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		<table id="data" class="table tablemobile sortable">
				<th class="sorttable_nosort"></th>
				<th >Part Num</th>
				<th >Color</th>
				<th class="name-class" >Name</th>
				<th >element_id</th>
				<th >total_quantity</th>
			  {% for brick in missing_list %}
					{% if brick[4] == 'nil' %}
					<td style="background-color:#ffffff;" ><img src="{{ '/static/none.jpg' }}" class="lightbox-trigger" alt="id: {{ brick[0] }},  color: {{ brick[3] }}, qty: {{ brick[6] }}" loading="lazy"></td>
					{% else %}
					<td style="background-color:#ffffff;" ><img src="{{ '/static/parts/' + brick[5] + '.jpg' }}" alt="id: {{ brick[0] }},  color: {{ brick[3] }}, qty: {{ brick[6] }}" class="lightbox-trigger" loading="lazy"></td>
					{% endif %}
				  <td><a target="_blank" href="https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P={{ brick[1] }}">{{ brick[1] }}</a></td>
				  <td class="name-class">{{ brick[3] }}</td>
				  <td>{{ brick[7] }}</td>
				  <td><a target="_blank" href="https://www.rebrickable.com/elements/{{ brick[4] }}">{{ brick[4] }}</a></td>
				  <td>{{ brick[6] }}</td>			 
			  {% endfor %}
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