• FrederikBaerentsen released this 2024-09-16 17:21:49 +02:00 | 111 commits to master since this release

    To install the script download CVIssueCount_v2.1.crplugin below and double click it.

    Afterwards you need to add your own API key from ComicVine. Go to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\cYo\ComicRack\Scripts\CVIssueCount and open the CVIssueCount.py file.
    If you use the Community Edition, the path is C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\cYo\ComicRack Community Edition\Scripts\CVIssueCount.

    At line 179 where it says you enter your api key and save the file. You will need to restart ComicRack (File->Restart).

    You can now highlight a section of comics, right-click, select Automation and then CVIssueCount.

  • FrederikBaerentsen released this 2022-08-13 21:04:10 +02:00 | 759 commits to master since this release

    CVIssueCount v2 release

    To install the script download CVIssueCount_v2.crplugin below and double click it.

    Afterwards you need to add your own API key from ComicVine. Go to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\cYo\ComicRack\Scripts\CVIssueCount and open the CVIssueCount.py file. At line 179 where it says you enter your api key and save the file. You will need to restart ComicRack (File->Restart).

    You can now highlight a section of comics, right-click, select Automation and then CVIssueCount.
