{% macro header(title, id, parent, quantity=none, expanded=false, icon=none, class=none, danger=none, image=none, alt=none) %} {% if danger %} {% set icon='alert-fill' %} {% endif %}

{% endmacro %} {% macro footer() %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro cards(card_collection, title, id, parent, target, icon=none) %} {% set size=card_collection | length %} {% if size %} {{ header(title, id, parent, icon=icon) }}
{% for item in card_collection %}
{% with solo=false, tiny=true %} {% include target %} {% endwith %}
{% endfor %}
{{ footer() }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro table(table_collection, title, id, parent, target, quantity=none, icon=none, image=none, alt=none, details=none, read_only=none) %} {% set size=table_collection | length %} {% if size %} {{ header(title, id, parent, quantity=quantity, icon=icon, class='p-0', image=image, alt=alt) }} {% if details %}

{% if image %} {% endif %} {% if icon %}{% endif %} Details

{% endif %} {% with solo=true, all=false %} {% include target %} {% endwith %} {{ footer() }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %}