2025-01-17 11:03:00 +01:00
{% import 'macro/accordion.html' as accordion %}
{{ accordion.header('Database danger zone', 'database-danger', 'admin', expanded=true, danger=true) }}
2025-01-24 10:09:12 +01:00
< form action = "{{ url_for('admin_database.do_upload') }}" method = "post" enctype = "multipart/form-data" >
2025-01-29 22:49:17 +01:00
{% if database_error %}< div class = "alert alert-danger text-start" role = "alert" > < strong > Error:< / strong > {{ database_error }}.< / div > {% endif %}
2025-01-17 11:03:00 +01:00
< div class = "alert alert-warning text-center" role = "alert" > You are about to < strong > import a database file< / strong > . This will replace the < strong > whole content< / strong > of the database. This action is irreversible.< / div >
< div class = "mb-3" >
< label for = "database" class = "form-label" > New database file< / label >
< input type = "file" class = "form-control" id = "database" name = "database" accept = ".db" >
< / div >
< div class = "text-end" >
< a class = "btn btn-danger" href = "{{ url_for('admin.admin') }}" role = "button" > < i class = "ri-arrow-left-long-line" > < / i > Back to the admin< / a >
< button type = "submit" class = "btn btn-warning" > < i class = "ri-upload-line" > < / i > Import a database file< / button >
< / div >
< / form >
{{ accordion.footer() }}