203 lines
6.8 KiB
203 lines
6.8 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
Ver 2.0
This script grabs the newest issues from ComicVine and 'appends' them to the
missing.mcl file contents.
python update_missing.py <in_file> <out_file> <api_key> <start_date> <end_date>
in_file: missing.mcl (i.e., your most recent version)
out_file: missing_<date> (or w/e you want to name it)
api_key: provided by ComicVine
start_date: the date the mcl file is synched with (YYYY-MM-DD)
end_date: today's date (YYYY-MM-DD)
python update_missing.py missing.mcl missing_20170917.mcl API_KEY 2017-09-11 2017-09-17
Technical stuff:
The mcl file format contains a header followed by a list of volumes with
their respective issues/numbers.
<volume_id>;list of <issue_id>;list of <issue_num>
<volume_id>;list of <issue_id>;list of <issue_num>
<volume_id>;list of <issue_id>;list of <issue_num>
The lists are comma delimited. Commas followed immediately by a space are
not considered a delimiter. Some issues are numbered like "v. 1, no. 01".
If there is a space in the list of issue numbers, the entire list is
wrapped in double quotes.
Note: There is one volume (id: 77901) that has an issue number "1,5". This
can potentially wreak some havoc if not treated carefully.
import requests
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 6 :
print ("usage: python update_missing.py <in_file> <out_file> <api_key> <start_date> <end_date>")
in_file = str(sys.argv[1]) # missing.mcl
out_file = str(sys.argv[2]) # updated_missing.mcl
api_key = str(sys.argv[3]) # ComicVine API key
start_date = str(sys.argv[4]) # start date range to search for new issues
end_date = str(sys.argv[5]) # end date range to search for new issues
comiclist = open(in_file, "r")
issues_number = {}
issues_volume = {}
skip_header = True
cont = 0
print ("Reading in current database")
for line in comiclist:
if skip_header:
skip_header = False
line_split = unicode(line, encoding='utf-8').replace("\n","").split(";")
volume_id = int(line_split[0])
if (line_split[1][0] == '"') and (line_split[1][len(line_split[1])] == '"'):
line_split = line_split[1:-1]
issue_split = line_split[1].split(",")
num_split = line_split[2].split(",")
for i in range(0,len(issue_split)):
if issues_number.has_key(int(issue_split[i])):
cont += 1
issues_number[int(issue_split[i])] = num_split[i]
issues_volume[int(issue_split[i])] = volume_id
print ("Querying ComicVine for new issues")
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36'}
new_comics_cont = 0
old_comics_cont = 0
updated_comics_cont = 0
deleted_comics_cont = 0
comic_skip_cont = 0
offset = 0
max = 100
limit = 100
skip = 0
retry = 0
ErrorIds = ""
non_retrieved_comics = issues_number.copy()
FindingError = False
while offset < max:
request_url = "https://comicvine.gamespot.com/api/issues/?api_key=" + api_key +"&limit=" + str(limit) + "&format=json&offset=" + str(offset) + "&field_list=id,issue_number,volume&filter=date_last_updated:" + start_date + "|" + end_date + "&sort=id"
'''print request_url'''
r = requests.get(request_url, headers=headers)
json_obj = r.json()
max = json_obj['number_of_total_results']
print (str(min(offset,max)) + "/" + str(max) + " Since " + start_date)
for i in json_obj['results']:
volume_id = i['volume']['id']
issue_id = i['id']
num = unicode(i['issue_number']).replace(",",".&@1").replace(";",".&@2").replace("\n","").replace("\r","")
if not issues_number.has_key(issue_id):
new_comics_cont += 1
issues_number[issue_id] = num
issues_volume[issue_id] = volume_id
del non_retrieved_comics[issue_id]
old_comics_cont += 1
if issues_number[issue_id] != num or issues_volume[issue_id] != volume_id:
updated_comics_cont += 1
issues_number[issue_id] = num
issues_volume[issue_id] = volume_id
offset += limit + skip
FindingError = False
if skip == 1:
print ("Comic with error found, id= " + str(issue_id+1))
ErrorIds += ";"+ str(issue_id+1)
comic_skip_cont += 1
print ("Continue loading comics now...")
FindingError = True
skip = 0
limit = 100
retry = 0
if retry < 4 and not FindingError:
print ("Error. Trying Again...")
retry += 1
if not FindingError:
print ("Finding Error in comic list: " + str(100-limit) + "%")
skip = 1
limit -= 1
if limit == 0 or FindingError:
print ("Comic with error found, id= " + str(issue_id+offset))
FindingError = True
limit = 1
offset += 1
comic_skip_cont += 1
ErrorIds += ";"+ str(issue_id+offset)
comics = {}
for issue_id in issues_number.keys():
if not comics.has_key(issues_volume[issue_id]):
comics[issues_volume[issue_id]] = {}
print ("Writing missings to file")
deleted_file = open("Deleted_Comics.txt", "wb")
for issue_id in non_retrieved_comics.keys():
deleted_comics_cont += 1
print ("Writing database to file")
outfile = open(out_file,"wb")
outfile.write("Missing;" + end_date + "\n")
for volume_id in sorted(comics.iterkeys()):
issues = ""
nums = ""
for issue_id in sorted(comics[volume_id].iterkeys()):
issues += str(issue_id) + ","
nums += comics[volume_id][issue_id] + ","
issues = issues[:-1]
outfile.write(str(volume_id) + ";" + issues + ";" + nums.encode('utf-8','ignore') + "\n")
print ("Done! " + str(new_comics_cont) + " comics added to database! (" + str(comic_skip_cont)+ " skipped and " + str(old_comics_cont) + " comics already in database)" )
print (str(deleted_comics_cont) + " comics in databased not retrieved in this round.")
print (str(updated_comics_cont) + " comics updated in database.")
print ("Ids with error in server: " + ErrorIds[1:])
print (cont)
raw_input("Press Enter to continue...")