#!/bin/bash echo "----> Starting Download of all LEGO instructions from https://brickset.com/exportscripts/instructions" firstline=0 logfile="lego_errors.log" #error_level: # 0 no errors reported # 1 Download errors reported # 2 Existing files and download errors reported error_level=2 echo "" > $logfile if [ -f "instructions" ]; then echo "---> Using existing instructions file. Manually delete it to redownload..." else echo -ne "---> Downloading csv from Brickset..." wget https://brickset.com/exportscripts/instructions &> /dev/null if [[ "$?" != 0 ]]; then echo "Error... Exiting!" exit; else echo "Done!" fi fi while IFS=, read -r ID LINK NAME DESC ADDED RETRIVED do if [ "$firstline" = 0 ]; then firstline=1 else #echo "I got:$ID - $LINK - $NAME - $DESC - $ADDED - $RETRIVED" tID=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$ID") tLINK=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$LINK") tNAME=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$NAME") tADDED=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$ADDED") tDESC=$(sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' <<<"$DESC") filename=$tID"_"${tNAME// /_}"_("${tDESC// /_}")_"$tADDED".pdf" if [ -f "$filename" ]; then echo "-> $tID exists. Skipping..." if [[ $error_level = 2 ]]; then echo "$filename exists." >> $logfile fi else if [[ "$tDESC" = "{No longer listed at LEGO.com}" ]] ; then echo "-> $tID is not available. Skipping..." if [[ $error_level = 1 || $error_level = 2 ]]; then echo "$filename is not available." >> $logfile fi else echo -ne "--> $tID downloading now..." curl $tLINK --silent --output $filename if [ -f "$filename" ]; then echo "Done!" else echo "ERROR!" echo "--> Not downloaded. Try again manually..." if [[ $error_level = 1 || $error_level = 2 ]]; then echo "$filename was not downloaded. Check CURL" >> $logfile fi fi fi fi fi done < instructions