from .instructions_list import BrickInstructionsList from .retired_list import BrickRetiredList from .set_owner import BrickSetOwner from .set_owner_list import BrickSetOwnerList from .set_status import BrickSetStatus from .set_status_list import BrickSetStatusList from .set_tag import BrickSetTag from .set_tag_list import BrickSetTagList from .theme_list import BrickThemeList # Reload everything related to a database after an operation def reload() -> None: # Failsafe try: # Reload the instructions BrickInstructionsList(force=True) # Reload the set owners BrickSetOwnerList(BrickSetOwner, force=True) # Reload the set statuses BrickSetStatusList(BrickSetStatus, force=True) # Reload the set tags BrickSetTagList(BrickSetTag, force=True) # Reload retired sets BrickRetiredList(force=True) # Reload themes BrickThemeList(force=True) except Exception: pass