SELECT sets.set_num,, sets.year, sets.theme_id, sets.num_parts, sets.set_img_url, sets.set_url, sets.last_modified_dt, sets.mini_col, sets.set_check, sets.set_col, sets.u_id, {% block number %} CAST(SUBSTR(sets.set_num, 1, INSTR(sets.set_num, '-') - 1) AS INTEGER) AS set_number, CAST(SUBSTR(sets.set_num, 1, INSTR(sets.set_num, '-') + 1) AS INTEGER) AS set_version, {% endblock %} IFNULL(, 0) AS total_missing, IFNULL(, 0) AS total_minifigures FROM sets -- LEFT JOIN + SELECT to avoid messing the total LEFT JOIN ( SELECT u_id, SUM(quantity) AS total FROM missing {% block where_missing %}{% endblock %} GROUP BY u_id ) missing_join ON sets.u_id IS NOT DISTINCT FROM missing_join.u_id -- LEFT JOIN + SELECT to avoid messing the total LEFT JOIN ( SELECT u_id, SUM(quantity) AS total FROM minifigures {% block where_minifigures %}{% endblock %} GROUP BY u_id ) minifigures_join ON sets.u_id IS NOT DISTINCT FROM minifigures_join.u_id {% block where %}{% endblock %} {% if order %} ORDER BY {{ order }} {% endif %} {% if limit %} LIMIT {{ limit }} {% endif %}