import os from uuid import uuid4 from urllib.parse import quote from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape from .entry import Entry from .link import Link import sqlite3,json import config import extras class Search(object): def __init__( self, title, ): self.title = title def render(self): env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader( searchpath=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates") ), autoescape=select_autoescape(["html", "xml"]), ) template = env.get_template("catalog.opds.jinja2") return template.render(catalog=self) def fromdir(root_url, url, content_base_path, content_relative_path): path = os.path.join(content_base_path, content_relative_path) if os.path.basename(content_relative_path) == "": c = Catalog( title="Comics", root_url=root_url, url=url ) else: c = Catalog( title=extras.xmlesc(os.path.basename(content_relative_path)), root_url=root_url, url=url ) #title=os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)), root_url=root_url, url=url ##########WORKING AREA########### searchArr=[] if c.url.endswith("/catalog"): with open('test.json') as fi: data=json.load(fi) print("--> LOADED FILE") # try and get this as low as possible. #searchArr=["Girl","Bat","Part One"] for e in data: for key, value in e.items(): searchArr.append(key) print(searchArr) ###################### if not "search" in c.url: onlydirs = [ f for f in os.listdir(path) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f)) ] onlydirs.sort() print(onlydirs) for dirname in onlydirs: print(dirname) link = Link( href=quote(f"/catalog/{content_relative_path}/{dirname}").replace('//','/'), #windows fix rel="subsection", rpath=path, type="application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition", ) c.add_entry(Entry(title=extras.xmlesc(dirname), id=uuid4(), links=[link])) if c.url.endswith("/catalog"): for i in searchArr: link2 = Link( href=quote(f"/catalog/search["+i+"]"), rel="subsection", rpath=path, type="application/atom+xml;profile=opds-catalog;kind=acquisition", ) c.add_entry(Entry(title="["+i+"]",id=uuid4(),links=[link2])) if not "search" in c.url: onlyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))] onlyfiles.sort() for filename in onlyfiles: if not filename.endswith('cbz'): continue link = Link( href=quote(f"/content/{content_relative_path}/{filename}"), rel="", rpath=path, type=mimetype(filename), ) #c.add_entry(Entry(title=filename.rsplit(".",1)[0], id=uuid4(), links=[link])) c.add_entry(Entry(title=extras.xmlesc(filename).rsplit(".",1)[0], id=uuid4(), links=[link])) #fixed issue with multiple . in filename #print(c.render()) else: with open('test.json') as fi: data=json.load(fi) config._print("--> LOADED 2 FILE") # try and get this as low as possible. for e in data: for key, value in e.items(): config._print(key) searchArr.append(key) for i in searchArr: config._print("i (in searchArr): " + i) config._print("quote i: " + quote(f""+i)) if quote(f""+i) in c.url: conn = sqlite3.connect('app.db') for e in data: config._print("e (in data): " + str(e)) for key, value in e.items(): config._print("key: " + key) if key == i: config._print("key <" + str(key) + "> matches <" + str(i) + ">") query="SELECT * FROM COMICS where " for h in value: first=True for j,k in h.items(): if j == 'SQL': query = query + k if k != '' and j != "SQL": config._print(j) config._print(k) config._print(query) if not first and j != 'limit': query = query + "and " config._print(query) if type(k) == list: config._print(k) if j == "series" or j == "title": firstS = True query = query + "(" config._print(query) for l in k: if not firstS: query = query + "or " config._print(query) query = query + j + " like '%" + l + "%' " config._print(query) if firstS: firstS = False query = query + ") " config._print(query) else: query = query + j + " in (" config._print(query) firstL = True for l in k: if not firstL: query = query + "," config._print(query) query = query + "'" + str(l) + "'" config._print(query) if firstL: firstL = False query = query + ") " config._print(query) elif j != 'limit': query = query + j + " like '%" + str(k) + "%' " config._print(query) elif j == 'limit': config.DEFAULT_SEARCH_NUMBER = k else: print(">>>>>>>>>>>ERROR THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN<<<<<<<<<<<") if first: first = False query = query + " order by series asc, cast(issue as unsigned) asc " if config.DEFAULT_SEARCH_NUMBER != 0: query = query + "LIMIT " + str(config.DEFAULT_SEARCH_NUMBER) + ";" else: query = query + ";" break else: config._print("key <" + str(key) + "> DOES NOT match <" + str(i) + ">") config._print("----> " + query) sql = query #sql="SELECT * from COMICS where SERIES like '%" + i+ "%' or Title like '%" + i+ "%';" #config._print(sql) s = conn.execute(sql) #list=[] for r in s: #config._print(r) tUrl=f""+r[7].replace('\\','/').replace(config.WIN_DRIVE_LETTER + ':','').replace(config.CONTENT_BASE_DIR,"/content") #config._print(tUrl) tTitle=r[6] link3 = Link( #href=quote(f"/content/DC Comics/Earth Cities/Gotham City/Batgirl/Annual/(2012) Batgirl Annual/Batgirl Annual #001 - The Blood That Moves Us [December, 2012].cbz"), href=quote(tUrl), rel="", rpath=path, type="application/x-cbz", ) #config._print(link3.href) c.add_entry( Entry( title=tTitle, id=uuid4(), links=[link3] ) ) #print(c.title) return c def mimetype(path): extension = path.split(".")[-1].lower() if extension == "pdf": return "application/pdf" elif extension == "epub": return "application/epub" elif extension == "mobi": return "application/mobi" elif extension == "cbz": return "application/x-cbz" else: return "application/unknown"