Vote: Default Sorting #32

opened 2024-12-29 17:43:36 +01:00 by FrederikBaerentsen · 2 comments

Currently the front page default sorting is by "added". Meaning first set added to the database is first.
Personally this isn't ideal.

Vote for your favorite:

  • Year (newest to oldest) 🚀
  • Parts (most to fewest) 👍
  • Parts (fewest to most) 👎
  • By ID (lowest to highest) 🎉
  • By Name (alphabetically) 😆
  • Stay as is ❤️
  • Have an option in .env to customize this 👀
Currently the front page default sorting is by "added". Meaning first set added to the database is first. Personally this isn't ideal. Vote for your favorite: - Year (newest to oldest) 🚀 - Parts (most to fewest) 👍 - Parts (fewest to most) 👎 - By ID (lowest to highest) 🎉 - By Name (alphabetically) 😆 - Stay as is ❤️ - Have an option in `.env` to customize this 👀
FrederikBaerentsen added the
label 2024-12-29 17:43:36 +01:00
FrederikBaerentsen pinned this 2024-12-29 17:43:43 +01:00

I voted to have a setting for it, but there still needs a default value of course.
Not sure which I like best.

How about adding the option “by date added - most recent first.”
This Way, whenever adding a New set, the recently added set Will be on top of the list, giving you an easy visual control that it was correctly added.

Of course, this kind of Quality Control check, should ideally happen when searching for adding the set, before actually adding to database, but that kind of feature might be Way Down the Line (understandably).
So this could be a Nice intermediate Way to give people the option to do this.

Will also mane most recent show on top, which I kind of Think makes sense.

I voted to have a setting for it, but there still needs a default value of course. Not sure which I like best. How about adding the option “by date added - most recent first.” This Way, whenever adding a New set, the recently added set Will be on top of the list, giving you an easy visual control that it was correctly added. Of course, this kind of Quality Control check, should ideally happen when searching for adding the set, before actually adding to database, but that kind of feature might be Way Down the Line (understandably). So this could be a Nice intermediate Way to give people the option to do this. Will also mane most recent show on top, which I kind of Think makes sense.

Implemented in e2425a106a using:

# Optional: Change the default order of sets. By default ordered by insertion order.
# Useful column names for this option are:
# - sets.set_num: set number as a string
# - set name
# - sets.year: set release year
# - sets.num_parts: set number of parts
# - set_number: the number part of set_num as an integer
# - set_version: the version part of set_num as an integer
# - total_missing: number of missing parts
# - total_minifigures: number of minifigures
# Default: set_number DESC, set_version ASC
Implemented in e2425a106a using: ```` # Optional: Change the default order of sets. By default ordered by insertion order. # Useful column names for this option are: # - sets.set_num: set number as a string # - set name # - sets.year: set release year # - sets.num_parts: set number of parts # - set_number: the number part of set_num as an integer # - set_version: the version part of set_num as an integer # - total_missing: number of missing parts # - total_minifigures: number of minifigures # Default: set_number DESC, set_version ASC BK_SETS_DEFAULT_ORDER=sets.year DESC ````
FrederikBaerentsen unpinned this 2025-01-19 08:33:36 +01:00
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