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2014-05-20 21:36:19 +02:00
% this is my first package
% (c) Frederik Vanggaard
% Inspired by bchart version 0.1.2 by Tobias Kuhn
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
[2014/05/19 v0.01 LaTeX package for bar charts]
% barchart args:
% #1: max
% #2: min
% #3: steps
% #4: step
% #5: width
% #7: height
% #8: scale
% #9: axis label
%barc args:
% #1: color
% #2: width
% #3: plain (true/false)
% #4: label
% #5: rotation (true/false)
%skip args:
% #1: size
\newcommand{\barc}[2][] {%
%\fill[color=\barccolor,fill,draw](\barcpos,0) rectangle (\barcwidth+\barcpos,##2);
\fill[color=\barccolor, fill,draw](\barcpos,0) rectangle ($##2-\barcmin*(0,\barcrange/\barcrange) + (\barcwidth+\barcpos-5mm,0)$);
\draw (\barcpos,0) rectangle ($##2-\barcmin*(0,\barcrange/\barcrange) + (\barcwidth+\barcpos-5mm,0)$);
%\node[draw, shape=circle,fill,\barccolor] at (\barcpos+\barcwidth-5mm,0){};
%\node[draw, shape=circle,fill,\barccolor] at ($##2-\barcmin*(0,\barcrange/\barcrange) + (\barcwidth+\barcpos-5mm,0)$){##2};
% Write value:
%\node[anchor=east] at ($(\barcpos+(\barcwidth/3,0) + (0,##2+0.5)$){##2};
% $##2-\bcmin*(\bcwidth/\bcrange,0) + (0,\bcpos-2.5mm)$
\node[] at ($($##2-\barcmin*(0,\barcrange/\barcrange) + (\barcwidth+\barcpos-5mm,0)$)!0.5!(\barcpos,##2+0.25+\barcmax/10) $){##2};
\node[label={[label distance=0.5cm,text depth=-1ex,rotate=-90]right:\barclabel}] at ($($\barcmin*(0,\barcrange/\barcrange) + (\barcwidth+\barcpos-5mm,0)$)!0.5!(\barcpos,1.5) $) {};
2014-05-23 20:31:59 +02:00
\node[label={[label distance=0.5cm,text depth=-1ex,rotate=-45]right:\barclabel}] at ($($\barcmin*(0,\barcrange/\barcrange) + (\barcwidth+\barcpos-15mm,0)$)!0.5!(\barcpos,1) $) {};
2014-05-20 21:36:19 +02:00
\addtolength{\barcpos}{\dimexpr(\barcwidth-20pt) \relax}
2014-05-26 13:46:45 +02:00
\newcommand{\barcrange}{\barcstripunit{\dimexpr\barcmax pt-\barcmin pt\relax}}
2014-05-20 21:36:19 +02:00
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=\ypos, scale = \scale]
} {
\draw (0,0) -- (\barcpos+\barcwidth,0);
\draw (0,0) -- ($(0,(\barcmax-\barcmin)$);
\draw (0,0) -- (0-1mm,0);
2014-05-26 13:46:45 +02:00
\node[anchor=east] (n) at (0-1mm,0) {\barcstripunit{\dimexpr\barcmin pt\relax}};
2014-05-20 21:36:19 +02:00
\coordinate (labelpos) at (n.east);
\foreach \x in \barcsteps {
\draw ($\x*(0,\barcmax/\barcrange) + (0,0)$) -- ($\x*(0,\barcmax/\barcrange) + (0-1mm,0)$);
2014-05-26 13:46:45 +02:00
\node[anchor=east] at (-1mm,\x){\barcstripunit{\dimexpr\barcmin pt+\x pt\relax}};
2014-05-20 21:36:19 +02:00
%\node[label={[label distance=0.5cm,align=center,text depth=-1ex,rotate=-90]left:\barcy}] at ($(-0.75,\barcmax) !0.5! (0,\barcmin)$){};
2014-05-23 20:31:59 +02:00
\node[rotate=-90] at ($(-1.25-\barcmax/100,\barcmax) !0.5! (0,\barcmin)$){\barcy};
2014-05-20 21:36:19 +02:00
2014-05-26 13:46:45 +02:00
2014-05-20 21:36:19 +02:00
%% End of file `barchart.sty'.