# BrickTracker A web application for organizing and tracking LEGO sets, parts, and minifigures. Uses the Rebrickable API to fetch LEGO data and allows users to track missing pieces and collection status. <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/frederikb" target="_blank"><img src="https://cdn.buymeacoffee.com/buttons/v2/default-yellow.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" height="41" width="174"></a> ## Features - Track multiple LEGO sets with their parts and minifigures - Mark sets as checked/collected - Mark minifigures as collected for a set - Track missing pieces - View parts inventory across sets - View minifigures across sets - Wishlist to keep track of what to buy ## Prefered setup: pre-build docker image Use the provided [compose.yaml](compose.yaml) file. See [setup](docs/setup.md). ## Usage See [first steps](docs/first-steps.md). ## Documentation Most of the pages should be self explanatory to use. However, you can find more specific documentation in the [docs](docs/) folder. You can find screenshots of the application in the [bricktracker](docs/bricktracker.md) documentation file.