef <variable>` to undefine it, where you can then redefine it without an error.
# The `config.h` File
This is a C header file that is one of the first things included, and will persist over the whole project (if included). Lots of variables can be set here and accessed elsewhere. The `config.h` file shouldn't be including other `config.h` files, or anything besides this:
#include "config_common.h"
## Hardware Options
* `#define VENDOR_ID 0x1234`
* defines your VID, and for most DIY projects, can be whatever you want
* `#define PRODUCT_ID 0x5678`
* defines your PID, and for most DIY projects, can be whatever you want
* `#define DEVICE_VER 0`
* defines the device version (often used for revisions)
* `#define MANUFACTURER Me`
* generally who/whatever brand produced the board
* `#define PRODUCT Board`
* the name of the keyboard
* `#define DESCRIPTION a keyboard`
* a short description of what the keyboard is
* `#define MATRIX_ROWS 5`
* the number of rows in your keyboard's matrix
* `#define MATRIX_COLS 15`
* the number of columns in your keyboard's matrix
* `#define MATRIX_ROW_PINS { D0, D5, B5, B6 }`
* pins of the rows, from top to bottom
* `#define MATRIX_COL_PINS { F1, F0, B0, C7, F4, F5, F6, F7, D4, D6, B4, D7 }`
* pins of the columns, from left to right
* `#define MATRIX_IO_DELAY 30`
* the delay in microseconds when between changing matrix pin state and reading values
* `#define UNUSED_PINS { D1, D2, D3, B1, B2, B3 }`
* pins unused by the keyboard for reference
* `#define MATRIX_HAS_GHOST`
* define is matrix has ghost (unlikely)
* COL2ROW or ROW2COL - how your matrix is configured. COL2ROW means the black mark on your diode is facing to the rows, and between the switch and the rows.
* `#define DIRECT_PINS { { F1, F0, B0, C7 }, { F4, F5, F6, F7 } }`
* pins mapped to rows and columns, from left to right. Defines a matrix where each switch is connected to a separate pin and ground.
* `#define AUDIO_VOICES`
* turns on the alternate audio voices (to cycle through)
* `#define C4_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin C4
* `#define C5_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin C5
* `#define C6_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin C6
* `#define B5_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin B5 (duophony is enables if one of B[5-7]\_AUDIO is enabled along with one of C[4-6]\_AUDIO)
* `#define B6_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin B6 (duophony is enables if one of B[5-7]\_AUDIO is enabled along with one of C[4-6]\_AUDIO)
* `#define B7_AUDIO`
* enables audio on pin B7 (duophony is enables if one of B[5-7]\_AUDIO is enabled along with one of C[4-6]\_AUDIO)
* `#define BACKLIGHT_PIN B7`
* pin of the backlight
* `#define BACKLIGHT_LEVELS 3`
* number of levels your backlight will have (maximum 31 excluding off)
* enables backlight breathing
* `#define BREATHING_PERIOD 6`
* the length of one backlight "breath" in seconds
* `#define DEBOUNCE 5`
* the delay when reading the value of the pin (5 is default)
* mechanical locking support. Use KC_LCAP, KC_LNUM or KC_LSCR instead in keymap
* tries to keep switch state consistent with keyboard LED state
* `#define IS_COMMAND() (get_mods() == MOD_MASK_SHIFT)`
* key combination that allows the use of magic commands (useful for debugging)
* sets the maximum power (in mA) over USB for the device (default: 500)
* sets the USB polling rate in milliseconds for the keyboard, mouse, and shared (NKRO/media keys) interfaces
* `#define F_SCL 100000L`
* sets the I2C clock rate speed for keyboards using I2C. The default is `400000L`, except for keyboards using `split_common`, where the default is `100000L`.
## Features That Can Be Disabled
If you define these options you will disable the associated feature, which can save on code size.
* `#define NO_DEBUG`
* disable debugging
* `#define NO_PRINT`
* disable printing/debugging using hid_listen
* `#define NO_ACTION_LAYER`
* disable layers
* disable tap dance and other tapping features
* disable one-shot modifiers
* `#define NO_ACTION_MACRO`
* disable old style macro handling: MACRO() & action_get_macro
* disable calling of action_function() from the fn_actions array (deprecated)
## Features That Can Be Enabled
If you define these options you will enable the associated feature, which may increase your code size.
* `#define FORCE_NKRO`
* NKRO by default requires to be turned on, this forces it on during keyboard startup regardless of EEPROM setting. NKRO can still be turned off but will be turned on again if the keyboard reboots.
* force a key release to be evaluated using the current layer stack instead of remembering which layer it came from (used for advanced cases)
## Behaviors That Can Be Configured
* `#define TAPPING_TERM 200`
* how long before a tap becomes a hold, if set above 500, a key tapped during the tapping term will turn it into a hold too
* enables handling for per key `TAPPING_TERM` settings
* `#define RETRO_TAPPING`
* tap anyway, even after TAPPING_TERM, if there was no other key interruption between press and release
* See [Retro Tapping]( for details
* `#define TAPPING_TOGGLE 2`
* how many taps before triggering the toggle
* makes tap and hold keys trigger the hold if another key is pressed before releasing, even if it hasn't hit the `TAPPING_TERM`
* See [Permissive Hold]( for details
* enabled handling for per key `PERMISSIVE_HOLD` settings
* makes it possible to do rolling combos (zx) with keys that convert to other keys on hold, by enforcing the `TAPPING_TERM` for both keys.
* See [Ignore Mod Tap Interrupt]( for details
* enables handling for per key `IGNORE_MOD_TAP_INTERRUPT` settings
* makes it possible to use a dual role key as modifier shortly after having been tapped
* See [Tapping Force Hold](
* Breaks any Tap Toggle functionality (`TT` or the One Shot Tap Toggle)
* enables handling for per key `TAPPING_FORCE_HOLD` settings
* `#define LEADER_TIMEOUT 300`
* how long before the leader key times out
* If you're having issues finishing the sequence before it times out, you may need to increase the timeout setting. Or you may want to enable the `LEADER_PER_KEY_TIMING` option, which resets the timeout after each key is tapped.
* sets the timer for leader key chords to run on each key press rather than overall
* Disables keycode filtering for Mod-Tap and Layer-Tap keycodes. Eg, if you enable this, you would need to specify `MT(MOD_CTL, KC_A)` if you want to use `KC_A`.
* `#define ONESHOT_TIMEOUT 300`
* how long before oneshot times out
* `#define ONESHOT_TAP_TOGGLE 2`
* how many taps before oneshot toggle is triggered
* `#define QMK_KEYS_PER_SCAN 4`
* Allows sending more than one key per scan. By default, only one key event gets
sent via `process_record()` per scan. This has little impact on most typing, but
if you're doing a lot of chords, or your scan rate is slow to begin with, you can
have some delay in processing key events. Each press and release is a separate
event. For a keyboard with 1ms or so scan times, even a very fast typist isn't
going to produce the 500 keystrokes a second needed to actually get more than a
few ms of delay from this. But if you're doing chording on something with 3-4ms
scan times? You probably want this.
* `#define COMBO_COUNT 2`
* Set this to the number of combos that you're using in the [Combo]( feature.
* `#define COMBO_TERM 200`
* how long for the Combo keys to be detected. Defaults to `TAPPING_TERM` if not defined.
* `#define TAP_CODE_DELAY 100`
* Sets the delay between `register_code` and `unregister_code`, if you're having issues with it registering properly (common on VUSB boards). The value is in milliseconds.
* `#define TAP_HOLD_CAPS_DELAY 80`
* Sets the delay for Tap Hold keys (`LT`, `MT`) when using `KC_CAPSLOCK` keycode, as this has some special handling on MacOS. The value is in milliseconds, and defaults to 80 ms if not defined. For macOS, you may want to set this to 200 or higher.
## RGB Light Configuration
* `#define RGB_DI_PIN D7`
* pin the DI on the WS2812 is hooked-up to
* run RGB animations
* Lets you define [lighting layers]( that can be toggled on or off. Great for showing the current keyboard layer or caps lock state.
* `#define RGBLED_NUM 12`
* number of LEDs
* `#define RGBLIGHT_SPLIT`
* Needed if both halves of the board have RGB LEDs wired directly to the RGB output pin on the controllers instead of passing the output of the left half to the input of the right half
* `#define RGBLED_SPLIT { 6, 6 }`
* number of LEDs connected that are directly wired to `RGB_DI_PIN` on each half of a split keyboard
* First value indicates number of LEDs for left half, second value is for the right half
* When RGBLED_SPLIT is defined, RGBLIGHT_SPLIT is implicitly defined.
* `#define RGBLIGHT_HUE_STEP 12`
* units to step when in/decreasing hue
* `#define RGBLIGHT_SAT_STEP 25`
* units to step when in/decreasing saturation
* `#define RGBLIGHT_VAL_STEP 12`
* units to step when in/decreasing value (brightness)
* `#define RGBW`
* Enables RGBW LED support
## Mouse Key Options
* `#define MOUSEKEY_INTERVAL 20`
* `#define MOUSEKEY_DELAY 0`
* `#define MOUSEKEY_TIME_TO_MAX 60`
* `#define MOUSEKEY_MAX_SPEED 7`
## Split Keyboard Options
Split Keyboard specific options, make sure you have 'SPLIT_KEYBOARD = yes' in your
* `SPLIT_TRANSPORT = custom`
* Allows replacing the standard split communication routines with a custom one. ARM based split keyboards must use this at present.
### Setting Handedness
One thing to remember, the side that the USB port is plugged into is always the master half. The side not plugged into USB is the slave.
There are a few different ways to set handedness for split keyboards (listed in order of precedence):
1. Set `SPLIT_HAND_PIN`: Reads a pin to determine handedness. If pin is high, it's the left side, if low, the half is determined to be the right side
2. Set `EE_HANDS` and flash `eeprom-lefthand.eep`/`eeprom-righthand.eep` to each half
* For boards with DFU bootloader you can use `:dfu-split-left`/`:dfu-split-right` to flash these EEPROM files
* For boards with Caterina bootloader (like stock Pro Micros), use `:avrdude-split-left`/`:avrdude-split-right`
* For boards with ARM DFU bootloader (like Proton C), use `:dfu-util-split-left`/`:dfu-util-split-right`
3. Set `MASTER_RIGHT`: Half that is plugged into the USB port is determined to be the master and right half (inverse of the default)
4. Default: The side that is plugged into the USB port is the master half and is assumed to be the left half. The slave side is the right half
#### Defines for handedness
* `#define SPLIT_HAND_PIN B7`
* For using high/low pin to determine handedness, low = right hand, high = left hand. Replace `B7` with the pin you are using. This is optional, and if you leave `SPLIT_HAND_PIN` undefined, then you can still use the EE_HANDS method or MASTER_LEFT / MASTER_RIGHT defines like the stock Let's Split uses.
* `#define EE_HANDS` (only works if `SPLIT_HAND_PIN` is not defined)
* Reads the handedness value stored in the EEPROM after `eeprom-lefthand.eep`/`eeprom-righthand.eep` has been flashed to their respective halves.
* `#define MASTER_RIGHT`
* Master half is defined to be the right half.
### Other Options
* `#define USE_I2C`
* For using I2C instead of Serial (defaults to serial)
* `#define SOFT_SERIAL_PIN D0`
* When using serial, define this. `D0` or `D1`,`D2`,`D3`,`E6`.
* `#define MATRIX_ROW_PINS_RIGHT { <row pins> }`
* `#define MATRIX_COL_PINS_RIGHT { <col pins> }`
* If you want to specify a different pinout for the right half than the left half, you can define `MATRIX_ROW_PINS_RIGHT`/`MATRIX_COL_PINS_RIGHT`. Currently, the size of `MATRIX_ROW_PINS` must be the same as `MATRIX_ROW_PINS_RIGHT` and likewise for the definition of columns.
* `#define DIRECT_PINS_RIGHT { { F1, F0, B0, C7 }, { F4, F5, F6, F7 } }`
* If you want to specify a different direct pinout for the right half than the left half, you can define `DIRECT_PINS_RIGHT`. Currently, the size of `DIRECT_PINS` must be the same as `DIRECT_PINS_RIGHT`.
* `#define RGBLED_SPLIT { 6, 6 }`
* See [RGB Light Configuration](#rgb-light-configuration)
* `#define SELECT_SOFT_SERIAL_SPEED <speed>` (default speed is 1)
* Sets the protocol speed when using serial communication
* Speeds:
* 0: about 189kbps (Experimental only)
* 1: about 137kbps (default)
* 2: about 75kbps
* 3: about 39kbps
* 4: about 26kbps
* 5: about 20kbps
* `#define SPLIT_USB_DETECT`
* Detect (with timeout) USB connection when delegating master/slave
* Default behavior for ARM
* Required for AVR Teensy
* `#define SPLIT_USB_TIMEOUT 2000`
* Maximum timeout when detecting master/slave when using `SPLIT_USB_DETECT`
* Poll frequency when detecting master/slave when using `SPLIT_USB_DETECT`
# The `` File
This is a [make]( file that is included by the top-level `Makefile`. It is used to set some information about the MCU that we will be compiling for as well as enabling and disabling certain features.
## Build Options
* Used to specify a default folder when a keyboard has more than one sub-folder.
* Defines which format (bin, hex) is copied to the root `qmk_firmware` folder after building.
* `SRC`
* Used to add files to the compilation/linking list.
* Used to add files as a library to the compilation/linking list.
The files specified by `LIB_SRC` is linked after the files specified by `SRC`.
For example, if you specify:
SRC += a.c
LIB_SRC += lib_b.c
SRC += c.c
LIB_SRC += lib_d.c
The link order is as follows.
... a.o c.o ... lib_b.a lib_d.a ...
* A list of [layouts]( this keyboard supports.
* Enables Link Time Optimization (`LTO`) when compiling the keyboard. This makes the process take longer, but can significantly reduce the compiled size (and since the firmware is small, the added time is not noticeable). However, this will automatically disable the old Macros and Functions features automatically, as these break when `LTO` is enabled.
It does this by automatically defining `NO_ACTION_MACRO` and `NO_ACTION_FUNCTION`
* It has the same meaning as LINK_TIME_OPTIMIZATION_ENABLE. You can use `LTO_ENABLE` instead of `LINK_TIME_OPTIMIZATION_ENABLE`.
## AVR MCU Options
* `MCU = atmega32u4`
* `F_CPU = 16000000`
* `ARCH = AVR8`
* `F_USB = $(F_CPU)`
* `BOOTLOADER = atmel-dfu` with the following options:
* `atmel-dfu`
* `lufa-dfu`
* `qmk-dfu`
* `halfkay`
* `caterina`
* `bootloadHID`
* `USBasp`
## Feature Options :id=feature-options
Use these to enable or disable building certain features. The more you have enabled the bigger your firmware will be, and you run the risk of building a firmware too large for your MCU.
* Virtual DIP switch configuration
* Mouse keys
* Audio control and System control
* Console for debug
* Commands for debug and configuration
* Key combo feature
* USB N-Key Rollover - if this doesn't work, see here:
* Enable the audio subsystem.
* Enable keyboard underlight functionality
* Enable leader key chording
* MIDI controls
* Unicode
* Legacy option to Enable Bluetooth with the Adafruit EZ-Key HID. See BLUETOOTH
* Current options are AdafruitEzKey, AdafruitBLE, RN42
* Enables split keyboard support (dual MCU like the let's split and bakingpy's boards) and includes all necessary files located at quantum/split_common
* Allows replacing the standard matrix scanning routine with a custom one.
* Allows replacing the standard key debouncing routine with an alternative or custom one.
* Forces the keyboard to wait for a USB connection to be established before it starts up
* Disables usb suspend check after keyboard startup. Usually the keyboard waits for the host to wake it up before any tasks are performed. This is useful for split keyboards as one half will not get a wakeup call but must send commands to the master.
## USB Endpoint Limitations
In order to provide services over USB, QMK has to use USB endpoints.
These are a finite resource: each microcontroller has only a certain number.
This limits what features can be enabled together.
If the available endpoints are exceeded, a build error is thrown.
The following features can require separate endpoints:
In order to improve utilisation of the endpoints, the HID features can be combined to use a single endpoint.
By default, `MOUSEKEY`, `EXTRAKEY`, and `NKRO` are combined into a single endpoint.
The base keyboard functionality can also be combined into the endpoint,
by setting `KEYBOARD_SHARED_EP = yes`.
This frees up one more endpoint,
but it can prevent the keyboard working in some BIOSes,
as they do not implement Boot Keyboard protocol switching.
Combining the mouse also breaks Boot Mouse compatibility.
The mouse can be uncombined by setting `MOUSE_SHARED_EP = no` if this functionality is required.
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# QMK Configurator: Step by Step
This page describes the steps for building your firmware in QMK Configurator.
## Step 1: Select Your Keyboard
Click the drop down box and select the keyboard you want to create a keymap for.
?> If your keyboard has several versions, make sure you select the correct one.
I'll say that again because it's important:
If your keyboard has been advertised to be powered by QMK but is not in the list, chances are a developer hasn't gotten to it yet or we haven't had a chance to merge it in yet. File an issue at [qmk_firmware]( requesting to support that particular keyboard, if there is no active [Pull Request]( for it. There are also QMK powered keyboards that are in their manufacturer's own github accounts. Double check for that as well. <!-- FIXME(skullydazed): This feels too wordy and I'm not sure we want to encourage these kinds of issues. Also, should we prompt them to bug the manufacutrer? -->
## Step 2: Select Your Keyboard Layout
Choose the layout that best represents the keymap you want to create. Some keyboards do not have enough layouts or correct layouts defined yet. They will be supported in the future.
!> Sometimes there isn't a layout that supports your exact build. In that case select `LAYOUT_all`.
## Step 3: Name Your Keymap
Call this keymap what you want.
?> If you are running into issues when compiling, it may be worth changing this name, as it may already exist in the QMK Firmware repo.
## Step 4: Define Your Keymap
Keycode Entry is accomplished in one of 3 ways:
1. Drag and drop
2. Clicking on an empty spot on the layout, then clicking the keycode you desire
3. Clicking on an empty spot on the layout, then pressing the physical key on your keyboard
?> Hover your mouse over a key and a short blurb will tell you what that keycode does. For a more verbose description please see:
* [Basic Keycode Reference](
* [Advanced Keycode Reference](
!> If your selected layout doesn't match your physical build leave the unused keys blank. If you're not sure which key is in use, for example you have a one backspace key but `LAYOUT_all` has 2 keys, put the same keycode in both locations.
## Step 5: Save Your Keymap for Future Changes
When you're satisfied with your keymap or just want to work on it later, press the `Export Keymap` button. It will save your keymap to your computer. You can then load this .json file in the future by pressing the `Import Keymap` button.
!> **CAUTION:** This is not the same type of .json file used for or any other tool. If you try to use this for those tools, or the .json from those tools with QMK Configurator, you will encounter problems.
## Step 6: Compile Your Firmware File
Press the green `Compile` button.
When the compilation is done, you will be able to press the green `Download Firmware` button.
## Next steps: Flashing Your Keyboard
Please refer to [Flashing Firmware](
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# Configurator Troubleshooting
## My .json file is not working
If the .json file was generated with QMK Configurator, congratulations you have stumbled upon a bug. File an issue at [qmk_configurator](
If not... how did you miss the big bold message at the top saying not to use other .json files?
## There are extra spaces in my layout? What do I do?
If you're referring to having three spots for space bar, the best course of action is to just fill them all with Space. The same can be done for Backspace and Shift keys.
## What is the keycode for...
Please see:
* [Basic Keycode Reference](
* [Advanced Keycode Reference](
## It won't compile
Please double check the other layers of your keymap to make sure there are no random keys present.
## Problems and Bugs
We are always accepting customer requests and bug reports. Please file them at [qmk_configurator](
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# How to Contribute
👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to read this and contribute! 🎉👍
Third-party contributions help us grow and improve QMK. We want to make the pull request and contribution process useful and easy for both contributors and maintainers. To this end we've put together some guidelines for contributors to help your pull request be accepted without major changes.
* [Project Overview](#project-overview)
* [Coding Conventions](#coding-conventions)
* [General Guidelines](#general-guidelines)
* [What does the Code of Conduct mean for me?](#what-does-the-code-of-conduct-mean-for-me)
## I Don't Want to Read This Whole Thing! I Just Have a Question!
If you'd like to ask questions about QMK you can do so on the [OLKB Subreddit]( or on [Discord](
Please keep these things in mind:
* It may take several hours for someone to respond to your question. Please be patient!
* Everyone involved with QMK is donating their time and energy. We don't get paid to work on or answer questions about QMK.
* Try to ask your question so it's as easy to answer as possible. If you're not sure how to do that these are some good guides:
# Project Overview
QMK is largely written in C, with specific features and parts written in C++. It targets embedded processors found in keyboards, particularly AVR ([LUFA]( and ARM ([ChibiOS]( If you are already well versed in Arduino programming you'll find a lot of the concepts and limitations familiar. Prior experience with Arduino is not required to successfully contribute to QMK.
<!-- FIXME: We should include a list of resources for learning C here. -->
# Where Can I Go for Help?
If you need help you can [open an issue]( or [chat on Discord](
# How Do I Make a Contribution?
Never made an open source contribution before? Wondering how contributions work in QMK? Here's a quick rundown!
0. Sign up for a [GitHub]( account.
1. Put together a keymap to contribute, [find an issue]( you are interested in addressing, or [a feature]( you would like to add.
2. Fork the repository associated with the issue to your GitHub account. This means that you will have a copy of the repository under `your-GitHub-username/qmk_firmware`.
3. Clone the repository to your local machine using `git clone`.
4. If you're working on a new feature consider opening an issue to talk with us about the work you're about to undertake.
5. Create a new branch for your fix using `git checkout -b branch-name-here`.
6. Make the appropriate changes for the issue you are trying to address or the feature that you want to add.
7. Use `git add insert-paths-of-changed-files-here` to add the file contents of the changed files to the "snapshot" git uses to manage the state of the project, also known as the index.
8. Use `git commit -m "Insert a short message of the changes made here"` to store the contents of the index with a descriptive message.
9. Push the changes to your repository on GitHub using `git push origin branch-name-here`.
10. Submit a pull request to [QMK Firmware](
11. Title the pull request with a short description of the changes made and the issue or bug number associated with your change. For example, you can title an issue like so "Added more log outputting to resolve #4352".
12. In the description of the pull request explain the changes that you made, any issues you think exist with the pull request you made, and any questions you have for the maintainer. It's OK if your pull request is not perfect (no pull request is), the reviewer will be able to help you fix any problems and improve it!
13. Wait for the pull request to be reviewed by a maintainer.
14. Make changes to the pull request if the reviewing maintainer recommends them.
15. Celebrate your success after your pull request is merged!
# Coding Conventions
Most of our style is pretty easy to pick up on. If you are familiar with either C or Python you should not have too much trouble with our local styles.
* [Coding Conventions - C](
* [Coding Conventions - Python](
# General Guidelines
We have a few different types of changes in QMK, each requiring a different level of rigor. We'd like you to keep the following guidelines in mind no matter what type of change you're making.
* Separate PRs into logical units. For example, do not submit one PR covering two separate features, instead submit a separate PR for each feature.
* Check for unnecessary whitespace with `git diff --check` before committing.
* Make sure your code change actually compiles.
* Keymaps: Make sure that `make keyboard:your_new_keymap` does not return any errors.
* Keyboards: Make sure that `make keyboard:all` does not return any errors.
* Core: Make sure that `make all` does not return any errors.
* Make sure commit messages are understandable on their own. You should put a short description (no more than 70 characters) on the first line, the second line should be empty, and on the 3rd and later lines you should describe your commit in detail, if required. Example:
Adjust the fronzlebop for the kerpleplork
The kerpleplork was intermittently failing with error code 23. The root cause was the fronzlebop setting, which causes the kerpleplork to activate every N iterations.
Limited experimentation on the devices I have available shows that 7 is high enough to avoid confusing the kerpleplork, but I'd like to get some feedback from people with ARM devices to be sure.
!> **IMPORTANT:** If you would like to contribute a bugfix or improvement to user code, such as non-default keymaps, userspace and layouts, be sure to tag the original submitter of the code in your PR. Many users, regardless of skill level with Git and GitHub, may be confused or frustrated at their code being modified without their knowledge.
## Documentation
Documentation is one of the easiest ways to get started contributing to QMK. Finding places where the documentation is wrong or incomplete and fixing those is easy! We also very badly need someone to edit our documentation, so if you have editing skills but aren't sure where or how to jump in please [reach out for help](#where-can-i-go-for-help)!
You'll find all our documentation in the `qmk_firmware/docs` directory, or if you'd rather use a web based workflow you can click the "Edit this page" link at the bottom of each page on
When providing code examples in your documentation, try to observe naming conventions used elsewhere in the docs. For example, standardizing enums as `my_layers` or `my_keycodes` for consistency:
enum my_layers {
enum my_keycodes {
### Previewing the Documentation :id=previewing-the-documentation
Before opening a pull request, you can preview your changes if you have set up the development environment by running this command from the `qmk_firmware/` folder:
./bin/qmk docs
or if you only have Python 3 installed:
python3 -m http.server 8936
and navigating to `http://localhost:8936/`.
## Keymaps
Most first-time QMK contributors start with their personal keymaps. We try to keep keymap standards pretty casual (keymaps, after all, reflect the personality of their creators) but we do ask that you follow these guidelines to make it easier for others to discover and learn from your keymap.
* Write a `` using [the template](
* All Keymap PR's are squashed, so if you care about how your commits are squashed you should do it yourself
* Do not lump features in with keymap PR's. Submit the feature first and then a second PR for the keymap.
* Do not include `Makefile`s in your keymap folder (they're no longer used)
* Update copyrights in file headers (look for `%YOUR_NAME%`)
## Keyboards
Keyboards are the raison d'être for QMK. Some keyboards are community maintained, while others are maintained by the people responsible for making a particular keyboard. The `` should tell you who maintains a particular keyboard. If you have questions relating to a particular keyboard you can [Open An Issue]( and tag the maintainer in your question.
We also ask that you follow these guidelines:
* Write a `` using [the template](
* Keep the number of commits reasonable or we will squash your PR
* Do not lump core features in with new keyboards. Submit the feature first and then submit a separate PR for the keyboard.
* Name `.c`/`.h` file after the immediate parent folder, eg `/keyboards/<kb1>/<kb2>/<kb2>.[ch]`
* Do not include `Makefile`s in your keyboard folder (they're no longer used)
* Update copyrights in file headers (look for `%YOUR_NAME%`)
## Quantum/TMK Core
Before you put a lot of work into building your new feature you should make sure you are implementing it in the best way. You can get a basic understanding of QMK by reading [Understanding QMK](, which will take you on a tour of the QMK program flow. From here you should talk to us to get a sense of the best way to implement your idea. There are two main ways to do this:
* [Chat on Discord](
* [Open an Issue](
Feature and Bug Fix PR's affect all keyboards. We are also in the process of restructuring QMK. For this reason it is especially important for significant changes to be discussed before implementation has happened. If you open a PR without talking to us first please be prepared to do some significant rework if your choices do not mesh well with our planned direction.
Here are some things to keep in mind when working on your feature or bug fix.
* **Disabled by default** - memory is a pretty limited on most chips QMK supports, and it's important that current keymaps aren't broken, so please allow your feature to be turned **on**, rather than being turned off. If you think it should be on by default, or reduces the size of the code, please talk with us about it.
* **Compile locally before submitting** - hopefully this one is obvious, but things need to compile! Our Travis system will catch any issues, but it's generally faster for you to compile a few keyboards locally instead of waiting for the results to come back.
* **Consider revisions and different chip-bases** - there are several keyboards that have revisions that allow for slightly different configurations, and even different chip-bases. Try to make a feature supported in ARM and AVR, or automatically disabled on platforms it doesn't work on.
* **Explain your feature** - Document it in `docs/`, either as a new file or as part of an existing file. If you don't document it other people won't be able to benefit from your hard work.
We also ask that you follow these guidelines:
* Keep the number of commits reasonable or we will squash your PR
* Do not lump keyboards or keymaps in with core changes. Submit your core changes first.
* Write [Unit Tests]( for your feature
* Follow the style of the file you are editing. If the style is unclear or there are mixed styles you should conform to the [coding conventions](#coding-conventions) above.
## Refactoring
To maintain a clear vision of how things are laid out in QMK we try to plan out refactors in-depth and have a collaborator make the changes. If you have an idea for refactoring, or suggestions, [open an issue](, we'd love to talk about how QMK can be improved.
# What Does the Code of Conduct Mean for Me?
Our [Code of Conduct]( means that you are responsible for treating everyone on the project with respect and courtesy regardless of their identity. If you are the victim of any inappropriate behavior or comments as described in our Code of Conduct, we are here for you and will do the best to ensure that the abuser is reprimanded appropriately, per our code.
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# Custom Matrix
QMK provides a mechanism to supplement or replace the default matrix scanning routine with your own code.
The reasons to use this feature include:
* Extra hardware between the keyboard's switches and MCU pins
* I/O multiplexer
* Line decoder
* Irregular switch matrix
* Simultaneous use of `COL2ROW` and `ROW2COL`
## Prerequisites
Implementing custom matrix usually involves compilation of an additional source file. It is recommended that for consistency, this file is called `matrix.c`.
Add a new file to your keyboard directory:
And to configure compilation for the new file, add this to your ``:
SRC += matrix.c
## 'lite'
Provides a default implementation for various scanning functions, reducing the boilerplate code when implementing custom matrix.
To configure it, add this to your ``:
And implement the following functions in a `matrix.c` file in your keyboard folder:
void matrix_init_custom(void) {
// TODO: initialize hardware here
bool matrix_scan_custom(matrix_row_t current_matrix[]) {
bool matrix_has_changed = false;
// TODO: add matrix scanning routine here
return matrix_has_changed;
## Full Replacement
When more control over the scanning routine is required, you can choose to implement the full scanning routine.
To configure it, add this to your
And implement the following functions in a `matrix.c` file in your keyboard folder:
matrix_row_t matrix_get_row(uint8_t row) {
// TODO: return the requested row data
void matrix_print(void) {
// TODO: use print() to dump the current matrix state to console
void matrix_init(void) {
// TODO: initialize hardware and global matrix state here
// Unless hardware debouncing - Init the configured debounce routine
// This *must* be called for correct keyboard behavior
uint8_t matrix_scan(void) {
bool matrix_has_changed = false;
// TODO: add matrix scanning routine here
// Unless hardware debouncing - use the configured debounce routine
debounce(raw_matrix, matrix, MATRIX_ROWS, changed);
// This *must* be called for correct keyboard behavior
return matrix_has_changed;
And also provide defaults for the following callbacks:
__attribute__((weak)) void matrix_init_kb(void) { matrix_init_user(); }
__attribute__((weak)) void matrix_scan_kb(void) { matrix_scan_user(); }
__attribute__((weak)) void matrix_init_user(void) {}
__attribute__((weak)) void matrix_scan_user(void) {}
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# How to Customize Your Keyboard's Behavior
For a lot of people a custom keyboard is about more than sending button presses to your computer. You want to be able to do things that are more complex than simple button presses and macros. QMK has hooks that allow you to inject code, override functionality, and otherwise customize how your keyboard behaves in different situations.
This page does not assume any special knowledge about QMK, but reading [Understanding QMK]( will help you understand what is going on at a more fundamental level.
## A Word on Core vs Keyboards vs Keymap :id=a-word-on-core-vs-keyboards-vs-keymap
We have structured QMK as a hierarchy:
* Core (`_quantum`)
* Keyboard/Revision (`_kb`)
* Keymap (`_user`)
Each of the functions described below can be defined with a `_kb()` suffix or a `_user()` suffix. We intend for you to use the `_kb()` suffix at the Keyboard/Revision level, while the `_user()` suffix should be used at the Keymap level.
When defining functions at the Keyboard/Revision level it is important that your `_kb()` implementation call `_user()` before executing anything else- otherwise the keymap level function will never be called.
# Custom Keycodes
By far the most common task is to change the behavior of an existing keycode or to create a new keycode. From a code standpoint the mechanism for each is very similar.
## Defining a New Keycode
The first step to creating your own custom keycode(s) is to enumerate them. This means both naming them and assigning a unique number to that keycode. Rather than limit custom keycodes to a fixed range of numbers QMK provides the `SAFE_RANGE` macro. You can use `SAFE_RANGE` when enumerating your custom keycodes to guarantee that you get a unique number.
Here is an example of enumerating 2 keycodes. After adding this block to your `keymap.c` you will be able to use `FOO` and `BAR` inside your keymap.
enum my_keycodes {
## Programming the Behavior of Any Keycode :id=programming-the-behavior-of-any-keycode
When you want to override the behavior of an existing key, or define the behavior for a new key, you should use the `process_record_kb()` and `process_record_user()` functions. These are called by QMK during key processing before the actual key event is handled. If these functions return `true` QMK will process the keycodes as usual. That can be handy for extending the functionality of a key rather than replacing it. If these functions return `false` QMK will skip the normal key handling, and it will be up to you to send any key up or down events that are required.
These function are called every time a key is pressed or released.
### Example `process_record_user()` Implementation
This example does two things. It defines the behavior for a custom keycode called `FOO`, and it supplements our Enter key by playing a tone whenever it is pressed.
bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
switch (keycode) {
case FOO:
if (record->event.pressed) {
// Do something when pressed
} else {
// Do something else when release
return false; // Skip all further processing of this key
case KC_ENTER:
// Play a tone when enter is pressed
if (record->event.pressed) {
return true; // Let QMK send the enter press/release events
return true; // Process all other keycodes normally
### `process_record_*` Function Documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `bool process_record_kb(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record)`
* Keymap: `bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record)`
The `keycode` argument is whatever is defined in your keymap, eg `MO(1)`, `KC_L`, etc. You should use a `` block to handle these events.
The `record` argument contains information about the actual press:
keyrecord_t record {
keyevent_t event {
keypos_t key {
uint8_t col
uint8_t row
bool pressed
uint16_t time
# LED Control
QMK provides methods to read 5 of the LEDs defined in the HID spec:
* Num Lock
* Caps Lock
* Scroll Lock
* Compose
* Kana
There are two ways to get the lock LED state:
* by implementing `bool led_update_kb(led_t led_state)` or `_user(led_t led_state)`; or
* by calling `led_t host_keyboard_led_state()`
!> `host_keyboard_led_state()` may already reflect a new value before `led_update_user()` is called.
Two more deprecated functions exist that provide the LED state as a `uint8_t`:
* `uint8_t led_set_kb(uint8_t usb_led)` and `_user(uint8_t usb_led)`
* `uint8_t host_keyboard_leds()`
## `led_update_user()`
This function will be called when the state of one of those 5 LEDs changes. It receives the LED state as a struct parameter.
By convention, return `true` from `led_update_user()` to get the `led_update_kb()` hook to run its code, and
return `false` when you would prefer not to run the code in `led_update_kb()`.
Some examples include:
- overriding the LEDs to use them for something else like layer indication
- return `false` because you do not want the `_kb()` function to run, as it would override your layer behavior.
- play a sound when an LED turns on or off.
- return `true` because you want the `_kb` function to run, and this is in addition to the default LED behavior.
?> Because the `led_set_*` functions return `void` instead of `bool`, they do not allow for overriding the keyboard LED control, and thus it's recommended to use `led_update_*` instead.
### Example `led_update_kb()` Implementation
bool led_update_kb(led_t led_state) {
bool res = led_update_user(led_state);
if(res) {
// writePin sets the pin high for 1 and low for 0.
// In this example the pins are inverted, setting
// it low/0 turns it on, and high/1 turns the LED off.
// This behavior depends on whether the LED is between the pin
// and VCC or the pin and GND.
writePin(B0, !led_state.num_lock);
writePin(B1, !led_state.caps_lock);
writePin(B2, !led_state.scroll_lock);
writePin(B3, !led_state.compose);
writePin(B4, !led_state.kana);
return res;
### Example `led_update_user()` Implementation
This incomplete example would play a sound if Caps Lock is turned on or off. It returns `true`, because you also want the LEDs to maintain their state.
float caps_on[][2] = SONG(CAPS_LOCK_ON_SOUND);
float caps_off[][2] = SONG(CAPS_LOCK_OFF_SOUND);
bool led_update_user(led_t led_state) {
static uint8_t caps_state = 0;
if (caps_state != led_state.caps_lock) {
led_state.caps_lock ? PLAY_SONG(caps_on) : PLAY_SONG(caps_off);
caps_state = led_state.caps_lock;
return true;
### `led_update_*` Function Documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `bool led_update_kb(led_t led_state)`
* Keymap: `bool led_update_user(led_t led_state)`
## `host_keyboard_led_state()`
Call this function to get the last received LED state as a `led_t`. This is useful for reading the LED state outside `led_update_*`, e.g. in [`matrix_scan_user()`](#matrix-scanning-code).
## Setting Physical LED State
Some keyboard implementations provide convenience methods for setting the state of the physical LEDs.
### Ergodox Boards
The Ergodox implementations provide `ergodox_right_led_1`/`2`/`3_on`/`off()` to turn individual LEDs on or off, as well as `ergodox_right_led_on`/`off(uint8_t led)` to turn them on or off by their index.
In addition, it is possible to specify the brightness level of all LEDs with `ergodox_led_all_set(uint8_t n)`; of individual LEDs with `ergodox_right_led_1`/`2`/`3_set(uint8_t n)`; or by index with `ergodox_right_led_set(uint8_t led, uint8_t n)`.
Ergodox boards also define `LED_BRIGHTNESS_LO` for the lowest brightness and `LED_BRIGHTNESS_HI` for the highest brightness (which is the default).
# Keyboard Initialization Code
There are several steps in the keyboard initialization process. Depending on what you want to do, it will influence which function you should use.
These are the three main initialization functions, listed in the order that they're called.
* `keyboard_pre_init_*` - Happens before most anything is started. Good for hardware setup that you want running very early.
* `matrix_init_*` - Happens midway through the firmware's startup process. Hardware is initialized, but features may not be yet.
* `keyboard_post_init_*` - Happens at the end of the firmware's startup process. This is where you'd want to put "customization" code, for the most part.
!> For most people, the `keyboard_post_init_user` function is what you want to call. For instance, this is where you want to set up things for RGB Underglow.
## Keyboard Pre Initialization code
This runs very early during startup, even before the USB has been started.
Shortly after this, the matrix is initialized.
For most users, this shouldn't be used, as it's primarily for hardware oriented initialization.
However, if you have hardware stuff that you need initialized, this is the best place for it (such as initializing LED pins).
### Example `keyboard_pre_init_user()` Implementation
This example, at the keyboard level, sets up B0, B1, B2, B3, and B4 as LED pins.
void keyboard_pre_init_user(void) {
// Call the keyboard pre init code.
// Set our LED pins as output
### `keyboard_pre_init_*` Function Documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `void keyboard_pre_init_kb(void)`
* Keymap: `void keyboard_pre_init_user(void)`
## Matrix Initialization Code
This is called when the matrix is initialized, and after some of the hardware has been set up, but before many of the features have been initialized.
This is useful for setting up stuff that you may need elsewhere, but isn't hardware related nor is dependant on where it's started.
### `matrix_init_*` Function Documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `void matrix_init_kb(void)`
* Keymap: `void matrix_init_user(void)`
## Keyboard Post Initialization code
This is ran as the very last task in the keyboard initialization process. This is useful if you want to make changes to certain features, as they should be initialized by this point.
### Example `keyboard_post_init_user()` Implementation
This example, running after everything else has initialized, sets up the rgb underglow configuration.
void keyboard_post_init_user(void) {
// Call the post init code.
rgblight_enable_noeeprom(); // enables Rgb, without saving settings
rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom(180, 255, 255); // sets the color to teal/cyan without saving
rgblight_mode_noeeprom(RGBLIGHT_MODE_BREATHING + 3); // sets mode to Fast breathing without saving
### `keyboard_post_init_*` Function Documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `void keyboard_post_init_kb(void)`
* Keymap: `void keyboard_post_init_user(void)`
# Matrix Scanning Code
Whenever possible you should customize your keyboard by using `process_record_*()` and hooking into events that way, to ensure that your code does not have a negative performance impact on your keyboard. However, in rare cases it is necessary to hook into the matrix scanning. Be extremely careful with the performance of code in these functions, as it will be called at least 10 times per second.
### Example `matrix_scan_*` Implementation
This example has been deliberately omitted. You should understand enough about QMK internals to write this without an example before hooking into such a performance sensitive area. If you need help please [open an issue]( or [chat with us on Discord](
### `matrix_scan_*` Function Documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `void matrix_scan_kb(void)`
* Keymap: `void matrix_scan_user(void)`
This function gets called at every matrix scan, which is basically as often as the MCU can handle. Be careful what you put here, as it will get run a lot.
You should use this function if you need custom matrix scanning code. It can also be used for custom status output (such as LEDs or a display) or other functionality that you want to trigger regularly even when the user isn't typing.
# Keyboard Idling/Wake Code
If the board supports it, it can be "idled", by stopping a number of functions. A good example of this is RGB lights or backlights. This can save on power consumption, or may be better behavior for your keyboard.
This is controlled by two functions: `suspend_power_down_*` and `suspend_wakeup_init_*`, which are called when the system board is idled and when it wakes up, respectively.
### Example suspend_power_down_user() and suspend_wakeup_init_user() Implementation
void suspend_power_down_user(void) {
void suspend_wakeup_init_user(void) {
### Keyboard suspend/wake Function Documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `void suspend_power_down_kb(void)` and `void suspend_wakeup_init_user(void)`
* Keymap: `void suspend_power_down_kb(void)` and `void suspend_wakeup_init_user(void)`
# Layer Change Code :id=layer-change-code
This runs code every time that the layers get changed. This can be useful for layer indication, or custom layer handling.
### Example `layer_state_set_*` Implementation
This example shows how to set the [RGB Underglow]( lights based on the layer, using the Planck as an example
layer_state_t layer_state_set_user(layer_state_t state) {
switch (get_highest_layer(state)) {
case _RAISE:
rgblight_setrgb (0x00, 0x00, 0xFF);
case _LOWER:
rgblight_setrgb (0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
case _PLOVER:
rgblight_setrgb (0x00, 0xFF, 0x00);
case _ADJUST:
rgblight_setrgb (0x7A, 0x00, 0xFF);
default: // for any other layers, or the default layer
rgblight_setrgb (0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF);
return state;
### `layer_state_set_*` Function Documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `layer_state_t layer_state_set_kb(layer_state_t state)`
* Keymap: `layer_state_t layer_state_set_user(layer_state_t state)`
The `state` is the bitmask of the active layers, as explained in the [Keymap Overview](
# Persistent Configuration (EEPROM)
This allows you to configure persistent settings for your keyboard. These settings are stored in the EEPROM of your controller, and are retained even after power loss. The settings can be read with `eeconfig_read_kb` and `eeconfig_read_user`, and can be written to using `eeconfig_update_kb` and `eeconfig_update_user`. This is useful for features that you want to be able to toggle (like toggling rgb layer indication). Additionally, you can use `eeconfig_init_kb` and `eeconfig_init_user` to set the default values for the EEPROM.
The complicated part here, is that there are a bunch of ways that you can store and access data via EEPROM, and there is no "correct" way to do this. However, you only have a DWORD (4 bytes) for each function.
Keep in mind that EEPROM has a limited number of writes. While this is very high, it's not the only thing writing to the EEPROM, and if you write too often, you can potentially drastically shorten the life of your MCU.
* If you don't understand the example, then you may want to avoid using this feature, as it is rather complicated.
### Example Implementation
This is an example of how to add settings, and read and write it. We're using the user keymap for the example here. This is a complex function, and has a lot going on. In fact, it uses a lot of the above functions to work!
In your keymap.c file, add this to the top:
typedef union {
uint32_t raw;
struct {
bool rgb_layer_change :1;
} user_config_t;
user_config_t user_config;
This sets up a 32 bit structure that we can store settings with in memory, and write to the EEPROM. Using this removes the need to define variables, since they're defined in this structure. Remember that `bool` (boolean) values use 1 bit, `uint8_t` uses 8 bits, `uint16_t` uses up 16 bits. You can mix and match, but changing the order can cause issues, as it will change the values that are read and written.
We're using `rgb_layer_change`, for the `layer_state_set_*` function, and use `keyboard_post_init_user` and `process_record_user` to configure everything.
Now, using the `keyboard_post_init_user` code above, you want to add `eeconfig_read_user()` to it, to populate the structure you've just created. And you can then immediately use this structure to control functionality in your keymap. And It should look like:
void keyboard_post_init_user(void) {
// Call the keymap level matrix init.
// Read the user config from EEPROM
user_config.raw = eeconfig_read_user();
// Set default layer, if enabled
if (user_config.rgb_layer_change) {
The above function will use the EEPROM config immediately after reading it, to set the default layer's RGB color. The "raw" value of it is converted in a usable structure based on the "union" that you created above.
layer_state_t layer_state_set_user(layer_state_t state) {
switch (get_highest_layer(state)) {
case _RAISE:
if (user_config.rgb_layer_change) { rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom_magenta(); rgblight_mode_noeeprom(1); }
case _LOWER:
if (user_config.rgb_layer_change) { rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom_red(); rgblight_mode_noeeprom(1); }
case _PLOVER:
if (user_config.rgb_layer_change) { rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom_green(); rgblight_mode_noeeprom(1); }
case _ADJUST:
if (user_config.rgb_layer_change) { rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom_white(); rgblight_mode_noeeprom(1); }
default: // for any other layers, or the default layer
if (user_config.rgb_layer_change) { rgblight_sethsv_noeeprom_cyan(); rgblight_mode_noeeprom(1); }
return state;
This will cause the RGB underglow to be changed ONLY if the value was enabled. Now to configure this value, create a new keycode for `process_record_user` called `RGB_LYR`. Additionally, we want to make sure that if you use the normal RGB codes, that it turns off Using the example above, make it look this:
bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
switch (keycode) {
case FOO:
if (record->event.pressed) {
// Do something when pressed
} else {
// Do something else when release
return false; // Skip all further processing of this key
case KC_ENTER:
// Play a tone when enter is pressed
if (record->event.pressed) {
return true; // Let QMK send the enter press/release events
case RGB_LYR: // This allows me to use underglow as layer indication, or as normal
if (record->event.pressed) {
user_config.rgb_layer_change ^= 1; // Toggles the status
eeconfig_update_user(user_config.raw); // Writes the new status to EEPROM
if (user_config.rgb_layer_change) { // if layer state indication is enabled,
layer_state_set(layer_state); // then immediately update the layer color
return false; break;
case RGB_MODE_FORWARD ... RGB_MODE_GRADIENT: // For any of the RGB codes (see quantum_keycodes.h, L400 for reference)
if (record->event.pressed) { //This disables layer indication, as it's assumed that if you're changing this ... you want that disabled
if (user_config.rgb_layer_change) { // only if this is enabled
user_config.rgb_layer_change = false; // disable it, and
eeconfig_update_user(user_config.raw); // write the setings to EEPROM
return true; break;
return true; // Process all other keycodes normally
And lastly, you want to add the `eeconfig_init_user` function, so that when the EEPROM is reset, you can specify default values, and even custom actions. To force an EEPROM reset, use the `EEP_RST` keycode or [Bootmagic]( functionallity. For example, if you want to set rgb layer indication by default, and save the default valued.
void eeconfig_init_user(void) { // EEPROM is getting reset!
user_config.raw = 0;
user_config.rgb_layer_change = true; // We want this enabled by default
eeconfig_update_user(user_config.raw); // Write default value to EEPROM now
// use the non noeeprom versions, to write these values to EEPROM too
rgblight_enable(); // Enable RGB by default
rgblight_sethsv_cyan(); // Set it to CYAN by default
rgblight_mode(1); // set to solid by default
And you're done. The RGB layer indication will only work if you want it to. And it will be saved, even after unplugging the board. And if you use any of the RGB codes, it will disable the layer indication, so that it stays on the mode and color that you set it to.
### 'EECONFIG' Function Documentation
* Keyboard/Revision: `void eeconfig_init_kb(void)`, `uint32_t eeconfig_read_kb(void)` and `void eeconfig_update_kb(uint32_t val)`
* Keymap: `void eeconfig_init_user(void)`, `uint32_t eeconfig_read_user(void)` and `void eeconfig_update_user(uint32_t val)`
The `val` is the value of the data that you want to write to EEPROM. And the `eeconfig_read_*` function return a 32 bit (DWORD) value from the EEPROM.
# Custom Tapping Term
By default, the tapping term and related options (such as `IGNORE_MOD_TAP_INTERRUPT`) are defined globally, and are not configurable by key. For most users, this is perfectly fine. But in some cases, dual function keys would be greatly improved by different timeout behaviors than `LT` keys, or because some keys may be easier to hold than others. Instead of using custom key codes for each, this allows for per key configurable timeout behaviors.
There are two configurable options to control per-key timeout behaviors:
You need to add `#define` lines to your `config.h` for each feature you want.
## Example `get_tapping_term` Implementation
To change the `TAPPING_TERM` based on the keycode, you'd want to add something like the following to your `keymap.c` file:
uint16_t get_tapping_term(uint16_t keycode) {
switch (keycode) {
case SFT_T(KC_SPC):
return TAPPING_TERM + 1250;
case LT(1, KC_GRV):
return 130;
## Example `get_ignore_mod_tap_interrupt` Implementation
To change the `IGNORE_MOD_TAP_INTERRUPT` value based on the keycode, you'd want to add something like the following to your `keymap.c` file:
bool get_ignore_mod_tap_interrupt(uint16_t keycode) {
switch (keycode) {
case SFT_T(KC_SPC):
return true;
return false;
## `get_tapping_term` / `get_ignore_mod_tap_interrupt` Function Documentation
Unlike many of the other functions here, there isn't a need (or even reason) to have a quantum or keyboard level function. Only user level functions are useful here, so no need to mark them as such.
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# Quantum Mechanical Keyboard Firmware
## Was ist QMK Firmware?
QMK (*Quantum Mechanical Keyboard*) ist eine Open-Source-Community, welche die QMK-Firmware, die QMK-Toolbox, []( und diese Dokumententation betreut. QMK-Firmware ist eine Weiterentwicklung der [tmk\_keyboard]( mit vielen nützlichen Zusatzfunktionen für Atmel AVR-Prozessoren. Ursprünglich wurde sie für Produkte von [OLKB](, das [ErgoDox EZ]( und das [Clueboard]( entwickelt. Im Laufe der Zeit wurde sie mit Hilfe von [ChibiOS]( auch für die ARM-Architektur angepasst. Außerdem ist es inzwischen möglich, auch handverdrahtete Tastaturen und selbst geätzte PCBs mit QMK zu verwenden.
## Bezugsquelle für QMK
Wenn Du vorhast, deine Tastatur, Tastaturbelegung oder Features zu QMK beizusteuern, geht das am einfachsten, indem Du das [Repository auf Github]( forkst, die Änderungen in deinem lokalen Repo vornimmst und anschließend einen [Pull Request]( einreichst.
Ansonsten kannst Du es als [zip]( oder [tar]( herunterladen, oder es direkt via git klonen (`git clone` bzw. `git clone`).
## Anleitung fürs Kompilieren
Bevor Du in der Lage bist, die Firmware zu kompilieren, musst Du eine [Entwicklungsumgebung](de/ für AVR und/oder ARM aufsetzen. Danach kannst Du mit dem `make` Befehl eine Keymap für deine Tastatur erzeugen. Die Notation dafür ist:
make planck/rev4:default
Dies generiert die Revision `rev4` für eine Tastatur vom Type `planck` mit der `default` Tastaturbelegung. Nicht alle Tastaturen haben Revisionen (auch bekannt als Subprojekt oder Unterordner) weswegen dies auch ausgelassen werden kann:
make preonic:default
## Möglichkeiten der Anpassung
QMK hat viele [Features](de/, die es zu entdecken gibt. In der [Dokumentation](https://docs.qmk.fmk) kannst Du Dir einen Überblick verschaffen. Die meisten Features basieren darauf, die [Tastaturbelegung](de/ anzupassen und das Verhalten der [Keycodes](de/ zu verändern.
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* [Anleitung für Anfänger](de/
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* [QMK Basics](de/
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* [Keymap](de/
* [Treiber Installation mit Zadig](de/
* Detailierte Guides
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* [Vagrant Guide](de/
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* [Keymap Überblick](de/
* [Hardware](de/
* [AVR Prozessoren](de/
* [Treiber](de/
* Referenz
* [Tastatur Richtlinien](de/
* [Konfigurations Optionen](de/
* [Keycodes](de/
* [Coding Konventionen - C](de/
* [Coding Konventionen - Python](de/
* [Dokumentations Best Practices](de/
* [Dokumentations Templates](de/
* [Glossar](de/
* [Unit Testing](de/
* [Nützliche Funktionen](de/
* [Configurator Support](de/
* [info.json Format](de/
* [Python CLI Development](de/
* [Features](de/
* [Basic Keycodes](de/
* [US ANSI Shifted Keys](de/
* [Quantum Keycodes](de/
* [Advanced Keycodes](de/
* [Audio](de/
* [Auto Shift](de/
* [Backlight](de/
* [Bluetooth](de/
* [Bootmagic](de/
* [Combos](de/
* [Command](de/
* [Debounce API](de/
* [DIP Switch](de/
* [Dynamic Macros](de/
* [Encoders](de/
* [Grave Escape](de/
* [Haptic Feedback](de/
* [HD44780 LCD Controller](de/
* [Key Lock](de/
* [Layouts](de/
* [Leader Key](de/
* [LED Matrix](de/
* [Macros](de/
* [Mouse Keys](de/
* [OLED Driver](de/
* [One Shot Keys](de/
* [Pointing Device](de/
* [PS/2 Mouse](de/
* [RGB Lighting](de/
* [RGB Matrix](de/
* [Space Cadet](de/
* [Split Keyboard](de/
* [Stenography](de/
* [Swap Hands](de/
* [Tap Dance](de/
* [Terminal](de/
* [Thermal Printer](de/
* [Unicode](de/
* [Userspace](de/
* [Velocikey](de/
* Für Maker und Modder
* [Hand Wiring Guide](de/
* [ISP Flashing Guide](de/
* [ARM Debugging Guide](de/
* [I2C Driver](de/
* [GPIO Controls](de/
* [Proton C Conversion](de/
* Für ein tieferes Verständnis
* [Wie Tastaturen funktionieren](de/
* [QMK verstehen](de/
* Andere Themen
* [Eclipse mit QMK](de/
* [VSCode mit QMK](de/
* [Support](de/
* [Übersetzungen](de/
* QMK Internals (In Progress)
* [Defines](de/
* [Input Callback Reg](de/
* [Midi Device](de/
* [Midi Device Setup Process](de/
* [Midi Util](de/
* [Send Functions](de/
* [Sysex Tools](de/
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# QMK CLI (Kommandozeile)
Diese Seite beschreibt die Einrichtung und den Umgang mit dem QMK CLI (Kommandozeile).
# Übersicht
Die QMK CLI vereinfacht das Zusammenbauen und Arbeiten mit QMK Tastaturen. Hier findest Du wichtige Befehle, um beispielsweise das Herunterladen und Kompilieren der QMK Firmware oder das Erstellen von Tastaturbelegungen (und vieles mehr) zu erleichtern.
* [Globale CLI](#globale-cli)
* [Lokale CLI](#lokale-cli)
* [CLI-Befehle](#cli-befehle)
# System-Anforderungen
Die CLI benötigt Python 3.5 oder höher. Außerdem ist es nötig, die Packages laut [`requirements.txt`]( zu installieren.
# Globale CLI
QMK bietet ein installierbares CLI, das Du zum Einrichten Deiner QMK Build-Umgebung verwenden kannst. Dieses ermöglicht Dir das Arbeiten mit QMK, und erleichtert das Arbeiten mit mehreren Kopien der `qmk_firmware`. Wir empfehlen, dieses CLI zu installieren und regelmäßig upzudaten.
## Installation mit Homebrew (macOS, manche Linux)
Solltest Du [Homebrew]( installiert haben, kannst Du QMK per tap installieren:
brew tap qmk/qmk
brew install qmk
export QMK_HOME='~/qmk_firmware' # Optional: setzt den Installationsort für `qmk_firmware`
qmk setup # Dies klont `qmk/qmk_firmware` und richtet optional auch Deine Build-Umgebung ein
## Installation mit easy_install oder pip
Falls Du kein Homebrew hast, kannst Du QMK auch manuell installieren. Zuerst musst Du sicherstellen, dass Python 3.5 (oder höher) und pip installiert ist. Dann installiere QMK mit diesem Befehl:
pip3 install qmk
export QMK_HOME='~/qmk_firmware' # Optional: setzt den Installationsort für `qmk_firmware`
qmk setup # Dies klont `qmk/qmk_firmware` und richtet optional auch Deine Build-Umgebung ein
## Installation mit git Repo
`git clone && cd qmk_cli && python3 install`
## Packaging für andere Betriebssysteme
Wir suchen nach Freiwilligen, die ein `qmk`-Package für weitere Betriebssysteme erstellen und pflegen. Falls Du ein Package für Dein OS erstellen möchtest, bitte befolge diese Richtlinien:
* Verwende "Best Practices" für Dein OS, sollten sie mit diesen Richtlinien in Konflikt stehen.
* Dokumentiere den Grund in einem Kommentar, wenn Du abweichen musstest.
* Installiere mit einem [virtualenv](
* Weise den User an, die Umgebungs-Variable `QMK_HOME` zu setzen, um die Firmware-Quelle anders einzustellen als `~/qmk_firmware`.
# Lokale CLI
Wenn Du die globale CLI nicht verwenden möchtest, beinhaltet `qmk_firmware` auch eine lokale CLI. Du kannst sie hier finden: `qmk_firmware/bin/qmk`. Du kannst den `qmk`-Befehl aus irgendeinem Datei-Verzeichnis ausführen und es wird immer auf dieser Kopie von `qmk_firmware` arbeiten.
$ ~/qmk_firmware/bin/qmk hello
Ψ Hello, World!
## Einschränkungen der lokalen CLI
Hier ein Vergleich mit der globalen CLI:
* Die lokale CLI unterstützt kein `qmk setup` oder `qmk clone`.
* Die lokale CLI arbeitet immer innerhalb der selben `qmk_firmware`-Verzeichnisstruktur, auch wenn Du mehrere Repositories geklont hast.
* Die lokale CLI läuft nicht in einer virtualenv. Daher ist es möglich, dass Abhängigkeiten (dependencies) miteinander in Konflikt kommen/stehen.
# CLI-Befehle
## `qmk compile`
Dieser Befehl erlaubt es dir, die Firmware - aus egal welchem Datei-Verzeichnis - zu compilen. Du kannst JSON-Exporte von <> oder Keymaps in der Repo kompilen.
**Anwendung für Konfigurations-Exports**:
qmk compile <configuratorExport.json>
**Anwendung für Keymaps**:
qmk compile -kb <keyboard_name> -km <keymap_name>
## `qmk cformat`
Dieser Befehl formatiert C-Code im clang-Format. Benutze ihn ohne Argumente, um den core-Code zu formatieren, oder benutze Namen von Dateien in der CLI, um den Befehl auf bestimmte Dateien anzuwenden.
qmk cformat [file1] [file2] [...] [fileN]
## `qmk config`
Dieser Befehl konfiguriert das Verhalten von QMK. Für die volle `qmk config`-Dokumentation gehe zu [CLI-Konfiguration](
qmk config [-ro] [config_token1] [config_token2] [...] [config_tokenN]
## `qmk docs`
Dieser Befehl startet einen lokalen HTTP-Server, den Du zum Browsen oder Verbessern der Dokumentation verwenden kannst. Der Default-Port ist 8936.
qmk docs [-p PORT]
## `qmk doctor`
Dieser Befehl untersucht Deine Umgebung und warnt Dich vor potentiellen Build- oder Flash-Problemen.
qmk doctor
## `qmk list-keyboards`
Dieser Befehl listet alle zurzeit in `qmk_firmware` definierten Tastaturen/Keyboards auf.
qmk list-keyboards
## `qmk new-keymap`
Dieser Befehl erstellt eine neue Keymap basierend auf einer existierenden Standard-Keymap eines bestimmten Keyboards.
qmk new-keymap [-kb KEYBOARD] [-km KEYMAP]
## `qmk pyformat`
Dieser Befehl formatiert Python-Code in `qmk_firmware`.
qmk pyformat
## `qmk pytest`
Dieser Befehl führt die Python Test Suite aus. Wenn Du Python-Code veränderst, solltest Du sicherstellen, dass der Test erfolgreich ausgeführt wurde.
qmk pytest
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# Bootloader Treiber Installation mit Zadig
QMK erscheint für den Host als normales HID Eingabegerät und benötigt deshalb keine zusätzlichen Treiber. Der Bootloader, den Du für das Flashen der Firmware benötigst, jedoch meistens schon.
Hierzu gibt es zwei Ausnahmen: den Caterina Bootloader, meistens auf Pro Micros, sowie den HalfKay Bootloader auf PJRC Teensys. Diese erscheinen als serieller Port und als generisches HID Gerät und benötigen keine Treiber.
Wir empfehlen deshalb [Zadig]( Wenn Du die Entwicklungsumgebung mit MSYS2 oder WSL installiert hast, wird dich dass `` Skript gefragt haben, ob es die Treiber für dich installieren sollte.
## Installation
Versetze deine Tastatur in den Bootloader-Modus, entweder durch Betätigung des physischen `RESET` Schalters - meist auf der Unterseite der Platine - oder durch das Auslösen des Key-Codes `RESET` bzw. `KC_RESET` (sollte in der zur Tastatur gehörigen `keycode.c` zu entnehmen sein). Sollte deine Tastatur weder noch besitzen, versuche es damit die `Escape`-Taste oder `Leertaste + B` zu halten während Du die Tastatur mit dem PC verbindest (Siehe auch [Bootmagic](de/ für weitere Details). Ein paar Tastaturen benutzen das [Command](de/ an Stelle von Bootmagic; in diesem Fall kannst du mit den Tastenkombinationen `linkes Shift + rechtes Shift + B` oder `linkes Shift + rechtes Shift + Escape` zu jeder Zeit in den Bootloader wechseln solange die Tastatur verbunden ist.
Eingie Tastaturen haben u.U. spezielle Anweisungen um in den Bootloader-Modus zu gelangen. Zum Beispiel kann die [Bootmagic-Lite](de/ (default: Escape) auf eine andere Taste gemappt sein; oder die magische Kombination (default: linkes Shift+rechtes Shift) verwendet anstatt Shift die STRG-Tasten. Die zur Tastatur gehörige README sollte dir Aufschluss darüber geben wie der Bootloader-Modus ausgelöst werden kann wenn Du unsicher bist.
Um ein Gerät mit USBaspLoader in den Bootloader-Modus zu versetzen, halte `BOOT` gedrückt während Du den `RESET`-Knopf drückst.
Alternativ, halte `BOOT` gedrückt während Du das USB-Kabel einsteckst.
Zadig sollte das Bootloader-Gerät automatisch erkennen. Manchmal musst Du zusätzlich noch **Options → List All Devices** auswählen.
- Tastaturen mit Atmel AVR MCUs sollten als `ATm32U4DFU` (oder ähnlich) angezeigt werden, mit der Vendor ID `03EB`.
- USBasp werden als `USBasp` angezeigt, mit VID/PID `16C0:05DC`.
- Tastaturen AVR controller und dem QMK-DFU Bootloader haben den namen `<Tastatur Name> Bootloader` und die VID `03EB`.
- Die meisten ARM Tastaturen werden als `STM32 BOOTLOADER` angezeigt, mit VID/PID `0483:DF11`.
!> Sollte Zadig ein oder mehrere Geräte mit `HidUsb`-Treiber anzeigen, dann ist deine Tastatur wahrscheinlich nicht im Bootloader-Modus. Der Pfeil wird orange eingefärbt sein und Du wirst nach einer Bestätigung gefragt um Veränderungen am System vorzunehmen. In diesem Fall **fahre nicht fort**!
Wenn der Pfeil grün angezeigt wird, wähle den Treiber aus und klicke auf **Treiber installieren**. Der `libusb-win32`-Treiber sollte gewöhnlich für AVR verwendet werden und `WinUSB` für ARM. Sollte es danach noch nicht möglich sein die Tastatur zu flashen, versuche es mit einem anderen Treiber. Für USBaspLoader Geräte, die über die Befehlszeile mit MSYS2 geflasht werden, wird der `libusbk`-Treiber empfohlen. Ansonsten sollte `libusb-win32` funktionieren wenn die QMK Toolbox verwendet wird.

Entferne nun deine Tastatur und verbinde sie erneut um sicherzugehen dass der neue Treiber erfolgreich installiert wurde. Wenn Du QMK Toolbox benutzt, starte die Anwendung zur Sicherheit einmal neu, da Veränderungen am Treiber manchmal nicht richtig erkannt werden. Wenn dies immer noch nicht erfolgreich war hilft es an dieser Stelle manchmal ein Neustart des Computers.
## Wiederherstellung einer Installation für ein falsches Gerät
Wenn Du feststellst dass Du anschließend auf deiner Tastatur nicht mehr tippen kannst, ist etwas bei der Installation schief gelaufen. Ein häufiger Fehler ist es dass die Tastatur nicht im Bootloader-Modus war und stattdessen der Treiber für das HID-Gerät ersetzt wurde. Dies kannst Du einfach mit Zadig überprüfen, eine funktionierende Tastatur verwendet als Treiber `HidUsb` auf allen Interfaces .

Öffne den Geräte-Manager und suche nach einem Gerät das wie deine Tastatur aussieht.

Rechtsklick und **Gerät deinstallieren** anklicken. Bitte gehe sicher dass in diesem Schritt auch **Treibersoftware für dieses Gerät löschen** markiert ist.

Klick **Aktion → Suche nach veränderter Hardware**. Nun solltest Du wieder in der Lage sein normal zu tippen. Vergewissere dich mit Hilfe von Zadig dass die Tastatur nun `HidUsb` als Treiber verwendet. Wenn dies der Fall ist sollte wieder alles funktionieren.
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# Anleitung für absolute Beginner
QMK ist eine mächtige Open Source Firmware für mechanische Tastaturen. Mit QMK kannst Du deine Tastatur sowohl sehr einfach als auch sehr umfangreich anpassen. Menschen unterschiedlichen Wissensstandes - vom kompletten Anfänger bis zum erfahrenen Programmierer - haben ihre Tastaturen mit QMK erfolgreich auf ihre persönlichen Bedürfnisse angepasst. Diese Anleitung soll Dir unabhängig von deinen Vorkenntnissen dabei helfen dies ebenfalls zu bewältigen.
Bist Du unsicher ob deine Tastatur QMK unterstützt? Wenn es eine mechanische Tastatur ist, die Du selbst gebaut hast, stehen deine Chancen gut. Wir unterstützen eine [Vielzahl]( selbst gebauter Tastaturen, sodass selbst wenn deine jetzige Tastatur nicht unterstützt wird Du keine Probleme haben solltest eine für deine Anforderungen zu finden.
## Übersicht
Diese Anleitung ist in 7 Abschnitte unterteilt:
* [Die ersten Schritte](
* [Die erste Firmware auf der Kommandozeile erzeugen](
* [Die erste Firmware mit der Online GUI erzeugen](
* [Firmware flashen](
* [Testen und Debuggen](
* [Git Leitfaden](
* [Weitere hilfreiche Ressourcen für Anfänger](
Diese Anleitung richtet sich an Personen, die vorher noch nie Software kompiliert haben. Die Entscheidungen und Empfehlungen basieren auf dieser Grundannahme. Es gibt unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen für viele der Prozeduren und wir unterstützen die meisten Alternativen. Wenn Du mal nicht weiter weißt oder Dir nicht sicher bist, wie Du an ein Problem herangehen sollst, kannst Du uns gerne [um Hilfe bitten](
## Weitere Ressourcen
* [Thomas Baart's QMK Basics Blog]( – Ein äußerst hilfreicher Blog eines Community-Mitglieds, der einige Grundlagen der QMK-Firmware aus der Sicht des Benutzers erklärt (auf Englisch).
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# Eine eigene Firmware erstellen
Nachdem Du nun eine funktionierende Entwicklungsumgebung aufgesetzt hast, bist Du nun bereit, deine eigene Firmware zu erstellen. Dieses Sektion des Guides wird zwischen drei Programmen hin- und herwechseln: deinem Dateimanager, deinem Texteditor und der Befehlszeile. Lasse diese drei Fenster geöffnet, bis Du fertig und zufrieden mit deiner Tastatur-Firmware bist.
Solltest Du die Befehlszeile zwischenzeitlich geschlossen haben, vergiss nicht wieder in das richtige Verzeichnis zu navigieren, benutze dazu den Befehl `cd qmk_firmware`.
## Navigiere in deinen Keymap Ordner
Beginne damit, in das `keymaps` Verzeichnis für deine Tastatur zu navigieren.
Wenn Du macOS oder Windows benutzt, kannst Du einfach in das keymaps Verzeichnis wechseln.
?> macOS:<br>
open keyboards/<keyboard_folder>/keymaps
?> Windows:<br>
start .\\keyboards\\<keyboard_folder>\\keymaps
## Eine Kopie der `default` Tastaturbelegung erstellen
Wenn Du den `keymaps` Ordner geöffnet hast, solltest Du zuerst eine Kopie des `default` Verzeichnisses erstellen. Wir empfehlen dafür deinen GitHub Benutzernamen zu verweden, aber Du kannst auch jeden anderen Namen verwenden solange er nur aus Kleinbuchstaben, Zahlen und Unterstrichen besteht.
Um den Prozess zu automatisieren kannst Du dazu auch das Skript `` verwenden.
Navigiere dazu in das `qmk_firmware/util` Verzeichnis und gib folgenden Befehl ein:
./ <keyboard path> <username>
Um zum Beispiel den Benutzernamen John für die Tastaturbelegung eines 1up60hse zu verwenden, würdest Du Folgendes eingeben:
./ 1upkeyboards/1up60hse john
## Öffne `keymap.c` in deinem bevorzugtem Text Editor
Öffne deine `keymap.c`. In dieser Datei findest Du die Strukturen, die das Verhalten deiner Tastatur bestimmen. Oben in der `keymap.c` befinden sich Definitionen (defines) und Aufzählungen (enums), die die Tastaturbelegung leserlicher machen sollen. Weiter unten wirst Du eine Zeile finden, die wie folgt aussieht:
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
Diese Zeile markiert den Anfang der Liste der Ebenen (Layers). Darunter befinden sich Zeilen die entweder `LAYOUT` oder `KEYMAP` enthalten, das deutet auf den Start einer Ebene hin. Danach folgt eine Liste von Tasten, die dieser Ebene zugewiesen sind.
!> Beim Bearbeiten einer Tastaturbelegung solltest Du darauf achten, keine Kommata hinzuzufügen oder zu entfernen. Ansonsten kann dies dazu führen, dass deine Firmware nicht mehr kompiliert und es ist nicht immer einfach festzustellen, wo genau ein Komma zuviel oder zu wenig ist. Die letzte Zeile hat am Ende kein Komma, die Zeilen davor jedoch schon.
## Personalisiere die Tastaturbelegung nach deinen Wünschen
Wie Du diesen Schritt abschließt ist vollkommen Dir überlassen. Ändere die eine Sache die Dich stört oder verändere alles von Grund auf. Du kannst Ebenen entfernen die Du nicht brauchst oder Neue hinzufügen, bis zu 32 Stück. Die folgende Dokumentation verrät Dir was Du hier alles definieren kannst:
* [Keycodes](de/
* [Features](de/
* [FAQ](de/
?> Während Du langsam ein Gefühl dafür kriegst wie Keymaps funktionieren, solltest Du darauf achten nicht zuviel auf einmal zu verändern. Größere Änderungen machen es schwieriger, Probleme zu debuggen.
## Deine Firmware erzeugen
Wenn Du damit fertig bist, deine Tastaturbelegung anzupassen, musst Du noch die Firmware erzeugen. Öffne dazu wieder die Befehlszeile und führe folgenden Befehl aus:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>
Wenn deine Tastaturbelegung z.B. "xyverz" heißt und Du die Belegung für ein rev5 planck erzeugen möchtest, lautet der Befehl:
make planck/rev5:xyverz
Während des Kompiliervorgangs wird viel Text auf dem Bildschirm ausgegeben. Es sollte am Ende mit etwas enden das ungefähr so aussieht:
Linking: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.hex [OK]
Copying planck_rev5_xyverz.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of planck_rev5_xyverz.hex [OK]
* File size is fine - 18392/28672
## Deine Firmware flashen
Bitte fahre mit [Firmware flashen](de/ fort, um zu erfahren, wie Du deine neue Firmware auf deine Tastatur flashen kannst.
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# Deine Tastatur flashen
Nachdem deine Firmware nun fertig ist musst Du Sie noch auf deine Tastatur flashen.
## Flash-Vorgang mit QMK Toolbox
Der einfachste Weg deine Tastatur zu flashen ist mit Hilfe der [QMK Toolbox](
Leider ist die QMK Toolbox derzeit nur für Windows und macOS verfügbar. Wenn Du Linux benutzt (oder es vorziehst die Firmware mit der Kommandozeile zu flashen) solltest Du die Methode benutzen die [hier](de/ beschrieben wird.
### Lade die Datei in QMK Toolbox
Beginne damit die Datei in der QMK Toolbox Anwendung zu laden. Versichere dich dass Du die Firmware-Datei im Finder oder Explorer findest. Deine Tastatur-Firmware sollte entweder vom Typ `.hex` oder `.bin` sein sein. QMK sollte die für deine Tastatur entsprechende Datei automatisch in das Root-Verzeichnis (normalerweise `qmk_firmware`) kopieren.
?> Wenn Du Windows oder macOS benutzt kannst Du mit folgenden Befehlen ganz einfach das aktuelle Firmware-Verzeichnis im Explorer oder Finder öffnen.
#### Windows:
``` start . ```
#### macOS:
``` open . ```
Die Firmware-Dateien folgen dabei immer folgendem Schema:
Zum Beispiel würde ein `planck/rev5` mit der `default` Tastaturbelegung folgenden Dateinamen haben:
Wenn Du die Firmware-Datei gefunden hast kannst Du sie in das "Local file" ("Lokale Datei") Feld in der QMK Toolbox ziehen, alternativ kannst Du auf "Öffnen" klicken und in das Verzeichnis navigieren indem sich die Firmware-Datei befindet.
### Die Tastatur in den DFU (Bootloader) Modus versetzen
Um deine angepasste Firmware auf deine Tastatur zu flashen musst Du diese erst in einen speziellen "flashing"-Modus versetzen. Während die Tastatur in diesem Modus ist kannst Du nicht auf ihr tippen oder sie wie gewohnt als Tastatur benutzen. Es ist wichtig dass der flashing-Prozesses nicht unterbrochen oder die Tastatur ausstöpselst wird, da der Vorgang ansonst wiederholt werden muss.
Verschiedene Tastaturen verwenden unterschiedliche Methoden um in den Bootloader-Modus zu gelangen. Wenn dein PCB im Moment QMK oder TMK verwendet und Du keine spezifischen Anweisungen erhalten hast probiere die folgenden Methoden in dieser Reihenfolge:
* Halte beide Shift-Tasten und drücke `Pause`
* Halte beide Shift-Tasten und drücke `B`
* Entferne deine Tastatur vom Computer, drücke gleichzeitig `Leertaste` und `B`, verbinde die Tastatur wieder mit dem Computer und warte eine Sekunde bevor Du die Tasten wieder loslässt.
* Drücke den physischen `RESET`-Knopf auf der Unterseite des PCBs
* Suche auf dem PCB den Pin mit dem Label `RESET`, verbinde diesen mit deinem GND-Pin
* Suche auf dem PCB den Pin mit dem Label `BOOT0`, verbinde diesen mit GND und schließe die Tastatur wieder an den PC an TODO: DIS IS DANGEROUS!!
Wenn Du damit erfolgreich warst solltest Du in der QMK Toolbox eine Nachricht sehen die ungefähr so aussieht:
*** Clueboard - Clueboard 66% HotSwap disconnected -- 0xC1ED:0x2390
*** DFU device connected
### Tastatur flashen
Klicke auf den `Flash`-Knopf in der QMK Toolbox. Die Ausgabe wird ungefähr so aussehen:
*** Clueboard - Clueboard 66% HotSwap disconnected -- 0xC1ED:0x2390
*** DFU device connected
*** Attempting to flash, please don't remove device
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase --force
Erasing flash... Success
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x6FFF... Empty.
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash qmk_firmware/clueboard_66_hotswap_skully.hex
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x55FF... Empty.
0% 100% Programming 0x5600 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
0% 100% Reading 0x7000 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
Validating... Success
0x5600 bytes written into 0x7000 bytes memory (76.79%).
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset
*** DFU device disconnected
*** Clueboard - Clueboard 66% HotSwap connected -- 0xC1ED:0x2390
## Tastatur mit der Befehlszeile flashen
Zunächst solltest Du versuchen herauszufinden welchen Bootlader deine Tastatur benutzt. Diese vier Bootloader sind am Weitesten verbreitet:
| MCU | Bootloader |
| --- | --- |
| Pro-Micro und Klone | CATERINA |
| Teensy | Halfkay |
| OLKB Boards | QMK-DFU |
| sonstige atmega32u4 | DFU |
Auf der Seite [Flash Anleitung und Bootloader Informationen](de/ kannst Du mehr über das Thema erfahren.
Wenn Du weißt welchen Bootloader deine Tastaur verwendet, kannst Du diese Information bei der Kompilation hinzufügen um den Flash-Vorgang mit dem `make`-Befehl zu automatisieren.
BOOTLOADER = caterina
### DFU
Wenn Du den DFU-Bootloader verwendest und Du bereit bist deine Firmware zu kompilieren und zu flashen, öffne ein Befehlszeile und führe folgenden Befehl aus:
make <meine_Tastatur>:<meine_Tastaturbelegung>:dfu
Wenn deine Tastaturbelegung z.B den Namen "xzverz" trägt und Du ein rev5 planck flashen möchtest sähe der Befehl wie folgt aus:
make planck/rev5:xyverz:dfu
Nachdem der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist sollte die Ausgabe ungefähr so aussehen:
Linking: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.hex [OK]
Copying planck_rev5_xyverz.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of planck_rev5_xyverz.hex
* File size is fine - 18574/28672
Wenn dieser Punkt erreicht ist wird das Build-Skript alle 5 Sekunden nach einem DFU Bootloader suchen. Dieser Vorgang wird wiederholt bis er erfolgreich ist oder abgebrochen wird.
dfu-programmer: no device present.
Error: Bootloader not found. Trying again in 5s.
Wenn diese Nachricht erscheint konnte das Build-Skript den Controller nicht eigenständig in den DFU Modus versetzen (z.B. weil der Modus in falsch gesetzt wurde oder ein Problem mit der Hardware besteht), wenn dies eintritt musst Du die oben beschrieben Schritte benutzen um den Controller in den DFU Modus zu versetzen. Danach sollte die Ausgabe ungefähr so aussehen:
*** Attempting to flash, please don't remove device
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase --force
Erasing flash... Success
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x6FFF... Empty.
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash qmk_firmware/clueboard_66_hotswap_skully.hex
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x55FF... Empty.
0% 100% Programming 0x5600 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
0% 100% Reading 0x7000 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
Validating... Success
0x5600 bytes written into 0x7000 bytes memory (76.79%).
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset
?> Wenn Du mit diesem Schritt Probleme hast (z.B. `dfu-programmer: no device present`) hilft dir hoffentlich der Abschnitt [Häufig gestellte Fragen (Build/Kompilieren)](de/
#### DFU Befehle
Es gibt verschiedene DFU Befehle um die Firmware auf ein DFU Gerät zu flashen:
* `:dfu` - Dies ist die default Option. Es wird gecheckt ob ein DFU Gerät verfügbar ist, ist dies der Fall wird die Firmware geflasht. Dieser Check wird alle 5 Sekunden ausgeführt bis ein DFU Gerät erkannt wird.
* `:dfu-ee` - Der Flash-Vorgang benutzt eine `.eep` Datei anstatt einer `.hex` Datei. Dies ist eher unüblich.
* `:dfu-split-left` - Dies flasht die Firmware wie gewohnt (`:dfu`). Allerdings nur die "linke Seite" der EEPROM für geteilte Tastaturen. _Dies ist ideal für auf Elite C basierenden geteilten Tastaturen._
* `:dfu-split-right` - Dies flasht die Firmware wie gewohnt (`:dfu`). Allerdings nur die "rechte Seite" der EEPROM für geteilte Tastaturen. _Dies ist ideal für auf Elite C basierenden geteilten Tastaturen._
### Caterina
Für Arduinos und andere ProMicro Klone (z.B. SparkFun ProMicro), wenn Du bereit bist zu kompilieren und die Tastatur zu flashen, öffne ein Befehlszeilen-Fenster und führe den Build-Befehl aus:
make <meine_Tastatur>:<meine_Tastaturbelegung>:avrdude
Wenn deine Tastaturbelegung zum Beispiel den Namen "xyverz" hat und Du eine Tastaturbelegung für ein "rev2 Lets Split" erzeugen möchtest, lautet der Befehl dafür:
make lets_split/rev2:xyverz:avrdude
Nachdem die Kompilation abgeschlossen ist sollte die Ausgabe ungefähr so aussehen:
Linking: .build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex [OK]
Checking file size of lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex [OK]
* File size is fine - 27938/28672
Detecting USB port, reset your controller now..............
Nun wird die Tastatur automatisch zurückgesetzt und das Skript wird die Firmware flashen sobald es den Bootloader erkennt. Die Ausgabe sollte ungefähr so aussehen:
Detected controller on USB port at /dev/ttyS15
Connecting to programmer: .
Found programmer: Id = "CATERIN"; type = S
Software Version = 1.0; No Hardware Version given.
Programmer supports auto addr increment.
Programmer supports buffered memory access with buffersize=128 bytes.
Programmer supports the following devices:
Device code: 0x44
avrdude.exe: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.00s
avrdude.exe: Device signature = 0x1e9587 (probably m32u4)
avrdude.exe: NOTE: "flash" memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude.exe: erasing chip
avrdude.exe: reading input file "./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex"
avrdude.exe: input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude.exe: writing flash (27938 bytes):
Writing | ################################################## | 100% 2.40s
avrdude.exe: 27938 bytes of flash written
avrdude.exe: verifying flash memory against ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex:
avrdude.exe: load data flash data from input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex:
avrdude.exe: input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude.exe: input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex contains 27938 bytes
avrdude.exe: reading on-chip flash data:
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.43s
avrdude.exe: verifying ...
avrdude.exe: 27938 bytes of flash verified
avrdude.exe: safemode: Fuses OK (E:CB, H:D8, L:FF)
avrdude.exe done. Thank you.
Sollten dabei Probleme auftreten (z.B. "Zugriff verweigert" / "Permission denied") muss der Make-Befehl mit privilegierten Berechtigungen ausgeführt werden:
sudo make <meine_Tastatur>:<meine_Tastaturbelegung>:avrdude
Zusätzlich ist es möglich mehrere Tastaturen in einem Vorgang zu flashen:
make <keyboard>:<keymap>:avrdude-loop
Du kannst den Loop mit STRG + C unterbrechen sobald der Vorgang abgeschlossen ist. Die korrekte Tastenkombination kann abweichen und hängt vom Betriebssystem ab.
### HalfKay
Für Tastaturen mit PJRC Controllern (Teensy's), wenn Du bereit bist zu kompilieren und die Tastatur zu flashen, öffne ein Befehlszeilen-Fenster und führe den Build-Befehl aus:
make <meine_Tastatur>:<meine_Tastaturbelegung>:teensy
Wenn deine Tastaturbelegung zum Beispiel den Namen "xyverz" hat und Du eine Tastaturbelegung für ein Ergodox oder Ergodox EZ erzeugen möchtest, lautet der Befehl dafür:
make ergodox_ez:xyverz:teensy
Nachdem die Kompilation abgeschlossen ist sollte die Ausgabe ungefähr so aussehen:
Linking: .build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex [OK]
Checking file size of ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex [OK]
* File size is fine - 25584/32256
Teensy Loader, Command Line, Version 2.1
Read "./.build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex": 25584 bytes, 79.3% usage
Waiting for Teensy device...
(hint: press the reset button)
An diesem Punkt solltest Du die Tastatur zurücksetzen um den Flash-Vorgang auszulösen. Wenn dies abgeschlossen ist sollte die Ausgabe ungefähr so aussehen:
Found HalfKay Bootloader
Read "./.build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex": 28532 bytes, 88.5% usage
### BootloadHID
Für auf Bootmapper Client(BMC)/bootloaderHID/ATmega32A basierende Tastaturen, wenn Du bereit bist zu kompilieren und die Tastatur zu flashen, öffne ein Befehlszeilen-Fenster und führe den Build-Befehl aus:
make <meine_Tastatur>:<meine_Tastaturbelegung>:bootloaderHID
Wenn deine Tastaturbelegung zum Beispiel den Namen "xyverz" hat und Du eine Tastaturbelegung für ein jj40 erzeugen möchtest, lautet der Befehl dafür:
make jj40:xyverz:bootloaderHID
Nachdem die Kompilation abgeschlossen ist sollte die Ausgabe ungefähr so aussehen:
Linking: .build/jj40_default.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/jj40_default.hex [OK]
Copying jj40_default.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of jj40_default.hex [OK]
* The firmware size is fine - 21920/28672 (6752 bytes free)
Wenn dieser Punkt erreicht ist wird das Build-Skript alle 5 Sekunden nach einem DFU Bootloader suchen. Dieser Vorgang wird wiederholt bis er erfolgreich ist oder abgebrochen wird.
Error opening HIDBoot device: The specified device was not found
Trying again in 5s.
An diesem Punkt solltest Du die Tastatur zurücksetzen um den Flash-Vorgang auszulösen. Wenn dies abgeschlossen ist sollte die Ausgabe ungefähr so aussehen:
Page size = 128 (0x80)
Device size = 32768 (0x8000); 30720 bytes remaining
Uploading 22016 (0x5600) bytes starting at 0 (0x0)
0x05580 ... 0x05600
### STM32 (ARM)
Für die meisten ARM Tastaturen (inkl. Proton C, Planck Rev 6 und Preonic Rev 3), wenn Du bereit bist zu kompilieren und die Tastatur zu flashen, öffne ein Befehlszeilen-Fenster und führe den Build-Befehl aus:
make <meine_Tastatur>:<meine_Tastaturbelegung>:dfu-util
Wenn deine Tastaturbelegung zum Beispiel den Namen "xyverz" hat und Du eine Tastaturbelegung für ein Planck Revision 6 erzeugen möchtest, benutze dafür den folgenden Befehl und reboote die Tastatur in den Bootloader (kurz bevor der Kompiliervorgang abgeschlossen ist):
make planck/rev6:xyverz:dfu-util
Nachdem der Kompiliervorgang abgeschlossen ist sollte die Ausgabe ungefähr so aussehen:
Für auf Bootmapper Client(BMC)/bootloaderHID/ATmega32A basierende Tastaturen, wenn Du bereit bist zu kompilieren und die Tastatur zu flashen, öffne ein Befehlszeilen-Fenster und führe den Build-Befehl aus:
make <meine_Tastatur>:<meine_Tastaturbelegung>:bootloaderHID
Wenn deine Tastaturbelegung zum Beispiel den Namen "xyverz" hat und Du eine Tastaturbelegung für ein jj40 erzeugen möchtest, lautet der Befehl dafür:
Linking: .build/planck_rev6_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating binary load file for flashing: .build/planck_rev6_xyverz.bin [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/planck_rev6_xyverz.hex [OK]
Size after:
text data bss dec hex filename
0 41820 0 41820 a35c .build/planck_rev6_xyverz.hex
Copying planck_rev6_xyverz.bin to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
dfu-util 0.9
Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc.
Copyright 2010-2016 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Please report bugs to
Invalid DFU suffix signature
A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release!!!
Opening DFU capable USB device...
ID 0483:df11
Run-time device DFU version 011a
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #0 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuERROR, status = 10
dfuERROR, clearing status
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 011a
Device returned transfer size 2048
DfuSe interface name: "Internal Flash "
Downloading to address = 0x08000000, size = 41824
Download [=========================] 100% 41824 bytes
Download done.
File downloaded successfully
Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state
#### STM32 Befehle
Für Tastaturen mit STM32 Controller sind die DFU Befehle wie folgt:
* `:dfu-util` - The default command for flashing to STM32 devices.
* `:dfu-util` - Der Standard-Befehl für STM32 Geräte.
* `:dfu-util-wait` - Funktioniert wie der Standard-Befehl, aber mit einem 10 Sekunden Timeout bevor erneut versucht wird die Firmware zu flashen. Mit dem Parameter `TIME_DELAY=20` auf der Befehlszeile kann der Timeout beeinflusst werden.
* z.B.: `make <meine_Tastatur>:<meine_Tastaturbelegung>:dfu-util TIME_DELAY=5`
* `:dfu-util-split-left` - Gleiche Funktionsweise wie `dfu-util`, jedoch wird zusätzlich das EEPROM Setting "linke Seite" für geteilte Tastaturen gesetzt.
* `:dfu-util-split-right` - Gleiche Funktionsweise wie `dfu-util`, jedoch wird zusätzlich das EEPROM Setting "rechte Seite" für geteilte Tastaturen gesetzt.
## Probier's aus!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Deine individuell angepasst Firmware wurde auf deine Tastatur übertragen!
Probiere deine neue Tastatur aus und gehe sicher dass alles wie gewünscht funktioniert. Wir haben einen weiteren Artikel zum Thema [Testen und Debuggen](de/ verfasst der sich mit Problembeseitigung beschäftigt um den Beginnger-Guide abzuschließen.
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# Einleitung
Genau wie in einem Computer befindet sich auch in einer Tastatur ein Prozessor.
Dieser Prozessor führt Software aus, die registriert wenn Tasten gedrückt bzw. wieder losgelassen werden und leitet die entsprechenden Signale an den Computer weiter.
QMK übernimmt die Rolle dieser Software und teilt dem Host-Computer den aktuellen Zustand der Tastatur mit. Wenn Du eine Tastaturbelegung definierst, ist dies äquivalent zu einem ausführbarem Programm, das auf deiner Tastatur läuft.
QMK möchte seine BenutzerInnen in die Lage versetzen, simple Aufgaben möglichst einfach zu gestalten und gleichzeitig komplexe Dinge zu ermöglichen, die mit normalen Tastaturen ohne zusätzliche Software undenkbar wären. Du musst nicht programmieren können, um abgefahrene Tastaturbelegungen zu gestalten - es reicht wenn Du eine Idee hast und ein paar einfache syntaktische Regeln verstehen kannst.
# Los geht's!
Bevor Du damit loslegen kannst, deine Tastaturbelegung zu erstellen, musst Du ein wenig Software installieren und Dir eine Entwicklungsumgebung aufsetzen. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass das nur einmal erledigt werden muss, egal für wie viele verschiedene Tastaturen Du hinterher Firmware entwickeln willst.
Wenn Du es vorziehst mit einer grafischen Oberfläche zu entwickeln kannst Du auch dazu gerne direkt mit dem online [QMK Konfigurator]( loslegen. Siehe auch: [Firmware mit der Online GUI erzeugen](de/
## Software herunterladen
### Text Editor
Du wirst ein Programm benötigen, mit dem Du **plain text** (= reiner Text) Dateien bearbeiten und speichern kannst. Wenn Du Windows benutzt, reicht dafür schon das normale `Notepad` und für Linux z.B. `gedit` oder `leafpad`. Beide sind sehr rudimentäre Editoren deren Funktionsumfang aber vollkommen ausreicht. Für macOS' standard `TextEdit` muss man ein bisschen vorsichtig sein und darauf achten, beim Speichern explizit unter _Format_ die Option _Reiner Text_ auszuwählen.
Ansonsten ist es empfehlenswert, einen Editor herunterzuladen der für die Programmierung und das Bearbeiten von Code ausgelegt ist wie z.b [Notepad++](, [Sublime Text]( oder [VS Code](
?> Immer noch unsicher, welcher Text Editor der Richtige für Dich ist? Laurence Bradford hat eine hervorragende [Einleitung]( zu dem Thema geschrieben (auf Englisch).
### QMK Toolbox
QMK Toolbox ist ein optionales grafisches Programm für Windows und macOS, das es erleichtern soll, deine Tastatur zu programmieren und zu debuggen. Du wirst es höchstwahrscheinlich früher oder später als unverzichtbar ansehen, wenn es darum geht eine Tastatur einfach zu flashen oder zu debuggen, da es ermöglicht, sich debug-Nachrichten direkt anzeigen zu lassen.
[Hier kannst Du die aktuelle Version herunterladen.](
* Für Windows: `qmk_toolbox.exe` (portable) oder `qmk_toolbox_install.exe` (installer)
* Für macOS: `` (portable) oder `QMK.Toolbox.pkg` (installer)
## Die Entwicklungsumgebung aufsetzen
Wir haben versucht, die Installation der Entwicklungsumgebung für QMK so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten. Alles, was Du tun musst, ist eine Linux oder Unix Umgebung aufzusetzen, danach macht QMK den Rest.
?> Wenn Du das erste Mal mit der Linux/Unix Befehlszeile arbeitest, schadet es nicht, sich mit ein paar Grundlagen und Befehlen vertraut zu machen. Diese Ressourcen sollten ausreichen, um sich das Nötigste anzueignen um mit QMK arbeiten zu können:<br>
[Erforderliche Linux Grundlagen](<br>
[Noch ein paar Linux Befehle](
### Windows
Du wirst MSYS2 (o.Ä.) und Git benötigen.
* Befolge die Installationsanleitung auf der [MSYS2 Homepage](
* Schließe alle offenen MSYS2 Fenster und öffne ein neues MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit Terminal
* Installiere Git mit dem Kommando: `pacman -S git`
### macOS
Du wirst Homebrew benötigen. Folge dafür den Anweisungen auf der [Homebrew homepage](
Nachdem Homebrew erfolgreich installiert ist, kannst Du mit _QMK aufsetzen_ fortfahren.
### Linux
Du benötigst Git, aber es ist ziemlich wahrscheinlich, dass es bereits installiert ist. Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein, kannst Du es mit dem folgenden Aufruf installieren:
* Debian / Ubuntu / Devuan: `apt-get install git`
* Fedora / Red Hat / CentOS: `yum install git`
* Arch Linux: `pacman -S git`
?> Docker ist ebenfalls eine Option für alle Plattformen. [Hier](de/ kannst Du dazu weitere Informationen finden.
## QMK aufsetzen
Wenn Du damit fertig bist, deine Linux/Unix Umgebung zu installieren, kannst Du damit fortfahren QMK herunterzuladen. Dafür werden wir mit Git das QMK Repository "klonen". Öffne ein Terminal oder ein MSYS2 MinGW Fenster, dies wirst Du für den Rest der Anleitung benötigen. In diesem Fenster rufst Du nun die beiden folgenden Kommandos auf:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd qmk_firmware
?> Wenn Du bereits weißt, [wie man GitHub benutzt](de/, empfehlen wir, dass Du Dir ein eigenen Fork erstellst. Wenn Du nicht weißt, was das bedeuten soll, kannst Du diesen Ratschlag getrost ignorieren.
QMK liefert ein Script mit, das helfen soll, Dir alles Weitere abzunehmen. Du kannst es mit dem folgenden Befehl aufrufen:
## Die Build-Umgebung testen
Nun sollte hoffentlich alles Nötige für eine funktionierende QMK Build-Umgebung installiert sein und Du solltest in der Lage sein, die QMK-Firmware zu kompilieren. Um dies mit einer `default` Tastaturbelegung zu testen, kannst Du den folgenden Befehl ausprobieren:
make <keyboard>:default
Der Befehl um z.B. die Firmware für ein _Clueboard 66%_ zu erzeugen lautet:
make clueboard/66/rev3:default
Wenn es fertig ist, sollte der Output ungefähr so ähnlich wie das Folgende aussehen:
Linking: .build/clueboard_66_rev3_default.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/clueboard_66_rev3_default.hex [OK]
Copying clueboard_66_rev3_default.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of clueboard_66_rev3_default.hex [OK]
* The firmware size is fine - 26356/28672 (2316 bytes free)
# Eine eigene Tastaturbelegung erstellen
Du bist nun fertig mit dem Setup der Entwicklungsumgebung und solltest somit in der Lage sein, deine eigenen Tastaturbelegungen zu erstellen. Um fortzufahren, folge bitte der nächsten Anleitung unter [Die erste Firmware](de/
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Lernmaterial
Diese weiterführenden Ressourcen sind darauf ausgerichtet, Neulingen der QMK Commmunity mehr Informationen und ein besseres Verständnis zu einzelnen Themen zu bieten.
Git Ressourcen:
* [Gutes allgemeines Tutorial]( (auf Englisch)
* [Git spielerisch anhand von Beispielen lernen]( (auf Englisch)
* [Mehr über den allgemeinen Umgang mit Github](
* [Mehr über Git im Bezug zu QMK](
Mehr über die Arbeit mit der Befehlszeile:
* [Gutes allgemeines Tutorial über die Arbeit mit der Befehlszeile]( (auf Englisch)
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# Testen und Debuggen
Nachdem Du deine Tastatur mit deiner angepassten Firmware geflasht hast, ist es nun an der Zeit sie auszuprobieren. Mit ein bisschen Glück sollte alles ohne Probleme funktionieren, wenn dies nicht der Fall ist, soll dieses Dokument dir dabei helfen, herauszufinden wo das Problem liegt.
## Testen
Die Tastatur zu testen ist relativ selbsterklärend. Drücke jede der Tasten um dich zu versichern, dass der gesendete Keyode der ist, den du erwarten würdest. Dafür gibt es sogar ein paar Programme die helfen sollen, dass keine Taste ausgelassen wurde.
Anmerkung: Diese Programme werden weder von QMK bereitgestellt oder gutgeheißen.
* [Switch Hitter]( (Nur für Windows)
* [Keyboard Viewer]( (Nur für Mac)
* [Keyboard Tester]( (Web basiert)
* [Keyboard Checker]( (Web basiert)
## Debuggen
Deine Tastatur wird Debug Informationen liefern wenn Du `CONSOLE_ENABLE = yes` in deiner `` gesetzt hast. Die default-Ausgabe ist sehr beschränkt und kann wenn nötig durch die Aktivierung des Debug-Modes erhöht werden. Benutze dafür entweder den `DEBUG` Keycode in deiner Tastaturbelegung, das [Command](de/ oder füge den folgenden Code zu deiner Tastaturbelegung hinzu.
void keyboard_post_init_user(void) {
// Customise these values to desired behaviour
### Debuggen mit der QMK Toolbox
Für kompatible Plattformen kann die [QMK Toolbox]( benutzt werden um Debug-Nachrichten deiner Tastatur anzuzeigen.
### Debuggen mit hid_listen
Bevorzugst Du es lieber auf der Befehlszeile zu debuggen? Dafür eignet sich das Programm [hid_listen]( von PJRC. Binaries sind für Windows, Linux und MacOS verfügbar.
<!-- FIXME: Describe the debugging messages here. -->
## Eigene Debug-Nachrichten senden
Manchmal ist es hilfreich Debug-Nachrichten innerhalb deines eigenen [Custom Codes](de/ zu drucken. Das ist ziemlich einfach. Beginne damit `print.h` am Anfang deiner Datei zu inkludieren:
#include <print.h>
Danach stehen dir verschiedene Druck-Funktionen zur Verfügung:
* `print("string")`: Druckt einen simplen String
* `uprintf("%s string", var)`: Druckt einen formatierten String
* `dprint("string")` Druckt einen simplen String, aber nur wenn der Debug-Mode aktiviert ist
* `dprintf("%s string", var)`: Druckt einen formatierten String, aber nur wenn der Debug-Mode aktiviert ist
## Debug Beispiele
Anbei findest Du eine Sammlung von hilfreichen Beispielen. Für weitere Informationen Informationen sei an dieser Stelle auf [Debugging/Troubleshooting QMK](de/ verwiesen.
### Which matrix position is this keypress?
### Welche Matrix Position hat dieser Tastenanschlag
Beim Portieren, oder bei der Fehlerdiagnose von PCB Problemen, ist es nützlich sich anzeigen zu lassen ob ein Tastenanschlag richtig erkannt wurde. Um die Protokollierung für diesen Fall zu aktivieren, füge bitte folgenden Code zu deiner Tastaturbelegung `keymap.c` hinzu.
bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
// Wenn 'console' aktiviert ist wird die Matrix-Position und der Status jedes Tastenanschlags ausgegeben
uprintf("KL: kc: %u, col: %u, row: %u, pressed: %u\n", keycode, record->event.key.col, record->event.key.row, record->event.pressed);
return true;
Beispiel Ausgabe:
Waiting for device:.......
KL: kc: 169, col: 0, row: 0, pressed: 1
KL: kc: 169, col: 0, row: 0, pressed: 0
KL: kc: 174, col: 1, row: 0, pressed: 1
KL: kc: 174, col: 1, row: 0, pressed: 0
KL: kc: 172, col: 2, row: 0, pressed: 1
KL: kc: 172, col: 2, row: 0, pressed: 0
### Wieviel Zeit wurde benötigt um einen Tastenanschlag zu detektieren?
Wenn Performance-Probleme auftreten ist es hilfreich die Frequenz, mit der die Matrix gescannt wird, zu wissen. Um dies in diesem Fall zu aktiveren füge, den folgenden Code zu deiner Tastaturbelegung in `config.h` hinzu.
Beispiel Ausgabe
> matrix scan frequency: 315
> matrix scan frequency: 313
> matrix scan frequency: 316
> matrix scan frequency: 316
> matrix scan frequency: 316
> matrix scan frequency: 316
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# Documentation Best Practices
This page exists to document best practices when writing documentation for QMK. Following these guidelines will help to keep a consistent tone and style, which will in turn help other people more easily understand QMK.
# Page Opening
Your documentation page should generally start with an H1 heading, followed by a 1 paragraph description of what the user will find on this page. Keep in mind that this heading and paragraph will sit next to the Table of Contents, so keep the heading short and avoid long strings with no whitespace.
# My Page Title
This page covers my super cool feature. You can use this feature to make coffee, squeeze fresh oj, and have an egg mcmuffin and hashbrowns delivered from your local macca's by drone.
# Headings
Your page should generally have multiple "H1" headings. Only H1 and H2 headings will included in the Table of Contents, so plan them out appropriately. Excess width should be avoided in H1 and H2 headings to prevent the Table of Contents from getting too wide.
# Styled Hint Blocks
You can have styled hint blocks drawn around text to draw attention to it.
### Important
!> This is important
Renders as:
!> This is important
### General Tips
?> This is a helpful tip.
Renders as:
?> This is a helpful tip.
# Documenting Features
If you create a new feature for QMK, create a documentation page for it. It doesn't have to be very long, a few sentences describing your feature and a table listing any relevant keycodes is enough. Here is a basic template:
# My Cool Feature
This page describes my cool feature. You can use my cool feature to make coffee and order cream and sugar to be delivered via drone.
## My Cool Feature Keycodes
|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
|KC_COFFEE||Make Coffee|
|KC_CREAM||Order Cream|
|KC_SUGAR||Order Sugar|
Place your documentation into `docs/feature_<my_cool_feature>.md`, and add that file to the appropriate place in `docs/`. If you have added any keycodes be sure to add them to `docs/` with a link back to your feature page.
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# Documentation Templates
This page documents the templates you should use when submitting new Keymaps and Keyboards to QMK.
## Keymap `` Template :id=keyboard-readmemd-template
Most keymaps have an image depicting the layout. You can use [Keyboard Layout Editor]( to create an image. Upload it to [Imgur]( or another hosting service, please do not include images in your Pull Request.
Below the image you should write a short description to help people understand your keymap.

# Default Clueboard Layout
This is the default layout that comes flashed on every Clueboard. For the most
part it's a straightforward and easy to follow layout. The only unusual key is
the key in the upper left, which sends Escape normally, but Grave when any of
the Ctrl, Alt, or GUI modifiers are held down.
## Keyboard `` Template
# Planck

A compact 40% (12x4) ortholinear keyboard kit made and sold by OLKB and Massdrop. [More info on](
* Keyboard Maintainer: [Jack Humbert](
* Hardware Supported: Planck PCB rev1, rev2, rev3, rev4, Teensy 2.0
* Hardware Availability: [](, [Massdrop](
Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment):
make planck/rev4:default
See the [build environment setup]( and the [make instructions]( for more information. Brand new to QMK? Start with our [Complete Newbs Guide](
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# Bootloader Driver Installation with Zadig
QMK presents itself to the host as a regular HID keyboard device, and as such requires no special drivers. However, in order to flash your keyboard on Windows, the bootloader device that appears when you reset the board often *does*.
There are two notable exceptions: the Caterina bootloader, usually seen on Pro Micros, and the HalfKay bootloader shipped with PJRC Teensys, appear as a serial port and a generic HID device respectively, and so do not require a driver.
We recommend the use of the [Zadig]( utility. If you have set up the development environment with MSYS2 or WSL, the `` script will have asked if you want it to install the drivers for you.
## Installation
Put your keyboard into bootloader mode, either by hitting the `RESET` keycode (which may be on a different layer), or by pressing the reset switch that's usually located on the underside of the board. If your keyboard has neither, try holding Escape or Space+`B` as you plug it in (see the [Bootmagic]( docs for more details). Some boards use [Command]( instead of Bootmagic; in this case, you can enter bootloader mode by hitting Left Shift+Right Shift+`B` or Left Shift+Right Shift+Escape at any point while the keyboard is plugged in.
Some keyboards may have specific instructions for entering the bootloader. For example, the [Bootmagic Lite]( key (default: Escape) might be on a different key, e.g. Left Control; or the magic combination for Command (default: Left Shift+Right Shift) might require you to hold something else, e.g. Left Control+Right Control. Refer to the board's README file if you are unsure.
To put a device in bootloader mode with USBaspLoader, tap the `RESET` button while holding down the `BOOT` button.
Alternatively, hold `BOOT` while inserting the USB cable.
Zadig will automatically detect the bootloader device. You may sometimes need to check **Options → List All Devices**.
- For keyboards with Atmel AVR MCUs, the bootloader will be named something similar to `ATm32U4DFU`, and have a Vendor ID of `03EB`.
- USBasp bootloaders will appear as `USBasp`, with a VID/PID of `16C0:05DC`.
- AVR keyboards flashed with the QMK-DFU bootloader will be named `<keyboard name> Bootloader` and will also have the VID `03EB`.
- For most ARM keyboards, it will be called `STM32 BOOTLOADER`, and have a VID/PID of `0483:DF11`.
!> If Zadig lists one or more devices with the `HidUsb` driver, your keyboard is probably not in bootloader mode. The arrow will be colored orange and you will be asked to confirm modifying a system driver. **Do not** proceed if this is the case!
If the arrow appears green, select the driver, and click **Install Driver**. The `libusb-win32` driver will usually work for AVR, and `WinUSB` for ARM, but if you still cannot flash the board, try installing a different driver from the list. For flashing a USBaspLoader device via command line with msys2, the `libusbk` driver is recommended, otherwise `libusb-win32` will work fine if you are using QMK Toolbox for flashing.

Finally, unplug and replug the keyboard to make sure the new driver has been loaded. If you are using the QMK Toolbox to flash, exit and restart it too, as it can sometimes fail to recognize the driver change.
## Recovering from Installation to Wrong Device
If you find that you can no longer type with the keyboard, you may have accidentally replaced the driver for the keyboard itself instead of for the bootloader. This can happen when the keyboard is not in the bootloader mode. You can easily confirm this in Zadig - a healthy keyboard has the `HidUsb` driver installed on all of its interfaces:

Open the Device Manager and look for a device that looks like your keyboard.

Right-click it and hit **Uninstall device**. Make sure to tick **Delete the driver software for this device** first.

Click **Action → Scan for hardware changes**. At this point, you should be able to type again. Double check in Zadig that the keyboard device(s) are using the `HidUsb` driver. If so, you're all done, and your board should be functional again!
?> A full reboot of your computer may sometimes be necessary at this point, to get Windows to pick up the new driver.
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# EEPROM Driver Configuration
The EEPROM driver can be swapped out depending on the needs of the keyboard, or whether extra hardware is present.
Driver | Description
`EEPROM_DRIVER = vendor` (default) | Uses the on-chip driver provided by the chip manufacturer. For AVR, this is provided by avr-libc. This is supported on ARM for a subset of chips -- STM32F3xx, STM32F1xx, and STM32F072xB will be emulated by writing to flash. STM32L0xx and STM32L1xx will use the onboard dedicated true EEPROM. Other chips will generally act as "transient" below.
`EEPROM_DRIVER = i2c` | Supports writing to I2C-based 24xx EEPROM chips. See the driver section below.
`EEPROM_DRIVER = transient` | Fake EEPROM driver -- supports reading/writing to RAM, and will be discarded when power is lost.
## Vendor Driver Configuration
!> Resetting EEPROM using an STM32L0/L1 device takes up to 1 second for every 1kB of internal EEPROM used.
No configurable options are available.
## I2C Driver Configuration
Currently QMK supports 24xx-series chips over I2C. As such, requires a working i2c_master driver configuration. You can override the driver configuration via your config.h:
`config.h` override | Description | Default Value
------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------
`#define EXTERNAL_EEPROM_I2C_BASE_ADDRESS` | Base I2C address for the EEPROM -- shifted left by 1 as per i2c_master requirements | 0b10100000
`#define EXTERNAL_EEPROM_I2C_ADDRESS(addr)` | Calculated I2C address for the EEPROM | `(EXTERNAL_EEPROM_I2C_BASE_ADDRESS)`
`#define EXTERNAL_EEPROM_BYTE_COUNT` | Total size of the EEPROM in bytes | 8192
`#define EXTERNAL_EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE` | Page size of the EEPROM in bytes, as specified in the datasheet | 32
`#define EXTERNAL_EEPROM_ADDRESS_SIZE` | The number of bytes to transmit for the memory location within the EEPROM | 2
`#define EXTERNAL_EEPROM_WRITE_TIME` | Write cycle time of the EEPROM, as specified in the datasheet | 5
Default values and extended descriptions can be found in `drivers/eeprom/eeprom_i2c.h`.
Alternatively, there are pre-defined hardware configurations for available chips/modules:
Module | Equivalent `#define` | Source
CAT24C512 EEPROM | `#define EEPROM_I2C_CAT24C512` | <>
RM24C512C EEPROM | `#define EEPROM_I2C_RM24C512C` | <>
24LC128 EEPROM | `#define EEPROM_I2C_24LC128` | <>
24LC256 EEPROM | `#define EEPROM_I2C_24LC256` | <>
MB85RC256V FRAM | `#define EEPROM_I2C_MB85RC256V` | <>
?> If you find that the EEPROM is not cooperating, ensure you've correctly shifted up your EEPROM address by 1. For example, the datasheet might state the address as `0b01010000` -- the correct value of `EXTERNAL_EEPROM_I2C_BASE_ADDRESS` needs to be `0b10100000`.
## Transient Driver configuration
The only configurable item for the transient EEPROM driver is its size:
`config.h` override | Description | Default Value
------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | -------------
`#define TRANSIENT_EEPROM_SIZE` | Total size of the EEPROM storage in bytes | 64
Default values and extended descriptions can be found in `drivers/eeprom/eeprom_transient.h`.
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# Firmware Quantum Mechanical Keyboard
## ¿Qué es el firmware QMK?
QMK (*Quantum Mechanical Keyboard*) es una comunidad open source que mantiene el firmware QMK, QMK Toolbox,, y estos documentos. El firmware QMK es un firmware para teclados basado en [tmk\_keyboard]( con algunas características útiles para controladores Atmel AVR, y más específicamente, la [línea de productos OLKB](, el teclado [ErgoDox EZ](, y la [línea de productos Clueboard]( También ha sido portado a chips ARM chips usando ChibiOS. Lo puedes utilizar para manejar tu propio teclado ya sea cableado a mano o basado en una PCB personalizada.
## Cómo conseguirlo
Si estás pensando en contribuir con un keymap, teclado, or característica a QMK, la manera más sencilla es hacer un [fork del repositorio en Github](, y clonar tu repositorio localmente para hacer los cambios, subirlos, y abir un [Pull Request]( desde tu fork.
De cualquier manera, también puedes descargarlo directamente en formatos ([zip](, [tar](, o clonarlo via git (``), o https (``).
## Cómo compilar
Antes de poder compilar, necesitarás [instalar un entorno](es/ para el desarrollo de AVR y/o ARM. Una vez hayas completado este paso, usarás el comando `make` para compilar un teclado y keymap con la siguiente notación:
make planck/rev4:default
Este ejemplo compilaría la revisión `rev4` del teclado `planck` con el keymap `default`. No todos los teclados tienen revisiones (también llamados subproyectos o carpetas), en ese caso, se puede omitir:
make preonic:default
## Cómo personalizar
QMK tiene montones de [características](es/ para explorar, y una buena cantidad de [documentación de referencia]( en la que sumergirse. Se pueden sacar provecho de la mayoría de las características modificando tu [keymap](es/, y cambiando los [keycodes](es/
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* [Guía completa para novatos](es/
* [Empezando](es/
* [Construyendo tu primer firmare](es/
* [Flasheando el firmware](es/
* [Testeando y depurando ](es/
* [Mejores práticas](es/
* [Recursos de aprendizaje](es/
* [QMK Basics](es/
* [Introducción a QMK](es/
* [QMK CLI](es/
* [Configuración de QMK CLI](es/
* [Contribuyendo a QMK](es/
* [Cómo usar Github](es/
* [Obtener ayuda](es/
* [Cambios incompatibles](es/
* [30 Ago 2019](es/ChangeLog/
* [Preguntas frecuentes](es/
* [General](es/
* [Construir/Compilar QMK](es/
* [Depurando/Encontrando problemas en QMK](es/
* [Keymap](es/
* [Instalación de drivers con Zadig](es/
* Guías detalladas
* [Instalar herramientas construcción](es/
* [Guía Vagrant](es/
* [Instrucciones de Construcción/Compilado](es/
* [Flasheando Firmware](es/
* [Personalizando funcionalidad](es/
* [Visión general del Keymap](es/
* [Hardware](es/
* [Procesadores AVR](es/
* [Drivers](es/
* Referencia
* [Pautas de teclados](es/
* [Opciones de configuración](es/
* [Keycodes](es/
* [Convenciones de código - C](es/
* [Convenciones de código - Python](es/
* [Mejores prácticas de documentación](es/
* [Plantillas de documentación](es/
* [Glosario](es/
* [Tests unitarios](es/
* [Funciones útiles](es/
* [Sporte configurador](es/
* [Formato info.json](es/
* [Desarrollo Python CLI](es/
* [Características](es/
* [Keycodes Básicos](es/
* [Teclas US ANSI Shifted](es/
* [Keycodes Quantum](es/
* [Keycodes Avanzados](es/
* [Audio](es/
* [Auto Shift](es/
* [Retroiluminación](es/
* [Bluetooth](es/
* [Bootmagic](es/
* [Combos](es/
* [Comando](es/
* [API Debounce](es/
* [Switch DIP](es/
* [Macros Dinámicas](es/
* [Encoders](es/
* [Grave Escape](es/
* [Feedback Háptico](es/
* [Controlador LCD HD44780](es/
* [Key Lock](es/
* [Layouts](es/
* [Tecla Leader](es/
* [Matriz LED](es/
* [Macros](es/
* [Teclas del ratón](es/
* [Driver OLED](es/
* [Teclas One Shot](es/
* [Dispositivo de apuntado](es/
* [Ratón PS/2](es/
* [Iluminación RGB](es/
* [Matriz RGB](es/
* [Cadete espacial](es/
* [Teclado dividido](es/
* [Stenografía](es/
* [Swap Hands](es/
* [Tap Dance](es/
* [Terminal](es/
* [Impresora Térmica](es/
* [Unicode](es/
* [Userspace](es/
* [Velocikey](es/
* Para Makers y Modders
* [Guía de cableado a mano](es/
* [Guía de flasheado de ISP](es/
* [Guía de depuración de ARM](es/
* [Driver I2C](es/
* [Controles GPIO](es/
* [Conversión Proton C](es/
* Para entender en profundidad
* [Cómo funcionan los teclados](es/
* [Entendiendo QMK](es/
* Otros temas
* [Usando Eclipse con QMK](es/
* [Usando VSCode con QMK](es/
* [Soporte](es/
* [Cómo añadir traducciones](es/
* QMK Internals (En progreso)
* [Defines](es/
* [Input Callback Reg](es/
* [Dispositivo Midi](es/
* [Proceso de configuración de un dispositivo Midi](es/
* [Utilidad Midi](es/
* [Funciones Send](es/
* [Herramientas Sysex](es/
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# Hardware
QMK es compatible con una variedad de hardware. Si tu procesador puede ser dirigido por [LUFA]( o [ChibiOS](, probablemente puedes hacer que QMK se ejecute en él. Esta sección explora cómo hacer que QMK se ejecute y se comunique con hardware de todo tipo.
* [Pautas de teclados](
* [Procesadores AVR](
* Procesadores ARM (TBD)
* [Drivers](
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# Teclados con Procesadores AVR
Esta página describe el soporte para procesadores AVR en QMK. Los procesadores AVR incluyen el atmega32u4, atmega32u2, at90usb1286, y otros procesadores de la Corporación Atmel. Los procesadores AVR son MCUs de 8-bit que son diseñados para ser fáciles de trabajar. Los procesadores AVR más comunes en los teclados tienen USB y un montón de GPIO para permitir grandes matrices de teclado. Son los MCUs más populares para el uso en los teclados hoy en día.
Si aún no lo has hecho, debes leer las [Pautas de teclados]( para tener una idea de cómo los teclados encajan en QMK.
## Añadir tu Teclado AVR a QMK
QMK tiene varias características para simplificar el trabajo con teclados AVR. Para la mayoría de los teclados no tienes que escribir ni una sola línea de código. Para empezar, ejecuta el archivo `util/`:
$ ./util/
Generating a new QMK keyboard directory
Keyboard Name: mycoolkb
Keyboard Type [avr]:
Your Name [John Smith]:
Copying base template files... done
Copying avr template files... done
Renaming keyboard files... done
Replacing %KEYBOARD% with mycoolkb... done
Replacing %YOUR_NAME% with John Smith... done
Created a new keyboard called mycoolkb.
To start working on things, cd into keyboards/mycoolkb,
or open the directory in your favourite text editor.
Esto creará todos los archivos necesarios para tu nuevo teclado, y rellenará la configuración con valores predeterminados. Ahora sólo tienes que personalizarlo para tu teclado.
## ``
Aquí es donde describirás tu teclado. Por favor sigue la [Plantilla del readme de teclados]( al escribir tu ``. Te animamos a colocar una imagen en la parte superior de tu ``. Por favor, utiliza un servicio externo como [Imgur]( para alojar las imágenes.
## `<keyboard>.c`
Aquí es donde pondrás toda la lógica personalizada para tu teclado. Muchos teclados no necesitan nada aquí. Puedes aprender más sobre cómo escribir lógica personalizada en [Funciones Quantum Personalizadas](
## `<keyboard>.h`
Este es el archivo en el que defines tu(s) [Macro(s) de Layout]( Por lo menos deberías tener un `#define LAYOUT` para tu teclado que se ve algo así:
#define LAYOUT( \
k00, k01, k02, \
k10, k11 \
) { \
{ k00, k01, k02 }, \
{ k10, KC_NO, k11 }, \
La primera mitad de la macro pre-procesador `LAYOUT` define la disposición física de las llaves. La segunda mitad de la macro define la matriz a la que están conectados los interruptores. Esto te permite tener una disposición física de las llaves que difiere de la matriz de cableado.
Cada una de las variables `k__` tiene que ser única, y normalmente sigue el formato `k<row><col>`.
La matriz física (la segunda mitad) debe tener un número de filas igualando `MATRIX_ROWS`, y cada fila debe tener exactamente `MATRIX_COLS` elementos. Si no tienes tantas teclas físicas puedes usar `KC_NO` para rellenar los espacios en blanco.
## `config.h`
El archivo `config.h` es donde configuras el hardware y el conjunto de características para tu teclado. Hay un montón de opciones que se pueden colocar en ese archivo, demasiadas para listar allí. Para obtener una visión de conjunto completa de las opciones disponibles consulta la página de [Opciones de Configuración](
### Configuración de hardware
En la parte superior de `config.h` encontrarás ajustes relacionados con USB. Estos controlan la apariencia de tu teclado en el Sistema Operativo. Si no tienes una buena razón para cambiar debes dejar el `VENDOR_ID` como `0xFEED`. Para el `PRODUCT_ID` debes seleccionar un número que todavía no esté en uso.
Cambia las líneas de `MANUFACTURER`, `PRODUCT`, y `DESCRIPTION` para reflejar con precisión tu teclado.
#define VENDOR_ID 0xFEED
#define PRODUCT_ID 0x6060
#define DEVICE_VER 0x0001
#define PRODUCT mi_teclado_fantastico
#define DESCRIPTION Un teclado personalizado
?> Windows y macOS mostrarán el `MANUFACTURER` y `PRODUCT` en la lista de dispositivos USB. `lsusb` en Linux toma estos de la lista mantenida por el [Repositorio de ID USB]( por defecto. `lsusb -v` mostrará los valores reportados por el dispositivo, y también están presentes en los registros del núcleo después de conectarlo.
### Configuración de la matriz del teclado
La siguiente sección del archivo `config.h` trata de la matriz de tu teclado. Lo primero que debes establecer es el tamaño de la matriz. Esto es generalmente, pero no siempre, el mismo número de filas y columnas como la disposición física de las teclas.
#define MATRIX_ROWS 2
#define MATRIX_COLS 3
Una vez que hayas definido el tamaño de tu matriz, necesitas definir qué pines en tu MCU están conectados a filas y columnas. Para hacerlo simplemente especifica los nombres de esos pines:
#define MATRIX_ROW_PINS { D0, D5 }
#define MATRIX_COL_PINS { F1, F0, B0 }
El número de entradas debe ser el mismo que el número que asignaste a `MATRIX_ROWS`, y del mismo modo para `MATRIX_COL_PINS` y `MATRIX_COLS`. No tienes que especificar `UNUSED_PINS`, pero puedes si deseas documentar qué pines están abiertos.
Finalmente, puedes especificar la dirección en la que apuntan tus diodos. Esto puede ser `COL2ROW` o `ROW2COL`.
#### Matriz de patas directas
Para configurar un teclado en el que cada interruptor está conectado a un pin y tierra separados en lugar de compartir los pines de fila y columna, usa `DIRECT_PINS`. La asignación define los pines de cada interruptor en filas y columnas, de izquierda a derecha. Debe ajustarse a los tamaños dentro de `MATRIX_ROWS` y `MATRIX_COLS`. Usa `NO_PIN` para rellenar espacios en blanco. Sobreescribe el comportamiento de `DIODE_DIRECTION`, `MATRIX_ROW_PINS` y `MATRIX_COL_PINS`.
// #define MATRIX_ROW_PINS { D0, D5 }
// #define MATRIX_COL_PINS { F1, F0, B0 }
#define DIRECT_PINS { \
{ F1, E6, B0, B2, B3 }, \
{ F5, F0, B1, B7, D2 }, \
{ F6, F7, C7, D5, D3 }, \
{ B5, C6, B6, NO_PIN, NO_PIN } \
### Configuración de retroiluminación
QMK soporta retroiluminación en la mayoría de los pines GPIO. Algunos de ellos pueden ser manejados por el MCU en hardware. Para más detalles, consulta la [Documentación de Retroiluminación](
### Otras opciones de configuración
Hay un montón de características que se pueden configurar o ajustar en `config.h`. Debes consultar la página de [Opciones de Configuración]( para más detalles.
## ``
Usa el archivo `` para decirle a QMK qué archivos construir y qué características habilitar. Si estás construyendo sobre un atmega32u4 deberías poder dejar mayormente los valores predeterminados. Si estás usando otro MCU es posible que tengas que ajustar algunos parámetros.
### Opciones MCU
Estas opciones le indican al sistema de compilación para qué CPU construir. Ten mucho cuidado si cambias cualquiera de estos ajustes. Puedes inutilizar tu teclado.
MCU = atmega32u4
F_CPU = 16000000
F_USB = $(F_CPU)
### Gestores de arranque
El gestor de arranque es una sección especial de tu MCU que te permite actualizar el código almacenado en el MCU. Piensa en ello como una partición de rescate para tu teclado.
#### Ejemplo de gestor de arranque
BOOTLOADER = halfkay
#### Ejemplo de cargador DFU Atmel
BOOTLOADER = atmel-dfu
#### Ejemplo de gestor de arranque Pro Micro
BOOTLOADER = caterina
### Opciones de construcción
Hay un serie de características que se pueden activar o desactivar en ``. Consulta la página de [Opciones de Configuración]( para obtener una lista detallada y una descripción.
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# Controladores de hardware QMK
QMK se utiliza en un montón de hardware diferente. Mientras que el soporte para los MCUs y las configuraciones de matriz más comunes está integrado, hay una serie de controladores que se pueden añadir para soportar hardware adicional al teclado. Los ejemplos incluyen ratones y otros dispositivos de apuntamiento, extensores de i/o para teclados divididos, modúlos Bluetooth, y pantallas LCD, OLED y TFT.
<!-- FIXME: Esto debe hablar de cómo se integran los controladores en QMK y cómo puedes añadir su propio controlador.
# Descripción del sistema de controladores
# Controladores disponibles
## ProMicro (Solo AVR)
Soporte para direccionar pines en el ProMicro por su nombre Arduino en lugar de su nombre AVR. Esto necesita ser mejor documentado. Si estás tratando de hacer esto y leer el código no ayuda por favor [abre una issue]( y podemos ayudarte por el proceso.
## Controlador OLED SSD1306
Soporte para pantallas OLED basadas en SSD1306. Para obtener más información consulta la página de [Característica de Controlador OLED](
## uGFX
Puedes hacer uso de uGFX dentro de QMK para manejar LCDs de caracteres y gráficos, matrices de LED, OLED, TFT, y otras tecnologías de visualización. Esto necesita ser mejor documentado. Si estás tratando de hacer esto y leer el código no ayuda por favor [abre una issue]( y podemos ayudarte por el proceso.
## WS2812 (Solo AVR)
Soporte para LEDs WS2811/WS2812{a,b,c}. Para obtener más información consulta la página de [Luz RGB](
## IS31FL3731
Soporte para hasta 2 controladores. Cada controlador implementa 2 matrices charlieplex para direccionar LEDs individualmente usando I2C. Esto permite hasta 144 LEDs del mismo color o 32 LEDs RGB. Para obtener más información sobre cómo configurar el controlador, consulta la página de [Matriz RGB](
## IS31FL3733
Soporte para hasta un solo controlador con espacio para expansión. Cada controlador puede controlar 192 LEDs individuales o 64 LEDs RGB. Para obtener más información sobre cómo configurar el controlador, consulta la página de [Matriz RGB](
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# Pautas del teclado QMK
Desde sus inicios, QMK ha crecido a pasos agigantados gracias a personas como tú que contribuyes a la creación y mantenimiento de nuestros teclados comunitarios. A medida que hemos crecido hemos descubierto algunos patrones que funcionan bien, y pedimos que te ajustes a ellos para que sea más fácil para que otras personas se beneficien de tu duro trabajo.
## Nombrar tu Teclado/Proyecto
Todos los nombres de teclado están en minúsculas, consistiendo sólo de letras, números y guiones bajos (`_`). Los nombres no pueden comenzar con un guión bajo. La barra de desplazamiento (`/`) se utiliza como un carácter de separación de subcarpetas.
Los nombres `test`, `keyboard`, y `all` están reservados para las órdenes de make y no pueden ser usados como un nombre de teclado o subcarpeta.
Ejemplos Válidos:
* `412_64`
* `chimera_ortho`
* `clueboard/66/rev3`
* `planck`
* `v60_type_r`
## Subcarpetas
QMK utiliza subcarpetas tanto para organización como para compartir código entre las revisiones del mismo teclado. Puedes anidar carpetas hasta 4 niveles de profundidad:
Si una subcarpeta tiene un archivo `` será considerado un teclado compilable. Estará disponible en el configurador de QMK y se probará con `make all`. Si estás utilizando una carpeta para organizar varios teclados del mismo fabricante no debes tener un archivo ``.
Clueboard utiliza subcarpetas para ambos propósitos: organización y revisiones de teclado.
* [`qmk_firmware`](
* [`keyboards`](
* [`clueboard`]( ← This is the organization folder, there's no `` file
* [`60`]( ← This is a compilable keyboard, it has a `` file
* [`66`]( ← This is also compilable- it uses `DEFAULT_FOLDER` to specify `rev3` as the default revision
* [`rev1`]( ← compilable: `make clueboard/66/rev1`
* [`rev2`]( ← compilable: `make clueboard/66/rev2`
* [`rev3`]( ← compilable: `make clueboard/66/rev3` or `make clueboard/66`
## Estructura de carpetas de teclado
Su teclado debe estar ubicado en `qmk_firm cuidada/keyboards/` y el nombre de la carpeta debe ser el nombre de su teclado como se describe en la sección anterior. Dentro de esta carpeta debe haber varios archivos:
* ``
* `info.json`
* `config.h`
* ``
* `<keyboard_name>.c`
* `<keyboard_name>.h`
### ``
Todos los proyectos necesitan tener un archivo `` que explica lo que es el teclado, quién lo hizo y dónde está disponible. Si es aplicable, también debe contener enlaces a más información, como el sitio web del fabricante. Por favor, sigue la [plantilla publicada](
### `info.json`
Este archivo es utilizado por la [API de QMK]( Contiene la información que [configurador de QMK]( necesita mostrar en una representación de su teclado. También puede establecer metadatos aquí. Para más información, consulta la [página de referencia](
### `config.h`
Todos los proyectos necesitan tener un archivo `config.h` que establece cosas como el tamaño de la matriz, nombre del producto, USB VID/PID, descripción y otros ajustes. En general, usa este archivo para establecer la información esencial y los valores predeterminados para tu teclado que siempre funcionarán.
### ``
La presencia de este archivo indica que la carpeta es un destino de teclado y se puede utilizar en las órdenes `make`. Aquí es donde estableces el entorno de compilación para tu teclado y configuras el conjunto predeterminado de características.
### `<keyboard_name.c>`
Aquí es donde escribirás código personalizado para tu teclado. Típicamente escribirás código para inicializar e interactuar con el hardware de tu teclado. Si tu teclado se compone de sólo una matriz de teclas sin LEDs, altavoces u otro hardware auxiliar este archivo puede estar en blanco.
Las funciones siguientes se definen típicamente en este archivo:
* `void matrix_init_kb(void)`
* `void matrix_scan_kb(void)`
* `bool process_record_kb(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record)`
* `void led_set_kb(uint8_t usb_led)`
### `<keyboard_name.h>`
Este archivo se utiliza para definir la matriz para tu teclado. Debes definir al menos un macro de C que traduce una serie en una matriz que representa la matriz de interruptor físico para tu teclado. Si es posible construir tu teclado con múltiples diseños debes definir macros adicionales.
Si solo tienes un diseño debes llamar a esta macro `LAYOUT`.
Al definir diseños múltiples debes tener un diseño base, llamado `LAYOUT_all`, que soporte todas las posibles posiciones de switch en tu matriz, incluso si ese diseño es imposible de construir físicamente. Esta es la macro que deberías usar en tu keymap `predeterminado`. Debes tener keymaps adicionales llamados `default_ término layout>` que usen tus otras macros de diseño. Esto hará que sea más fácil para las personas utilizar los diseños que defines.
Los nombres de las macros de diseño son completamente minúsculas, excepto por la palabra `LAYOUT` en el frente.
Por ejemplo, si tienes un PCB de 60% que soporta ANSI e ISO podría definir los siguientes diseños y keymaps:
| Nombre de diseño | Nombre de keymap | Descripción |
| LAYOUT_all | default | Un diseño que soporta tanto ISO como ANSI |
| LAYOUT_ansi | default_ansi | Un diseño ANSI |
| LAYOUT_iso | default_iso | Un diseño ISO |
## Archivos de Imagen/Hardware
En un esfuerzo por mantener el tamaño de repo abajo ya no estamos aceptando archivos binarios de cualquier formato, con pocas excepciones. Alojarlos en otro lugar (por ejemplo <>) y enlazarlos en el `` es preferible.
Para archivos de hardware (tales como placas, casos, pcb) puedes contribuir a [ repo]( y estarán disponibles en []( Archivos descargables se almacenan en `/<teclado>/` (nombre sigue el mismo formato que el anterior), se sirven en `<teclado>/`, y se generan páginas de `/_pages/<teclado>/` que se sirven en la misma ubicación (Los archivos .md se generan en archivos .html mediante Jekyll). Echa un vistazo a la carpeta `lets_split` para ver un ejemplo.
## Predeterminados de teclado
Dada la cantidad de funcionalidad que expone QMK, es muy fácil confundir a los nuevos usuarios. Al armar el firmware predeterminado para tu teclado, te recomendamos limitar tus funciones y opciones habilitadas al conjunto mínimo necesario para soportar tu hardware. A continuación se formulan recomendaciones sobre características específicas.
### Bootmagic y Command
[Bootmagic]( and [Command]( son dos características relacionadas que permiten a un usuario controlar su teclado de manera no obvia. Te recomendamos que piense largo y tendido acerca de si vas a habilitar cualquiera de las características, y cómo vas a exponer esta funcionalidad. Tengas en cuenta que los usuarios que quieren esta funcionalidad puede habilitarla en sus keymaps personales sin afectar a todos los usuarios novatos que pueden estar usando tu teclado como su primera tarjeta programable.
De lejos el problema más común con el que se encuentran los nuevos usuarios es la activación accidental de Bootmagic mientras están conectando su teclado. Están sosteniendo el teclado por la parte inferior, presionando sin saberlo en alt y barra espaciadora, y luego se dan cuenta de que estas teclas han sido intercambiadas en ellos. Recomendamos dejar esta característica deshabilitada de forma predeterminada, pero si la activas consideres establecer la opción `BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SALT` a una tecla que es difícil de presionar al conectar el teclado.
Si tu teclado no tiene 2 teclas de cambio debes proporcionar un predeterminado de trabajo para `IS_COMMAND`, incluso cuando haya definido `COMMAND_ENABLE = no`. Esto dará a sus usuarios un valor predeterminado para ajustarse a si lo hacen enable Command.
## Programación de teclado personalizado
Como se documenta en [Funcionalidad de Adaptación]( puedes definir funciones personalizadas para tu teclado. Por favor, tengas en cuenta que sus usuarios pueden querer personalizar ese comportamiento así, y hacer que sea posible para que puedan hacer eso. Si está proporcionando una función personalizada, por ejemplo `process_record_kb()`, asegúrese de que su función también llame a la versión` `_user()` de la llamada. También debes tener en cuenta el valor de retorno de la versión `_user()`, y ejecutar sólo tu código personalizado si el usuario devuelve `true`.
## Proyectos Sin Producción/Conectados A Mano
Estamos encantados de aceptar cualquier proyecto que utilice QMK, incluidos los prototipos y los cableados de mano, pero tenemos una carpeta `/keyboards/handwired/` separada para ellos, por lo que la carpeta `/keyboards/` principal no se llena. Si un proyecto prototipo se convierte en un proyecto de producción en algún momento en el futuro, ¡estaremos encantados de moverlo a la carpeta `/keyboards/` principal!
## Advertencias como errores
Al desarrollar su teclado, tengas en cuenta que todas las advertencias serán tratadas como errores - estas pequeñas advertencias pueden acumularse y causar errores más grandes en el camino (y pierdan es generalmente una mala práctica).
## Derechos de autor
Si estás adaptando la configuración de tu teclado de otro proyecto, pero no utilizando el mismo código, asegúrese de actualizar la cabecera de derechos de autor en la parte superior de los archivos para mostrar tu nombre, en este formato:
Copyright 2017 Tu nombre <>
Si estás modificando el código de otra persona y sólo ha hecho cambios triviales debes dejar su nombre en la declaración de derechos de autor. Si has hecho un trabajo significativo en el archivo debe agregar tu nombre a la de ellos, así:
Copyright 2017 Su nombre <> Tu nombre <>
El año debe ser el primer año en que se crea el archivo. Si el trabajo se hizo a ese archivo en años posteriores puedes reflejar que mediante la adición del segundo año a la primera, como así:
Copyright 2015-2017 Tu nombre <>
## Licencia
El núcleo de QMC está licenciado bajo la [GNU General Public License]( Si estás enviando binarios para los procesadores AVR puedes elegir cualquiera [GPLv2]( o [GPLv3]( Si estás enviando binarios para ARM procesadores debes elegir [GPL Versión 3]( para cumplir con los [ChibiOS]( licencia GPLv3.
Si tu teclado hace uso de la [uGFX]( características dentro de QMK debes cumplir con la [Licencia de uGFX](, que requiere una licencia comercial separada antes de vender un dispositivo que contiene uGFX.
## Detalles técnicos
Si estás buscando más información sobre cómo hacer que su teclado funcione con QMK, [echa un vistazo a la sección hardware](!
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# La guía completa de QMK para novatos
QMK es un poderoso firmware Open Source para tu teclado mecánico. Puedes utilizar QMK para personalizar tu teclado en maneras a la vez simples y potentes. Gente de todos los niveles de habilidad, desde completos novatos hasta expertos programadores, han utilizado con éxito QMK para personalizar sus teclados. Esta guía te ayudará a hacer lo mismo, sin importar tu nivel de habilidad.
¿No estás seguro de si tu teclado puede ejecutar QMK? Si es un teclado mecánico construido por ti mismo probablemente puedas. Damos soporte a [gran número de placas de hobbistas](, e incluso si tu teclado actual no pudiera ejecutar QMK no deberías tener problemas encontrando uno que cumpliera tus necesidades.
## Visión general
Hay 7 secciones principales en esta guía:
* [Empezando](
* [Construyendo tu primer firmware](
* [Construyendo tu primer firmware usando la GUI](
* [Flasheando el firmware](
* [Testeando y depurando](
* [Mejores práticas](
* [Recursos de aprendizaje](
Esta guía está enfocada en ayudar a alguien que nunca ha compilado software con anterioridad. Toma decisiones y hace recomendaciones teniendo en cuenta este punto de vista. Hay métodos alternativos para muchos de estos procedimientos, y soportamos la mayoría de esas alternativas. Si tienes alguna duda sobre cómo llevar a cabo una tarea nos puedes [preguntar para que te guiemos](
## Recursos adicionales
* [Blog de Básicos de Thomas Baart's QMK]( – Un blog creado por un usuario que cubre lo básico sobre cómo usar el firmware QMK Firmware, visto desde la perspectiva de un usuario nuevo.
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# Mejores prácticas
## O, "Cómo aprendí a dejar de preocuparme y amarle a Git."
Este documento procura instruir a los novatos en las mejores prácticas para tener una experiencia más fácil en contribuir a QMK. Te guiaremos por el proceso de contribuir a QMK, explicando algunas maneras de hacerlo más fácilmente, y luego romperemos algunas cosas para enseñarte cómo arreglarlas.
En este documento suponemos un par de cosas:
1. Tienes una cuenta de Github, y has hecho un [fork del repo qmk_firmware]( en tu cuenta.
2. Has [configurado tu entorno de desarrollo](
## La rama master de tu fork: Actualizar a menudo, nunca commit
Se recomienda que para desarrollo con QMK, lo que sea que estés haciendo, mantener tu rama `master` actualizada, pero **nunca** commit en ella. Mejor, haz todos tus cambios en una rama de desarrollo y manda pull requests de tus ramas mientras programas.
Para evitar los conflictos de merge — cuando dos o más usuarios han editado la misma parte de un archivo al mismo tiempo — mantén tu rama `master` actualizada, y empieza desarrollo nuevo creando una nueva rama.
### Actualizando tu rama master
Para mantener tu rama `master` actualizada, se recomienda agregar el repository ("repo") de Firmware QMK como un repo remoto en git. Para hacer esto, abre tu interfaz de línea de mandatos y ingresa:
git remote add upstream
Para verificar que el repo ha sido agregado, ejecuta `git remote -v`, y lo siguiente debe aparecer:
$ git remote -v
origin<your_username>/qmk_firmware.git (fetch)
origin<your_username>/qmk_firmware.git (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
Ya que has hecho esto, puedes buscar actualizaciones del repo ejecutando `git fetch upstream`. Esto busca las ramas y etiquetas — juntos conocidos como "refs" — del repo QMK, que ahora tiene el apodo `upstream`. Ahora podemos comparar los archivos en nuestro fork `origin` con los de QMK.
Para actualizar la rama master de tu fork, ejecuta lo siguiente, pulsando Intro después de cada línea:
git checkout master
git fetch upstream
git pull upstream master
git push origin master
Esto te coloca en tu rama master, busca los refs del repo de QMK, descarga la rama `master` actual a tu computadora, y después lo sube a tu fork.
### Hacer cambios
Para hacer cambios, crea una nueva rama ejecutando:
git checkout -b dev_branch
git push --set-upstream origin dev_branch
Esto crea una nueva rama llamada `dev_branch`, te coloca en ella, y después guarda la nueva rama a tu fork. El parámetro `--set-upstream` le dice a git que use tu fork y la rama `dev_branch` cada vez que uses `git push` o `git pull` en esta rama. Solo necesitas usarlo la primera que que subes cambios; ya después, puedes usar `git push` o `git pull`, sin usar los demás parámetros.
!> Con `git push`, puedes usar `-u` en vez de `--set-upstream` — `-u` es un alias de `--set-upstream`.
Puedes nombrar tu rama casi cualquier cosa, pero se recomienda ponerle algo con relación a los cambios que vas a hacer.
Por defecto `git checkout -b` se basará tu nueva rama en la rama en la cual estás actualmente. Puedes basar tu rama en otra rama existente agregando el nombre de la rama al comando:
git checkout -b dev_branch master
Ahora que tienes una rama development, abre tu editor de texto y haz los cambios que quieres. Se recomienda hacer varios commits pequeños a tu rama; de este modo cualquier cambio que causa problemas puede ser rastreado y deshecho si fuera necesario. Para hacer tus cambios, edita y guarda los archivos que necesitas actualizar, agrégalos al *staging area* de Git, y luego haz un commit a tu rama:
git add path/to/updated_file
git commit -m "My commit message."
`git add` agrega los archivos que han sido cambiados al *staging area* de Git, lo cual es la "zona de preparación"de Git. Este contiene los cambios que vas a *commit* usando `git commit`, que guarda los cambios en el repo. Usa un mensaje de commit descriptivo para que puedas saber que ha cambiado fácilmente.
!> Si has cambiado muchos archivos, pero todos los archivos son parte del mismo cambio, puedes usar `git add .` para agregar todos los archivos cambiados que están en tu directiro actual, en vez de agregar cada archivo manualmente.
### Publicar tus cambios
El útimo paso es subir tus cambios a tu fork. Para hacerlo, ejecuta `git push`. Ahora Git publicará el estado actual de `dev_branch` a tu fork.
## Resolver los conflictos del merge
A veces cuando el trabajo en una rama tarda mucho tiempo en completarse, los cambios que han sido hechos por otros chocan con los cambios que has hecho en tu rama cuando abres un pull request. Esto se llama un *merge conflict*, y es algo que ocurre cuando varias personas editan las mismas partes de los mismos archivos.
### Rebase tus cambios
Un *rebase* es la manera de Git de tomar los cambios que se aplicaron en un punto, deshacerlos, y aplicar estos mismos cambios en otro punto. En el caso de un conflicto de merge, puedes hacer un rebase de tu rama para recoger los cambios que has hecho.
Para empezar, ejecuta lo siguiente:
git fetch upstream
git rev-list --left-right --count HEAD...upstream/master
El comando `git rev-list` ejecutado aquí muestra el número de commits que difieren entre la rama actual y la rama master de QMK. Ejecutamos `git fetch` primero para asegurarnos de que tenemos los refs que representan es estado actual del repo upstream. El output del comando `git rev-list` muestra dos números:
$ git rev-list --left-right --count HEAD...upstream/master
7 35
El primer número representa el número de commits en la rama actual desde que fue creada, y el segundo número es el número de commits hecho a `upstream/master` desde que la rama actual fue creada, o sea los cambios que no están registrados en la rama actual.
Ahora que sabemos el estado actual de la rama actual y el del repo upstream, podemos empezar una operación rebase:
git rebase upstream/master
Esto le dice a Git que deshaga los commits en la rama actual, y después los re-aplica en la rama master de QMK.
$ git rebase upstream/master
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: Commit #1
Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...
M conflicting_file_1.txt
Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
Auto-merging conflicting_file_1.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in conflicting_file_1.txt
error: Failed to merge in the changes.
hint: Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch
Patch failed at 0001 Commit #1
Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as resolved with
"git add/rm <conflicted_files>", then run "git rebase --continue".
You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase --skip".
To abort and get back to the state before "git rebase", run "git rebase --abort".
Esto nos dice que tenemos un conflicto de merge, y nos dice el nombre del archivo con el conflict. Abre el archivo en tu editor de texto, y en alguna parte del archivo verás algo así:
<<<<<<< HEAD
<p>For help with any issues, email us at</p>
<p>Need help? Email</p>
>>>>>>> Commit #1
La línea `<<<<<<< HEAD` marca el principio de un conflicto de merge, y la línea `>>>>>>> Commit #1` marca el final, con las secciones de conflicto separadas por `=======`. La parte del lado `HEAD` is de la versión de QMK master del archivo, y la parte marcada con el mensaje de commit es de la rama actual.
Ya que Git rastrea *cambios de archivos* en vez del contenido de los archivos directamente, si Git no puede encontrar el texto que estaba en el archivo antes del último commit, no sabrá cómo editar el archivo. El editar el archivo de nuevo resolverá este conflicto. Haz tus cambios, y guarda el archivo.
<p>Need help? Email</p>
Ahora ejecuta:
git add conflicting_file_1.txt
git rebase --continue
Git registra los cambios al archivo con conflictos, y sigue aplicando los commits de nuestra rama hasta llegar al final.
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# Construyendo tu primer firmware
Ahora que has configurado tu entorno de construcción estas listo para empezar a construir firmwares personalizados. Para esta sección de la guía alternaremos entre 3 programas - tu gestor de ficheros, tu editor de texto , y tu ventana de terminal. Manten los 3 abiertos hasta que hayas acabado y estés contento con el firmware de tu teclado.
Si has cerrado y reabierto la ventana de tu terminal después de seguir el primero paso de esta guía, no olvides hacer `cd qmk_firmware` para que tu terminal esté en el directorio correcto.
## Navega a tu carpeta de keymaps
Comienza navegando a la carpeta `keymaps` correspondiente a tu teclado.
?> Si estás en macOS o Windows hay comandos que puedes utilizar fácilmente para abrir la carpeta keymaps.
?> macOS:
abre keyboards/<keyboard_folder>/keymaps
?> Windows:
inicia .\\keyboards\\<keyboard_folder>\\keymaps
## Crea una copia del keymap `default`
Una vez que tengas la carpeta `keymaps` abierta querrás crear una copia de la carpeta `default`. Recomendamos encarecidamente que nombres la carpeta igual que tu nombre de usuario de GitHub, pero puedes utilizar el nombre que quieras siempre que contenga sólo letras en minúscula, números y el caracter de guión bajo.
Para automatizar el proceso, también tienes la opción de ejecutar el script ``.
Navega a la carpeta `qmk_firmware/util` e introduce lo siguiente:
./ <keyboard path> <username>
Por ejemplo, para un usuario llamado John, intentando hacer un keymap nuevo para el 1up60hse, tendría que teclear
./ 1upkeyboards/1up60hse john
## Abre `keymap.c` con tu editor de texto favorito
Abre tu `keymap.c`. Dentro de este fichero encontrarás la estructura que controla cómo se comporta tu teclado. En lo alto de `keymap.c` puede haber distintos defines y enums que hacen el keymap más fácil de leer. Continuando por abajo encontrarás una línea con este aspecto:
const uint16_t PROGMEM keymaps[][MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = {
Esta línea indica el comienzo del listado de Capas. Debajo encontrarás líneas que contienen o bien `LAYOUT` o `KEYMAP`, y estas líneas indican el comienzo de una capa. Debajo de esa línea está la lista de teclas que pertenecen a esa capa concreta.
!> Cuando estés editando tu fichero de keymap ten cuidado con no añadir ni eliminar ninguna coma. Si lo haces el firmware dejará de compilar y puede no ser fácil averiguar dónde está la coma faltante o sobrante.
## Personaliza el Layout a tu gusto
Cómo completar esta paso depende enteramente de ti. Haz ese pequeño cambio que querías o rehaz completamente todo. Puedes eliminar capas si no las necesitas todas, o añadir nuevas hasta un total de 32. Comprueba la siguiente documentación para descubrir qué es lo que puedes definir aquí:
* [Keycodes](
* [Características](
* [Preguntas frecuentes](
?> Mientras estás descubriendo cómo funcionan los keymaps, haz pequeños cambios. Cambios mayores pueden hacer difícil la depuración de problemas que puedan aparecer.
## Construye tu firmware
Cuando los cambios a tu keymap están completos necesitarás construir el firmware. Para hacerlo vuelve a la ventana de tu terminal y ejecuta el siguiente comando:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>
Por ejemplo, si tu keymap se llama "xyverz" y estás construyendo un keymap para un planck rev5, utilizarás el siguiente comando:
make planck/rev5:xyverz
Mientras compila, recibirás un montón de información de salida en la pantalla informándote de qué ficheros están siendo compilados. Debería acabar con una información similar a esta:
Linking: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.hex [OK]
Copying planck_rev5_xyverz.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of planck_rev5_xyverz.hex [OK]
* File size is fine - 18392/28672
## Flashea tu firmware
Continua con [Flasheando el firmware]( para aprender cómo escribir tu firmware nuevo en tu teclado.
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# Configurador QMK
El [Configurador QMK]( es un entorno gráfico online que genera ficheros hexadecimales de Firmware QMK.
?> **Por favor sigue estos pasos en orden.**
Ve el [Video tutorial](
El Configurador QMK functiona mejor con Chrome/Firefox.
!> **Ficheros de otras herramientas como KLE, o kbfirmware no serán compatibles con el Configurador QMK. No las cargues, no las importes. El configurador Configurador QMK es una herramienta DIFERENTE. **
## Seleccionando tu teclado
Haz click en el desplegable y selecciona el teclado para el que quieres crear el keymap.
?> Si tu teclado tiene varias versiones, asegúrate de que seleccionas la correcta.**
Lo diré otra vez porque es importante
Si se ha anunciado que tu teclado funciona con QMK pero no está en la lista, es probable que un desarrollador no se haya encargado de él aún o que todavía no hemos tenido la oportunidad de incluirlo. Abre un issue en [qmk_firmware]( solicitando soportar ese teclado un particular, si no hay un [Pull Request]( activo para ello. Hay también teclados que funcionan con QMK que están en las cuentas de github de sus manufacturantes. Acuérdate de comprobar esto también.
## Eligiendo el layout de tu teclado
Elige el layout que mejor represente el keymap que quieres crear. Algunos teclados no tienen suficientes layouts o layouts correctos definidos aún. Serán soportados en el futuro.
## Nombre del keymap
Llama a este keymap como quieras.
?> Si estás teniendo problemas para compilar, puede merecer la pena probar un cambio de nombre, ya que puede que ya exista en el repositorio de QMK Firmware.
## Creando Tu keymap
La adición de keycodes se puede hacer de 3 maneras.
1. Arrastrando y soltando
2. Clickando en un hueco vacío en el layout y haciendo click en el keycode que deseas
3. Clickando en un hueco vacío en el layout, presionando la tecla física en tu teclado.
Mueve el puntero de tu ratón sobre una tecla y un pequeño extracto te dirá que es lo que hace la tecla. Para una descripción más detallada por favor, mira
[Referencia básica de keycodes](
[Referencia avanzada de keycodes](
En el caso de que no puedas encontrar un layout que suporte tu keymap, por ejemplo, tres huecos para la barra espaciadora, dos huecos para el retroceso o dos huecos para shift etc etc, rellènalos TODOS.
### Ejemplo:
3 huecos para barra espaciadora: Rellena TODOS con barra espaciadora
2 huecos para retroceso: Rellena AMBOS con retroceso
2 huecos para el shift derecho: Rellena AMBOS con shift derecho
1 hueco para el shift izquierdo y 1 hueco para soporte iso: Rellena ambos con el shift izquierdo
5 huecos , pero sólo 4 teclas: Intuye y comprueba o pregunta a alguien que lo haya hecho anteriormente.
## Guardando tu keymap para ediciones futuras
Cuando estés satisfecho con un teclado o quieres trabajar en el después, pulsa el botón `Exportar Keymap`. Guardára tu keymap con el nombre que elijas seguido de .json.
Entonces podrás cargar este fichero .json en el futuro pulsando el botón `Importar Keymap`.
!> **PRECAUCIÓN:** No es el mismo tipo de fichero .json usado en ni ninguna otra herramienta. Si intentas utilizar un fichero .json de alguna de estas herramientas con el Configurador QMK, existe la posibilidad de que tu teclado **explote**.
## Generando tu fichero de firmware
Pulsa el botón verde `Compilar`.
Cuando la compilación haya acabado, podrás presionar el botón verde `Descargar Firmware`.
## Flasheando tu teclado
Por favor, dirígete a la sección de [Flashear firmware](
## Problemas comunes
#### Mi fichero .json no funciona
Si el fichero .json fue generado con el Configurador QMK, enhorabuena, has dado con un bug. Abre una issue en [qmk_configurator](
Si no....cómo no viste el mensaje en negrita que puse arriba diciendo que no hay que utilizar otros ficheros .json?
#### Hay espacios extra en mi layout ¿Qué hago?
Si te refieres a tener tres espacios para la barra espaciadora, la mejor decisión es rellenar los tres con la barra espaciadora. También se puede hacer lo mismo con las teclas retroceso y las de shift
#### Para qué sirve el keycode.......
Por favor, mira
[Referencia básica de keycodes](
[Referencia avanzada de keycodes](
#### No compila
Por favor, revisa las otras capas de tu keymap para asegurarte de que no hay teclas aleatorias presentes.
## Problemas y bugs
Siempre aceptamos peticiones de clientes y reportes de bug. Por favor, indícalos en [qmk_configurator](
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
# Flasheando tu teclado
Ahora que has construido tu fichero de firmware personalizado querrás flashear tu teclado.
## Flasheando tu teclado con QMK Toolbox
La manera más simple de flashear tu teclado sería con [QMK Toolbox](
De todos modos, QMK Toolbox actualmente sólo está disponible para Windows y macOS. Si estás usando Linux (o sólo quisieras flashear el firmware desde la línea de comandos), tendrás que utilizar el [método indicado abajo](
### Cargar el fichero en QMK Toolbox
Empieza abriendo la aplicación QMK Toolbox. Tendrás que buscar el fichero de firmware usando Finder o Explorer. El firmware de teclado puede estar en uno de estos dos formatos- `.hex` o `.bin`. QMK intenta copiar el apropiado para tu teclado en el fichero raíz `qmk_firmware`.
?> Si tu estás on Windows o macOS hay comandos que puedes usar para abrir fácilmente la carpeta del firmware actual en Explorer o Finder.
?> Windows:
start .
?> macOS:
open .
El fichero de firmware sempre sigue el siguiente formato de nombre:
Por ejemplo, un `plank/rev5` con un keymap `default` tendrá este nombre de fichero:
Una vez que hayas localizado el fichero de tu firmware arrástralo a la caja "Fichero local" en QMK Toolbox, o haz click en "Abrir" y navega allí donde tengas almacenado tu fichero de firmware.
### Pon tu teclado en modo DFU (Bootloader)
Para poder flashear tu firmware personalizado tienes que poner tu teclado en un modo especial que permite flasheado. Cuando está en este modo no podrás teclear o utilizarlo para ninguna otra cosa. Es muy importante que no desconectes tu teclado, de lo contrario interrumpirás el proceso de flasheo mientras el firmware se está escribiendo.
Diferentes teclados tienen diferentes maneras de entrar en este modo especial. Si tu PCB actualmente ejecuta QMK o TMK y no has recibido instrucciones específicas, intenta los siguientes pasos en orden:
* Manten pulsadas ambas teclas shift y pulsa `Pause`
* Manten pulsadas ambas teclas shift y pulsa `B`
* Desconecta tu teclado, mantén pulsada la barra espaciadora y `B` al mismo tiempo, conecta tu teclado y espera un segundo antes de dejar de pulsar las teclas
* Pulsa el botón físico `RESET` situado en el fondo de la PCB
* Localiza los pines en la PCB etiquetados on `BOOT0` o `RESET`, puentea estos dos juntos cuando enchufes la PCB
Si has tenido éxito verás un mensaje similar a este en QMK Toolbox:
*** Clueboard - Clueboard 66% HotSwap disconnected -- 0xC1ED:0x2390
*** DFU device connected
### Flashea tu teclado
Haz click en el botón `Flash` de QMK Toolbox. Verás una información de salida similar a esta:
*** Clueboard - Clueboard 66% HotSwap disconnected -- 0xC1ED:0x2390
*** DFU device connected
*** Attempting to flash, please don't remove device
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase --force
Erasing flash... Success
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x6FFF... Empty.
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash /Users/skully/qmk_firmware/clueboard_66_hotswap_gen1_skully.hex
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x55FF... Empty.
0% 100% Programming 0x5600 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
0% 100% Reading 0x7000 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
Validating... Success
0x5600 bytes written into 0x7000 bytes memory (76.79%).
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset
*** DFU device disconnected
*** Clueboard - Clueboard 66% HotSwap connected -- 0xC1ED:0x2390
## Flashea tu teclado desde la línea de comandos
Lo primero que tienes que saber es qué bootloader utiliza tu teclado. Hay cuatro bootloaders pincipales que se usan habitualmente . Pro-Micro y sus clones usan CATERINA, Teensy's usa Halfkay, las placas OLKB usan QMK-DFU, y otros chips atmega32u4 usan DFU.
Puedes encontrar más información sobre bootloaders en la página [Instrucciones de flasheado e información de Bootloader](
Si sabes qué bootloader estás usando, en el momento de compilar el firmware, podrás añadir algún texto extra al comando `make` para automatizar el proceso de flasheado.
### DFU
Para eo bootloader DFU, cuando estés listo para compilar y flashear tu firmware, abre tu ventana de terminal y ejecuta el siguiente comando de construcción:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:dfu
Por ejemplo, si tu keymap se llama "xyverz" y estás construyendo un keymap para un planck rev5, utilizarás este comando:
make planck/rev5:xyverz:dfu
Una vez que finalice de compilar, deberá aparecer lo siguiente:
Linking: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/planck_rev5_xyverz.hex [OK]
Copying planck_rev5_xyverz.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of planck_rev5_xyverz.hex
* File size is fine - 18574/28672
Después de llegar a este punto, el script de construcción buscará el bootloader DFU cada 5 segundos. Repetirá lo siguiente hasta que se encuentre el dispositivo o lo canceles:
dfu-programmer: no device present.
Error: Bootloader not found. Trying again in 5s.
Una vez haya hecho esto, tendrás que reiniciar el controlador. Debería mostrar una información de salida similar a esta:
*** Attempting to flash, please don't remove device
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase --force
Erasing flash... Success
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x6FFF... Empty.
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash /Users/skully/qmk_firmware/clueboard_66_hotswap_gen1_skully.hex
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x55FF... Empty.
0% 100% Programming 0x5600 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
0% 100% Reading 0x7000 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] Success
Validating... Success
0x5600 bytes written into 0x7000 bytes memory (76.79%).
>>> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset
?> Si tienes problemas con esto- del estilo de `dfu-programmer: no device present` - por favor consulta las [Preguntas frecuentes de construcción](
#### Comandos DFU
Hay un número de comandos DFU que puedes usar para flashear firmware a un dispositivo DFU:
* `:dfu` - Esta es la opción normal y espera hasta que un dispositivo DFU esté disponible, entonces flashea el firmware. Esperará reintentando cada 5 segundos, para ver si un dispositivo DFU ha aparecido.
* `:dfu-ee` - Esta flashea un fichero `eep` en vez del hex normal. Esto no es lo común.
* `:dfu-split-left` - Esta flashea el firmware normal, igual que la opción por defecto (`:dfu`). Sin embargo, también flashea el fichero EEPROM "Lado Izquierdo" para teclados divididos. _Esto es ideal para los ficheros divididos basados en Elite C._
* `:dfu-split-right` - Esto flashea el firmware normal, igual que la opción por defecto (`:dfu`). Sin embargo, también flashea el fichero EEPROM "Lado Derecho" para teclados divididos. _Esto es ideal para los ficheros divididos basados en Elite C._
### Caterina
Para placas Arduino y sus clones (como la SparkFun ProMicro), cuando estés listo para compilar y flashear tu firmware, abre tu ventana de terminal y ejecuta el siguiente comando de construcción:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:avrdude
Por ejemplo, si tu keymap se llama "xyverz" y estás construyendo un keymap para un Lets Split rev2, usarás este comando:
make lets_split/rev2:xyverz:avrdude
Una vez que finalice de compilar, deberá aparecer lo siguiente:
Linking: .build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex [OK]
Checking file size of lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex [OK]
* File size is fine - 27938/28672
Detecting USB port, reset your controller now..............
En este punto, reinicia la placa y entonces el script detectará el bootloader y procederá a flashear la placa. La información de salida deber ser algo similar a esto:
Detected controller on USB port at /dev/ttyS15
Connecting to programmer: .
Found programmer: Id = "CATERIN"; type = S
Software Version = 1.0; No Hardware Version given.
Programmer supports auto addr increment.
Programmer supports buffered memory access with buffersize=128 bytes.
Programmer supports the following devices:
Device code: 0x44
avrdude.exe: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.00s
avrdude.exe: Device signature = 0x1e9587 (probably m32u4)
avrdude.exe: NOTE: "flash" memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude.exe: erasing chip
avrdude.exe: reading input file "./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex"
avrdude.exe: input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude.exe: writing flash (27938 bytes):
Writing | ################################################## | 100% 2.40s
avrdude.exe: 27938 bytes of flash written
avrdude.exe: verifying flash memory against ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex:
avrdude.exe: load data flash data from input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex:
avrdude.exe: input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude.exe: input file ./.build/lets_split_rev2_xyverz.hex contains 27938 bytes
avrdude.exe: reading on-chip flash data:
Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.43s
avrdude.exe: verifying ...
avrdude.exe: 27938 bytes of flash verified
avrdude.exe: safemode: Fuses OK (E:CB, H:D8, L:FF)
avrdude.exe done. Thank you.
Si tienes problemas con esto, puede ser necesario que hagas esto:
sudo make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:avrdude
Adicionalmente, si quisieras flashear múltiples placas, usa el siguiente comando:
make <keyboard>:<keymap>:avrdude-loop
Cuando hayas acabado de flashear placas, necesitarás pulsar Ctrl + C o cualquier combinación que esté definida en tu sistema operativo para finalizar el bucle.
### HalfKay
Para dispositivos PJRC (Teensy's), cuando estés listo para compilar y flashear tu firmware, abre tu ventana de terminal y ejecuta el siguiente comando de construcción:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:teensy
Por ejemplo, si tu keymap se llama "xyverz" y estás construyendo un keymap para un Ergodox o un Ergodox EZ, usarás este comando:
make ergodox_ez:xyverz:teensy
Una vez que el firmware acabe de compilar, deberá mostrar una información de salida como esta:
Linking: .build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex [OK]
Checking file size of ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex [OK]
* File size is fine - 25584/32256
Teensy Loader, Command Line, Version 2.1
Read "./.build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex": 25584 bytes, 79.3% usage
Waiting for Teensy device...
(hint: press the reset button)
En este punto, reinicia tu placa. Una vez que lo hayas hecho, deberás ver una información de salida como esta:
Found HalfKay Bootloader
Read "./.build/ergodox_ez_xyverz.hex": 28532 bytes, 88.5% usage
### BootloadHID
Para placas basadas en Bootmapper Client(BMC)/bootloadHID/ATmega32A, cuando estés listo para compilar y flashear tu firmware, abre tu ventana de terminal y ejecuta el comando de construcción:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:bootloaderHID
Por ejemplo, si tu keymap se llama "xyverz" y estás construyendo un keymap para un jj40, usarás esté comando:
make jj40:xyverz:bootloaderHID
Una vez que el firmware acaba de compilar, mostrará una información de salida como esta:
Linking: .build/jj40_default.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/jj40_default.hex [OK]
Copying jj40_default.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of jj40_default.hex [OK]
* The firmware size is fine - 21920/28672 (6752 bytes free)
Después de llegar a este punto, el script de construcción buscará el bootloader DFU cada 5 segundos. Repetirá lo siguiente hasta que se encuentre el dispositivo o hasta que lo canceles.
Error opening HIDBoot device: The specified device was not found
Trying again in 5s.
Una vez que lo haga, querrás reinicar el controlador. Debería entonces mostrar una información de salida similar a esta:
Page size = 128 (0x80)
Device size = 32768 (0x8000); 30720 bytes remaining
Uploading 22016 (0x5600) bytes starting at 0 (0x0)
0x05580 ... 0x05600
### STM32 (ARM)
Para la mayoría de placas ARM (incluyendo la Proton C, Planck Rev 6, y Preonic Rev 3), cuando estés listo para compilar y flashear tu firmware, abre tu ventana de terminal y ejecuta el siguiente comando de construcción:
make <my_keyboard>:<my_keymap>:dfu-util
Por ejemplo, si tu keymap se llama "xyverz" y estás construyendo un keymap para un teclado Planck Revision 6, utilizarás este comando y a continuación reiniciarás el teclado con el bootloader (antes de que acabe de compilar):
make planck/rev6:xyverz:dfu-util
Una vez que el firmware acaba de compilar, mostrará una información de salida similar a esta:
Linking: .build/planck_rev6_xyverz.elf [OK]
Creating binary load file for flashing: .build/planck_rev6_xyverz.bin [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/planck_rev6_xyverz.hex [OK]
Size after:
text data bss dec hex filename
0 41820 0 41820 a35c .build/planck_rev6_xyverz.hex
Copying planck_rev6_xyverz.bin to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
dfu-util 0.9
Copyright 2005-2009 Weston Schmidt, Harald Welte and OpenMoko Inc.
Copyright 2010-2016 Tormod Volden and Stefan Schmidt
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Please report bugs to
Invalid DFU suffix signature
A valid DFU suffix will be required in a future dfu-util release!!!
Opening DFU capable USB device...
ID 0483:df11
Run-time device DFU version 011a
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting #0 ...
Determining device status: state = dfuERROR, status = 10
dfuERROR, clearing status
Determining device status: state = dfuIDLE, status = 0
dfuIDLE, continuing
DFU mode device DFU version 011a
Device returned transfer size 2048
DfuSe interface name: "Internal Flash "
Downloading to address = 0x08000000, size = 41824
Download [=========================] 100% 41824 bytes
Download done.
File downloaded successfully
Transitioning to dfuMANIFEST state
#### STM32 Commands
Hay un número de comandos DFU que puedes usar para flashear firmware a un dispositivo DFU:
* `:dfu-util` - El comando por defecto para flashing en dispositivos STM32.
* `:dfu-util-wait` - Esto funciona como el comando por defecto, pero te da (configurable) 10 segundos de tiempo antes de que intente flashear el firmware. Puedes usar `TIME_DELAY=20` desde la líena de comandos para cambiar este tiempo de retardo.
* Eg: `make <keyboard>:<keymap>:dfu-util TIME_DELAY=5`
* `:dfu-util-split-left` - Flashea el firmware normal, igual que la opción por defecto (`:dfu-util`). Sin embargo, también flashea el fichero EEPROM "Lado Izquierdo" para teclados divididos.
* `:dfu-util-split-right` - Flashea el firmware normal, igual que la opción por defecto (`:dfu-util`). Sin embargo, también flashea el fichero EEPROM "Lado Derecho" para teclados divididos.
## ¡Pruébalo!
¡Felicidades! ¡Tu firmware personalizado ha sido programado en tu teclado!
Pruébalo y asegúrate de que todo funciona de la manera que tu quieres. Hemos escrito [Testeando y depurando]( para redondear esta guía de novatos, así que pásate por allí para aprender cómo resolver problemas con tu funcionalidad personalizada.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# Introducción
El teclado de tu computador tiene un procesador dentro de él, no muy distinto del que está dentro de tu ordenador. Este procesador ejecuta software que es responsable de detectar la pulsación de las teclas y enviar informes sobre el estado del teclado cuando las teclas son pulsadas y liberadas. QMK ocupa el rol de ese software. Cuando construyes un keymap personalizado , estas creando el equivalente de un programa ejecutable en tu teclado.
QMK intenta poner un montón de poder en tus manos haciendo que las cosas fáciles sean fáciles, y las cosas difíciles posibles. No tienes que saber cómo programar para crear keymaps potentes — sólo tienes que seguir un conjunto simple de reglas sintácticas.
# Comenzando
Antes de que puedas construir keymaps, necesitarás instalar algun software y configurar tu entorno de construcción. Esto sólo hay que hacerlo una vez sin importar en cuántos teclados planeas configurar el software.
Si prefieres hacerlo mediante un interfaz gráfico , por favor, considera utilizar el [Configurador QMK]( En ese caso dirígete a [Construyendo tu primer firmware usando la GUI](
## Descarga el software
### Editor de texto
Necesitarás un programa con el que puedas editar y guardar archivos de **texto plano**, en windows puedes utilizar Notepad y en tu Linux puedes utilizar gedit. Estos dos programas son editores simples y funcionales. En macOS ten cuidado con la aplicación de edición de texto por defecto TextEdit: no guardará texto plano a menos de que se le seleccione explícitamente _Make Plain Text_ desde el menú _Format_.
También puedes descargar e instalar un editor de texto dedicado como [Sublime Text]( o [VS Code]( Esta es probablemente la mejor manera independientemente de la plataforma, ya que estos programas fueron creados específicamente para editar código.
?> ¿No estás seguro de qué editor de texto utilizar? Laurence Bradford escribió una [estupenda introducción]( al tema.
### QMK Toolbox
QMK Toolbox is an optional graphical program for Windows and macOS that allows you to both program and debug your custom keyboard. You will likely find it invaluable for easily flashing your keyboard and viewing debug messages that it prints.
[Download the latest release here.](
* For Windows: `qmk_toolbox.exe` (portable) or `qmk_toolbox_install.exe` (installer)
* For macOS: `` (portable) or `QMK.Toolbox.pkg` (installer)
## Configura tu entorno
Hemos intentado hacer QMK lo más fácil de configurar posible. Sólo tienes que preparar tu entorno Linux o Unix, y luego dejar que QMK
instale el resto.
?> Si no has trabajado con la línea de comandos de Linux/Unix con anterioridad, hay algunos conceptos y comandos básicos que deberías aprender. Estos recursos te enseñarán lo suficiente para poder trabajar con QMK:<br>
[Comandos de Linux que debería saber](<br>
[Algunos comandos básicos de Unix](
### Windows
Necesitarás instalar MSYS2 y Git.
* Sigue las instrucciones de instalación en la [página de MSYS2](
* Cierra las terminales abiertas de MSYS2 y abre una nueva termial de MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit.
* Instala Git ejecutando este comando: `pacman -S git`.
### macOS
Necesitarás instalar Homebrew. Sigue las instrucciones que encontrarás en la [página de Homebrew](
Despueś de que se haya inastalado Homebrew, continúa con _Set Up QMK_. En ese paso ejecutará un script que instalará el resto de paquetes.
### Linux
Necesitarás instalar Git. Es bastante probable que ya lo tengas, pero si no, uno de los siguientes comandos debería instalarlo:
* Debian / Ubuntu / Devuan: `apt-get install git`
* Fedora / Red Hat / CentOS: `yum install git`
* Arch: `pacman -S git`
?> Docker es también una opción en todas las plataformas. [Haz click aquí si quieres detalles.](
## Configura QMK
Una vez que hayas configurado tu entorno Linux/Unix, estarás listo para descargar QMK. Haremos esto utilizando Git para "clonar" el respositorio de QMK. Abre una ventana de Terminal o MSYS2 MinGW y mantenla abierta mientras sigues esta guía. Dentro de esa ventana ejecuta estos dos comandos:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd qmk_firmware
?> Si ya sabes [cómo usar GitHub](, te recomendamos en vez de eso, crees y clones tu propio fork. Si no sabes lo que significa, puedes ignorar este mensaje sin problemas.
QMK viene con un script para ayudarte a configurar el resto de cosas que necesitarás. Deberías ejecutarlo introduciendo este comando:
## Prueba tu entorno de construcción
Ahora que tu entorno de construcción de QMK está configurado, puedes construcir un firmware para tu teclado. Comienza intentado construir el keymap por defecto del teclado. Deberías ser capaz de hacerlo con un comando con este formato:
make <keyboard>:default
Por ejemplo, para construir el firmware para un Clueboard 66% deberías usar:
make clueboard/66/rev3:default
Cuando esté hecho, deberías tener un montón de información de salida similar a esta:
Linking: .build/clueboard_66_rev3_default.elf [OK]
Creating load file for flashing: .build/clueboard_66_rev3_default.hex [OK]
Copying clueboard_66_rev3_default.hex to qmk_firmware folder [OK]
Checking file size of clueboard_66_rev3_default.hex [OK]
* The firmware size is fine - 26356/28672 (2316 bytes free)
# Creando tu keymap
Ya estás listo para crear tu propio keymap personal! Para hacerlo continua con [Construyendo tu primer firmware](
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# Recursos de aprendizaje
Estos recursos procuran dar miembros nuevos en la communidad QMK un mayor entendimiento de la información proporcionada en la documentación para novatos.
Recursos de Git:
* [Excelente tutorial general](
* [Juego de Git para aprender usando ejemplos](
* [Recursos de Git para aprender más sobre Github](
* [Recursos de Git dirigidos específicamente a QMK](
Recursos para línea de mandatos:
* [Excelente tutorial general sobre la línea de mandatos](
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
# Testeando y depurando
Una vez que hayas flasheado tu teclado con un firmware personalizado estarás listo para probarlo. Con un poco de suerte todo funcionará a la primera, pero si no es así, este documento te ayudará a averiguar qué está mal.
## Probando
Probar tu teclado es generalmente bastante sencillo. Persiona cada una de las teclas y asegúrate de que envía la tecla correcta. Existen incluso programas que te ayudarán a asegurarte de que no te dejas ninguna tecla sin comprobar.
Nota: Estos programas no los provée ni están relacionados con QMK.
* [Switch Hitter]( (Sólo Windows)
* [Keyboard Viewer]( (Sólo Mac)
* [Keyboard Tester]( (Aplicación web)
* [Keyboard Checker]( (Aplicación web)
## Depurando
Tu teclado mostrará información de depuración si tienes `CONSOLE_ENABLE = yes` en tu ``. Por defecto la información de salida es muy limitada, pero puedes encender el modo de depuración para incrementar la información de salida. Utiliza el keycode `DEBUG` de tu keymap, usa la característica [Comando]( para activar el modo depuración, o añade el siguiente código a tu keymap.
void keyboard_post_init_user(void) {
// Customise these values to desired behaviour
### Depurando con QMK Toolbox
Para plataformas compatibles, [QMK Toolbox]( se puede usar para mostrar mensajes de depuración de tu teclado.
### Depurando con hid_listen
¿Prefieres una solución basada en una terminal? [hid_listen](, provista por PJRC, se puede usar también para mostrar mensajes de depuración. Hay binarios preconstruídos para Windows,Linux,y MacOS.
<!-- FIXME: Describe the debugging messages here. -->
## Enviando tus propios mensajes de depuración
A veces, es útil imprimir mensajes de depuración desde tu [código personalizado]( Hacerlo es bastante simple. Comienza incluyendo `print.h` al principio de tu fichero:
#include <print.h>
Después de eso puedes utilzar algunas funciones print diferentes:
* `print("string")`: Imprime un string simple
* `uprintf("%s string", var)`: Imprime un string formateado
* `dprint("string")` Imprime un string simple, pero sólo cuando el modo de depuración está activo
* `dprintf("%s string", var)`: Imprime un string formateado, pero sólo cuando el modo de depuración está activo
## Ejemplos de depuración
Debajo hay una colección de ejemplos de depuración del mundo real. Para información adicional, Dirígete a [Depurando/Encontrando problemas en QMK](
### ¿Que posición en la matriz tiene esta pulsación de tecla?
Cuando estés portando, o intentando diagnosticar problemas en la pcb, puede ser útil saber si la pulsación de una tecla es escaneada correctamente. Para hablitar la información de registro en este escenario, añade el siguiente código al `keymap.c` de tus keymaps
bool process_record_user(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) {
// If console is enabled, it will print the matrix position and status of each key pressed
uprintf("KL: kc: %u, col: %u, row: %u, pressed: %u\n", keycode, record->event.key.col, record->event.key.row, record->event.pressed);
return true;
Ejemplo de salida
Waiting for device:.......
KL: kc: 169, col: 0, row: 0, pressed: 1
KL: kc: 169, col: 0, row: 0, pressed: 0
KL: kc: 174, col: 1, row: 0, pressed: 1
KL: kc: 174, col: 1, row: 0, pressed: 0
KL: kc: 172, col: 2, row: 0, pressed: 1
KL: kc: 172, col: 2, row: 0, pressed: 0
### ¿Cuanto tiempo tardó en escanear la pulsación de una tecla?
Cuando estés probando problemas en el rendimiento, puede ser útil saber la frecuenta a la cual la matríz de pulsadores se está escaneando. Para hablitar la información de registro en este escenario, añade el siguiente código al `config.h` de tus keymaps
Ejemplo de salida
> matrix scan frequency: 315
> matrix scan frequency: 313
> matrix scan frequency: 316
> matrix scan frequency: 316
> matrix scan frequency: 316
> matrix scan frequency: 316
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# Frequently Asked Build Questions
This page covers questions about building QMK. If you haven't yet done so, you should read the [Build Environment Setup]( and [Make Instructions]( guides.
## Can't Program on Linux
You will need proper permissions to operate a device. For Linux users, see the instructions regarding `udev` rules, below. If you have issues with `udev`, a work-around is to use the `sudo` command. If you are not familiar with this command, check its manual with `man sudo` or [see this webpage](
An example of using `sudo`, when your controller is ATMega32u4:
$ sudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase --force
$ sudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash your.hex
$ sudo dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset
or just:
$ sudo make <keyboard>:<keymap>:dfu
Note that running `make` with `sudo` is generally ***not*** a good idea, and you should use one of the former methods, if possible.
### Linux `udev` Rules
On Linux, you'll need proper privileges to access the MCU. You can either use
`sudo` when flashing firmware, or place these files in `/etc/udev/rules.d/`. Once added run the following:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
# Atmel ATMega32U4
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2ff4", MODE:="0666"
# Atmel USBKEY AT90USB1287
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2ffb", MODE:="0666"
# Atmel ATMega32U2
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="03eb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="2ff0", MODE:="0666"
# tmk keyboard products
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="feed", MODE:="0666"
# Input Club keyboard bootloader
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1c11", MODE:="0666"
# ModemManager should ignore the following devices
ATTRS{idVendor}=="2a03", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="2341", ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
**Note:** ModemManager filtering only works when not in strict mode, the following commands can update that settings:
sudo sed -i 's/--filter-policy=strict/--filter-policy=default/' /lib/systemd/system/ModemManager.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart ModemManager
# stm32duino
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1eaf", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0003", MODE:="0666"
# Generic stm32
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="df11", MODE:="0666"
# bootloadHID
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="05df", MODE:="0666"
### Serial device is not detected in bootloader mode on Linux
Make sure your kernel has appropriate support for your device. If your device uses USB ACM, such as
Pro Micro (Atmega32u4), make sure to include `CONFIG_USB_ACM=y`. Other devices may require `USB_SERIAL` and any of its sub options.
## Unknown Device for DFU Bootloader
Issues encountered when flashing keyboards on Windows are most often due to having the wrong drivers installed for the bootloader, or none at all.
Re-running the QMK installation script (`./util/` from the `qmk_firmware` directory in MSYS2 or WSL) or reinstalling the QMK Toolbox may fix the issue. Alternatively, you can download and run the [`qmk_driver_installer`]( package manually.
If that doesn't work, then you may need to download and run Zadig. See [Bootloader Driver Installation with Zadig]( for more detailed information.
## USB VID and PID
You can use any ID you want with editing `config.h`. Using any presumably unused ID will be no problem in fact except for very low chance of collision with other product.
Most boards in QMK use `0xFEED` as the vendor ID. You should look through other keyboards to make sure you pick a unique Product ID.
Also see this.
You can buy a really unique VID:PID here. I don't think you need this for personal use.
Note that Teensy2.0++ bootloader size is 2048byte. Some Makefiles may have wrong comment.
# Boot Section Size in *bytes*
# Teensy halfKay 512
# Teensy++ halfKay 2048
# Atmel DFU loader 4096 (TMK Alt Controller)
# LUFA bootloader 4096
# USBaspLoader 2048
## `avr-gcc: internal compiler error: Abort trap: 6 (program cc1)` on MacOS
This is an issue with updating on brew, causing symlinks that avr-gcc depend on getting mangled.
The solution is to remove and reinstall all affected modules.
brew rm avr-gcc
brew rm avr-gcc@8
brew rm dfu-programmer
brew rm dfu-util
brew rm gcc-arm-none-eabi
brew rm arm-gcc-bin@8
brew rm avrdude
brew install avr-gcc@8
brew install dfu-programmer
brew install dfu-util
brew install arm-gcc-bin@8
brew install avrdude
brew link --force avr-gcc@8
brew link --force arm-gcc-bin@8
### `avr-gcc` and LUFA
If you updated your `avr-gcc` and you see errors involving LUFA, for example:
`lib/lufa/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Device/AudioClassDevice.h:380:5: error: 'const' attribute on function returning 'void'`
For now, you need to rollback `avr-gcc` to 8 in Homebrew.
brew uninstall --force avr-gcc
brew install avr-gcc@8
brew link --force avr-gcc@8
### I just flashed my keyboard and it does nothing/keypresses don't register - it's also ARM (rev6 planck, clueboard 60, hs60v2, etc...) (Feb 2019)
Due to how EEPROM works on ARM based chips, saved settings may no longer be valid. This affects the default layers, and *may*, under certain circumstances we are still figuring out, make the keyboard unusable. Resetting the EEPROM will correct this.
[Planck rev6 reset EEPROM]( can be used to force an eeprom reset. After flashing this image, flash your normal firmware again which should restore your keyboard to _normal_ working order.
[Preonic rev3 reset EEPROM](
If bootmagic is enabled in any form, you should be able to do this too (see [Bootmagic docs]( and keyboard info for specifics on how to do this).
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# Debugging FAQ
This page details various common questions people have about troubleshooting their keyboards.
# Debug Console
## `hid_listen` Can't Recognize Device
When debug console of your device is not ready you will see like this:
Waiting for device:.........
once the device is plugged in then *hid_listen* finds it you will get this message:
Waiting for new device:.........................
If you can't get this 'Listening:' message try building with `CONSOLE_ENABLE=yes` in [Makefile]
You may need privilege to access the device on OS like Linux.
- try `sudo hid_listen`
## Can't Get Message on Console
- *hid_listen* finds your device. See above.
- Enable debug with pressing **Magic**+d. See [Magic Commands](
- set `debug_enable=true`. See [Testing and Debugging](
- try using 'print' function instead of debug print. See **common/print.h**.
- disconnect other devices with console function. See [Issue #97](
## Linux or UNIX Like System Requires Super User Privilege
Just use 'sudo' to execute *hid_listen* with privilege.
$ sudo hid_listen
Or add an *udev rule* for TMK devices with placing a file in rules directory. The directory may vary on each system.
File: /etc/udev/rules.d/52-tmk-keyboard.rules(in case of Ubuntu)
# tmk keyboard products
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="feed", MODE:="0666"
# Miscellaneous
## Safety Considerations
You probably don't want to "brick" your keyboard, making it impossible
to rewrite firmware onto it. Here are some of the parameters to show
what things are (and likely aren't) too risky.
- If your keyboard map does not include RESET, then, to get into DFU
mode, you will need to press the reset button on the PCB, which
requires unscrewing the bottom.
- Messing with tmk_core / common files might make the keyboard
- Too large a .hex file is trouble; `make dfu` will erase the block,
test the size (oops, wrong order!), which errors out, failing to
flash the keyboard, leaving it in DFU mode.
- To this end, note that the maximum .hex file size on Planck is
7000h (28672 decimal)
Linking: .build/planck_rev4_cbbrowne.elf [OK]
Creating load file for Flash: .build/planck_rev4_cbbrowne.hex [OK]
Size after:
text data bss dec hex filename
0 22396 0 22396 577c planck_rev4_cbbrowne.hex
- The above file is of size 22396/577ch, which is less than
- As long as you have a suitable alternative .hex file around, you
can retry, loading that one
- Some of the options you might specify in your keyboard's Makefile
consume extra memory; watch out for BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE,
- DFU tools do /not/ allow you to write into the bootloader (unless
you throw in extra fruit salad of options), so there is little risk
- EEPROM has around a 100000 write cycle. You shouldn't rewrite the
firmware repeatedly and continually; that'll burn the EEPROM
## NKRO Doesn't work
First you have to compile firmware with this build option `NKRO_ENABLE` in **Makefile**.
Try `Magic` **N** command(`LShift+RShift+N` by default) when **NKRO** still doesn't work. You can use this command to toggle between **NKRO** and **6KRO** mode temporarily. In some situations **NKRO** doesn't work you need to switch to **6KRO** mode, in particular when you are in BIOS.
If your firmware built with `BOOTMAGIC_ENABLE` you need to turn its switch on by `BootMagic` **N** command(`Space+N` by default). This setting is stored in EEPROM and kept over power cycles.
## TrackPoint Needs Reset Circuit (PS/2 Mouse Support)
Without reset circuit you will have inconsistent result due to improper initialize of the hardware. See circuit schematic of TPM754.
## Can't Read Column of Matrix Beyond 16
Use `1UL<<16` instead of `1<<16` in `read_cols()` in [matrix.h] when your columns goes beyond 16.
In C `1` means one of [int] type which is [16 bit] in case of AVR so you can't shift left more than 15. You will get unexpected zero when you say `1<<16`. You have to use [unsigned long] type with `1UL`.
## Special Extra Key Doesn't Work (System, Audio Control Keys)
You need to define `EXTRAKEY_ENABLE` in `` to use them in QMK.
EXTRAKEY_ENABLE = yes # Audio control and System control
## Wakeup from Sleep Doesn't Work
In Windows check `Allow this device to wake the computer` setting in Power **Management property** tab of **Device Manager**. Also check BIOS setting.
Pressing any key during sleep should wake host.
## Using Arduino?
**Note that Arduino pin naming is different from actual chip.** For example, Arduino pin `D0` is not `PD0`. Check circuit with its schematics yourself.
Arduino Leonardo and micro have **ATMega32U4** and can be used for TMK, though Arduino bootloader may be a problem.
## Enabling JTAG
By default, the JTAG debugging interface is disabled as soon as the keyboard starts up. JTAG-capable MCUs come from the factory with the `JTAGEN` fuse set, and it takes over certain pins of the MCU that the board may be using for the switch matrix, LEDs, etc.
If you would like to keep JTAG enabled, just add the following to your `config.h`:
## USB 3 Compatibility
I heard some people have a problem with USB 3 port, try USB 2 port.
## Mac Compatibility
### OS X 10.11 and Hub
## Problem on BIOS (UEFI)/Resume (Sleep & Wake)/Power Cycles
Some people reported their keyboard stops working on BIOS and/or after resume(power cycles).
As of now root of its cause is not clear but some build options seem to be related. In Makefile try to disable those options like `CONSOLE_ENABLE`, `NKRO_ENABLE`, `SLEEP_LED_ENABLE` and/or others.
## FLIP Doesn't Work
### `AtLibUsbDfu.dll` Not Found
Remove current driver and reinstall one FLIP provides from DeviceManager.
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# Frequently Asked Questions
## What is QMK?
[QMK](, short for Quantum Mechanical Keyboard, is a group of people building tools for custom keyboards. We started with the [QMK firmware](, a heavily modified fork of [TMK](
## I don't know where to start!
If this is the case, then you should start with our [Newbs Guide]( There is a lot of great info there, and that should cover everything you need to get started.
If that's an issue, hop onto the [QMK Configurator](, as that will handle a majority of what you need there.
## How can I flash the firmware I built?
First, head to the [Compiling/Flashing FAQ Page]( There is a good deal of info there, and you'll find a bunch of solutions to common issues there.
## What if I have an issue that isn't covered here?
Okay, that's fine. Then please check the [open issues in our GitHub]( to see if somebody is experiencing the same thing (make sure it's not just similar, but actually the same).
If you can't find anything, then please open a [new issue](!
## What if I found a bug?
Then please open an [issue](, and if you know how to fix it, open up a Pull Request on GitHub with the fix.
## But `git` and `GitHub` are intimidating!
Don't worry, we have some pretty nice [Guidelines]( on how to start using `git` and GitHub to make things easier to develop.
Additionally, you can find additional `git` and GitHub related links [here](
## I have a Keyboard that I want to add support for
Awesome! Open up a Pull Request for it. We'll review the code, and merge it!
### What if I want to do brand it with `QMK`?
That's amazing! We would love to assist you with that!
In fact, we have a [whole page]( dedicated to adding QMK Branding to your page and keyboard. This covers pretty much everything you need (knowledge and images) to officially support QMK.
If you have any questions about this, open an issue or head to [Discord](
## What Differences Are There Between QMK and TMK?
TMK was originally designed and implemented by [Jun Wako]( QMK started as [Jack Humbert]('s fork of TMK for the Planck. After a while Jack's fork had diverged quite a bit from TMK, and in 2015 Jack decided to rename his fork to QMK.
From a technical standpoint QMK builds upon TMK by adding several new features. Most notably QMK has expanded the number of available keycodes and uses these to implement advanced features like `S()`, `LCTL()`, and `MO()`. You can see a complete list of these keycodes in [Keycodes](
From a project and community management standpoint TMK maintains all the officially supported keyboards by himself, with a bit of community support. Separate community maintained forks exist or can be created for other keyboards. Only a few keymaps are provided by default, so users typically don't share keymaps with each other. QMK encourages sharing of both keyboards and keymaps through a centrally managed repository, accepting all pull requests that follow the quality standards. These are mostly community maintained, but the QMK team also helps when necessary.
Both approaches have their merits and their drawbacks, and code flows freely between TMK and QMK when it makes sense.
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# Keymap FAQ
This page covers questions people often have about keymaps. If you haven't you should read [Keymap Overview]( first.
## What Keycodes Can I Use?
See [Keycodes]( for an index of keycodes available to you. These link to more extensive documentation when available.
Keycodes are actually defined in [common/keycode.h](
## What Are the Default Keycodes?
There are 3 standard keyboard layouts in use around the world- ANSI, ISO, and JIS. North America primarily uses ANSI, Europe and Africa primarily use ISO, and Japan uses JIS. Regions not mentioned typically use either ANSI or ISO. The keycodes corresponding to these layouts are shown here:
<!-- Source for this image: -->

## How Can I Make Custom Names For Complex Keycodes?
Sometimes, for readability's sake, it's useful to define custom names for some keycodes. People often define custom names using `#define`. For example:
This will allow you to use `FN_CAPS` and `ALT_TAB` in your keymap, keeping it more readable.
## Some Of My Keys Are Swapped Or Not Working
QMK has two features, Bootmagic and Command, which allow you to change the behavior of your keyboard on the fly. This includes, but is not limited to, swapping Ctrl/Caps, disabling Gui, swapping Alt/Gui, swapping Backspace/Backslash, disabling all keys, and other behavioral modifications.
As a quick fix try holding down `Space`+`Backspace` while you plug in your keyboard. This will reset the stored settings on your keyboard, returning those keys to normal operation. If that doesn't work look here:
* [Bootmagic](
* [Command](
## The Menu Key Isn't Working
The key found on most modern keyboards that is located between `KC_RGUI` and `KC_RCTL` is actually called `KC_APP`. This is because when that key was invented there was already a key named `MENU` in the relevant standards, so MS chose to call that the `APP` key.
## `KC_SYSREQ` Isn't Working
Use keycode for Print Screen(`KC_PSCREEN` or `KC_PSCR`) instead of `KC_SYSREQ`. Key combination of 'Alt + Print Screen' is recognized as 'System request'.
See [issue #168]( and
## Power Keys Aren't Working
Somewhat confusingly, there are two "Power" keycodes in QMK: `KC_POWER` in the Keyboard/Keypad HID usage page, and `KC_SYSTEM_POWER` (or `KC_PWR`) in the Consumer page.
The former is only recognized on macOS, while the latter, `KC_SLEP` and `KC_WAKE` are supported by all three major operating systems, so it is recommended to use those instead. Under Windows, these keys take effect immediately, however on macOS they must be held down until a dialog appears.
## One Shot Modifier
Solves my personal 'the' problem. I often got 'the' or 'THe' wrongly instead of 'The'. One Shot Shift mitigates this for me.
## Modifier/Layer Stuck
Modifier keys or layers can be stuck unless layer switching is configured properly.
For Modifier keys and layer actions you have to place `KC_TRANS` on same position of destination layer to unregister the modifier key or return to previous layer on release event.
## Mechanical Lock Switch Support
This feature is for *mechanical lock switch* like [this Alps one]( You can enable it by adding this to your `config.h`:
After enabling this feature use keycodes `KC_LCAP`, `KC_LNUM` and `KC_LSCR` in your keymap instead.
Old vintage mechanical keyboards occasionally have lock switches but modern ones don't have. ***You don't need this feature in most case and just use keycodes `KC_CAPS`, `KC_NLCK` and `KC_SLCK`.***
## Input Special Characters Other Than ASCII like Cédille 'Ç'
See the [Unicode]( feature.
## `Fn` Key on macOS
Unlike most Fn keys, the one on Apple keyboards actually has its own keycode... sort of. It takes the place of the sixth keycode in a basic 6KRO HID report -- so an Apple keyboard is in fact only 5KRO.
It is technically possible to get QMK to send this key. However, doing so requires modification of the report format to add the state of the Fn key.
Even worse, it is not recognized unless the keyboard's VID and PID match that of a real Apple keyboard. The legal issues that official QMK support for this feature may create mean it is unlikely to happen.
See [this issue]( for detailed information.
## Keys Supported in Mac OSX?
You can know which keycodes are supported in OSX from this source code.
`usb_2_adb_keymap` array maps Keyboard/Keypad Page usages to ADB scancodes(OSX internal keycodes).
And `IOHIDConsumer::dispatchConsumerEvent` handles Consumer page usages.
## JIS Keys in Mac OSX
Japanese JIS keyboard specific keys like `無変換(Muhenkan)`, `変換(Henkan)`, `ひらがな(hiragana)` are not recognized on OSX. You can use **Seil** to enable those keys, try following options.
* Enable NFER Key on PC keyboard
* Enable XFER Key on PC keyboard
* Enable KATAKANA Key on PC keyboard
## RN-42 Bluetooth Doesn't Work with Karabiner
Karabiner - Keymapping tool on Mac OSX - ignores inputs from RN-42 module by default. You have to enable this option to make Karabiner working with your keyboard.
See these for the detail of this problem.
## Esc and <code>`</code> on a Single Key
See the [Grave Escape]( feature.
## Eject on Mac OSX
`KC_EJCT` keycode works on OSX.
It seems Windows 10 ignores the code and Linux/Xorg recognizes but has no mapping by default.
Not sure what keycode Eject is on genuine Apple keyboard actually. HHKB uses `F20` for Eject key(`Fn+f`) on Mac mode but this is not same as Apple Eject keycode probably.
## What's `weak_mods` and `real_mods` in `action_util.c`
real_mods is intended to retains state of real/physical modifier key state, while
weak_mods retains state of virtual or temporary modifiers which should not affect state real modifier key.
Let's say you hold down physical left shift key and type ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A),
with weak_mods,
* (1) hold down left shift: real_mods |= MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (2) press ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): weak_mods |= MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (3) release ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): weak_mods &= ~MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
real_mods still keeps modifier state.
without weak mods,
* (1) hold down left shift: real_mods |= MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (2) press ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): real_mods |= MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
* (3) release ACTION_MODS_KEY(LSHIFT, KC_A): real_mods &= ~MOD_BIT(LSHIFT)
here real_mods lost state for 'physical left shift'.
weak_mods is ORed with real_mods when keyboard report is sent.
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# Switching and Toggling Layers :id=switching-and-toggling-layers
These functions allow you to activate layers in various ways. Note that layers are not generally independent layouts -- multiple layers can be activated at once, and it's typical for layers to use `KC_TRNS` to allow keypresses to pass through to lower layers. For a detailed explanation of layers, see [Keymap Overview]( When using momentary layer switching with MO(), LM(), TT(), or LT(), make sure to leave the key on the above layers transparent or it may not work as intended.
* `DF(layer)` - switches the default layer. The default layer is the always-active base layer that other layers stack on top of. See below for more about the default layer. This might be used to switch from QWERTY to Dvorak layout. (Note that this is a temporary switch that only persists until the keyboard loses power. To modify the default layer in a persistent way requires deeper customization, such as calling the `set_single_persistent_default_layer` function inside of [process_record_user](
* `MO(layer)` - momentarily activates *layer*. As soon as you let go of the key, the layer is deactivated.
* `LM(layer, mod)` - Momentarily activates *layer* (like `MO`), but with modifier(s) *mod* active. Only supports layers 0-15 and the left modifiers: `MOD_LCTL`, `MOD_LSFT`, `MOD_LALT`, `MOD_LGUI` (note the use of `MOD_` constants instead of `KC_`). These modifiers can be combined using bitwise OR, e.g. `LM(_RAISE, MOD_LCTL | MOD_LALT)`.
* `LT(layer, kc)` - momentarily activates *layer* when held, and sends *kc* when tapped. Only supports layers 0-15.
* `OSL(layer)` - momentarily activates *layer* until the next key is pressed. See [One Shot Keys]( for details and additional functionality.
* `TG(layer)` - toggles *layer*, activating it if it's inactive and vice versa
* `TO(layer)` - activates *layer* and de-activates all other layers (except your default layer). This function is special, because instead of just adding/removing one layer to your active layer stack, it will completely replace your current active layers, uniquely allowing you to replace higher layers with a lower one. This is activated on keydown (as soon as the key is pressed).
* `TT(layer)` - Layer Tap-Toggle. If you hold the key down, *layer* is activated, and then is de-activated when you let go (like `MO`). If you repeatedly tap it, the layer will be toggled on or off (like `TG`). It needs 5 taps by default, but you can change this by defining `TAPPING_TOGGLE` -- for example, `#define TAPPING_TOGGLE 2` to toggle on just two taps.
## Caveats
Currently, `LT()` and `MT()` are limited to the [Basic Keycode set](, meaning you can't use keycodes like `LCTL()`, `KC_TILD`, or anything greater than `0xFF`. Modifiers specified as part of a Layer Tap or Mod Tap's keycode will be ignored. If you need to apply modifiers to your tapped keycode, [Tap Dance]( can be used to accomplish this.
Additionally, if at least one right-handed modifier is specified in a Mod Tap or Layer Tap, it will cause all modifiers specified to become right-handed, so it is not possible to mix and match the two.
# Working with Layers
Care must be taken when switching layers, it's possible to lock yourself into a layer with no way to deactivate that layer (without unplugging your keyboard.) We've created some guidelines to help users avoid the most common problems.
## Beginners
If you are just getting started with QMK you will want to keep everything simple. Follow these guidelines when setting up your layers:
* Setup layer 0 as your default, "base" layer. This is your normal typing layer, and could be whatever layout you want (qwerty, dvorak, colemak, etc.). It's important to set this as the lowest layer since it will typically have most or all of the keyboard's keys defined, so would block other layers from having any effect if it were above them (i.e., had a higher layer number).
* Arrange your layers in a "tree" layout, with layer 0 as the root. Do not try to enter the same layer from more than one other layer.
* In a layer's keymap, only reference higher-numbered layers. Because layers are processed from the highest-numbered (topmost) active layer down, modifying the state of lower layers can be tricky and error-prone.
## Intermediate Users
Sometimes you need more than one base layer. For example, if you want to switch between QWERTY and Dvorak, switch between layouts for different countries, or switch your layout for different videogames. Your base layers should always be the lowest numbered layers. When you have multiple base layers you should always treat them as mutually exclusive. When one base layer is on the others are off.
## Advanced Users
Once you have a good feel for how layers work and what you can do, you can get more creative. The rules listed in the beginner section will help you be successful by avoiding some of the tricker details but they can be constraining, especially for ultra-compact keyboard users. Understanding how layers work will allow you to use them in more advanced ways.
Layers stack on top of each other in numerical order. When determining what a keypress does, QMK scans the layers from the top down, stopping when it reaches the first active layer that is not set to `KC_TRNS`. As a result if you activate a layer that is numerically lower than your current layer, and your current layer (or another layer that is active and higher than your target layer) has something other than `KC_TRNS`, that is the key that will be sent, not the key on the layer you just activated. This is the cause of most people's "why doesn't my layer get switched" problem.
Sometimes, you might want to switch between layers in a macro or as part of a tap dance routine. `layer_on` activates a layer, and `layer_off` deactivates it. More layer-related functions can be found in [action_layer.h](
# Modifier Keys :id=modifier-keys
These allow you to combine a modifier with a keycode. When pressed, the keydown event for the modifier, then `kc` will be sent. On release, the keyup event for `kc`, then the modifier will be sent.
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`LCTL(kc)`|`C(kc)` |Hold Left Control and press `kc` |
|`LSFT(kc)`|`S(kc)` |Hold Left Shift and press `kc` |
|`LALT(kc)`|`A(kc)` |Hold Left Alt and press `kc` |
|`LGUI(kc)`|`G(kc)`, `LCMD(kc)`, `LWIN(kc)`|Hold Left GUI and press `kc` |
|`RCTL(kc)`| |Hold Right Control and press `kc` |
|`RSFT(kc)`| |Hold Right Shift and press `kc` |
|`RALT(kc)`|`ALGR(kc)` |Hold Right Alt and press `kc` |
|`RGUI(kc)`|`RCMD(kc)`, `LWIN(kc)` |Hold Right GUI and press `kc` |
|`SGUI(kc)`|`SCMD(kc)`, `SWIN(kc)` |Hold Left Shift and GUI and press `kc` |
|`LCA(kc)` | |Hold Left Control and Alt and press `kc` |
|`LCAG(kc)`| |Hold Left Control, Alt and GUI and press `kc` |
|`MEH(kc)` | |Hold Left Control, Shift and Alt and press `kc` |
|`HYPR(kc)`| |Hold Left Control, Shift, Alt and GUI and press `kc`|
You can also chain them, for example `LCTL(LALT(KC_DEL))` makes a key that sends Control+Alt+Delete with a single keypress.
# Legacy Content
This page used to encompass a large set of features. We have moved many sections that used to be part of this page to their own pages. Everything below this point is simply a redirect so that people following old links on the web find what they're looking for.
## Mod-Tap :id=mod-tap
* [Mod-Tap](
## One Shot Keys :id=one-shot-keys
* [One Shot Keys](
## Tap-Hold Configuration Options :id=tap-hold-configuration-options
* [Tap-Hold Configuration Options](
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Normal file
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# Audio
Your keyboard can make sounds! If you've got a Planck, Preonic, or basically any AVR keyboard that allows access to certain PWM-capable pins, you can hook up a simple speaker and make it beep. You can use those beeps to indicate layer transitions, modifiers, special keys, or just to play some funky 8bit tunes.
Up to two simultaneous audio voices are supported, one driven by timer 1 and another driven by timer 3. The following pins can be defined as audio outputs in config.h:
Timer 1:
`#define B5_AUDIO`
`#define B6_AUDIO`
`#define B7_AUDIO`
Timer 3:
`#define C4_AUDIO`
`#define C5_AUDIO`
`#define C6_AUDIO`
If you add `AUDIO_ENABLE = yes` to your ``, there's a couple different sounds that will automatically be enabled without any other configuration:
STARTUP_SONG // plays when the keyboard starts up (audio.c)
GOODBYE_SONG // plays when you press the RESET key (quantum.c)
AG_NORM_SONG // plays when you press AG_NORM (quantum.c)
AG_SWAP_SONG // plays when you press AG_SWAP (quantum.c)
CG_NORM_SONG // plays when you press CG_NORM (quantum.c)
CG_SWAP_SONG // plays when you press CG_SWAP (quantum.c)
MUSIC_ON_SONG // plays when music mode is activated (process_music.c)
MUSIC_OFF_SONG // plays when music mode is deactivated (process_music.c)
CHROMATIC_SONG // plays when the chromatic music mode is selected (process_music.c)
GUITAR_SONG // plays when the guitar music mode is selected (process_music.c)
VIOLIN_SONG // plays when the violin music mode is selected (process_music.c)
MAJOR_SONG // plays when the major music mode is selected (process_music.c)
You can override the default songs by doing something like this in your `config.h`:
A full list of sounds can be found in [quantum/audio/song_list.h]( - feel free to add your own to this list! All available notes can be seen in [quantum/audio/musical_notes.h](
To play a custom sound at a particular time, you can define a song like this (near the top of the file):
float my_song[][2] = SONG(QWERTY_SOUND);
And then play your song like this:
Alternatively, you can play it in a loop like this:
It's advised that you wrap all audio features in `#ifdef AUDIO_ENABLE` / `#endif` to avoid causing problems when audio isn't built into the keyboard.
The available keycodes for audio are:
* `AU_ON` - Turn Audio Feature on
* `AU_OFF` - Turn Audio Feature off
* `AU_TOG` - Toggle Audio Feature state
!> These keycodes turn all of the audio functionality on and off. Turning it off means that audio feedback, audio clicky, music mode, etc. are disabled, completely.
## ARM Audio Volume
For ARM devices, you can adjust the DAC sample values. If your board is too loud for you or your coworkers, you can set the max using `DAC_SAMPLE_MAX` in your `config.h`:
#define DAC_SAMPLE_MAX 65535U
## Music Mode
The music mode maps your columns to a chromatic scale, and your rows to octaves. This works best with ortholinear keyboards, but can be made to work with others. All keycodes less than `0xFF` get blocked, so you won't type while playing notes - if you have special keys/mods, those will still work. A work-around for this is to jump to a different layer with KC_NOs before (or after) enabling music mode.
Recording is experimental due to some memory issues - if you experience some weird behavior, unplugging/replugging your keyboard will fix things.
Keycodes available:
* `MU_ON` - Turn music mode on
* `MU_OFF` - Turn music mode off
* `MU_TOG` - Toggle music mode
* `MU_MOD` - Cycle through the music modes:
* `CHROMATIC_MODE` - Chromatic scale, row changes the octave
* `GUITAR_MODE` - Chromatic scale, but the row changes the string (+5 st)
* `VIOLIN_MODE` - Chromatic scale, but the row changes the string (+7 st)
* `MAJOR_MODE` - Major scale
In music mode, the following keycodes work differently, and don't pass through:
* `LCTL` - start a recording
* `LALT` - stop recording/stop playing
* `LGUI` - play recording
* `KC_UP` - speed-up playback
* `KC_DOWN` - slow-down playback
The pitch standard (`PITCH_STANDARD_A`) is 440.0f by default - to change this, add something like this to your `config.h`:
#define PITCH_STANDARD_A 432.0f
You can completely disable Music Mode as well. This is useful, if you're pressed for space on your controller. To disable it, add this to your `config.h`:
### Music Mask
By default, `MUSIC_MASK` is set to `keycode < 0xFF` which means keycodes less than `0xFF` are turned into notes, and don't output anything. You can change this by defining this in your `config.h` like this:
#define MUSIC_MASK keycode != KC_NO
Which will capture all keycodes - be careful, this will get you stuck in music mode until you restart your keyboard!
For a more advanced way to control which keycodes should still be processed, you can use `music_mask_kb(keycode)` in `<keyboard>.c` and `music_mask_user(keycode)` in your `keymap.c`:
bool music_mask_user(uint16_t keycode) {
switch (keycode) {
case RAISE:
case LOWER:
return false;
return true;
Things that return false are not part of the mask, and are always processed.
### Music Map
By default, the Music Mode uses the columns and row to determine the scale for the keys. For a board that uses a rectangular matrix that matches the keyboard layout, this is just fine. However, for boards that use a more complicated matrix (such as the Planck Rev6, or many split keyboards) this would result in a very skewed experience.
However, the Music Map option allows you to remap the scaling for the music mode, so it fits the layout, and is more natural.
To enable this feature, add `#define MUSIC_MAP` to your `config.h` file, and then you will want to add a `uint8_t music_map` to your keyboard's `c` file, or your `keymap.c`.
const uint8_t music_map[MATRIX_ROWS][MATRIX_COLS] = LAYOUT_ortho_4x12(
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
You will want to use whichever `LAYOUT` macro that your keyboard uses here. This maps it to the correct key location. Start in the bottom left of the keyboard layout, and move to the right, and then upwards. Fill in all the entries until you have a complete matrix.
You can look at the [Planck Keyboard]( as an example of how to implement this.
## Audio Click
This adds a click sound each time you hit a button, to simulate click sounds from the keyboard. And the sounds are slightly different for each keypress, so it doesn't sound like a single long note, if you type rapidly.
* `CK_TOGG` - Toggles the status (will play sound if enabled)
* `CK_ON` - Turns on Audio Click (plays sound)
* `CK_OFF` - Turns off Audio Click (doesn't play sound)
* `CK_RST` - Resets the frequency to the default state (plays sound at default frequency)
* `CK_UP` - Increases the frequency of the clicks (plays sound at new frequency)
* `CK_DOWN` - Decreases the frequency of the clicks (plays sound at new frequency)
The feature is disabled by default, to save space. To enable it, add this to your `config.h`:
You can configure the default, min and max frequencies, the stepping and built in randomness by defining these values:
| Option | Default Value | Description |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_FREQ_DEFAULT` | 440.0f | Sets the default/starting audio frequency for the clicky sounds. |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_FREQ_MIN` | 65.0f | Sets the lowest frequency (under 60f are a bit buggy). |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_FREQ_MAX` | 1500.0f | Sets the the highest frequency. Too high may result in coworkers attacking you. |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_FREQ_FACTOR` | 1.18921f| Sets the stepping of UP/DOWN key codes. This is a multiplicative factor. The default steps the frequency up/down by a musical minor third. |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_FREQ_RANDOMNESS` | 0.05f | Sets a factor of randomness for the clicks, Setting this to `0f` will make each click identical, and `1.0f` will make this sound much like the 90's computer screen scrolling/typing effect. |
| `AUDIO_CLICKY_DELAY_DURATION` | 1 | An integer note duration where 1 is 1/16th of the tempo, or a sixty-fourth note (see `quantum/audio/musical_notes.h` for implementation details). The main clicky effect will be delayed by this duration. Adjusting this to values around 6-12 will help compensate for loud switches. |
## MIDI Functionality
This is still a WIP, but check out `quantum/process_keycode/process_midi.c` to see what's happening. Enable from the Makefile.
## Audio Keycodes
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`AU_ON` | |Audio mode on |
|`AU_OFF` | |Audio mode off |
|`AU_TOG` | |Toggles Audio mode |
|`CLICKY_TOGGLE` |`CK_TOGG`|Toggles Audio clicky mode |
|`CLICKY_UP` |`CK_UP` |Increases frequency of the clicks |
|`CLICKY_DOWN` |`CK_DOWN`|Decreases frequency of the clicks |
|`CLICKY_RESET` |`CK_RST` |Resets frequency to default |
|`MU_ON` | |Turns on Music Mode |
|`MU_OFF` | |Turns off Music Mode |
|`MU_TOG` | |Toggles Music Mode |
|`MU_MOD` | |Cycles through the music modes |
<!-- FIXME: this formatting needs work
## Audio
// Music mode on/off/toggle
// Music voice iterate
### Midi
#if !MIDI_ENABLE_STRICT || (defined(MIDI_ENABLE) && defined(MIDI_BASIC))
MI_ON, // send midi notes when music mode is enabled
MI_OFF, // don't send midi notes when music mode is enabled
MI_Db = MI_Cs,
MI_Eb = MI_Ds,
MI_Gb = MI_Fs,
MI_Ab = MI_Gs,
MI_Bb = MI_As,
where x = 1-5:
MI_Db_x = MI_Cs_x,
MI_Eb_x = MI_Ds_x,
MI_Gb_x = MI_Fs_x,
MI_Ab_x = MI_Gs_x,
MI_Bb_x = MI_As_x,
MI_OCT_Nx 1-2
MI_OCT_x 0-7
MI_OCTD, // octave down
MI_OCTU, // octave up
MI_TRNS_Nx 1-6
MI_TRNS_x 0-6
MI_TRNSD, // transpose down
MI_TRNSU, // transpose up
MI_VEL_x 1-10
MI_VELD, // velocity down
MI_VELU, // velocity up
MI_CHx 1-16
MI_CHD, // previous channel
MI_CHU, // next channel
MI_ALLOFF, // all notes off
MI_SUS, // sustain
MI_PORT, // portamento
MI_SOST, // sostenuto
MI_SOFT, // soft pedal
MI_LEG, // legato
MI_MOD, // modulation
MI_MODSD, // decrease modulation speed
MI_MODSU, // increase modulation speed
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# Auto Shift: Why Do We Need a Shift Key?
Tap a key and you get its character. Tap a key, but hold it *slightly* longer
and you get its shifted state. Voilà! No shift key needed!
## Why Auto Shift?
Many people suffer from various forms of RSI. A common cause is stretching your
fingers repetitively long distances. For us on the keyboard, the pinky does that
all too often when reaching for the shift key. Auto Shift looks to alleviate that
## How Does It Work?
When you tap a key, it stays depressed for a short period of time before it is
then released. This depressed time is a different length for everyone. Auto Shift
defines a constant `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` which is typically set to twice your
normal pressed state time. When you press a key, a timer starts and then stops
when you release the key. If the time depressed is greater than or equal to the
`AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT`, then a shifted version of the key is emitted. If the time
is less than the `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` time, then the normal state is emitted.
## Are There Limitations to Auto Shift?
Yes, unfortunately.
1. Key repeat will cease to work. For example, before if you wanted 20 'a'
characters, you could press and hold the 'a' key for a second or two. This no
longer works with Auto Shift because it is timing your depressed time instead
of emitting a depressed key state to your operating system.
2. You will have characters that are shifted when you did not intend on shifting, and
other characters you wanted shifted, but were not. This simply comes down to
practice. As we get in a hurry, we think we have hit the key long enough
for a shifted version, but we did not. On the other hand, we may think we are
tapping the keys, but really we have held it for a little longer than
## How Do I Enable Auto Shift?
Add to your `` in the keymap folder:
If no `` exists, you can create one.
Then compile and install your new firmware with Auto Key enabled! That's it!
## Modifiers
By default, Auto Shift is disabled for any key press that is accompanied by one or more
modifiers. Thus, Ctrl+A that you hold for a really long time is not the same
as Ctrl+Shift+A.
You can re-enable Auto Shift for modifiers by adding a define to your `config.h`
In which case, Ctrl+A held past the `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` will be sent as Ctrl+Shift+A
## Configuring Auto Shift
If desired, there is some configuration that can be done to change the
behavior of Auto Shift. This is done by setting various variables the
`config.h` file located in your keymap folder. If no `config.h` file exists, you can create one.
A sample is
#pragma once
### AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT (Value in ms)
This controls how long you have to hold a key before you get the shifted state.
Obviously, this is different for everyone. For the common person, a setting of
135 to 150 works great. However, one should start with a value of at least 175, which
is the default value. Then work down from there. The idea is to have the shortest time required to get the shifted state without having false positives.
Play with this value until things are perfect. Many find that all will work well
at a given value, but one or two keys will still emit the shifted state on
occasion. This is simply due to habit and holding some keys a little longer
than others. Once you find this value, work on tapping your problem keys a little
quicker than normal and you will be set.
?> Auto Shift has three special keys that can help you get this value right very quick. See "Auto Shift Setup" for more details!
### NO_AUTO_SHIFT_SPECIAL (simple define)
Do not Auto Shift special keys, which include -\_, =+, [{, ]}, ;:, '", ,<, .>,
and /?
### NO_AUTO_SHIFT_NUMERIC (simple define)
Do not Auto Shift numeric keys, zero through nine.
### NO_AUTO_SHIFT_ALPHA (simple define)
Do not Auto Shift alpha characters, which include A through Z.
## Using Auto Shift Setup
This will enable you to define three keys temporarily to increase, decrease and report your `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT`.
### Setup
Map three keys temporarily in your keymap:
| Key Name | Description |
| KC_ASDN | Lower the Auto Shift timeout variable (down) |
| KC_ASUP | Raise the Auto Shift timeout variable (up) |
| KC_ASRP | Report your current Auto Shift timeout value |
| KC_ASON | Turns on the Auto Shift Function |
| KC_ASOFF | Turns off the Auto Shift Function |
| KC_ASTG | Toggles the state of the Auto Shift feature |
Compile and upload your new firmware.
### Use
It is important to note that during these tests, you should be typing
completely normal and with no intention of shifted keys.
1. Type multiple sentences of alphabetical letters.
2. Observe any upper case letters.
3. If there are none, press the key you have mapped to `KC_ASDN` to decrease
time Auto Shift timeout value and go back to step 1.
4. If there are some upper case letters, decide if you need to work on tapping
those keys with less down time, or if you need to increase the timeout.
5. If you decide to increase the timeout, press the key you have mapped to
`KC_ASUP` and go back to step 1.
6. Once you are happy with your results, press the key you have mapped to
`KC_ASRP`. The keyboard will type by itself the value of your
7. Update `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT` in your `config.h` with the value reported.
8. Remove `AUTO_SHIFT_SETUP` from your `config.h`.
9. Remove the key bindings `KC_ASDN`, `KC_ASUP` and `KC_ASRP`.
10. Compile and upload your new firmware.
#### An Example Run
hello world. my name is john doe. i am a computer programmer playing with
keyboards right now.
[PRESS KC_ASDN quite a few times]
heLLo woRLd. mY nAMe is JOHn dOE. i AM A compUTeR proGRaMMER PlAYiNG witH
[PRESS KC_ASUP a few times]
hello world. my name is john Doe. i am a computer programmer playing with
keyboarDs right now.
The keyboard typed `115` which represents your current `AUTO_SHIFT_TIMEOUT`
value. You are now set! Practice on the *D* key a little bit that showed up
in the testing and you'll be golden.
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Normal file
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# Backlighting
Many keyboards support backlit keys by way of individual LEDs placed through or underneath the keyswitches. This feature is distinct from both the [RGB underglow]( and [RGB matrix]( features as it usually allows for only a single colour per switch, though you can obviously install multiple different single coloured LEDs on a keyboard.
QMK is able to control the brightness of these LEDs by switching them on and off rapidly in a certain ratio, a technique known as *Pulse Width Modulation*, or PWM. By altering the duty cycle of the PWM signal, it creates the illusion of dimming.
The MCU can only supply so much current to its GPIO pins. Instead of powering the backlight directly from the MCU, the backlight pin is connected to a transistor or MOSFET that switches the power to the LEDs.
## Feature Configuration
Most keyboards have backlighting enabled by default if they support it, but if it is not working for you, check that your `` includes the following:
## Keycodes
Once enabled the following keycodes below can be used to change the backlight level.
|Key |Description |
|`BL_TOGG`|Turn the backlight on or off |
|`BL_STEP`|Cycle through backlight levels |
|`BL_ON` |Set the backlight to max brightness |
|`BL_OFF` |Turn the backlight off |
|`BL_INC` |Increase the backlight level |
|`BL_DEC` |Decrease the backlight level |
|`BL_BRTG`|Toggle backlight breathing |
## Backlight Functions
|Function |Description |
|`backlight_toggle()` |Turn the backlight on or off |
|`backlight_enable()` |Turn the backlight on |
|`backlight_disable()` |Turn the backlight off |
|`backlight_step()` |Cycle through backlight levels |
|`backlight_increase()` |Increase the backlight level |
|`backlight_decrease()` |Decrease the backlight level |
|`backlight_level(x)` |Sets the backlight level to specified level |
|`get_backlight_level()` |Return the current backlight level |
|`is_backlight_enabled()`|Return whether the backlight is currently on |
### Backlight Breathing Functions
|Function |Description |
|`breathing_toggle()` |Turn the backlight breathing on or off |
|`breathing_enable()` |Turns on backlight breathing |
|`breathing_disable()` |Turns off backlight breathing |
## Driver Configuration
To select which driver to use, configure your `` with the following:
BACKLIGHT_DRIVER = software # Valid driver values are 'pwm,software,no'
See below for help on individual drivers.
## Common Driver Configuration
To change the behavior of the backlighting, `#define` these in your `config.h`:
|Define |Default |Description |
|`BACKLIGHT_LEVELS` |`3` |The number of brightness levels (maximum 31 excluding off) |
|`BACKLIGHT_CAPS_LOCK`|*Not defined*|Enable Caps Lock indicator using backlight (for keyboards without dedicated LED) |
|`BACKLIGHT_BREATHING`|*Not defined*|Enable backlight breathing, if supported |
|`BREATHING_PERIOD` |`6` |The length of one backlight "breath" in seconds |
|`BACKLIGHT_ON_STATE` |`0` |The state of the backlight pin when the backlight is "on" - `1` for high, `0` for low |
### Backlight On State
Most backlight circuits are driven by an N-channel MOSFET or NPN transistor. This means that to turn the transistor *on* and light the LEDs, you must drive the backlight pin, connected to the gate or base, *high*.
Sometimes, however, a P-channel MOSFET, or a PNP transistor is used. In this case, when the transistor is on, the pin is driven *low* instead.
This functionality is configured at the keyboard level with the `BACKLIGHT_ON_STATE` define.
## AVR driver
On AVR boards, the default driver currently sniffs the configuration to pick the best scenario. The driver is configured by default, however the equivalent setting within would be:
### Caveats
Hardware PWM is supported according to the following table:
|Backlight Pin|AT90USB64/128|ATmega16/32U4|ATmega16/32U2|ATmega32A|ATmega328P|
|`B1` | | | | |Timer 1 |
|`B2` | | | | |Timer 1 |
|`B5` |Timer 1 |Timer 1 | | | |
|`B6` |Timer 1 |Timer 1 | | | |
|`B7` |Timer 1 |Timer 1 |Timer 1 | | |
|`C4` |Timer 3 | | | | |
|`C5` |Timer 3 | |Timer 1 | | |
|`C6` |Timer 3 |Timer 3 |Timer 1 | | |
|`D4` | | | |Timer 1 | |
|`D5` | | | |Timer 1 | |
All other pins will use software PWM. If the [Audio]( feature is disabled or only using one timer, the backlight PWM can be triggered by a hardware timer:
|Audio Pin|Audio Timer|Software PWM Timer|
|`C4` |Timer 3 |Timer 1 |
|`C5` |Timer 3 |Timer 1 |
|`C6` |Timer 3 |Timer 1 |
|`B5` |Timer 1 |Timer 3 |
|`B6` |Timer 1 |Timer 3 |
|`B7` |Timer 1 |Timer 3 |
When both timers are in use for Audio, the backlight PWM will not use a hardware timer, but will instead be triggered during the matrix scan. In this case, breathing is not supported, and the backlight might flicker, because the PWM computation may not be called with enough timing precision.
### AVR Configuration
To change the behavior of the backlighting, `#define` these in your `config.h`:
|Define |Default |Description |
|`BACKLIGHT_PIN` |`B7` |The pin that controls the LEDs. Unless you are designing your own keyboard, you shouldn't need to change this|
|`BACKLIGHT_PINS` |*Not defined*|experimental: see below for more information |
|`BACKLIGHT_LEVELS` |`3` |The number of brightness levels (maximum 31 excluding off) |
|`BACKLIGHT_CAPS_LOCK`|*Not defined*|Enable Caps Lock indicator using backlight (for keyboards without dedicated LED) |
|`BACKLIGHT_BREATHING`|*Not defined*|Enable backlight breathing, if supported |
|`BREATHING_PERIOD` |`6` |The length of one backlight "breath" in seconds |
|`BACKLIGHT_ON_STATE` |`1` |The state of the backlight pin when the backlight is "on" - `1` for high, `0` for low |
### Backlight On State
Most backlight circuits are driven by an N-channel MOSFET or NPN transistor. This means that to turn the transistor *on* and light the LEDs, you must drive the backlight pin, connected to the gate or base, *high*.
Sometimes, however, a P-channel MOSFET, or a PNP transistor is used. In this case, when the transistor is on, the pin is driven *low* instead.
This functionality is configured at the keyboard level with the `BACKLIGHT_ON_STATE` define.
### Multiple backlight pins
Most keyboards have only one backlight pin which control all backlight LEDs (especially if the backlight is connected to an hardware PWM pin).
In software PWM, it is possible to define multiple backlight pins. All those pins will be turned on and off at the same time during the PWM duty cycle.
This feature allows to set for instance the Caps Lock LED (or any other controllable LED) brightness at the same level as the other LEDs of the backlight. This is useful if you have mapped LCTRL in place of Caps Lock and you need the Caps Lock LED to be part of the backlight instead of being activated when Caps Lock is on.
To activate multiple backlight pins, you need to add something like this to your user `config.h`:
#define BACKLIGHT_PINS { F5, B2 }
### Hardware PWM Implementation
When using the supported pins for backlighting, QMK will use a hardware timer configured to output a PWM signal. This timer will count up to `ICRx` (by default `0xFFFF`) before resetting to 0.
The desired brightness is calculated and stored in the `OCRxx` register. When the counter reaches this value, the backlight pin will go low, and is pulled high again when the counter resets.
In this way `OCRxx` essentially controls the duty cycle of the LEDs, and thus the brightness, where `0x0000` is completely off and `0xFFFF` is completely on.
The breathing effect is achieved by registering an interrupt handler for `TIMER1_OVF_vect` that is called whenever the counter resets, roughly 244 times per second.
In this handler, the value of an incrementing counter is mapped onto a precomputed brightness curve. To turn off breathing, the interrupt handler is simply disabled, and the brightness reset to the level stored in EEPROM.
### Timer Assisted PWM Implementation
When `BACKLIGHT_PIN` is not set to a hardware backlight pin, QMK will use a hardware timer configured to trigger software interrupts. This time will count up to `ICRx` (by default `0xFFFF`) before resetting to 0.
When resetting to 0, the CPU will fire an OVF (overflow) interrupt that will turn the LEDs on, starting the duty cycle.
The desired brightness is calculated and stored in the `OCRxx` register. When the counter reaches this value, the CPU will fire a Compare Output match interrupt, which will turn the LEDs off.
In this way `OCRxx` essentially controls the duty cycle of the LEDs, and thus the brightness, where `0x0000` is completely off and `0xFFFF` is completely on.
The breathing effect is the same as in the hardware PWM implementation.
## ARM Driver
While still in its early stages, ARM backlight support aims to eventually have feature parity with AVR. The driver is configured by default, however the equivalent setting within would be:
### Caveats
Currently only hardware PWM is supported, not timer assisted, and does not provide automatic configuration.
?> Backlight support for STMF072 has had limited testing, YMMV. If unsure, set `BACKLIGHT_ENABLE = no` in your
### ARM Configuration
To change the behavior of the backlighting, `#define` these in your `config.h`:
|Define |Default |Description |
|`BACKLIGHT_PIN` |`B7` |The pin that controls the LEDs. Unless you are designing your own keyboard, you shouldn't need to change this|
|`BACKLIGHT_PWM_DRIVER` |`PWMD4` |The PWM driver to use, see ST datasheets for pin to PWM timer mapping. Unless you are designing your own keyboard, you shouldn't need to change this|
|`BACKLIGHT_PWM_CHANNEL` |`3` |The PWM channel to use, see ST datasheets for pin to PWM channel mapping. Unless you are designing your own keyboard, you shouldn't need to change this|
|`BACKLIGHT_PAL_MODE` |`2` |The pin alternative function to use, see ST datasheets for pin AF mapping. Unless you are designing your own keyboard, you shouldn't need to change this|
## Software PWM Driver :id=software-pwm-driver
Emulation of PWM while running other keyboard tasks, it offers maximum hardware compatibility without extra platform configuration. The tradeoff is the backlight might jitter when the keyboard is busy. To enable, add this to your
### Software PWM Configuration
To change the behavior of the backlighting, `#define` these in your `config.h`:
|Define |Default |Description |
|`BACKLIGHT_PIN` |`B7` |The pin that controls the LEDs. Unless you are designing your own keyboard, you shouldn't need to change this|
|`BACKLIGHT_PINS` |*Not defined*|experimental: see below for more information |
### Multiple backlight pins
Most keyboards have only one backlight pin which control all backlight LEDs (especially if the backlight is connected to an hardware PWM pin).
In software PWM, it is possible to define multiple backlight pins. All those pins will be turned on and off at the same time during the PWM duty cycle.
This feature allows to set for instance the Caps Lock LED (or any other controllable LED) brightness at the same level as the other LEDs of the backlight. This is useful if you have mapped LCTRL in place of Caps Lock and you need the Caps Lock LED to be part of the backlight instead of being activated when Caps Lock is on.
To activate multiple backlight pins, you need to add something like this to your user `config.h`:
#define BACKLIGHT_PINS { F5, B2 }
## Custom Driver
To enable, add this to your
When implementing the custom driver API, the provided keyboard hooks are as follows:
void backlight_init_ports(void) {
// Optional - Run on startup
// - usually you want to configure pins here
void backlight_set(uint8_t level) {
// Optional - Run on level change
// - usually you want to respond to the new value
void backlight_task(void) {
// Optional - Run periodically
// - long running actions here can cause performance issues
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# Bluetooth
## Bluetooth Known Supported Hardware
Currently Bluetooth support is limited to AVR based chips. For Bluetooth 2.1, QMK has support for RN-42 modules and the Bluefruit EZ-Key, the latter of which is not produced anymore. For more recent BLE protocols, currently only the Adafruit Bluefruit SPI Friend is directly supported. BLE is needed to connect to iOS devices. Note iOS does not support mouse input.
|Board |Bluetooth Protocol |Connection Type | |Bluetooth Chip|
|[Adafruit EZ-Key HID]( |Bluetooth Classic | UART |`BLUETOOTH = AdafruitEZKey` | |
|Roving Networks RN-42 (Sparkfun Bluesmirf) |Bluetooth Classic | UART |`BLUETOOTH = RN42` | RN-42 |
|[Bluefruit LE SPI Friend](|Bluetooth Low Energy | SPI |`BLUETOOTH = AdafruitBLE` | nRF51822 |
Not Supported Yet but possible:
* [Bluefruit LE UART Friend]( [Possible tmk implementation found in](
* HC-05 boards flashed with RN-42 firmware. They apparently both use the CSR BC417 Chip. Flashing it with RN-42 firmware gives it HID capability.
* Sparkfun Bluetooth Mate
* HM-13 based boards
### Adafruit BLE SPI Friend
Currently The only bluetooth chipset supported by QMK is the Adafruit Bluefruit SPI Friend. It's a Nordic nRF5182 based chip running Adafruit's custom firmware. Data is transmitted via Adafruit's SDEP over Hardware SPI. The [Feather 32u4 Bluefruit LE]( is supported as it's an AVR mcu connected via SPI to the Nordic BLE chip with Adafruit firmware. If Building a custom board with the SPI friend it would be easiest to just use the pin selection that the 32u4 feather uses but you can change the pins in the config.h options with the following defines:
* #define AdafruitBleResetPin D4
* #define AdafruitBleCSPin B4
* #define AdafruitBleIRQPin E6
A Bluefruit UART friend can be converted to an SPI friend, however this [requires]( some reflashing and soldering directly to the MDBT40 chip.
## Adafruit EZ-Key hid
This requires [some hardware changes](, but can be enabled via the Makefile. The firmware will still output characters via USB, so be aware of this when charging via a computer. It would make sense to have a switch on the Bluefruit to turn it off at will.
<!-- FIXME: Document bluetooth support more completely. -->
## Bluetooth Options
Use only one of these
* BLUETOOTH_ENABLE = yes (Legacy Option)
* BLUETOOTH = AdafruitEZKey
## Bluetooth Keycodes
This is used when multiple keyboard outputs can be selected. Currently this only allows for switching between USB and Bluetooth on keyboards that support both.
|Name |Description |
|`OUT_AUTO`|Automatically switch between USB and Bluetooth|
|`OUT_USB` |USB only |
|`OUT_BT` |Bluetooth only |
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# Bootmagic
There are three separate but related features that allow you to change the behavior of your keyboard without reflashing. While each of them have similar functionality, it is accessed in different ways depending on how your keyboard is configured.
**Bootmagic** is a system for configuring your keyboard while it initializes. To trigger a Bootmagic command, hold down the Bootmagic key and one or more command keys.
**Bootmagic Keycodes** are prefixed with `MAGIC_`, and allow you to access the Bootmagic functionality *after* your keyboard has initialized. To use the keycodes, assign them to your keymap as you would any other keycode.
**Command**, formerly known as **Magic**, is another feature that allows you to control different aspects of your keyboard. While it shares some functionality with Bootmagic, it also allows you to do things that Bootmagic does not, such as printing version information to the console. For more information, see [Command](
On some keyboards Bootmagic is disabled by default. If this is the case, it must be explicitly enabled in your `` with:
?> You may see `yes` being used in place of `full`, and this is okay. However, `yes` is deprecated, and ideally `full` (or `lite`) should be used instead.
Additionally, you can use [Bootmagic Lite](#bootmagic-lite) (a scaled down, very basic version of Bootmagic) by adding the following to your `` file:
## Hotkeys
Hold down the Bootmagic key (Space by default) and the desired hotkey while plugging in your keyboard. For example, holding Space+`B` should cause it to enter the bootloader.
|Hotkey |Description |
|Escape |Ignore Bootmagic configuration in EEPROM |
|`B` |Enter the bootloader |
|`D` |Toggle debugging over serial |
|`X` |Toggle key matrix debugging |
|`K` |Toggle keyboard debugging |
|`M` |Toggle mouse debugging |
|`L` |Set "Left Hand" for EE_HANDS handedness |
|`R` |Set "Right Hand" for EE_HANDS handedness |
|Backspace |Clear the EEPROM |
|Caps Lock |Toggle treating Caps Lock as Left Control |
|Left Control |Toggle swapping Caps Lock and Left Control |
|Left Alt |Toggle swapping Left Alt and Left GUI |
|Right Alt |Toggle swapping Right Alt and Right GUI |
|Left GUI |Toggle the GUI keys (useful when gaming) |
|<code>`</code>|Toggle swapping <code>`</code> and Escape|
|`\` |Toggle swapping `\` and Backspace |
|`N` |Toggle N-Key Rollover (NKRO) |
|`0` |Make layer 0 the default layer |
|`1` |Make layer 1 the default layer |
|`2` |Make layer 2 the default layer |
|`3` |Make layer 3 the default layer |
|`4` |Make layer 4 the default layer |
|`5` |Make layer 5 the default layer |
|`6` |Make layer 6 the default layer |
|`7` |Make layer 7 the default layer |
## Keycodes :id=keycodes
|Key |Aliases |Description |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK` |`CL_SWAP`|Swap Caps Lock and Left Control |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_CONTROL_CAPSLOCK` |`CL_NORM`|Unswap Caps Lock and Left Control |
|`MAGIC_CAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL` |`CL_CTRL`|Treat Caps Lock as Control |
|`MAGIC_UNCAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL` |`CL_CAPS`|Stop treating Caps Lock as Control |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_LCTL_LGUI` |`LCG_SWP`|Swap Left Control and GUI |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_LCTL_LGUI` |`LCG_NRM`|Unswap Left Control and GUI |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_RCTL_RGUI` |`RCG_SWP`|Swap Right Control and GUI |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_RCTL_RGUI` |`RCG_NRM`|Unswap Right Control and GUI |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_CTL_GUI` |`CG_SWAP`|Swap Control and GUI on both sides |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_CTL_GUI` |`CG_NORM`|Unswap Control and GUI on both sides |
|`MAGIC_TOGGLE_CTL_GUI` |`CG_TOGG`|Toggle Control and GUI swap on both sides |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_LALT_LGUI` |`LAG_SWP`|Swap Left Alt and GUI |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_LALT_LGUI` |`LAG_NRM`|Unswap Left Alt and GUI |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_RALT_RGUI` |`RAG_SWP`|Swap Right Alt and GUI |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_RALT_RGUI` |`RAG_NRM`|Unswap Right Alt and GUI |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_ALT_GUI` |`AG_SWAP`|Swap Alt and GUI on both sides |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_ALT_GUI` |`AG_NORM`|Unswap Alt and GUI on both sides |
|`MAGIC_TOGGLE_ALT_GUI` |`AG_TOGG`|Toggle Alt and GUI swap on both sides |
|`MAGIC_NO_GUI` |`GUI_OFF`|Disable the GUI keys |
|`MAGIC_UNNO_GUI` |`GUI_ON` |Enable the GUI keys |
|`MAGIC_SWAP_GRAVE_ESC` |`GE_SWAP`|Swap <code>`</code> and Escape |
|`MAGIC_UNSWAP_GRAVE_ESC` |`GE_NORM`|Unswap <code>`</code> and Escape |
|`MAGIC_HOST_NKRO` |`NK_ON` |Enable N-key rollover |
|`MAGIC_UNHOST_NKRO` |`NK_OFF` |Disable N-key rollover |
|`MAGIC_TOGGLE_NKRO` |`NK_TOGG`|Toggle N-key rollover |
|`MAGIC_EE_HANDS_LEFT` |`EH_LEFT`|Set the master half of a split keyboard as the left hand (for `EE_HANDS`) |
|`MAGIC_EE_HANDS_RIGHT` |`EH_RGHT`|Set the master half of a split keyboard as the right hand (for `EE_HANDS`)|
## Configuration
If you would like to change the hotkey assignments for Bootmagic, `#define` these in your `config.h` at either the keyboard or keymap level.
|Define |Default |Description |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SALT` |`KC_SPACE` |The Bootmagic key |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SKIP` |`KC_ESC` |Ignore Bootmagic configuration in EEPROM |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_EEPROM_CLEAR` |`KC_BSPACE` |Clear the EEPROM configuration |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_BOOTLOADER` |`KC_B` |Enter the bootloader |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_ENABLE` |`KC_D` |Toggle debugging over serial |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_MATRIX` |`KC_X` |Toggle matrix debugging |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_KEYBOARD` |`KC_K` |Toggle keyboard debugging |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEBUG_MOUSE` |`KC_M` |Toggle mouse debugging |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_EE_HANDS_LEFT` |`KC_L` |Set "Left Hand" for EE_HANDS handedness |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_EE_HANDS_RIGHT` |`KC_R` |Set "Right Hand" for EE_HANDS handedness |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_CAPSLOCK_TO_CONTROL` |`KC_CAPSLOCK`|Toggle treating Caps Lock as Left Control |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SWAP_LALT_LGUI` |`KC_LALT` |Toggle swapping Left Alt and Left GUI (for macOS) |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SWAP_RALT_RGUI` |`KC_RALT` |Toggle swapping Right Alt and Right GUI (for macOS)|
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_NO_GUI` |`KC_LGUI` |Toggle the GUI keys (useful when gaming) |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SWAP_GRAVE_ESC` |`KC_GRAVE` |Toggle swapping <code>`</code> and Escape |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_SWAP_BACKSLASH_BACKSPACE`|`KC_BSLASH` |Toggle swapping `\` and Backspace |
|`BOOTMAGIC_HOST_NKRO` |`KC_N` |Toggle N-Key Rollover (NKRO) |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_0` |`KC_0` |Make layer 0 the default layer |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_1` |`KC_1` |Make layer 1 the default layer |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_2` |`KC_2` |Make layer 2 the default layer |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_3` |`KC_3` |Make layer 3 the default layer |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_4` |`KC_4` |Make layer 4 the default layer |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_5` |`KC_5` |Make layer 5 the default layer |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_6` |`KC_6` |Make layer 6 the default layer |
|`BOOTMAGIC_KEY_DEFAULT_LAYER_7` |`KC_7` |Make layer 7 the default layer |
# Bootmagic Lite :id=bootmagic-lite
In addition to the full blown Bootmagic feature, is the Bootmagic Lite feature that only handles jumping into the bootloader. This is great for boards that don't have a physical reset button but you need a way to jump into the bootloader, and don't want to deal with the headache that Bootmagic can cause.
To enable this version of Bootmagic, you need to enable it in your `` with:
Additionally, you may want to specify which key to use. This is especially useful for keyboards that have unusual matrices. To do so, you need to specify the row and column of the key that you want to use. Add these entries to your `config.h` file:
By default, these are set to 0 and 0, which is usually the "ESC" key on a majority of keyboards.
And to trigger the bootloader, you hold this key down when plugging the keyboard in. Just the single key.
!> Using bootmagic lite will **always reset** the EEPROM, so you will lose any settings that have been saved.
## Advanced Bootmagic Lite
The `bootmagic_lite` function is defined weakly, so that you can replace this in your code, if you need. A great example of this is the Zeal60 boards that have some additional handling needed.
To replace the function, all you need to do is add something like this to your code:
void bootmagic_lite(void) {
wait_ms(DEBOUNCE * 2);
if (matrix_get_row(BOOTMAGIC_LITE_ROW) & (1 << BOOTMAGIC_LITE_COLUMN)) {
// Jump to bootloader.
You can additional feature here. For instance, resetting the eeprom or requiring additional keys to be pressed to trigger bootmagic. Keep in mind that `bootmagic_lite` is called before a majority of features are initialized in the firmware.
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# Combos
The Combo feature is a chording type solution for adding custom actions. It lets you hit multiple keys at once and produce a different effect. For instance, hitting `A` and `S` within the tapping term would hit `ESC` instead, or have it perform even more complex tasks.
To enable this feature, you need to add `COMBO_ENABLE = yes` to your ``.
Additionally, in your `config.h`, you'll need to specify the number of combos that you'll be using, by adding `#define COMBO_COUNT 1` (replacing 1 with the number that you're using).
<!-- At this time, this is necessary -->
Also, by default, the tapping term for the Combos is set to the same value as `TAPPING_TERM` (200 by default on most boards). But you can specify a different value by defining it in your `config.h`. For instance: `#define COMBO_TERM 300` would set the time out period for combos to 300ms.
Then, your `keymap.c` file, you'll need to define a sequence of keys, terminated with `COMBO_END`, and a structure to list the combination of keys, and it's resulting action.
const uint16_t PROGMEM test_combo[] = {KC_A, KC_B, COMBO_END};
combo_t key_combos[COMBO_COUNT] = {COMBO(test_combo, KC_ESC)};
This will send "Escape" if you hit the A and B keys.
!> This method only supports [basic keycodes]( See the examples for more control.
## Examples
If you want to add a list, then you'd use something like this:
enum combos {
const uint16_t PROGMEM ab_combo[] = {KC_A, KC_B, COMBO_END};
const uint16_t PROGMEM jk_combo[] = {KC_J, KC_K, COMBO_END};
combo_t key_combos[COMBO_COUNT] = {
[AB_ESC] = COMBO(ab_combo, KC_ESC),
[JK_TAB] = COMBO(jk_combo, KC_TAB)
For a more complicated implementation, you can use the `process_combo_event` function to add custom handling.
enum combo_events {
const uint16_t PROGMEM copy_combo[] = {KC_Z, KC_C, COMBO_END};
const uint16_t PROGMEM paste_combo[] = {KC_X, KC_V, COMBO_END};
combo_t key_combos[COMBO_COUNT] = {
[ZC_COPY] = COMBO_ACTION(copy_combo),
[XV_PASTE] = COMBO_ACTION(paste_combo),
void process_combo_event(uint8_t combo_index, bool pressed) {
switch(combo_index) {
case ZC_COPY:
if (pressed) {
case XV_PASTE:
if (pressed) {
This will send Ctrl+C if you hit Z and C, and Ctrl+V if you hit X and V. But you could change this to do stuff like change layers, play sounds, or change settings.
## Additional Configuration
If you're using long combos, or even longer combos, you may run into issues with this, as the structure may not be large enough to accommodate what you're doing.
In this case, you can add either `#define EXTRA_LONG_COMBOS` or `#define EXTRA_EXTRA_LONG_COMBOS` in your `config.h` file.
You may also be able to enable action keys by defining `COMBO_ALLOW_ACTION_KEYS`.
## Keycodes
You can enable, disable and toggle the Combo feature on the fly. This is useful if you need to disable them temporarily, such as for a game.
|Keycode |Description |
|`CMB_ON` |Turns on Combo feature |
|`CMB_OFF` |Turns off Combo feature |
|`CMB_TOG` |Toggles Combo feature on and off |
## User callbacks
In addition to the keycodes, there are a few functions that you can use to set the status, or check it:
|Function |Description |
| `combo_enable()` | Enables the combo feature |
| `combo_disable()` | Disables the combo feature, and clears the combo buffer |
| `combo_toggle()` | Toggles the state of the combo feature |
| `is_combo_enabled()` | Returns the status of the combo feature state (true or false) |
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