Save missing parts improvement #29

opened 2024-12-29 08:11:24 +01:00 by bckthms · 2 comments

Instead of having to click the button for each line, is it possible to automatically save the number entered in the text field? Or to have a single button to save everything at once?

Instead of having to click the button for each line, is it possible to automatically save the number entered in the text field? Or to have a single button to save everything at once?

I'll see what's possible.

I'll see what's possible.
FrederikBaerentsen added the
labels 2024-12-29 08:34:30 +01:00
FrederikBaerentsen added this to the General Improvements project 2024-12-29 16:47:45 +01:00

Implemented in e2425a106a.

Implemented in e2425a106a.
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