be/ALJM^be^fr-be^Album du journal de Mickey^^[identique à fr/ALJM mis à part mention du prix sur la couverture et indication de la périodicité]^^N^Y^N^N^509^Team_beFR^
be/DDG^be^nl^Disney door Glénat^^[geen officiële reeksnaam bekend]^^Y^N^N^N^512^Team_be^
be/DFS^be^nl-be^56 onvergetelijke Disney filmstrips^^[Uitgave van Het Laatste Nieuws: met een bon uit de krant bij de krantenwinkel of door na te bestellen voor € 1,95; als abonnee kan de gehele collectie met verzamelbox en 5 strips cadeau voor € 99 worden besteld.]^^N^N^N^N^512^Team_be^
be/DK^be^nl^Disneykrant^^[bijlage bij Het Laatste Nieuws]^^N^N^N^N^513^Team_be^
be/DSM^be^nl-be^De stijl maakt de mens!^^[gratis blaadje voor Mickey Magazine-lezers, oblong-formaat 21x10 cm. Ook als bijlage bij MMN 130.]^^N^N^N^N^515^Team_be^
be/JUNGL^be^en^Het Jungle Boek magazine / Le Livre de la Jungle magazine^^[mini-magazines, promotional giveaway with Nestlé and Nesquik]^^N^N^N^N^518^Team_be^
be/MMN^be^nl-be^Mickey Magazine (Nederlandstalig)^^[heeft meestal dezelfde inhoud als de Franstalige (op sommige gags van 1 pagina of minder na), zie MM. Mogelijk is het laatste nummer 481 (een Nederlandse Donald Duck met opschrift) zodat een heel kalenderjaar gevuld wordt.]^^N^N^N^N^520^Team_be^
bg/CSN^bg^bg^Чуден свят^^[Bulgarian "illustrated fun newspaper" (as listed in the national library's database). Published 1940-1943]^^N^N^N^N^522^Team_MJe^
bg/CS^bg^bg^Чуден свят^^[Bulgarian children's magazine, featuring mostly Bulgarian comic stories.]^^N^N^N^N^522^Team_MJe^
bg/DD^bg^bg^Доналд Дък^^[This series no longer exist]^^N^N^N^N^522^Team_MJe^
bg/ISDD^bg^bg^Игри и смях с Доналд Дък^^[Games and laughs with DD: various puzzles and one story per issue]^^N^N^N^N^522^Team_MJe^
bg/MA^bg^bg^Макрокомикс^^[New series, reboot 15 years after MACRO 4]^^N^N^N^N^522^Team_MJe^
bg/MACRO^bg^bg^Макрокомикс^^[The backside of each Macrocomics issue contains part of a picture of MM, when all 4 are put together, the image is complete.]^^N^N^N^N^522^Team_MJe^
bg/MAS^bg^bg^Макрокомикс: Специално издание^^[Special issue, not counted with the regular ones.]^^N^N^N^N^522^Team_MJe^
bg/MM^bg^bg^Мики Маус^B5^^^N^N^N^N^522^Team_MJe^
bg/PAD^bg^bg^Phineas and Ferb^^^^N^N^N^N^522^Team_MJe^
bg/SHAH^bg^bg^Да играем шах - Анатолий Карпов^^^^N^N^N^N^522^Team_MJe^
br/AFDS^br^pt-br^Livro Ilustrado: Disney Stars^^[Card album including comic stories (Brazilian reprint of it/AD 2)] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/AP0S^br^pt-br^A Patada (Abril - 1ª Série)^21x30cm^[US's chronicle (Free B&W suplement with releases, news, short articles and gags (only gags indexed)]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/AP1S^br^pt-br^A Patada (Abril - 2ª Série)^21x30cm^[US's chronicle (Free B&W suplement with releases, news, short articles and gags (only gags indexed)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/AP2S^br^pt-br^A Patada (Abril - 3ª Série)^21x30cm^[US's chronicle (Free B&W suplement with releases, news, short articles and gags; only gags indexed)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/APCL^br^pt-br^A Patada (Culturama)^20x27cm^[US's chronicle - Free gift for subscribers of Culturama's Disney comic issues #13]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/APD^br^pt-br^Almanaque do Pato Donald (Abril - 1ª Série)^13.5x19cm^[Donald Duck stories] [Mainly reprints] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/APD2^br^pt-br^Almanaque do Pato Donald (Abril - 2ª Série)^13.5x19cm^[Donald Duck stories] [Only reprints] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/APDO^br^pt-br^Almanaque do Pato Donald (Orbis)^18x26cm^[Donald Duck's almanac (reprint of us/DDFB 2)] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/APL^br^pt-br^Almanaque do Prof. Pardal e Lampadinha^13.5x19cm^[Gyro Gearloose & Helper stories] [Mainly reprints] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/APL2^br^pt-br^Almanaque do Pluto (2ª Série)^13.5x19cm^[Pluto stories] [Only reprints] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/APM^br^pt-br^Alice no País das Maravilhas^15x21cm^[Alice in Wonderland (based on Tim Burton's] [2 volumes]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/ASA^br^pt-br^Asterix e Seus Amigos^20.8x27.8^[Asterix edition (featuring a story with Disney characters)] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/ASH^br^pt-br^Almanaque dos Super-Heróis (1ª Série)^13.5x19cm^[Disney's super heroes stories] [Mainly reprints] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/ASH2^br^pt-br^Almanaque dos Super-Heróis Disney (2ª Série)^13.5x19cm^[Disney's super heroes stories] [Only reprints] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/ATP^br^pt-br^Almanaque do Tio Patinhas (1ª Série)^13.5x19cm^[Uncle Scrooge stories] [Mainly reprints] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/ATP2^br^pt-br^Almanaque do Tio Patinhas (2ª Série)^13.5x19cm^[Uncle Scrooge stories] [Only reprints] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/ATS^br^pt-br^Almanaque Toy Story^20x26.5cm^[CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/AVB^br^pt-br^A Última Batalha^19x25.5cm^["L'Vltima Battaglia"] [Original title spelled with "V"] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/AVD^br^pt-br^Aventuras Disney (Abril)^^[CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/AVDCL^br^pt-br^Aventuras Disney (Culturama)^^[This is br/AVD series by a new publisher (cover numbering starting from 0 with internal numbering resuming br/AVD's]^^N^N^Y^N^524^Team_br^
br/BDR^br^pt-br^Biblioteca Don Rosa^22x28cm^[Don Rosa's Library (hardback)]^^N^N^Y^N^525^Team_br^
br/BEM^br^pt-br^Biblioteca do Escoteiro Mirim^^[Junior Woodchucks' Library] [Hardback collection with illustrated articles] [Edited/remounted/added material from MAN series spread through 20 volumes]^^N^N^Y^N^525^Team_br^
br/CC^br^pt-br^O Descobrimento da América^13.5x19cm^[America's Discovery] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CCBD^br^pt-br^Coleção Carl Barks Definitiva^16x23.7cm^[Carl Barks' Definitive Collection (Brazilian version of us/CBDL)]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CCWD^br^pt-br^Coleção Clássicos Walt Disney^^[Bound volume of CWD issues] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CD^br^pt-br^Clássicos Disney - Atividades^21x27.5cm^[Children-oriented games + stories (only stories indexed)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CD78^br^pt-br^Clássicos de Walt Disney em quadrinhos (1978-80)^13.5x21cm^[Comic versions of Disney's classical movies] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CD82^br^pt-br^Clássicos Disney em Quadrinhos (1981-83)^^[Comic versions of Disney's classical movies] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CD83^br^pt-br^Clássicos Disney em Quadrinhos (1983-85)^^[Disney classical movies] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CD88^br^pt-br^Clássicos Disney em Quadrinhos (1988)^^[Comic versions of Disney classical movies] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CD89^br^pt-br^Clássicos Disney O Filme em Quadrinhos! (1989)^^[Comic versions of Disney classical movies] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CD90^br^pt-br^Clássicos Disney O Filme em Quadrinhos! (1990)^^[Comic versions of Disney classical movies] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CD92^br^pt-br^Clássicos Disney (1992)^^[Comic versions of Disney classical movies (1992 edition)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CDND^br^pt-br^O Corcunda de Notre Dame^^["Hunchback of Notre Dame"] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CE^br^pt-br^Coleção Enfeitada^^[Collection of stories] [Only issues with Disney comics are indexed] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/CGD^br^pt-br^Coleção "Os Grandes Duelos"^^["Great Duels" collection (3 volumes)] [Text with illustrations]^^N^N^Y^N^526^Team_br^
br/DBR^br^pt-br^Dá-lhe, Brasil!^13.5x19cm^[1990's World Soccer Cup promotional one-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DCD^br^pt-br^Disney de Luxo^16x24cm^[Deluxe hardback special editions] [Unofficial title (also unofficially titled "Disney Capa Dura")] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DCQ^br^pt-br^Disney Cinema Em Quadrinhos^^[CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DD^br^pt-br^Diversões Disney^^[Collection of Daily Strips, DMM's, etc] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DDR^br^pt-br^Disney Dinossauro: Revistinha^^[Dinosaur] [4 MacDonald's free gift issues]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DE^br^pt-br^Disney Especial (1ª Série)^13.5x21cm,13.5x19cm(135,136)^[Same-theme stories (1st series, from #1 to 180)] [Only reprints] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DE2^br^pt-br^Disney Especial (2ª Série)^13.5x19cm^[Same-theme stories (2nd series with unofficial numbering from #181, resuming the 1st series')] [Only reprints] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DEB^br^pt-br^Destaque e Brinque^^[Children's activities book plus a comic story]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DECD^br^pt-br^Disney Especialíssimo (Capa Dura)^^[Hardback volumes with 2 DE or DER (except covers)] [No issue dates] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DEJ^br^pt-br^Diversões Escolares/Juvenis^^[Student-oriented articles and comic stories] [Only issues with Disney comics are indexed] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DER^br^pt-br^Disney Especial Reedição^13.5x21cm,13.5x19cm(71,72)^[Partial reprint of DE series] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DESP^br^pt-br^Disney Especialíssimo^^[Volumes with 2 DE, DER or DSE (except covers)] [No issue dates] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DFQE^br^pt-br^Disney Filmes Em Quadrinhos Especial^17x24cm^[Comic adaptations of modern Disney movies (special edition)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DG^br^pt-br^Disney Gol^13.4x19cm^[4-issue series about soccer]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DGA^br^pt-br^Disney Game^26.5x20.5cm^[Puzzle stories and game pages (only stories indexed)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DGAE^br^pt-br^Disney Game Especial^26.5x20.5cm^[Puzzle story and game pages (only story indexed)] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DGAX^br^pt-br^Disney Game Extra^20.5x26.5cm^[Puzzle stories and game pages (only stories indexed)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DGIG^br^pt-br^Disney Gigante^21x30cm^[Brazilian version of "I Giganti di Topolino"] [Content in Black & White] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DH^br^pt-br^Horror^13.4x19cm^[Thematic Disney #09 (unofficial)] ['Horror']^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DI^br^en^Disney em Inglês^13.5x19cm^[Disney stories in English] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/DJRE^br^pt-br^As Melhores Histórias Publicadas em Disney Juniors^^[Special Editions of Disney Juniors (DJR 8-A and 8-B)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^527^Team_br^
br/FWD^br^pt-br^Festival Walt Disney^19x27.5cm^[One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^529^Team_br^
br/GA^br^pt-br^Grande Almanaque de Férias/Natal^16.5x24.5cm(1-7),16.5x23cm(8-?),15x21.5cm(?-18?)^[Vacations or Christmas stories and games] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GADCL^br^pt-br^O Grande Almanaque Disney (Culturama)^15x21cm^^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GALD^br^pt-br^O Grande Almanaque Disney (Abril)^^[Collection of 16-page instalments with articles, stories and games] [Publisher's former name 'Abril Cultural']^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GAM^br^pt-br^As Grandes Aventuras Do Mickey^^[Thematic Disney #02 (unofficial)] ['Mickey's Great Adventures']^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GAO^br^pt-br^Grandes Aventuras no Oriente^^[Adventures in the East (formerly 'Mil e Uma Noites')] [Thematic Disney #49 (unofficial)]^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GCL^br^pt-br^O Galinho Chicken Little: Super-Revista^20x26.5cm^[Chicken Little's Special Edition] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GD^br^pt-br^Graphic Disney (Abril)^^[Disney Graphic Novels] [21x27 cm, 17x26 cm(#2)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GDA^br^pt-br^A Guerra dos Dálmatas^^[101 Dalmatians] [15.5x23(cm)] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GHF^br^pt-br^Grandes Histórias de Férias^29.7x42cm^[Vacation stories]^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GHH^br^pt-br^Grandes Histórias de Halloween^^[Halloween stories]^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GIBI^br^pt-br^Gibi^21x28cm^[Assorted comic stories (1939-1950)] [Only issues with Disney comics are indexed]^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GLD^br^pt-br^O Grande Livro Disney^26x35cm^[Hardback collection with articles, stories and games (bound version of individual instalments] [Publisher's former name 'Abril Cultural']^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/GN^br^pt-br^Graphic Novel^^[Official comic versions of Disney/Pixar movies] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^530^Team_br^
br/MKCL^br^pt-br^Mickey (Culturama)^^[Mickey Mouse's comic book] [This is br/MK series by a new publisher (cover numbering starting from 0 with internal numbering resuming br/MK's)]^^N^N^Y^N^536^Team_br^
br/MM90^br^pt-br^Livro Ilustrado: Mickey Mouse História Com Cromos^^[Trading cards album with MM comic story] [Regular and hardcover version]^^N^N^Y^N^536^Team_br^
br/MQA^br^pt-br^Misto Quente Apresenta^21x28cm^[Only issues with Disney comics are indexed] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^536^Team_br^
br/MRM^br^pt-br^Mini-Revista Mulan^13.5x10cm^[Mulan stories and games (McDonald's give away issue)]^^N^N^Y^N^536^Team_br^
br/MSLS^br^pt-br^Monstros S.A. / Lilo & Stitch^15x21cm^[Monsters Inc + Lilo and Stitch] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^536^Team_br^
br/MSZC^br^pt-br^O Destino do Zé Carioca^13.5x19cm^["Joe Carioca's Destiny" mini series in 3 issues)]^^N^N^Y^N^536^Team_br^
br/MT^br^pt-br^Mancha das Trevas^20.5x27cm^[Hardback]^^N^N^Y^N^536^Team_br^
br/MVPD^br^pt-br^As Muitas Vidas do Pato Donald^13.5x19cm^[Donald Duck's 80 years 4-issue special editions] [Thematic Disney #37, 38, 39, 40 (unofficial)]^^N^N^Y^N^536^Team_br^
br/MX^br^pt-br^Mickey X^17x29cm^[Brazilian version of Italian "X-Mickey" comic book (only stories indexed)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^536^Team_br^
br/NADD^br^pt-br^As Novas Aventuras De DonaldDuplo^^[Italian DoubleDuck, mini-series in 2 volumes] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/NASP^br^pt-br^As Novas Aventuras do Superpato^^[Thematic Disney #13 (unofficial)] [Paperinik's New Adventures]^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/NCD^br^pt-br^Novos Clássicos Disney^17x26cm^[New Disney Classics] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/NCWD^br^pt-br^Nova Coleção Walt Disney^^[Collection of Disney stories] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/NDE^br^pt-br^Novo Disney Especial^13.5x19cm^[Partial reprint DE, DER, DSE series] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/NDO^br^pt-br^Natal (Disney) de Ouro^13.5x21cm(1-4),13.5x19cm(5-20)^[Christmas stories] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/NFM^br^pt-br^No Fundo do Mar^13.4x19cm^[Thematic Disney #16 (unofficial)] ['Bottom of the Sea']^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/NOD^br^pt-br^Natal de Ouro Disney^13.5x19cm^[Mainly reprint of Christmas stories] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/NTF^br^pt-br^Na Terra dos Faraós^13.4x19cm^[Thematic Disney #23 (unofficial)] ['Pharaohs Land']^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/NTL^br^pt-br^Nossa Turma Lacta^^[Chocolate bars with collectable cards featuring Disney 1-page gags]^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/NVT^br^pt-br^Nem Que a Vaca Tussa: Revistão do Filme^20x26.5cm^[Home on the Range's Special Edition] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^537^Team_br^
br/OB^br^pt-br^Olé Brasil!^13.5x19cm^[1986's World Soccer Cup promotional one-shot issue]^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/OL^br^pt-br^Olimpíada 88^13.5x19cm^[1988's Olympiad one-shot special issue]^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/OMD^br^pt-br^O Melhor da Disney: As Obras Completas de Carl Barks^17x26cm^[Brazilian version of "Carl Barks Library" in color in 41 volumes] [Introductory articles by Marcelo Alencar]^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/OMDD^br^pt-br^O Melhor da Disney^^[CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/OMU^br^pt-br^Outros Mundos^13.4x19cm^[Thematic Disney #34 (unofficial)] ['Other Worlds']^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/OPM^br^pt-br^O País dos Metralhas^13.4x19cm^[Thematic Disney #15 (unofficial)] ['Beagle Boys Country']^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/OPWDA^br^pt-br^Obras-Primas De Walt Disney (Abril)^25.5x21cm^[Illustrations + texts adapting Disney's classic animated movies (Kodansha)] [Date uncertain, 1993 to ?] [Same as br/OPWDM (paperback)]^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/OPWDC^br^pt-br^Obras-Primas De Walt Disney (Círculo do Livro)^25.5x21cm^[Illustrations + texts adapting Disney's classic animated movies (Kodansha)] [Date uncertain, 1993 to ?] [Same as br/OPWDM (hardback)]^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/OPWDM^br^pt-br^Obras-Primas De Walt Disney (Melhoramentos)^25.5x21cm^[Illustrations + texts adapting Disney's classic animated movies (Kodansha)] [Date uncertain, 1993 to ?] [Two versions (hardback and paperback)] [See also br/OPWDA, br/OPWDC]^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/OTT^br^pt-br^O Tico-Tico^^[Children-oriented tabloid with stories, articles and games] [Only Disney comics indexed]^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/OTTX^br^pt-br^O Tico-Tico Edição Extraordinária^^[Children-oriented tabloid with stories, articles and games - Extra one-shot edition] [Only Disney material indexed]^^N^N^Y^N^538^Team_br^
br/P50A^br^pt-br^Peninha 50 Anos^13.4x19cm^[Thematic Disney #35 (unofficial)] ['Fethry Duck 50 Years']^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PCA^br^pt-br^Pocahontas - O Encontro de Dois Mundos^^[Pocahontas (Monthly)]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PCNAM^br^pt-br^Piratas Do Caribe Navegando Em Águas Misteriosas^20x26.5cm^[Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides] [Only stories indexed] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PD^br^pt-br^O Pato Donald (Abril)^20x26cm(1-21),13.5x21cm(22-1478),13.5x19cm(1480-1750,1765-2481),15x22cm(1751-1764)^[Donald Duck's comic book] [Odd numbers between 479-1749 are "Zé Carioca"] [No article "O" since #1470] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PD1FS^br^pt-br^Facsímile de O Pato Donald Número 1^^[Facsimile of PD #1 as free gift for some special editions]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PD40^br^pt-br^40 Anos da Revista Pato Donald^21x27.5cm^[40th anniversary commemorative issue] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PD70^br^pt-br^Pato Donald 70 Anos^^[Donald Duck's 70th anniversary special edition] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PD98^br^pt-br^Pato Donald (1998)^^[Bound issues] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDCE^br^pt-br^Pato Donald Especial (1989-1992)^13.5x19cm^[Donald Duck stories] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDCL^br^pt-br^Pato Donald (Culturama)^^[Donald Duck's comic book] [This is br/PD series by a new publisher (cover numbering starting from 0 with internal numbering resuming br/PD's)]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDE^br^pt-br^Pato Donald Especial de Aniversário^13.5x19cm^[50th anniversary commemorative issue] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDEEA^br^pt-br^Livro Ilustrado: Pato Donald Edição Especial de Aniversário^21x27.5cm^[DD's 50th anniversary trading cards album (including 3 YD gags, CB oils and DD paintings)] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDEI^br^en^Pato Donald em Inglês!^13.5x19cm^[Donald Duck stories in English] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDES^br^pt-br^Pato Donald Especial 60 Anos^17x26cm^[Donald Duck's 60th anniversary commemorative one-shot issue (sold together with PD #2043)]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDEX^br^pt-br^Pato Donald Extra!^13.5x19cm^[Extra Edition with reprinted DD stories] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDF^br^pt-br^Pato Donald Férias^13.5x19cm^[Donald Duck's Vacations edition] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDO^br^pt-br^Pato Donald de Ouro^13.5x21cm^[Reprint of Donald Duck's selected stories] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDR^br^pt-br^Presente de Rinso^13.5x21cm^[Free gift of soap powder packages]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDSC^br^pt-br^Suplemento Comemorativo de O Pato Donald 25 Anos^^["O Pato Donald" 25 years commemorative supplements as free gift of regular issues]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDSE^br^pt-br^O Pato Donald Suplemento Especial^19,8x28,1cm^[PD's special one-shot suplement] [No issue date]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PDX^br^pt-br^Pato Donald Extra^^[CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PEN^br^pt-br^Peninha - Coleção Completa das Histórias Feitas por Seus Criadores^16x24cm^[Fethry Duck Complete Collection] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PRDB^br^pt-br^Princesas (Abril)^20x26.5cm^[Brazilian version of Italian "Principesse Disney" comic book (only stories will be indexed)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PT^br^pt-br^Pateta (Abril - 2ª Série)^13.5x19cm^[Goofy's comic Book - 2nd series] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PTCL^br^pt-br^Pateta (Culturama)^^[Goofy's comic book] [This is br/PAT series by a new publisher (cover numbering starting from 0 with internal numbering resuming br/PAT's)]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PTEX^br^pt-br^Pateta Extra!^13.5x19cm^[Extra Edition with GO stories] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PTGT^br^pt-br^Pateta é... Guilherme Tell^21x27cm^[Goofy as William Tell] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PTO^br^pt-br^Pateta nos Jogos Olímpicos^^[Goofy in the Olympic Games special issue] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PTT^br^pt-br^Pateta (Abril - 1ª Série)^13.5x19cm^[Goofy's comic book - 1st series] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/PTTI^br^pt-br^Pateta é... em Inglês^21x27.5cm^[Goofy History in English plus half-sized version in Portuguese] [3nd series] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^539^Team_br^
br/QC^br^pt-br^Quac!^21x27.5cm^[Teenager-oriented comic book with games, puzzles and stories (only stories indexed)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^540^Team_br^
br/RCF^br^pt-br^O Roubo da Coroa das Fadas^^[Fairies] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^541^Team_br^
br/RL^br^pt-br^O Rei Leão (Capa normal)^17x26cm^["Lion King" official movie version]^^N^N^Y^N^541^Team_br^
br/RLC^br^pt-br^O Rei Leão (Capa cartonada)^17x26cm^["Lion King" official movie version (paperback version of br/RL with new cover)]^^N^N^Y^N^541^Team_br^
br/ROB^br^pt-br^Robinson^18x26.5cm^[Reprints in full of at least 10 issues of us/OS] [Bimonthly - Date uncertain (late 50s or early 60s)] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^541^Team_br^
br/ROC^br^pt-br^Rock^13.4x19cm^[Rock music stories] [Thematic Disney #41 (unofficial)]^^N^N^Y^N^541^Team_br^
br/RPD^br^pt-br^Pato Donald 2398 (Reimpressão)^^[Reprint of PD #2398 with minor alterations to promote subscritions] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^541^Team_br^
br/SJ^br^pt-br^Suplemento Juvenil^^[Comic stories in tabloid format] [Only Disney stories indexed]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SJEFM^br^pt-br^Suplemento Juvenil - Edição Fim-de-Mez^^[Special Edition of "Suplemento Juvenil" (br/SJ)] [Only Disney issues indexed]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SLH^br^pt-br^Sir Lock Holmes^^[Sleuth's 40th years] [Thematic Disney #47 (unofficial)]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SNJ^br^pt-br^Stitch no Japão^^[Stitch in Japan] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SOB^br^pt-br^Os Sobrinhos do Donald^^[Huey, Dewey & Louie's comic book] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SOD^br^pt-br^Série Ouro Disney^13.5x19cm^["What-if" stories 1st edition in 5 issues]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SODE^br^pt-br^Especial Série Ouro Disney^^[Bound issues of "What-if" stories] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SODR^br^pt-br^Série Ouro Disney Reedição^13.5x19cm^["What-if" stories 2nd Edition in 5 issues]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SP^br^pt-br^Super Plá^29.5x41cm^[Tabloid format with assorted Sunday pages] [Only Disney stories are indexed] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SP40^br^pt-br^Superpato 40 Anos^^[Thematic Disney #03 (unofficial)] [Paperinik 40 Years]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SPA^br^pt-br^Superpateta^^[Super Goof] [Thematic Disney #44 (unofficial)]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SPL^br^pt-br^Superpato: O Legado^13.4x19cm^[Thematic Disney #25 (unofficial)] [Paperinik The Legace]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/SPNA^br^pt-br^Superpato Novas Aventuras^17x26cm^[Brazilian reprint of Italian series "PK New Adventures"] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^542^Team_br^
br/TP40R^br^pt-br^40 Anos da Revista Tio Patinhas^13.5x19cm^[40th anniversary commemorative]^^N^N^Y^N^543^Team_br^
br/TP50R^br^pt-br^Tio Patinhas 50 Anos da Revista^13.4x19cm^[Thematic Disney #27 & #28 (unofficial)] ['Tio Patinhas' 50 Years in 2 volumes] ['Tio Patinhas' 50th anniversary, 2 special editions]^^N^N^Y^N^543^Team_br^
br/TPCL^br^pt-br^Tio Patinhas (Culturama)^^[Uncle Scrooge's comic book] [This is br/TP series by a new publisher (cover numbering starting from 0 with internal numbering resuming br/TP's)]^^N^N^Y^N^543^Team_br^
br/TPI^br^en^Tio Patinhas em Inglês!^13.5x19cm^[Uncle Scrooge stories in English] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^543^Team_br^
br/TPO^br^pt-br^Tio Patinhas de Ouro^13.5x21cm^[Reprint of Uncle Scrooge's selected stories] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^543^Team_br^
br/TPX^br^pt-br^Tio Patinhas (Experimental)^^[US's two experimental issues] [Both issues with same cover, same number 1 and different page counts]^^N^N^Y^N^543^Team_br^
br/TS^br^pt-br^Toy Story - Um Mundo de Aventuras^17x26cm^["Toy Story"] [One-shot edition]^^N^N^Y^N^543^Team_br^
br/TSMS^br^pt-br^Toy Story Minissérie^17x26cm^[Toy Story "The Mysterious Stranger" mini series in 2 editions]^^N^N^Y^N^543^Team_br^
br/TSO^br^pt-br^Revista Oficial Toy Story^^[Toy Story Official Magazine] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^543^Team_br^
br/U50A^br^pt-br^Urtigão 50 Anos^13.4x19cm^[Thematic Disney #31 (unofficial)] [Hard Haid Moe's 50 Years special issue]^^N^N^Y^N^544^Team_br^
br/ZC^br^pt-br^Zé Carioca^13.5x21cm(479-1469),13.5x19cm(1471-2446)^[Joe Carioca's comic book] [Even numbers between 480-1750 are "O Pato Donald"] [CANCELED]^^N^N^Y^N^547^Team_br^
br/ZCC^br^pt-br^Zé na Copa^^[1998 World Soccer Cup's special edition (included in br/PD 2137, br/ZC 2101, br/TP 394, br/AD 322, br/MK 582 and br/SHD 17)]^^N^N^Y^N^547^Team_br^
ca/MMD^ca^fr-ca^Le monde merveilleux de Disney^17.5x12.5cm^[couverture souple] [divers personnages Disney dont MM, DD, WTP, CD, US, GO]^^N^N^N^N^549^Team_ca^
cn/DSNSJ^cn^zh-hans^迪士尼世界 Disney Fan^^[bimonthly magazine]^^N^N^N^N^552^Team_cn^
cn/DXELJ^cn^zh-hans^Disney Learning 迪士尼学而乐米奇妙妙屋^^[former "米奇妙妙屋" (Disney Junior), monthly, ISSN 1674-1560, from 2018 on continued as "迪士尼学而乐全科学习"]^^N^N^N^N^552^Team_cn^
cn/DXELW^cn^en^Disney Learning 迪士尼学而乐小熊维尼^^[bilingual Chinese-English, former "小熊维尼" (Winnie the Pooh Magazine), monthly, ISSN 1674-1560, from 2018 on continued as "迪士尼学而乐全科学习"]^^N^Y^N^N^552^Team_cn^
cn/MLHTLY^cn^zh-hans^米老鼠和唐老鸭 (Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck)^^[Distributed by Beijing Distributing House, printed by Beijing People Printing Factory, sold by Xinhua Bookstore (illegal publication).]^^N^N^N^N^552^Team_cn^
cn/MLKDS^cn^zh-hans^魔力W.i.t.c.h口袋书^^[Magic Power W.i.t.c.h. Pocket Book]^^N^N^N^N^552^Team_cn^
cn/MLMSN^cn^zh-hans^魔力W.i.t.c.h美少女^^[Magic Power W.i.t.c.h. Beautiful Girl]^^N^N^N^N^552^Team_cn^
cn/MLSBXY^cn^zh-hans^米老鼠爆笑园^^[Mickey Mouse Super Funny]^^N^N^N^N^552^Team_cn^
cn/MLSH^cn^zh-hans^《米老鼠》黄金故事集^^["Gold stories collection of Mickey Mouse magazine"]^^N^N^N^N^552^Team_cn^
cz/KDC^cz^cs^Kačer Donald^^[replaced MM in 1996] [Similar to Polish KD, Slovakian KD, Hungarian DK (until 2009), Croatian MMH (since 2000), Slovenian MS (since 1999) and Latvian DD (since 1999). In some countries, the publishing rate differs.] [published every two weeks, then every three weeks, and from issue 2016-01 on every four weeks] [Usually translated by David Litvák or Pavel Wiegel.] [The price is usually 48 CZK (since 2004), 86 CZK, 45 CZK or 39 CZK (mostly until 2001).]^^N^N^N^N^554^Team_MJe^
de/ATL^de^de^Atlantis - Das Geheimnis der verlorenen Stadt^^^^N^N^N^N^576^Team_de^
de/AUMM^de^de^Alles über Micky Maus^17,5 x 24,5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^577^Team_de^
de/AXF^de^de^Asterix und seine Freunde^^^^N^N^N^N^578^Team_de^
de/BATH^de^de^Barks' Thierleben - Biodiversität in Entenhausen^^[Begleitheft zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Naturkunde-Museum Bamberg, Sommer 2012] [überarbeitete Auflage von Der Donaldist-Sonderheft 40]^^N^N^N^N^579^Team_de^
de/BBB^de^de^Big Black Books^26,5 x 35,0 cm^^^N^N^N^N^581^Team_de^
de/BBFE^de^de^Botho Bremer: Der Fall Entenhausen - Die Machenschaften von Dagobert, Donald und der übrigen Brut auf dem juristischen Prüfstand^^^^N^N^N^N^582^Team_de^
de/BBM^de^de^Bernard und Bianca Die Mäusepolizei^17.5 x 26 cm^^^N^N^N^N^583^Team_de^
de/BGM^de^de^Basil der grosse Mäusedetektiv^^^^N^N^N^N^595^Team_de^
de/BI^de^de^Bild^^[Boulevardtageszeitung / daily popular newspaper]^^N^N^N^N^596^Team_de^
de/BK^de^de^Bause Kinderschuhe^14,5 x 10 cm^[First Edition as booklet, second edition as folder] [Es gibt 2 verschiedene Ausführungen: 1. Ausführung als Heft, 2. Ausführung als Faltcomic. Die Heft-Variante ist daran erkennbar, dass der Bause-Schriftzug in einer Art Blase eher handschriftlich erscheint und das Wort Kinderschuhe nach rechts abgesetzt ist. Bei der Faltcomic-Variante dagegen ist der Name Bause immer Fett gedruckt, das Wort Kinderschuhe steht bis auf eine Ausnahme immer in kleinerer Schrift unter Bause. Die Ausnahme bildet das Heft "Micky Maus - Ich bin der Schnellste".] [1960er-Jahre]^^N^N^N^N^597^Team_de^
de/BL^de^de^Barks Library^^^^N^N^N^N^598^Team_de^
de/BLDA^de^de^Barks Library Special Daisy Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^599^Team_de^
de/BLDD^de^de^Barks Library Special Donald Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^600^Team_de^
de/BLDDW^de^de^Barks Library - Donald Duck Weihnachtsgeschichten^^^^N^N^N^N^601^Team_de^
de/BLDT^de^de^Barks Library Special Daniel Düsentrieb^^^^N^N^N^N^602^Team_de^
de/BLFF^de^de^Barks Library Special Fähnlein Fieselschweif^^^^N^N^N^N^603^Team_de^
de/BLOD^de^de^Barks Library Special Onkel Dagobert^^^^N^N^N^N^604^Team_de^
de/BLOMA^de^de^Barks Library Special Oma Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^605^Team_de^
de/BX^de^de^Bertel-Express^^[Der Inducks listet keine reinen Buchbesprechungen auf / book reviews are not listed in the Inducks entries]^^N^N^N^N^610^Team_de^
de/CARS^de^de^Cars 2 Das Comic-Magazin zum Film^^^^N^N^N^N^613^Team_de^
de/CBAK^de^de^Carl Barks^^^^N^N^N^N^614^Team_de^
de/CBC^de^de^Carl Barks Collection^^[limited to 3333 copies]^^N^N^N^N^615^Team_de^
de/CBCAC^de^de^Carl Barks Cover Art Calendar^^[wall calendar]^^N^N^N^N^616^Team_de^
de/CBCEO^de^de^Carl Barks - Calgary Eye Opener^22,1 x 29,4 cm^^^N^N^N^N^617^Team_de^
de/CBDB^de^de^Carl Barks - Die Biographie^^[von Michael Barrier]^^N^N^N^N^618^Team_de^
de/CBGW^de^en^Carl Barks gesammelte Werke^30 x 36,5 cm^[Der COMIC.BUCH.CLUB PRÄSENTIERT CARL BARKS GESAMMELTE WERKE HERAUSGEGEBEN VON PETER ORBAN / HORST SCHRÖDER] [limitiert auf 300, später 500 Exemplare / limited to 300, later on 500 copies]^^N^N^N^N^619^Team_de^
de/CBO^de^de^Carl Barks - Die Ölgemälde^22,5x30,0 cm^^^N^N^N^N^620^Team_de^
de/DCSJK^de^de^Donald Duck Comics & Stories (Jokers)^21.6 x 28.7 cm^[Lizenzausgabe für Jokers (Weltbild)]^^N^N^N^N^639^Team_de^
de/DD^de^de^Donald Duck^13,3 x 18,68 cm (up to no.: 512), 14,8 x 21,8 (from no. 513)^[4 issues 01 - 04 in 1974, 1 - 529 from 1975]^^N^N^N^N^640^Team_de^
de/DLL^de^la^Disney Linguà Latinà^^[distributed by Ehapa Verlag]^^N^N^N^N^680^Team_de^
de/DM^de^de^Detektei Maus^^^^N^N^N^N^681^Team_de^
de/DMC^de^de^Disney Mini Comic - Entenhausen Stars^^[Beilage zu der Serie "Entenhausen Stars" mit 10 Disney Figuren (je Euro(D) 2,99)]^^N^N^N^N^682^Team_de^
de/DR^de^de^Onkel Dagobert von Don Rosa^^[all issues have a backlist with covers of the other issues in this series (without #0), sometimes include the issue itself, sometimes without it]^^N^N^N^N^691^Team_de^
de/FAZTB^de^de^Klassiker der Comic-Literatur - Ausgewählt vom F.A.Z.-Feuilleton^^[of a total of 20 issues just #5 and #16 contain Disney material / von insgesamt 20 Bänden enthalten nur #5 und #16 Disney-Material]^^N^N^N^N^744^Team_de^
de/FDD^de^de^Die Fantastilliarden des Dagobert Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^745^Team_de^
de/FDIEN^de^de^Finde deine innere Ente^14.8 x 21,0 cm^^^N^N^N^N^746^Team_de^
de/FDK^de^de^Fluch der Karibik 2^^^^N^N^N^N^747^Team_de^
de/FDKMAG^de^de^Fluch der Karibik - Das Magazin zum Film^^[first issue part of de/X / erstes Heft als Teil von de/X veröffentlicht]^^N^N^N^N^748^Team_de^
de/FDM^de^de^Findet Dorie - Magazin^^[zweimonatliches Magazin / bi-monthly magazine]^^N^N^N^N^749^Team_de^
de/FDR^de^de^Findet Dorie^^^^N^N^N^N^750^Team_de^
de/FFM^de^de^Ein Fall für Micky^^^^N^N^N^N^751^Team_de^
de/FGL^de^de^Floyd Gottfredson Library^22.2 x 26.4 cm^^^N^N^N^N^752^Team_de^
de/FJDT^de^de^50 Jahre Daniel Düsentrieb^^^^N^N^N^N^753^Team_de^
de/FJOD^de^de^50 Jahre Onkel Dagobert^^^^N^N^N^N^754^Team_de^
de/FJPK^de^de^50 Jahre Panzerknacker^^^^N^N^N^N^755^Team_de^
de/HD^de^de^Der Donaldist^^["Der Hamburger Donaldist" (bis Ausgabe 51 / until #51)] [Der Inducks listet keine reinen Buchbesprechungen auf / book reviews are not listed in the Inducks entries]^^N^N^N^N^776^Team_de^
de/HDSH^de^de^Der Donaldist - Sonderheft^^[issue 39 not published] ["Der Hamburger Donaldist - Sonderheft" (bis Ausgabe 15 / until #15)]^^N^N^N^N^777^Team_de^
de/HEGEK^de^de^Hier bin ich Ente, hier darf ich's sein: Goethes Entenhausener Klassik^17,5 x 24,7 cm^^^N^N^N^N^779^Team_de^
de/HEU^de^de^Heute^26,6x36,6 cm^[zweiwöchig erscheinende Illustrierte] [erschien zwischen 1945 und 1951 alle zwei Wochen, herausgegeben von der Amerikanischen Militärregierung, auch in Österreich verkauft (mit Schilling-Preisangabe), Ausgabe 100 ohne Comic]^^N^N^N^N^780^Team_de^
de/IAZ^de^de^Internet von A-Z^19,5 x 15 cm^^^N^N^N^N^785^Team_de^
de/IDD^de^de^Ich Donald Duck^24,5 x 34,3 cm^[published as identical editions both at Melzer and Bertelsmann / Als identische Ausgaben bei Melzer und Bertelsmann veröffentlicht]^^N^N^N^N^786^Team_de^
de/IDDJK^de^de^Ich, Donald Duck (Jokers)^26,5 x 35.0 cm^[Lizenzausgabe für Jokers (Weltbild) zum 77. Geburtstag Donald Ducks]^^N^N^N^N^787^Team_de^
de/IG^de^de^Ich Goofy^24,5 x 34,3 cm^^^N^N^N^N^788^Team_de^
de/IMM^de^de^Ich Micky Maus^24,5 x 34,3 cm^[published as identical editions both at Melzer and Bertelsmann / Als identische Ausgaben bei Melzer und Bertelsmann veröffentlicht]^^N^N^N^N^789^Team_de^
de/INZS^de^de^Dem Ingeniör ist nichts zu schwör^17,5 x 24,5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^789^Team_de^
de/IOD^de^de^Ich Onkel Dagobert^24,5 x 34,3 cm^[published as identical editions both at Melzer and Bertelsmann / Als identische Ausgaben bei Melzer und Bertelsmann veröffentlicht]^^N^N^N^N^790^Team_de^
de/JAMM^de^de^Jubiläumsalbum Micky Maus^^[jeweils auch in einer Sammelbox erhältlich]^^N^N^N^N^791^Team_de^
de/JATG^de^de^Jubiläumsalbum Die Tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck^^[jeweils auch in einer Sammelbox erhältlich]^^N^N^N^N^792^Team_de^
de/JFPVM^de^de^Comics Anno: Jahrbuch der Forschung zu populär-visuellen Medien^^^^N^N^N^N^794^Team_de^
de/KA^de^de^Die besten Geschichten mit Donald Duck - Klassik Album^^^^N^N^N^N^796^Team_de^
de/KADB^de^de^Die besten Geschichten mit Donald Duck - Klassik Album - Doppelband^^^^N^N^N^N^797^Team_de^
de/KAHC^de^de^Die besten Geschichten mit Donald Duck - Klassik Album - Hardcover^^^^N^N^N^N^798^Team_de^
de/KASBHC^de^de^Donald Duck Klassik Album^^[Neben dieser edlen Hardcoverausgabe existiert auch noch eine Softcoverausgabe aus Remittenden (KASBSC) / Apart from this high quality hardcover edition there exists also a softcover edition made of returned books (KASBSC)]^^N^N^N^N^799^Team_de^
de/KASBSC^de^de^Die besten Geschichten mit Donald Duck (Klassik-Album) - Sammelband^^[Neben dieser Softcoverausgabe aus Remittenden existiert auch noch eine edle Hardcoverausgabe (KASBHC) / Apart from this softcover edition made of returned books there exists also a high quality hardcover edition (KASBHC)]^^N^N^N^N^800^Team_de^
de/LTBCLE^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Collectors Edition Exklusiv: 50 Jahre LTB (limitierte Nachdrucke)^^[Mit Titelbildnachzeichnung und Signatur, nur erhältlich im LTB Pop-Up-Store in Berlin zwischen dem 7.11. und 22.12.2017, with cover's facsimile incl. artist's signature, available only in LTB Pop-Up-Store in Berlin between 7th November and 22nd December 2017]^^N^N^N^N^833^Team_de^
de/LTBCOH^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Collection - Kampf der Zauberer (Hardcover)^^^^N^N^N^N^835^Team_de^
de/LTBCR^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Crime^14,5 x 21,0 cm^[auch in einer Sammelbox erhältlich (zum Erscheinungsdatum des ersten Bandes)]^^N^N^N^N^836^Team_de^
de/LTBDT^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch DuckTales^20,0 x 13,5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^837^Team_de^
de/LTBESO^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch eComic Sonderausgabe Sommer in Entenhausen^^[See <a href="">http://www.ehapa-shop...tb-ecomic</a>]^^N^N^N^N^841^Team_de^
de/LTBEX^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Exklusiv^12,5×19,0 cm^[Limitierte Auflage für Abonnenten / limited edition just for subscribers]^^N^N^N^N^843^Team_de^
de/LTBPS^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch präsentiert^13,5×20,0 cm^[auch in Sammelboxen erhältlich (zum Erscheinungsdatum des ersten, dritten und fünften Bandes)]^^N^N^N^Y^863^Team_de^
de/LTBR^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch ("Retro-Edition" der ersten 10 LTB mit dem Design und den Titeln der Nachdrucke zwischen 1987 und 1997)^^^^N^N^N^N^864^Team_de^
de/LTBRAE^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Rätsel^20 x 13,5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^865^Team_de^
de/LTBRP^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch - Eine Retrospektive^28,0x40,0 cm^[Coffee Table Book zum 50. LTB-Jubiläum, verkauft in einem Schutzkoffer]^^N^N^N^N^867^Team_de^
de/LTBRW^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Rewe Sammel-Edition^^[Zum 50. LTB-Jubiläum als Geschenk bei Einkäufen in Rewe-Supermärkten sowie bei Sky, Ausgaben sortiert nach Buchrückenbild]^^N^N^N^N^868^Team_de^
de/LTBSA^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Sonderausgabe^^[Beilage zum Spiel Disney Micky Epic - Die Macht der 2]^^N^N^N^Y^869^Team_de^
de/LTBSAP^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Sonderausgabe - Panzerknacker^^[Beilage zu einer Panzerknacker-Buchtasche]^^N^N^N^Y^870^Team_de^
de/LTBSE^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Sonderedition^^[jeweils auch in einer Sammelbox erhältlich (zum Erscheinungsdatum des ersten Bandes oder kurz darauf)]^^N^N^N^N^874^Team_de^
de/LTBUNI^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Leseprobe^^[kostenlose Auslage an Universitäten, in Waschsalons, Fitnessstudios sowie tw. auch im Einzelhandel]^^N^N^N^N^880^Team_de^
de/LTBUP^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Ultimate Phantomias^14,5×21,0 cm^[Die Chronik eines Superhelden]^^N^N^N^N^881^Team_de^
de/LTBXH^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Extra Fußball (Hardcover)^^^^N^N^N^N^885^Team_de^
de/LTBYC^de^de^Lustiges Taschenbuch Young Comics^^^^N^N^N^N^886^Team_de^
de/MAD^de^de^MAD - Das intelligenteste Magazin der Welt^^[Satiremagazin / Satirical magazine]^^N^N^N^N^887^Team_de^
de/MAKTIV^de^de^Micky Maus spezial: Micky aktiv - Das Spaß- und Action-Magazin^^[from #25 on called "Micky Maus aktiv" / ab Ausgabe 25 "Micky Maus aktiv"]^^N^N^N^N^888^Team_de^
de/MBIB^de^de^marebibliothek^22,0 x 30,0 cm^^^N^N^N^N^892^Team_de^
de/MC^de^de^Mammut Comics^^[neue Serie / new series] [die Ausgaben 13 bis 66 sind nicht erschienen (nur in Österreich und der Schweiz) / issues 13 to 66 not published (only in Austria/Switzerland), s. at/MCAZ]^^N^N^N^N^893^Team_de^
de/MCE^de^de^Mammut Comics^^[Erste Serie - First Series] [Mammut Comics - Abenteuer aus Walt Disneys Lustige Taschenbücher]^^N^N^N^N^894^Team_de^
de/MCZ^de^de^Mammut Comics^^[Zweite Serie / Second Series] [500 Mammut - 500 Seiten Comics]^^N^N^N^N^895^Team_de^
de/MGE^de^de^Micky & Goofy auf Entdeckungsreise^^^^N^N^N^N^903^Team_de^
de/MGS^de^de^Mickys größte Schau^23,6 cm x 19,0 cm^^^N^N^N^N^904^Team_de^
de/MGZ^de^de^Micky Maus ...und der Goldene Zeiger^26,0 cm x 17,7 cm^^^N^N^N^N^905^Team_de^
de/MHDW^de^de^Micky Holmes & Donald Watson^^^^N^N^N^N^906^Team_de^
de/MI^de^de^Minnie^^["Totally Minnie" (bis MI1990-04), "Minnie - Mehr Spaß für Mädchen" (MI1990-09 bis MI1999-25), "Minnie" (ab MI1999-26), "Minnie Comics" (MI2000-07 bis MI2000-15), "Minnie" (ab MI2012-04)] [splits into Minnie Comics (MI2000-07 bis MI2000-15) and Minnie - Mädchen mittendrin, a girl's book with few comic one-pagers (MIMM2000-04+), reintroduced as "Minnie" in 2012]^^N^N^N^Y^907^Team_de^
de/MID^de^de^Micky, Donald & Co.^17,6 x 24,4 cm^^^N^N^N^N^908^Team_de^
de/MMCS^de^de^Micky Maus Comic-Spass^^[Nachdrucke aus "Micky Maus Taschenbuch", Sonderausgabe für "kik" / reprints out of "Micky Maus Taschenbuch" for "kik"]^^N^N^N^Y^935^Team_de^
de/MMGSW^de^de^Micky Maus - Der größte Star der Welt^^[Es existiert ein zweiter Band mit pinkem Cover, ohne Comicinhalt von 1988 / there's also a second issue with pink cover but without comic content from 1988]^^N^N^N^N^943^Team_de^
de/MMKKK^de^de^Knappschaft - Die Krankenkasse präsentiert: Micky Maus^17,5×26,5 cm^[in Westdeutschland in Arztpraxen ausgelegt]^^N^N^N^Y^948^Team_de^
de/MMLP^de^de^Micky Maus Magazin Leseprobe (2000er)^^^^N^N^N^N^949^Team_de^
de/MMLPN^de^de^Micky Maus Magazin Leseprobe (Neckermann)^^^^N^N^N^N^950^Team_de^
de/MMM^de^de^MEGA Micky Maus^22,5 x 29,8 cm^^^N^N^N^N^951^Team_de^
de/MMMC^de^de^Micky Maus Mini-Comic^^[all issues are 1/4-pages]^^N^N^N^N^952^Team_de^
de/MMME^de^de^Micky Maus Magazin Extra^17,5 x 26 cm^["Die Ehapa Hausdruckerei der Micky Maus, MAUL BELSER, hatte am 16. Mai 1999 ihren Tag der offenen Tür. Es handelt sich hierbei um Europas größte Druckerei. Und um den vielen anwesenden Kindern wie auch Erwachsenen zu zeigen wie ein Micky Maus Heft entsteht hat man anläßlich dieses Ehrentages aus verschiedenen Geschichten der letzten Wochen, mit der ausdrücklichen Genehmigung der Ehapa Verlagsleitung, ein 32-seitiges Heft zusammengestellt und anschließend durch die Druckmaschine laufen lassen. Die Auflage in Höhe von etwa 11.400 Exemplaren wurde dann kostenlos an die Kids oder die anderen Interessierten verteilt. Dieses Heft trägt die Nummer 22/‘99 und kam nie in den regulären Handel!" (Quelle:Treffer Comic-Sammlermagazin Nr.8)]^^N^N^N^N^953^Team_de^
de/MMML^de^de^Micky Maus Das ist Mein Leben^^^^N^N^N^N^954^Team_de^
de/MMMS^de^de^Micky Maus Magazin Sonderheft^21,5 x 28 cm^^^N^N^N^N^955^Team_de^
de/MMNEW^de^en^The Complete Daily Strip Adventures of Mickey Mouse 1930-1955^DIN A4 Querformat / standard landscape A4^[published by Horst Schröder] [Printed and manufactured in the GDR in the early 1970s.]^^N^N^N^N^956^Team_de^
de/MMS^de^de^MEGA Micky Maus Sonderheft^20,8 x 27,8 cm^^^N^N^N^N^963^Team_de^
de/MMSB^de^de^Micky Maus Sammelband^^[Sammelbände aus Remittenden. Auf Sammelbandumschlägen gelegentlich neues Comic-Material]^^N^N^N^N^964^Team_de^
de/MMSH^de^de^Micky Maus Sonderheft^^[richtiger Titel "Sonderheft der Micky Maus"]^^N^N^N^N^965^Team_de^
de/MMSPA^de^de^Micky Maus Spezialausgabe (Kamps)^17,5×26,5 cm^[Sonderausgabe für Bäckerei Kamps] [Aktion nur in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Teilen Hessens]^^N^N^N^N^966^Team_de^
de/MMSPB^de^de^Micky Maus Spezialausgabe (Brunnen)^17,5×26,5 cm^[Beilage in der BRUNNEN Juniorbox 2012] [Aktion von Februar bis September 2012]^^N^N^N^N^967^Team_de^
de/MMSS^de^de^Micky Maus Sticker Story^22,5 x 28,8 cm^^^N^N^N^N^968^Team_de^
de/MMSSS^de^de^Micky Maus Super Sommer Spaß^^^^N^N^N^N^969^Team_de^
de/MSS^de^de^Die Muppet Show Spezial^26,5 x 17,6 cm^^^N^N^N^N^981^Team_de^
de/MTVX^de^de^Micky TV Extra^^[Eine Sonderveröffentlichung des Micky Maus Magazines]^^N^N^N^N^982^Team_de^
de/MV^de^de^Mickyvision^^[second series started in 1967 with absolute numbering] [size;1st series (from 1962) 17,0 x 26,0 cm, 21,0 x 24,5 cm (from MV1966-19), 18,0 x 26,0 cm (from MV1969-04; 2nd series (ab 1967) 17,5 x 26,5 cm]^^N^N^N^N^983^Team_de^
de/MVJJ^de^de^Micky 40 Jahre jung! Großes Jubiläums-Sonderheft^^^^N^N^N^N^984^Team_de^
de/MVSB^de^de^Mickyvision Sammelband^^[Sammelbände aus Remittenden. Auf Sammelbandumschlägen gelegentlich neues Comic-Material]^^N^N^N^N^985^Team_de^
de/MVSSB^de^de^Mickyvision Super-Sammelband^^[Sammelbände aus Remittenden]^^N^N^N^N^986^Team_de^
de/ODEG^de^de^11 1/2 Orte die Ente gesehen haben muss^17,5 x 24,5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^996^Team_de^
de/ODF^de^de^Die original Disney-Filmcomics^21,0 x 28,0 cm^[Kooperation Ehapas mit der Bild am Sonntag] [Zehn Bände in einem Schuber für 49,99 €, einzeln 7,99 €] [ISBN 978-3-505-13145-5]^^N^N^N^N^997^Team_de^
de/ODGW^de^de^Onkel Dagobert und der Geist der Weihnacht^22,1 x 29,2 cm^^^N^N^N^N^997^Team_de^
de/ODJOK^de^de^Onkel Dagobert (Jokers)^22.1 x 29.3 cm^[Lizenzausgabe für Jokers (Weltbild) zum 66. Geburtstag Onkel Dagoberts]^^N^N^N^N^998^Team_de^
de/ODLF^de^de^Onkel Dagobert - Aus dem Leben eines Fantastilliardärs^^^^N^N^N^N^999^Team_de^
de/ODODS^de^de^Onkel Dagobert - Alle Abenteuer aus Onkel Dagoberts Schatztruhe^17,5×24,5 cm^^^N^N^N^Y^1000^Team_de^
de/ODSB^de^de^Onkel Dagoberts Sparbuch^14,5 x 20,5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1001^Team_de^
de/SPL^de^de^Splitter Das Comic-Journal^^^^N^N^N^N^1046^Team_de^
de/STR^de^de^Strolchi - Das Comic-Magazin für Tierfreunde^^^^N^N^N^N^1047^Team_de^
de/SU^de^de^Disney Sudoku^^[Rätselheft mit 50 Sudokus und 5 Karukos] [Auflage ca. 100.000 Stück.; sollte vierteljährlich erscheinen, wurde aber mit der 1. Ausgabe eingestellt]^^N^N^N^N^1048^Team_de^
de/SUS^de^de^Schnabel um Schnabel^17,5 x 24,5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1049^Team_de^
de/SUSZ^de^de^Schneewittchen und die Sieben Zwerge^^^^N^N^N^N^1050^Team_de^
de/SWRO^de^de^Das Schwert und die Rose^^^^N^N^N^N^1051^Team_de^
de/WWD^de^de^Welterfolge von Walt Disney^12,5 x 19 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1109^Team_de^
de/WWW^de^de^Walt Disneys Weiße Weihnacht^22,3 x 29,3 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1110^Team_de^
de/X^de^de^Micky Maus Extrahefte^^[Die Micky Maus Mini-Comics (MMMC) sowie die Micky-Maus-Beilagen der 60er-Jahre (MMB) sind als eigene Serien aufgelistet.]^^N^N^N^Y^1111^Team_de^
de/XABO^de^de^Beilagen zur Micky Maus (MM) für Abonnenten^^^^N^N^N^N^1112^Team_de^
de/XXL^de^de^XXL - Das Ferienbuch vom Micky Maus Magazin^^^^N^N^N^N^1113^Team_de^
de/ZEIT^de^de^Die Zeit^^^^N^N^N^N^1114^Team_de^
de/ZOSR^de^de^Zorro - Die Abenteuer des schwarzen Reiters^^[ISBN 978-3939273059]^^N^N^N^N^1117^Team_de^
dk/24TIM^dk^da^24 timer^^^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/AA^dk^da^Anders And & Co.^B5^^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/AABAG^dk^da^Anders And & Co. præsenterer^^^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/AAC^dk^da^Anders And Classic^^^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/BAHK^dk^da^Bedstemor Ands hemmelige kagebog og lækre drikke^^^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/BB^dk^da^Bjørne-banden^B6^[hero logos in stories replaced with "Bjørne-banden fortæller" ("BB narrates")]^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/BFN^dk^da^Det bedste fra Nemo - Kulørte specialsider^^[Collected highlights from the fanzine Nemo. Only one issue with Disney comics.]^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/BH^dk^da^Bedste historier om Anders And^^^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/BIL^dk^da^Bilernes verden / Biler^^^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/CBBFA^dk^da^Carl Barks – Billeder fra Andeby / Bilder Aus Entenhausen^^[catalogue from museum art exhibition in 1994; parallel Danish/German text]^^Y^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/CBJUB^dk^da^Carl Barks 100 år jubilæumshæfte^B5^[cardboard cover]^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/CBSV^dk^da^Carl Barks' Samlede Værker^235×305 mm^[In boxes of three]^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/CHAMT^dk^da^Comics – 100 år med tegneserier^^[Danish translation of Swedish hardcover book featuring the best comics of the century (mostly non-Disney)]^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/JT^dk^da^Jumbo-temabog^B6^[Unnumbered one-shot theme pockets] [Some issues published both as hardcover books (by Egmont Litas), and as paperbacks (by Egmont Serieforlaget A/S)]^^Y^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/JU^dk^da^Anders And Jubilæumsudgave^B5^[reprints of old AA issues] [first two issues also titled "Anders And for 30 år siden"]^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/ROGER^dk^da^Hvem Snørede Roger Rabbit^^^^Y^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/RRRO^dk^da^Rip, Rap og Rup's Opgavehæfte^B6^[puzzles]^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/RRRPE^dk^da^Rip, Rap og Rup på Eventyr^B5^[Danish for DuckTales; cardboard cover]^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/SA^dk^da^Stålanden på nye eventyr^large B5^[first three chapters from Italian PKNA 0, 0/2, and 0/3 unpublished in Denmark]^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/SDSS^dk^da^Steder du skal se^B5^^^Y^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/SE^dk^da^Super Ekstra^B5^[reprints from MH og EH only]^^Y^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
dk/SJ^dk^da^Seriejournalen^^[Fanzine with articles about cartoons and comics. A total of 22 issues were published, but not all have Disney related articles]^^N^N^N^N^1118^Team_dk^
eg/PNV^eg^ar^مجلد أميرات -دار نهضة مصر (Princesses Volumes)^27.5x20cm^^^N^N^N^N^1121^Team_eg^
eg/SM^eg^ar^ميكي (Mickey - Dar Al-hilal)^^[Later in the series, this title includes a bigger, monthly مجلة سوبر ميكي (Super Mickey) in one continuous numbering system. Discontinued in 2003.]^^N^N^N^N^1121^Team_eg^
fi/AA^fi^fi^Aku Ankka^B5^[Softcover] [ISSN 0355-2101] [The main Finnish Disney comic publication] [Titled as Aku Ankka ja kumppanit (issues 1/1951-12c/1954), Aku Ankka (issues 1/1955->)]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_SMa^
fi/AAAK^fi^fi^Aku Ankan Aikakone^A5 (21 x 14.8 cm)^[Softcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_SMa^
fi/AAAP^fi^fi^Ammattina ankka^26.5 x 19.5 cm^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAES^fi^fi^Aku Ankan taskukirja esittää^B5^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAJ^fi^fi^Aku Ankka Jumbo^21.8 x 14.8 cm^[Softcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_SMa^
fi/AAJD^fi^fi^Aku Ankka Juniori (digipalvelu)^^[Material from]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAJK^fi^fi^Aku Ankan juhlakirja^26 x 25.5 cm^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAJO^fi^fi^Aku Ankan joulu^^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAMK^fi^fi^Aku Ankka - Minisarjakuva (Kellogg's)^A5^[Minicomics] [Issues were attached to Kellogg's Rice Krispies cereal boxes.] [Edited by Jukka Heiskanen]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAMV^fi^fi^Aku Ankka matematiikan valtakunnassa^27.5 x 21 cm^[Softcover album]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AANAP^fi^fi^Aku Ankan Älypää^B5^[Games, crosswords and puzzles]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_SMa^
fi/AAP^fi^fi^Aku Ankan parhaat^27.5 x 21 cm^[Softcover album] [ISSN 0781-1675]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAPA^fi^fi^Aku Ankan parhaat^^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAPC^fi^fi^Aku Ankan parhaat / Carl Barks -kirjasto^27.2 x 21 cm^[Softcover album]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAPP^fi^fi^Aku Ankan parhaat^24 x 17.3 cm^[Softcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAPUU^fi^fi^Aku Ankan Puuha-albumi^25 x 17 cm^[Games, crosswords and puzzles]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAR^fi^fi^Aku Ankan ristikkolehti^26 x 17 cm^[Games, crosswords and puzzles]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAS^fi^fi^Aku Ankan Sunnuntaisarjat^27.5 x 21 cm^[Softcover album]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AASS^fi^fi^Aku Ankan satasivuiset^B5^[Softcover album]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAST^fi^fi^Aku Ankan taskukirja - Super^20 x 14 cm^[Softcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_SMa^
fi/AASU^fi^fi^Aku Ankka ja Suomi^A4^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AATE^fi^en^Aku Ankan taskukirja - In English^B6^[Softcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_SMa^
fi/AATK^fi^fi^Aku Ankan taskukirja^B6^[Softcover pocket] [ISSN 0785-4072] [Published by Sanoma Osakeyhtiö (1970-1981), Sanomaprint (1982-1993), Helsinki Media (1994-9/2001), Sanoma Magazines Finland (10/2001-2013), Sanoma Media Finland (2014->)]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_SMa^
fi/AATS^fi^fi^Aku Ankan Toivesarjat^A4^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AATT^fi^fi^Aku Ankan taskukirja - Teema^B6^[Softcover pocket] [ISSN 1799-6368] [Titled as Aku Ankan taskukirja - Taskarin teemanumero (issues 1-30 (2001-2012)), Aku Ankan taskukirja - Teema (issues 31-> (2013->))]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_SMa^
fi/AATX^fi^fi^Aku Ankan taskukirja - Erikoisnumero^B6^[Softcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAVA^fi^fi^Aku Ankan vauvakirja^A4^[Hardcover album]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAVSK^fi^fi^Aku Ankka -vuosikerrat^B5^[Hardcover compilation] [Only books with red covers and red spine (no black label) are official books. Darker red covers with occasional superimposed cover images in 1952-1975 books, brighter red covers with no cover images in 1976-1989 books. Different bound with printed cover images in 1992 books.]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AAX^fi^fi^Aku Ankka Ekstra / Aku Ankka Klassikko^B5^[Softcover] [ISSN 1456-7830 (1999-2007), 1799-1501 (2008->)] [Supplement to Aku Ankka] [Subscribers only] [Titled as Aku Ankka Kuukauden sarjisekstra (issues 1-80 (1999-2005)), Aku Ankka Sarjisekstra (issues 81-104 (2006-2007)), Aku Ankka Ekstra (issues 105-281 (2008-1/2019)), Aku Ankka Klassikko (issues 282-> (2/2019->))]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_SMa^
fi/AJY^fi^fi^Asterix ja ystävät^A4^[Softcover album]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AK^fi^fi^Aku Ankan satasivuiset / Aku Ankan karuselli^B5^[Softcover]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AKK^fi^fi^Ankalliskirjallisuuden klassikot^B5^[Hardcover book / softcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AKU^fi^fi^AKU.^28.6 x 23.1 cm^[Magazine] [ISSN 1799-1471]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/AL^fi^fi^Ankkalinnan-kirjat^B5^[Hardcover/softcover book] [Originally handed out as competition prizes and as gifts for new subscribers.]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_fi^
fi/ALE^fi^fi^Aamulehti^^[Magazine] [ISSN 0355-6913] [Published daily Mickey Mouse strip (YM) from 1930-03-11 to 1930-08-26 and from 1991-02-04 to 1991-10-30] [Usual weekly publishing: From 1930-03 to 1930-05 six times per week, from 1930-06 to 1930-08 three times per week, from 1991-02 to 1991-10 three times per week]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/ALJK^fi^fi^Aku Ankka -lehden juhlakirja^A4^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/CBK^fi^fi^Carl Barksin kootut^A4^[Hardcover book] [Complete set also includes first dime of US, pocket calendar for 2007 and 10 container boxes.] [Direct sales only]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/CBM^fi^fi^Carl Barksin maalaukset ja piirrokset^A4^[Hardcover book] [Complete set also includes a container box.] [Direct sales only]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/DRK^fi^fi^Don Rosan kootut^A4^[Hardcover book] [Complete set also includes cover proof and 3 container boxes.] [Direct sales only]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/DRL^fi^fi^Don Rosa -kirjasto^A4^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_fi^
fi/HGS^fi^fi^Helsingin Sanomat^^[Magazine] [ISSN 0355-2047] [Published daily Mickey Mouse strip (YM) from 1931-05-31 to 1994-12-30, daily Donald Duck strip (YD) from 1938-07-18 to 2003-12-27, weekly Mickey Mouse strip (ZM) from 1936-03-01 to 2003-12-28 and weekly Ankkanurkka with H-coded strip starting from 2017-03-03] [Usual weekly publishing for dailies: 1931-1932 seven times per week, 1933-1939 six times per week, 1940 five times per week, 1941-1958 two times per week, 1959-1961 three times per week, 1962-1987 five times per week, 1988-2003 six times per week] [Viikkoliite was published from 1927-12-04 to 1939-12-03]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/HHJK^fi^fi^Hessu Hopon juhlakirja^26 x 25.5 cm^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/HJTL^fi^fi^Hiiri joka tiesi liikaa^A5^[Softcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/HS^fi^fi^Hessu suurmiehenä^27.5 x 21 cm^[Softcover album]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/HSM^fi^fi^High School Musical^B5^[Softcover] [ISSN 1797-3090] [Actual comic is a separate issue inside a A4-sized magazine. Only comic issues are indexed.]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/IP^fi^fi^Iines-pokkari^19 x 12.5 cm^[Softcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_SMa^
fi/IS^fi^fi^Ilta-Sanomat^^[Magazine] [ISSN 0355-2055] [Published weekly Donald Duck strip (ZD) since 1941-01-25, daily Scamp (Pepi) strip (YX) from 1956-01-16 to 1985-12-27 (?) and weekly Scamp (Pepi) strip (ZX) from 1956-10-20 to 1982-12-30 (?). Contact us if you are interested to make large indexes of these strips.]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/ITT^fi^fi^Iines - Tunteita ja toilauksia^19.3 x 13 cm^[Hardcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/IZ^fi^fi^Inez^22.5 x 17.5 cm^[Magazine] [ISSN 1799-6732]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/LM^fi^fi^Lasten maailma / Nasta^^[Magazine] [Titled as Lasten maailma (1/1945-8/1957), Nasta - Lasten maailma (9-12/1957), Nasta (1/1958-12/1963) (no Disney comics)] [Published weekly Brer Rabbit strip (ZB) from 1947 to 1957]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/MP^fi^fi^Mikin parhaat^A4^[Hardcover book] [Complete set also includes a container box and a picture book "Kivat leikit" (ISBN 951-9133-37-2).]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/MPMH^fi^fi^Maailman paras Mikki Hiiri^B5^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/S^fi^fi^Seura^^[Magazine] [ISSN 0037-2943 (1934-31/1974), 0355-189X (Suur-Seura 32/1974-1978), 0358-8017 (1979->)] [Published weekly Silly Symphonies strip (ZS) from 1935 to 1947, weekly Brer Rabbit strip (ZB) from 1958 to 1973 and daily True Life Adventures illustrations (YL) from 22/1962 to 12/1965]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/SA^fi^fi^Seura-lehden albumit^16.5 x 24.5 cm^[Softcover album] [Series contains also third issue, "Matti Mainio ja Jussi Juonio" (1939, 2nd edition with new strips in 1941) (Non-Disney)]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/T^fi^fi^Tutkimukset^A4^[Researches and bibliographies] [Contact us if you know more relevant items or digital versions of unindexed items.]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/TSA^fi^fi^Turun Sanomat^^[Magazine] [ISSN 0356-133X] [Published weekly Scamp (Hulivili/Pepi) strip (ZX) from 19xx-xx-xx to 19xx-xx-xx and daily True Life Adventures illustrations (YL) from 19xx-xx-xx to 19xx-xx-xx. Contact us if you are interested to make large indexes of these strips.]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/VLAK^fi^fi^Vanhan linnan salaisuus / Andien kutsu^B5^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/VM^fi^fi^Voi mammona!^20 x 13.8 cm^[Softcover pocket]^^N^N^Y^Y^1123^Team_fi^
fi/VP^fi^fi^Villi Pohjola^27 x 19.5 cm^[Softcover album]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/VS^fi^fi^Viikkosanomat^^[Magazine] [ISSN 0042-6113] [Published weekly Treasury of Classic Tales strips (ZT) from 1952 to 1975] [General comic strip format before 40/1957: located on the inner back cover, b/w with simple extra colors, 4 rows per page (remounted)] [General comic strip format in 40/1957 - 49/1972: located on the inner back cover, b/w (sometimes with simple extra colors), 3 rows per page (original layout)] [General comic strip format starting from 50/1972: located on the page before inner back cover, colored, 4 rows per page (remounted)]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/WKPK^fi^fi^W.i.t.c.h. Koulupäiväkirja^A5^[Semi-hardcover pocket] [Issues 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 do not contain complete comics, only some panels taken from regular stories.]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/WLT^fi^fi^Disney waltit^27.5 x 21 cm^[Softcover album]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/WOM^fi^fi^Wizards of Mickey^A5^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/WTT^fi^fi^W.i.t.c.h. Tie tähtiin^B5^[Hardcover book]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/WUD^fi^en^What's Up, Duck?^A4^[Softcover book teaching English]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fi/WVV^fi^fi^W.i.t.c.h. Viiden voima^A5^[Softcover] [Complete set also includes a container box for all issues and a sheet of stickers.]^^N^N^Y^N^1123^Team_fi^
fr/AD^fr^fr^Albums Dargaud^^[Pour chaque série, les numéros créés suivent l'ordre chronologique.]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AEA^fr^fr^Astérix et ses Amis^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AEC^fr^fr^Animaux en cases^^["histoire critique de la bandes dessinée animalière"]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AED^fr^fr^Edicoq (Albums)^18,5x27,5cm^[imp. Brodard et Taupin] [reprend les fascicules Edicoq, en supprimant la couverture originale de chaque fascicule (donc parfois le gag de fin) mais en rajoutant un gag supplémentaire]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AF^fr^fr^L'album de famille Disney^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AFJ^fr^fr^Albums filmés J^18×25cm,17×24cm(later)^[certains numéros ne contiennent aucune bande Disney] [suite de la série de "Votre série Mickey"] [76 albums dont 75 numérotés] [se décline en trois séries: "série Mickey" (Disney), "série éléphant blanc" (adaptations dessinées des Prince Valiant d'Hal Foster, ou des transpositions cinématographiques avant l'apparition de la série suivante) et "série télévision et cinéma" (regroupant les adaptations dessinées de quelques grands succès cinématographiques, puis plus tard, de séries télévisées populaires aux USA, et pour certaines, totalement inconnues en France !)] [parfois tout en couleurs, parfois en alternance de pages couleurs et de pages noir et blanc, ou encore de pages couleurs et de pages bicolores...] [différents imprimeurs dont Fabbristampa à Milan pour les 20 premiers, puis alternance de Brodard et Taupin à Coulommiers, Société Européenne d'Arts Graphiques (S.E.A.G.) à Colmar, ou encore imprimerie Herrissey à Evreux] [on trouve parfois à côté des éditions cartonnées souples, des albums cartonnés à tranche carrée, regroupant deux volumes] [enfin, il existe des rééditions des titres les plus célèbres, qui ne se repèrent qu'au catalogue intérieur situé au dos de la page de garde d'ouverture du récit] [notes et index de MAn]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AH^fr^fr^Albums Mickey^^[numéros attribués en suivant l'ordre chronologique (parfois inscrits en p. 2)] [pour les réeditions, voir "AH B"]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AHB^fr^fr^Albums Mickey (rééditions avec couverture différente)^^^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AHD^fr^fr^Hardi présente Donald (Albums)^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AJM^fr^fr^Almanach du Journal de Mickey^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ALBH^fr^fr^Les Belles Histoires de Walt Disney (Albums)^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ALJM^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey (Albums)^^[see also Albums Spécial Mickey (fr/ALSM)] [set of several JM issues bundled together; starting with #169 albums do not contain sequences of JM issues anymore; starting with #237, bundled issues appear out of order; starting with #241 different sequences of issues are used with the same cover (the various alternate known versions are marked A, B, C etc.)]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ALJMAG^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey avant-guerre (Albums)^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ALMP^fr^fr^Mickey Parade (Albums)^^[Collecting issues of <publication fr/MP>Mickey Parade</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ALPM^fr^fr^Picsou Magazine (Albums)^^[set of several PM issues bundled together; starting with #68 (2013) random issues are picked up and packed together resulting in several different bundlings; the various known versions are marked A, B, C etc.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ALSM^fr^fr^Albums Spécial Mickey^^[sans numéro, la numérotation reprend celle de l'album du journal de Mickey correspondant]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ALWIT^fr^fr^Witch Mag^^[set of several Witch issues bundled together]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AO^fr^fr^L'âge d'or de Mickey^^[format à l'italienne]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AOB^fr^fr^L'âge d'or de la BD - Les journaux illustrés 1934 - 1944^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AOMM^fr^fr^L'âge d'or de Mickey Mouse par Floyd Gottfredson^28.5x36.8cm^[Version française de <publication it/CAT>Gli anni d'oro di Topolino</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/APM^fr^fr^Alice au Pays des Merveilles^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ARS^fr^fr^Albums roses Hachette^^[liste incomplète] [beaucoup de titres non-Disney dans cette série, dont Rabier, Saint-Ogan, de Brunhoff et Probst] [certains titres sont repris de la série AWD]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AWD^fr^fr^Albums Walt Disney^18.5x23.5 cm^[albums cartonnés avec jaquette] [some albums are not Disney, but still mentionned here for completness]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AWDC^fr^fr^Albums Walt Disney à colorier^^^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/AWDR^fr^fr^Albums Walt Disney (rééditions)^^^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/BA^fr^fr^Beaux Arts Magazine^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/BAHS^fr^fr^Beaux Arts hors-série^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/BU^fr^fr^Back-Up^^[fanzine spécialisé dans l'étude des comics américains]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/CA^fr^fr^CARS^^[mensuel puis bimestriel] [dernier numéro en février 2020; suite avec le bimestriel CARS 3]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/CA3^fr^fr^CARS (Nouvelle série)^^[bimestriel] [Suite du magazine CARS. Nouvelle numérotation. D'abord nommé Cars 3, puis à nouveau Cars.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/CHUT^fr^fr^Chut ! je lis^^[Les numéros non listés ne contiennent pas de bandes Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/CJM^fr^fr^Castors Juniors Magazine^^[37 numéros parus de 1978 à 1981. Ce mensuel s'intitule "Castor Junior" du n°1 au n°4 puis "Castors Juniors" du n°5 au n°14 et enfin "Castors Juniors Magazine" du n°15 au n°37.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/CM^fr^fr^Walt Disney Collection Mystère^^[recueils d'histoires originales illustrées]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/CONFS^fr^fr^Confessions^^[one issue saved at BNF (French National Library)] [used by P. Winkler to retain the rights on the name "Confessions"]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/CP^fr^fr^Le coffre de Picsou^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/CS^fr^fr^Ce soir^^[tous les strips portent la mention "Le canard Donald par Walt Disney"] [quotidien, daté du lendemain] [voir aussi CBD 75 p. 40, article de Guy Lehideux]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/CSL^fr^fr^Le Courrier de Saône et Loire^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/CSV^fr^fr^Collection 16/22^^[Les numéros non listés ne contiennent pas de bandes dessinées Disney]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/D^fr^fr^Hardi présente Donald^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DAC^fr^fr^Donald : les années collège !^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DAH^fr^fr^Divers albums Hachette^^[divers albums ne faisant partie d'aucune réelle collection (?)]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DBG^fr^fr^Disney by Glénat^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DCD^fr^fr^Donald : Le chevalier déjanté^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DDD^fr^fr^La dynastie Donald Duck - Intégrale Carl Barks^17.5x24.8 cm^[Traduction française de <publication it/DPCS>La grande dinastia dei paperi </publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DF^fr^fr^Disney Fun^^[trimestriel. Stopped at the end of 2020.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DG^fr^fr^Série Disney Gags^^[ne suit pas l'ordre chronologique]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DGGP^fr^fr^Donaldville La grande galerie des personnages^^[livrets qui accompagnent la figurine d'un personnage Disney, distribué dans une partie de la France seulement à titre d'essai. Relancé dans <publication fr/MDC>Mickey Donald & Cie - La Grande Galerie des Personnages</publication>, avec un angle moins centré sur les BD mais ouvert aux dessin-animés] [articles with illustrations]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DHL^fr^fr^Donald et les héros de la littérature^^[titre de série inventé]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DLL^fr^la^Disney Linguà Latinà^^[distributed by Hachette] [numéros créés]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DM^fr^fr^Donald Magazine^^[hebdomadaire] [Contenu identique au Journal de Mickey sauf la couverture et l'ours. Certaines pages (formulaire d'abonnement, ou, exceptionnellement, des histoires) sont remplacées par des jeux.] [Le n° 16 de 1990 est le dernier numéro d'après la BNF]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/DON^fr^fr^Donald spécial DoubleDuck^^[Intégrales des histoires de la série DoubleDuck. Hors séries de Super Picsou Géant]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/EBD^fr^fr^Encyclopédie des bandes dessinées^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ED^fr^fr^Edicoq / Éditions de Coquelicot^^[albums reprenant, à quelques exceptions près, des épisodes des "Belles Histoires de Walt Disney"] [couverture souple] [aucune numérotation, la liste donnée ici suit l'ordre chronologique]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/EDS^fr^fr^L'Echo des Savanes^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/EEC^fr^fr^Albums "Encyclopédies et connaissances"^^[sans numéro]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/EM^fr^fr^Epic Mickey^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ENJM^fr^fr^L'étrange Noël de Monsieur Jack^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/FAV^fr^fr^Folles Aventures^^[Histoires Disney à la limite entre la BD et le livre illustré : les cases des histoires originales sont aggrandies et occupent 1 page entière, un texte d'accompagnement est rajouté en complément des bulles]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/FBS^fr^fr^La France de Bordeaux et du Sud-ouest^^[Quotidien] [Titres consultables sur Retronews à partir de cette page]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/HJD^fr^fr^Hachette Jeunesse Disney^^[Romans graphiques pour les 7-11 ans] [Graphical novels (no "real" comics)]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/HL^fr^fr^Hop-là !^^[illustrated story books with pop-ups (pages à relief)] [with jacket]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/HOP^fr^fr^Hop !^^[revue d'étude sur la la bande dessinée] [trimestriel]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/HS^fr^fr^Hors série (Silly Symphonies)^^[Chaque titre a un éditeur particulier] [infos B.D.M.]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/HSR^fr^fr^Hors série (Silly Symphonies, rééditions)^^[infos B.D.M.] [incomplete list]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/IM^fr^fr^L'intégrale de Mickey^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/IRS^fr^fr^Les grandes aventures Disney - Intégrale Romano Scarpa^17.5x24.8 cm^[Traduction française de <publication it/GSD>L'opera omnia di Romano Scarpa</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JJ^fr^fr^Junior jeux^^[Magazine de jeux provenant exclusivement des pages de Picsou Magazine]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JM^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMA^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey Aventure^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMAG^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey avant-guerre^^[les numéros 389 à 477 ne contiennent pas de bandes dessinées Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMAH^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey avant-guerre (suppléments)^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMBD^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey (La BD du film)^^[Hors-Série]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMBO^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey Best Of^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMC^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey La Compil^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMCP^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey Coup de Pouce^^[Aide aux exposés]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMHSN^fr^fr^Le journal de Mickey hors-séries (nouvelle série)^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMLE^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey - L'Équipe^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMM^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey Mystère^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMMN^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey (Mini numéros)^^[numéros de promotion]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMMP^fr^fr^Mon premier Journal de Mickey^^[for 6-8 year-olds]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMMPH^fr^fr^Mon premier Journal de Mickey - Hors-série^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMS^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey (Suppléments)^^[Suppléments mensuels offerts aux abonnés avec le Journal de Mickey]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMSR^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey (Sécurité Routière)^^[Éditions spéciales distribuées gratuitement l'été sur les autoroutes]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMT^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey (Tour de France)^^[Éditions spéciales distribuées gratuitement par la caravane du Tour de France]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JMX^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey (numéros spéciaux)^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/JP^fr^fr^La Jeunesse de Picsou^^[followed by <publication fr/TP>Les trésors de Picsou</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/LAIT^fr^fr^Lait Candia^^[Briques de lait Candia avec gag Disney imprimés]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/LBF^fr^fr^La BD du film^^[Collection vendue à petit prix avec les journaux belges et du nord de la France : La Meuse, La Gazette, La Province, Nord éclair et la Capitale] [informations tirées de Nous suivons la même numérotation.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/LFT^fr^fr^Le Franc Tireur^^[Initialement créé comme journal clandestin de la Résistance]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/LGF^fr^fr^Les Grands Films^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/LJM^fr^fr^Le Livre de la Jungle Magazine^^[Collection de 8 numéros spéciaux hors commerce édités spécialement pour les stations FINA]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/LGM^fr^fr^Les grands maîtres^^[Traduction de la collection <publication us/DMF>Disney Masters</publication> de Fantagraphics]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/LGRL^fr^fr^La garde du Roi Lion^^[trimestriel]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/LM^fr^fr^Le Petit Marseillais^^[Titre de presse régionale publié de 1868 à 1944.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/LPGC^fr^fr^Les plus grands chefs-d’œuvre de Walt Disney en BD^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/M^fr^fr^Minnie Mag.^^[À l'origine simplement "Minnie", devient <publication fr/WIT>Witch</publication> au numéro 92]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MCJ^fr^fr^Manuel des Castors Juniors^^[petit format, couverture rigide]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MCJDE^fr^fr^Manuel des Castors Juniors (2e édition)^^[size is 13x19cm] [hard cover]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MCJHS^fr^fr^Manuel des Castors Juniors (hors-série)^^[petit format, couverture rigide] [numéros inventés]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MDC^fr^fr^Mickey Donald & Cie - La Grande Galerie des Personnages^^[Nouvelle version de <publication fr/DGGP>Donaldville La grande galerie des personnages</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MDE^fr^fr^Manuels des échecs d'Anatoly Karpov^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MIRA^fr^fr^Mickey Mouse icône du rêve américain^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MJ^fr^fr^Mickey Jeux^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MGP^fr^fr^Méga Picsou^^[Substitute for <publication fr/SPG>Super Picsou Géant</publication> #217, due to a conflict with Prestalis in charge of the delivering of magazines.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MMFG^fr^fr^Mickey Mouse par Floyd Gottfredson^26.5x22.4cm^[Traduction française de la <publication us/FGL>Floyd Gottfredson Library</publication> de Fantagraphics]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MMM^fr^fr^Le monde de Mickey Mouse^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MMTH^fr^fr^Mickey Mouse - Toute l'histoire^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MNM^fr^fr^Le Monde de Némo^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MPP^fr^fr^Mickey Parade (ancienne série)^^[Originally a special-issue of <publication fr/JM>Le Journal de Mickey</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MS^fr^fr^Mickey surprises^^[Cadeau publicitaire des desserts Mont Blanc années 1990.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MTS^fr^fr^Mickey à travers les siècles^^[planches recoloriées voir relettrées] [au moins 1-4, 7, 9-12 existent aussi en couverture souple]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MTSG^fr^fr^Mickey à travers les siècles (albums GDL)^^[sans numéro] [albums souples couverture à fond jaune et dessins à colorier sur les deuxième et troisième de couverture]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/MYMI^fr^fr^Mystère à Mickeyville^^["En première exclusivité en Europe" d'après l'album] [distribué avec des commandes "La Redoute"?] [sans ISBN (!)]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/NAWD^fr^fr^Notre Ami Walt Disney^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/OAR^fr^fr^L'Œil à roulettes^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/OF^fr^fr^Ouest France^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/P^fr^fr^Disney's princesse^^[trimestriel, bimestriel puis mensuel] [devient "Princesses" au n° 74]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/PAN^fr^fr^Albums de figurines^^^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/PGM^fr^fr^La Princesse et la grenouille^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/PHE^fr^fr^PHENIX revue internationale de bande dessinée^^[Revue d'étude sur la bande dessinée]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/PIM^fr^fr^PIMPF Mag^^[Revue amateur sur la bande dessinée]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/PIN^fr^fr^Pinocchio Magazine^^[publication d'histoires produites au Royaume-Uni]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/PNN^fr^fr^Puchi no Nikki^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/PN^fr^fr^Planes^^[mensuel puis bimestriel]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/PP^fr^fr^Le Petit Parisien^^[Quotidien] [La plupart des titres commencent par trois petits points et sont entre parenthèses. Ceci n'a pas été reporté pour ne pas alourdir l'index.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/PPE^fr^fr^Palace Pets^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/PS^fr^fr^Picsou Soir^^[Fanzine lancé par Picsou Wiki (disponible en ligne dans un premier temps, puis en version papier) -]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/RN^fr^fr^La Reine des Neiges^^[bimonthly magazine] [initially called La reine des neiges - Le magazine officiel, then Mon atelier La reine des neiges from issue ??]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/RN2^fr^fr^La Reine des Neiges 2^^[bimonthly magazine] [replaces the magazine "La Reine des Neiges"]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/RAFJ^fr^fr^Albums filmés J (recueils)^^[recueils de 2 AFJ, les couvertures de chaque AFJ sont reprises au recto et au verso] [non numérotés]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/RDC^fr^fr^La République du centre^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/RDN^fr^fr^La reine des neiges II^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ROC^fr^fr^Le Rocambole^^[Revue de l'Association des Amis du Roman Populaire]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/SAM^fr^ar^سمور (Sammour)^^[published in France, distributed in France, in the UK and in arab countries]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/SBD^fr^fr^Sélection BD Walt Disney^^[série d'albums sans numéro] [un numéro 8, "Picsou et l'Ixium", annoncé, n'est semble-t-il jamais paru]^^Y^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/SPG^fr^fr^Super Picsou Géant^^[series continued from <publication fr/SPGP>SPGP</publication>, became <publication fr/MGP>Méga Picsou</publication> for issue #217 only, due to a conflict with Prestalis in charge of the delivering of magazines.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/SS^fr^fr^Stitch et le samouraï^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/SVHS^fr^fr^Science & Vie Junior Hors Série^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/SZ^fr^fr^Super Zorro^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TFD^fr^fr^Table en fête avec Disney^^[Livret vendu avec pièces de vaisselle en porcelaine.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TD^fr^fr^Les trésors de Donald^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TJM^fr^fr^Le Journal de Mickey hors-série^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TJMN^fr^fr^Les trésors du Journal de Mickey (Nouvelle série)^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TM^fr^fr^Les trésors de Mickey^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TN^fr^fr^Le trou noir^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TP^fr^fr^Les trésors de Picsou^^[continued from <publication fr/JP>La Jeunesse de Picsou</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TR^fr^fr^Les trésors des Rapetou^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TS^fr^fr^Toy Story^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TSJ^fr^fr^Télé 7 jours^^[hebdomadaire de programmes télé]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TSM^fr^fr^Toy story magazine^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/TTM^fr^fr^Tsum Tsum^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/VDC^fr^fr^La vie du collectionneur^^[Journal consacré à toutes les collections.]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/VDN^fr^fr^La Voix du Nord^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/VSM^fr^fr^Votre Série Mickey^18,5x26 cm^[sous couverture cartonnée souple et brillante] [parution irrégulière, brusques changements de titre générique, de format, d'éditeur ou d'imprimeur, voire interruptions, puis reprises soudaines et non annoncées] [à l'intérieur, un cahier de 32 pages avec alternance de pages en couleurs et de pages bicolores (noir et rouge)] [les neuf volumes de cette série ont été imprimés en France par Brodard et Taupin (Paris)] [la numérotation n'est pas mentionnée sur les albums, nous ne la mentionnons que pour le classement de la collection] [voir la suite de cette série, "Albums filmés J" (AFJ)]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/W^fr^fr^Winnie^^[Devient Mickey Junior à partir du n°376]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/WBDC^fr^fr^Bandes dessinées à colorier^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/WGO^fr^fr^Goofy^^[Version française du "Goofy Annual, 1982" de London Editions Ltd]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/WIT^fr^fr^W.i.t.c.h.^^[remplace <publication fr/M>Minnie</publication> en reprenant la numérotation où elle s'était arrêtée (Minnie Mag 91). Witch est lui-même remplacé par <publication fr/DIG>Disney girls</publication> après le numéro 200]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/YDD^fr^fr^Young Donald Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/Z^fr^fr^L'œuvre dessinée de Carl Barks^^[seul deux volumes ont été publiés]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ZORF^fr^fr^Zorro^^[collection "Copyright"] [bandes réalisées par Alex Toth entre 1957 et 1959]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
fr/ZORG^fr^fr^Zorro^22.0x28.8cm^["l'intégrale des aventures de Zorro par Alex Toth"]^^N^N^N^N^1125^Team_fr^
gr/16OAE^gr^el^Οι 16 ομάδες της Α΄ Εθνικής Κατηγορίας 1984-1985^^^^N^N^N^N^1127^Team_gr^
gr/7HK^gr^el^7 Ημέρες Καθημερινή^^[Supplement to the newspaper "Καθημερινή / Daily" each Sunday]^^Y^N^N^N^1128^Team_gr^
gr/7QP^gr^el^Τα 7 Θαύματα των Παπιών^^^^N^N^N^N^1129^Team_gr^
gr/7TEXN^gr^el^7η Τέχνη^^^^N^N^N^N^1129^Team_gr^
gr/9EN^gr^el^9^^[Supplement to the newspaper "Ελευθεροτυπία"] [Ένθετο περιοδικό δωρεάν μαζί με την εφημερίδα Ελευθεροτυπία με θέμα τα κόμικς και την επιστημονική φαντασία. Κυκλοφόρησε από τον Ιούνιο του 2000 μέχρι και τον Απρίλιο του 2009 κάθε Τετάρτη και από το Μάιο του 2009 έως και τον Ιούνιο του 2010 κάθε Σάββατο]^^N^N^N^N^1130^Team_gr^
gr/AFIK^gr^el^Αφίσα (Καθημερινή)^^[Poster given with the first issue of <publication gr/MVD>Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney</publication>, outlining the history of Disney and the production plan of the new publisher]^^N^N^N^N^1132^Team_gr^
gr/AFIT^gr^el^Αφίσες (Τερζόπουλος)^^[Posters given with various issues of the publisher, from different series, and as standalones in expositions] [Issue numbering is fake]^^N^N^N^N^1133^Team_gr^
gr/AGO^gr^el^Αγόρι^^[Mostly non Disney stuff. Only issues that contain Disney characters are indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1134^Team_gr^
gr/AGX^gr^el^Αφίσες Γέλιο και Χαρά^75cm x 52cm^[Posters promoting the publication <publication gr/GX>Γέλιο και Χαρά</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1135^Team_gr^
gr/AISA^gr^el^Από τον Ίκαρο στους Αστροναύτες^^[Reproduction of Italy's "Da Icaro all Astronave (Arnoldo Mondadori 1964)"]^^N^N^N^N^1136^Team_gr^
gr/AKF^gr^el^Ο Αστερίξ και οι Φίλοι του^^[Only the Vicar story is indexed] [See page on <i><a href="">Wikipedia</a></i>.]^^N^N^N^N^1137^Team_gr^
gr/ALA^gr^el^Walt Disney's Άλμπουμ Αστέρων^^[Series of books without comics, but with illustrations]^^N^N^N^N^1138^Team_gr^
gr/ALM^gr^el^Αλμανάκο^^[First issue June 1990, Last issue July 2012] [Frequency, every two months (issues 1-10), every month (issues 11-257)] [Continues to <publication gr/SALM>Σούπερ Αλμανάκο</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1139^Team_gr^
gr/ANA^gr^el^Αναστημόμετρο^^[Supplement to the magazine <publication gr/MM>Terzopoulos Mickey Mouse</publication> in the issues #550-558]^^N^N^N^N^1140^Team_gr^
gr/ANTI^gr^el^Αντί^^[Bi-weekly magazine, with Disney content very rarely]^^N^N^N^N^1141^Team_gr^
gr/ARK^gr^el^Ιστορίες από τη Φύση: Οι αρκούδες^^^^N^N^N^N^1142^Team_gr^
gr/AT^gr^el^Το Αίνιγμα του Τοτέμ^^^^N^N^N^N^1143^Team_gr^
gr/ATC^gr^el^AthensCon^^[Catalog from the Athens Comic Convention "AthensCon"] [Ετήσια έκδοση με σχέδια καλεσμένων στην εκδήλωση καλλιτεχνών «AthensCon» που διανέμεται δωρεάν στους επισκέπτες] [Only the Disney coontent is indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1144^Team_gr^
gr/ATD^gr^el^Το ανάκλινδρο των Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^1145^Team_gr^
gr/ATH^gr^el^Αθηναία^^[Monthly publication with very rarely Disney content, which is the only thing included]^^N^N^N^N^1146^Team_gr^
gr/AV^gr^el^Athens Voice^^[Free newspaper, with practically no Disney contents, except for the ones listed below]^^N^N^N^N^1147^Team_gr^
gr/BAR^gr^el^Barricada^^[Publication against fascism, only the Disney contents are included]^^N^N^N^N^1150^Team_gr^
gr/BPS^gr^el^Ο Βίος και η Πολιτεία του Σκρουτζ Μακ Ντακ^^["The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" by Don Rosa] [See page on <i><a href="">The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck</a></i>.]^^N^N^N^N^1153^Team_gr^
gr/BWD^gr^el^Βιβλία Walt Disney^^[Series of books without comics, but with illustrations] [Reproduction of Italy's <publication it/INTRE>Collana intrepida</publication>.]^^Y^N^N^N^1155^Team_gr^
gr/CARS^gr^el^Cars Κόντρες στο πάγο^^^^N^N^N^N^1156^Team_gr^
gr/CB10^gr^el^Carl Barks 10×10^^[Ten 10-page stories by Carl Barks which were published in 1943 & 1944] [Δέκα από τις κορυφαίες δεκασέλιδες ιστορίες του Καρλ Μπαρκς την περίοδο 1943-1944]^^N^N^N^N^1157^Team_gr^
gr/CHEATS^gr^el^Cheats^17.0 x 23.0cm^[Computer magazine with two issues published and very little Disney content]^^N^N^N^N^1158^Team_gr^
gr/DAP^gr^el^Ντόναλντ ο Απατεώνας^^[Book without comics, but with illustrations] [Reproduction of the american "How to Read Donald Duck: Imperialist Ideology in Disney Comics"]^^N^N^N^N^1161^Team_gr^
gr/DATG^gr^el^Ο Ντόναλντ Ανακαλύπτει τους Θησαυρούς της Γης^^[Issued toghther with the economical newspaper "Αξία" as a giveaway]^^N^N^N^N^1162^Team_gr^
gr/DATGT^gr^el^Ο Ντόναλντ Ανακαλύπτει τους Θησαυρούς της Γης (Τόμος)^^[collecting the 12 issues of "Ο Ντόναλντ Ανακαλύπτει τους Θησαυρούς της Γης"]^^N^N^N^N^1163^Team_gr^
gr/DC^gr^el^Disney Cinema^^[This series of hardcover books contains stories based on Disney animated feature films]^^N^N^N^N^1164^Team_gr^
gr/DD^gr^el^Editor's Choice - Ντετέκτιβ Ντόναλντ^^[Softcover volume featuring Christmas stories with Detective Donald.] [Χαρτόδετος τόμος με χριστουγεννιάτικες ιστορίες του Ντετέκτιβ Ντόναλντ] [Editor's Choice logo appeared also on <publication gr/MME>Μίκυ Μάους Editor's Choice</publication>, <publication gr/KVD>Κλασική βιβλιοθήκη Disney</publication> and <publication gr/NXT>Ντόναλντ - Τα χρονικά των τεράτων</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1164^Team_gr^
gr/DFC^gr^el^Disney's Fun Club^^[Magazine given as a supplement every Saturday with the newspaper "ΤΑΝΕΑ"] [A total of 66 issues were released]^^N^N^N^N^1165^Team_gr^
gr/DGTK^gr^el^Ο Ντόναλντ γυρίζει τον Κόσμο^^[Reproduction of USA's "Donald Duck's World Tour" (Western Publishing,1971), France's "Donald fait le tour du monde" (Deux coqs d'or,1972??) & Italy's "Paperino Giramondo" (Arnoldo Mondatori,1972)]^^N^N^N^N^1166^Team_gr^
gr/DIA^gr^el^Διαβάζω^^[Fortnightly review / Δεκαπενθήμερη Επιθεώρηση του βιβλίου]^^N^N^N^N^1167^Team_gr^
gr/DIAD^gr^el^Διαδρομές^^[Weekly supplement to the newspaper "Θεσσαλία", with very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed] [Numbering is fictional]^^N^N^N^N^1168^Team_gr^
gr/DM^gr^el^Disney Manga - Kingdom Hearts: Η αλυσίδα των αναμνήσεων^^[Sequels of the original Kingdom Hearts books]^^N^N^N^N^1170^Team_gr^
gr/DMM^gr^el^Disney Μίκυ Μυστήριο^^[Series of illustrated books based on the French "Walt Disney Collection Mystère"]^^N^N^N^N^1171^Team_gr^
gr/DPME^gr^el^Disney Παιχνίδια Τόμοι Μεγάλου Μεγέθους^^[Volumes collecting issues of <publication gr/DPX>Disney Παιχνίδια</publication>. Each volume contains three issues] [Issue 16 is not collected] [The series is continued with <publication gr/DPT>Disney Παιχνίδια Τόμοι Μικρού Μεγέθους</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1174^Team_gr^
gr/DPT^gr^el^Disney Παιχνίδια Τόμοι Μικρού Μεγέθους^^[Volumes collecting issues of <publication gr/DPX>Disney Παιχνίδια</publication>. Each volume contains a random number of issues, along with non Disney material.] [Direct continuation of <publication gr/DPME>Disney Παιχνίδια Τόμοι Μεγάλου Μεγέθους</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1175^Team_gr^
gr/DPX^gr^el^Disney Παιχνίδια^^[Size was 20.5 x 27.0cm for the first 16 issues and 16.9 x 24.2cm for the rest] [Issues are collected in <publication gr/DPME>Disney Παιχνίδια Τόμοι Μεγάλου Μεγέθους</publication> and <publication gr/DPT>Disney Παιχνίδια Τόμοι Μικρού Μεγέθους</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1176^Team_gr^
gr/DSP^gr^el^Disney συλλεκτικά πιάτα^^[Collection of plates with Disney heroes on them, with an accompanying Disney issue, not comics, but articles]^^N^N^N^N^1178^Team_gr^
gr/DSTO^gr^el^Disney story^^[Greek version of <publication it/DSTO>Disney Story</publication>] [Only five issues were released]^^N^N^N^N^1179^Team_gr^
gr/EE^gr^el^Ο Μίκυ, ο Γκούφη και η... Εξοικονόμηση Ενέργειας^^^^N^N^N^N^1181^Team_gr^
gr/EIK^gr^el^Εικόνες^^[Weekly magazine (1955 - 1967). Often it featured comic pages like <i><a href="">Modesty Blaise</a></i>, <i><a href="">Rip Kirby</a></i> and other comic strips.]^^N^N^N^N^1182^Team_gr^
gr/EIKO^gr^el^Εικόνες^^[Supplement to the newspaper "Έθνος της Κυριακής" / "Nation " each Sunday]^^N^N^N^N^1183^Team_gr^
gr/EKM^gr^el^Οι Επίγονοι του Καρλ Μπαρκς^^^^N^N^N^N^1184^Team_gr^
gr/EKMR^gr^el^Carl Barks Οι Επίγονοι^^[Supplement to the newspaper "Καθημερινή / Daily" each Sunday]^^N^N^N^N^1185^Team_gr^
gr/ELE^gr^el^Ελευθεροτυπία^^[Daily newspaper with the very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed] [The newspaper was closed in 2011] [The issue number is not real, it corresponds to the year the newspaper issues were printed]^^N^N^N^N^1186^Team_gr^
gr/ELEU^gr^el^Ελευθερία^^[Daily newspaper with the very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed] [The issue number is not real, it corresponds to the year the newspaper issues were printed]^^N^N^N^N^1187^Team_gr^
gr/ELLI^gr^el^Ελληνόπουλο^^[Weekly magazine with mostly non-Disney comics and stories, only the issues with Disney contents are included]^^N^N^N^N^1188^Team_gr^
gr/EMP^gr^el^Εμπρός (Εφημερίδα)^^[Newspaper] [Issue numbers are assigned by Inducks / Η αρίθμηση είναι πλασματική, ορίστηκε από την ομάδα του Indukcs]^^N^N^N^N^1189^Team_gr^
gr/EPIK^gr^el^Επίκαιρα^^[Weekly magazine of varying material] [Εβδομαδιαίο περιοδικό ποικίλης ύλης]^^N^N^N^N^1190^Team_gr^
gr/EPK^gr^el^Ελληνική παραλογοτεχνία και κόμικς (1598-1998)^^[Encyclopedia of all the greek comic books that had been published until 1998, including Disney comics]^^N^N^N^N^1191^Team_gr^
gr/EPS^gr^el^Έψιλον^^[Supplement to the newspaper "Ελευθεροτυπία" each Sunday] [Ένθετο περιοδικό ποικίλης ύλης της εφημερίδας «Κυριακάτικη Ελευθεροτυπία»,1991-2014]^^N^N^N^N^1192^Team_gr^
gr/ETD^gr^el^Το Έπος των Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^1193^Team_gr^
gr/ETHN^gr^el^Έθνος^^[Daily newspaper with the very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed] [The issue number is not real, it corresponds to the year the newspaper issues were printed]^^N^N^N^N^1194^Team_gr^
gr/EVD^gr^el^Εβδομάς^^[Magazine from the '30s with very little Disney content]^^N^N^N^N^1195^Team_gr^
gr/FAN^gr^el^Φαντάζιο^^[Magazine with very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1196^Team_gr^
gr/FDR^gr^el^Ψάχνοντας την Ντόρι^^^^N^N^N^N^1197^Team_gr^
gr/FEST^gr^el^Φεστιβάλ^^[Summer magazine first released in July 2001, featuring Danish comic stories] [size 19.0 x 27.5]^^N^N^N^N^1198^Team_gr^
gr/FKZ^gr^el^Ο Φανταστικός Κόσμος των Ζώων^^[Educational magazine about Disney animals, with small toys as gifts] [size 22.0 x 28.5cm]^^N^N^N^N^1199^Team_gr^
gr/FNGP^gr^el^Φάντομ Ντακ Για Πάντα!^^^^N^N^N^N^1200^Team_gr^
gr/GAL^gr^el^Γαλάζια Σειρά^^[Pocket size mini-book for pre-schoolers] [Partial reproduction of <publication fr/ARS>Albums roses Hachette</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1203^Team_gr^
gr/GDD^gr^el^Το γενεαλογικό δένδρο των Ντακ^^[Don Rosa's Donald Duck Family Tree 1993]^^N^N^N^N^1204^Team_gr^
gr/GX^gr^el^Γέλιο και Χαρά^^[The series follows the layout of USA’s “One Shots”. From number 1 to 399 there are Disney stories in the issues that have a Disney cover. But there are also Disney stories in some issues that don’t have a Disney cover]^^N^N^N^N^1205^Team_gr^
gr/GYN^gr^el^Γυναίκα^^[Magazine for women with very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed] [Frequency, every two weeks]^^N^N^N^N^1206^Team_gr^
gr/HMK^gr^el^Ημερολόγιο 2015 αγαπημένοι ήρωες κόμικ^^[2015 calendar published from a school, with different heroes for each month, only the Disney contents are indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1209^Team_gr^
gr/HMP^gr^el^Μικρή Πριγκίπισσα^^[First released in June 1998, The title from issues 1 to 9 was "Η Μικρή Γοργόνα"]^^N^N^N^N^1210^Team_gr^
gr/HOTS^gr^el^Η οικονομία του Σκρουτζ^^[Greek version of <publication it/PEZP>L’economia di Zio Paperone</publication>. They were given as supplement of the newspaper Kathimerini every Sunday. The volumes have the same covers and articles as the Italian version, but contain different stories. They also have 132 pages instead of 124.] [Ένθετο στην κυριακάτικη εφημερίδα Καθημερινή. Οι τόμοι έχουν τα ίδια εξώφυλλα και άρθρα με την ιταλική έκδοση, όμως περιλαμβάνουν διαφορετικές ιστορίες. Επίσης περιέχουν 132 σελίδες αντί για 124.]^^N^N^N^N^1211^Team_gr^
gr/ID^gr^el^Ιστορίες Disney^^[A series of small books, with Disney illustrations and little stories] [Reprinted in <publication gr/IDE>Ιστορίες Disney (Επανατύπωση)</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1213^Team_gr^
gr/IDE^gr^el^Ιστορίες Disney (Επανατύπωση)^^[A series of small books, with Disney illustrations and little stories] [Reprint of <publication gr/ID>Ιστορίες Disney</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1214^Team_gr^
gr/IP2^gr^el^Ιπτάμενοι Πυροσβέστες^^[Supplement to the Sunday newspaper "Καθημερινή"]^^N^N^N^N^1216^Team_gr^
gr/IS^gr^el^Ιστορία της Δυναστείας των Ντακ^^[Storia e gloria della dinastia dei paperi / History of the Duck Dynasty]^^N^N^N^N^1217^Team_gr^
gr/ISR^gr^el^Ιστορία της Δυναστείας των Ντακ #1^^[Επανέκδοση - Reissue of "Ιστορία της Δυναστείας των Ντακ"]^^N^N^N^N^1218^Team_gr^
gr/ITM^gr^el^Ιστορίες του Μίκυ^17.0 x 23.5cm^[Books without comics, but with illustrations] [A total of 12 issues were released, in two different periods, 6 with blue covers and 6 with orange covers]^^N^N^N^N^1219^Team_gr^
gr/KAL^gr^el^Ο Καλόσαυρος^^[Promotion of the movie "The Good Dinosaur"]^^N^N^N^N^1220^Team_gr^
gr/KAMI^gr^el^Καραγκιόζης και Μίκι Μάους^^[Reprint of the 1939 edition <publication gr/MIKA>Μίκη-Μάους και Καραγκιόζης</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1221^Team_gr^
gr/KANT^gr^el^Κάντυ Κάντυ^^[Candy Candy - Girl magazine] [Size 17.0 x 25.0cm for the issues 1-97 and 15.5 x 21.0cm for the issues 98-125] [Weekly frequency]^^N^N^N^N^1222^Team_gr^
gr/KAP^gr^el^K^^[Supplement to the newspaper "Καθημερινή" each Sunday]^^N^N^N^N^1223^Team_gr^
gr/KEMM^gr^el^Κατάλογος Έκθεσης αφιερωμένης στο Μίκυ Μάους # 2000^^[published on occasion of issue #2000 of the Greek Mickey Mouse weekly] [see]^^Y^N^N^N^1224^Team_gr^
gr/KG^gr^el^Καλές Γιορτές^^[Supplement to the economic newspaper “Αξία”]^^N^N^N^N^1225^Team_gr^
gr/KL^gr^el^Κλασικά Ντίσνεϋ^^[Launched in June 21, 1969, contains in its pages classic Disney stories] [The series follows the layout of USA’s "Walt Disney Comics Digest" from issues 1-13 & Italy's "I Classici di Walt Disney (prima serie)" from issues 14-34(with a set of pages published in-between stories)] [From issue # 36 its content is made entirely out of reprints of stories from Μίκυ Μάους]^^N^N^N^N^1227^Team_gr^
gr/KLIK^gr^el^ΚΛΙΚ^^[Monthly magazine with very little Disney content, only the issues that include Disney content are indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1228^Team_gr^
gr/KOK^gr^el^Ο Κώδικας Οδικής Κυκλοφορίας του Μίκυ^^[Τέσσερα τεύχη ένθετα με το μηνιαίο περιοδικό: Η Ζωή με το Παιδί]^^N^N^N^N^1230^Team_gr^
gr/KOKM^gr^el^Ο Κώδικας Οδικής Κυκλοφορίας του Μίκυ^^[Issue given for free to kids so they can learn the rules of driving safely]^^N^N^N^N^1231^Team_gr^
gr/KOSH^gr^el^Ο κόσμος σήμερα - Κύπρος^^[Δεκαπενθήμερος Κυπριακή και Διεθνής Επιθεώρησης / Fortnightly Cypriot and international magazine]^^N^N^N^N^1232^Team_gr^
gr/KOYK^gr^el^Κουκουρούκου από την Bingo^^^^N^N^N^N^1233^Team_gr^
gr/KVD^gr^el^Editor's Choice - Κλασική Βιβλιοθήκη Disney^^[Greek version of <publication it/PBST>Le più belle storie Disney</publication>. The volumes are softcover, have less pages and feature stories from the Italian version. They are supplement of the newspaper Kathimerini every Sunday] [Ένθετο στην κυριακάτικη εφημερίδα Καθημερινή. Οι τόμοι είναι χαρτόδετοι, έχουν λιγότερες σελίδες και περιέχουν ιστορίες από τους αντίστοιχους ιταλικούς τόμους] [Continues from <publication gr/MME>Μίκυ Μάους Editor's Choice</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1234^Team_gr^
gr/KWF^gr^el^Κόμιξ Wiki Fanzine^^[A series of fanzines published by the members of the ΚΟΜΙΞ Wiki community]^^N^N^N^N^1235^Team_gr^
gr/KX^gr^el^Κόμιξ^^[Launched in July 1988 as a 36-page magazine, featuring mainly Carl Barks' stories] [Today 84 pages long (or 164 pages for double issues), featuring editorials and Disney comic stories of Vicar, Daniel Branca, Marco Rota, Bas Heymans, Freddy Milton, Mau Heymans, William Van Horn, Daan Jippes & Carl Barks] [The last issue was released in August 23, 2013] [Continues to <publication gr/KXB>Κόμιξ Β’ Περίοδος</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1236^Team_gr^
gr/KXB^gr^el^Κόμιξ Β’ Περίοδος^^[Continues from <publication gr/KX>Κόμιξ</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1237^Team_gr^
gr/KXR^gr^el^Καλή Χρονιά^^[Supplement to the economic newspaper “Αξία”]^^N^N^N^N^1238^Team_gr^
gr/LMM^gr^el^Λεύκωμα Μίκυ Μάους^^[Giveaway from the chocolate company Floca]^^N^N^N^N^1239^Team_gr^
gr/LOU^gr^el^Λουλούδια^^[Magazine from the '30s with very little Disney contents, from Αργαλαστή Μαγνησίας]^^N^N^N^N^1240^Team_gr^
gr/MADO^gr^el^Ο Μίκυ, η Μίννι και τα μαγικά δώρα^^[Hardcover] [Book without comics but with illustrations] [Greek version of the american "Mickey and Minnie's Gift of the Magi"]^^N^N^N^N^1242^Team_gr^
gr/MAG^gr^el^Ο Μαγικός Κόσμος των Ζώων^^[Educational magazine about Disney animals, with videocasettes as gifts] [26 issues were published]^^N^N^N^N^1243^Team_gr^
gr/MB^gr^el^Μίνι Βιβλιοθήκη^^[Series of books without comics, but with illustrations] [All known issues were published between 1988 and 1997] [Hardcover] [Probaby different series published by the same publisher but there is no sufficient information]^^Y^N^N^N^1246^Team_gr^
gr/MDV^gr^el^Μουντιάλ Βραζιλία 2014^^[Issue containing a soccer story printed for the Mundial 2014]^^N^N^N^N^1247^Team_gr^
gr/ME^gr^el^Magic English (DVD)^^[Learn English with Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1248^Team_gr^
gr/MEV^gr^el^Magic English (VHS)^^[Learn English with Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1250^Team_gr^
gr/MEX^gr^el^Μίκυ Εξερευνητής^^[Printed again in <publication gr/MEXB>Μίκυ Εξερευνητής (επανέκδοση)</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1251^Team_gr^
gr/MEXB^gr^el^Μίκυ Εξερευνητής (επανέκδοση)^^[Second edition of <publication gr/MEX>Μίκυ Εξερευνητής</publication>, with each book containing two books of the previous edition]^^N^N^N^N^1252^Team_gr^
gr/MG^gr^el^Η Μικρή Γοργόνα^^^^N^N^N^N^1253^Team_gr^
gr/MIBEG^gr^el^Μίνι Βιβλιοθήκη - Ελληνικά Γράμματα^^[Books without comics but with illustrations] [Hardcover] [Issues started to come out in 1999] [Some issues had non-Disney movies inside, and they are not indexed]^^Y^N^N^N^1254^Team_gr^
gr/MID^gr^el^Μεγάλες Ιστορίες Disney - Τα Άπαντα του Ρομάνο Σκάρπα^^[Greek version of <publication it/GSD>Le grandi storie Disney - L'opera omnia di Romano Scarpa</publication> with some changes.] [The volumes are supplement of the newspaper Kathimerini some Sundays of the year, in the summer] [Ένθετο στην κυριακάτικη εφημερίδα Καθημερινή τα καλοκαίρια] [The volumes are half the size of the Italian ones, also softcover] [Numbering is fictional, but in the correct publishing order / Η αρίθμηση των τόμων είναι πλασματική και ορίστηκε από την ομάδα του Inducks ακολουθώντας την σωστή χρονολογική σειρά δημοσίευσης στην Ελλάδα] [Συχνότητα έκδοσης: Εβδομαδιαία α) τεύχη 1-7 (από 30 Ιουλίου 2017 έως και 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2017), β) τεύχη 8-17 (από 15 Ιουλίου 2018 έως και 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018), γ) τεύχη 18-25 (από 28 Ιουλίου 2019 έως και 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019), δ) τεύχη 26-34 (από 5 Ιουλίου 2020 έως και 30 Αυγούστου 2020), ε) τεύχη 35-41 (από 18 Ιουλίου 2021 έως και 29 Αυγούστου 2021)]^^N^N^N^N^1255^Team_gr^
gr/MIEX^gr^el^Οι Μικροί Εξερευνητές^^[Series of books without comics but with illustrations]^^Y^N^N^N^1256^Team_gr^
gr/MIK^gr^el^Μίκυ (Μεγάλο)^^[Monthly magazine originally launched in September 1967,adopting the lay out of USA's Mickey Mouse] [In the issues 170-218 its format changed and became long and narrow (18×30). In these issues were published many strips of Al Taliaferro & Floyd Gottfredson]^^N^N^N^N^1257^Team_gr^
gr/MIKA^gr^el^Μίκη-Μάους και Καραγκιόζης^^[Reprinted in 1987 in the edition <publication gr/KAMI>Καραγκιόζης και Μίκι Μάους</publication>] [Also the story was reprinted in a hardcover deluxe edition]^^N^N^N^N^1258^Team_gr^
gr/MIKM^gr^el^Μικρές Ιστορίες για Μικρά Παιδιά^^[Greek reprint of "Walt Disney's Favorites (1973)"] [Hardcover]^^N^N^N^N^1259^Team_gr^
gr/MIM^gr^el^Μεγάλες Ιστορίες για Μεγάλα Παιδιά^^[Greek reprint of "The Wonderful Worlds of Walt Disney, Walt Disney Production (1965)"] [Hardcover]^^Y^N^N^N^1260^Team_gr^
gr/MIN^gr^el^Μίννι^^[Magazine with stories featuring mainly female Disney characters] [size 14.5 x 20.5 cm] [pages 196 (issues 1-7),100 (issues 8-138),164 (issues 139-157)]^^N^N^N^N^1261^Team_gr^
gr/MK^gr^el^Μεγάλα Κλασικά^^[Series reprinting parodies of literary work drawn by Italian and Argentinian artists]^^N^N^N^N^1262^Team_gr^
gr/MKM^gr^el^Μπάρνυ & Μπένυ^^[Featuring "Barney Bear" stories, when Carl Barks was working for Metro Goldwyn Mayer. They were originally published on "Our Gang" magazine during 1944 - 1947]^^N^N^N^N^1263^Team_gr^
gr/MKSIT^gr^el^Μεγάλα Κλασικά Σούπερ Ιστορίες (Τόμος)^^[Volumes reprinting together 2 issues from Μεγάλα Κλασικά]^^N^N^N^N^1265^Team_gr^
gr/MKTA^gr^el^Ο Μίκυ και τα Αθλήματα^^[Supplement to the economic newspaper “Αξία”]^^N^N^N^N^1266^Team_gr^
gr/MKTAK^gr^el^Ο Μίκυ και τα Αθλήματα - Κύπρος^^[Supplement to the economic newspaper “Χαραυγή”] [The series was printed in Cyprus based on the Greek version, <publication gr/MKTA>Ο Μίκυ και τα αθλήματα</publication>, with a few minor changes]^^N^N^N^N^1267^Team_gr^
gr/MM^gr^el^Μίκυ Μάους^^[Main Greek publication for 47 years, 1966 - 2013.] [Mickey Mouse was first published with 52 pages on Friday July 1st 1966. The magazine has been found every Friday ever since then and is considered as the most popular Disney magazine in Greece. The last issue #2461, got published at 6 September 2013. At 20 June 2014, the new publisher continued the magazine under the same name <publication gr/MMB>"Mickey Mouse"</publication> but started the numbering from #1.] [See page on <i><a href="">Ποιό είναι το αυθεντικό ;; Μίκυ # 1</a></i>.] [See page on <i><a href="">ΒΙΚΙΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ</a></i>.]^^N^N^N^N^1268^Team_gr^
gr/MM1^gr^el^Μίκυ Μάους #1^^[Reprint of the first greek Μίκυ Μάους / Mickey Mouse magazine] [The cover of this reprint doesn’t have the publisher’s name on it, and furthermore, its color and measurements are different] [See page on <i><a href="!prettyPhoto@@@mikygr1@@@/1/">Comics4U(Μίκυ Μάους)</a></i>. Note HF: replace @@@ with square brackets] [See page on <i><a href="">Το πρώτο τεύχος Μίκυ Μάους</a></i>.]^^N^N^N^N^1269^Team_gr^
gr/MM90^gr^el^Μίκυ Μάους^^[Catalog given from Disney Greece at the Athens Comic Convention "AthensCon 2018" for the occasion of Mickey Mouse's 90th birthday] [Δωρεάν κατάλογος που δόθηκε από την Disney Ελλάδος με αφορμή τα 90 χρόνια από την δημιουργία του Μίκυ Μάους, στο «Athenscon 2018»]^^N^N^N^N^1271^Team_gr^
gr/MMB^gr^el^Μίκυ Μάους Β΄ Περίοδος^^[Main Greek publication] [Direct continuation of <publication gr/MM>Terzopoulos Mickey Mouse</publication> which lasted from 1 July 1966 until 6 September 2013, spanning 2.461 issues. The new publisher (Kathimerini), instead of continuing the numbers, decided to start from #1.]^^N^N^N^N^1272^Team_gr^
gr/MMSS^gr^el^Μίκυ Μάους Sticker Story^^[Greek version of <publication it/TLSS>Topolino Sticker Story</publication>. Album with separate stickers to collect for the 90th anniversary of Mickey Mouse. Contains a new story by Casty]^^N^N^N^N^1275^Team_gr^
gr/MMT^gr^el^Μίκυ Μάους Τόμος^^[Reprints, glued together, of greek Mickey Mouse issues]^^N^N^N^N^1276^Team_gr^
gr/MMV^gr^el^Τα Μικρά Μεγάλα Βιβλία^^[Series based on Whitman's <publication us/BLB>Big Little Books</publication>, which was later renamed to "Better Little Books".]^^N^N^N^N^1277^Team_gr^
gr/MNB^gr^el^Μίνι Βιβλία^^[Pocket size mini-book for pre-schoolers] [Partial reproduction of France's "Walt Disney Mini livres Hachette" 1962-1967 & Italy's "Mini Libro Aldo Mondadori" 1962]^^N^N^N^N^1278^Team_gr^
gr/MNT^gr^el^Μαθαίνω με τον Ντίσνεϋ^^[Encyclopedia with Disney characters] [Hardcover]^^N^N^N^N^1279^Team_gr^
gr/MPL^gr^el^Μπλεκ - Γ' Περίοδος^^[Mostly non Disney stuff. Only issues that contain Disney characters are indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1282^Team_gr^
gr/MS^gr^el^Μεγάλα Σήριαλ^^[Come out in the summer months each year and feature long serial adventure stories from Italy]^^N^N^N^N^1283^Team_gr^
gr/MVD^gr^el^Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney^^[Series of hardcover books containing all work by Carl Barks - Supplement to the newspaper "Καθημερινή / Daily" each Sunday] [Ένθετο στην εφημερίδα «Καθημερινή» της Κυριακής] [Reproduction of Italy's <publication it/DPCS>La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera)</publication>.] [Επανατύπωση της σειράς <publication gr/VCB>Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη του Καρλ Μπαρκς (τεύχη 1-16)</publication>.] [Numbering is fictional, but in the correct publishing order / Η αρίθμηση των τόμων είναι πλασματική, ορίστηκε από την ομάδα του Indukcs υιοθετώντας την αρίθμηση της Ιταλικής έκδοσης και ακολουθώντας την σωστή χρονολογική σειρά δημοσίευσης στην Ελλάδα. Η σειρά δεν ολοκληρώθηκε (λείπει το τεύχος # 48)] [Συχνότητα έκδοσης: Εβδομαδιαία α) τεύχη 1-16 (από 15 Ιουνίου 2014 έως και 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014), β) τεύχη 17-32 (από 14 Ιουνίου 2015 έως και 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015) & γ) τεύχη 33-47 (από 5 Ιουνίου 2016 έως και 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016)]^^N^N^N^N^1285^Team_gr^
gr/MY^gr^el^Μίκυ Μυστήριο Α' κύκλος^^[Greek version of the danish first Mickey Mystery series] [Reprinted in <publication gr/MYE>Μίκυ Μυστήριο Α' Κύκλος (Επανέκδοση)</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1287^Team_gr^
gr/MYB^gr^el^Μίκυ Μυστήριο^^[Special book with two Scarpa's strip-stories]^^N^N^N^N^1288^Team_gr^
gr/MYC^gr^el^Μίκυ Μυστήριο Β' κύκλος^^[Reproduction of Italy's "Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine"] [see on <publication it/MM>Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine</publication>.] [Size, 18.5 x 27.0 cm] [Frequency, every two months] [Pages 76 (issues 1,4,7,9 & 12), 68 (issues 2,3 8,10 & 11), 72 (issues 5 & 6)] [See page on <i><a href="">Wikipedia</a></i>.] [Reprinted in <publication gr/MYCE>Μίκυ Μυστήριο Β' Κύκλος (Επανέκδοση)</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1289^Team_gr^
gr/MYCE^gr^el^Μίκυ Μυστήριο Β' κύκλος (επανέκδοση)^^[Incomplete reprint of <publication gr/MYC>Μίκυ Μυστήριο Β' κύκλος</publication>] [Only six of the twelve issues of the original series were published]^^N^N^N^N^1290^Team_gr^
gr/MYD^gr^el^Μίκυ Μυστήριο Γ' κύκλος^^[Issues with Mickey Mouse detective stories]^^N^N^N^N^1291^Team_gr^
gr/MYE^gr^el^Μίκυ Μυστήριο Α' κύκλος (επανέκδοση)^^[Reprint of <publication gr/MY>Μίκυ Μυστήριο Α' κύκλος</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1292^Team_gr^
gr/NEA^gr^el^Τα Νέα^^[Daily newspaper with the very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed] [The issue number is not real, it corresponds to the year the newspaper issues were printed]^^N^N^N^N^1293^Team_gr^
gr/NLO^gr^el^Ο Ντόναλντ στο Λαβύρινθο της Οικονομίας^^[Supplement to the economic newspaper “Αξία”]^^N^N^N^N^1295^Team_gr^
gr/NLOT^gr^el^Ο Ντόναλντ στο Λαβύρινθο της Οικονομίας (Τόμος)^^[Supplement to the economic newspaper “Αξία”] [collecting the 12 issues of "Ο Ντόναλντ στο Λαβύρινθο της Οικονομίας"]^^N^N^N^N^1296^Team_gr^
gr/NPFN^gr^el^Οι Νέες Περιπέτειες του Φάντομ Ντακ^^[Series featuring long Italian science fiction stories starring Donald Duck as a superhero, fighting "Evronian" aliens] [Reproduction of Italy's <publication it/PKNA>Paperinik New Adventures</publication>.] [Αρχικά εκδιδόταν από τη "Τερζόπουλος – Νέα Ακτίνα" (τεύχη 1 έως και 15) από τον Ιούλιο του 2012 έως και τον Αύγουστο του 2013,ενώ από τον Ιούνιο του 2014 και μέχρι σήμερα από τις "Καθημερινές Εκδόσεις" (τεύχη 16 και εξής).Η σειρά δεν ολοκληρώθηκε (λείπουν τα τεύχη # 45-49).Τελευταίο τεύχος το # 44 τον Οκτώβριο του 2016]^^N^N^N^N^1297^Team_gr^
gr/NT^gr^el^Ντόναλντ^^[Series featuring Duck family comic stories from Italy] [Frequency, twice a year every January and July (issues 1-8), every two months (issues 9-14), monthly (issues 15 up to present day)] [First issue July 1994,Last issue September 2013] [Pages, 196 (issues 1-7, 93, 100 & 105), 100 (issues 8-92, 94-99, 101-104 & 106-143) ,84 (issues 144 up to present day)] [Continues to <publication gr/NTB>Ντόναλντ Β’ Περίοδος</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1298^Team_gr^
gr/NTB^gr^el^Ντόναλντ Β’ Περίοδος^^[Series featuring Duck family comic stories from Italy and Denmark] [Direct continuation of <publication gr/NT>Terzopoulos Donald</publication> which lasted from 1994 until 2013, spanning 190 issues. The new publisher (Kathimerini), instead of continuing the numbers, decided to start from #1.]^^N^N^N^N^1299^Team_gr^
gr/NTT^gr^el^Ντόναλντ Τόμος^^[Reprints, glued together, of Ντόναλντ issues]^^N^N^N^N^1300^Team_gr^
gr/NXT^gr^el^Editor's Choice Ντόναλντ - Τα χρονικά των τεράτων^^[Greek version of <publication us/DQ>Donald Quest</publication>. The volumes are softcover. The first volume contains the story from five American issues. The second volume contains two new 60-page stories from the same universe] [Ελληνική έκδοση της σειράς <publication us/DQ>Donald Quest</publication>.Οι τόμοι είναι χαρτόδετοι. Ο πρώτος τόμος περιέχει την ιστορία πέντε αμερικάνικων τευχών. Ο δεύτερος τόμος περιέχει δύο νέες ιστορίες 60 σελίδων από το ίδιο σύμπαν] [Editor's Choice logo appeared also on <publication gr/MME>Μίκυ Μάους Editor's Choice</publication> and <publication gr/KVD>Κλασική βιβλιοθήκη Disney</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1301^Team_gr^
gr/OGA^gr^el^Ο Γκούφυ Αθλητής^^[Published as a supplement with the economic newspaper “Αξία”.]^^N^N^N^N^1302^Team_gr^
gr/OGAK^gr^el^Ο Γκούφυ Αθλητής - Κύπρος^^[Published as a supplement with the cypriot newspaper “Χαραυγή”.] [The issues were printed in Cyprus with minor differences from the Greek version <publication gr/OGA>Ο Γκούφυ Αθλητής</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1303^Team_gr^
gr/OKP^gr^el^Ο Όλιβερ & η Παρέα του^^^^N^N^N^N^1304^Team_gr^
gr/OM^gr^el^Το ωροσκόπιο της Μίννι^^^^N^N^N^N^1305^Team_gr^
gr/OPTO^gr^el^Ο Γκούφυ και οι περικνημίδες της Ολυμπίας^^[Issued toghther with the economical newspaper "Αξία" as a giveaway]^^N^N^N^N^1306^Team_gr^
gr/OTHS^gr^el^Η Οικονομία του Θείου Σκρουτζ^^^^N^N^N^N^1307^Team_gr^
gr/OTS^gr^el^Οι Τρεις Σωματοφύλακες^^^^N^N^N^N^1308^Team_gr^
gr/PAM^gr^el^Πάμκιν-3^^[The issues were given free to subscribers of the magazine <publication gr/KX>Κόμιξ</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1309^Team_gr^
gr/PAP^gr^el^Παπιοπεριπέτειες^^[Hardcover series of books without comics but with illustrations featuring Ducktales adventures]^^N^N^N^N^1310^Team_gr^
gr/PARA^gr^el^Παραμύθια Ηρώων Ντίσνεϋ^^[Books without comics but with illustrations] [A set of three issues is collected in each of the tomes of <publication gr/PARAT>Παραμύθια Ηρώων Ντίσνεϋ - Τόμοι</publication>, per season]^^N^N^N^N^1311^Team_gr^
gr/PARAT^gr^el^Παραμύθια Ηρώων Ντίσνεϋ - Τόμοι^^[Books without comics but with illustrations] [Collects tthe issues of <publication gr/PARA>Παραμύθια Ηρώων Ντίσνεϋ</publication>, three per tome]^^N^N^N^N^1312^Team_gr^
gr/PARP^gr^el^Παρά Πέντε^^^^N^N^N^N^1313^Team_gr^
gr/PELE^gr^el^Όλα για το Ποδόσφαιρο από τον Πελέ^^[Greek version of the Italian: Il manuale del calcio di Pele, 2000]^^N^N^N^N^1315^Team_gr^
gr/PELET^gr^el^Όλα για το Ποδόσφαιρο από τον Πελέ - Τόμος^^[Book containing the two issues of <publication gr/PELE>Όλα για το Ποδόσφαιρο από τον Πελέ</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1316^Team_gr^
gr/PRK^gr^el^Προοδευτικός Κινηματογράφος^^[Monthly magazine with the very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1321^Team_gr^
gr/PRP^gr^el^Πριγκίπισσες από πορσελάνη^^[Collection of the Disney princesses made from porcelain, with an accompanying pamphlet, not with Disney comics but with articles]^^N^N^N^N^1322^Team_gr^
gr/PRT^gr^el^Πρώτο^^[The title later changed to "Το Πρώτο"] [Weekly magazine with very little Disney content which is the only thing indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1323^Team_gr^
gr/PSK^gr^el^Ψωμί και κρασί^^[Monthly magazine with very little disney content, which is the only thing indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1324^Team_gr^
gr/PSTS^gr^el^Pluto Saves the Ship^^^^N^N^N^N^1325^Team_gr^
gr/PT^gr^el^Πασατέμπος^^[Summer magazine] [The Magazine contains special comic stories, puzzles, quizzes, crosswords and many games and activity pages]^^N^N^N^N^1326^Team_gr^
gr/PZM^gr^el^Ο Walt Disney σας μαθαίνει πως να ζωγραφίζετε τον Μίκυ^^[Reproduction of USA's "How to draw Mickey Mouse" & Italy's "Walt Disney vi insegna a disegnare e colorare",1967]^^N^N^N^N^1327^Team_gr^
gr/RADI^gr^el^Ραδιοτηλεόραση^^[Weekly magazine about TV and rarely Disney content, which is the only thing indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1328^Team_gr^
gr/S^gr^el^Σπέσιαλ^^[A series of special issues, each devoted to a certain character]^^N^N^N^N^1330^Team_gr^
gr/SALM^gr^el^Σούπερ Αλμανάκο^^[The title changed from “Αλμανάκο” to “Σούπερ Αλμανάκο” and the frequency became quarterly] [Continues from <publication gr/ALM>Αλμανάκο</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1331^Team_gr^
gr/SE^gr^el^Ο Μάικ, ο Ντάικ και η Σχολική Εργασία^^^^N^N^N^N^1332^Team_gr^
gr/SKAD^gr^el^Σχεδίασε τα Δικά σου Κόμικς με την Ακαδημία Disney^^^^N^N^N^N^1333^Team_gr^
gr/SKSD^gr^el^Σειρά Κινουμένων Σχεδίων Disney^^[Numbering is fictional but in the correct publishing order] [Series of books without comics, but with illustrations] [The title is fictional but is a direct translation of the American 1988 "The Disney Animated Series" books from which this edition was translated / Ο τίτλος είναι πλασματικός, αλλά αποτελεί μετάφραση του αμερικάνικου "The Disney Animated Series" πάνω στο οποίο βασίστηκε η ελληνική έκδοση] [Softcover] [Issues started to get published at 07-1994]^^N^N^N^N^1334^Team_gr^
gr/SM^gr^el^Σούπερ Μίκυ^^[Originally launched in January 1978 as the special Christmas edition of Μεγάλο Μίκυ] [Σούπερ Μίκυ was a book filled with comic stories that were already published in Μεγάλο Μίκυ] [From issues 1 to 8 was puplished once a year (every January) and from issues 9 to 22, was published twice a year (January and July).Last issue January 1992] [pages 196(issues 1-8),164(issues 9-13),148(issues 14-15),132(issues 16-21),116(issue 22)]^^N^N^N^N^1335^Team_gr^
gr/SMB^gr^el^Super Μίκυ^^[Magazine featuring Danish comic stories] [Frequency, Bimonthly (issues 1 - 16), Monthly (issues 17 up to present day)] [Συχνότητα έκδοσης: Διμηνιαία (τεύχη 1 έως και 16) από τον Ιούλιο του 2014 έως και τον Δεκέμβριο του 2016, Μηνιαία (τεύχη 17 και εξής) από τον Ιανουάριο του 2017 μέχρι και σήμερα]^^N^N^N^N^1336^Team_gr^
gr/SP99^gr^el^Sπέσιαλ 1999^^[Came out in 1999, featuring Danish comic stories]^^N^N^N^N^1337^Team_gr^
gr/SPOR^gr^el^Τα Σπόρ^^[Books without comics but with illustrations] [Greek version of "Walt Disney's Sport Goofy Encyclopedia"]^^N^N^N^N^1339^Team_gr^
gr/STD^gr^el^Τα 101 Σκυλάκια της Δαλματίας^^^^N^N^N^N^1340^Team_gr^
gr/SYLL^gr^el^Συλλογές^^[Monthly magazine with mostly non Disney stuff. Only issues that contain Disney characters are indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1341^Team_gr^
gr/SYT^gr^el^Συλλογή Τοτέμ^^[Series of 16 issues.Only one includes Disney material]^^N^N^N^N^1342^Team_gr^
gr/TAME^gr^el^Ταμ-Ταμ (επανέκδοση)^^[Supplement to the November 1985 issue of magazine Para Pente]^^N^N^N^N^1344^Team_gr^
gr/TAX2^gr^el^Ταχυδρόμος^23,2x30^[Ένθετο στην εφημερίδα / Supplement to the newspaper "Τα Νέα Σαββατοκύριακο"] [Εβδομαδιαίο περιοδικό ποικίλης ύλης / Weekly magazine of varying material]^^N^N^N^N^1345^Team_gr^
gr/TAXY^gr^el^Ο Ταχυδρόμος^^[Weekly magazine of varying material]^^N^N^N^N^1345^Team_gr^
gr/TCC^gr^el^The Comic Con - Thessaloniki Comic Convention^^[Catalog from Thessaloniki Comic Convention «The Comic Con»] [Ετήσια έκδοση με σχέδια καλεσμένων στην εκδήλωση καλλιτεχνών «The Comic Con» που διανέμεται δωρεάν στους επισκέπτες]^^N^N^N^N^1346^Team_gr^
gr/THI^gr^el^Θησαυρός - Β' Περίοδος^^[Weekly magazine with very little Disney content] [Only the issues with Disney content are indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1347^Team_gr^
gr/THKG^gr^el^Ο Θαυμαστός Κόσμος των Γνώσεων^^[Encyclopaedia, reproduction of Italy's "Enciclopedia Disney" ,Arnoldo Modatore editions,fully illustrated by Giovan Battista Carpi]^^N^N^N^N^1348^Team_gr^
gr/THP^gr^el^Ο Θησαυρός των Παιδιών^^[Weekly magazine with mostly non-Disney comics and stories, only the issues with Disney contents are included]^^N^N^N^N^1349^Team_gr^
gr/TM^gr^el^Τίνκερ Μπελ^^^^N^N^N^N^1351^Team_gr^
gr/TOY^gr^el^Toy Story^^^^N^N^N^N^1352^Team_gr^
gr/TPTZ^gr^el^Μόγλι - Το Παιδί της Ζούγκλας^^^^N^N^N^N^1353^Team_gr^
gr/TRAM^gr^el^Τροχοί Αυτοκίνητα Μηχανές^^[Reproduction of Italy's "Cartonato Ruote Macchine Motori (Arnoldo Mondadori 1° Edizione 1964)"]^^N^N^N^N^1354^Team_gr^
gr/TRAP^gr^el^Τράπουλες^^[Playing Cards with Disney characters, mainly distributed as attachments]^^N^N^N^N^1355^Team_gr^
gr/TRC^gr^el^Trash-Can^^[Fanzine published by the Greek artist Giorgos Tsoukis, only the Disney contents are included]^^N^N^N^N^1356^Team_gr^
gr/TROM^gr^el^Τρόμος στο κολέγιο Νο 2^^[A book that contains a Disney item, but nothing else Disney relevant]^^N^N^N^N^1357^Team_gr^
gr/TSTK^gr^el^Τα Στριπ του Κόμιξ^^^^N^N^N^N^1358^Team_gr^
gr/TSTP^gr^el^Τριλογία - Το Σπαθί των Πάγων^^^^N^N^N^N^1359^Team_gr^
gr/TWC^gr^el^Ο Τίγρης, ο Γουίνυ και η παρέα τους^^^^N^N^N^N^1360^Team_gr^
gr/VAVA^gr^el^Βαβούρα Α' Περίοδος^14.5 x 21.5cm^[Weekly magazine, with very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed] [Continued with <publication gr/VAVB>Βαβούρα Β' Περίοδος</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1361^Team_gr^
gr/VAVB^gr^el^Βαβούρα Β' Περίοδος^14.5 x 21.5cm^[Weekly magazine, with very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed] [Continues from <publication gr/VAVA>Βαβούρα A' Περίοδος</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1362^Team_gr^
gr/VCB^gr^el^Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη του Καρλ Μπαρκς^^[Series of hardcover books containing all work by Carl Barks] [Reproduction of Italy's <publication it/DPCS>La grande dinastia dei paperi (Corriere della Sera)</publication>.] [Επανατυπώθηκε στη σειρά <publication gr/MVD>Η Μεγάλη Βιβλιοθήκη Disney</publication>.] [Η σειρά δεν ολοκληρώθηκε (λείπουν τα τεύχη # 17 - 48)]^^N^N^N^N^1363^Team_gr^
gr/VER^gr^el^Βέργος^^[Auction catalogue with very little Disney content]^^N^N^N^N^1364^Team_gr^
gr/VFG^gr^el^Βιβλιοθήκη Φλόυντ Γκότφρεντσον^^[translated from the Fantagraphics publication] [Reproduction of USA's <publication us/FGL>Floyd Gottfredson Library</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1365^Team_gr^
gr/VIMA^gr^el^ΒΗΜΑgazino^^[Weekly magazine given each Sunday with the newspaper "Βήμα της Κυριακής", with very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1366^Team_gr^
gr/VIMG^gr^el^ΒΗΜΑgourmet^^[Weekly magazine given each Sunday with the newspaper "Βήμα της Κυριακής", with very little Disney content, which is the only thing indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1367^Team_gr^
gr/VK^gr^el^Βιβλιοθήκη Κόμιξ^^[Launched as a series of hardcover books to collect all comic stories by Don Rosa] [The first book came out in November 2008,the second and third was released in October 2009, the fourth & fifth in November 2011 and the sixth in November 2012]^^N^N^N^N^1368^Team_gr^
gr/VMEA^gr^el^Το Βιβλίο των Μικρών Εξερευνητών –Α’ Κύκλος^^[Reproduction of Italy's "Il manuale delle Giovani Marmotte",October 1969(1st edition)]^^N^N^N^N^1369^Team_gr^
gr/VMEB^gr^el^Το Βιβλίο των Μικρών Εξερευνητών –Β’ Κύκλος^^^^N^N^N^N^1370^Team_gr^
gr/VMEBE^gr^el^Το Βιβλίο των Μικρών Εξερευνητών –Β’ Κύκλος Επανέκδοση^^[Reissue of the second series with two issues per volume]^^N^N^N^N^1371^Team_gr^
gr/VMEC^gr^el^Το Βιβλίο των Μικρών Εξερευνητών – Γ’ Κύκλος^^^^N^N^N^N^1372^Team_gr^
gr/VMEX^gr^el^Το βιβλίο των Μικρών Εξερευνητών - Μεταίχμιο^^[Series of books without comics but with illustrations]^^Y^N^N^N^1373^Team_gr^
gr/VTL^gr^el^Ο Βασιλιάς των Λιονταριών^^^^N^N^N^N^1374^Team_gr^
gr/WOC^gr^el^The World of Cars^^[Full title - The Fantastic World of Cars]^^N^N^N^N^1376^Team_gr^
gr/WTP^gr^el^Γουίνι το Αρκουδάκι^^[Magazine for pre-schoolers] [It was temporarily stopped at issue 34, at which time it became a supplement of the monthly series <publication gr/XIN>Χαρούμενες Ιστορίες Ντίσνεϋ</publication>, with the same title <publication gr/WTPX>Γουίνι το αρκουδάκι</publication>, before it stopped being issued entirely for some time and then resuming again in its previous format with issue 35 continuing the numbering from where it was left off here.]^^N^N^N^N^1377^Team_gr^
gr/WTPX^gr^el^Γουίνι το Αρκουδάκι (Χαρούμενες Ιστορίες)^^[Monthly supplement of <publication gr/XIN>Χαρούμενες Ιστορίες Disney</publication> in the issues 170-18?] [It is the continuation of <publication gr/WTP>Γουίνι το αρκουδάκι</publication> which stopped being published after its issue 34 for almost 2 years and continued for a while as a smaller issue here.]^^N^N^N^N^1378^Team_gr^
gr/XAI^gr^el^Χάι^^[Weekly gossip magazine with very little Disney content] [Issues numbers are fake]^^N^N^N^N^1379^Team_gr^
gr/XE^gr^el^Τα Χαμένα Επεισόδια^^[The Lost Episodes of “The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck” by Don Rosa] [See page on <i><a href="">The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck</a></i>.]^^N^N^N^N^1380^Team_gr^
gr/XELI^gr^el^Χελιδόνια^^[Monthly magazine with very little Disney content, only the issues that include Disney content are indexed]^^N^N^N^N^1381^Team_gr^
gr/XIN^gr^el^Χαρούμενες Ιστορίες Ντίσνεϋ^^[The title from issues 1 to 35 was Τσιπ και Ντέηλ] [With a number of issues, 171-18?, the series <publication gr/WTPX>Γουίνι το αρκουδάκι (Χαρούμενες Ιστορίες)</publication> was given as a supplement]^^N^N^N^N^1382^Team_gr^
gr/XIO^gr^el^Η Χιονάτη και οι Επτά Νάνοι^^^^N^N^N^N^1383^Team_gr^
gr/XIOE^gr^el^Η Χιονάτη και οι Επτά Νάνοι^^^^N^N^N^N^1384^Team_gr^
gr/XIOK^gr^el^Η Χιονάτη και οι Επτά Νάνοι^^^^N^N^N^N^1385^Team_gr^
gr/XKA^gr^el^Οι Χρυσοί Κύκλοι της Ατλαντίδας^^^^N^N^N^N^1386^Team_gr^
gr/XRI^gr^el^Χριστουγεννιάτικη ιστορία^17.5 x 24.5 cm^[Mickey's Christmas Carol storybook]^^N^N^N^N^1387^Team_gr^
gr/YGEIA^gr^el^Η Υγεία Μου^^[Books without comics but with illustrations] [Greek version of "Growing Up Healthy",1975]^^N^N^N^N^1388^Team_gr^
gr/YPE^gr^el^Οι Υπερέξι^^[Stories from the Big Hero 6 universe]^^N^N^N^N^1389^Team_gr^
hu/OV^hu^hu^Ország-Világ^^[they published some ZM and ZD strips in 1960, see]^^N^N^N^N^1395^Team_MJe^
id/DZS^id^id^Donal Zodiac Stone^18,0x26,0 cm^[Zodiac Stone Series]^^N^N^N^N^1396^Team_KBr^
id/GU^id^id^Gufi^^[Album Walt Disney's Gufi]^^N^N^N^N^1396^Team_KBr^
id/KHPG^id^id^Kisah Hidup Paman Gober - The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck^^[7-issue series]^^N^N^N^N^1396^Team_KBr^
id/KPPG^id^id^Komik Petualangan Paman Gober Karya Don Rosa^^[8-issue series, edisi koleksi, collectors edition, published with collecting box, only for sale with the issues]^^N^N^N^N^1396^Team_KBr^
id/KTD^id^id^Komik Terbaik Disney^^^^N^N^N^N^1396^Team_KBr^
id/PG^id^id^Paman Gober^^[thin pocket book in b/w] ["Walt Disney" (during the first three series (Tahun) / selama tiga seri pertama)]^^N^N^N^N^1396^Team_KBr^
in/WDWB^in^bn^Walt Disney's Wonder World (Bengali) ওয়াল্ট ডিজনির অবাক পৃথিবী^^^^N^N^N^N^1399^Team_KBr^
in/WDWH^in^hi^Walt Disney's Wonder World (Hindi) वॉल्ट डिज्नी की विचित्र पुरी^^^^N^N^N^N^1399^Team_KBr^
in/WDWW^in^en^Walt Disney's Wonder World (English)^^^^N^N^N^N^1399^Team_KBr^
ir/DDCBL^ir^fa^(Donald Duck, Carl Barks Library in Color)^^[Copy of the German Barks Library Special Donald Duck, without articles. Canceled after 5 issues.]^^N^N^N^N^1400^^
it/100F^it^it^100 anni di fumetto italiano^^[collana che ristampa le più belle storie a fumetti.Indicizzati solo i volumi contenenti storie Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1403^Team_it^
it/AA^it^it^Gli Albi d'Argento^16x16 cm^[Prima di copertina argentata, alternanza di 2 pagine in marrone rossiccio - bianco - nero e di 2 pagine a colori. Le storie sono state ritoccate per adattarsi al formato "quadrato".]^^N^N^N^N^1404^Team_it^
it/ABB^it^it^Omaggio Abbonati^^[Squarebound books as giveaways for Disney issues subscribers]^^N^N^N^N^1405^Team_it^
it/ACCOR^it^it^Omaggio Biscotti Accornero^13x18.5 cm^[Giveaways with biscuits]^^N^N^N^N^1406^Team_it^
it/ACV^it^it^Albi del cerchio verde^^^^N^N^N^N^1407^Team_it^
it/AD^it^it^Album di figurine^^[Issue numbers are temporary]^^N^N^N^N^1408^Team_it^
it/ADP^it^it^Amici del Pianeta^^^^N^N^N^N^1408^Team_it^
it/ADZ^it^it^Amici di Zampa^^[Rivista dedicata agli animali diretta da Elisa Penna. Ciascun fascicolo contiene alcune storie con animali (Aristogatti, Carica 101, Lillo, Simba...) in parte scritte e disegnate in Italia dallo staff di Cip e Ciop e in parte riprese dall'estero con prove di Hubbard per Lillo, e autori misconosciuti per Simba]^^N^N^N^N^1409^Team_it^
it/AEX^it^it^Gli Albi di Exploit^^[Listed only issues with Disney content]^^N^N^N^N^1409^Team_it^
it/AF^it^it^Annuario del fumetto^^[Yearly non-Disney comic magazine.]^^N^N^N^N^1410^Team_it^
it/AGC^it^it^The art of Giorgio Cavazzano^^^^N^N^N^N^1411^Team_it^
it/AGIP^it^it^Omaggio Agip^^[Giveaways with fuel]^^N^N^N^N^1412^Team_it^
it/ALMC^it^it^Almanacco Comics^23x17 cm^[Pubblicato in occasione del quarto salone di Lucca / Édité à l'occasion du 4e Salon de Lucca]^^N^N^N^N^1413^Team_it^
it/ALS^it^it^Ariel La Sirenetta^^^^N^N^N^N^1414^Team_it^
it/ANA^it^it^Albi Nerbini Anteguerra^^[provisional data, typed in from Gori's article in "Collezionare Fumetti e Libri per l'Infanzia 2" and based on some reprints]^^N^N^N^N^1415^Team_it^
it/ANARD^it^it^Albi Nerbini Anteguerra (ristampa Disney)^^[State of the art reprint sets, sold in two different boxes: a 'Gold' box, including everything, and a 'Silver' box, including only the first versions]^^N^N^N^N^1416^Team_it^
it/ANARN^it^it^Albi Nerbini Anteguerra (ristampa Nerbini)^^[Nerbini's probably unauthorized reprint from the Eighties.]^^N^N^N^N^1417^Team_it^
it/AO^it^it^Albi d'oro^^[Not all issues are Disney issues. Issue numbers are created following this scheme: YYnnn where YY are the last two digit from the publication year, and nnn is the printed issue number.]^^N^N^N^N^1418^Team_it^
it/AOA^it^it^Albi d'oro (anteguerra)^^[Issue numbers are created following this scheme: YYnnn where YY are the last two digit from the publication year, and nnn is the printed issue number.]^^N^N^N^N^1419^Team_it^
it/AOACA^it^it^Albi d'oro (anteguerra) (ristampa Comic Art)^^[data entered from the Comic Art catalog]^^N^N^N^N^1420^Team_it^
it/AOCC^it^it^Albi d'oro (ristampa Camillo Conti)^^[Sold in sets;3 groups of sets;group 1 comprises 8 sets, groups 2 and 3 comprise 4 sets each;each set comprises 3 to 8 books;the 8 sets of groups 2 and 3 correspond exactly to AOIF's sets 1-8. Data entered from the Camillo Conti catalog.]^^N^N^N^N^1421^Team_it^
it/AOIF^it^it^Albi d'oro (ristampa IF)^^[sold in sets;24 sets are planned, each comprising 3 or 4 books; sets 1-8 correspond exactly to the 8 sets of AOCC's groups 2 and 3. "IF" logo printed on back cover. Data entered from the IF Edizioni catalog.]^^N^N^N^N^1422^Team_it^
it/AOPR^it^it^Albi d'oro prima ristampa^^^^N^N^N^N^1423^Team_it^
it/AOSR^it^it^Albi d'oro seconda ristampa^^^^N^N^N^N^1424^Team_it^
it/AR^it^it^Albi della rosa / Albi di Topolino^^[Name "Albi della rosa" changed in "Albi di Topolino" with issue 635]^^N^N^N^N^1425^Team_it^
it/ARRN^it^it^Albi della rosa (ristampa Nerbini)^^[Reprints the first issues of AR, it isn't sure if the publisher was really Nerbini, but it is the name they are known with. Please note that they are an unauthorized reprint. There isn't any clue about their publishing date]^^N^N^N^N^1426^Team_it^
it/ARS^it^it^The Art of Romano Scarpa^^[2016 Exhibition catalogue]^^N^N^N^N^1426^Team_it^
it/AT^it^it^Almanacco Topolino^^[Series continues from "Albi d'Oro" with new numbering. Last three AO from 1956 are already "Almanacco", but keep AO numbering.] [Continues from <publication it/AO>Albi d'oro</publication>] [Continues in <publication it/MG>Mega Almanacco</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1427^Team_it^
it/ATA^it^it^Almanacco Topolino anteguerra^^[All issues include non-Disney stories; provisional data, typed in from Gori's article in "Notiziario GAF 7"]^^N^N^N^N^1428^Team_it^
it/AV^it^it^Archeologia viva^^[Non-Disney magazine about archaeology.]^^N^N^N^N^1433^Team_it^
it/AVVA^it^it^Avventure e vacanze^^^^N^N^N^N^1434^Team_it^
it/AVVED^it^it^Avventure a EuroDisney^^[Book to celebrate the opening of Euro Disney in Paris]^^N^N^N^N^1435^Team_it^
it/BAB^it^it^La bella addormentata nel bosco^^^^N^N^N^N^1436^Team_it^
it/BAM^it^it^Bambi^^[Numero Unico, ristampa one-shot di AO49139]^^N^N^N^N^1436^Team_it^
it/BDTA^it^it^La Banda Disney tutta in adesivi^^[Adesivi] [Stickers]^^N^N^N^N^1438^Team_it^
it/BEB^it^it^La bella e la bestia^^^^N^N^N^N^1439^Team_it^
it/BESN^it^it^Biancaneve e i sette nani^^^^N^N^N^N^1440^Team_it^
it/BHOLE^it^it^The Black Hole^^^^N^N^N^N^1441^Team_it^
it/BIG^it^it^Cartonatoni Disney^^[La serie che in realtà non ha un titolo, è spesso nota come "Io..."]^^N^N^N^N^1442^Team_it^
it/BOOM^it^it^Boom! - Disney/Pixar^^[ristampa in volume delle storie americane edite da Boom. Numerazione fittizia ma ci basiamo sull'elenco fornito, sul sito internet, dall'editore]^^N^N^N^N^1443^Team_it^
it/BPBS^it^it^The Best of le più belle storie Disney^^[ristampa alcune storie tratte da volumi specifici di it/PBST]^^N^N^N^N^1443^Team_it^
it/BSK^it^it^Diari e Quaderni dei Baskettari^^[School diaries and notebooks published yearly by FIP (the Italian basket association). Distributed to young athletes only.] [Published since 2008, but only editions from 2012 feature Disney characters. BSK nn = published in 20nn]^^N^N^N^N^1444^Team_it^
it/BSN^it^it^Biancaneve e i sette nani^^[Small booklet, like PBEE]^^N^N^N^N^1445^Team_it^
it/BURF^it^it^I classici del fumetto^^[The publication has many non-Disney issues]^^N^N^N^N^1446^Team_it^
it/BVL^it^it^Buena Vista Lab^^[Graphic novels, not related with each other]^^N^N^N^N^1447^Team_it^
it/BZ^it^it^Buzz^^[serie dedicata ai cartoni animati di Buzz Lightyear (il personaggio di Toy Story)]^^N^N^N^N^1448^Team_it^
it/BZP^it^it^Bambi^^[Supplement to Zio Paperone]^^N^N^N^N^1449^Team_it^
it/CAF^it^it^Classici a fumetti^^[Contengono riduzioni a fumetti dei film di animazione]^^N^N^N^N^1450^Team_it^
it/CAFS^it^it^Classici a fumetti (fuori serie)^^[Contengono riduzioni a fumetti dei film di animazione, non sono inseriti nella numerazione della testata CAF]^^N^N^N^N^1451^Team_it^
it/CAL^it^it^Album Calciatori^^[Album di figurine dedicato al campionato di calcio italiano. Indicizzati solo i numeri e gli elementi Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1451^Team_it^
it/CALE^it^it^Capolavori della Letteratura (libreria)^^[hardcover books that reprints "Parodie Disney"]^^N^N^N^N^1451^Team_it^
it/CAPS^it^it^Capolavori Disney Special^^[Spinoff della serie "Capolavori Disney" da libreria con riduzioni in testo e illustrazioni di classici Disney; in questi volumi presente anche la riduzione a fumetti] [numerazione fittizia]^^N^N^N^N^1451^Team_it^
it/CARS^it^it^Il Mondo di Cars Motori Ruggenti^^^^N^N^N^N^1452^Team_it^
it/CART^it^it^Comic Art^^[Magazine about comics in general, the only indexed issues are the ones that reprint Disney stories]^^N^N^N^N^1453^Team_it^
it/CAT^it^it^Gli anni d'oro di Topolino^^[collana a cura di Lidia Cannatella, Luca Boschi e Alberto Becattini che ristampa l'opera completa di Floyd Gottfredson]^^N^N^N^N^1454^Team_it^
it/CBRL^it^it^Carl Barks Rizzoli Lizard^^[volume reprints us/CBDL edited by Rizzoli Lizard]^^N^N^N^N^1455^Team_it^
it/CCA^it^it^Collana Comics Amatoriali^^[Reprints of Gottfredson syndicated strips. Weird numbering (double and triple issues). See also GSW, GSWL and RC for other related series.]^^N^N^N^N^1456^Team_it^
it/CCB^it^it^Complete Carl Barks^^[Edited by Luigi Olmeda] [unauthorized reprint, published between 1980 and (at least) 1986; volumes appeared in random order, regardless of their numbering]^^N^N^N^N^1457^Team_it^
it/CD^it^it^I Classici di Walt Disney (seconda serie)^^[Second series from issue 186 the title is simply "I Classici Disney"]^^N^N^N^N^1459^Team_it^
it/CDF^it^it^Classici Disney a fumetti^^^^N^N^N^N^1460^Team_it^
it/CDP^it^it^Corriere dei piccoli^^[Weekly Supplement to newspaper "Corriere della Sera", published between 1908 and 1996. CDP xxyy = number yy of 19xx]^^N^N^N^N^1461^Team_it^
it/CDR^it^it^Corriere dei ragazzi^17.5x24 cm^[Weekly comic, published between 1972 and 1976. Under different titles, published until 1984. CDR xxyy = number yy of 19xx]^^N^N^N^N^1461^Team_it^
it/CDS^it^it^Il Corriere della sera^A3^[Questo quotidiano pubblicava strisce disney negli anni '80]^^N^N^N^N^1462^Team_it^
it/CEC^it^it^Cip & Ciop^^^^N^N^N^N^1463^Team_it^
it/CECI^it^it^Cip & Ciop - Avventure nella natura^^[New version of "Cip & Ciop" magazine; see CEC (closed with #269 on march 2012). This version contains only reprints]^^N^N^N^N^1463^Team_it^
it/CFR^it^it^I Classici del fumetto di Repubblica^^[A selection of the best comics in the world, the unlisted issues aren't Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1465^Team_it^
it/CFRO^it^it^I Classici del fumetto di Repubblica Serie Oro^^[a selection of the best comics in the world, the unlisted issues aren't Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1466^Team_it^
it/CGC^it^it^Cartonati Disney^23x29,5 cm^[Hardcover books, originally called "I Grandi Classici di Walt Disney", indexed by typing in data from Alberto Becattini.]^^N^N^N^N^1468^Team_it^
it/CGCR^it^it^Cartonati Disney (box set)^23x29,5 cm^[A boxed set of six of the seven albums with the same name]^^N^N^N^N^1469^Team_it^
it/CGD^it^it^Gertie Daily^^[Giant albums, limited edition, not all Disney] [i volumi che ristampano le tavole domenicali sono indicizzati orizzontalmente: prima tutte le ZS e poi tutte le ZM, in realtà nel fascicolo sono pubblicate per data, alternando ZS e ZM]^^N^N^N^N^1470^Team_it^
it/CGIO^it^it^Club Giovani^^[same size of BIG, but with less pages]^^N^N^N^N^1471^Team_it^
it/CGM^it^it^Il club delle Giovani Marmotte^19x26 cm^[Comics given to the kids associated with the Italian "Club delle Giovani Marmotte"]^^N^N^N^N^1472^Team_it^
it/CJK^it^it^Collana Joker^21,5x7,5 cm^[Same format as TAS. "Edizione fuori commercio per soli collezionisti a cura di Luigi Olmeda. Stampa in proprio 1978"]^^N^N^N^N^1473^Team_it^
it/CLA^it^it^I Classici della Letteratura^^[Monday attachment of Italian newspaper "Il Corriere della Sera", reprinting parodies.] [Allegato del lunedì a "Il Corriere della Sera", ristampa parodie.]^^N^N^N^N^1474^Team_it^
it/CLA2^it^it^I Classici della Letteratura (2a edizione)^^[Reprints, with some minor changes, it/CLA with new numeration. Adding 10 new issues from 4 and his multiple (4, 8, 12, 16...)]^^N^N^N^N^1474^Team_it^
it/CLE^it^it^Capolavori della Letteratura (3a edizione)^^[Reprints, with some changes, it/CLA2 with new numeration]^^N^N^N^N^1475^Team_it^
it/CLEO^it^it^Dono di Topolino ai suoi amici^^^^N^N^N^N^1475^Team_it^
it/CMA^it^it^Corrado Mastantuono - The Art of^^^^N^N^N^N^1476^Team_it^
it/CMON^it^it^Calcio mondiale^^[Special issue for the World football championship in Spain in 1982, contains mostly illustrations (not indexed) and text, and a short story]^^N^N^N^N^1477^Team_it^
it/CNC^it^it^New Comics Now^^[albums, limited edition, all Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1478^Team_it^
it/COOP^it^it^Fascicoli Coop^^[Special issues created for Coop to promote the sale of "bat-boxes", small shelters for bats]^^N^N^N^N^1479^Team_it^
it/CPK^it^it^PK Il mito^^[collezione completa in ordine cronologico delle storie di PK con articoli di approfondimento]^^N^N^N^N^1479^Team_it^
it/CSBM^it^it^Christmas Song Book Mina^^[Album di Mina uscito in tre versioni: con volume a fumetti (1), con booklet (2), in vinile con tavole di Cavazzano (3)]^^N^N^N^N^1480^Team_it^
it/CSD^it^it^Collezione Star Dance^13x19 cm^[Publication sold together with "Star Dance", a non-Disney publication. Each issue contains explanations on how to draw Disney characters, two comic stories and instructions on how to play music from a cartoon.]^^N^N^N^N^1480^Team_it^
it/CSM^it^it^Collana Special Mongo^^[Horizontal giant albums; limited edition (1000 copies), missing numbers are non-Disney issues]^^N^N^N^N^1481^Team_it^
it/CSP^it^it^Il club dei supereroi^^^^N^N^N^N^1481^Team_it^
it/CSU^it^it^La Storia Universale Disney^^^^N^N^N^N^1483^Team_it^
it/CTS^it^it^Topolino Story (Corriere della Sera)^^[First run (2005): numbers 1-30; second run (2015): numbered from 0 to 31, but here listed as numbers 100-131 for continuity]^^N^N^N^N^1484^Team_it^
it/DDA^it^it^Disney d'autore^^[Devoted to specific creators]^^N^N^N^N^1499^Team_it^
it/DDANAF^it^it^Donald Duck ANAF^^[Two squarebound books about Barks]^^N^N^N^N^1500^Team_it^
it/DDAP^it^it^Disney d'autore (Panini)^^[Seguito di "Tesori Made in Italy", di cui mantiene barcode ma con nuova numerazione]^^N^N^N^N^1500^Team_it^
it/DDC^it^it^Domenica del Corriere^23.5x31 cm^[Weekly supplement of newspaper "Corriere della Sera", published 1899-1989. DDC xxyy = number yy of 19xx]^^N^N^N^N^1500^Team_it^
it/DDCO^it^it^Disney Definitive Collection^^[reprints new series with articles and more]^^N^N^N^N^1500^Team_it^
it/DENI^it^it^Speciale Disney enigmistica^^[Special issue with crosswords and puzzles, same size as "I Classici"]^^N^N^N^N^1503^Team_it^
it/DF^it^it^Disney Fantasy^^[After number 24, boxed sets with prepaid subscriptions]^^N^N^N^N^1504^Team_it^
it/DFU^it^it^Disney 50^^[A special publication for Mickey Mouse's 50th birthday, there are 4 books, and only one contains comics]^^N^N^N^N^1505^Team_it^
it/DIF^it^it^Donna in Forma^^[supplemento mensile a "Donna Moderna". All'inizio della sua vita editoriale pubblica illustrazioni Disney inedite di Mastantuono curate dalla redazione di Minni & C. (M)]^^N^N^N^N^1511^Team_it^
it/DIT^it^it^Disney in tavola^^[enciclopedia sulla cucina con un servizio di piatti]^^N^N^N^N^1515^Team_it^
it/DIZ^it^it^1000 parole - Dizionario illustrato^^[2 volumi, uno in francese, l'altro in inglese, con strip di Taliaferro e Gottfredson in lingua originale]^^N^N^N^N^1516^Team_it^
it/DJR^it^it^Disney Junior^^[Diretta da Marina Migliavacca e dal 69 da Marco M. Lupoi. Testata dedicata ai più piccoli con i personaggi dell'omonimo canale televisivo. La storia a fumetti indicizzata viene costruita con le immagini del cartoon da cui è ispirato: "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse", "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" e "Doc McStuffins"]^^N^N^N^N^1516^Team_it^
it/DK^it^it^Disney Kids^^[special issues sold with "Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni" 1 week per month with an higher price] [supplementi mensili a "Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni" venduti a rotazione con altri speciali con una maggiorazione del prezzo di copertina di 1000 lire]^^N^N^N^N^1517^Team_it^
it/DKT^it^it^DuckTales^^[Same format as SAP, contains reprints of stories already appeared on MG during 1988-1989]^^N^N^N^N^1518^Team_it^
it/DKTL^it^it^DuckTales avventure di paperi - TV Comic Magazine^^^^N^N^N^N^1519^Team_it^
it/DLC^it^it^Disney Legendary Collection^^[reprint of serialized comics: "Wizards of Mickey", "XMickey", "I mercoledì di Pippo" series]^^N^N^N^N^1520^Team_it^
it/DLF^it^it^Disney Libri a fumetti^^[Bookshop version of comics already sold in newsstands under different series. With "Disney Libri" logo on front cover] [Without numbering. Here used DLF yyyymm = published in year yyyy, month mm (issue date of the parent newsstand publication)] [Con la sigla "Disney Libri" sono apparsi anche "Paperadamus" e "PK strettamente riservato", pubblicazioni originali per le quali si rimanda alle schede specifiche]^^N^N^N^N^1520^Team_it^
it/DLGN^it^it^Disney Libri Graphic Novels^^^^N^N^N^N^1520^Team_it^
it/DLL^it^la^Disney lingua latina^^[in Latin] [By European Language Institute, P.O.Box 6, 62019 Recanati (Italy), hardcover, distributed by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore]^^N^N^N^N^1521^Team_it^
it/DM^it^it^Disney Melody^^[La copertina contiene un chip musicale che si attiva aprendola]^^N^N^N^N^1522^Team_it^
it/DMA^it^it^Disney Magic^^[From number 52, plastic bags with back issues of different kid series. With exceptions]^^N^N^N^N^1523^Team_it^
it/DMF^it^it^Disney Milano finanza^^[Giveaway with the economical newspaper "Milano Finanza - Mercati Finanziari"]^^N^N^N^N^1524^Team_it^
it/DMIX^it^it^Disney Mix^^^^N^N^N^N^1524^Team_it^
it/DMM^it^it^The Daily Mickey Mouse^^[di Bill Walsh e Floyd Gottfredson] [by Bill Walsh and Floyd Gottfredson] [Unauthorized (?) reprints of MM daily strips from 1945 to 1950.] [Very bad lettering.]^^N^N^N^N^1525^Team_it^
it/DMOC^it^it^Disney Moviecomic Collection^^[testata che pubblica riduzioni a fumetti di Classici Disney. Ipotetico sequel di it/CAF]^^N^N^N^N^1526^Team_it^
it/DMR^it^it^Disney MEGAzine^^[Insert with the newspaper "La Repubblica"]^^N^N^N^N^1527^Team_it^
it/DNC^it^it^Disney News Consumer^30.5x42 cm^[DNC xx: Supplement to "Disney News" number xx. Not listed numbers don't exist.] [Exact main title> Disney News Consumer (3-26), Disney Oggi (29-55)]^^N^N^N^N^1528^Team_it^
it/DNO^it^it^Disney Noir^16x21.5 cm^[In abbinamento a testate del Gruppo GEDI] [Ufficialmente parte della collana "L'Altalena" a partire dal n. 21 dell'anno II]^^N^N^N^N^1528^Team_it^
it/DO^it^it^Speciali di Donna Oggi^^[Sei fascicoli speciali usciti abbinati a Donna Oggi. Tra maggio e giugno sono usciti i primi tre di Paperina, ad agosto, quelli di Minni. Contengono storie di autori promettenti... Sciarrone, Barbucci, Ziche e sono corredati da immagini (di Sciarrone) con Paperina e Minni mentre fanno ginnastica (la silhouette di Paperina) e/o mentre si curano il corpo]^^N^N^N^N^1529^Team_it^
it/DPS^it^it^Dentifricio Paperino's^^[Giveaway for Italian tooth paste, without official publication dates]^^N^N^N^N^1531^Team_it^
it/DR^it^it^Don Rosa e il rinascimento Disneyano^^[In issue codes, the number after the letter "p" is the book page number where the item is printed.]^^N^N^N^N^1532^Team_it^
it/DRLI^it^it^The Don Rosa library - Zio Paperone & Paperino^^^^N^N^N^N^1532^Team_it^
it/DRLX^it^it^Don Rosa Library De Luxe^22x28.5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1532^Team_it^
it/DSB^it^it^Divertiamoci a stare bene^^[Volumi a fumetti omaggio con la raccolta punti nei supermercati Conad]^^N^N^N^N^1533^Team_it^
it/DSBP^it^it^Disney Special Books Panini^^[Volumi cartonati a fumetti; varie foliazioni e argomenti] [numerazione in accordo con sito Panini]^^N^N^N^N^1533^Team_it^
it/DSDA^it^it^Disegnare, scrivere e raccontare il fumetto^^[fascicoli a cura dell'Accademia Disney in cui gli autori spiegano come diventare fumettisti. In allegato il kit per disegnare]^^N^N^N^N^1533^Team_it^
it/DSE^it^it^Disney Special Events^^[Sostituisce testata Topo Goal di cui mantiene il codice a barre]^^N^N^N^N^1533^Team_it^
it/DSM^it^it^Disney Smile^^[numbers 25-33 not known - maybe, not published]^^N^N^N^N^1534^Team_it^
it/DSP^it^it^Guarda Ascolta Leggi e Colora^^[Series of records/audiotapes with stories, generally not comics] [Serie di dischi/cassette audio con storie, in genere non a fumetti]^^N^N^N^N^1535^Team_it^
it/DSTO^it^it^Disney Story^^[fascicolo con latta e cartolina (entrambe di un cortometraggio Disney) allegata. Fascicoli a cura di Luca Boschi]^^N^N^N^N^1536^Team_it^
it/DT^it^it^Disney Time^^[Exact main title> Disney Time (1-88); Disneyssimo (89-)]^^N^N^N^N^1537^Team_it^
it/DVP^it^it^Disney Video Parade^^[Hardcover books sold with VHS's.]^^N^N^N^N^1538^Team_it^
it/DYOU^it^it^DYou^^[Diretta da Veronica Di Lisio. Indicizzate solo la copertina fotografica e gli elementi Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1539^Team_it^
it/ECOG^it^it^Eco Giochiamo^^[Pubblicazione sponsorizzata Original Marines]^^N^N^N^N^1541^Team_it^
it/EFS^it^it^Enciclopedia dei fumetti^^[Comics encyclopedia]^^N^N^N^N^1542^Team_it^
it/EMA^it^it^Epic Mickey Anteprima e Promozionali^^^^N^N^N^N^1543^Team_it^
it/EMC^it^it^Enigmistica di Minni & Co.^19.5x26 cm^[Same as "Disney Enigmistica": games and some short stories]^^N^N^N^N^1544^Team_it^
it/END^it^it^Enigmistica Disney^^[Prima testata dedicata ai giochi. Seguita l'anno successivo da Disney Giochi e poi ancora da: Disney Enigmistica, Enigmistica di Minni & Co., L'Enigmistica di Topolino]^^N^N^N^N^1544^Team_it^
it/EPO^it^it^Epoca^^[Non-Disney publication that sometimes contained articles about Disney Comics]^^N^N^N^N^1545^Team_it^
it/ERK^it^it^Eureka^^[Magazine about comics in general, the only indexed issues are the ones that reprint Disney comics]^^N^N^N^N^1546^Team_it^
it/EST^it^it^Il classico estate^^[Includes "Il classico extra" (85-86), "Classico estate" (87-88-89) and "Estatissima" (90-91-92-93)]^^N^N^N^N^1547^Team_it^
it/ETL^it^it^Enigmistica di Topolino^^[new version of "Disney Giochi" and "Disney Enigmistica" but with more difficult game]^^N^N^N^N^1547^Team_it^
it/EUPDG^it^it^Un pieno di giochi Disney^^^^N^N^N^N^1548^Team_it^
it/EZP^it^it^L'economia di Zio Paperone^^[Issued toghther with the economical newspaper "Il Sole 24 ore" as a giveaway]^^N^N^N^N^1549^Team_it^
it/EZPC^it^it^L'economia di Zio Paperone (cartonato)^^[5 books reprinting stories from EZP]^^N^N^N^N^1550^Team_it^
it/FA^it^it^Fairies^^[Exact main title> Fairies - Il mondo segreto di Trilli (1-12), Il mondo segreto di Trilli (13-30), Trilli (31-80)]^^N^N^N^N^1551^Team_it^
it/FC^it^it^Fumo di china^^[Non-Disney comic fanzine.]^^N^N^N^N^1552^Team_it^
it/FDC^it^it^Fumetti Disney Club^^^^N^N^N^N^1553^Team_it^
it/FDF^it^it^Film Disney a fumetti^^^^N^N^N^N^1554^Team_it^
it/FGL^it^it^Floyd Gottfredson Library - Rizzoli Lizard^^[ripublica, tradotti in Italiano, i volumi della serie americana <publication us/FGL>Floyd Gottfredson Library</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1555^Team_it^
it/FUN^it^it^Funnies^^[Non-Disney comic fanzine by Alberto Becattini and others, published by Mauro Ricciardelli]^^N^N^N^N^1560^Team_it^
it/GAE^it^it^Il Grande Albo dell'Enigmistica^^[Special issue with crosswords and puzzles]^^N^N^N^N^1560^Team_it^
it/GAFTL^it^it^La grande avventura del fumetto: Ristampa anastatica Topolino #1^12,4x17,8cm^[Allegato a una collana uscita solo in prova in alcune regioni italiane e poi cancellata.]^^N^N^N^N^1561^Team_it^
it/GAR^it^it^Gargoyles^^[also reprinted in SPD 6]^^N^N^N^N^1562^Team_it^
it/GCD^it^it^I Grandi Classici Disney^^[Chiusa al 350, riparte da 1 il mese successivo]^^N^N^N^N^1564^Team_it^
it/GCDC^it^it^I Grandi classici Disney (cartonati)^^[Hardcover reprints of some of the early GCD's] [Ristampe cartonate di alcuni dei primi GCD]^^N^N^N^N^1565^Team_it^
it/GCDN^it^it^I Grandi Classici Disney (Seconda Serie)^^[la testata segue le orme dei Grandi Classici aumentando leggermente il formato, passando al tuttocolore anche per le storie “Superstar” e diminuendo sensibilmente le pagine]^^N^N^N^N^1565^Team_it^
it/GCFG^it^it^Grandi classici a fumetti GEDI^17.5 x 21.5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1565^Team_it^
it/GCP^it^it^Gioca con Paperino^^[giochi e strip in b/w]^^N^N^N^N^1566^Team_it^
it/GCVD^it^it^Grande concorso viaggio a Disneyland^^^^N^N^N^N^1567^Team_it^
it/GD^it^it^Guide Disney^^[Illustrated Disney books]^^N^N^N^N^1568^Team_it^
it/GDI^it^it^Gioca con Disney^^^^N^N^N^N^1569^Team_it^
it/GEC^it^it^Gioca & Crea^^[Magazine with games, activity pages and some short stories. From issue 8, colouring books.]^^N^N^N^N^1571^Team_it^
it/GEDT^it^it^Gli enigmi di Topolino^^[Serie limitata di 5 numeri]^^N^N^N^N^1571^Team_it^
it/GEN^it^it^Le parodie Disney (Gente)^^[Reprints some "Grandi Parodie Disney" in small format]^^N^N^N^N^1572^Team_it^
it/GI^it^it^Il Giorno^A3^[Questo quotidiano pubblicava strisce disney negli anni '50]^^N^N^N^N^1574^Team_it^
it/GIG^it^it^I giganti di Topolino^21x29,7cm^[Big format, black and white reprints. Cancelled after 6 issues.] [Grande formato, ristampe in bianco e nero. Cancellato dopo 6 numeri.]^^N^N^N^N^1575^Team_it^
it/GIOR^it^it^Il Giornalino^^[Weekly catholic comic, 1924-today. GIOR xxyy = number yy of 19xx]^^N^N^N^N^1576^Team_it^
it/GMO^it^it^Guido Martina e l'età d'oro Disney in Italia^^^^N^N^N^N^1579^Team_it^
it/GRAP^it^it^Il Grande Pippo^^^^N^N^N^N^1580^Team_it^
it/GRAZIA^it^it^Grazia Disney^^[giveaway inserts in "Grazia" magazine, coverless, horizontal layout of 1 + 1 three tiered pages in each page, in some issues the single page reports two page numbers, one for each page reprinted in the page]^^N^N^N^N^1581^Team_it^
it/GRG^it^it^Le grandi raccolte per la gioventu^^[stickers albums, not all albums are Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1581^Team_it^
it/GSD^it^it^Le grandi storie Disney - L'opera omnia di Romano Scarpa^^[Collected works of Romano Scarpa]^^N^N^N^N^1582^Team_it^
it/GSI^it^it^Le grandi storie di...^^[Hardcovers, edited by Luca Boschi, each number is devoted to a non-standard Disney character]^^N^N^N^N^1583^Team_it^
it/GSP^it^it^Gazzetta dello Sport^31x45 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1584^Team_it^
it/GSS^it^it^Le grandi storie di Walt Disney (supplementi)^^[Special issues published as extensions to GSW, with wonderful covers]^^N^N^N^N^1585^Team_it^
it/GSW^it^it^Le grandi storie di Walt Disney^^[Reprints of Gottfredson syndicated strips, with wonderful covers]^^N^N^N^N^1586^Team_it^
it/GSWL^it^it^Le grandi storie di Walt Disney (Edizione Limitata)^^[Reprints of Gottfredson syndicated strips in color. See also GSW, CCA and RC for related series. Some issues printed in different series. Additional GSWL titles were planned but never published]^^N^N^N^N^1587^Team_it^
it/GTL^it^it^I gialli di Topolino^^^^N^N^N^N^1588^Team_it^
it/GTL2^it^it^I gialli di Topolino (ristampa)^^[reprint of it/GTL. From number 11, 32-page cuts, so some stories are not reprinted]^^N^N^N^N^1588^Team_it^
it/GTOP^it^it^I Giochi di Topolino^^[giochi in scatola con i personaggi Disney. Indicizzate solo le eventuali storie a fumetti o le eventuali copertine ristampate]^^N^N^N^N^1588^Team_it^
it/HSM^it^it^High School Musical - La rivista ufficiale^^[Issue dedicated to High School Musical, with articles and comics]^^N^N^N^N^1590^Team_it^
it/IDI^it^it^I Disney italiani^^^^N^N^N^N^1591^Team_it^
it/IDPIC^it^it^Illustrazione dei piccoli^^[monthly magazine with illustrations aimed to children]^^N^N^N^N^1592^Team_it^
it/IDPOP^it^it^Illustrazione del popolo^^[weekly sunday supplement to newspaper "Gazzetta del Popolo". IDPOP xxyy = number yy of 19xx. It publishes in 1930 a random and incomplete version (only 37 srips) the first story of MM (one strip per number). Data typed in from "Il grande Floyd Gottfredson" book by Gori-Stajano]^^N^N^N^N^1593^Team_it^
it/IDTLX^it^it^L'Inferno di Topolino (De Luxe Edition)^^^^N^N^N^N^1593^Team_it^
it/IF^it^it^If - Immagini e fumetti^^[Non-Disney comic fanzine.]^^N^N^N^N^1594^Team_it^
it/IGAD^it^it^I Grandi Albi Disney^^^^N^N^N^N^1594^Team_it^
it/IGFG^it^it^Il Grande Floyd Gottfredson^^^^N^N^N^N^1595^Team_it^
it/ILPA^it^it^I love Paperopoli^19x25 cm^[Each issue comes with a part of a model layout of Duckburg (Paperopoli)] [Officially to be sold with a copy of "Topolino"] [Each issue is a big paper sheet 50x76 cm multiply folded to get 8+8 pages front and back; on the back side there is a complete story with scaled down pages in order to fill the available space] [There is a 2nd edition starting from January 2019: the issues of this edition have a blue background border on the cover - see it/ILPB]^^N^N^N^N^1596^Team_it^
it/ILPB^it^it^I love Paperopoli Seconda Edizione^19x25 cm^[Each issue comes with a part of a model layout of Duckburg (Paperopoli)] [This is the 2nd edition of it/ILPA, published from January 2019 to December 2020. Issue numbering jumbled with respect to original release. Purchase of a "Topolino" issue NOT required. Covers with blue background border, no inside differences] [Main data and pictures from Centauria web site]^^N^N^N^N^1596^Team_it^
it/ILT^it^it^Il libro di Topolino^^[The first issues of Topolino glued together, following the original page numbers. no cover of issues inside]^^N^N^N^N^1596^Team_it^
it/IMA^it^it^I migliori anni Disney^^[Continues from <publication it/DAO>Disney anni d'oro</publication>. By Cannatella, Boschi and Becattini]^^N^N^N^N^1597^Team_it^
it/IMP^it^it^Le imperdibili^^[Continues from <publication it/ATN>Almanacco Topolino (nuova serie)</publication>. By Stefano Ambrosio.]^^N^N^N^N^1597^Team_it^
it/INTE^it^it^Internazionale^^[Rivista non Disney, ma che ha pubblicato una storia Disney inedita]^^N^N^N^N^1598^Team_it^
it/INTRE^it^it^Collana intrepida^^[Squarebound books without comics, but with illustrations, complete collection includes also non Disney issues. Numbering is fictional, but in the correct publishing order]^^N^N^N^N^1599^Team_it^
it/ITFG^it^it^Il Topolino di Floyd Gottfredson^^^^N^N^N^N^1599^Team_it^
it/ITP^it^it^I tre porcellini^^[mostly features non-Disney comics (29 issues are entirely non-Disney); a few credits come from Giorgio Salvucci's chronologies featured in "Il Fumetto"]^^N^N^N^N^1600^Team_it^
it/ITPP^it^it^Fogli di propaganda a "I Tre Porcellini"^^[free leaflets advertising "I Tre Porcellini"]^^N^N^N^N^1601^Team_it^
it/ITPRCC^it^it^I tre porcellini - Ristampa Camillo Conti^^^^N^N^N^N^1602^Team_it^
it/JUN^it^it^Junior - Supplemento a 'Notizie Letterarie' del Club degli Editori^^[rivista di promozioni librarie per ragazzi]^^N^N^N^N^1603^Team_it^
it/KND^it^it^Omaggio Kinder^^[Giveaways with the purchase of "Kinder" snacks]^^N^N^N^N^1604^Team_it^
it/KP^it^it^Kim Possible Magazine^^[periodico ispirato al cartone animato prodotto da Disney Channel, diretto da Valentina de Poli]^^N^N^N^N^1604^Team_it^
it/KY^it^it^Kylion^^[Series created by Francesco Artibani and Giulio Di Vita.] [Serie creata da Francesco Artibani e Giulio Di Vita.]^^N^N^N^N^1605^Team_it^
it/LAVIO^it^it^Oggi lavoro io^^[hardcover book reprinting Barks stories]^^N^N^N^N^1606^Team_it^
it/LCDGP^it^it^La cucina Disney per grandi e piccini^^[softcover book with recipes and comics]^^N^N^N^N^1607^Team_it^
it/LGP^it^it^Le grandi parodie (Disney)^^[Squarebound albums presenting Disney parodies]^^N^N^N^N^1608^Team_it^
it/LGPM^it^it^Le grandi parodie (Mondadori)^^[Four hardovered books of small size (like Topolino). Issue numbers maybe wrong, since there isn't any number printed on the issues, they just follow the chronological order]^^N^N^N^N^1609^Team_it^
it/LGPR^it^it^Le grandi parodie (rilegate)^^[Hardcovered issues reprinting together 2 or 3 issues from LGP (cfr.)]^^N^N^N^N^1610^Team_it^
it/LGS^it^it^Le grandi storie^^^^N^N^N^N^1611^Team_it^
it/LGSC^it^it^Topolino - La Grande Scelta^11.5x16.8 cm^[Promozionale per l'abbonamento a Topolino, 1971-72]^^N^N^N^N^1611^Team_it^
it/LHO^it^it^Laurea ad honorem^^^^N^N^N^N^1612^Team_it^
it/LIG^it^it^Il libro della giungla^^^^N^N^N^N^1613^Team_it^
it/LMIL^it^it^Leonardo a Milano^^[Giveaway distributed during the 2009 exposition in Milan of the Leonardo's painting "San Giovanni Battista"] [In collaboration with ENI]^^N^N^N^N^1613^Team_it^
it/LNS^it^it^Linus^^[non indexed issues are non-Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1614^Team_it^
it/LPEF^it^it^I libri di Phineas e Ferb^15x23 cm^[Nome della serie e numerazione fittizie]^^N^N^N^N^1614^Team_it^
it/LSR^it^it^La Sirenetta^^[One shot issue, sold inside a plastic bag. Officially "Supplemento a Minni & Company N.2"]^^N^N^N^N^1615^Team_it^
it/M313^it^it^313 La mitica auto di Paperino^^[Opera a fascicoli con allegati pezzi per costruire la 313 di Paperino. Fascicoli 1-66 (2007-2009): 313 di Paperino; visto il successo prosegue con i fascicoli 67-86 (2009): 313X di Paperinik. Agli abbonati, distribuito il volume "Le storie di un mito". Seconda edizione nel 2012-2014 con di nuovo i fascicoli 1-66: 313 di Paperino]^^N^N^N^N^1617^Team_it^
it/MAN^it^it^Opuscolo pubblicitario Mantova Comics^^[Distribuito a Mantova Comics 2007]^^N^N^N^N^1618^Team_it^
it/MART^it^it^Guido Martina - Topolino, Pecos Bill e il Professore^^[A book about Guido Martina]^^N^N^N^N^1620^Team_it^
it/MBS^it^it^Minibasket Story^^[promotion Comitato Nazionale Minibasket FIP]^^N^N^N^N^1621^Team_it^
it/MC^it^it^Mazzi di Carte Disney^^[Playing Cards with Disney characters, mainly distributed as attachments.] [Without numbering. Here used MC yyyyn = published in year yyyy.]^^N^N^N^N^1622^Team_it^
it/MCC^it^it^Mondo Cucciolo^^[rivista dedicata agli animali in collaborazione con il WWF]^^N^N^N^N^1622^Team_it^
it/MD^it^it^I Maestri Disney^^[A special publication with each number dedicated to a Disney author.]^^N^N^N^N^1623^Team_it^
it/MDCS^it^it^I Mitici Disney^^[volumi allegati al Corriere della Sera e alla Gazzetta dello Sport abbinati a delle monete]^^N^N^N^N^1624^Team_it^
it/MECS^it^it^Magic English Corriere della Sera^^[dvd and issues reprints of "Magic English" Collection. Cover are different]^^N^N^N^N^1626^Team_it^
it/MED^it^it^Minnie & Daisy^^[reboot della gioventù di Minni & Daisy con nuovi amici e nuove storie]^^N^N^N^N^1627^Team_it^
it/MEDA^it^it^Magic English De Agostini 1997^22x28.5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1627^Team_it^
it/MEDB^it^it^Magic English De Agostini 2004^22x28.5 cm^[New edition of Magic English De Agostini 1997, with yellow covers and additional pages]^^N^N^N^N^1627^Team_it^
it/MEGL^it^it^Il meglio di...^^^^N^N^N^N^1628^Team_it^
it/MERA^it^it^Messaggero dei ragazzi^^[Rivista per i ragazzi pubblicata dai frati della Basilica di S. Antonio di Padova. Diffusa su abbonamento. MERA yynn = number "nn" of 19yy] [La numerazione indicata nei dati di gerenza non è continuativa. Qui si indica il numero riportato in un grosso bollo in copertina] [Nel periodo 1975-1980, i numeri segnati come "non indicizzati" possono/non possono contenere materiale Disney. I numeri non segnati non contengono materiale Disney.]^^N^N^N^N^1628^Team_it^
it/MESS^it^it^Il Messaggero^^[Giveaways with the newspaper "Il Messaggero". Almost complete classic Gottfredson reprint]^^N^N^N^N^1629^Team_it^
it/MG^it^it^Mega^^[Mega Almanacco:337-423; Mega 2000: 424-520; Mega 3000: 521-595; Mega: 596-613] [Following Almanacco Topolino numbering] [Continues from <publication it/AT>Almanacco Topolino</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1630^Team_it^
it/MI^it^it^Minni amica del cuore^^[A new version of Minni (M)]^^N^N^N^N^1631^Team_it^
it/MIC^it^it^Mostra Internazionale dei cartoonists^^[catalogs of the Rapallo exhibition ("Antico Castello Sul Mare")]^^N^N^N^N^1632^Team_it^
it/MIT^it^it^I Miti Mondadori^^[Some issues of this publication are devoted to Disney comics, but it is mainly a fiction publication]^^N^N^N^N^1633^Team_it^
it/MM^it^it^Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine^^[Concept by Tito Faraci and Giorgio Cavazzano] [Concept di Tito Faraci e Giorgio Cavazzano]^^N^N^N^N^1634^Team_it^
it/MMORIG^it^it^Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine - Le origini^^^^N^N^N^N^1635^Team_it^
it/MOUSE^it^it^Mouse^^[Randomly attached to Topolino]^^N^N^N^N^1637^Team_it^
it/MSP^it^it^Le ministorie^^[volume in omaggio per un abbonamento di 9 mesi a Topolino / Albi della Rosa]^^N^N^N^N^1638^Team_it^
it/MVS^it^it^Minivolley Story^^[fascicolo speciale dedicato al Minivolley]^^N^N^N^N^1639^Team_it^
it/ND^it^it^Noi due Paperina e Minni^^^^N^N^N^N^1641^Team_it^
it/NFMO^it^it^Nel fantastico mondo di Oz^^^^N^N^N^N^1642^Team_it^
it/NGM^it^it^Noi Giovani Marmotte^^[Collecting reprints from "Il Club delle Giovani Marmotte"]^^N^N^N^N^1643^Team_it^
it/NLI^it^it^Le nostre leggendarie imprese^^[Ristampe dei volumi cartonati dati in omaggio agli abbonati]^^N^N^N^N^1644^Team_it^
it/NOI^it^it^Supplemento a Noi^^^^N^N^N^N^1645^Team_it^
it/NRT^it^it^Nel regno di Topolino^^[provisional data, typed in from Tesauro's "Topolino Mondadori 1935/1948" and Becattini's "Floyd & Mickey", informations on this publication can be found at]^^N^N^N^N^1646^Team_it^
it/NRTA^it^it^Nel regno di Topolino (apocrifo)^^[fake issues, published in the 70es, pretending to be reprints of non-existent NRT's]^^N^N^N^N^1647^Team_it^
it/NRTCA^it^it^Nel Regno di Topolino (ristampa Comic Art)^^[Reprints of Nel Regno di Topolino]^^N^N^N^N^1648^Team_it^
it/NRTS^it^it^Nel regno di Topolino (supplementi)^19x28 cm^[Supplements to NRT issues, the issue number in this file is the NRT issue the supplement refers to]^^N^N^N^N^1649^Team_it^
it/OAES^it^it^Omaggio Acqua e Sapone^^[Giveaways with the purchase of a sun protection cream]^^N^N^N^N^1650^Team_it^
it/OCE^it^it^Omaggio Carlo Erba^^[Promotional books from "Carlo Erba" pharmaceutical industry]^^N^N^N^N^1650^Team_it^
it/OVBV^it^it^Omaggio Vibovit^^[Giveaways with vitaminic candy]^^N^N^N^N^1652^Team_it^
it/OZP^it^it^L'oro di Zio Paperone^^^^N^N^N^N^1652^Team_it^
it/PA^it^it^Paperino & C.^18x25cm^[Italian version of "Anders And & C.", almost all issues have a giveaway. The title changes from "Paperino & C." to just "Paperino" from issue #57.]^^N^N^N^N^1653^Team_it^
it/PAAM^it^it^Primi Amici^16x20 cm^[Hardcovers published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore as "Auguri di Mondadori". There should be 12 issues with at least 4 Disney issues (to be verified issue 3: Vacanze al mare and issue 9 La falsa baby-sitter.]^^N^N^N^N^1654^Team_it^
it/PAF^it^it^Phineas e Ferb^^^^N^N^N^N^1656^Team_it^
it/PAMOT^it^it^Paper Motori^^[One shot issue dedicated to cars and motors]^^N^N^N^N^1657^Team_it^
it/PANAF^it^it^Paperino di Barks collezione ANAF^^^^N^N^N^N^1658^Team_it^
it/PANAP^it^it^Paperi a Napoli^^[Issue dedicated to a Disney exhibition in Naples]^^N^N^N^N^1659^Team_it^
it/PAOL^it^it^Paperino^^[Amatorial reprints, issue numbers are fictional, since they don't seem to have any, we used the same numbering order used by Franco Fossati. Issues might be pre-dated, since Fossati reports that they are from 1981; moreover, their availability was announced in the May 1981 issue of "Il Fumetto", at the price of Lit. 5.000 each]^^N^N^N^N^1660^Team_it^
it/PAP^it^it^La Biblioteca del Papersera^^^^N^N^N^N^1661^Team_it^
it/PAPS^it^it^Papersera^^[from issue 5 become "Cronache dal Papersera"]^^N^N^N^N^1661^Team_it^
it/PBSS^it^it^Le più belle storie Disney special^^[ristampa saghe Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1662^Team_it^
it/PBST^it^it^Le più belle storie Disney^^[volumi cartonati in vendita nei supermercati e negli ipermercati, numerazione fittizia. I numeri editi da Disney Libri sono stati ristampati da Giunti e venduti a 7,90 € invece di 6,90]^^N^N^N^N^1662^Team_it^
it/PBU^it^it^Paperino e la piccola Butterfly^^^^N^N^N^N^1663^Team_it^
it/PD^it^it^Più Disney^^[Exact main title> Più Disney (1-81); Disney Hero (82-)]^^N^N^N^N^1664^Team_it^
it/PDCO^it^it^Parodie Disney Collection^19x25.5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1664^Team_it^
it/PDIN^it^it^Paperdinastia^17x24 cm^[Reprint of "La Grande Dinastia dei paperi" (DPCS) with different covers. Sold in libraries.]^^N^N^N^N^1664^Team_it^
it/PDKT^it^it^Duck Tales^^^^N^N^N^N^1664^Team_it^
it/PDL^it^it^I protagonisti del fumetto^^[Listed only numbers with Disney material]^^N^N^N^N^1664^Team_it^
it/PDO^it^it^Paperino d'oro^^[Similar to Dutch and German albums.]^^N^N^N^N^1665^Team_it^
it/PEZP^it^it^L’economia di Zio Paperone^^[serie dedicata all’economia]^^N^N^N^N^1665^Team_it^
it/PFCB^it^it^Panini Free Comic Book Day^^[albi promozionali omaggiati nelle fumetterie per il “Free comic book day”] [For indexing purpose: PFBC yynn = number "nn" of year 20yy]^^N^N^N^N^1666^Team_it^
it/PFL^it^it^Portfoli^^[Portfolios from various publishers, issued in different years, not included in std publications. For indexing purpose, PFL yyyyn: portfolio number "n" issued in year "yyyy". See it/TOPOGOAL for portfolios in std publication]^^N^N^N^N^1666^Team_it^
it/PFPV^it^it^Più frutta, più verdura^^[In collaborazione con Milano ristorazione]^^N^N^N^N^1667^Team_it^
it/PG^it^it^Paperino e altre avventure^^[Also features non-Disney comic; also known as "Paperino Giornale"]^^N^N^N^N^1668^Team_it^
it/PGRA^it^it^Pippo il Grande^^^^N^N^N^N^1670^Team_it^
it/PGRCA^it^it^Paperino e altre avventure (ristampa Comic Art)^^[Reprint of Paperino Giornale, collected in 6 hardbound volumes]^^N^N^N^N^1671^Team_it^
it/PIA^it^it^Pennelli in aria - Cartoons e characters di Giorgio Cavazzano^^^^N^N^N^N^1672^Team_it^
it/PIP^it^it^Pippo &...^^[Just 3 numbers. Issues 4 (Pippo & la musica) and 5 (Pippo & il gioco) were announced but never published]^^N^N^N^N^1673^Team_it^
it/PISDN^it^it^Paperino Mondo ISDN^^^^N^N^N^N^1674^Team_it^
it/PK^it^it^Paperinik e altri supereroi^^[Reprints Paperinik and Super Goof stories, occasionally also stories of Brazilian Disney superheroes (Morcego Vermelho, Red Wasp, etc.). Same format as "I Classici". Title changes in "Paperinik" with issue 40]^^N^N^N^N^1675^Team_it^
it/PK2^it^it^PK2^^[It follows "PKNA". The actual title is PK "squared".]^^N^N^N^N^1676^Team_it^
it/PK3^it^it^PK Pikappa^^[It follows "PK2", but in a brand new continuity]^^N^N^N^N^1677^Team_it^
it/PKA^it^it^Paperinik Appgrade^^[new Paperinik edition. With reprints and new issues]^^N^N^N^N^1677^Team_it^
it/PKBIG^it^it^Cartonatoni PK^^[Fake series title, it groups the two big books with PKNA reprints]^^N^N^N^N^1678^Team_it^
it/PL^it^it^Pocket Love - L'amore in tasca^^[Testata dedicata all'amore diretta da Valentina De Poli fino al numero 7. Dal numero seguente la dirige Veronica Di Lisio]^^N^N^N^N^1685^Team_it^
it/PLAN^it^it^Planes - Il magazine ufficiale^^[Planes Magazine. Similar to "Il mondo di Cars"]^^N^N^N^N^1685^Team_it^
it/PLDA^it^it^Piccoli libri d'argento^^^^N^N^N^N^1686^Team_it^
it/PLDO^it^it^Piccoli libri d'oro^^^^N^N^N^N^1687^Team_it^
it/PM^it^it^Paperino Mese^^[Numbering follows Super Almanacco Paperino (seconda serie) (SAP)] [Continues from <publication it/SAP>Super Almanacco di Paperino</publication>] [Almost all stories originally in b/w are reprinted in colour]^^N^N^N^N^1688^Team_it^
it/PMG^it^it^Mega Almanacco^^[riedizione dell’omonima testata edita da Mondadori. Grande formato]^^N^N^N^N^1688^Team_it^
it/PMGM^it^it^Il Manuale delle Giovani Marmotte^^[mensile dedicato alle Giovani Marmotte]^^N^N^N^N^1688^Team_it^
it/PMIT^it^it^Paperino Made in Italy^^[Collects some ducks stories from Topolino Più.]^^N^N^N^N^1689^Team_it^
it/PMOC^it^it^Pixar Moviecomic Collection^^[testata che pubblica riduzioni a fumetti di film Pixar. Ipotetico sequel di it/CAF]^^N^N^N^N^1689^Team_it^
it/POP^it^it^Il Popolo di Roma^^[Newspaper]^^N^N^N^N^1690^Team_it^
it/POTC^it^it^Pirati dei Caraibi Magazine^^^^N^N^N^N^1691^Team_it^
it/PPP^it^it^Poster Promozionali Panini^^[serie di mini poster stampati su carta più spessa dati in omaggio alle fiere del fumetto] [Actually, no numbering or print date. For indexing purpose, PPP yymmnn = miniposter number "nn" published in 20yy-mm]^^N^N^N^N^1692^Team_it^
it/QQQS^it^it^Topolino presenta Qui Quo Qua e il soccorso... come si deve^^[Collaborazione tra Disney, Lipu e 3M]^^N^N^N^N^1699^Team_it^
it/QS^it^it^Quaderni a fumetti^^[Exercise books reprinting stories. QS xxyy = exercise book "number" yy from "serie" xx. Actually, both "number" and "serie" are fictional, because there isn't any indication on the covers]^^N^N^N^N^1700^Team_it^
it/QSG^it^it^Qui si gioca^^[libri gioco con all'intero fumetti già pubblicati in TL e fortemente modificati per l'occasione]^^N^N^N^N^1701^Team_it^
it/RATLA^it^it^Raccolta Atlantis^^[Reprints, glued together, the Atlantis issues that were published originally in the PD publication]^^N^N^N^N^1703^Team_it^
it/RCD^it^it^Raccolta I classici di Walt Disney (seconda serie)^^[Reprints, glued together, I Classici di Walt Disney (seconda serie) issues]^^N^N^N^N^1705^Team_it^
it/RCDMF^it^it^Raccolta I classici di Walt Disney Speciale Magic Fish^^[A promotional giveaway "Magic Fish", includes a contest to win subscriptions for Topolino (TL), Minni (M), and Paperinik (PK)]^^N^N^N^N^1706^Team_it^
it/RCTE^it^it^Alla riscossa... contro il terremoto!^^[In collaboration with "Agenzia di Protezione Civile - Servizio Sismico Nazionale". Here listed local and regional versions distributed in schools; a national version has been attached to "Topolino" #2313 - see TLS2313]^^N^N^N^N^1707^Team_it^
it/RCTV^it^it^Radiocorriere TV^^[Weekly magazine with television listings. Published 1925-1995 (2008). RCTV xxyy = number yy of 19xx]^^N^N^N^N^1707^Team_it^
it/RDGIO^it^it^Raccolta Disney giochi^^[Issues with games (puzzles, etc.) mainly without comics, just illustrations]^^N^N^N^N^1708^Team_it^
it/RGCD^it^it^Raccolta I Grandi Classici Disney^^[Reprints, glued together, Grandi Classici Disney issues]^^N^N^N^N^1709^Team_it^
it/RSAP^it^it^Raccolta Super Almanacco (di) Paperino^^[Second series; the "di" in the title appears from issue 43 on]^^N^N^N^N^1722^Team_it^
it/RT^it^it^Ridi Topolino^^[A comic journal with gags and Brazilian and Studios stories. By Tito Faraci.]^^N^N^N^N^1723^Team_it^
it/RTAS^it^it^Raccolta Albi tascabili di Topolino^^[It reprints 69 out of 195 stories that originally appeared in TAS. Each comic book, in strip format, collected 6 to 8 TAS books. Covers were probably made for the purpose. Provisional data, typed in by ABo from Tesauro's "Topolino in Italia" and from an article by Paolo Bontempi on "Cronaca di Topolinia" n.39 Nov. 2003]^^N^N^N^N^1724^Team_it^
it/SAFA^it^it^Settant'anni di fiabe animate^^^^N^N^N^N^1734^Team_it^
it/SAP^it^it^Super Almanacco Paperino (seconda serie)^^[Second series; the "di" in the title appears from issue 43 on] [Seconda serie; il "di" nel titolo appare a partire dal numero 43] [Continues in <publication it/PM>Paperino Mese</publication>.]^^N^N^N^N^1735^Team_it^
it/SATL^it^it^70 anni di Topolino pocket^^[Collection of metal plates with reproduction of historic covers of it/TL, with an issue]^^N^N^N^N^1735^Team_it^
it/SCAR^it^it^Scoprire l'arte - La storia dell'arte raccontata da Disney^^^^N^N^N^N^1736^Team_it^
it/SCF^it^it^Storie col fiocco^^[A serie dedicated to female characters from Disney universe]^^N^N^N^N^1736^Team_it^
it/SMD^it^it^Stampa Medica^^[Rivista di divulgazione medica, distribuita soltanto agli abbonati. Nel 1982 pubblica alcune strisce Disney.]^^N^N^N^N^1742^Team_it^
it/SMIT^it^it^Super Miti Mondadori^^[Some issues of this publication are devoted to Disney comics, but it is mainly a fiction books publication]^^N^N^N^N^1743^Team_it^
it/SOF^it^it^Sofia la Principessa^^[Based on animated TV series "Sofia the first"]^^N^N^N^N^1743^Team_it^
it/SPCAP^it^it^Alla scoperta del PC con Archimede^^[speciali di PC World]^^N^N^N^N^1744^Team_it^
it/SPD^it^it^Speciale Disney^^[Exact main title> Speciale Disney (1-81); Grandi Autori (82-)]^^N^N^N^N^1745^Team_it^
it/SPR^it^it^Supplementi a Principesse Disney^^[SPR nn = Supplement to PRD nn (= "Principesse Disney" number nn)]^^N^N^N^N^1745^Team_it^
it/SRMG^it^it^Speciale Raccolta anni 90^^[Le prime prove di raccolta, probabilmente vendute a coppia ad inizio anni 90.Da non confondersi con SRDUE, le Speciali Raccolte uscite negli anni 2000 che rappresentavano il canto del cigno della testata]^^N^N^N^N^1746^Team_it^
it/SST^it^it^Supplemento a "La Stampa"^^[Fascicolo speciale dedicato a Palla di Neve] [Negli anni 80, durante il periodo di Natale La Stampa ha pubblicato tutta una serie di strip natalizie Disney (YC)] [nell'anno di uscita del Re Leone, per una ventina di giorni, sotto Natale, ha pubblicato la riduzione a fumetti]^^N^N^N^N^1747^Team_it^
it/ST^it^it^Speciale Topolino 2000^^[Special issue edited to celebrate the issue #2000 of Topolino libretto]^^N^N^N^N^1748^Team_it^
it/SUFR^it^it^Omaggio Suco Frio^^[Omaggi agli acquirenti delle bustine di "Suco Frio" e "Kool Frio" della ditta Bertagni; sono additivi granulari al gusto di frutta. i "Suco" e i "Kool" relativi ad uno specifico gusto sono uguali fra loro a parte il nome del prodotto]^^N^N^N^N^1750^Team_it^
it/SVOC^it^it^Supplemento al quotidiano "La Voce"^^[Serie di storie di Carl Barks, riprese da ZP, pubblicate dal quotidiano di Montanelli nell'estate del 1994. Ogni 5 tavole si fa una pagina del quotidiano. Le storie sono spezzate a metà]^^N^N^N^N^1751^Team_it^
it/SW^it^it^Supplementi a W.I.T.C.H.^^[created by Elisabetta Gnone, Alessandro Barbucci and Barbara Canepa] [SW nn = Supplement to number "nn" of WITCH]^^N^N^N^N^1751^Team_it^
it/TANAF^it^it^Topolino collezione ANAF^^[Reprint dailies from MM by Gottfredson] [Serie di ristampe delle giornaliere di Gottfredson]^^N^N^N^N^1755^Team_it^
it/TAS^it^it^Albi tascabili di Topolino^^[In all stories, most panels have been reduced in size, thus eliminating art details. Panels have also been eliminated from a number of stories. Initial data source was "Topolino in Italia" by A. Tesauro. A first reprint exists, featuring 56 issues in two sub-series (see TASR); a second and third giveaway reprints feature respectively 12 issues (Omaggio Persil, see TASPE) and 15 issues (Omaggio Prealpi, see TASPR).]^^N^N^N^N^1756^Team_it^
it/TASPE^it^it^Albi tascabili di Topolino (ristampa Persil)^^[Giveaway with Persil (a brand of soap); 12 issues, numbered from 51 to 62. The numbering does not correspond to the numbering in the original series (we don't know why or how the issue number were choosen). Data initially typed in from Taormina's "Guida al collezionismo parte II.]^^N^N^N^N^1757^Team_it^
it/TASPR^it^it^Albi tascabili di Topolino (ristampa Prealpi)^^[Giveaway with Prealpi (a brand of cheese); 15 issues, numbered from 100 to 114. The numbering does not correspond to the numbering in the original series (we don't know why or how the issue number were choosen). Data initially typed in from Taormina's "Guida al collezionismo parte II".]^^N^N^N^N^1758^Team_it^
it/TASR^it^it^Albi tascabili di Topolino (prima ristampa)^^[Two different versions exist, both known as "Prima Ristampa"; one features a printed date, the other does not. Probably 56 is the total number of issues printed. Reprints TAS, but in a few cases the last pages were changed.]^^N^N^N^N^1759^Team_it^
it/TASRBU^it^it^Albi tascabili di Topolino (ristampa Buci)^^[Reprints all of the 20 TAS issues with stories featuring Bucky Bug. The issues are identical to the original ones except for the writing "pubblicate da Luigi Olmeda nel 1977" on the back cover; such indication is however missing in issue 176]^^N^N^N^N^1760^Team_it^
it/TASRCB^it^it^Albi tascabili di Topolino (ristampa Carl Barks)^^[Reprints all of the 43 TAS issues featuring stories by Carl Barks. The issues are identical to the original ones except for the writing "pubblicate da Luigi Olmeda nel 1977" on the inside back cover; such indication is however missing in issues 63, 84, 109, and 136]^^N^N^N^N^1761^Team_it^
it/TD^it^it^Tutto Disney^^[Exact main title> Tutto Disney (1-86), Paperfantasy (87-)]^^N^N^N^N^1762^Team_it^
it/TDO^it^it^Topolino d'oro^^[Reprints from Gottfredson stories, edited by Mario Gentilini, with the help of Carlo Chendi]^^N^N^N^N^1763^Team_it^
it/TDORD^it^it^Topolino d'oro (ristampa Disney)^^[Reprints sold as a set for 25 € with Topocatalogo 2003]^^N^N^N^N^1764^Team_it^
it/TERO^it^it^Collezione per i più piccini^8x7 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1764^Team_it^
it/TES^it^it^Tesori^^[Hardcover series.] [Serie di volumi cartonati.]^^N^N^N^N^1765^Team_it^
it/TESI^it^it^Tesori Made in Italy^^[Volumi dedicati agli autori italiani]^^N^N^N^N^1765^Team_it^
it/TETS^it^it^Topolino eroe delle tue storie^^^^N^N^N^N^1766^Team_it^
it/TG^it^it^Topolino (giornale)^^[also features non-Disney comics (a few issues are entirely non-Disney); some data for 158-738 are provisional, typed in from Giorgio Salvucci's chronologies featured in "Il Fumetto"]^^N^N^N^N^1767^Team_it^
it/TGAG^it^it^Topogag^^[Special issue sold only by mail]^^N^N^N^N^1768^Team_it^
it/TGEO^it^it^Topogeo^^[The indexed one is the second edition, the first one counts just the first 51 issues and the general index] [All'interno c'è una storia ma sono solo alcune vignette per pagina poiché le pagine sono piene di illustrazioni]^^N^N^N^N^1769^Team_it^
it/TGOAL^it^it^Topo Goal^^[Segue come "Disney Special Events"]^^N^N^N^N^1771^Team_it^
it/TGR^it^it^Topolino il grande^^^^N^N^N^N^1772^Team_it^
it/TGRCA^it^it^Topolino (giornale) (ristampa Comic Art)^^[Reprint of Topolino (giornale), collected in hardbound volumes]^^N^N^N^N^1773^Team_it^
it/TGRCAS^it^it^Topolino (giornale) (ristampa Comic Art singola)^^[Reprints issues 158-641 of Topolino Giornale in single issues, maybe the same used for it/TGRCA]^^N^N^N^N^1774^Team_it^
it/TGRCC^it^it^Topolino (giornale) (ristampa Camillo Conti)^^[Reprints issues of Topolino Giornale from 642 onward, don't know which is the last issue]^^N^N^N^N^1775^Team_it^
it/TGRLO^it^it^Topolino (giornale) (ristampa Luigi Olmeda)^^[Reprints issues 137-157 of Topolino Giornale]^^N^N^N^N^1776^Team_it^
it/TGRN^it^it^Topolino (giornale) (ristampa Nerbini)^^[Reprint of the first 136 issues of Topolino Giornale]^^N^N^N^N^1777^Team_it^
it/TGS^it^it^Supplemento al Giornale: Topolino^^^^N^N^N^N^1778^Team_it^
it/TIGP^it^it^Topolino in Giallo^^^^N^N^N^N^1778^Team_it^
it/TJ^it^it^Topolino Junior^^[Ripresa nel 2020 nella collana Disney Play, vedere it/DPLA 15 e seguenti]^^N^N^N^N^1778^Team_it^
it/TL^it^it^Topolino (libretto)^^[Main Italian publication.] [Testata italiana principale.] [Continues from <a href='publication.php?c=it/TG'>Topolino (giornale)</a>] [Mondadori edited Topolino from 1 to 1701, Disney Italia from 1702 to 3018, Panini Comics from 3019]^^N^N^N^N^1779^Team_it^
it/TLAI^it^it^Libri a fumetti di Topolino^^[volumi celebrativi]^^N^N^N^N^1780^Team_it^
it/TLCL^it^it^Topolino Classic^17.5x24.5 cm^[Hardcover books with reprints from "Topolino" issues]^^N^N^N^N^1781^Team_it^
it/TLCS^it^it^Topolino (ristampa Corriere della Sera)^^[allegato a "Gli anni d'oro di Topolino"]^^N^N^N^N^1781^Team_it^
it/TLDLE^it^it^De Luxe Edition^^[Exact main title> Topolino Limited De Luxe Edition (1-22), Disney De Luxe (23-)] [reprints in hardcover books]^^N^N^N^N^1781^Team_it^
it/TLE^it^it^Topolino estate^^[Summer supplement to Topolino]^^N^N^N^N^1782^Team_it^
it/TLN^it^it^Topolino (ristampa Nerbini)^^[Unauthorized reprints of the oldest TL issues; it isn't sure if the publisher was really Nerbini, but it is the name they are known with. The publishing dates are very uncertain.]^^N^N^N^N^1783^Team_it^
it/TLRD^it^it^Topolino (ristampa Disney)^^[Reprints the first issues of TL, sold inside a box, one for each reprinted year, also sold by Epierre]^^N^N^N^N^1784^Team_it^
it/TLS^it^it^Supplementi a Topolino (libretto)^^[Attached to Topolino Libretto, mainly as promotional issues]^^N^N^N^N^1785^Team_it^
it/TLSCA^it^it^Topolino (ristampa Lo Scarabeo)^8x10.5cm^[Edizione microscopica e cartonata dei primi otto numeri di Topolino. Disponibile anche in cofanetto.]^^N^N^N^N^1786^Team_it^
it/TLSS^it^it^Topolino Sticker Story^^[Sticker Album celebrating 90years of Mickey. With a new story]^^N^N^N^N^1786^Team_it^
it/TLT^it^it^Teletutto^^[TV guide magazine. Some issues feature two pages of a Disney story. Data for #47-52 typed in from "Giovan Battista Carpi" book by Bartolomei-Becattini-Boschi. Non indexed issues are without Disney comics]^^N^N^N^N^1787^Team_it^
it/TM^it^it^Topomistery^^[Reprints mystery stories of Mickey Mouse and starting with issue #38 reprints also Walsh-Gottfredson stories]^^N^N^N^N^1788^Team_it^
it/TMCL^it^it^Topomistery Clementoni^^[Special issue, edited by Carlo Chendi, contained in a boardgame inspired to Topomistery (cfr. TM) as a help to the game scenarios, it contains detective stories from Italian creators, the cover is reported on "Idee e creatività", catalogue from "Mostra Internazionale dei Cartoonists di Rapallo" year 2000, page 47]^^N^N^N^N^1789^Team_it^
it/TMD^it^it^Tempo Medico^^[Rivista di divulgazione medica, distribuita soltanto agli abbonati. Nel 1989 pubblica alcune strisce Disney.]^^N^N^N^N^1789^Team_it^
it/TMED^it^it^Topolino Medium^^[Promotional issue reserved to advertising agents and companies, and Mondadori executives only]^^N^N^N^N^1789^Team_it^
it/TMIL^it^it^Topolino 1000^^[Promotional issue distributed in a special carton case together with a copy of TL 1000; celebrating issue 1000 of "Topolino"; reserved to advertising agents and companies, and Mondadori executives only; distributed during a toy fair in Milan in January 1975]^^N^N^N^N^1789^Team_it^
it/TMP^it^it^Topolino Marco Polo^^^^N^N^N^N^1790^Team_it^
it/TNOIR^it^it^Topolino Noir^^[Book with black and white Mickey stories written by Tito Faraci]^^N^N^N^N^1791^Team_it^
it/TOS^it^it^Topostrips^^[Reprints by Carlo Chendi of Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse, horizontal layout]^^N^N^N^N^1792^Team_it^
it/TOYS^it^it^Toy Story Magazine^^^^N^N^N^N^1793^Team_it^
it/TP^it^it^Topolino Più^^[Hardcover series with new stories made by Italian authors.] [Serie di volumi cartonati con storie nuove di autori italiani.]^^N^N^N^N^1794^Team_it^
it/TR^it^it^Toporadio - 300 strisce a tutto volume^^[Two editions: 1992 and 1993]^^N^N^N^N^1795^Team_it^
it/TS^it^it^Topolino Sport^^[Giveaways with the newspaper "Corriere dello Sport". The last issue includes a box where to collect them all]^^N^N^N^N^1796^Team_it^
it/TSB^it^it^Il Tascabilone^^[It reprints 193 out of 195 stories that originally appeared in TAS. The 2 non-reprinted stories are W WH B8-01(TAS 147) and W WH A8-01 (TAS 154). Also the three stories that were serialized in TAS ("Serafino e il lupo" (W WDC 71-04), "Pippo viaggiatore di commercio" (I PG 40-A) e "Piero Pinguino contro il pescecane") are not featured. Almost all stories have a title page, most probably reproducing the TAS cover.]^^N^N^N^N^1797^Team_it^
it/TSC^it^it^Tutti i segreti del calcio^^[Almanacco Illustrato del Calcio 2002, n.2 contiene statistiche, tattiche e tecniche del calcio illustrate dai personaggi Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1798^Team_it^
it/TSD^it^it^Tesori Disney^^[Trimestrale poi semestrale che ristampava le Saghe Disney con approfonditi commenti. A cura di Lidia Cannatella]^^N^N^N^N^1799^Team_it^
it/TSDE^it^it^Topolino Super De Luxe Edition^^[Exact main title> Topolino Super De Luxe Edition (nr. 1-10); Super De Luxe (nr. 12-)] [volumi da collezionismo]^^N^N^N^N^1799^Team_it^
it/TSDG^it^it^Trilogia della spada di ghiaccio^^[One shot reprinting all the stories of the "Ice Sword"]^^N^N^N^N^1800^Team_it^
it/TSI^it^it^Tesori Disney International^^[Bimestrale dedicato alle storie straniere. Editing di Lidia Cannatella]^^N^N^N^N^1800^Team_it^
it/TSPO^it^it^Topolino Sport^^[Illustrazioni di Adriano Baggi, Marco Rota, Staff di If, Benedetta Torrani, Giampiero Ubezio, Giuseppe Uglietti, Santo Urso, Ugolino Vagnuzzi]^^N^N^N^N^1801^Team_it^
it/TST^it^it^Top strips^^^^N^N^N^N^1802^Team_it^
it/TSTR^it^it^Topostorie Disney^^[testata che riprende il formato dei vecchi it/CWD con tavole di raccordo tra le varie storie in ristampa. Ufficialmente la testata prosegue la numerazione di it/DCX (Disney Comix) ma nulla ha a che fare con la serie conclusasi al numero 38]^^N^N^N^N^1802^Team_it^
it/TURA^it^it^Tutto Raccolta^^[Reprints, glued together, some numbers of various issues]^^N^N^N^N^1802^Team_it^
it/TVC^it^it^Topolino Video Club^^^^N^N^N^N^1803^Team_it^
it/TVSC^it^it^TV Sorrisi & Canzoni^^[Not a comic book, but a TV guide. Once in a while they print disney stories, inside or as attachment] [Non è un fumetto, è una guida ai programmi TV. Ogni tanto pubblica storie disney, all'interno o come allegati]^^N^N^N^N^1804^Team_it^
it/TZO^it^it^Topolino allo Zecchino d'Oro^^^^N^N^N^N^1805^Team_it^
it/UACK^it^it^Uack!^^[reprints of Carl Barks. From issue 24 it becomes "Uack presenta Paperopoli" and from issue 35 it becomes "Vita da Paperi". A bimonthly series devoted to Barks, Rosa, Jippes and more]^^N^N^N^N^1805^Team_it^
it/UCI^it^it^Omaggio UniCi Cinemas^^[Pubblicazione distribuita nei cinema affiliati all'UNICI - Consorzio UNIone CInema]^^N^N^N^N^1805^Team_it^
it/UMDC^it^it^un mare di... carta - mostra antologica di luciano bottaro^^[Catalogo della mostra "fumetti tra le onde 2010", organizzata dal comune di Monterosso al Mare]^^N^N^N^N^1805^Team_it^
it/UPDA^it^it^Un pieno di avventure^^^^N^N^N^N^1805^Team_it^
it/UPK^it^it^Paperinik Ultimate Collection^^[Volumi, allegati a quotidiani a diffusione regionale, dedicati a PK]^^N^N^N^N^1806^Team_it^
it/UVG^it^it^L'Uomo Vogue^^[Style & Fashion magazine for men]^^N^N^N^N^1806^Team_it^
it/VAC^it^it^Disney vacanze^^[Issued one summer as a one shot, then became periodical.]^^N^N^N^N^1807^Team_it^
it/VDF^it^it^Volumi di fiabe a fumetti^^^^N^N^N^N^1808^Team_it^
it/VIDI^it^it^Virtù e difetti a fumetti^^[volumi brossura in vendita nei supermercati e negli ipermercati, numerazione fittizia]^^N^N^N^N^1808^Team_it^
it/VIO^it^it^Violetta^^[magazine about the TV series "Violetta"; numbers 25 to 30 print comics]^^N^N^N^N^1808^Team_it^
it/VNT^it^it^Viaggi nel tempo^^[Giveaway books with the fuel Q8, also containing illustrations from the books "Cosa sai su..."] [Editing Epierre; stampa Rotolito Lombarda - Pioltello (MI)]^^N^N^N^N^1809^Team_it^
it/W^it^it^W.i.t.c.h.^^[created by Elisabetta Gnone, Alessandro Barbucci and Barbara Canepa]^^N^N^N^N^1810^Team_it^
it/WRP^it^it^Witch Ristampa (Pocket)^^[ristampa, tre episodi per volta, la serie di Witch]^^N^N^N^N^1816^Team_it^
it/WRS^it^it^Witch - Alle origini della magia^^[ristampa, tre episodi per volta, la serie di Witch. Uscita in abbinamento a Tv Sorrisi e canzoni]^^N^N^N^N^1816^Team_it^
it/WTP^it^it^Winnie the Pooh^^^^N^N^N^N^1817^Team_it^
it/XM^it^it^X-Mickey^^[Mysterious and horror adventures with MM and new characters.]^^N^N^N^N^1818^Team_it^
it/XMR^it^it^X-Mickey (ristampa)^^[Reprints the first 6 issues of X-Mickey.]^^N^N^N^N^1819^Team_it^
it/ZB^it^it^Zanna Bianca^^^^N^N^N^N^1820^Team_it^
it/ZNA^it^it^Zorro^^[Book reprinting Alex Toth's work]^^N^N^N^N^1820^Team_it^
it/ZP^it^it^Zio Paperone^^[Only Barks reprints for 69 issues, then also Rosa and others.] [Solo ristampe di Barks per 69 numeri, poi anche Rosa e altri.]^^N^N^N^N^1821^Team_it^
it/ZPMA^it^it^Zio Paperone e il magico autobus^^[Promotional issue in collaboration with ATM, the Public Transport Company of the City of Milan]^^N^N^N^N^1821^Team_it^
it/ZPPM^it^it^Zio Paperone e il ponte di Messina^^[Published for the exhibition "Sogni di carta".] [Pubblicato per la mostra "Sogni di carta".]^^N^N^N^N^1822^Team_it^
it/ZPR^it^it^Zio Paperone (ristampa)^^[Reprints of the first 24 issues of Zio Paperone. The issues keep the original date on the front cover] [Ristampa dei primi 24 numeri di Zio Paperone. Gli albi mantengono la data originale sulla copertina]^^N^N^N^N^1823^Team_it^
it/ZPS^it^it^Zio Paperone speciale^^[A special issue related to Zio Paperone.]^^N^N^N^N^1824^Team_it^
it/ZPSM^it^it^Zio Paperone alla scoperta del microtesoro^^[Special issue published for the promotion of "Telethon".]^^N^N^N^N^1825^Team_it^
it/ZPSP^it^it^Zio Paperone speciale Paperino^^[Special Zio Paperone issues dedicated to Donald Duck] [Numeri speciali di Zio Paperone dedicati a Paperino]^^N^N^N^N^1826^Team_it^
jp/AS^jp^ja^月刊 Asuka^^[monthly comics magazine, containing Witch stories since May 2003]^^N^N^N^N^1827^Team_jp^
jp/DDEC^jp^ja^DONALD DUCK ENGLISH COMICS^^[The indicia lists the title as ドナルド英語コミック文庫. Titles of individual books are in Japanese on the front cover and in English on the back cover.]^^N^N^N^N^1827^Team_jp^
jp/MMEC^jp^ja^MICKEY MOUSE ENGLISH COMICS^^[The indicia lists the title as ミッキー英語コミック文庫. Titles of individual books are in Japanese on the front cover and in English on the back cover.]^^N^N^N^N^1827^Team_jp^
lt/ADM^lt^lt^Ančiukas Donaldas, peliukas Mikis ir kiti^^[one-time publication]^^N^N^N^N^1831^Team_MJe^
lt/D^lt^lt^Donaldas ir kiti^^[ISSN 1392-2327] [previously "Mickey Mouse", see lt/M] [published twice a month starting with #1998-07, monthly in 2015-2016, and from 2017 once every two months]^^N^N^N^N^1831^Team_MJe^
lu/ZLK^lu^ltz^Zack Lëtzebuerger Kannerzeitung^^[Georges Helm: numbering began each year with the beginning of school year in September. Bi-monthly. Publication began in 1966] [Georges Helm:There were more WDC publications in this magazine, from 1/1989 till 13/1990, 20 issues. Some by Carl Barks, most by other artists.]^^N^N^N^N^1832^^
lv/VK^lv^lv^Веселые картинки с Дональдом Даком / Draisko un domā kopā ar Donaldu^^[Russian/Latvian titles] [pocket b&w game book]^^N^N^N^N^1833^Team_ru^
lv/VP^lv^lv^Vinnijs Pūks^^[Winnie the Pooh Magazine]^^N^N^N^N^1833^Team_ru^
ma/MC^ma^fr^Mickey et compagnie^^[stories collected from fr/MP] [sold in African countries including Benin, Morocco, Tunisia and Ivory Coast] [Bimestriel]^^N^N^N^N^1834^Team_fr^
ma/PM^ma^fr^Le Petit Marocain^^[Published YM strips]^^N^N^N^N^1834^Team_fr^
mk/MM^mk^mk^Мики Маус^^^^N^N^N^N^1835^^
mn/DD^mn^mn^Donald Duck^25 x 17.5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1836^^
mx/ACT^mx^es-mx^Aventuras del Cofre del Tesoro de Rico Mac Pato^^^^N^N^N^N^1837^Team_CGZ^
mx/CARR^mx^es-mx^Cars: La Carrera de la Ruta 66^^^^N^N^N^N^1837^Team_CGZ^
mx/CC^mx^es-mx^Clásicos del cine^^^^N^N^N^N^1837^Team_CGZ^
mx/CP^mx^es-mx^Cómic de película^^[Distribuida en toda Hispanoamérica]^^N^N^N^N^1837^Team_CGZ^
mx/CWD^mx^es-mx^Cuentos de Walt Disney (Serie Clásica/Águila)^^^^N^N^N^N^1837^Team_CGZ^
mx/CWD1^mx^es-mx^Cuentos de Walt Disney (Serie Colibrí)^^^^N^N^N^N^1837^Team_CGZ^
mx/CWD3^mx^es-mx^Cuentos de Walt Disney (Serie Avestruz)^^^^N^N^N^N^1837^Team_CGZ^
my/DJM^my^ms^Disney Junior Magazine - Edisi Bahasa Malaysia^^[ISSN 223-187-100-1] [produced in Singapore, sold only in Malaysia] [Cancelled with the second issue]^^N^N^N^N^1838^Team_KBr^
nl/ADV^nl^nl^Adventspocket Donald Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/AEU^nl^nl^Donald Duck - Avonturen van het eerste uur^^[klein formaat] [uitgave voor BN/DeStem en Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant; chronologisch direct opgevolgd door <publication nl/DFBNPZC>Disney Filmstrip (uitgave BN/DeStem en Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant)</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/AG^nl^nl^Donald Duck Agenda^^[matla DONAL 44,MICKE 35] [Matla noemt alleen 1996: "Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck"]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/AHVC^nl^nl^Albert Heijn Verzamelcollectie - Donald Duck pocket^^[Vier pockets waarvoor in week 30, 32, 33 en 34 van 2020 gespaard kan worden bij Bonus-producten.]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DAVON^nl^nl^Disney Avonturen^^[matla DONAL 25, bevat herdrukken. Matla 8 kent alleen deel 2 uit 1986. In Matla 9 is het niet meer te vinden!]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DBB^nl^nl^Disney Boys Boek^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DDA^nl^nl^Donald Duck app^^[Strips in de Donald Duck-app; elke week worden dagelijks nieuwe strips gepubliceerd.] [Let op: de uitgavenummers verwijzen naar weeknummers, en niet naar Donald Duck-editienummers!]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DDAH^nl^nl^Donald Duck, Speciale editie Albert Heijn^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DDDDW^nl^nl^Donald Duck duikt in de digitale wereld^^[Speciaal gemaakt voor het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DDWB^nl^nl^Donald Duck Winterboek^^[matla DONAL 16] [1982 bestaat niet. Tot 1998 titel "Groot Winterboek", vanaf 1998 steeds jaartal van het volgende jaar!]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DFB^nl^nl^Disney Fun Boek^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DFBB^nl^nl^Disney Filmstrips (Big Balloon)^^[De eerste vier albums hebben volgnummers; nummers voor latere edities zijn opvolgend chronologisch toegekend, met een uniek gezamelijk nummer voor zowel de softcoverversie als de hardcoverversie.]^^Y^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DFBNPZC^nl^nl^Disney Filmstrip (uitgave BN/DeStem en Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant)^^[miniformaat] [chronologisch directe opvolger van <publication nl/AEU>Donald Duck - Avonturen van het Eerste Uur</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DFC^nl^nl^Disney Filmstrip Collectie^^[uitgegeven in samenwerking met Het Nieuwsblad]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DFF^nl^nl^Disney Filmfavorieten (Rabobank)^^[zie ook Nieuwe avonturen van...]^^Y^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DFKRUID^nl^nl^Disney Filmstrip (uitgave Kruidvat)^^[In aanbiedingsfolder geldig van 30 augustus tot en met 11 september 2016; verkrijgbaar voor EUR 1.99.]^^Y^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/DFPI^nl^nl^Pirates of the Caribbean-filmstrips^^^^Y^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/EDDK^nl^nl^Donald Duck Kerstspecial^^[vanaf 2012 zonder "Extra"]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/EDE^nl^nl^Extra Donald Duck Extra^^^^Y^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/EDS^nl^nl^Donald Duck specials^^[Kerstspecials have their own series]^^Y^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/EHM^nl^nl^Echte Helden Lezen^^[magazine for promotion of Sanoma magazines (Donald Duck, Wild van Freek, Quest Junior, Zo Zit dat, Tina, National Geographic Junior)]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/EUR^nl^nl^Op reis door Europa met Donald Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/EURS^nl^nl^Donald Duck Europa-special^^[Published in collobaration with the European Commission.]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/EVR^nl^nl^Donald Duck - Een vrolijke reisspecial^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/MVHGK^nl^nl^Een museum voor Hans G. Kresse^^[een overzicht van het werk van Hans G. Kresse, gebaseerd op het Kresse Museum in Gouda]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/MZ^nl^nl^Uitgaven Mulder & Zoon N.V.^^[ongekleurd; vertalingen van de Amerikaanse Better Little Books] [matla DONAL 1,MICKE 1] [Voor de Nederlandse jeugd bewerkt door F. H. Bovenkerk]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/NCRV^nl^nl^NCRV-gids^^[bevatte van 1990 week 17 (of eerder) t/m 1992 week 38 een pagina per week, "Dit is Disney", met steeds 1 dagstrip van Taliaferro]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/NR^nl^nl^Nieuwe Revu^^[contained American newspaper strips. Printed on each page are two comics; a Mickey comic by Manuel Gonzales and a Brer Rabbit comic by Riley Thomson, all from 1953 for as far as I can tell. These Dutch prints are also from 1953, some pages even have advertisements for the new Dutch weekly on the back (Info Henrieke G.)]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/PARG^nl^nl^Onafhankelijk Dagblad van het Noorden "Het Parool"^^[lokale uitgave van Het Parool, verscheen in Groningen en Drenthe in voorjaar 1946]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/PE^nl^nl^Pep^^[some data taken from and]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/PZS^nl^nl^Postzegelserie^^[In samenwerking met TNT post/PostNL] [Bij elke zending zit een postzegel, een artikel en één bladzijde aan strip]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/RABO^nl^nl^Donald Duck, speciale uitgave van de Rabobank^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/VIJFD^nl^nl^50 dwaze voorvallen^^[matla DONAL 18] [Herdrukken van de AT-zondagstrips uit Margriet]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/VLB^nl^nl^Donald Duck verlanglijstboekje^^[cadeautipboekje waarin een verlanglijstje kan worden gemaakt op basis van producten uit de Duckstadshop] [wordt meegeleverd met verschillende publicaties]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/VMD^nl^nl^Walt Disney - Van Mickey Mouse tot Disneyland^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/VV^nl^nl^Vrolijke verhalen uit het weekblad Donald Duck^^^^Y^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/WHAV^nl^nl^Donald Duck, uitgaven Wereldhave^^[5 uitgaven voor verschillende winkelcentra, met 2 verschillende voorplaten. Iedere uitgave heeft een eigen opdruk]^^Y^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/WI^nl^nl^Winnie de Poeh^^[maandblad]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/WILB^nl^nl^Wilbert Plijnaar - Rotterdammer in Hollywood^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/WINN^nl^nl^Winnie de Poeh - versjes en verhalen voor het slapengaan^^[matla -]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/WINVB^nl^nl^Winnie de Poeh Vakantieboek^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/WINVD^nl^nl^Winnie de Poeh, uitgave voor V&D^^^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/ZORRO^nl^nl^Zorro^^[een Pep strip]^^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
nl/ZORROA^nl^nl^De avonturen van Zorro^21,5 x 30,2 cm^[115 genummerde exemplaren waarvan 100 voor verkoop (1-100) en 15 (I-XV) voor uitgever en rechthebbenden] [verhalen gescand uit weekblad PEP en intensief geretoucheerd]^115^N^N^N^N^1839^Team_nl^
no/UDD^no^no^Unge Donald Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^1840^Team_no^
no/UDDT^no^no^Unge Donald Duck (tekst)^^^^N^N^N^N^1840^Team_no^
no/VBT^no^no^Verdens beste tegneserier^^^^N^N^N^N^1840^Team_no^
no/VG^no^no^Verdens Gang^^^^N^N^N^N^1840^Team_no^
no/VTA^no^no^Velkommen til Andeby^^^^N^N^N^N^1840^Team_no^
no/WD^no^no^Walt Disney's spesialhefte^^[These are the monthly special issues with Disney's traditional characters. "Mikkes merkelige fødselsdag" is listed separately as no/MF. Issues with characters from Disney's live-action films are to be found in no/WP]^^N^N^N^N^1840^Team_no^
no/WDA^no^no^Walt Disney i Andeby^^^^N^N^N^N^1840^Team_no^
no/WDF^no^no^Walt Disney film^^^^N^N^N^N^1840^Team_no^
no/WP^no^no^Walt Disney's serier/Walt Disney presenterer II^^[These are the monthly special issues with characters from Disney's live-action films. "Indianerne" is listed separately as no/IND. Issues with traditional Disney characters are to be found in no/WD]^^N^N^N^N^1840^Team_no^
ph/WDC^ph^en^Walt Disney's Comics and Stories^^^^N^N^N^N^1843^Team_KBr^
ph/WDK^ph^tl^Walt Disney Komiks^^^^N^N^N^N^1843^Team_KBr^
ph/WDRK^ph^en^Walt Disney Regular Komiks^^^^N^N^N^N^1843^Team_KBr^
pl/AST^pl^pl^Asteriks i Przyjaciele^^^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/AUT^pl^pl^Auta. Świat na kółkach^^^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/AUTS^pl^pl^Auta: Wydanie Specjalne^^^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/AWD^pl^pl^Angielski z Waltem Disneyem^^^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/CAN^pl^pl^Mleko Candia^^[short stories printed on milk boxes]^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/DBG^pl^pl^Donald Bubble Gum^^[Paski komiksowe dodawane do gumy do żucia / comic strips attached to chewing gums. Ironically, all text bubbles were removed.]^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/DD^pl^pl^Donald Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/DIJ^pl^pl^Disney i Ja^^[Continues from <publication pl/DUM>Dumbo</publication>]^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/DIJWS^pl^pl^Disney i Ja Wydanie Specjalne^^^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/DIS^pl^pl^Donald i spółka^^^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/KZ^pl^pl^Kraina Zwierząt^^[ISSN 1898-4460] [De facto started as a part of <publication pl/DIJWS>Disney i Ja: Wydanie Specjalne</publication> and then got separate ISSN]^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pl/KZE^pl^pl^Komiksy z ekranu^^^^N^N^N^N^1844^Team_pl^
pt/BDA^pt^pt^A B.D. dos 3-7 Anos^^^^N^N^N^N^1845^Team_pt^
pt/BDE^pt^pt^BD Expresso^^^^N^N^N^N^1845^Team_pt^
pt/BDWD^pt^pt^A Banda Desenhada Walt Disney^^[This series follows the first 6 volumes listed under Mickey Através dos Séculos (segunda série)]^^N^N^N^N^1845^Team_pt^
pt/BEM^pt^pt^Biblioteca do Escuteiro Mirim^^[Colecção de 20 livros retirados dos Manuais editados no Brasil]^^N^N^N^N^1845^Team_pt^
pt/CBD^pt^pt^Os Clássicos da Banda Desenhada^^^^N^N^N^N^1845^Team_pt^
pt/CCDA^pt^pt^Cristovão Colombo e a Descoberta da América^^^^N^N^N^N^1845^Team_pt^
pt/CD^pt^pt^Correio Disney (Suplemento do Jornal Correio da Manhã)^^^^N^N^N^N^1845^Team_pt^
se/DIPY^se^sv^Disneys pysselvärld^^[TIDSAM 0115] [ISSN 1652-1250] [WDP merged into this title (according to Libris)] [continues as DS (according to Libris)] [published 2004-06 (according to Regina)]^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/DJA^se^sv^Disneys Julafton Från oss alla till er alla...^^^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/DKAA^se^sv^Kalle Anka & C:o – Den kompletta årgången^^^^N^N^N^Y^1850^Team_se^
se/DKF^se^sv^Walt Disney's Klassiska Filmer / Filmen som tecknad serie^^[Minst sex onumrerade böcker. Ordning okänd, kända böcker sorterade per ISBN-nummer]^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/KAKA^se^sv^Min Kalle Anka-kalender^^^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/KAKE^se^sv^Kalle Anka & C:o (Kelloggs)^^[bilagor till Kelloggs majsflingor] [numrerade enligt vad som angavs på Kelloggs-paketen; enligt adressen i tävlingarna används en annan numrering: 1=Joakim; 2=Alexander; 3=Kalle; 4=Långben]^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/KAKL^se^sv^Kalle Anka Klassiker^^[Erstatter Kalle Anka Xtra]^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/NPKB^se^sv^Nalle Puhs Klokbok^^[Fem onumrerade böcker, de tre första sorterade enligt lista i böckerna. Listan kan lika gärna ha sorterats i bokstavsordning och är inte sorterad per ISBN-numren.]^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/ST^se^sv^Stockholms-Tidningen^^[Stockholms-Tidningen utgavs med en Stockholmsupplaga och en riksupplaga. Serierna i den senare förefaller ha publicerats en dag senare. Detta index följer genomgående Stockholmsupplagan.] [YM 1930-03-17 -- 1966-??-??] ["Walt Disneys klassiker" ????-??-?? -- ????-??-?? (Sundays only)] [YX 1981-??-?? -- ????-??-??] [not published 1967–1980] [fortsätter från SD]^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/WDP^se^sv^Walt Disney's pysselmagasin^^[merged into DIPY (according to Libris)] [published 1995-2005 (according to Regina)] [ISSN 1400-9382]^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/WDS^se^sv^Walt Disney's Serier^^[fortsätter från B] [fortsätter som X]^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/WT^se^sv^Wermlands-tidningen^^[had YD strips at least on 1949-12-31]^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
se/X^se^sv^Kalle Anka extra^^[Fortsätter från WDS 1977 och fortsätter 1980 som MP. Återuppstånden 2010.]^^N^N^N^N^1850^Team_se^
sg/DGN^sg^en^Disney Graphic Novel^^[sold in Singapore and (later editions) in Malaysia too] [Some albums with the same layout (and sometimes same ISBN code, but different EAN code) have been published by different publishers (without poster) in Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand.]^^Y^N^N^N^1851^Team_KBr^
sg/FA^sg^en^Fairies^^[Produced in Singapore, sold in Malaysia, too.] [ISSN 1793-2904]^^N^N^N^N^1851^Team_KBr^
sk/KD^sk^sk^Káčer Donald^^[cancelled in December 2011, the only regular comics series in Slovakian language]^^N^N^N^N^1853^Team_MJe^
sk/MM^sk^sk^Mickey Mouse^^[predecessor of KD]^^N^N^N^N^1853^Team_MJe^
sk/MP^sk^sk^Medvídek Pú^^^^N^N^N^N^1853^Team_MJe^
th/CAS^th^en^Walt Disney's Comics and Stories^^[the numbering doesn't refer to just this publication, but to all publications from the same publisher]^^N^Y^N^N^1854^Team_KBr^
th/CDR^th^en^Chip'n'Dale Rescue Rangers^^[the numbering doesn't refer to just this publication, but to all publications from the same publisher]^^N^Y^N^N^1854^Team_KBr^
th/DDA^th^en^Donald Duck Adventures^^[the numbering doesn't refer to just this publication, but to all publications from the same publisher]^^N^Y^N^N^1854^Team_KBr^
th/DGN^th^th^Disney Graphic Novel^^[The first nine issues have in their text balloons both Thai and English text; later ons are in Thai only.]^^Y^N^N^N^1854^Team_KBr^
th/DM^th^th^Disney and Me^^^^N^N^N^N^1854^Team_KBr^
th/GA^th^en^Goofy Adventures^^[the numbering doesn't refer to just this publication, but to all publications from the same publisher]^^N^Y^N^N^1854^Team_KBr^
th/KHCM^th^th^Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories^^^^N^N^N^N^1854^Team_KBr^
th/MMA^th^en^Mickey Mouse Adventures^^[the numbering doesn't refer to just this publication, but to all publications from the same publisher]^^N^Y^N^N^1854^Team_KBr^
tr/1001M^tr^tr^1001 Macera^^[non-Disney comics with Disney material as back-up in some issues]^^N^N^N^N^1856^Team_tr^
tr/A^tr^tr^Afacan (second series)^^[edited by M. Faruk Gürtunca] [merged with Çocuk Sesi and retitled Çocuk Sesi Afacan beginning with no. 251 (Sep. 7th, 1939), the merged publication carried issue numbers of both CS and A, separeted beginning with no. 268 (Jan. 8th, 1940), merged again beginning with no.289 (May 31st, 1940), only Afacan issue numbers in second merger]^^N^N^N^N^1856^Team_tr^
tr/MMVE^tr^tr^Miki Mavs^^[full title on some issues as Kahraman Miki Mavs] [Haluk Yücesoy says there were 7 issues, 4 of which featured non-Disney characters]^^N^N^N^N^1856^Team_tr^
tr/MMVY^tr^tr^Miki Mavs^^[full title on some issues as Walt Disney's Miki Mavs] [some issues may not have featured Disney characters]^^N^N^N^N^1856^Team_tr^
tr/YS^tr^tr^Yavrutürk Özel Sayıları^^[small-sized special issues of tr/Y] [22 issues, non-indexed issues don't contain any Disney material]^^N^N^N^N^1856^Team_tr^
tw/WTP^tw^zh-hant^Winnie the Pooh^^^^N^N^N^N^1857^Team_KBr^
tw/ZJMM^tw^zh-hant^終極米迷^15 x 21 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1857^Team_KBr^
uk/DAM^uk^en^Donald and Mickey^^[1972-1975] [Titled "Donald and Mickey" from number 1-113. Then merged with "Goofy and also Pluto" and got the title "Donald and Mickey and also Goofy" from number 113-154. Number 155-181 was just titled "Donald and Mickey" again until they switched to "Mickey and Donald" in the last 7 issues before the magazine was replaced with the Mickey Mouse title.]^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/DAMA^uk^en^Donald and Mickey Annual^^^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/DAMS^uk^en^Donald and Mickey Extra/Special^^^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/DDFL^uk^en^Donald Duck Fun Library^^[All stories in this series were translated directly from Italian to British English, even those that were originally in English (S-codes). There were some legendary clumsy mistakes, for instance BW and BRF being called by each other's names now and then! MOE and other less common characters were also renamed.]^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/DDFY^uk^en^Donald Duck 50 Years of Happy Frustration^^^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/DM^uk^en^The Disney Magazine / Disney^^^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/DMA^uk^en^The Disney Magazine Annual^^[hardcover albums]^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/DMGN^uk^en^Disney Movies: The Graphic Novels^^[Series of 25 books. The first book was free while purchase of book 2 to 25 required a coupon from the Derby Telegraph newspaper]^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/DMR^uk^en^Disney Mirror^^[Saturday supplement to the Daily Mirror with comics and puzzles. Same kind of paper as the newspaper]^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/DMS^uk^en^Disney Magazine Special^^[Started unnumbered, from 1987-1989 numbered 1 to 7. Changed name from Disney Magazine Special to Disney Special in 1988.]^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/GAAP^uk^en^Goofy^^[1973-1974] [Full title "Goofy and also Pluto". After issue 29, merged with "Donald and Mickey", which got the new full title "Donald and Mickey and also Goofy"]^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/MMHLT^uk^en^Mickey Mouse His Life and Times^^^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/MMHS^uk^en^Mickey Mouse Holiday Special (Odhams)^22,5x30,5 cm^[Printed in Great Britain for the Proprietors, Willbank Publications, Ltd., by the Sun Engraving Co., Ltd., Watford, and published by Odhams Press, Ltd., Long Acre, London] [Issue 4 is titled "Mickey Mouse Xmas Special"]^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/MMHSF^uk^en^Mickey Mouse Holiday Special (Fleetway)^^^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/MMM^uk^en^Magical Moments and Memories^^^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/MMTS^uk^en^Mickey Mouse TV Special^^^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
uk/MMW^uk^en^Mickey Mouse Weekly^28x38cm^[1936-1957] [reduced during WWII starting with #206, later enlarged back to original size] [12 pages (issues 1 to 224), 8 pages (225 on), back to 12 pages from 1949 onwards] [became biweekly and retitled "Mickey Mouse" during WWII, starting in 1941-09-13, reverted back to original title and publishing schedule in 1950]^^N^N^N^N^1859^Team_uk^
us/CBDCB^us^en^Carl Barks and the Disney Comic Book^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/CBDD^us^en^Carl Barks and the Disney Ducks^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/CBDL^us^en^The Complete Carl Barks Disney Library (Fantagraphics)^7.6 x 10.3 inches^[The books are not published in the same order as the volume number]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/CLTS^us^en^The Complete Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck^^[Two hardcover books collecting the complete saga of the "Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck", the first book containing the main 12 chapters and the second the later additions created by Don Rosa]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/CLTSD^us^en^The Complete Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Deluxe Edition^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/CT^us^en^Cartoon Tales^^[unnumbered; reprints in cardboard cover] ["Uncle Scrooge; Blast to the Past" (intended issue 13) was cancelled at the last minute and never published]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/CTRT^us^en^Cars (TPB)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/CZ^us^en^Comic Zone^^[not to be confused with "Disney Adventures Comic Zone" (DACZ)]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DA^us^en^Disney Adventures^^[The issue and volume number is often well-hidden in the actual issues. In the beginning, this information is clearly written on the spine, but later it is only printed on the table of contents page or as part of the indicia. In some issues from the late 1990s it doesn't seem to be printed anywhere.]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DAA^us^en^The Disney Afternoon Adventures^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DACZ^us^en^Disney Adventures Comic Zone^^[numbering refers to 1=spring, 2=summer, 3=autumn, 4=winter]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DBPG^us^en^Disneyland Birthday Party (Gladstone)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DBPGD^us^en^Disneyland Birthday Party Comics Digest^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DC^us^en^Disney Classics^8.75 x 11.25 inch^[hardcover issues designed for school and public libraries] [books for sale for USD 20.95 (reinforced libary bound hardcover) and USD 37.95 (hosted eBook)]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DDDE^us^en^Darkwing Duck - The Definitively Dangerous Edition^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DDDN^us^en^Donald Duck: The Complete Daily Newspaper Comics^^[Collection of the Donald Duck daily newspaper strips by Al Taliaferro]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DDFDJ^us^en^Donald Duck Family - The Daan Jippes Collection^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DDFOF^us^en^Donald Duck and Friends: Feathers Of Fury^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DPM^us^en^Disney and Pixar Movies^8.75 x 11.25 inch^[hardcover issues designed for school and public libraries] [books for sale for USD 20.95 (reinforced libary bound hardcover) and USD 37.95 (hosted eBook)]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DPOST^us^en^The Disney Poster: The Animated Film Classics from Mickey Mouse to Aladdin^28,6×36,4cm^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DPPP^us^en^Disney Princess (Peachtree Playthings - Dollar Tree edition)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DPS^us^en^Disney Princesses^8.75 x 11.25 inch^[hardcover issues designed for school and public libraries] [books for sale for USD 20.95 (reinforced libary bound hardcover) and USD 37.95 (hosted eBook)]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DTPP^us^en^DuckTales (Peachtree Playthings - Dollar Tree edition)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DTR^us^en^Dick Tracy^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DTRT^us^en^Dick Tracy The Trilogy^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DTSQ^us^en^DuckTales featuring Scrooge's Quest by Marv Wolfman^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DTSS^us^en^DuckTales: Silence and Science^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DTTM^us^en^DuckTales The Movie^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/DWTP^us^en^Disney 365 Days with Winnie the Pooh^^[Collection containing some of the daily newspaper Winnie the Pooh strips from 1978-1986 and the Sunday newspaper strips with Winnie the Pooh from 1978-1987]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/KFSWTP^us^en^Winnie the Pooh^^[Promotional book for the WTP newspaper strip. Has probably not been for sale to the general public.]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/KHCM^us^en^Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (Tokyopop)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/KHCMY^us^en^Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (Yen Press)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/KHFM^us^en^Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/KPA^us^en^Kim Possible Adventures^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/KPCM^us^en^Kim Possible Cine-Manga^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LBB^us^en^The Little Big Book^^[Series of children's books covering various subjects; only one contains Disney comics]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LICD^us^en^The Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck Adventures in Color^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LICGY^us^en^The Carl Barks Library of Gyro Gearloose Comics and Fillers in Color^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LICU^us^en^The Adventures of Uncle Scrooge McDuck in Color^^[Abbreviated LIC.. because it's in fact the same album series as the other LIC]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LICUG^us^en^The Carl Barks Library of Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge One Pagers in Color^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LICW^us^en^The Carl Barks Library of Walt Disney's Comics and Stories in Color^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LICXG^us^en^The Carl Barks Library of 1940's Donald Duck Christmas Giveaways in Color^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LSPP^us^en^A Lithographic Suite of Preliminary Paintings^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LTSM^us^en^The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (deluxe album)^8.75 x 11.25 inches^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LTSMA^us^en^The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (Artist's Edition)^^[Features scanned pages from the actual original art. While appearing to be in black & white, each page has been scanned in color to mimic as closely as possible the experience of viewing the original art]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LTSMB^us^en^The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (hardcover)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/LTSMG^us^en^The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (softcover)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MAD^us^en^Mickey and Donald^^[continued in "Donald and Mickey"]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MATG^us^en^Walt Disney's Mickey and the Gang^^[Book - edited by David Gerstein]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MCMT^us^en^The Muppet Show Comic Book: Meet the Muppets (TPB)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MDCP^us^en^Mickey and Donald Christmas Parade^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MDCPTP^us^en^Mickey and Donald Christmas Parade (Trade paperback)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MDZS^us^en^Mickey and Donald: The Search for the Zodiac Stone^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MFG^us^en^The Menomonee Falls Guardian^^[Some issues reprint MM dailies]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MMTT^us^en^Mickey Mouse: Timeless Tales^7.5 x 10 inches^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MMUH^us^en^Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse - The Ultimate History^^[Book - edited by Daniel Kothenschulte, written by David Gerstein and J.B. Kaufman]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MMWTC^us^en^Mickey Mouse and the World to Come^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MON^us^en^Monsters, Inc. (Dark Horse)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MPP^us^en^Muppet Peter Pan^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MPPP^us^en^Muppet Peter Pan (TPB)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MPPH^us^en^Muppet Peter Pan (hardcover)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MRH^us^en^Muppet Robin Hood^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MRHT^us^en^Muppet Robin Hood (TPB)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MSH^us^en^Muppet Sherlock Holmes^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/MSHTP^us^en^Muppet Sherlock Holmes (TPB)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/NCS^us^en^National Cartoonist Society Year Book^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/NEMO^us^en^Nemo - the classic comics library^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/OJ^us^en^Orange Juice cartons^^[Gags done for Donald Duck Orange Juice to go along one side panel of the waxboard half-gallon cartons]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/OLR^us^en^Oswald the Lucky Rabbit - The Search for the Lost Disney Cartoons^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/OSJB^us^en^One-Shot (Joe Books)^^[Continuation of "At the Movies", but now as one-shot's]^^Y^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/OTW^us^en^On the Way^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/PAF^us^en^Phineas and Ferb^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/PFCCC^us^en^Phineas and Ferb Colossal Comics Collection^^^^Y^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/PFCR^us^en^Phineas and Ferb Comic Reader^^[Comic books with strips based on episodes of the cartoon series (with stills)]^^Y^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/PFM^us^en^Phineas and Ferb Movie Special^^^^Y^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/TTM^us^en^The Three Musketeers^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/TTMG^us^en^Walt Disney Pictures Presents Mickey - Donald - Goofy The Three Musketeers^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/TTS^us^en^Tangled: The Series^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/TTSAC^us^en^Tangled: The Series – Adventure is Calling^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/TTSHN^us^en^Tangled: The Series – Hair and Now^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/TTSHR^us^en^Tangled: The Series – Hair-Raising Adventures^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/TTSTP^us^en^Tangled: The Series (Trade paperback)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/TVG^us^en^TV Guide^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/UACB^us^en^The Unavailable Carl Barks^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/UM^us^en^The Uncensored Mouse^^[Unauthorized reprints of the first MM dailies. Publication stopped after #2, and hence only one part of YM 002 was published.]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WABO^us^en^The Washington Boast^^[humor magazine] [John Mark Ockerbloom (UPenn): "Sources suggest this was a one-time publication brought out in April 1941 by students at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis"]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDCA^us^en^Walt Disney's Comics and Stories Archives^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDCTP^us^en^Walt Disney's Comics and Stories/Disney Comics and Stories (Trade paperback)^^^^Y^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDCV^us^en^Walt Disney's Comics and Stories Vault^7.5 x 10 inches^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDFA^us^en^Walt Disney's Comics First Appearances^^["Produced exclusively for the retail outlets of Anderson News Company in a limited, numbered edition of 50,000."]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDG^us^en^Walt Disney Giant^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDLF^us^en^Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge: World of the Dragonlords^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDMM^us^en^Walt Disney Magic Moments^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDSFG^us^en^Walt Disney's Spring Fever^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDSI^us^en^Walt Disney Showcase (IDW)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDSITP^us^en^Walt Disney Showcase (Trade paperback)^^^^Y^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WDT^us^en^Walt Disney Treasures^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WM^us^en^Wizards of Mickey (JY)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WOM^us^en^Wizards of Mickey (Boom)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WOMHC^us^en^Wizards of Mickey (hardcover)^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WOTD^us^en^World of the Dragonlords^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/WTR^us^en^Walt Disney Treasury^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/YDD^us^en^Young Donald Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/YMO^us^en^Young Money^21X27cm^[educational magazine for high-school teaching in finance and economics, only Disney material in one issue]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZ^us^en^Newspapers^^[This publication does not actually exist. It consists of all newspaper strips that were published in any newspaper in the US, grouped by year.]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZAT^us^en^Allegheny Times^^[YM gags from 1988 to 1992/1993]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZBDN^us^en^Bangor Daily News^^[YX gags from at least 1970 to 24 June 1988 (last possible YX), YD gags from at least 1970 to 25 Februari 1977 and YW gags from July 1978 to 8 October 1984]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZCRG^us^en^Cedar Rapid Gasette (Iowaly)^^[YX gags from 1956 to 1965 (possibly longer)]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZDRC^us^en^Daily Review California^^[YM gags from 1956 to 1961 (possibly longer)]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZKNE^us^en^Kentucky New Era^^[YD gags from 1942 to September 1993]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZNTM^us^en^News and Tribune (Missouri)^^[YX gags from 1969 to 1978]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZLEJ^us^en^Lewiston Evening Journal^^[YM gags from December 1934 to 1979 (possibly longer) and YL gags from 14 March 1955 (first YL) to 14 April 1973 (last YL)]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZLOE^us^en^Los Angeles Examiner^^^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZSHT^us^en^Sarasota Herald-Tribune^^[YM gags from 1935 to April 1941 (possibly earlier)]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZTMC^us^en^The Madison Courier^^[YG gags from 25 August 1986 (first YG) to 1 April 1989 (last YG)] [The first YG were around one week before the nominally publishing date published. To avoid precede, they didn't publish YG gags from 7 September 1986 until 14 September 1986.]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZTN^us^en^Times-News^^[YW gags from June 1978 to January 1986]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZTV^us^en^The Vindicator^^[YX gags from the start of the eighties to 18 June 1988 (nearly end of YX), YG gags from 26 January 1987 to 31 March 1989 (nearly end of YG) and (seemingly) irregular ZM, ZG and ZX gags printed in Sunday papers]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
us/ZZWFT^us^en^Winnipeg Free Press^^[YD+YM gags from 1950 to 1967 (possibly longer)]^^N^N^N^N^1860^Team_us^
vn/DVBH^vn^vi^Donald và bạn hữu (Donald and friends)^^[since June 1997 weekly, before that bi-weekly, bilingual Vietnamese and English]^^N^N^N^N^1862^Team_KBr^
vn/DVBHS^vn^vi^Donald và bạn hữu (Donald and friends) - 2nd series^^[bi-weekly, new edition in 2007, canceled after 16 issues]^^N^N^N^N^1862^Team_KBr^
yu/CF^yu^sr-cyrl^Цртани Филм / Crtani film^^[distributed in both Serbia and Croatia, carried MM Sunday Pages on its cover, "recreated" by unknown Serbian artists, but not officially Disney]^^N^N^N^N^1863^Team_yu^
yu/MM^yu^sr-cyrl^Мика Миш^21x29cm^[weekly publication only until issue #24, pages in b/w or in two colours, later published twice a week (on Tuesday and Friday). And later there are not too many issues with Disney comics, only sometimes on cover.] [issues 26-50 contain Mandrake, Flash Gordon and others strips, issues 26-29 contain no Disney comics] [each making twenty or thirty complete stories,]^^N^N^N^N^1863^Team_yu^
yu/POL^yu^sr-cyrl^Политика / Politika^^[also published ZS sundays translated into Serbian by newsmen Duda Timotijevic, Bata Vukadinovic, and even by the owner-director of Politika, Vladislav Ribnikar]^^N^N^N^N^1863^Team_yu^
yu/ZA^yu^sr-cyrl^Забавник - илустрована забавна ревија у стрипу^20,5×28,5 cm^^^N^N^N^N^1863^Team_yu^
yu/ZGMMC^yu^sr-cyrl^Златне године Микија Мауса^^^^N^N^N^N^1863^Team_yu^
yu/ZGMML^yu^sr-latn^Zlatne godine Mikija Mausa^^^^N^N^N^N^1863^Team_yu^
za/DD^za^en^Donald Duck (Supercomix)^^[exact reprints of US Gold Key/Whitman Donald Duck series]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
za/DDBP^za^en^Donald Duck (BP)^16,6×24,1 cm^[exact reprints of Dell Donald Duck series]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
za/MM^za^en^Mickey Mouse (Supercomix)^^[exact reprints of US Gold Key/Whitman Mickey Mouse series]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
za/MMBP^za^en^Mickey Mouse (BP)^16,6×24,1 cm^[exact reprints of Dell One Shot series]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
za/OS^za^en^One Shots (BP)^16,6×24,1 cm^[exact reprints of Dell One Shot series]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
za/OSDC^za^en^One Shots (Dixi Cola)^^[exact reprints of Dell One Shot series]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
za/OSSU^za^af^One Shots (Sebra Uitgewers)^17,6x24,4 cm^[exact reprints of Dell One Shot series in Afrikaans / eksakte herdrukke van Dell One Shot reeks in Afrikaans]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
za/PRR^za^af^pret (Rapport)^^[weekly supplement of Rapport magazine / weeklikse bylaag van die tydskrif "Rapport"]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
za/STE^za^af^Ster^^[Afrikaans language newspaper / Afrikaanse koerant]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
za/US^za^en^Uncle Scrooge (BP)^16,6×24,1 cm^[exact reprints of Dell Uncle Scrooge series]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
za/VON^za^af^Vonk^^[Afrikaans language newspaper / Afrikaanse koerant]^^N^N^N^N^1864^^
no/DPS^no^no^Donald på samisk (2020)^^^^N^N^N^N^1866^Team_no^
no/VV^no^se-sme^Vulle Vuojaš^B5^[DD in Sami] [Published in Norway, sold in Norway, Finland and Sweden. First series was cancelled after the issue 16, but second series started after three months with another issue numbered 16.] [Edited by Harald Dyrkorn and Aage Solbakk (Sami editor).]^^N^Y^N^N^1866^Team_APl^
us/BH^us^en^The Black Hole^^[code #90306-xxx] [issues 5 & 6 were planned but never published. Their contents were published in Germany and Brazil]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/BHA^us^en^The Black Hole (Album)^^[code #11295]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/BLB^us^en^Better Little Book^^^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/BPGK^us^en^Donald Duck Beach Party (Gold Key)^^^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/BTS^us^en^Huey, Dewey and Louie Back To School^^^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/BUSDD^us^en^The Best of Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck^^^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/BWDC^us^en^The Best of Walt Disney Comics^^[#96170-#96173, in the codes only the last two digits are mentioned]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/CBRA^us^en^A Walt Disney Comic Book Read-Along^^[issues not numbered]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/CTD^us^en^Cheerios 3-D Giveaways^^[3 sets of 8 issues each, all 32 pages. Each issue has 3 pages of non-Disney comics (example: Timber Ted in CTD 1 1). These are in fact ads for Cheerios. The back cover of each issue is an ad for one of the other two sets of Cheerios 3D Giveaways featuring a partial reprint of the cover illustration for one issue]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/CTG^us^en^Crest Toothpaste Giveaways^^[A Disney Goofy Classic]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/DAD^us^en^Daisy and Donald^^[Number 48 does not exist]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/DCGK^us^en^Davy Crockett King of the Wild Frontier (Gold Key)^^^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/DCK^us^en^Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier (Dell)^^["Annual"]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/DD^us^en^Donald Duck^^[title was "Donald Duck and Friends" on issues 308-362]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/DHC^us^en^Dynabrite Comic (Hardcover)^^[For library and school purposes] [Issue number on back cover; only three digits mentioned, e.g. 0-307-61342-9 -> 342]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/GPSB^us^en^Golden Picture Story Book^^[tabloid size 26 cm x 35.5 cm] [cardboard covers, blank inside covers] [All art is unbordered, but the panel structure seems very strict: each page seems to be divided into 4x3 squares (some of which can be combined to form larger panels)]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/GULF^us^en^Wonderful World of Disney (Gulf giveaway)^^^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/MMMD^us^en^Mickey Mouse Magazine Dairy Giveaway^^[Monthly, digest size, issued by different dairies, among them: Belle Vernon, Bryant & Chapman, Chestnut Farms Dairy, Chevy Chase Dairy, Detroit Creamery, Ebling's, Ecoma, Fairfield Western Maryland, Grand Rapids Creamery, Highland Dairy, Hoffman's, Luick Dairy, Moore's New Haven Dairy, Ohio Clover Leaf Dairy, Pontiac Dairy, Rieck's, Southern Dairies] [text illustrations mainly, artists include John Stanley]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/MMMG^us^en^Mickey Mouse Magazine Giveaway^^[Monthly, 1st giveaway series] [on-sale date from GCD. GCD says it got them from the U.S. Copyright Office found in the Catalog of Copyright Entries, Part 1, Periodicals, 1933, New Series, Volume 28, Number 2] [Barrier said "Distributed through department stores selling Disney character merchandise and at theaters showing Disney cartoons"]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^
us/TC^us^en^Top Comics^^[no numbers] [Top Comics were distributed in bags of five: "Top Comics Fun-pak. 5 for 59c". Also single issues with a 15c price sticker are known]^^N^N^N^N^501^Team_us^