
9300 lines
226 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-12-17 21:38:41 +01:00
local flightPoints = {
name = 'Northshire Abbey',
y = -8888.98046875,
x = -0.54000002146,
ID = 1,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Stormwind, Elwynn',
y = -8841.0595703125,
x = 489.65600585938,
ID = 2,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Programmer Isle',
y = 16391.810546875,
x = 16341.209960938,
ID = 3,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Sentinel Hill, Westfall',
y = -10551.900390625,
x = 1034.3900146484,
ID = 4,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Lakeshire, Redridge',
y = -9429.099609375,
x = -2231.3999023438,
ID = 5,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Ironforge, Dun Morogh',
y = -4821.7797851562,
x = -1155.4399414062,
ID = 6,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Menethil Harbor, Wetlands',
y = -3787.8100585938,
x = -777.69598388672,
ID = 7,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Thelsamar, Loch Modan',
y = -5421.91015625,
x = -2930.0100097656,
ID = 8,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Booty Bay, Stranglethorn',
y = -14271.799804688,
x = 299.86999511719,
ID = 9,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'The Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest',
y = 478.85998535156,
x = 1536.5899658203,
ID = 10,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Undercity, Tirisfal',
y = 1568.6199951172,
x = 267.9700012207,
ID = 11,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Darkshire, Duskwood',
y = -10515.5,
x = -1261.6500244141,
ID = 12,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad',
y = -17.70660018921,
x = -874.20300292969,
ID = 13,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Southshore, Hillsbrad',
y = -711.47998046875,
x = -515.47998046875,
ID = 14,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Eastern Plaguelands',
y = 2253.3999023438,
x = -5344.8999023438,
ID = 15,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Refuge Pointe, Arathi',
y = -1240.5300292969,
x = -2515.1101074219,
ID = 16,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Hammerfall, Arathi',
y = -916.28997802734,
x = -3496.8898925781,
ID = 17,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Booty Bay, Stranglethorn',
y = -14444.299804688,
x = 509.61999511719,
ID = 18,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Booty Bay, Stranglethorn',
y = -14473,
x = 464.14999389648,
ID = 19,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Grom\'gol, Stranglethorn',
y = -12414.200195312,
x = 146.28999328613,
ID = 20,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'New Kargath, Badlands',
y = -6676.8701171875,
x = -2433.3701171875,
ID = 21,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Thunder Bluff, Mulgore',
y = -1197.2099609375,
x = 29.70999908447,
ID = 22,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Orgrimmar, Durotar',
y = 1798.2700195312,
x = -4363.2700195312,
ID = 23,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Generic, World Target 002',
y = -6666,
x = -2222.3000488281,
ID = 24,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'The Crossroads, Northern Barrens',
y = -441.79998779297,
x = -2596.080078125,
ID = 25,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Lor\'danel, Darkshore',
y = 7459.8999023438,
x = -326.55999755859,
ID = 26,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Rut\'theran Village, Teldrassil',
y = 8383.75,
x = 980.96398925781,
ID = 27,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Astranaar, Ashenvale',
y = 2827.3400878906,
x = -289.23999023438,
ID = 28,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains',
y = 966.57000732422,
x = 1040.3199462891,
ID = 29,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Westreach Summit, Thousand Needles',
y = -4310.6098632812,
x = -927.06402587891,
ID = 30,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Shadebough, Feralas',
y = -4996.8798828125,
x = 73.94270324707,
ID = 31,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh',
y = -3825.3701171875,
x = -4516.580078125,
ID = 32,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Thal\'darah Overlook, Stonetalon Mountains',
y = 2147.25,
x = 1537.8699951172,
ID = 33,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Transport, Booty Bay',
y = -1965.1700439453,
x = -5824.2900390625,
ID = 34,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Transport, Orgrimmar',
y = 1320.0699462891,
x = -4649.2001953125,
ID = 35,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Generic, World Target 001',
y = -8644.6201171875,
x = 433.2799987793,
ID = 36,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Nijel\'s Point, Desolace',
y = 139.24000549316,
x = 1325.8199462891,
ID = 37,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Shadowprey Village, Desolace',
y = -1767.6400146484,
x = 3263.8898925781,
ID = 38,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Gadgetzan, Tanaris',
y = -7185.9702148438,
x = -3768.2399902344,
ID = 39,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Gadgetzan, Tanaris',
y = -7094.0297851562,
x = -3813.6899414062,
ID = 40,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Feathermoon, Feralas',
y = -4467.0400390625,
x = 2188.6398925781,
ID = 41,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Camp Mojache, Feralas',
y = -4419.8598632812,
x = 199.30999755859,
ID = 42,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Aerie Peak, The Hinterlands',
y = 283.73999023438,
x = -2002.7600097656,
ID = 43,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Bilgewater Harbor, Azshara',
y = 3547.1999511719,
x = -6294.66015625,
ID = 44,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands',
y = -11112.299804688,
x = -3435.7399902344,
ID = 45,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Transport, Southshore',
y = -986.42999267578,
x = -547.85998535156,
ID = 46,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Transport, Grom\'gol',
y = -12418.76953125,
x = 235.42999267578,
ID = 47,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Bloodvenom Post, Felwood [DISABLED in 4.x]',
y = 5123.509765625,
x = -321.18099975586,
ID = 48,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Moonglade',
y = 7458.4501953125,
x = -2487.2099609375,
ID = 49,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Transport, Menethil Harbor',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 50,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Transport, Auberdine',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 51,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Everlook, Winterspring',
y = 6796.7998046875,
x = -4742.3901367188,
ID = 52,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Everlook, Winterspring',
y = 6813.0600585938,
x = -4611.1201171875,
ID = 53,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Transport, Feathermoon',
y = -4203.8701171875,
x = 3284,
ID = 54,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh',
y = -3147.3898925781,
x = -2842.1799316406,
ID = 55,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows',
y = -10457,
x = -3279.25,
ID = 56,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Fishing Village, Teldrassil',
y = 8701.509765625,
x = 991.36999511719,
ID = 57,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Zoram\'gar Outpost, Ashenvale',
y = 3351.8200683594,
x = 1052.3000488281,
ID = 58,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Dun Baldar, Alterac Valley',
y = 574.21002197266,
x = -46.65000152588,
ID = 59,
ContinentID = 30,
name = 'Frostwolf Keep, Alterac Valley',
y = -1335.4399414062,
x = -319.69000244141,
ID = 60,
ContinentID = 30,
name = 'Splintertree Post, Ashenvale',
y = 2302.3898925781,
x = -2524.5500488281,
ID = 61,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Nighthaven, Moonglade',
y = 7793.6098632812,
x = -2403.4699707031,
ID = 62,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Nighthaven, Moonglade',
y = 7787.7202148438,
x = -2404.1000976562,
ID = 63,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Talrendis Point, Azshara (NEVER in 4.x)',
y = 2721.9899902344,
x = -3880.6398925781,
ID = 64,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Talonbranch Glade, Felwood',
y = 6214.3198242188,
x = -1874.2800292969,
ID = 65,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands',
y = 931.32000732422,
x = -1430.1099853516,
ID = 66,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Light\'s Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands',
y = 2271.0900878906,
x = -5340.7998046875,
ID = 67,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Light\'s Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands',
y = 2270.1999511719,
x = -5343.1098632812,
ID = 68,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Moonglade',
y = 7470.3901367188,
x = -2123.3798828125,
ID = 69,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Flame Crest, Burning Steppes',
y = -7504.0297851562,
x = -2187.5400390625,
ID = 70,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Morgan\'s Vigil, Burning Steppes',
y = -8364.6103515625,
x = -2738.3500976562,
ID = 71,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Cenarion Hold, Silithus',
y = -6811.3901367188,
x = 836.73999023438,
ID = 72,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Cenarion Hold, Silithus',
y = -6761.830078125,
x = 772.03002929688,
ID = 73,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Thorium Point, Searing Gorge',
y = -6552.58984375,
x = -1168.2700195312,
ID = 74,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Thorium Point, Searing Gorge',
y = -6554.9301757812,
x = -1100.0500488281,
ID = 75,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Revantusk Village, The Hinterlands',
y = -635.26000976563,
x = -4720.5,
ID = 76,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Vendetta Point, Southern Barrens',
y = -2152.3500976562,
x = -1724.3399658203,
ID = 77,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Naxxramas',
y = 3133.3100585938,
x = -3399.9299316406,
ID = 78,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Marshal\'s Stand, Un\'Goro Crater',
y = -7548.0498046875,
x = -1541.1300048828,
ID = 79,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Ratchet, Northern Barrens',
y = -894.59002685547,
x = -3773.0100097656,
ID = 80,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Filming',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 81,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Silvermoon City',
y = 9375.240234375,
x = -7165.8901367188,
ID = 82,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Tranquillien, Ghostlands',
y = 7594.4702148438,
x = -6784.2900390625,
ID = 83,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Plaguewood Tower, Eastern Plaguelands',
y = 2965.5500488281,
x = -3033.6101074219,
ID = 84,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Northpass Tower, Eastern Plaguelands',
y = 3134.2600097656,
x = -4354.7797851562,
ID = 85,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Eastwall Tower, Eastern Plaguelands',
y = 2524.4399414062,
x = -4769.5600585938,
ID = 86,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Crown Guard Tower, Eastern Plaguelands',
y = 1876.4000244141,
x = -3693.3200683594,
ID = 87,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Transport, Exodar',
y = -4284.009765625,
x = -11194.740234375,
ID = 88,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Transport, Theramore',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 89,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Transport, Undercity',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 90,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - Azuremyst Shaman Target',
y = -3996.0100097656,
x = -11892.969726562,
ID = 91,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Azuremyst Shaman Start',
y = -3679.3100585938,
x = -11413.040039062,
ID = 92,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle',
y = -1933.2700195312,
x = -11954.599609375,
ID = 93,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'The Exodar',
y = -3867.5600585938,
x = -11641.099609375,
ID = 94,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Zangarmarsh - Quest - As the Crow Flies',
y = -146.28999328613,
x = 5532.5600585938,
ID = 95,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Zangarmarsh - Quest - As the Crow Flies - End',
y = -145.22999572754,
x = 5533.0297851562,
ID = 96,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Elekk Path to Kessel',
y = -3968.3701171875,
x = -11929.150390625,
ID = 97,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Elekk to Kessel Target',
y = -2662.3000488281,
x = -12144.599609375,
ID = 98,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula',
y = 228.5,
x = 2633.5700683594,
ID = 99,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula',
y = -673.41998291016,
x = 2717.2700195312,
ID = 100,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula',
y = 199.16000366211,
x = 4241.5600585938,
ID = 101,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula',
y = -587.40997314453,
x = 4101.009765625,
ID = 102,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Nagrand - PvP - Attack Run Start 1 ',
y = -1810.1600341797,
x = 8032.1098632812,
ID = 103,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Nagrand - PvP - Attack Run End 1',
y = -1824.1800537109,
x = 8049.2900390625,
ID = 104,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Nagrand - PvP - Attack Run Start 2',
y = -1513.4000244141,
x = 8140.9301757812,
ID = 105,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Nagrand - PvP - Attack Run End 2',
y = -1511.2600097656,
x = 8149.7099609375,
ID = 106,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Nagrand - PvP - Attack Run Start 3',
y = -1387.0699462891,
x = 7782.41015625,
ID = 107,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Nagrand - PvP - Attack Run End 3',
y = -1376.7199707031,
x = 7771.169921875,
ID = 108,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Nagrand - PvP - Attack Run Start 4',
y = -1656.5999755859,
x = 7724.91015625,
ID = 109,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Nagrand - PvP - Attack Run End 4',
y = -1658.9000244141,
x = 7724.7099609375,
ID = 110,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Eversong - Duskwither Teleport',
y = 9335.830078125,
x = -7883.0698242188,
ID = 111,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Eversong - Duskwither Teleport End',
y = 9335.669921875,
x = -7809.7099609375,
ID = 112,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Nethrandamus Start',
y = -1544.3599853516,
x = 8792.0703125,
ID = 113,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Nethrandamus End Target',
y = -1544.3599853516,
x = 8792.08984375,
ID = 114,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Caverns of Time OH - Begin',
y = 2384.7299804688,
x = 1169.3800048828,
ID = 115,
ContinentID = 560,
name = 'Quest - Caverns of Time OH - End',
y = 2014.6500244141,
x = 239.64999389648,
ID = 116,
ContinentID = 560,
name = 'Telredor, Zangarmarsh',
y = 213.75,
x = 6063.75,
ID = 117,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Zabra\'jin, Zangarmarsh',
y = 219.44999694824,
x = 7816,
ID = 118,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Telaar, Nagrand',
y = -2729,
x = 7305.2998046875,
ID = 119,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Garadar, Nagrand',
y = -1261.0899658203,
x = 7133.3901367188,
ID = 120,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest',
y = -2987.2399902344,
x = 3872.7800292969,
ID = 121,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Area 52, Netherstorm',
y = 3082.3100585938,
x = 3596.1101074219,
ID = 122,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = -3018.6201171875,
x = 2557.0900878906,
ID = 123,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = -3982.0700683594,
x = 2156.4699707031,
ID = 124,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Sylvanaar, Blade\'s Edge Mountains',
y = 2183.6499023438,
x = 6794.4599609375,
ID = 125,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Thunderlord Stronghold, Blade\'s Edge Mountains',
y = 2446.3701171875,
x = 6020.9301757812,
ID = 126,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest',
y = -2567.330078125,
x = 4423.830078125,
ID = 127,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Shattrath, Terokkar Forest',
y = -1837.2299804688,
x = 5301.8999023438,
ID = 128,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Hellfire Peninsula, The Dark Portal',
y = -327.35000610352,
x = 1020.4899902344,
ID = 129,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Hellfire Peninsula, The Dark Portal',
y = -178.08999633789,
x = 1026.7199707031,
ID = 130,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Horde Hellfire Start',
y = -25.51000022888,
x = 2133.4499511719,
ID = 131,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Horde Hellfire End',
y = -25.60000038147,
x = 2133.3999023438,
ID = 132,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Hellfire Peninsula (Alliance Path) Start',
y = -673.72998046875,
x = 1855.2900390625,
ID = 133,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Hellfire Peninsula (Alliance) End',
y = -673.75,
x = 1855.3199462891,
ID = 134,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Hellfire, Aerial Mission (Horde) Start',
y = -27.64999961853,
x = 2126.5700683594,
ID = 135,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Hellfire, Aerial Mission (Horde) End',
y = -27.52000045776,
x = 2126.5,
ID = 136,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Hellfire, Aerial Mission (Alliance) Start',
y = 298.5,
x = 1501.2600097656,
ID = 137,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Hellfire, Aerial Mission (Alliance) End',
y = 298.58999633789,
x = 1501.1300048828,
ID = 138,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'The Stormspire, Netherstorm',
y = 4157.580078125,
x = 2959.6899414062,
ID = 139,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Altar of Sha\'tar, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = -3065.6000976562,
x = 749.41998291016,
ID = 140,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Spinebreaker Ridge, Hellfire Peninsula',
y = -1316.8399658203,
x = 2358.6201171875,
ID = 141,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Hellfire Peninsula - Reaver\'s Fall',
y = -29.15999984741,
x = 2125.7199707031,
ID = 142,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Caverns of Time (Intro Flight Path) (End)',
y = -8360.73046875,
x = -4327.7299804688,
ID = 143,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - Caverns of Time (Intro Flight Path) (Start)',
y = -8162.009765625,
x = -4796.2299804688,
ID = 144,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - Netherstorm - Stealth Flight - Begin',
y = 3079.0100097656,
x = 3599.080078125,
ID = 145,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Netherstorm - Stealth Flight - End',
y = 2235.3400878906,
x = 2793.7700195312,
ID = 146,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Hellfire Peninsula - Force Camp Beach Head',
y = 509.17001342773,
x = 1988.6899414062,
ID = 147,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Shatter Point, Hellfire Peninsula (Beach Assault)',
y = 298.45999145508,
x = 1501.1800537109,
ID = 148,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Shatter Point, Hellfire Peninsula',
y = 276.20001220703,
x = 1486.9100341797,
ID = 149,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Cosmowrench, Netherstorm',
y = 2974.9499511719,
x = 1848.2399902344,
ID = 150,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Swamprat Post, Zangarmarsh',
y = 91.66999816895,
x = 5214.919921875,
ID = 151,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Netherstorm - Manaforge Ultris (Start)',
y = 4262.3901367188,
x = 2136.919921875,
ID = 152,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Netherstorm - Manaforge Ultris (End)',
y = 4266.7001953125,
x = 2133.3798828125,
ID = 153,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Netherstorm - Manaforge Ultris (Second Pass) Start',
y = 20047.880859375,
x = 5200.6899414062,
ID = 154,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest - Netherstorm - Manaforge Ultris (Second Pass) End',
y = 4267.1401367188,
x = 2133.0300292969,
ID = 155,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Toshley\'s Station, Blade\'s Edge Mountains',
y = 1857.3499755859,
x = 5531.8701171875,
ID = 156,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Blade\'s Edge - Vision Guide - Start',
y = 2277.7399902344,
x = 5983.3500976562,
ID = 157,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Blade\'s Edge - Vision Guide - End',
y = 2278.5600585938,
x = 5983.7099609375,
ID = 158,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Sanctum of the Stars, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = -4073.169921875,
x = 1123.6099853516,
ID = 159,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Evergrove, Blade\'s Edge Mountains',
y = 2976.0100097656,
x = 5501.1298828125,
ID = 160,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Nether Dragon Ally - Start',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 161,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Nether Dragon Ally - End',
y = -4100.2700195312,
x = 950.38000488281,
ID = 162,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Mok\'Nathal Village, Blade\'s Edge Mountains',
y = 2028.7900390625,
x = 4705.2700195312,
ID = 163,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Orebor Harborage, Zangarmarsh',
y = 966.66998291016,
x = 7399.16015625,
ID = 164,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Transport, Northrend 2',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 165,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood',
y = 3972.8400878906,
x = -1324.5100097656,
ID = 166,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Forest Song, Ashenvale',
y = 3000.25,
x = -3202.4099121094,
ID = 167,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Filming',
y = -9441.1796875,
x = 65.05000305176,
ID = 168,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest - Netherwing Ledge - Mine Cart Ride - South - Start',
y = -5224.5297851562,
x = 631.84997558594,
ID = 169,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Netherwing Ledge - Mine Cart Ride - South - End',
y = -5185.7099609375,
x = 172.94999694824,
ID = 170,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Skettis',
y = -3364.6799316406,
x = 3650.1799316406,
ID = 171,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Ogri\'La',
y = 2531.1000976562,
x = 7322.08984375,
ID = 172,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Yarzill Flight Start',
y = -5141.3598632812,
x = 620.10998535156,
ID = 173,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Yarzill Flight Start End',
y = -1636.0899658203,
x = 5275.8701171875,
ID = 174,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Transport, Howling Fjord',
y = 784.89001464844,
x = -5066.1801757812,
ID = 175,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord Tauren Canoe (Start)',
y = 245.36000061035,
x = -3309.1999511719,
ID = 176,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord Tauren Canoe (End)',
y = -147.4700012207,
x = -3587.3601074219,
ID = 177,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transport, Borean Tundra',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 178,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Mudsprocket, Dustwallow Marsh',
y = -4566.2299804688,
x = -3226.0500488281,
ID = 179,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - Dustwallow - Alcaz Survey Start',
y = -3822.6599121094,
x = -4511.330078125,
ID = 180,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - Dustwallow - Alcaz Survey End',
y = -3822.7099609375,
x = -4509.6499023438,
ID = 181,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Break the Blockade Zeppelin',
y = 1415.8900146484,
x = -3082.4899902344,
ID = 182,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Valgarde Port, Howling Fjord',
y = 567.40997314453,
x = -5010.9702148438,
ID = 183,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Fort Wildervar, Howling Fjord',
y = 2468.7700195312,
x = -5029.8198242188,
ID = 184,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Westguard Keep, Howling Fjord',
y = 1342.8399658203,
x = -3287.8999023438,
ID = 185,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Flight to the Windrunner - Start',
y = 1911.8199462891,
x = -6179.0698242188,
ID = 186,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Flight to the Windrunner - End',
y = 1652.8299560547,
x = -6512.1098632812,
ID = 187,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Test at Sea - Start',
y = 1912.7800292969,
x = -6178.8100585938,
ID = 188,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Test at Sea - End',
y = 1913.9000244141,
x = -6177.8701171875,
ID = 189,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'New Agamand, Howling Fjord',
y = 401.11999511719,
x = -4544.2998046875,
ID = 190,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Vengeance Landing, Howling Fjord',
y = 1918.5999755859,
x = -6175.8901367188,
ID = 191,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Camp Winterhoof, Howling Fjord',
y = 2652.8898925781,
x = -4392.7099609375,
ID = 192,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Mission: Plague This! - End',
y = 1341.4399414062,
x = -3288.5700683594,
ID = 193,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Mission: Plague This! - Start',
y = 1341.0799560547,
x = -3288.3701171875,
ID = 194,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Rebel Camp, Stranglethorn Vale',
y = -11344,
x = -216.83000183106,
ID = 195,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Test - SP',
y = 9283.099609375,
x = -9749.8095703125,
ID = 196,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Test SP2',
y = -9148.6201171875,
x = 243.03999328613,
ID = 197,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Test SP1',
y = 9405.830078125,
x = -9882.6904296875,
ID = 198,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - McGoyver Start',
y = 638.34002685547,
x = -5074.5698242188,
ID = 199,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - McGoyver End',
y = 483.92001342773,
x = -5913.1000976562,
ID = 200,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Development Land - Kyle Radue Start',
y = 15992.440429688,
x = -16371.940429688,
ID = 201,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Development Land - Kyle Radue End',
y = 15991.6796875,
x = -16371.950195312,
ID = 202,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Quest - Stars\' Rest -> Wintergarde',
y = 3505.3000488281,
x = 1990.8299560547,
ID = 203,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - New Agamand -> Venomspite',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 204,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Zul\'Aman, Ghostlands',
y = 6789.7900390625,
x = -7747.580078125,
ID = 205,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Transport, Feathermoon (NE Ship)',
y = -4348.009765625,
x = 2427.2900390625,
ID = 206,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Sister Mercy (Start)',
y = 15.31999969482,
x = -4043.7900390625,
ID = 207,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Sister Mercy (End)',
y = 15.31999969482,
x = -4043.7099609375,
ID = 208,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Sunwell Daily - Dead Scar Bombing - Start',
y = 13008.379882812,
x = -6911.8100585938,
ID = 209,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Sunwell Daily - Dead Scar Bombing - End',
y = 13008.509765625,
x = -6912.2001953125,
ID = 210,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Sunwell Daily - Ship Bombing - Start',
y = 13007.5,
x = -6911.8100585938,
ID = 211,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Sunwell Daily - Ship Bombing - End',
y = 13188.040039062,
x = -7047.0400390625,
ID = 212,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Shattered Sun Staging Area',
y = 13012.700195312,
x = -6908.3701171875,
ID = 213,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Naglfar (Start)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 214,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest - Howling Fjord - Naglfar (Nodes)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 215,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Transport, Howling Fjord (Gondola, Top)',
y = 690.98999023438,
x = -3819.6000976562,
ID = 218,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transport, Howling Fjord (Gondola, Bottom)',
y = 607.96002197266,
x = -2906.169921875,
ID = 219,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Amber Ledge, Borean (To Beryl)',
y = 3465.6599121094,
x = 5901.759765625,
ID = 221,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Beryl Point, Borean',
y = 3213.7399902344,
x = 6084.7202148438,
ID = 222,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Naglevar',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 223,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Borean Tundra, Naglevar',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 224,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Amber Ledge, Borean (to Coldarra)',
y = 3574.0600585938,
x = 5971.0400390625,
ID = 225,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transitus Shield, Coldarra',
y = 3575.4399414062,
x = 6661.6401367188,
ID = 226,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transport, PattyMacDevTest',
y = 16625.630859375,
x = 16862.900390625,
ID = 227,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Development Land - Pat Test Start',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 228,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Development Land - Pat Test End',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 229,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Transport, Tuskarr 01',
y = 2690.2600097656,
x = 889.80999755859,
ID = 230,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transport, Tuskarr 02',
y = 2690.330078125,
x = 897.63000488281,
ID = 231,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Borean Tundra - Warsong Hold Wolf Start',
y = 2774.6899414062,
x = 6258.1401367188,
ID = 232,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Borean Tundra - Warsong Hold Wolf End',
y = 3443.5200195312,
x = 4103.9501953125,
ID = 233,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Coldarra Ledge, Coldarra',
y = 4130.6201171875,
x = 7372.3100585938,
ID = 234,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transitus Shield, Coldarra (NOT USED)',
y = 3575.5600585938,
x = 6651.83984375,
ID = 235,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Coldarra, Keristrasza to Malygos',
y = 4026.9499511719,
x = 7085.5400390625,
ID = 236,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Coldarra, Keristrasza Landing',
y = 3929.3999023438,
x = 6590.740234375,
ID = 237,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Borean Tundra - Quest - Dusk Start',
y = 3109,
x = 3819.5400390625,
ID = 239,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Borean Tundra - Quest - Dusk - End',
y = 3614.3000488281,
x = 3670.1201171875,
ID = 240,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transport, Valiance Keep',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 241,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest - Dragonblight - Spiritual Vision - Begin',
y = 2739.7299804688,
x = 882.36999511719,
ID = 242,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Dragonblight - Spiritual Vision - End',
y = 2738.4699707031,
x = 882.46002197266,
ID = 243,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight',
y = 3712.4299316406,
x = -694.85998535156,
ID = 244,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra',
y = 2269.5400390625,
x = 5173.6899414062,
ID = 245,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Fizzcrank Airstrip, Borean Tundra',
y = 4127.2299804688,
x = 5313.0698242188,
ID = 246,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Stars\' Rest, Dragonblight',
y = 3504.1298828125,
x = 1992.0300292969,
ID = 247,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Apothecary Camp, Howling Fjord',
y = 2108.1101074219,
x = -2970.6201171875,
ID = 248,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Camp Oneqwah, Grizzly Hills',
y = 3876.3400878906,
x = -4520.080078125,
ID = 249,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Conquest Hold, Grizzly Hills',
y = 3258.8999023438,
x = -2263.0900878906,
ID = 250,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Fordragon Hold, Dragonblight',
y = 4612.2099609375,
x = 1406.5999755859,
ID = 251,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight',
y = 3653.2099609375,
x = 247.58000183106,
ID = 252,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Amberpine Lodge, Grizzly Hills',
y = 3446.3500976562,
x = -2754.1000976562,
ID = 253,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Venomspite, Dragonblight',
y = 3242.9599609375,
x = -666.15997314453,
ID = 254,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Westfall Brigade, Grizzly Hills',
y = 4584.9799804688,
x = -4254.6899414062,
ID = 255,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Agmar\'s Hammer, Dragonblight',
y = 3865.8701171875,
x = 1525.6300048828,
ID = 256,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra',
y = 2920.2900390625,
x = 6242.8500976562,
ID = 257,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Taunka\'le Village, Borean Tundra',
y = 3449.5100097656,
x = 4089.5200195312,
ID = 258,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Bor\'gorok Outpost, Borean Tundra',
y = 4474.7900390625,
x = 5712.1298828125,
ID = 259,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Kor\'kron Vanguard, Dragonblight',
y = 4946.669921875,
x = 1165.9399414062,
ID = 260,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Stars\' Rest to Wintergarde End',
y = 3711.3100585938,
x = -698.17999267578,
ID = 261,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Grizzly Hills, Alliance Log Ride Start 01',
y = 4267.3901367188,
x = -3050.9299316406,
ID = 262,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Grizzly Hills, Alliance Log Ride End 01',
y = 2663.669921875,
x = -2181.4499511719,
ID = 263,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transport, Auberdine (NEW)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 264,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Transport, Theramore (NEW)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 265,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Transport, Menethil (NEW)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 266,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Grizzly Hills, Alliance Log Ride Start',
y = 4272.08984375,
x = -3248.2600097656,
ID = 267,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'The Great Seal',
y = -1035.9799804688,
x = 756.59997558594,
ID = 1959,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Grizzly Hills, Alliance Log Ride End',
y = 2664.2199707031,
x = -2344.6298828125,
ID = 268,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Westguard Keep to Wintergarde Keep Begin',
y = 1341.6700439453,
x = -3288.7399902344,
ID = 269,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Westguard Keep to Wintergarde Keep End',
y = 3712.2299804688,
x = -693.84997558594,
ID = 270,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Grizzly Hills, Horde Log Ride Start',
y = 4311.25,
x = -2956.6101074219,
ID = 271,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Grizzly Hills, Horde Log Ride End',
y = 2883.75,
x = -1673.7099609375,
ID = 272,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - bottom to top, Dragonblight - Begin',
y = 3547.2199707031,
x = 381.48999023438,
ID = 273,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - bottom to top, Dragonblight - End',
y = 3590.3798828125,
x = 277.54000854492,
ID = 274,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - top to bottom, Dragonblight - Begin',
y = 3587.6499023438,
x = 279.20999145508,
ID = 275,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - top to bottom, Dragonblight - End',
y = 3511.4799804688,
x = 373.92999267578,
ID = 276,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - top to middle, Dragonblight - Begin',
y = 3587.5500488281,
x = 279.14001464844,
ID = 277,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - top to middle, Dragonblight - End',
y = 3543.2399902344,
x = 307.04000854492,
ID = 278,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - middle to top, Dragonblight - End',
y = 3587.0400390625,
x = 277.14001464844,
ID = 279,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - middle to top, Dragonblight - Begin',
y = 3545.6201171875,
x = 273.60000610352,
ID = 280,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - middle to bottom, Dragonblight - End',
y = 3512.2199707031,
x = 373.57000732422,
ID = 281,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - middle to bottom, Dragonblight - Begin',
y = 3545.6101074219,
x = 273.60000610352,
ID = 282,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - bottom to middle, Dragonblight - End',
y = 3543.3701171875,
x = 307.05999755859,
ID = 283,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Wyrmrest Temple - bottom to middle, Dragonblight - Begin',
y = 3548.1499023438,
x = 381.01000976563,
ID = 284,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Wintergarde -> Stars\' Rest (Start)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 285,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest - Wintergarde -> Stars\' Rest (End)',
y = 3503.7600097656,
x = 1990.1099853516,
ID = 286,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Valgarde -> Westguard Keep Start',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 287,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest - Valgarde -> Westguard Keep End',
y = 1341.2299804688,
x = -3288.9099121094,
ID = 288,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra',
y = 3587.8400878906,
x = 5973.2998046875,
ID = 289,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Argent Stand, Zul\'Drak',
y = 5450.2998046875,
x = -2606.2700195312,
ID = 290,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Ruined City Post 01, Zul\'Drak',
y = 5028.6899414062,
x = -3020.3798828125,
ID = 291,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Flavor - Stormwind Harbor - Start',
y = -8338.3603515625,
x = 1107.0100097656,
ID = 292,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Flavor - Stormwind Harbor - Stop',
y = -8341.08984375,
x = 1101.8499755859,
ID = 293,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Moa\'ki, Dragonblight',
y = 2792.4499511719,
x = 908.96002197266,
ID = 294,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Kamagua, Howling Fjord',
y = 785.27001953125,
x = -2887.7099609375,
ID = 295,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Unu\'pe, Borean Tundra',
y = 2919.1899414062,
x = 4046.0900878906,
ID = 296,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Sholazar Basin - Quest - Reconnaisance - Start',
y = 5557.5698242188,
x = 5802.0498046875,
ID = 297,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Sholazar Basin - Quest - Reconnaisance - End',
y = 5505.3500976562,
x = 4747.7900390625,
ID = 298,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transport: Menethil <-> Valgarde',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 299,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Transport, Stormwind',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 300,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest - Borean Tundra - Check In With Bixie - Begin',
y = 4125.509765625,
x = 5310.990234375,
ID = 301,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Borean Tundra - Check In With Bixie - End',
y = 4171.830078125,
x = 4335.6298828125,
ID = 302,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Valiance Landing Camp, Wintergrasp',
y = 5100.8100585938,
x = 2185.6499023438,
ID = 303,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'The Argent Stand, Zul\'Drak',
y = 5521.6298828125,
x = -2672.25,
ID = 304,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Ebon Watch, Zul\'Drak',
y = 5218.8999023438,
x = -1302.2199707031,
ID = 305,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Light\'s Breach, Zul\'Drak',
y = 5190.1098632812,
x = -2206.4599609375,
ID = 306,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Zim\'Torga, Zul\'Drak',
y = 5777.3999023438,
x = -3594.9399414062,
ID = 307,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'River\'s Heart, Sholazar Basin',
y = 5506.2299804688,
x = 4748.1000976562,
ID = 308,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Nesingwary Base Camp, Sholazar Basin',
y = 5596.1000976562,
x = 5824.3701171875,
ID = 309,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Dalaran',
y = 5813.8901367188,
x = 449.13000488281,
ID = 310,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Camp Onequah, Grizzly Hills (Quest)',
y = 3877.9099121094,
x = -4519.58984375,
ID = 311,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Light\'s Breach, Zul\'Drak (Quest)',
y = 5189.669921875,
x = -2206.8500976562,
ID = 312,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Westfall Brigade, Grizzly Hills (Quest)',
y = 4584.009765625,
x = -4250.3798828125,
ID = 313,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Zim\'Torga, Zul\'Drak (Quest)',
y = 5779.1298828125,
x = -3596.419921875,
ID = 314,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Acherus: The Ebon Hold',
y = 2352.3701171875,
x = -5666.91015625,
ID = 315,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Ebon Hold - Acherus -> Death\'s Breach Start',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 316,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Ebon Hold - Acherus -> Death\'s Breach End',
y = 2431,
x = -5730.2099609375,
ID = 317,
ContinentID = 609,
name = 'Ebon Hold - Death\'s Breach -> Acherus Start',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 318,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Ebon Hold - Death\'s Breach -> Acherus End',
y = 2356.5100097656,
x = -5664.1801757812,
ID = 319,
ContinentID = 609,
name = 'K3, The Storm Peaks',
y = 6186.75,
x = -1052.9100341797,
ID = 320,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Frosthold, The Storm Peaks',
y = 6667.0400390625,
x = -258.70001220703,
ID = 321,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Dun Niffelem, The Storm Peaks',
y = 7308.0400390625,
x = -2607.6000976562,
ID = 322,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Grom\'arsh Crash-Site, The Storm Peaks',
y = 7857.2998046875,
x = -735.02001953125,
ID = 323,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Camp Tunka\'lo, The Storm Peaks',
y = 7793.8500976562,
x = -2810.0900878906,
ID = 324,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Death\'s Rise, Icecrown',
y = 7427.3198242188,
x = 4224.16015625,
ID = 325,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Ulduar, The Storm Peaks',
y = 8864.740234375,
x = -1324.3299560547,
ID = 326,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Bouldercrag\'s Refuge, The Storm Peaks',
y = 8472.4599609375,
x = -335.95001220703,
ID = 327,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transport, Icecrown Airship (A)',
y = 7501.6499023438,
x = 1140.2800292969,
ID = 328,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transport, Icecrown Airship (H)',
y = 7561.8100585938,
x = 1724.5899658203,
ID = 329,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Transport, Icecrown (Target)',
y = 7489.6401367188,
x = 1477.7199707031,
ID = 330,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Gundrak, Zul\'Drak',
y = 6897.6499023438,
x = -4118.2299804688,
ID = 331,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Warsong Camp, Wintergrasp',
y = 5024.990234375,
x = 3685.5500488281,
ID = 332,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'The Shadow Vault, Icecrown',
y = 8408.08984375,
x = 2702.6599121094,
ID = 333,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'The Argent Vanguard, Icecrown',
y = 6164.490234375,
x = -61.31000137329,
ID = 334,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Crusaders\' Pinnacle, Icecrown',
y = 6402.0600585938,
x = 467.85998535156,
ID = 335,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Windrunner\'s Overlook, Crystalsong Forest',
y = 5035.6499023438,
x = -519.96002197266,
ID = 336,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Sunreaver\'s Command, Crystalsong Forest',
y = 5590.490234375,
x = -693.22998046875,
ID = 337,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Blackfathom Camp, Ashenvale',
y = 3880.5100097656,
x = 654.15997314453,
ID = 338,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Grove of the Ancients, Darkshore',
y = 4970.5,
x = 147.64999389648,
ID = 339,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Argent Tournament Grounds, Icecrown',
y = 8475.7900390625,
x = 891.20001220703,
ID = 340,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Ulduar Raid - Interior - Insertion Point',
y = -749.20001220703,
x = -99.98999786377,
ID = 341,
ContinentID = 603,
name = 'Ulduar Raid - Iron Concourse',
y = 119.95999908447,
x = -71.62000274658,
ID = 342,
ContinentID = 603,
name = 'Splintertree, Ashenvale',
y = 2309.2299804688,
x = -2523.2099609375,
ID = 343,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - Splintertree Post -> Zoramgar',
y = 2308.3200683594,
x = -2521.5500488281,
ID = 344,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - Zoramgar, Ashenvale',
y = 3350.830078125,
x = 1054.2399902344,
ID = 345,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Ashenvale 4.x, Azshara to Mor\'shan Ramparts',
y = 2873.5300292969,
x = -3740.5100097656,
ID = 346,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Ashenvale 4.x, Mor\'shan Landing',
y = 1225.7800292969,
x = -2250.8999023438,
ID = 347,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Transport: Thunder Bluff <-> Org (Zep)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 348,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Andruk, Zoram\'gar',
y = 3350.2099609375,
x = 1054.1199951172,
ID = 349,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Hellscream\'s Watch, Ashenvale',
y = 3049.080078125,
x = -498.95001220703,
ID = 350,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Stardust Spire, Ashenvale',
y = 1905.1099853516,
x = -321.98999023438,
ID = 351,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Isle of Conquest - Gunships',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 352,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'The Mor\'Shan Ramparts, Ashenvale',
y = 1206.0500488281,
x = -2209.1499023438,
ID = 354,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Silverwind Refuge, Ashenvale',
y = 2159.6201171875,
x = -1144.0500488281,
ID = 356,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - Icecrown - North Sea Kraken Bombing - Start',
y = 8498.3203125,
x = 1066.3199462891,
ID = 358,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Quest - Icecrown - North Sea Kraken Bombing - End',
y = 8501.5302734375,
x = 1064.0200195312,
ID = 359,
ContinentID = 571,
name = 'Cliffwalker Post, Stonetalon Mountains',
y = 2188,
x = 1241.8900146484,
ID = 360,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Windshear Hold, Stonetalon Mountains',
y = 1268.5100097656,
x = 432.86999511719,
ID = 361,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Krom\'gar Fortress, Stonetalon Mountains',
y = 932.11999511719,
x = -21.25,
ID = 362,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Malaka\'jin, Stonetalon Mountains',
y = -111.94000244141,
x = -260.41000366211,
ID = 363,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Northwatch Expedition Base Camp, Stonetalon Mountains',
y = 237.88000488281,
x = -281.35000610352,
ID = 364,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Farwatcher\'s Glen, Stonetalon Mountains',
y = 973.94000244141,
x = 2013.1300048828,
ID = 365,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Furien\'s Post, Desolace',
y = -439.14999389648,
x = 2242.6201171875,
ID = 366,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Thargad\'s Camp, Desolace',
y = -1694.5300292969,
x = 2577.5700683594,
ID = 367,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Karnum\'s Glade, Desolace',
y = -1038.4300537109,
x = 1637.9899902344,
ID = 368,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Thunk\'s Abode, Desolace',
y = -534.03997802734,
x = 1056.6800537109,
ID = 369,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Ethel Rethor, Desolace',
y = -356.4700012207,
x = 2478.8999023438,
ID = 370,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Vashj\'ir - Alliance Start',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 371,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Vashj\'ir - Alliance End',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 372,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Mulgore - Red Cloud Mesa: To Bloodhoof',
y = -2936.1398925781,
x = -1.51999998093,
ID = 373,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Mulgore - Red Cloud Mesa: To Bloodhoof (End)',
y = -2333.3898925781,
x = -388.45001220703,
ID = 374,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Transport, Gadgetzan',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 375,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Icecrown Raid - Airship Battle Taxi Paths',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 376,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Icecrown Dungeon - Gunships',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 377,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest - Dun Morogh - Coldridge Valley - Pack Your Bags End',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 378,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Icecrown Raid - Saurfang\'s Ship (End)',
y = -200.58999633789,
x = 1437.5300292969,
ID = 379,
ContinentID = 631,
name = 'Icecrown Raid - Saurfang\'s Ship (Start)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 380,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest [Transport] Icecrown Raid - Saurfang Ship (START)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 381,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest [Transport] Icecrown Raid - Saurfang Ship (END)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 382,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Thondroril River, Eastern Plaguelands',
y = 1935.9699707031,
x = -2694.4799804688,
ID = 383,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'The Bulwark, Tirisfal',
y = 1726.6199951172,
x = -740.98101806641,
ID = 384,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Mossy Pile, Un\'Goro Crater',
y = -6958.4399414062,
x = -1095.2399902344,
ID = 386,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Honor\'s Stand, Southern Barrens',
y = -335.20001220703,
x = -1532.4399414062,
ID = 387,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Northwatch Hold, Southern Barrens',
y = -2124.2099609375,
x = -3561.7900390625,
ID = 388,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Fort Triumph, Southern Barrens',
y = -3150.25,
x = -2286.2700195312,
ID = 389,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Hunter\'s Hill, Southern Barrens',
y = -798.71997070313,
x = -1590.8699951172,
ID = 390,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Desolation Hold, Southern Barrens',
y = -3288.8500976562,
x = -1697.9899902344,
ID = 391,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'CC Prologue - GT - Quest - Vent Horizon - Start',
y = -5448.5,
x = -665.08001708984,
ID = 392,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'CC Prologue - GT - Quest - Vent Horizon - End',
y = -5447.8500976562,
x = -665.59002685547,
ID = 393,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'CC Prologue - GT - Battle Flight - Start',
y = -5451.4799804688,
x = -667.72998046875,
ID = 394,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'CC Prologue - GT - Battle Flight - End',
y = -5434.7099609375,
x = 523.09002685547,
ID = 395,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore',
y = -2299.5400390625,
x = -379.06900024414,
ID = 402,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Spy Frog Start',
y = -839.64001464844,
x = -4985.3500976562,
ID = 404,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Spy Frog End',
y = -838.01000976563,
x = -4986.2797851562,
ID = 405,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - "To The Summit" - Westreach Summit - End',
y = -4305.919921875,
x = -923.57000732422,
ID = 413,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - "To The Summit" - Camp Mojache -> Westreach Summit - Begin',
y = -4568.2202148438,
x = -3224.0900878906,
ID = 414,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - "To The Summit" - Mudsprocket -> Westreach Summit - Begin',
y = -4567.5297851562,
x = -3224.6101074219,
ID = 429,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - "To New Thalanaar" - Mudsprocket -> New Thalanaar - Begin',
y = -4462.3598632812,
x = -543.03997802734,
ID = 433,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - "To New Thalanaar" - New Thalanaar - End',
y = -4462.0498046875,
x = -543.39001464844,
ID = 434,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest - "To New Thalanaar" - Shadebough -> New Thalanaar - Begin',
y = -4997.6801757812,
x = 71.01000213623,
ID = 436,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Troll Taxi Bat Start',
y = -838.84997558594,
x = -4985.990234375,
ID = 438,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Durotar - ET - CC Prologue Troll Recruit End',
y = 284.38000488281,
x = -4762.3598632812,
ID = 439,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Durotar - ET - CC Prologue - Troll Battle End',
y = -848.20001220703,
x = -5339.4599609375,
ID = 440,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Dolanaar, Teldrassil',
y = 9873.099609375,
x = 977.69799804688,
ID = 456,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Darnassus, Teldrassil',
y = 9968.7998046875,
x = 2622.0900878906,
ID = 457,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Nozzlepot\'s Outpost, Northern Barrens',
y = 1152.5999755859,
x = -3381.7399902344,
ID = 458,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Brill, Tirisfal Glades',
y = 2272.6799316406,
x = 372.06399536133,
ID = 460,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 2063: Brian\'s 4.0 Test Path ',
y = 16083.099609375,
x = 16120.099609375,
ID = 509,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Fizzle & Pozzik\'s Speedbarge, Thousand Needles',
y = -6075.3701171875,
x = -3913.4399414062,
ID = 513,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Smuggler\'s Scar, Vashj\'ir',
y = -4588.0498046875,
x = 3481.1201171875,
ID = 521,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Silver Tide Hollow, Vashj\'ir',
y = -6105.6098632812,
x = 4285.080078125,
ID = 522,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Tranquil Wash, Vashj\'ir',
y = -6616.3999023438,
x = 4308.2797851562,
ID = 523,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Darkbreak Cove, Vashj\'ir',
y = -6902.25,
x = 5943.8198242188,
ID = 524,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Legion\'s Rest, Vashj\'ir',
y = -6805.6298828125,
x = 4199.8500976562,
ID = 525,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Tenebrous Cavern, Vashj\'ir',
y = -6507.990234375,
x = 6075.25,
ID = 526,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Dawnrise Expedition, Tanaris',
y = -9487.8896484375,
x = -2467.1298828125,
ID = 531,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Gunstan\'s Dig, Tanaris',
y = -9493.7099609375,
x = -2953.9899902344,
ID = 532,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Sen\'jin Village, Durotar',
y = -780.26702880859,
x = -4890.2797851562,
ID = 536,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Razor Hill, Durotar',
y = 269.9169921875,
x = -4766.759765625,
ID = 537,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'test - JZB - Orgrim\'s Hammer',
y = 4.65693998337,
x = -2.34398007393,
ID = 538,
ContinentID = 622,
name = 'Bootlegger Outpost, Tanaris',
y = -8683.08984375,
x = -4088.1000976562,
ID = 539,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'The Sludgewerks, Stonetalon Mountains',
y = 1825.9399414062,
x = 727.2080078125,
ID = 540,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Mirkfallon Post, Stonetalon Mountains',
y = 1379.4200439453,
x = 1034.8599853516,
ID = 541,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Whelgar\'s Retreat, Wetlands',
y = -3222.9299316406,
x = -1989.4899902344,
ID = 551,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Greenwarden\'s Grove, Wetlands',
y = -3306.6499023438,
x = -2718.6899414062,
ID = 552,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Dun Modr, Wetlands',
y = -2656.5400390625,
x = -2464.2800292969,
ID = 553,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Slabchisel\'s Survey, Wetlands',
y = -4113.6000976562,
x = -2741.2099609375,
ID = 554,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Farstrider Lodge, Loch Modan',
y = -5668.3100585938,
x = -4253.4399414062,
ID = 555,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Shrine of Aviana, Hyjal',
y = 4987.8701171875,
x = -2676.1899414062,
ID = 557,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Grove of Aessina, Hyjal',
y = 5163.509765625,
x = -1760.5799560547,
ID = 558,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Nordrassil, Hyjal',
y = 5584.0600585938,
x = -3569.8400878906,
ID = 559,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 2171: [3.x] Transport, Org -> Undercity (Thundercaller)',
y = 1281.25,
x = -4803.4599609375,
ID = 560,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 2172: [3.x] Transport, Thunder Bluff -> Org (Zephyr)',
y = 1338.4499511719,
x = -4788.7900390625,
ID = 561,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 2173: [3.x] Transport, Borean Tundra -> Org (Mighty Wind)',
y = 1288.0100097656,
x = -4702.0698242188,
ID = 562,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 2174: [3.x] Transport, Grom\'gol -> Orgrimmar (The Iron Eagle)',
y = 1283.8399658203,
x = -4644.6298828125,
ID = 563,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 2175: Stonetalon 4.x - Taxi to Thal\'darah Overlook Start',
y = 2146.4299316406,
x = 1538.2800292969,
ID = 564,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Dreamer\'s Rest, Feralas',
y = -3136.6201171875,
x = 1951.6700439453,
ID = 565,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Tower of Estulan, Feralas',
y = -4863.6401367188,
x = 1478.1600341797,
ID = 567,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Camp Ataya, Feralas',
y = -3081.6999511719,
x = 2560.1000976562,
ID = 568,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Stonemaul Hold, Feralas',
y = -4606.5200195312,
x = 1898.1899414062,
ID = 569,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 2201: Dun Morogh - Quest - Flight to Ironforge Airfield',
y = -4490.0600585938,
x = -1585.5600585938,
ID = 574,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 2203: Dun Morogh - Quest - Striking Back (Bombing Run)',
y = -4560.1499023438,
x = -1641.1899414062,
ID = 575,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 2206: Ironforge, Dun Morogh - Quest - Breadcrumb to Loch Modan',
y = -5530.8198242188,
x = -2377.9799804688,
ID = 577,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 2207: Dun Morogh - Quest - Flight to Gol\'Bolar from Ironforge Airfield',
y = -5689.3701171875,
x = -1568.7299804688,
ID = 578,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Goldshire, Elwynn',
y = -9433.990234375,
x = 85.14929962158,
ID = 582,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Moonbrook, Westfall',
y = -10876.900390625,
x = 1542.8800048828,
ID = 583,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Furlbrow\'s Pumpkin Farm, Westfall',
y = -9838.509765625,
x = 1273.9300537109,
ID = 584,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 293: Transport, Auberdine -> Rut\'theran Village, Teldrassil (NO LONGER USED in 4.x)',
y = 8334.759765625,
x = 1029.8299560547,
ID = 585,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Justin Test Node 1',
y = 2186.6899414062,
x = 1241.3000488281,
ID = 586,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Justin Test Node 2',
y = 2186.6899414062,
x = 1241.3000488281,
ID = 587,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Eastvale Logging Camp, Elwynn',
y = -9475.7099609375,
x = -1306.7399902344,
ID = 589,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Fort Livingston, Stranglethorn',
y = -12828.799804688,
x = -413.70999145508,
ID = 590,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Explorers\' League Digsite, Stranglethorn',
y = -13600.900390625,
x = -85.54859924316,
ID = 591,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Hardwrench Hideaway, Stranglethorn',
y = -13288.299804688,
x = 722.02801513672,
ID = 592,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Bambala, Stranglethorn',
y = -12092.200195312,
x = -814.09899902344,
ID = 593,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Whisperwind Grove, Felwood',
y = 6078.509765625,
x = -844.99798583984,
ID = 594,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Wildheart Point, Felwood',
y = 4734.16015625,
x = -883.80603027344,
ID = 595,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Shalewind Canyon, Redridge',
y = -9641.669921875,
x = -3479.3701171875,
ID = 596,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Irontree Clearing, Felwood',
y = 6892.6899414062,
x = -1620.4100341797,
ID = 597,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Marshtide Watch, Swamp of Sorrows',
y = -10176.599609375,
x = -3836.5400390625,
ID = 598,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Bogpaddle, Swamp of Sorrows',
y = -9737.080078125,
x = -3890.7199707031,
ID = 599,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'The Harborage, Swamp of Sorrows',
y = -10118.599609375,
x = -2852.4799804688,
ID = 600,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Galen\'s Fall, Arathi',
y = -952.37701416016,
x = -1585.7399902344,
ID = 601,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Surwich, Blasted Lands',
y = -12761.900390625,
x = -2919.0400390625,
ID = 602,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Sunveil Excursion, Blasted Lands',
y = -12357.599609375,
x = -3058.2299804688,
ID = 603,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Dreadmaul Hold, Blasted Lands',
y = -10933.299804688,
x = -2790.9799804688,
ID = 604,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Voldrin\'s Hold, Vashj\'ir',
y = -7209.7099609375,
x = 3925.8500976562,
ID = 605,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Sandy Beach, Vashj\'ir',
y = -5310.8500976562,
x = 3914.419921875,
ID = 606,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Sandy Beach, Vashj\'ir',
y = -5267.3500976562,
x = 3900.2700195312,
ID = 607,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Sandy Beach, Vashj\'ir',
y = -5671.0200195312,
x = 3720.0700683594,
ID = 608,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Sandy Beach, Vashj\'ir',
y = -5669.1899414062,
x = 3711.8100585938,
ID = 609,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Stygian Bounty, Vashj\'ir',
y = -6878.5200195312,
x = 4244.7099609375,
ID = 610,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Voldrin\'s Hold, Vashj\'ir',
y = -7198.9702148438,
x = 3912.3601074219,
ID = 611,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Stygian Bounty, Vashj\'ir',
y = -6880.169921875,
x = 4278.0600585938,
ID = 612,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Southern Rocketway, Azshara',
y = 2647.7900390625,
x = -6214.3999023438,
ID = 613,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Northern Rocketway, Azshara',
y = 4611.3798828125,
x = -7041.7998046875,
ID = 614,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Camp Everstill, Redridge',
y = -9446.6396484375,
x = -2836.9899902344,
ID = 615,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Gates of Sothann, Hyjal',
y = 4059.3999023438,
x = -3966.75,
ID = 616,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Hiri\'watha Research Station, The Hinterlands',
y = -25.77599906921,
x = -2821.7800292969,
ID = 617,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Stormfeather Outpost, The Hinterlands',
y = 312.32598876953,
x = -4105.3598632812,
ID = 618,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Kharanos, Dun Morogh',
y = -5660.7998046875,
x = -494.85101318359,
ID = 619,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Gol\'Bolar Quarry, Dun Morogh',
y = -5714.1401367188,
x = -1578.6400146484,
ID = 620,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 2367: QA\'s Test Path 1',
y = 2845.9399414062,
x = 769.96502685547,
ID = 621,
ContinentID = 606,
name = 'Raven Hill, Duskwood',
y = -10737.599609375,
x = 267.04299926758,
ID = 622,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 2374: Deeopholm Test Copy',
y = 1222.7199707031,
x = -278.97601318359,
ID = 623,
ContinentID = 646,
name = 'Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle',
y = -4130.080078125,
x = -12520.5,
ID = 624,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Fairbreeze Village, Eversong Woods',
y = 8745.7802734375,
x = -6654.1201171875,
ID = 625,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest Path 508: zzzThe Exodar -> Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle',
y = -3864.9899902344,
x = -11643.299804688,
ID = 626,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest Path 2376: zzzThe Exodar -> Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle',
y = -3864.2600097656,
x = -11646.099609375,
ID = 627,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest Path 507: zzzBlood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle -> The Exodar',
y = -3865.9499511719,
x = -11644.599609375,
ID = 628,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Quest Path 2375: zzzAzure Watch, Azuremyst Isle -> The Exodar',
y = -3870.3000488281,
x = -11645.700195312,
ID = 629,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Light\'s Shield Tower, Eastern Plaguelands',
y = 2262.1000976562,
x = -4411.5200195312,
ID = 630,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods',
y = 9501.9296875,
x = -6767.08984375,
ID = 631,
ContinentID = 530,
name = 'Bloodwatcher Point, Badlands',
y = -6898.25,
x = -3513.9899902344,
ID = 632,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Dustwind Dig, Badlands',
y = -6594.08984375,
x = -3401.1799316406,
ID = 633,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Dragon\'s Mouth, Badlands',
y = -7034.5297851562,
x = -2570.7900390625,
ID = 634,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Fuselight, Badlands',
y = -6574.9399414062,
x = -3875.1298828125,
ID = 635,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Forsaken High Command, Silverpine Forest',
y = 1421.0200195312,
x = 1018.2299804688,
ID = 645,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Forsaken Forward Command, Gilneas',
y = -910.22100830078,
x = 1638.5999755859,
ID = 646,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Andorhal, Western Plaguelands',
y = 1511.8000488281,
x = -1586.9499511719,
ID = 649,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Andorhal, Western Plaguelands',
y = 1374.2299804688,
x = -1281.9399414062,
ID = 650,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'The Menders\' Stead, Western Plaguelands',
y = 1864.3199462891,
x = -1755.8199462891,
ID = 651,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Ramkahen, Uldum',
y = -9415.01953125,
x = -1042.9699707031,
ID = 652,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Oasis of Vir\'sar, Uldum',
y = -8375.4697265625,
x = 791.25897216797,
ID = 653,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'The Forsaken Front, Silverpine Forest',
y = -114.14199829102,
x = 1312.3199462891,
ID = 654,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Crushblow, Twilight Highlands',
y = -4831.759765625,
x = -4848.9301757812,
ID = 656,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'The Gullet, Twilight Highlands',
y = -3494.6298828125,
x = -4379.4799804688,
ID = 657,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Vermillion Redoubt, Twilight Highlands',
y = -3032.7600097656,
x = -3940.9699707031,
ID = 658,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Bloodgulch, Twilight Highlands',
y = -3637.5600585938,
x = -5288.1899414062,
ID = 659,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'The Krazzworks, Twilight Highlands',
y = -2780.1799316406,
x = -6409.2797851562,
ID = 660,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Dragonmaw Port, Twilight Highlands',
y = -4012.4499511719,
x = -6329.25,
ID = 661,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Highbank, Twilight Highlands',
y = -4863.1000976562,
x = -6740.6098632812,
ID = 662,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Victor\'s Point, Twilight Highlands',
y = -4170.5498046875,
x = -4748.9301757812,
ID = 663,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Firebeard\'s Patrol, Twilight Highlands',
y = -4183.8999023438,
x = -5620.1499023438,
ID = 664,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Thundermar, Twilight Highlands',
y = -3146.919921875,
x = -4994.2797851562,
ID = 665,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Kirthaven, Twilight Highlands',
y = -2689.4299316406,
x = -5427.5297851562,
ID = 666,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Ruins of Southshore, Hillsbrad',
y = -661.83697509766,
x = -536.49298095703,
ID = 667,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Southpoint Gate, Hillsbrad',
y = -605.18402099609,
x = 435.46499633789,
ID = 668,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Eastpoint Tower, Hillsbrad',
y = -566.88897705078,
x = -1051.1999511719,
ID = 669,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Strahnbrad, Alterac Mountains',
y = 622.85101318359,
x = -979.57800292969,
ID = 670,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Hearthglen, Western Plaguelands',
y = 2839.7800292969,
x = -1500.5100097656,
ID = 672,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Iron Summit, Searing Gorge',
y = -7123.0600585938,
x = -1236.6300048828,
ID = 673,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Schnottz\'s Landing, Uldum',
y = -10711.900390625,
x = 1059.6199951172,
ID = 674,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Flamestar Post, Burning Steppes',
y = -8092.259765625,
x = -1025.7900390625,
ID = 675,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Chiselgrip, Burning Steppes',
y = -7865.9301757812,
x = -1919.5300292969,
ID = 676,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Forsaken Rear Guard, Silverpine Forest',
y = 1056.0600585938,
x = 1518.9000244141,
ID = 681,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 1843: Transport - Gadgetzan to ??? JZB RVM Test [DISABLED]',
y = -7141.7900390625,
x = -3977.9799804688,
ID = 682,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Valormok, Azshara',
y = 2988.1298828125,
x = -4161.3598632812,
ID = 683,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 2653: 4.1 - ZG Event - Rebel Camp -> Explorers\' League',
y = -13602.400390625,
x = -81.42189788818,
ID = 728,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 2695: PattyMac Taxi Path Speed Test',
y = 16626.69921875,
x = 16747.599609375,
ID = 757,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Sanctuary of Malorne, Hyjal',
y = 4397.7900390625,
x = -2107.5300292969,
ID = 781,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 2837: Quest - Jade Forest: (DLA) - Dawnblossom to Jade Mines',
y = 2403.8601074219,
x = -2097.1599121094,
ID = 888,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Grookin Hill, Jade Forest',
y = 1418.5699462891,
x = -487.70300292969,
ID = 894,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Dawn\'s Blossom, Jade Forest',
y = 1503.7099609375,
x = -1832.1300048828,
ID = 895,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Dragon Soul Raid - Wyrmrest Temple Base',
y = -1786.5699462891,
x = -2393.2900390625,
ID = 906,
ContinentID = 967,
name = 'Dragon Soul Raid - East Sarlac',
y = -1768.5799560547,
x = -3034.75,
ID = 907,
ContinentID = 967,
name = 'Quest Path 2954: Quest - Valley of the Four Winds (Flyback: Chen A) PRK',
y = 516.08898925781,
x = -698.26898193359,
ID = 918,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 2955: Quest - Valley of the Four Winds (Flyback: Chen B) PRK',
y = -44.66669845581,
x = -22.24650001526,
ID = 919,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 2956: Quest - Valley of the Four Winds (Flyback: Chen C) PRK',
y = -203.74299621582,
x = 481.77398681641,
ID = 920,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 2957: Quest - Valley of the Four Winds (Flyback: Chen D) PRK',
y = -688.64099121094,
x = 1415.7299804688,
ID = 921,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 2958: Quest - Valley of the Four Winds (Flyback: Sad Panda A) PRK',
y = -351.7619934082,
x = -633.40100097656,
ID = 922,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 2959: Quest - Valley of the Four Winds (Flyback: Sad Panda B) PRK',
y = -1159.0899658203,
x = 1035.2099609375,
ID = 923,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 2960: Quest - Valley of the Four Winds (Flyback: Horde A) PRK',
y = -894.29498291016,
x = 123.98100280762,
ID = 924,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 2961: Quest - Valley of the Four Winds (Flyback: Alliance A) PRK',
y = -1123.5500488281,
x = -191.70500183106,
ID = 925,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 2962: Quest - Valley of the Four Winds (Flyback: Horde B) PRK',
y = -1679.9699707031,
x = 1593.7199707031,
ID = 926,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 2963: Quest - Valley of the Four Winds (Flyback: Alliance B) PRK',
y = -1157.7299804688,
x = 1768.9599609375,
ID = 927,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 2986: Jade Forest: -hmc (Taxi: Glassfin Village to Dawnblossom)',
y = 1502.5200195312,
x = -1831.8599853516,
ID = 935,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3002: Jade Forest: -hmc (Taxi: Serpent\'s Spine to Statue Top)',
y = 832.38000488281,
x = -1861.9200439453,
ID = 949,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3003: Jade Forest: -hmc (Taxi: Statue Top to Serpent\'s Spine)',
y = 859.64202880859,
x = -1916.1899414062,
ID = 950,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3004: Quest - Jade Forest - Fort Grookin -> Ka Pao Rise ',
y = 522.43402099609,
x = -1665.8900146484,
ID = 951,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3018: Quest - Jade Forest - Glassfin Village -> Ka Pao Rise ',
y = 522.43402099609,
x = -1665.8900146484,
ID = 963,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Paw\'Don Village, Jade Forest',
y = -307.20001220703,
x = -1762.7700195312,
ID = 966,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'The Arboretum, Jade Forest',
y = 1600.6600341797,
x = -2530.2700195312,
ID = 967,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Jade Temple Grounds, Jade Forest',
y = 773.24700927734,
x = -2358.9599609375,
ID = 968,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Sri-La Village, Jade Forest',
y = 2550.7600097656,
x = -2418.3200683594,
ID = 969,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Emperor\'s Omen, Jade Forest',
y = 2400.75,
x = -2099.4299316406,
ID = 970,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Tian Monastery, Jade Forest',
y = 2505.8999023438,
x = -1590.8900146484,
ID = 971,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Pearlfin Village, Jade Forest',
y = -186.09700012207,
x = -2594.6101074219,
ID = 972,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Honeydew Village, Jade Forest',
y = 2927.1599121094,
x = -509.18399047852,
ID = 973,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Pang\'s Stead, Valley of the Four Winds',
y = 543.91497802734,
x = -637.81402587891,
ID = 984,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Halfhill, Valley of the Four Winds',
y = -221.32600402832,
x = 464.55899047852,
ID = 985,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Zhu\'s Watch, Krasarang Wilds',
y = -375.68399047852,
x = -647.96502685547,
ID = 986,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Thunder Cleft, Krasarang Wilds',
y = -878.27600097656,
x = 171.40299987793,
ID = 987,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'The Incursion, Krasarang Wilds',
y = -1125.3100585938,
x = -227.74699401856,
ID = 988,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Stoneplow, Valley of the Four Winds',
y = -436.54000854492,
x = 1886.6999511719,
ID = 989,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Dawnchaser Retreat, Krasarang Wilds',
y = -1685.6800537109,
x = 1590.3399658203,
ID = 990,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Sentinel Basecamp, Krasarang Wilds',
y = -1156.6099853516,
x = 1770.3800048828,
ID = 991,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Cradle of Chi-Ji, Krasarang Wilds',
y = -2082.3000488281,
x = 1483.6300048828,
ID = 992,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Marista, Krasarang Wilds',
y = -2504.0900878906,
x = 491.5830078125,
ID = 993,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3154: Quest - Kun-Lai Summit - Neverrest Peak -> Valley of Emperors',
y = 3575.2299804688,
x = 1217.7600097656,
ID = 998,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3173: Quest - Kun-Lai Summit - Valley -> Whispercloud Rise',
y = 3622.0900878906,
x = 839.25,
ID = 1009,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3066: Quest - Jade Forest - Serpent\'s Spine -> VotFW - JLR',
y = 578.35101318359,
x = -715.82299804688,
ID = 1016,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Binan Village, Kun-Lai Summit',
y = 1690.1099853516,
x = 303.9580078125,
ID = 1017,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Temple of the White Tiger, Kun-Lai Summit',
y = 3504.0400390625,
x = 690.67700195313,
ID = 1018,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Eastwind Rest, Kun-Lai Summit',
y = 2250.5900878906,
x = 931.56896972656,
ID = 1019,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Westwind Rest, Kun-Lai Summit',
y = 2103.3500976562,
x = 1463.8299560547,
ID = 1020,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Zouchin Village, Kun-Lai Summit',
y = 4362.9599609375,
x = 932.11798095703,
ID = 1021,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'One Keg, Kun-Lai Summit',
y = 3124.5200195312,
x = 1224.2800292969,
ID = 1022,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Kota Basecamp, Kun-Lai Summit',
y = 2716.4299316406,
x = 2163.3100585938,
ID = 1023,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Shado-Pan Fallback, Kun-Lai Summit',
y = 1880.5899658203,
x = 2088.580078125,
ID = 1024,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Winter\'s Blossom, Kun-Lai Summit',
y = 3151.8500976562,
x = 2677.7600097656,
ID = 1025,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Tavern in the Mists, The Veiled Stair',
y = 784.89898681641,
x = -203.66999816895,
ID = 1029,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3244: Jade Forest: -hmc (Taxi: Serpent\'s Spine to East Temple)',
y = 996.70001220703,
x = -2435.4299316406,
ID = 1030,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 3246: Quest - Kun-Lai Summit - GoWB - To the Wall! (NLC)',
y = 3018.0100097656,
x = 3006.1398925781,
ID = 1032,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3248: Quest - Kun-Lai Summit - GoWB - Back from the Wall (NLC)',
y = 3107.3601074219,
x = 2846.5700683594,
ID = 1038,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Jade Forest - Cliff path 04 Start',
y = 3377.1201171875,
x = -473.21200561523,
ID = 1046,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Jade Forest - Cliff path 04 End',
y = 3279.919921875,
x = -502.6130065918,
ID = 1047,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3263: Jade forest - Cliff path 04',
y = 3284.8798828125,
x = -513.50201416016,
ID = 1048,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3264: Jade Forest - Cliff Path 01',
y = 3371.580078125,
x = -736.67199707031,
ID = 1049,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3265: Jade Forest - Cliff Path 02',
y = 1612.0999755859,
x = -2627.3898925781,
ID = 1050,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3266: Jade Forest - Cliff Path 03',
y = 2230.3701171875,
x = -145.37199401856,
ID = 1051,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Grassy Cline, Valley of the Four Winds',
y = 460.54000854492,
x = -100.46700286865,
ID = 1052,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Longying Outpost, Townlong Steppes',
y = 2363.2299804688,
x = 2994.3898925781,
ID = 1053,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Gao-Ran Battlefront, Townlong Steppes',
y = 1440.7199707031,
x = 2804.4899902344,
ID = 1054,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Rensai\'s Watchpost, Townlong Steppes',
y = 1531.7299804688,
x = 3963.6999511719,
ID = 1055,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Shado-Pan Garrison, Townlong Steppes',
y = 1803.3199462891,
x = 4204.2299804688,
ID = 1056,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Shrine of Seven Stars, Vale of Eternal Blossoms',
y = 896.45300292969,
x = 334.35101318359,
ID = 1057,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Shrine of Two Moons, Vale of Eternal Blossoms',
y = 1580.1600341797,
x = 894.1669921875,
ID = 1058,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Klaxxi\'vess, Dread Wastes',
y = 172.66299438477,
x = 3152.25,
ID = 1070,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Soggy\'s Gamble, Dread Wastes',
y = -1086.2099609375,
x = 3136.1899414062,
ID = 1071,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'The Sunset Brewgarden, Dread Wastes',
y = 982.67700195313,
x = 3451.8601074219,
ID = 1072,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Serpent\'s Spine, Vale of Eternal Blossoms',
y = 611.36499023438,
x = 2125.0300292969,
ID = 1073,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3375: Jade Forest: JSB - East Temple -> Grookin\' Hill',
y = 1466.1800537109,
x = -504.55200195313,
ID = 1076,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3377: Jade Forest: JSB - East Temple -> Glassfin Village',
y = -267.66500854492,
x = -2614.8000488281,
ID = 1079,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Serpent\'s Overlook, Jade Forest',
y = 465.85598754883,
x = -1558.5600585938,
ID = 1080,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'The Briny Muck, Dread Wastes',
y = -570.40502929688,
x = 3859.7900390625,
ID = 1090,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3448: Dread Wastes: Klaxxi\'vess -> Briny Muck Quest Path',
y = -567.34600830078,
x = 3856.7299804688,
ID = 1091,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3449: Dread Wastes: Klaxxi\'vess -> Lake of Stars Quest Path',
y = -766.27398681641,
x = 2839.2399902344,
ID = 1092,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Test - Spy Quest H01a - PRK',
y = 4777.0498046875,
x = -5133.3999023438,
ID = 1104,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Test - Spy Quest H01b - PRK',
y = 1567.3800048828,
x = -11797.299804688,
ID = 1105,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 3481: Quest - Kun-Lai Summit: JLR - Zouchin Village -> Isle of Reckoning',
y = 4810.1499023438,
x = 53.44440078735,
ID = 1114,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'The Lion\'s Redoubt, Dread Wastes',
y = 234.40600585938,
x = 2198.0300292969,
ID = 1115,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3482: Quest - Kun-Lai Summit: JLR - Isle of Reckoning - Zouchin',
y = 4387.3999023438,
x = 838.88702392578,
ID = 1116,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Serpent\'s Spine, Kun-Lai Summit',
y = 2123.1499023438,
x = 2584.9299316406,
ID = 1117,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3506: Jade Forest: -hmc (Taxi: Serpent\'s Spine to Statue Top) NEW (Tab 870)',
y = 832.38000488281,
x = -1861.9200439453,
ID = 1130,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 3507: Jade Forest: -hmc (Taxi: Statue Top to Serpent\'s Spine) NEW (Tab 870)',
y = 859.64202880859,
x = -1916.1899414062,
ID = 1131,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Lion\'s Landing, Krasarang Wilds',
y = -1193.5600585938,
x = -1193.6999511719,
ID = 1190,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Domination Point, Krasarang Wilds',
y = -1752.1899414062,
x = 2492.0200195312,
ID = 1195,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Beeble\'s Wreck, Isle Of Giants',
y = 5753.759765625,
x = 1255.5500488281,
ID = 1221,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Bozzle\'s Wreck, Isle Of Giants',
y = 5799.6401367188,
x = 1080.5699462891,
ID = 1222,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Quest Path 3877: Garrosh Raid - Siege Engineer - Pipe Transfer',
y = 1989.4200439453,
x = -5508.5498046875,
ID = 1284,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 3886: Timeless Isle 5.4 - Vignette - Source of Water - Bubble Down (RKS) [REUSEME]',
y = -597.56597900391,
x = -5239.5297851562,
ID = 1292,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Tushui Landing, Timeless Isle',
y = -901.36999511719,
x = -4639.1201171875,
ID = 1293,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Huojin Landing, Timeless Isle',
y = -404.95001220703,
x = -4608.5600585938,
ID = 1294,
ContinentID = 870,
name = 'Shadowmoon Valley 6.0 - Observatory (JP3)',
y = 966.91802978516,
x = -1029.6500244141,
ID = 1350,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Shadowmoon Valley 6.0 - Ironhorde POI (JP3)',
y = 966.91802978516,
x = -1029.6500244141,
ID = 1351,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Embaari Village, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = 918.26397705078,
x = -792.36102294922,
ID = 1381,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Twilight Glade, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = 195.23599243164,
x = -459.20001220703,
ID = 1382,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Path of the Light, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = 602.69799804688,
x = -1710.4499511719,
ID = 1383,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Exile\'s Rise, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = 1526.3800048828,
x = -788.89099121094,
ID = 1384,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Wor\'gol, Frostfire Ridge',
y = 5988.6801757812,
x = 6180.8598632812,
ID = 1386,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Bladespire Citadel, Frostfire Ridge',
y = 6754.5600585938,
x = 6012.5400390625,
ID = 1387,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Throm\'Var, Frostfire Ridge',
y = 7879.5698242188,
x = 5560.169921875,
ID = 1388,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Frostfire Ridge',
y = 7399.4501953125,
x = 4358.41015625,
ID = 1389,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Stonefang Outpost, Frostfire Ridge',
y = 6157.5600585938,
x = 5052.4399414062,
ID = 1390,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Thunder Pass, Frostfire Ridge',
y = 5789.5698242188,
x = 2394.8898925781,
ID = 1395,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Darkspear\'s Edge, Frostfire Ridge',
y = 6600,
x = 4342.5498046875,
ID = 1396,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Warspear, Ashran',
y = 5356.2299804688,
x = -3942.2399902344,
ID = 1408,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Stormshield (Alliance), Ashran',
y = 3685.1499023438,
x = -3840.4699707031,
ID = 1420,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Shadowmoon Valley 6.0:Jp3 - Darktide Roost - Bottom Of Hill',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 1421,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Shadowmoon Valley 6.0:JP3 - Darktide Roost - Top of Hill',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 1422,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Frostwall Garrison, Frostfire Ridge',
y = 5578.9399414062,
x = 4564.83984375,
ID = 1432,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Zangarra, Talador',
y = 3418.7800292969,
x = 1040.1500244141,
ID = 1440,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Frostwolf Overlook, Talador',
y = 4008.8601074219,
x = 2166.8701171875,
ID = 1441,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Beastwatch, Gorgrond',
y = 5815.509765625,
x = 1304.3399658203,
ID = 1442,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Vol\'jin\'s Pride, Talador',
y = 3258.830078125,
x = 1609.2700195312,
ID = 1443,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Durotan\'s Grasp, Talador',
y = 2808.7900390625,
x = 2525.7399902344,
ID = 1445,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Fort Wrynn (Alliance), Talador',
y = 3576.8100585938,
x = 1669.4000244141,
ID = 1447,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Redemption Rise, Talador',
y = 3407.7299804688,
x = 2062,
ID = 1448,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Shattrath City, Talador',
y = 2727.1599121094,
x = 2777,
ID = 1450,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Anchorite\'s Sojourn, Talador',
y = 2171.8200683594,
x = 1059.2199707031,
ID = 1451,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Retribution Point, Talador',
y = 1378.4000244141,
x = 3318.5200195312,
ID = 1452,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Exarch\'s Refuge, Talador',
y = 1696.5,
x = 2561.3500976562,
ID = 1453,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Exarch\'s Refuge, Talador',
y = 1731.0899658203,
x = 2581.5300292969,
ID = 1454,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Terokkar Refuge, Talador',
y = 2158.6499023438,
x = 1634.4699707031,
ID = 1462,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4263: Draenor Zone Breadcrumb - Frostfire Garrison > Talador Start Loc (CSA)',
y = 3305.7700195312,
x = 1541.4699707031,
ID = 1463,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4266: Draenor Zone Breadcrumb - Shadowmoon Garrison > Talador Start Loc (CSA)',
y = 3611.4399414062,
x = 1762.0500488281,
ID = 1464,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4269: Draenor Zone Breadcrumb - Shadowmoon Garrison > Nagrand Start Loc (ELM)',
y = 2196.7600097656,
x = 4141.9399414062,
ID = 1465,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4270: Draenor Zone Breadcrumb - Frostfire Ridge Garrison > Nagrand Start Loc (ELM)',
y = 2195.8100585938,
x = 4140.1298828125,
ID = 1466,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'The Draakorium, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = 128.56900024414,
x = -1555.75,
ID = 1467,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Elodor (Alliance), Shadowmoon Valley',
y = 1240.1999511719,
x = -1666.4300537109,
ID = 1468,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Socrethar\'s Rise, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = -799.67401123047,
x = -671.42401123047,
ID = 1475,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Lunarfall (Alliance), Shadowmoon Valley',
y = 1866.5600585938,
x = 219.46699523926,
ID = 1476,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4316: Frostfire Ridge - Garrison - Max-Level Chapter - Sargerei - Taxi Path to Shadowmoon (HMC)',
y = -800.44000244141,
x = -669.34002685547,
ID = 1477,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Axefall, Spires of Arak',
y = -368.20098876953,
x = 2285.5500488281,
ID = 1487,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4333: Shadowmoon Valley 6.0:JP3 - Darktide Roost - Taxi Path to Darktide Roost',
y = -1072.0600585938,
x = -1710.5600585938,
ID = 1488,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4334: Frostfire Ridge:JP3 - Darktide Roost - Taxi to Darktide Roost',
y = -1069.6099853516,
x = -1588.7299804688,
ID = 1489,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4337: Spires of Arak 6.0 - Horde Garrison Outpost > Shadow\'s Defiance',
y = 438.57598876953,
x = 1507.9499511719,
ID = 1490,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Southport, Spires of Arak',
y = -1117.4499511719,
x = 2316.9699707031,
ID = 1493,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4341: Spires of Arak 6.0 - Alliance Garrison Outpost > Shadow\'s Defiance',
y = 438.07800292969,
x = 1507.5999755859,
ID = 1494,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4342: Shadowmoon Valley 6.0:JP3 - A - Broken Precipice - Taxi Path to Broken Precipice ',
y = 3860.5900878906,
x = 6933.58984375,
ID = 1495,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4345: Spires of Arak 6.0 - Shattered Hand Poison Camp > Horde Garrison Outpost',
y = -368.80899047852,
x = 2286.1201171875,
ID = 1496,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4346: Spires of Arak 6.0 - Shattered Hand Poison Camp > Alliance Garrison Outpost',
y = -1114.3399658203,
x = 2312.9399414062,
ID = 1497,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4353: Frostfire Ridge:JP3 - Broken Precipice - Taxi to Nagrand / Broken Precipice',
y = 3867.3898925781,
x = 6929.3598632812,
ID = 1498,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'The Ring of Trials, Nagrand',
y = 3040.7800292969,
x = 4783.080078125,
ID = 1502,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Throne of the Elements, Nagrand',
y = 3918.7900390625,
x = 5131.4501953125,
ID = 1503,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Wor\'var, Nagrand',
y = 3235.7299804688,
x = 4584.5498046875,
ID = 1504,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Riverside Post, Nagrand',
y = 3102.8100585938,
x = 6500.3798828125,
ID = 1505,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Telaari Station, Nagrand',
y = 2594.25,
x = 5700.6298828125,
ID = 1506,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Yrel\'s Watch, Nagrand',
y = 3384.169921875,
x = 5755.580078125,
ID = 1507,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Veil Terokk, Spires of Arak',
y = -398.9880065918,
x = 1880.1199951172,
ID = 1508,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Talon Watch, Spires of Arak',
y = -335.45098876953,
x = 926.62200927734,
ID = 1509,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Pinchwhistle Gearworks, Spires of Arak',
y = -1579.1400146484,
x = 993.09002685547,
ID = 1510,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Bastion Rise, Gorgrond',
y = 4552.2700195312,
x = 1274.5600585938,
ID = 1511,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Bastion Rise, Gorgrond',
y = 4641.6201171875,
x = 1188.0699462891,
ID = 1512,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Apexis Excavation, Spires of Arak',
y = 387.5419921875,
x = 2442.7299804688,
ID = 1513,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Evermorn Springs, Gorgrond',
y = 4837.6298828125,
x = 1687.5500488281,
ID = 1514,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Crow\'s Crook, Spires of Arak',
y = 128.61500549316,
x = 1544.6300048828,
ID = 1515,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Wildwood Wash, Gorgrond',
y = 6456.1000976562,
x = -174.75500488281,
ID = 1518,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Highpass, Gorgrond',
y = 6352.580078125,
x = 746.23400878906,
ID = 1519,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Breaker\'s Crown, Gorgrond',
y = 6593.4301757812,
x = 1316.0400390625,
ID = 1520,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Deeproot, Gorgrond',
y = 5412.8500976562,
x = 1271.0500488281,
ID = 1523,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Iron Docks, Gorgrond',
y = 8486.150390625,
x = 1544.2399902344,
ID = 1524,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4442: Spires of Arak: (DLA) - Veil Terokk -> Talon Watch Breadcrumb',
y = -347.26699829102,
x = 930.75201416016,
ID = 1527,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Iron Siegeworks, Frostfire Ridge',
y = 5724.259765625,
x = 2163.6398925781,
ID = 1528,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Darktide Roost, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = -974.125,
x = -1739.3000488281,
ID = 1529,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4535: Quest Path - Spires of Arak 6.0 - Horde Garrison Outpost > Pinchwhistle Gearworks (LWB)',
y = -1581.1300048828,
x = 994.18200683594,
ID = 1535,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4538: Quest Path - Spires of Arak 6.0 - Alliance Garrison Outpost > Pinchwhistle Gearworks (LWB)',
y = -1581.8000488281,
x = 996.68597412109,
ID = 1536,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Shattered Landing, Blasted Lands',
y = -11771.200195312,
x = -3867.3200683594,
ID = 1537,
ContinentID = 1190,
name = 'Shattered Beachhead, Blasted Lands',
y = -11254,
x = -3666.5700683594,
ID = 1538,
ContinentID = 1190,
name = 'Skysea Ridge, Gorgrond',
y = 7596.2001953125,
x = 1829.0500488281,
ID = 1539,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4579: Talador 6.0 - Zangarra > Khadgar\'s Tower',
y = 3198.0600585938,
x = 846.59899902344,
ID = 1540,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4580: Talador 6.0 - Khadgar\'s Tower > Zangarra',
y = 3391.919921875,
x = 1029.8000488281,
ID = 1541,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4590: Shadowmoon Valley 6.0:JP3 - A - Ashran - Taxi Path to Ashran Staging Area',
y = 3685.1000976562,
x = -3837.419921875,
ID = 1547,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4600: Frostfire Ridge:JP3 - Ashran Staging Area - Taxi to Ashran',
y = 5357.8999023438,
x = -3940.419921875,
ID = 1549,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4599: Shadowmoon 6.x - "The Search for Owynn Graddock": Garrison, Shadowmoon Valley -> Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Frostfire Ridge (HMC)',
y = 7400.6401367188,
x = 4358.6899414062,
ID = 1550,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 4634: Shadowmoon 6.x - "Pinchwhistle Gearworks": Garrison, Shadowmoon Valley -> Pinchwhistle Gearworks, Spires of Arak (LWB)',
y = -1577.9599609375,
x = 993.76000976563,
ID = 1553,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4635: Frostfire 6.x - "Pinchwhistle Gearworks": Garrison, Frostfire ->Pinchwhistle Gearworks, Spires of Arak (LWB)',
y = -1577.7399902344,
x = 993.81402587891,
ID = 1554,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4636: Shadowmoon Valley, Tier 3 Garrison -> Ashran, Stormshield (Shortcut Path) (CSA)',
y = 3686.5900878906,
x = -3846.6799316406,
ID = 1555,
ContinentID = 1191,
name = 'Tranquil Court, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = 407.0419921875,
x = -2449.7299804688,
ID = 1556,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Wolf\'s Stand, Frostfire Ridge',
y = 5830.8598632812,
x = 3004.0900878906,
ID = 1559,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4665: Ashran - Lane - Warspear to Stormshield',
y = 4061.2399902344,
x = -4077.9399414062,
ID = 1562,
ContinentID = 1191,
name = 'Quest Path 4666: Ashran - Lane - Stormshield to Warspear',
y = 5037.7099609375,
x = -4197.6298828125,
ID = 1563,
ContinentID = 1191,
name = 'Temple of Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = 405.78799438477,
x = -2448.75,
ID = 1567,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Everbloom Wilds, Gorgrond',
y = 7093.6000976562,
x = 404.73999023438,
ID = 1568,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Akeeta\'s Hovel, Shadowmoon Valley',
y = 676.42401123047,
x = 701.43902587891,
ID = 1569,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Rilzit\'s Holdfast, Nagrand',
y = 3761.2600097656,
x = 6430.1499023438,
ID = 1572,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Nivek\'s Overlook, Nagrand',
y = 2053.6599121094,
x = 6507.3901367188,
ID = 1573,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Joz\'s Rylaks, Nagrand',
y = 3676.0400390625,
x = 5776.1899414062,
ID = 1574,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Everbloom Overlook, Gorgrond',
y = 8018.08984375,
x = -560.48999023438,
ID = 1580,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4881: Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley -> Terokkar Pass, Spires of Arak',
y = 779.62701416016,
x = 2418.2399902344,
ID = 1581,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4888: Frostwall Garrison, Frostfire Ridge -> Terokkar Pass, Spires of Arak',
y = 778.20001220703,
x = 2417.919921875,
ID = 1582,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4958: Garrison - 6.1 Chapter - H - Taxi to Iron Docks - JMC',
y = 9227,
x = 489,
ID = 1599,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 4960: Garrison - 6.1 Chapter - H - Taxi from Iron Docks to Garrison - JMC',
y = 5579.0400390625,
x = 4564.7202148438,
ID = 1601,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4965: Garrison - 6.1 Chapter - A - Taxi from Garrison to Iron Docks - JMC',
y = 9068,
x = 744,
ID = 1605,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4966: Garrison - 6.1 Chapter - A - Taxi from Iron Docks to Garrison - JMC',
y = 1866.1500244141,
x = 219.7200012207,
ID = 1606,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Azurewing Repose, Azsuna',
y = 576.40502929688,
x = 6644.0297851562,
ID = 1613,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 4974: 6.2 Tanaan - Quest - H - From Vol\'mar to Iron Front - JMC',
y = 3976.3798828125,
x = 1218.9499511719,
ID = 1614,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Challiane\'s Terrace, Azsuna',
y = 1406.0799560547,
x = 7140.7001953125,
ID = 1615,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Lion\'s Watch, Tanaan Jungle',
y = 3875.2199707031,
x = -1311.7199707031,
ID = 1620,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Vol\'mar, Tanaan Jungle',
y = 4307.91015625,
x = -1465.3100585938,
ID = 1621,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Illidari Stand, Azsuna',
y = -117.83499908447,
x = 6891.1899414062,
ID = 1622,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 4987: 6.2 Tanaan - Lion\'s Watch - Taxi Path to Aktar\'s Post (LWB)',
y = 4565.330078125,
x = 334.96200561523,
ID = 1625,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Quest Path 4988: 6.2 Tanaan - Volmar - Taxi Path to Aktar\'s Post (LWB)',
y = 4565.7001953125,
x = 335.36801147461,
ID = 1626,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Shackle\'s Den, Azsuna',
y = -784.17401123047,
x = 6130.0400390625,
ID = 1633,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5017: 7.0 Azsuna - Rift 01 - East Chasm -> West Chasm',
y = 869.94598388672,
x = 6285.8500976562,
ID = 1634,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5018: 7.0 Azsuna - Rift 01 - West Chasm -> East Chasm',
y = 690.04498291016,
x = 6201.7099609375,
ID = 1635,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5019: 7.0 Azsuna - Rift 02 - Tower -> Rock (ZTO)',
y = 1263.1700439453,
x = 5984.6401367188,
ID = 1636,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5020: 7.0 Azsuna - Rift 03, Tower - Base -> Top (ZTO/PRK)',
y = 987.22100830078,
x = 6171.8901367188,
ID = 1637,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5026: 6.2 Tanaan - Quest - A - From Lion\'s Watch to Iron Front - JMC',
y = 4071.2099609375,
x = 1185.9100341797,
ID = 1642,
ContinentID = 1464,
name = 'Aktar\'s Post, Tanaan Jungle',
y = 4569.4399414062,
x = 335.0539855957,
ID = 1643,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'The Iron Front, Tanaan Jungle',
y = 3979.3000488281,
x = 1216.6199951172,
ID = 1644,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'The Iron Front, Tanaan Jungle',
y = 4074.9699707031,
x = 1183.75,
ID = 1645,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Vault of the Earth, Tanaan Jungle',
y = 3475.2800292969,
x = -762.55200195313,
ID = 1646,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Malo\'s Lookout, Tanaan Jungle',
y = 4457.5400390625,
x = -574.69299316406,
ID = 1647,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Sha\'naari Refuge, Tanaan Jungle',
y = 3728.3798828125,
x = 157.93099975586,
ID = 1648,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Bret Test 3-3s',
y = 15589.5,
x = -16185.400390625,
ID = 1660,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Bret Test 3-3e',
y = 15574.200195312,
x = -16164.200195312,
ID = 1661,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Carl Test a',
y = 15574.200195312,
x = -16164.200195312,
ID = 1662,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Lorlathil, Val\'sharah',
y = 2299.8798828125,
x = 6577.66015625,
ID = 1673,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Bradensbrook, Val\'sharah',
y = 2814.2900390625,
x = 7275.8198242188,
ID = 1713,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5222: Garrison, Alliance Shipyard -> Tanaan (IGC)',
y = 3441.7800292969,
x = -2148.6398925781,
ID = 1716,
ContinentID = 1116,
name = 'Thunder Totem, Highmountain',
y = 4156.509765625,
x = 4374.4501953125,
ID = 1719,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5262: Stormheim: (DLA) - Valdisdall -> Dreadwake (Spell Taxi)',
y = 2493.7900390625,
x = 2009.8599853516,
ID = 1722,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5263: Stormheim: (DLA) - Valdisdall -> Greywatch (Spell Taxi)',
y = 2862.9299316406,
x = 851.04498291016,
ID = 1723,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5283: Alliance Garrison (Tier 3) > Alliance Shipyard',
y = 2134.3500976562,
x = 383.81100463867,
ID = 1729,
ContinentID = 1159,
name = 'Quest Path 5284: Alliance Shipyard > Alliance Garrison (Tier 3)',
y = 2259.419921875,
x = 412.54000854492,
ID = 1730,
ContinentID = 1473,
name = 'Alliance Shipyard Taxi',
y = 2138.8000488281,
x = 380.13198852539,
ID = 1731,
ContinentID = 1473,
name = 'Quest Path 5286: 7.0 DH-Mardum - Illidari Foothold -> The Fel Hammer (ELM)',
y = 1464.9899902344,
x = 1410.9499511719,
ID = 1732,
ContinentID = 1481,
name = 'Cullen\'s Post, Stormheim',
y = 2885.6499023438,
x = 2422.6101074219,
ID = 1738,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Dreadwake\'s Landing, Stormheim',
y = 2355.7199707031,
x = 1870.0899658203,
ID = 1739,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Forsaken Foothold, Stormheim',
y = 3987.5400390625,
x = 2914.2900390625,
ID = 1741,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Valdisdall, Stormheim',
y = 3205.5900878906,
x = 1515.5799560547,
ID = 1742,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Greywatch, Stormheim',
y = 2863.9299316406,
x = 849.17498779297,
ID = 1744,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Lorna\'s Watch, Stormheim',
y = 2704.4899902344,
x = 2860.2299804688,
ID = 1745,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Skyfire Triage Camp, Stormheim',
y = 3217.6000976562,
x = 3079.919921875,
ID = 1747,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5333: 7.0 Artifacts - Monk - Order Formation - Number Nine Flight - LWB',
y = 3833.1201171875,
x = 1727.8699951172,
ID = 1748,
ContinentID = 1014,
name = 'Skyhorn, Highmountain',
y = 4833.9301757812,
x = 3967.3701171875,
ID = 1753,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'The Witchwood, Highmountain',
y = 5116.1098632812,
x = 4982.16015625,
ID = 1754,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Felbane Camp, Highmountain',
y = 5108.330078125,
x = 5570.6098632812,
ID = 1755,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Shipwreck Cove, Highmountain',
y = 6466.83984375,
x = 4727.990234375,
ID = 1756,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Obsidian Overlook, Highmountain',
y = 2971.6899414062,
x = 4343.4599609375,
ID = 1758,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Ironhorn Enclave, Highmountain',
y = 3005.7199707031,
x = 3668.4699707031,
ID = 1759,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Trueshot Lodge, Highmountain',
y = 4634.2900390625,
x = 5339.419921875,
ID = 1760,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Prepfoot, Highmountain',
y = 5613.3999023438,
x = 3585.0300292969,
ID = 1761,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Starsong Refuge, Val\'sharah',
y = 3094.0600585938,
x = 5807.2099609375,
ID = 1764,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Garden of the Moon, Val\'sharah',
y = 2841.7900390625,
x = 6482.2900390625,
ID = 1766,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Nesingwary, Highmountain',
y = 4483.4599609375,
x = 4843.2900390625,
ID = 1767,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Dalaran',
y = -860.82800292969,
x = 4295.9501953125,
ID = 1774,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Sylvan Falls, Highmountain',
y = 3853.5500488281,
x = 5150.58984375,
ID = 1777,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Stonehoof Watch, Highmountain',
y = 3891.9499511719,
x = 3500.1799316406,
ID = 1778,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5500: 7.0 Azsuna - Rift 02 - Rock -> Tower (ZTO)',
y = 1183.6600341797,
x = 5961.830078125,
ID = 1783,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5509: 7.0 Highmountain - Stonehoof Watch -> Sylvan Falls (Quest, ZTO)',
y = 3854.7199707031,
x = 5149.0400390625,
ID = 1784,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5512: Quest Path 5020: 7.0 Azsuna - Rift 03, Base - Tower (ZTO)',
y = 993.24298095703,
x = 6170.25,
ID = 1787,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 4621: [OLD]7.0 Quest - Azsuna (Down to Azsuna: Unlearned Taxi Dalaran --> Azsuna - Alliance) - ELM',
y = -80.68060302734,
x = 6848.75,
ID = 1800,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5597: [OLD]7.0 Quest - Azsuna (Down to Azsuna: Unlearned Taxi Dalaran --> Azsuna - Horde) - ELM',
y = -80.68060302734,
x = 6848.75,
ID = 1801,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5615: 7.0 Dalaran -> Trueshot Lodge, Highmountain',
y = 4633.740234375,
x = 5340.7202148438,
ID = 1803,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 5643: 7.0 Quest - Azsuna (Down to Azsuna: Unlearned Taxi Dalaran --> Azsuna - Alliance) - ELM',
y = -80.68060302734,
x = 6848.75,
ID = 1813,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5645: [OLD2]7.0 Quest - Azsuna (Down to Azsuna: Unlearned Taxi Dalaran --> Azsuna - Horde) - ELM',
y = -80.68060302734,
x = 6848.75,
ID = 1814,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'The Dreamgrove, Val\'sharah (Druids Only)',
y = 4074.3200683594,
x = 7225.4501953125,
ID = 1815,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5654: 7.0 Artifacts - Druid - Feral - Q:42428 - Dreamgrove -> Ashamane\'s Fall - LWB',
y = 3233.6101074219,
x = 5750.0200195312,
ID = 1818,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5655: 7.0 Quest - Azsuna (Down to Azsuna: Unlearned Taxi Dalaran --> Azsuna - Horde) - ELM',
y = -80.68060302734,
x = 6848.75,
ID = 1819,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5667: 7.0 DH-OHC - "Malace in Vrykul Land" Alliance - Dalaran -> Valdishall (ELM)',
y = 3204.6201171875,
x = 1524.5,
ID = 1825,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5668: 7.0 DH-OHC - "Malace in Vrykul Land" Horde - Dalaran -> Valdishall (ELM)',
y = 3204.6201171875,
x = 1524.5,
ID = 1826,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5669: 7.0 Order Hall - Mage - Ch 4 - The Oculus - Rings Portal 01 - SBV',
y = 992.97900390625,
x = 982.66302490234,
ID = 1827,
ContinentID = 1623,
name = 'Quest Path 5670: 7.0 Order Hall - Mage - Ch 4 - The Oculus - Rings Portal Top -> Ring A - SBV',
y = 1218.2600097656,
x = 984.48602294922,
ID = 1828,
ContinentID = 1623,
name = 'Quest Path 5671: 7.0 Order Hall - Mage - Ch 4 - The Oculus - Rings Portal Middle 02 - SBV',
y = 1103.3900146484,
x = 1181.5699462891,
ID = 1829,
ContinentID = 1623,
name = 'Quest Path 5672: 7.0 Order Hall - Mage - Ch 4 - The Oculus - Rings Portal Middle 03 - SBV',
y = 1126.8399658203,
x = 1009.3200073242,
ID = 1830,
ContinentID = 1623,
name = 'Quest Path 5673: 7.0 Order Hall - Mage - Ch 4 - The Oculus - Side Platform Portal B -> Ring C - SBV',
y = 1100.0200195312,
x = 1182.5799560547,
ID = 1831,
ContinentID = 1623,
name = 'Quest Path 5674: 7.0 Order Hall - Mage - Ch 4 - The Oculus - Portal - Ring A -> Center - SBV',
y = 1126.8399658203,
x = 1009.3200073242,
ID = 1832,
ContinentID = 1623,
name = 'Quest Path 5675: 7.0 Order Hall - Mage - Ch 4 - The Oculus - Portal - Ring B -> Center - SBV',
y = 1126.8399658203,
x = 1009.3200073242,
ID = 1833,
ContinentID = 1623,
name = 'Quest Path 5676: 7.0 Order Hall - Mage - Ch 4 - The Oculus - Side Platform Portal A -> Ring B - SBV',
y = 990.73602294922,
x = 985.27600097656,
ID = 1834,
ContinentID = 1623,
name = 'Quest Path 5677: 7.0 Order Hall - Mage - Ch 4 - The Oculus - Side Platform Portal C -> Ring A - SBV',
y = 1216.1400146484,
x = 986.10797119141,
ID = 1835,
ContinentID = 1623,
name = 'Quest Path 5678: 7.0 Order Hall - Mage - Ch 4 - The Oculus - Rings Portal - Ring C -> Ring A - SBV',
y = 1220.2299804688,
x = 981.86102294922,
ID = 1836,
ContinentID = 1623,
name = 'Wardens\' Redoubt, Azsuna',
y = -1403.6300048828,
x = 6656.8598632812,
ID = 1837,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Thorim\'s Peak',
y = 2113.3999023438,
x = 2823.4599609375,
ID = 1838,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Nastrondir',
y = 3793.25,
x = 2368.8400878906,
ID = 1839,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Eastern Suramar',
y = 815.49102783203,
x = 2760.9799804688,
ID = 1840,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Western Suramar',
y = 379.9289855957,
x = 4364.240234375,
ID = 1841,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Carl Test b',
y = 15574.200195312,
x = -16164.200195312,
ID = 1842,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Carl Test c',
y = 15574.200195312,
x = -16164.200195312,
ID = 1843,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Carl Test d',
y = 15574.200195312,
x = -16164.200195312,
ID = 1844,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Isle of the Watchers',
y = -1704.4399414062,
x = 6472.990234375,
ID = 1845,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Faronaar',
y = -88.43229675293,
x = 8214.3203125,
ID = 1846,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'The Dreamgrove',
y = 4411.1499023438,
x = 7164.2099609375,
ID = 1847,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Trueshot Lodge',
y = 4632.0297851562,
x = 5320.9599609375,
ID = 1848,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Dalaran',
y = -813.53302001953,
x = 4274.8701171875,
ID = 1849,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Eastern Highmountain',
y = 3769.1799316406,
x = 3682.8999023438,
ID = 1850,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Shield\'s Rest, Stormheim',
y = 4764.5200195312,
x = -186.99699401856,
ID = 1855,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Vengeance Point, Broken Shore',
y = -545.19097900391,
x = 3001.7800292969,
ID = 1856,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Stormtorn Foothills, Stormheim',
y = 3835.6101074219,
x = 2016.1199951172,
ID = 1857,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Meredil, Suramar',
y = 1615.5200195312,
x = 4757.8598632812,
ID = 1858,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Felblaze Ingress, Azsuna',
y = 554.0419921875,
x = 5628.8798828125,
ID = 1859,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Watchers\' Aerie, Azsuna',
y = -1804.7199707031,
x = 6417.6298828125,
ID = 1860,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Illidari Perch, Azsuna',
y = -228.43800354004,
x = 7733.7001953125,
ID = 1861,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Acherus: The Ebon Hold',
y = -1437.4300537109,
x = 1162.2399902344,
ID = 1862,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Hafr Fjall, Stormheim',
y = 1797.3499755859,
x = 1816.6999511719,
ID = 1863,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5598: Nesingwary, Highmountain -> Shipwreck Cove, Highmountain [Unlearned]',
y = 6467.2299804688,
x = 4728.4599609375,
ID = 1864,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Boost 2.0 - Alliance - Leave Point',
y = 41.71569824219,
x = -0.42614099383,
ID = 1865,
ContinentID = 1560,
name = 'Quest Path 5911: 7.0 Dalaran -> Acherus',
y = -1437.4799804688,
x = 1162.0100097656,
ID = 1867,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5912: 7.0 Acherus -> Dalaran',
y = -835.45501708984,
x = 4276.9702148438,
ID = 1868,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5913: 7.0 Karazhan - Ballroom -> Opera Portal',
y = 1619.3199462891,
x = 2374.25,
ID = 1869,
ContinentID = 1529,
name = 'Eye of Azshara, Azsuna',
y = -3362.3200683594,
x = 4823.009765625,
ID = 1870,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5925: Quest Path 5654: 7.0 Artifacts - Druid - Feral - Q:42428 - Ashamane\'s Fall -> Dreamgrove - LWB',
y = 4074.3000488281,
x = 7238.7099609375,
ID = 1871,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5962: 7.0 Artifacts - Death Knight - Blood - From Dalaran to Broken Shore Portal - Taxi Version - LWB',
y = -857.71099853516,
x = 3615.4899902344,
ID = 1874,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5963: 7.0 Artifacts - Death Knight - Blood - From Broken Shore to Dalaran - Taxi - LWB',
y = -842.87799072266,
x = 4274.0600585938,
ID = 1875,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5626: 7.0 Artifacts - Priest - Holy - Dalaran to Broken Shore Portal - LWB',
y = -846.84399414063,
x = 3578.75,
ID = 1877,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 5627: 7.0 Artifacts - Priest - Holy - Quest NPC - Broken Shore - Fly Back - LWB',
y = -819.625,
x = 4307.7998046875,
ID = 1878,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Crimson Thicket, Suramar',
y = 1893.3000488281,
x = 3092.5500488281,
ID = 1879,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Irongrove Retreat, Suramar',
y = 2268.8000488281,
x = 5241.58984375,
ID = 1880,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Gloaming Reef, Val\'sharah',
y = 2523.9399414062,
x = 8174.8598632812,
ID = 1885,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 6004: 7.2 Assault - Val\'sharah - Black Rook - Base Camp to Ramparts - LWB',
y = 3138.4899902344,
x = 7474.3901367188,
ID = 1892,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 6005: 7.2 Legion Invasion - Val\'sharah - 03 - Taxi to Top - LWB',
y = 3248.0100097656,
x = 7370.9799804688,
ID = 1893,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 6009: 7.1 Suramar -> Black Rook Hold ("We Need Weapons" ) - ZTO',
y = 3115.6899414062,
x = 7181.58984375,
ID = 1894,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 6026: 7.2 OHC - Paladin - Light\'s Hope Chapel (Alliance) -> Broken Shore (1666) - JAP',
y = -1887.7800292969,
x = 3393.9599609375,
ID = 1899,
ContinentID = 1666,
name = 'Quest Path 6027: Quest Path 6026: 7.2 OHC - Paladin - Light\'s Hope Chapel (Horde) -> Broken Shore (1666) - JAP',
y = -1887.7800292969,
x = 3393.9599609375,
ID = 1900,
ContinentID = 1666,
name = 'Quest Path 6030: 7.2 Fel Hammer -> 7.2 Mardum',
y = 1531.0799560547,
x = 1251.3499755859,
ID = 1902,
ContinentID = 1519,
name = 'The Fel Hammer, Broken Shore',
y = 1659.1500244141,
x = 1416.6800537109,
ID = 1906,
ContinentID = 1519,
name = 'Quest Path 6038: 7.0 - Death Knight - No Man\'s Land - Taxi Route - LWB',
y = -834.57299804688,
x = 4266.4799804688,
ID = 1907,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 6036: 7.2 Fel Hammer -> 7.2 Broken Shore',
y = -1891.1700439453,
x = 3391.4299316406,
ID = 1908,
ContinentID = 1666,
name = 'Quest Path 6041: 7.2 Wandering Isle -> Stormstout Brewery, Pandaria',
y = -697.52801513672,
x = 1262.7700195312,
ID = 1909,
ContinentID = 1693,
name = 'Quest Path 6042: 7.2 OHC - Priest - Dalaran -> Broken Shore - Teleport (JAP)',
y = -1890.5,
x = 3395.4299316406,
ID = 1910,
ContinentID = 1666,
name = 'Quest Path 6048: Quest Path 6005: 7.2 Legion Invasion - Val\'sharah - 03 - Taxi to Bottom - LWB',
y = 2958.9599609375,
x = 7491.2001953125,
ID = 1913,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 6052: 7.2 OHC - Hunter - Trueshot Lodge -> Broken Shore - Teleport (JAP)',
y = 4649.9399414062,
x = 5273.16015625,
ID = 1916,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 6053: 7.2 Order Hall - Shaman - Ch 5 - Thunderaan Transport (JLW)',
y = -1458.3399658203,
x = 2633.5300292969,
ID = 1917,
ContinentID = 1666,
name = 'Quest Path 6065: 7.2 Assault - Val\'sharah - Black Rook - Top to Final Terrace',
y = 3118.9599609375,
x = 7131.0297851562,
ID = 1922,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 6067: 7.2 Assault - Val\'sharah - Black Rook - Base Camp to Final Terrace',
y = 3110.1398925781,
x = 7130.6401367188,
ID = 1923,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 6068: 7.2 Acherus: The Ebon Hold -> Illidari Camp, Broken Shore',
y = -734.65100097656,
x = 3068.2399902344,
ID = 1924,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Quest Path 6072: 7.2 Order Hall - Rogue - Ch 5 - Temp To BS (JLW)',
y = -1229.0200195312,
x = 2195.1799316406,
ID = 1927,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Krokul Hovel, Krokuun',
y = 985.81896972656,
x = 1711.8900146484,
ID = 1928,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Quest Path 6084: Acherus: The Ebon Hold -> Thorim\'s Peak, Stormheim',
y = 1929.1700439453,
x = 2047.3599853516,
ID = 1933,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'TEMPAREA1, Argus',
y = 1008.450012207,
x = 1727.8299560547,
ID = 1934,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'TEMPAREA2, Argus',
y = 1637.1600341797,
x = 2054.7099609375,
ID = 1935,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Deliverance Point, Broken Shore',
y = -1647.6800537109,
x = 3178.6398925781,
ID = 1941,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Aalgen Point, Broken Shore',
y = -1225.5100097656,
x = 2195.2299804688,
ID = 1942,
ContinentID = 1220,
name = 'Vindicaar, Krokuun',
y = 501.29998779297,
x = 1470.3000488281,
ID = 1944,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Quest Path 6175: 7.3 Argus - Isle 2 - Alleria Arc - Alleria Shadow Ball Taxi (JAK)',
y = 4995.2700195312,
x = 9823.599609375,
ID = 1947,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Zul\'jan, Nazmir',
y = 793.23602294922,
x = 1400.7399902344,
ID = 1953,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Zo\'bal Ruins, Nazmir',
y = 2025.8699951172,
x = 1336.5300292969,
ID = 1954,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Gloom Hollow, Nazmir',
y = 2007.5400390625,
x = -79.64240264893,
ID = 1955,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Forlorn Ruins, Nazmir',
y = 2596.8798828125,
x = -848.68798828125,
ID = 1956,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Port of Zandalar, Zuldazar',
y = -1950.7800292969,
x = 744.28002929688,
ID = 1957,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 6233: 8.0 Nazmir - Q: 47250 - Taxi to Jeb\'watha ruins - LWB',
y = 2214.6000976562,
x = 1585.0200195312,
ID = 1961,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 6234: 8.0 Nazmir - Q: 42750 - Flight from Jeb\'watha -> Zul\'jan - LWB',
y = 794.61297607422,
x = 1403.1999511719,
ID = 1962,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 6237: 8.0 Warfronts - Barrens - Intro Quest - Taxi from Theramore to Fort Triumph',
y = -3146.0700683594,
x = -2287.580078125,
ID = 1964,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Nesingwary\'s Gameland, Zuldazar',
y = 382.02398681641,
x = 104.04299926758,
ID = 1965,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Warbeast Kraal, Zuldazar',
y = -1046.3199462891,
x = 19.17359924316,
ID = 1966,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Shattered Fields, Krokuun',
y = 1081.1300048828,
x = 2275.75,
ID = 1967,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Xibala, Zuldazar',
y = -2692.8400878906,
x = 1915.1199951172,
ID = 1974,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Zeb\'ahari, Zuldazar',
y = 512.45001220703,
x = -835.21899414063,
ID = 1975,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Destiny Point, Krokuun',
y = 1437.4799804688,
x = 1444.2700195312,
ID = 1976,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Vindicaar, Eredath',
y = 4728.6000976562,
x = 9862.4599609375,
ID = 1977,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Conservatory of the Arcane, Eredath',
y = 5764.8901367188,
x = 9493.7802734375,
ID = 1978,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Shadowguard Incursion, Eredath',
y = 5546.0600585938,
x = 10563,
ID = 1981,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Triumvirate\'s End, Eredath',
y = 4983.2998046875,
x = 9823.4697265625,
ID = 1982,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Quest Path 6309: 8.0 Nazmir - Q: 47631 - Flight from Zul\'jan -> Gloom Hollow - LWB',
y = 2014.5500488281,
x = -86.25520324707,
ID = 1983,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 6310: 8.0 Nazmir - Q: 47602 - Flight out of Sundered Span - LWB',
y = 2006.3399658203,
x = -81.29170227051,
ID = 1984,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = '[Hidden] Argus Ground Points Hub (Ground TP out to here, TP to Vindicaar from here)',
y = 359.2799987793,
x = 1403.3499755859,
ID = 1985,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = '[Hidden] Argus Vindicaar Ground Hub (Vindicaar TP out to here, TP to ground from here)',
y = 348.875,
x = 1397.6300048828,
ID = 1986,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = '[Hidden] Argus Vindicaar No Load Hub (Vindicaar No Load transition goes through here)',
y = 338.65798950195,
x = 1392.5200195312,
ID = 1987,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Hope\'s Landing, Antoran Wastes',
y = -2934.8000488281,
x = 8798.4296875,
ID = 1988,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Prophet\'s Reflection, Eredath',
y = 6307.330078125,
x = 10116.5,
ID = 1991,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Light\'s Purchase, Antoran Wastes',
y = -3516.0900878906,
x = 8809.33984375,
ID = 1992,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'The Veiled Den, Antoran Wastes',
y = -2367.0600585938,
x = 8878.9296875,
ID = 1993,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Vindicaar, Antoran Wastes',
y = -2636.080078125,
x = 8699.91015625,
ID = 1994,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'City Center, Eredath',
y = 5417.009765625,
x = 10013.299804688,
ID = 2003,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Warport Rastari, Zuldazar',
y = -2022.5500488281,
x = 1629.1600341797,
ID = 2009,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Xibala, Zuldazar',
y = -2652.8400878906,
x = 2272.0200195312,
ID = 2012,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 6437: 8.0 Nazmir - Q49082 - Flight out of Hir\'eek\'s Lair - LWB',
y = 1858.4300537109,
x = 1549.3399658203,
ID = 2015,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 6440: 7.3 QA - TEST HOTFIX - Task 110012 - TaxiPathNode - RRB',
y = -2397.4399414062,
x = 4402.7797851562,
ID = 2018,
ContinentID = 451,
name = 'Quest Path 6443: 7.3 QA - TEST HOTFIX - Task 110012 - TaxiPathNode - 2 - RRB',
y = -9180.2998046875,
x = 313.35101318359,
ID = 2020,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Freehold, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -1786.5100097656,
x = -729.38201904297,
ID = 2023,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Temple of the Prophet, Zuldazar',
y = -1132.6199951172,
x = 1499.6999511719,
ID = 2027,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Fallhaven, Drustvar',
y = -66.31600189209,
x = 2141.2399902344,
ID = 2033,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Hangman\'s Point, Drustvar',
y = -296.98300170898,
x = 1227.5300292969,
ID = 2034,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Fletcher\'s Hollow, Drustvar',
y = -1045.7299804688,
x = 1277.6600341797,
ID = 2035,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Barbthorn Ridge, Drustvar',
y = 350.88500976563,
x = 1710.3299560547,
ID = 2037,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 6474: Freehold, Tiragarde Sound -> Southwind Ferry Dock, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -169.58299255371,
x = 95.80899810791,
ID = 2041,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Vigil Hill, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -730.97601318359,
x = 706.56597900391,
ID = 2042,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'xxOLD - Zuldazar, Nazmir Outskirts',
y = 174.29699707031,
x = 1414.25,
ID = 2043,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Garden of the Loa, Zuldazar',
y = -104.02300262451,
x = 1502.4799804688,
ID = 2045,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Atal\'Dazar, Zuldazar',
y = -639.64898681641,
x = 1806.0899658203,
ID = 2046,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Anglepoint Wharf, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 790.83697509766,
x = 1861.5400390625,
ID = 2052,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Old Drust Road, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -318.50500488281,
x = 980.13702392578,
ID = 2053,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Firebreaker Expedition, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 801.13500976563,
x = 252.16700744629,
ID = 2054,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Southwind Station, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -145.05700683594,
x = 41.04169845581,
ID = 2055,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Fallhaven, Drustvar',
y = -135.6369934082,
x = 1764.2700195312,
ID = 2056,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Fletcher\'s Hollow, Drustvar',
y = -928.12298583984,
x = 1325.5400390625,
ID = 2057,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Staghelm Point, Silithus',
y = -6420.6201171875,
x = 178.76899719238,
ID = 2058,
ContinentID = 1817,
name = 'Southwind Village, Silithus',
y = -7250.4799804688,
x = 330.5830078125,
ID = 2059,
ContinentID = 1817,
name = 'Hatherford, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 1167.5699462891,
x = 24.06940078735,
ID = 2060,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'The Sliver, Zuldazar',
y = -624.58801269531,
x = 715.30499267578,
ID = 2061,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Wolf\'s Den, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 1641.3399658203,
x = 385.85198974609,
ID = 2062,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Harbor, Zuldazar',
y = -1035.9799804688,
x = 756.59997558594,
ID = 2065,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Atal\'Gral, Zuldazar',
y = -961.76702880859,
x = -1064.6899414062,
ID = 2066,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Timberfell Outpost, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -254.58200073242,
x = -362.44400024414,
ID = 2067,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Dreadpearl, Zuldazar',
y = -961.76702880859,
x = -1064.6899414062,
ID = 2071,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Throne Room, Zuldazar',
y = -1078.1199951172,
x = 846.02600097656,
ID = 2073,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Bridgeport, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -93.73780059814,
x = -633.32299804688,
ID = 2074,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Seeker\'s Outpost, Zuldazar',
y = -2303.2299804688,
x = -252.86799621582,
ID = 2075,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Atal\'Gral, Zuldazar',
y = -959.60797119141,
x = -1058.6700439453,
ID = 2076,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Castaway Point, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -1688.0400390625,
x = -1420.5300292969,
ID = 2077,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Fort Victory, Nazmir',
y = 2079.330078125,
x = 176.21499633789,
ID = 2078,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Kennings Lodge, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -921.96197509766,
x = -696.55200195313,
ID = 2079,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Grimwatt\'s Crash, Nazmir',
y = 1310.3100585938,
x = 1647.5,
ID = 2080,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Tradewinds Market, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 1153.0300292969,
x = -470.30099487305,
ID = 2083,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Norwington Estate, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 889.00201416016,
x = 1064.5899658203,
ID = 2084,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Tidecross, Stormsong Valley',
y = 3346.8400878906,
x = -376.00201416016,
ID = 2085,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Brennadam, Stormsong Valley',
y = 2495.5200195312,
x = -44.36809921265,
ID = 2086,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Outrigger Post, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 1080.9499511719,
x = 2347.8500976562,
ID = 2087,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Mildenhall Meadery, Stormsong Valley',
y = 2700.2800292969,
x = -547.56597900391,
ID = 2088,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Seekers Vista, Stormsong Valley',
y = 3752.6201171875,
x = 1068.5999755859,
ID = 2089,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Hillcrest Pasture, Stormsong Valley',
y = 2126.5,
x = 349.99099731445,
ID = 2090,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Stonetusk Watch, Stormsong Valley',
y = 2636.4899902344,
x = 1138.1500244141,
ID = 2091,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Diretusk Hollow, Stormsong Valley',
y = 3298.9799804688,
x = 262.875,
ID = 2092,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Ironmaul Overlook, Stormsong Valley',
y = 2737.3898925781,
x = -966.67901611328,
ID = 2093,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Warfang Hold, Stormsong Valley',
y = 3889.080078125,
x = 423.14898681641,
ID = 2094,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Shrine of the Storm, Stormsong Valley',
y = 4252.0200195312,
x = -1080.8199462891,
ID = 2095,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Tol Dagor, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -80.04509735107,
x = -2648.3500976562,
ID = 2096,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Deadwash, Stormsong Valley',
y = 2991.0900878906,
x = 914.74499511719,
ID = 2097,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'The Amber Waves, Stormsong Valley',
y = 2508.0900878906,
x = 458.83999633789,
ID = 2101,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Roughneck Camp, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 1174.6199951172,
x = 1838.3800048828,
ID = 2102,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Eastpoint Station, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 125.77600097656,
x = -548.875,
ID = 2103,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Eastpoint Station, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 124.18900299072,
x = -498.45300292969,
ID = 2104,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Tradewinds Market, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 1038.6400146484,
x = -586.50201416016,
ID = 2105,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Arom\'s Stand, Drustvar',
y = -742.60900878906,
x = 3115.2900390625,
ID = 2106,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Watchman\'s Rise, Drustvar',
y = 100.12799835205,
x = 3478.3400878906,
ID = 2107,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Falconhurst, Drustvar',
y = -1501.9699707031,
x = 3755.7299804688,
ID = 2108,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Whitegrove Chapel, Drustvar',
y = 631.97900390625,
x = 3829.4399414062,
ID = 2109,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Shatterstone Harbor, Vol\'dun',
y = 2778.2900390625,
x = 4186.9599609375,
ID = 2110,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Vorrik\'s Sanctum, Vol\'dun',
y = 2740.1799316406,
x = 3469.8999023438,
ID = 2111,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Vulture\'s Nest, Vol\'dun',
y = 2623.3500976562,
x = 3038.169921875,
ID = 2112,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Deadwood Cove, Vol\'dun',
y = 528.71197509766,
x = 3983.0600585938,
ID = 2114,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 6698: Horde Embassy, Zuldazar -> Throne Room, Zuldazar',
y = -1077.0600585938,
x = 852.8330078125,
ID = 2116,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Vulpera Hideaway, Vol\'dun',
y = 2095.0500488281,
x = 2808.830078125,
ID = 2117,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Temple of Akunda, Vol\'dun',
y = 284.26400756836,
x = 3029.7099609375,
ID = 2118,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Sanctuary of the Devoted, Vol\'dun',
y = 2048.0300292969,
x = 4806.8598632812,
ID = 2119,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Tortaka Refuge, Vol\'dun',
y = 3353.1298828125,
x = 2476.1298828125,
ID = 2120,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Scaletrader Post, Zuldazar',
y = -290.76599121094,
x = -281.03799438477,
ID = 2126,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Anyport, Drustvar',
y = -392.0950012207,
x = 4203.8901367188,
ID = 2127,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 6783: 8.0 Stormsong - Monastery -> Water Bridge - GJC',
y = 3807.4499511719,
x = -605.78802490234,
ID = 2128,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 6799: 8.0 Nazmir - Player Flight Path to Altar of Rot - (STM)',
y = 1102.7900390625,
x = 654.77801513672,
ID = 2129,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Shrine of the Storm, Stormsong Valley',
y = 4073.1298828125,
x = -1087.6400146484,
ID = 2133,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Krazzlefrazz Outpost, Drustvar',
y = 340.83200073242,
x = 3160.4399414062,
ID = 2135,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Millstone Hamlet, Stormsong Valley',
y = 2644.8400878906,
x = 1594.2800292969,
ID = 2137,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Fort Daelin, Stormsong Valley',
y = 3372.1599121094,
x = 1397.3599853516,
ID = 2138,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Windfall Cavern, Stormsong Valley',
y = 4133.5698242188,
x = -110.0419998169,
ID = 2139,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Plunder Harbor, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -191.64100646973,
x = -1487.9699707031,
ID = 2140,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Scorched Sands Outpost, Vol\'dun',
y = 884.99798583984,
x = 3698.9299316406,
ID = 2143,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Goldtusk Inn, Vol\'dun',
y = 1559.9399414062,
x = 3777.5300292969,
ID = 2144,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Verdant Hollow, Zuldazar',
y = -19.9375,
x = 999.85900878906,
ID = 2145,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Castaway Encampment, Zuldazar',
y = -1697.4200439453,
x = -862.75201416016,
ID = 2147,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Mugamba Overlook, Zuldazar',
y = -150.21200561523,
x = 1911.9499511719,
ID = 2148,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Mistvine Ledge, Zuldazar',
y = -1293.6199951172,
x = 259.44799804688,
ID = 2153,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 6967: 8.0 War Campaign - Horde - Chapter 02 - Anyport to Barrowknoll (JLW)',
y = -715.64599609375,
x = 1794.8000488281,
ID = 2156,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Veiled Grotto, Zuldazar',
y = -696.90600585938,
x = 1942.7399902344,
ID = 2157,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 6995: 8.0 Quest - Warchief\'s Command: Thousand Needles! - Orgrimmar --> Mudsprocket (ELM)',
y = -4566.4799804688,
x = -3224.9099121094,
ID = 2158,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 6996: 8.0 Quest - Warchief\'s Command: Un\'Goro Crater! - Orgrimmar --> Marshal\'s Stand (ELM)',
y = -7548.4399414062,
x = -1540.2600097656,
ID = 2159,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 6997: 8.0 Quest - Warchief\'s Command: Silithus! - Orgrimmar --> Cenarion Hold (ELM)',
y = -6810.9599609375,
x = 836.67401123047,
ID = 2160,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Redfield\'s Watch, Nazmir',
y = 2799.25,
x = 774.20098876953,
ID = 2161,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Devoted Sanctuary, Vol\'dun',
y = 2048.0300292969,
x = 4806.8598632812,
ID = 2162,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 7004: 8.0 Quest - Warchief\'s Command: Southern Barrens! - Orgrimmar --> Malaka\'jin (ELM)',
y = -113.77600097656,
x = -258.7619934082,
ID = 2163,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Isle of Fangs, Zuldazar',
y = -3529.8500976562,
x = 1103.2900390625,
ID = 2164,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Tusk Isle, Zuldazar',
y = -3018.7199707031,
x = 686.41998291016,
ID = 2165,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 7063: 8.0 War Campaign - Horde - Chapter 05 - Plunder Harbor to Flagship (JLW)',
y = -150.0299987793,
x = -1849.4399414062,
ID = 2166,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 7064: 8.0 War Campaign - Horde - Chapter 05 - Plunder Harbor to Ship (JLW)',
y = -264.78601074219,
x = -1806.6600341797,
ID = 2167,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 7065: 8.0 War Campaign - Horde - Chapter 05 - Ship to Plunder Harbor (JLW)',
y = -296.79598999023,
x = -1480.75,
ID = 2168,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 7066: 8.0 War Campaign - Horde - Chapter 05 - Flagship to Plunder Harbor (JLW)',
y = -296.79598999023,
x = -1480.75,
ID = 2169,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 7067: 8.0 War Campaign - Horde - Chapter 05 - Ship to Flagship (JLW)',
y = -150.0299987793,
x = -1849.4399414062,
ID = 2170,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 7068: 8.0 War Campaign - Horde - Chapter 05 - Flagship to Ship (JLW)',
y = -264.78601074219,
x = -1806.6600341797,
ID = 2171,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Disable Taxi Paths - Source - RRB',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 2172,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Disable Taxi Paths - Destination - RRB',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 2173,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 6801: 8.0 Nazmir - Altar of Rot to Zul\'jan Ruins - (STM)',
y = 791.05999755859,
x = 1403.5100097656,
ID = 2272,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Waning Glacier, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 1397.2600097656,
x = 2043.4300537109,
ID = 2273,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Swiftwind Post, Drustvar',
y = -1001.0700073242,
x = 1493.8800048828,
ID = 2274,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Mudfisher Cove, Drustvar',
y = 618.91101074219,
x = 1740.3699951172,
ID = 2275,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Tol Dagor, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 139.65800476074,
x = -2541.4499511719,
ID = 2276,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Proudmoore Keep, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 552.16802978516,
x = -126.11799621582,
ID = 2277,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Mariner\'s Row, Tiragarde Sound',
y = 465.68798828125,
x = -642.65100097656,
ID = 2278,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Stonefist Watch, Tiragarde Sound',
y = -809.11297607422,
x = 1041.0100097656,
ID = 2279,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 6478: 8.0 Nazmir - Zuldazar to Talanji\'s Camp - (STM)',
y = 166.5890045166,
x = 1399.4000244141,
ID = 2282,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'The Mugambala, Zuldazar',
y = -1849.6700439453,
x = 1195.6999511719,
ID = 2381,
ContinentID = 1642,
name = 'Quest Path 7405: 8.1 War Campaign - A - Ch1 - South Shore -> Ramparts - KRB',
y = 852.42401123047,
x = 2262.5700683594,
ID = 2382,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 7496: 8.1 War Campaign - A - Ch1 - Ramparts -> South Shore - KRB',
y = 925.62799072266,
x = 2335.6398925781,
ID = 2383,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 7497: 8.1 War Campaign - A - Ch1 - North Shore -> Ramparts - KRB',
y = 849.70697021484,
x = 2260.6799316406,
ID = 2384,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Quest Path 7569: 8.2 Nazjatar - Kal\'methir - Boss Path ',
y = 1814.0699462891,
x = -1176.3699951172,
ID = 2392,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'TEMP, 9.0, Oribos, Bastion',
y = -1834.2299804688,
x = 1191.5200195312,
ID = 2393,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'TEMP, 9.0, Oribos, Maldraxxus',
y = -1768.7600097656,
x = 1217.3900146484,
ID = 2394,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Oribos',
y = -1902.4399414062,
x = 1214.7600097656,
ID = 2395,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'TEMP, 9.0, Oribos, Ardenweald',
y = -1926.4899902344,
x = 1282.9000244141,
ID = 2396,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = '9.0, Zone, Bastion',
y = -4251.6801757812,
x = -3886.169921875,
ID = 2397,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Bleak Redoubt, Maldraxxus',
y = 1974.7399902344,
x = -2691.75,
ID = 2398,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'TEMP, 9.0, Zone, Revendreth',
y = -3499.0500488281,
x = 5435.4599609375,
ID = 2399,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'TEMP, 9.0, Zone, Ardenweald',
y = -5196.7299804688,
x = -573.35400390625,
ID = 2400,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Alliance Outpost, Exile\'s Reach Outpost',
y = 209.14199829102,
x = -2295.6298828125,
ID = 2401,
ContinentID = 2175,
name = 'Ogre Citadel, Exile\'s Reach Island',
y = 1023.7199707031,
x = -1307.5899658203,
ID = 2402,
ContinentID = 2175,
name = 'Kelya\'s Grave, Nazjatar',
y = 2077.9499511719,
x = -1566.2600097656,
ID = 2403,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Newhome, Nazjatar',
y = 988.80603027344,
x = -425.99700927734,
ID = 2404,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Zin\'Azshari, Nazjatar',
y = 1707.1800537109,
x = -1794.6199951172,
ID = 2405,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Orise\'s Vigil, Nazjatar',
y = 1652.4300537109,
x = -1560.8000488281,
ID = 2406,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Utama\'s Stand, Nazjatar',
y = 1747.1600341797,
x = -1035.3399658203,
ID = 2407,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Mezzamere, Nazjatar',
y = 1251.1500244141,
x = -101.86100006104,
ID = 2408,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Wreck of the Old Blanchy, Nazjatar',
y = 359.45001220703,
x = -299.94799804688,
ID = 2409,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Ashen Strand, Nazjatar',
y = 1708.1999511719,
x = 237.06799316406,
ID = 2410,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Ashen Strand, Nazjatar',
y = 1721.8100585938,
x = 128.68099975586,
ID = 2411,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Wreck of the Hungry Riverbeast, Nazjatar',
y = 449.53799438477,
x = 54.11629867554,
ID = 2412,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Ekka\'s Hideaway, Nazjatar',
y = 1316.75,
x = -1130.3199462891,
ID = 2437,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Prospectus Bay, Mechagon',
y = 3282.0200195312,
x = 4900.4599609375,
ID = 2441,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'Overspark Expedition Camp, Mechagon',
y = 3044.4099121094,
x = 4800.759765625,
ID = 2442,
ContinentID = 1643,
name = 'test node',
y = -492.29699707031,
x = -596.78601074219,
ID = 2467,
ContinentID = 2224,
name = 'test node',
y = -492.29699707031,
x = -596.78601074219,
ID = 2471,
ContinentID = 2224,
name = 'test node',
y = -492.29699707031,
x = -596.78601074219,
ID = 2472,
ContinentID = 2224,
name = 'test node',
y = -492.29699707031,
x = -596.78601074219,
ID = 2473,
ContinentID = 2224,
name = 'adams test node',
y = -244.53500366211,
x = -692.63397216797,
ID = 2474,
ContinentID = 2228,
name = 'adams second test node',
y = -216.0950012207,
x = -586.77301025391,
ID = 2475,
ContinentID = 2228,
name = 'The Tidal Conflux, Nazjatar',
y = 2113.0300292969,
x = -584.93402099609,
ID = 2482,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'The Tidal Conflux, Nazjatar',
y = 2112.7900390625,
x = -525.21197509766,
ID = 2483,
ContinentID = 1718,
name = 'Darkhaven, Revendreth',
y = -2623.9799804688,
x = 6010.490234375,
ID = 2488,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7759: Oribos go south 2 (msc)',
y = -1908.7900390625,
x = 1282.8800048828,
ID = 2490,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7794: 9.0 Bastion - Temple of Humility - Quest - Transport To Humiity Top (JLW)',
y = -2479.6398925781,
x = -6114.7797851562,
ID = 2506,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Sanctuary of the Mad, Revendreth',
y = -2172.1201171875,
x = 7696.5200195312,
ID = 2511,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Halls of Atonement, Revendreth',
y = -1848.2700195312,
x = 5393.16015625,
ID = 2512,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Old Gate, Revendreth',
y = -1798.8800048828,
x = 5975.6899414062,
ID = 2513,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Pridefall Hamlet, Revendreth',
y = -3387.6999511719,
x = 5461.4599609375,
ID = 2514,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Dominance Keep, Revendreth',
y = -1424.75,
x = 7952.009765625,
ID = 2515,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Menagerie of the Master, Revendreth',
y = -1304.6899414062,
x = 6367.6499023438,
ID = 2517,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Wanecrypt Hill, Revendreth',
y = -2952.6000976562,
x = 6721.1298828125,
ID = 2518,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Aspirant\'s Rest, Bastion',
y = -4160.75,
x = -4629.7700195312,
ID = 2519,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Sagehaven, Bastion',
y = -2305.080078125,
x = -4361.41015625,
ID = 2520,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7856: 9.0 Ardenweald - COV - MC - Q57782 - Taxi to Boss - LWB',
y = -5592.7797851562,
x = 1737.0400390625,
ID = 2527,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Elysian Hold, Bastion',
y = -1636.6700439453,
x = -5815.990234375,
ID = 2528,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Hero\'s Rest, Bastion',
y = -2944.080078125,
x = -4853.7099609375,
ID = 2529,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Charred Ramparts, Revendreth',
y = -2191.1000976562,
x = 7223.6801757812,
ID = 2537,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7899: 9.0 Bastion - Campaign - Ch 05 - Revendreth - Redelav District - Transport Down from Wall (JLW)',
y = -1897.8900146484,
x = 6340.1201171875,
ID = 2541,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Mistfall Village, Vale of Eternal Blossoms',
y = 685.71002197266,
x = 1492.8100585938,
ID = 2544,
ContinentID = 1795,
name = 'Sinfall, Revendreth',
y = -1852.3800048828,
x = 7585.419921875,
ID = 2548,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7925: 9.0 Bastion - Temple of Wisdom - Teleport Pads - Grounds -> Temple Base - GJC',
y = -1793.7900390625,
x = -4121.1899414062,
ID = 2549,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7926: 9.0 Bastion - Temple of Wisdom - Teleport Pads - Temple Base -> Grounds - GJC',
y = -1904.8399658203,
x = -4203.6098632812,
ID = 2550,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7869: 9.0 Bastion - Hero\'s Rest - Zipline - North - Up - GJC',
y = -2864.6599121094,
x = -4969.1801757812,
ID = 2552,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7949: 9.0 Ardenweald - Bastion Campaign - Queen\'s Chamber - Up - RRB',
y = -6892.330078125,
x = 1040.8000488281,
ID = 2553,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7950: 9.0 Ardenweald - Bastion Campaign - Queen\'s Chamber - Down - RRB/ELM',
y = -6835.66015625,
x = 1154.5,
ID = 2554,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'The Maw',
y = 501.29998779297,
x = 1470.3000488281,
ID = 2555,
ContinentID = 1669,
name = 'Progenitor Console',
y = 4464.5297851562,
x = 6831.6298828125,
ID = 2556,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = '[Hidden] The Maw - Outdoor - Cocyrus Oribos Teleport Dest',
y = 4464.3999023438,
x = 6835.4501953125,
ID = 2557,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'The Spearhead, Maldraxxus',
y = 2489.25,
x = -1839.0999755859,
ID = 2558,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Spider\'s Watch, Maldraxxus',
y = 3587.0100097656,
x = -1746.5600585938,
ID = 2559,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Keres\' Rest, Maldraxxus',
y = 3531.6799316406,
x = -2766.6398925781,
ID = 2560,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Renounced Bastille, Maldraxxus',
y = 2891.3200683594,
x = -3648.0300292969,
ID = 2561,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7870: 9.0 Bastion - Hero\'s Rest - Zipline - South - Up - GJC',
y = -3019.7099609375,
x = -4972.7797851562,
ID = 2562,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 7876: 9.0 Bastion - Hero\'s Rest - Zipline - South - Down - GJC',
y = -3214.8798828125,
x = -5162.6098632812,
ID = 2563,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Theater of Pain, Maldraxxus',
y = 2580.4699707031,
x = -2520.7600097656,
ID = 2564,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7875: 9.0 Bastion - Hero\'s Rest - Zipline - West - Down - GJC',
y = -3048.0300292969,
x = -4545.490234375,
ID = 2566,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7874: 9.0 Bastion - Hero\'s Rest - Zipline - West - Up - GJC',
y = -2942.6999511719,
x = -4802.7299804688,
ID = 2567,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 7877: 9.0 Bastion - Hero\'s Rest - Zipline - North - Down - GJC',
y = -2544.7800292969,
x = -4954.8999023438,
ID = 2568,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Plague Watch, Maldraxxus',
y = 1778.3199462891,
x = -3039.2900390625,
ID = 2569,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8039: 9.0 Bastion - Campaign - Ch 05 - Revendreth - Tower to Ember Ward (JLW)',
y = -2218.6298828125,
x = 7648,
ID = 2572,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8047: 9.0 Ardenweald - Covenant Hall - Queen\'s Audience Chamber Taxi Up - KRB',
y = -6893.8701171875,
x = 1041.8199462891,
ID = 2573,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8048: 9.0 Ardenweald - Covenant Hall - Queen\'s Audience Chamber Taxi Down - KRB',
y = -6886.33984375,
x = 1001.6099853516,
ID = 2574,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8054: 9.0 Ardenweald - COV - Sisters - Q05 - Queen\'s Audience Chamber Taxi Up - KRB',
y = -6895.4501953125,
x = 1042.3199462891,
ID = 2575,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8055: 9.0 Ardenweald - COV - Sisters - Q05 - Queen\'s Audience Chamber Taxi Down - KRB',
y = -6856.5400390625,
x = 1029.6999511719,
ID = 2576,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8079: 9.0 Bastion Campaign - Ch 09 - Loyalty - Stage 6 - Ground -> Temple of Loyalty - GJC',
y = -1879.4499511719,
x = -2829.1799316406,
ID = 2580,
ContinentID = 2305,
name = 'Glitterfall Basin, Ardenweald',
y = -5993.7202148438,
x = 650.75500488281,
ID = 2584,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Tirna Vaal, Ardenweald',
y = -6143.7797851562,
x = -207.12800598145,
ID = 2585,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Hibernal Hollow, Ardenweald',
y = -6903.6298828125,
x = 15.22220039368,
ID = 2586,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Heart of the Forest, Ardenweald',
y = -6788.5600585938,
x = 1006.799987793,
ID = 2587,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Root-Home, Ardenweald',
y = -6821.2299804688,
x = 1804.9000244141,
ID = 2588,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Claw\'s Edge, Ardenweald',
y = -7747.3999023438,
x = 657.875,
ID = 2589,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Refugee Camp, Ardenweald',
y = -6828.4799804688,
x = 798.73297119141,
ID = 2590,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Crucible of Souls',
y = 4410.7900390625,
x = 7746.8198242188,
ID = 2591,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = '9.0 Maw - Oribos - Teleport In',
y = -1815.6899414062,
x = 1302.4100341797,
ID = 2594,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8159: 9.0 Bastion - Level Up - Memory Extraction - Zipline - Up (JAK)',
y = -3714.4899902344,
x = -5046.25,
ID = 2595,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8160: 9.0 Bastion - Level Up - Memory Extraction - Zipline - Down (JAK)',
y = -3841.3999023438,
x = -5275.3901367188,
ID = 2596,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8194: 9.0 Bastion - Level Up - Temple of Purity - Zipline - Up (JAK)',
y = -3993.1398925781,
x = -5779.6000976562,
ID = 2602,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8195: 9.0 Bastion - Level Up - Temple of Purity - Zipline - Down (JAK)',
y = -4077.6101074219,
x = -5658.259765625,
ID = 2603,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8242: [UNUSED]9.x Quest - The Battle for Lordaeron (H) - Orgrimmar, Valley of Strength --> Orgrimmar, Gates of Orgrimmar (ELM)',
y = 1426.5100097656,
x = -4377.66015625,
ID = 2604,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Quest Path 8278: Theater of Pain Taxi Path',
y = 1619.3199462891,
x = 2374.25,
ID = 2605,
ContinentID = 1529,
name = 'Elysian Hold, Bastion',
y = -1714.8199462891,
x = -5786.2099609375,
ID = 2625,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Hero\'s Rest, Bastion',
y = -2943.6298828125,
x = -4871.9501953125,
ID = 2626,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = '[Hidden] 9.0 Bastion Ground Points Hub (Ground TP out to here, TP to Sanctum from here)',
y = -1745.0300292969,
x = -5707.75,
ID = 2627,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = '[Hidden] 9.0 Bastion Ground Hub (Sanctum TP out to here, TP to ground from here)',
y = -1737.8199462891,
x = -5714.6899414062,
ID = 2628,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Aspirant\'s Rest, Bastion',
y = -4101.2001953125,
x = -4643.759765625,
ID = 2630,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Xandria\'s Vigil, Bastion',
y = -3316.8500976562,
x = -4135.9399414062,
ID = 2631,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Sagehaven, Bastion',
y = -2330.7099609375,
x = -4365.9301757812,
ID = 2632,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Temple of Purity, Bastion',
y = -4290.8100585938,
x = -5383.7202148438,
ID = 2633,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Seat of Eternal Hymns, Bastion',
y = -2239.5500488281,
x = -5313.1000976562,
ID = 2634,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Temple of Humility, Bastion',
y = -2986.0300292969,
x = -5855.1899414062,
ID = 2635,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Terrace of the Collectors, Bastion',
y = -1837.6600341797,
x = -3781.419921875,
ID = 2636,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Summoned Steward, Bastion',
y = -2971.0100097656,
x = -4955.58984375,
ID = 2637,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8321: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure Max Level - Wisdom - Taxi - A to D - EJC',
y = -1562.1800537109,
x = -4151.83984375,
ID = 2639,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8322: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure Max Level - Wisdom - Taxi - B to C - EJC',
y = -1701.5,
x = -4234.2001953125,
ID = 2640,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8323: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure Max Level - Wisdom - Taxi - C to D - EJC',
y = -1562.25,
x = -4151.830078125,
ID = 2641,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8324: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure Max Level - Wisdom - Taxi - D to E - EJC',
y = -1665.0999755859,
x = -3901.6000976562,
ID = 2642,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Theater of Pain North, Maldraxxus',
y = 3008.0200195312,
x = -2525.330078125,
ID = 2643,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8326: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure Max Level - Wisdom - Taxi - F to A - EJC',
y = -1696.9699707031,
x = -4136.990234375,
ID = 2644,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8327: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure Max Level - Wisdom - Taxi - C to F - EJC',
y = -1567.2299804688,
x = -4208.91015625,
ID = 2645,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8328: 9.0 Bastion - Max Level - Temple of Courage - Zipline - Up (JAK)',
y = -3338.6298828125,
x = -3821.75,
ID = 2646,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8329: 9.0 Bastion - Max Level - Temple of Courage - Zipline - Down (JAK)',
y = -3357.9899902344,
x = -4030.5700683594,
ID = 2647,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8330: 9.0 Bastion - Max Level - Temple of Wisdom - Zipline - Up (JAK)',
y = -1691.1099853516,
x = -4049.5900878906,
ID = 2648,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8331: 9.0 Bastion - Max Level - Temple of Wisdom - Zipline - Down (JAK)',
y = -1707.2900390625,
x = -4058.2900390625,
ID = 2649,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8332: 9.0 Bastion - Max Level - Temple of Humility - Zipline - Up (JAK)',
y = -2502.1599121094,
x = -6207.6298828125,
ID = 2650,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8333: 9.0 Bastion - Max Level - Temple of Humility - Zipline - Down (JAK)',
y = -2654.9799804688,
x = -6046.9501953125,
ID = 2651,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8334: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure Max Level - Wisdom - Taxi - E to B - EJC',
y = -1682.9499511719,
x = -3915.669921875,
ID = 2652,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8336: 9.0 Bastion - Max Level - Temple of Loyalty - Zipline - Lower - Up (JAK)',
y = -1878.0400390625,
x = -2949.3000488281,
ID = 2653,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8337: 9.0 Bastion - Max Level - Temple of Loyalty - Zipline - Lower - Down (JAK)',
y = -1875.0500488281,
x = -3053.580078125,
ID = 2654,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8338: 9.0 Bastion - Max Level - Temple of Loyalty - Zipline - Upper - Up (JAK)',
y = -1880.4100341797,
x = -2739.0600585938,
ID = 2655,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8339: 9.0 Bastion - Max Level - Temple of Loyalty - Zipline - Upper - Down (JAK)',
y = -1878.8499755859,
x = -2832.6899414062,
ID = 2656,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8335: 9.0 Maw - Torghast - Floor 90 - Up',
y = 1858.7299804688,
x = -9508.330078125,
ID = 2657,
ContinentID = 2162,
name = 'Quest Path 8340: 9.0 Maw - Torghast - Floor 90 - Down',
y = 1767.3599853516,
x = -9401.0595703125,
ID = 2658,
ContinentID = 2162,
name = 'Quest Path 8347: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure Max Level - Courage - Taxi - Return - EJC',
y = -3338.5600585938,
x = -3821.4699707031,
ID = 2659,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8348: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure Max Level - Wisdom - Taxi - Return - EJC',
y = -1697,
x = -4136.9702148438,
ID = 2660,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8359: 9.0 Ardenweald - COV - Drust - Ch2 - Flight out of Darkreach - LWB',
y = -7384.6298828125,
x = 1533.9599609375,
ID = 2661,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8363: 9.0 Maldraxxus - House of Plagues - Pipeline Up - EJC',
y = 1571.5300292969,
x = -3006.6000976562,
ID = 2662,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8372: 9.0 Bastion - Path of Ascension - Capture - Devourer - Anima Gateway Taxi - GJC',
y = -1206.2399902344,
x = 685.94396972656,
ID = 2663,
ContinentID = 2375,
name = 'Quest Path 8374: 9.0 Maw - Outdoor - Ve\'nari -> Planes of Torment',
y = 5326.6201171875,
x = 7251.509765625,
ID = 2664,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8387: 9.0 Bastion - Teleport Pads - Eternal Forge Suburbs -> Miri\'s Chapel - SBV',
y = -1371.9499511719,
x = -4861.9301757812,
ID = 2665,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8388: 9.0 Bastion - Teleport Pads - Miri\'s Chapel -> Eternal Forge Suburbs - SBV',
y = -1405.4100341797,
x = -4955.6000976562,
ID = 2666,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8421: 9.0 Maw - Outdoor - Mawsworn Rifts - Zovaal\'s -> Calcis',
y = 4870.66015625,
x = 7698.8798828125,
ID = 2670,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8422: 9.0 Maw - Outdoor - Mawsworn Rifts - Calcis -> Zovaal\'s',
y = 4531.5698242188,
x = 7226.169921875,
ID = 2671,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8423: 9.0 Maw - Outdoor - Mawsworn Rifts - Crucible -> Tremaculum',
y = 5241.990234375,
x = 7620.2797851562,
ID = 2672,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8424: 9.0 Maw - Outdoor - Mawsworn Rifts - Tremaculum -> Crucible',
y = 4412.6499023438,
x = 7872.1201171875,
ID = 2673,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8375: 9.0 Maw - Outdoor - Ve\'nari -> Beastwarrens',
y = 3976.5400390625,
x = 6455.240234375,
ID = 2674,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8425: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure - Out of Bounds Teleporter - 01 - SBV',
y = -2841.4699707031,
x = -4840.1298828125,
ID = 2675,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8426: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure - Out of Bounds Teleporter - 02 - SBV',
y = -4930.669921875,
x = -5332.6499023438,
ID = 2676,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8427: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure - Out of Bounds Teleporter - 03 - SBV',
y = -3395.4299316406,
x = -5449.7797851562,
ID = 2677,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8428: 9.0 Bastion - Treasure - Out of Bounds Teleporter - 04 - SBV',
y = -2228.2800292969,
x = -5700.0200195312,
ID = 2678,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Terrace of the Collectors, Bastion',
y = -1803.7600097656,
x = -3804.8400878906,
ID = 2680,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8460: 9.0 Bastion - Cloudwalker Coffer - Zipline - To Memorial Shrine (MAH)',
y = -1630.6999511719,
x = -5222.6801757812,
ID = 2681,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Elysian Beacon, Bastion',
y = -1919.25,
x = -5533.3598632812,
ID = 2682,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8472: 9.0 Bastion - Covenant Hall - Flight to Sanctum - Amphitheater -> Covenant Hall - GJC',
y = -1763.9499511719,
x = -5731.1000976562,
ID = 2683,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8473: 9.0 Bastion - Covenant Hall - Flight to Sanctum - Sanctum -> Amphitheater - GJC',
y = -2155.1999511719,
x = -5333.4799804688,
ID = 2684,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8474: 9.0 Bastion - Covenant Hall - Flight to Sanctum - Fate\'s Precipice -> Sanctum - GJC',
y = -1536.75,
x = -5553.8500976562,
ID = 2685,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8475: 9.0 Bastion - Covenant Hall - Flight to Sanctum - Sanctum -> Fate\'s Precipice - GJC',
y = -1385.4100341797,
x = -5340.5498046875,
ID = 2686,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8476: 9.0 Bastion - Covenant Hall - Flight to Sanctum - Humility Terrace -> Sanctum - GJC',
y = -1892.2800292969,
x = -5924.669921875,
ID = 2687,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8477: 9.0 Bastion - Covenant Hall - Flight to Sanctum - Sanctum -> Humility Terrace - GJC',
y = -2082.7700195312,
x = -5934.2001953125,
ID = 2688,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8500: 9.0.5 Maw - Hidden Object - Shadehound Mount - Perdition Upper to Zovaals - LJS',
y = 4532.5297851562,
x = 7226.16015625,
ID = 2690,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8507: 9.1 Campaign- Ch 06 - House of Rituals - Surface -> Exoramas - KRB',
y = 3395,
x = -4014,
ID = 2691,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 8508: 9.1 Campaign- Ch 06 - House of Rituals - Exoramas -> Surface - KRB',
y = 3394,
x = -4053,
ID = 2692,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Seamless Proto, Revendreth',
y = 615.47399902344,
x = -450.8210144043,
ID = 2693,
ContinentID = 1550,
name = 'Seamless Proto, Boralus',
y = 757.26000976563,
x = -268.55899047852,
ID = 2694,
ContinentID = 1549,
name = 'Keeper\'s Respite',
y = 3270.7299804688,
x = 5739.16015625,
ID = 2698,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Tazavesh Outdoor',
y = -6084.9501953125,
x = 4824.2797851562,
ID = 2699,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Ve\'nari\'s Refuge',
y = 4535.1298828125,
x = 6706.66015625,
ID = 2700,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Tazavesh, the Veiled Market',
y = -5895.6401367188,
x = 4810.740234375,
ID = 2703,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8614: 9.0 Maw - Outdoor - Ve\'nari -> Perdition Hold',
y = 4166,
x = 7261.8798828125,
ID = 2708,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8615: 9.0 Maw - Outdoor - Ve\'nari -> Desmotaeron',
y = 4717.419921875,
x = 5815.08984375,
ID = 2709,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8616: 9.0 Maw - Outdoor - Mawsworn Rifts - Desmotaeron -> Perdition Hold',
y = 4165.75,
x = 7262.1000976562,
ID = 2710,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Quest Path 8617: 9.0 Maw - Outdoor - Mawsworn Rifts - Perdition Hold -> Desmotaeron ',
y = 4715.8798828125,
x = 5819.5,
ID = 2711,
ContinentID = 2222,
name = 'Immortal Hearth',
y = -3830.1999511719,
x = -2399.0200195312,
ID = 2712,
ContinentID = 2481,
name = 'Genesis Cradle Alpha',
y = -3372.1000976562,
x = -2789.4499511719,
ID = 2713,
ContinentID = 2481,
name = 'Genesis Cradle Beta',
y = -2831.8100585938,
x = -3323.8701171875,
ID = 2714,
ContinentID = 2481,
name = 'Ephemeral Plains Alpha',
y = -4227.9501953125,
x = -2862.1201171875,
ID = 2715,
ContinentID = 2481,
name = 'Ephemeral Plains Omega',
y = -4395.1201171875,
x = -3877.6000976562,
ID = 2716,
ContinentID = 2481,
name = 'Quest Path 8628: 10.0 - Pre-Prod - Krav\'rel to Azure Archives - (STM)',
y = -5352.2900390625,
x = 1407.9699707031,
ID = 2717,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 8629: 10.0 - Pre-Prod: Azure Archives to Kirin Tor Hub - (STM)',
y = -3832.2399902344,
x = 502.0710144043,
ID = 2718,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 8630: 10.0 - Pre-Prod - Bombing Run - (STM)',
y = -2787.8200683594,
x = -1257.5899658203,
ID = 2719,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 8631: 10.0 - Pre-Prod - Kalthraz Fortress to Azure Archives - (STM)',
y = -5635.16015625,
x = 1168.6400146484,
ID = 2720,
ContinentID = 0,
name = 'Quest Path 8635: 10.0 Pre-Prod - Grasslands - Dragonsmeet to Emerald Gardens (JLW)',
y = -1525.7600097656,
x = 4634.4702148438,
ID = 2722,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Haven, Zereth Mortis',
y = -4212.990234375,
x = 684.64801025391,
ID = 2724,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Faith\'s Repose, Zereth Mortis',
y = -3540.5100097656,
x = 679.70501708984,
ID = 2725,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Pilgrim\'s Grace, Zereth Mortis',
y = -3730.9799804688,
x = -595.01000976563,
ID = 2728,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Gravid Repose Locus',
y = -3214.419921875,
x = -13.07470035553,
ID = 2729,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Interior Locus',
y = -3204.3999023438,
x = 52.59030151367,
ID = 2730,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Domination\'s Grasp',
y = -3824.9899902344,
x = -2609.5200195312,
ID = 2731,
ContinentID = 2481,
name = '[HIDDEN] - 9.2 Resonant Peaks - Teleport Network - Hidden Hub (Connects all Nodes to each other without unique paths) (MAH/JDA)',
y = -3231.1398925781,
x = -1.85938000679,
ID = 2732,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Zovaal\'s Grasp, Zereth Mortis',
y = -2813.669921875,
x = 174.40600585938,
ID = 2733,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Antecedent Isle, Zereth Mortis',
y = -2489.4299316406,
x = 99.73259735107,
ID = 2734,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Sepulcher Overlook, Zereth Mortis',
y = -3834.8000488281,
x = -751.03302001953,
ID = 2736,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Sepulcher Of The First Ones, Zereth Mortis',
y = -3829.580078125,
x = -1170.9699707031,
ID = 2737,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Ultimus Locus',
y = -3101.1499023438,
x = 26.17189979553,
ID = 2738,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Rebuff Lookout, The Waking Shores',
y = 2348.8898925781,
x = -1394.9499511719,
ID = 2739,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = '10.0 Construction - Teleport Network - Hidden Hub (Connects all Nodes to each other without unique paths) (JDA)',
y = 0,
x = 0,
ID = 2740,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Skytop Lookout (QD), The Waking Shores',
y = 3094.9899902344,
x = 86.55729675293,
ID = 2741,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Quintus Locus',
y = -3145.4499511719,
x = -63.94440078735,
ID = 2742,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Quartus Locus',
y = -3048.1000976562,
x = 45.55210113525,
ID = 2743,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Tertius Locus',
y = -2965.2700195312,
x = -123.46499633789,
ID = 2744,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Secundus Locus',
y = -2992.4699707031,
x = 82.24649810791,
ID = 2745,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Primus Locus',
y = -2939.6298828125,
x = 44.51739883423,
ID = 2746,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Camber Alcove',
y = -3311.0100097656,
x = 36.11809921265,
ID = 2747,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Repertory Alcove',
y = -3286.3601074219,
x = 80.84549713135,
ID = 2748,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Rondure Alcove',
y = -3380.9399414062,
x = 318.8450012207,
ID = 2749,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Dormant Alcove',
y = -3299.9599609375,
x = 250.34399414063,
ID = 2750,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Fulgor Alcove',
y = -3374.4799804688,
x = 112.95300292969,
ID = 2751,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Ruby Lifeshrine, The Waking Shores',
y = 1530,
x = -393,
ID = 2752,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Arcae Locus',
y = -3195.0300292969,
x = 71.72049713135,
ID = 2754,
ContinentID = 2374,
name = 'Genesis Cradle Omega',
y = -2231.8601074219,
x = -3876.5,
ID = 2757,
ContinentID = 2481,
name = 'Azure Archives, Azure Span',
y = -5341.5698242188,
x = 1454.6199951172,
ID = 2773,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Camp Antonidas, Azure Span',
y = -3800.9599609375,
x = 404.45098876953,
ID = 2774,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Iskaara, Azure Span',
y = -4471.6000976562,
x = 4051.169921875,
ID = 2775,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Quest Path 8851: 10.0 Plains - Emerald Hub - Taxi Down to Portal Grove (RMV)',
y = -1116.6600341797,
x = 5148.1801757812,
ID = 2782,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Quest Path 8852: 10.0 Plains - Emerald Hub - Taxi Up to Shady Snctuary (RMV)',
y = -1425.5899658203,
x = 4602.8701171875,
ID = 2783,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Camp Nowhere, Azure Span',
y = -5185.1401367188,
x = -1414.0300292969,
ID = 2784,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Rhonin\'s Shield, Azure Span',
y = -2771.0600585938,
x = -1691.8299560547,
ID = 2786,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Cobalt Assembly, Azure Span',
y = -2575.580078125,
x = 145.8159942627,
ID = 2787,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Theron\'s Watch, Azure Span',
y = -2114.6899414062,
x = -1620.6400146484,
ID = 2788,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Three-Falls Lookout, Azure Span',
y = -2646.1298828125,
x = 3410.3100585938,
ID = 2789,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Timberstep Outpost, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = 204.8390045166,
x = 365.97698974609,
ID = 2790,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Maruukai, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -706.47601318359,
x = 2048.8999023438,
ID = 2792,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Forkriver Crossing, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -2578.2600097656,
x = 1392.6099853516,
ID = 2793,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Teerakai, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -1671.1700439453,
x = 3788.5500488281,
ID = 2794,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Broadhoof Outpost, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -666.65802001953,
x = 3296.9899902344,
ID = 2795,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Shady Sanctuary, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -1493.5,
x = 4564.6098632812,
ID = 2796,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Emberwatch, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = 147.85600280762,
x = 1759.9200439453,
ID = 2797,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Pinewood Post, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -1504.5300292969,
x = 727.17700195313,
ID = 2798,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Rusza\'thar Reach, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -444.33700561523,
x = 407.77600097656,
ID = 2799,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Uktulut Outpost, The Waking Shores',
y = 652.89599609375,
x = 3258.6000976562,
ID = 2800,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Apex Observatory, The Waking Shores',
y = 949.51702880859,
x = 2758.0600585938,
ID = 2801,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Obsidian Throne, The Waking Shores',
y = 2337.2800292969,
x = 2635.6101074219,
ID = 2802,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Uktulut Pier, The Waking Shores',
y = 3908.1799316406,
x = 997.2919921875,
ID = 2803,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Uktulut Backwater, The Waking Shores',
y = 3407.9499511719,
x = 322.64199829102,
ID = 2804,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Wingrest Embassy, The Waking Shores',
y = 3508.3400878906,
x = -1411.1700439453,
ID = 2805,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Life Vault Ruins, The Waking Shores',
y = 2321.3100585938,
x = -533.65301513672,
ID = 2806,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Ruby Life Pools, The Waking Shores',
y = 1753.25,
x = 42.125,
ID = 2807,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Obsidian Bulwark, The Waking Shores',
y = 1847.2199707031,
x = 1283.4899902344,
ID = 2808,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Dragonscale Basecamp, The Waking Shores',
y = 939.7919921875,
x = 832.41497802734,
ID = 2809,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Valdrakken, Thaldraszus',
y = -10.02950000763,
x = -844.18597412109,
ID = 2810,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Gelikyr Post, Thaldraszus',
y = -317.99798583984,
x = -2055.9899902344,
ID = 2811,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Temporal Conflux, Thaldraszus',
y = -1287.8299560547,
x = -2946.3200683594,
ID = 2812,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Algeth\'era, Thaldraszus',
y = 1378.7199707031,
x = -1893.4899902344,
ID = 2813,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Veiled Ossuary, Thaldraszus',
y = 2929.669921875,
x = -3170.8601074219,
ID = 2814,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Garden Shrine, Thaldraszus',
y = -1118.8599853516,
x = -485.13400268555,
ID = 2815,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Shifting Sands, Thaldraszus',
y = -1125.4200439453,
x = -2708.8400878906,
ID = 2816,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Skytop Observatory, The Waking Shores',
y = 2610.1201171875,
x = -1153.9799804688,
ID = 2817,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Vault of the Incarnates, Thaldraszus',
y = 394.64898681641,
x = -4186.8901367188,
ID = 2818,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Quest Path 9123: 10.0 Plains - Merithra\'s Watch - Taxi Down to Shady Sanctuary (RMV)',
y = -1427.7199707031,
x = 4599.7099609375,
ID = 2820,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Quest Path 9124: 10.0 Plains - Emerald Hub - Taxi Up to Merithra\'s Watch (RMV)',
y = -1625.4399414062,
x = 4586.669921875,
ID = 2821,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Quest Path 9125: 10.0 Plains - Emerald Hub - Taxi to Lunedane (RMV)',
y = -2685.5600585938,
x = 5269.2900390625,
ID = 2822,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Quest Path 9126: 10.0 Plains - Lunedane - Taxi to Shady Sanctuary (RMV)',
y = -1424.3599853516,
x = 4603.240234375,
ID = 2823,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Quest Path 9147: 10.0 Plains - Emerald Hub - Taxi to Lunedane - PERSONAL (RMV)',
y = -2400.1599121094,
x = 5153.2202148438,
ID = 2824,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Ohn\'iri Springs, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -2444.6201171875,
x = 2524.6999511719,
ID = 2825,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Eon\'s Fringe, Thaldraszus',
y = -1094.8599853516,
x = -2180.9399414062,
ID = 2834,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = '[Hidden] 10.0 Travel Network - Destination Input',
y = 942.03601074219,
x = 745.96002197266,
ID = 2835,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Algeth\'era, Thaldraszus',
y = 1474.6999511719,
x = -3201.7900390625,
ID = 2836,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Vakthros, Azure Span',
y = -3162.3500976562,
x = -2953.3798828125,
ID = 2837,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Cobalt Assembly, Azure Span',
y = -3116.1599121094,
x = 230.26300048828,
ID = 2838,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Rusza\'thar Reach, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -546.64001464844,
x = 662.30999755859,
ID = 2839,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Shady Sanctuary, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -1379.7600097656,
x = 4499.6899414062,
ID = 2840,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Skytop Observatory, The Waking Shores',
y = 2339.4399414062,
x = -1351.9799804688,
ID = 2841,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Rubyscale Outpost, The Waking Shores',
y = 568.22302246094,
x = 882.83801269531,
ID = 2842,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = '[Hidden] 10.0 Travel Network - Destination Output',
y = 941.30401611328,
x = 746.02600097656,
ID = 2843,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Maruukai, The Nokhud Offensive',
y = -704.67199707031,
x = 2047.5100097656,
ID = 2847,
ContinentID = 2516,
name = 'The Nokhud Approach, The Nokhud Offensive',
y = -663.99798583984,
x = 3296.3798828125,
ID = 2848,
ContinentID = 2516,
name = 'The Battle of Spears, The Nokhud Offensive',
y = -1019.8099975586,
x = 1268.8499755859,
ID = 2849,
ContinentID = 2516,
name = 'Teerakai, The Nokhud Offensive',
y = -1671.0300292969,
x = 3790.1398925781,
ID = 2850,
ContinentID = 2516,
name = 'Ohn\'iri Springs, The Nokhud Offensive',
y = -2445.669921875,
x = 2528.0700683594,
ID = 2851,
ContinentID = 2516,
name = 'Morqut Village, The Forbidden Reach',
y = 6407.7099609375,
x = -2560.2700195312,
ID = 2855,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Quest Path 9315: 10.0.7 Forbidden Reach - War Creche - Taxi - Go Up - EJC',
y = 6014.91015625,
x = -3093.9099121094,
ID = 2856,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Quest Path 9316: 10.0.7 Forbidden Reach - War Creche - Taxi - Go Down - EJC',
y = 6047.6401367188,
x = -3071.4799804688,
ID = 2857,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = '10.1 UG - Campaign - Ch6 - Aberrus Upper Platform (SMART)',
y = 2853.6201171875,
x = 2691.1899414062,
ID = 2860,
ContinentID = 2600,
name = 'Morqut Islet, Forbidden Reach',
y = 6308.240234375,
x = -2255.7800292969,
ID = 2862,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Loamm, Zaralek Cavern',
y = -324.57299804688,
x = 2032.0300292969,
ID = 2863,
ContinentID = 2454,
name = 'Obsidian Rest, Zaralek Cavern',
y = 1061.2199707031,
x = 2355.4399414062,
ID = 2864,
ContinentID = 2454,
name = 'Dragonscale Camp, Zaralek Cavern',
y = -959.29901123047,
x = 3140.2299804688,
ID = 2865,
ContinentID = 2454,
name = 'Cascades Canyon, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -61.49829864502,
x = 45.75870132446,
ID = 2866,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'The Throughway, Zaralek Cavern',
y = -68.65969848633,
x = 757.78100585938,
ID = 2867,
ContinentID = 2454,
name = 'Old Loamm Road, Ohn\'ahran Plains',
y = -1593.9799804688,
x = 4136.1098632812,
ID = 2874,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Old Loamm Road, Zaralek Cavern',
y = -1549.8399658203,
x = 3535.5500488281,
ID = 2875,
ContinentID = 2454,
name = 'Lookout Breach, Zaralek Cavern',
y = -2068.419921875,
x = 3454.7099609375,
ID = 2876,
ContinentID = 2454,
name = 'Lookout Breach, Azure Span',
y = -2598.3601074219,
x = 3435.7299804688,
ID = 2877,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Weaver\'s Lair, Azj-Kahet',
y = -593.34997558594,
x = -1446.6400146484,
ID = 2882,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Quest Path 9429: 10.1.7 Heritage - Night Elf - Player Up to the Start of Shadow Hold, Lower Floor (MPK)',
y = 4901.8901367188,
x = -395.26998901367,
ID = 2887,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'Wildcamp Or\'lay, Azj-Kahet',
y = -796.04302978516,
x = 876.14398193359,
ID = 2889,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Quest Path 9443: 10.1.7 Heritage - Night Elf - Player Up to the Start of Shadow Hold, Hel\'nurath\'s Room (MPK)',
y = 4857.6201171875,
x = -385.4049987793,
ID = 2892,
ContinentID = 1,
name = 'The Burrows, Azj-Kahet',
y = -2149.5600585938,
x = -975.33001708984,
ID = 2893,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Central Encampment, The Emerald Dream',
y = -1716.3499755859,
x = 7074.1401367188,
ID = 2902,
ContinentID = 2548,
name = 'Verdant Landing, The Emerald Dream',
y = -1328.3800048828,
x = 5746.0498046875,
ID = 2903,
ContinentID = 2548,
name = 'Eye of Ysera, The Emerald Dream',
y = -81.62149810791,
x = 6754.0698242188,
ID = 2904,
ContinentID = 2548,
name = 'Wellspring Overlook, The Emerald Dream',
y = -282.98300170898,
x = 8216.580078125,
ID = 2905,
ContinentID = 2548,
name = 'Bel\'ameth, Amirdrassil',
y = -1715.9699707031,
x = 7073.8500976562,
ID = 2915,
ContinentID = 2444,
name = 'Wildcamp Ul\'ar, Azj-Kahet',
y = -1544.4200439453,
x = -590.80401611328,
ID = 2919,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Faerin\'s Advance, Azj-Kahet',
y = 689.84698486328,
x = -1651.4599609375,
ID = 2920,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Mmarl, Azj-Kahet',
y = -1406.2600097656,
x = -2817.0400390625,
ID = 2921,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Dunelle\'s Kindness, Hallowfall',
y = 2471.5500488281,
x = -1204.8800048828,
ID = 2922,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Lightspark, Hallowfall',
y = 1552.8399658203,
x = 10.93400001526,
ID = 2923,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Light\'s Redoubt, Hallowfall',
y = 998.53802490234,
x = 1040.2399902344,
ID = 2924,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Opportunity Point, The Ringing Deeps',
y = 72.31600189209,
x = -4018.75,
ID = 2925,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Camp Murroch, The Ringing Deeps',
y = 748.12799072266,
x = -3548.2600097656,
ID = 2926,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Dornogal, Isle of Dorn',
y = 2585.4399414062,
x = -2473.3200683594,
ID = 2928,
ContinentID = 2552,
name = 'Freywold Village, Isle of Dorn',
y = 985.46002197266,
x = -1847.6300048828,
ID = 2929,
ContinentID = 2552,
name = 'Durgaz Cabin, Isle of Dorn',
y = 2673.6599121094,
x = -4099.7299804688,
ID = 2931,
ContinentID = 2552,
name = 'Rambleshire, Isle of Dorn',
y = 3517.6201171875,
x = -3394.8000488281,
ID = 2932,
ContinentID = 2552,
name = 'Grand Rampart',
y = -2843.1201171875,
x = -396.56298828125,
ID = 2933,
ContinentID = 2657,
name = 'The Pulsing Pit',
y = -2962.4399414062,
x = -334.16299438477,
ID = 2934,
ContinentID = 2657,
name = 'Terrace of Majesty',
y = -3529.8400878906,
x = -379.0710144043,
ID = 2935,
ContinentID = 2657,
name = 'The Swaying Span (One-way)',
y = -3006.1101074219,
x = -110.16100311279,
ID = 2936,
ContinentID = 2657,
name = 'The Narthex',
y = -3264.0200195312,
x = 103.30899810791,
ID = 2937,
ContinentID = 2657,
name = 'Mereldar, Hallowfall',
y = 2035.1400146484,
x = 953.68103027344,
ID = 2941,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Priory of the Sacred Flame, Hallowfall',
y = 3074.3798828125,
x = 988.04498291016,
ID = 2942,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Lorel\'s Crossing, Hallowfall',
y = 2689.7299804688,
x = 385.19100952148,
ID = 2943,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Hillhelm Family Farm, Hallowfall',
y = 3235.2600097656,
x = -692.19396972656,
ID = 2944,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'The Aegis Wall, Hallowfall',
y = 1815.4899902344,
x = -1522.8900146484,
ID = 2950,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Quest Path 9706: 11.0 Z2 - Max Level - CH3 - Q2 - Pipe Ingress 1 Taxi (SMART)',
y = 134.10600280762,
x = -3557.5500488281,
ID = 2955,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Gundargaz, The Ringing Deeps',
y = 2224.3200683594,
x = -2735.7900390625,
ID = 2962,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Shadowvein Point, The Ringing Deeps',
y = 1529.3000488281,
x = -3782.6101074219,
ID = 2963,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Quest Path 9786: 11.0 Z2 - Campaign - Ch 3 - Dark Iron From Above - Boss Flyover - (LWB)',
y = 3090.8701171875,
x = -2928.2299804688,
ID = 2964,
ContinentID = 2601,
name = 'Quest Path 9870: 11.0 Raid - Nerubian - Zone - Thread Elevator - 04 Taxi Path 01 - TJS',
y = -3464.8999023438,
x = -148.83999633789,
ID = 2967,
ContinentID = 2657,
name = 'Tranquil Strand, Isle of Dorn',
y = 1820.6899414062,
x = -879.71899414063,
ID = 2970,
ContinentID = 2552,
name = 'The Pulsing Pit (One-way)',
y = -2917.0500488281,
x = -251.26699829102,
ID = 2971,
ContinentID = 2657,
name = 'Jeff the Flightmaster',
y = 985.46002197266,
x = -1847.6300048828,
ID = 2972,
ContinentID = 2552,
name = 'The Ascending Reach',
y = -3505.7700195312,
x = -112.17199707031,
ID = 2984,
ContinentID = 2657,
name = 'The Congealing Pool (One-way)',
y = -3373.3200683594,
x = -217.84199523926,
ID = 2987,
ContinentID = 2657,
name = 'The Crown of Shadows',
y = -3585.3999023438,
x = 468.37298583984,
ID = 3003,
ContinentID = 2657,