A web application for organizing and tracking LEGO sets, parts, and minifigures. Uses the Rebrickable API to fetch LEGO data and allows users to track missing pieces and collection status.
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- SetNumber.pdf: `10312-1.pdf` or `7001-1.pdf`. Sets with multiple versions (eg. collectible minifigures use `-1`, `-2` etc) like `71039-1.pdf` and `71039-2.pdf`.
Search your inventory and sort by theme, year, parts, id, name or sort by missing pieces. If you download instructions as PDF, add them to a specific folder and they show up [under each set](https://xbackbone.baerentsen.space/LaMU8/ZIyIQUdo31.png/raw)
Filter by color, quantity, name. Add if a piece is missing. Press images to [show them](https://xbackbone.baerentsen.space/LaMU8/FIFOQicE66.png/raw). Filter by only [missing pieces](https://xbackbone.baerentsen.space/LaMU8/LUQeTETA28.png). Minifigures and their parts are listed [at the end](https://xbackbone.baerentsen.space/LaMU8/nEPujImi75.png/raw).
Each set is given a unique ID, such that you can have multiple copies of a set with different pieces missing in each copy. Sets can also easily be [deleted](https://xbackbone.baerentsen.space/LaMU8/xeroHupE22.png/raw) from the inventory.
Sets are added from rebrickable using your own API key. Set numbers are checked against sets.csv from rebrickable and can be updated from the [config page](https://xbackbone.baerentsen.space/LaMU8/lErImaCE12.png/raw). When a set is added, all images from rebrickable are downloaded and stored locally, so if multiple sets contains the same part/color, only one image is downloaded and stored. This also make no calls to rebrickable when just browsing and using the site. Only time rebrickable to used it when up adding a new set.
Sets are added from rebrickable and again checked against sets.csv. If you can't add a brand new set, consider updating your data from the [`/config` page](https://xbackbone.baerentsen.space/LaMU8/lErImaCE12.png/raw). Press the delete button to remove a set. Known Issue: If multiple sets of the same number is added, they will all be deleted.