{% import 'macro/accordion.html' as accordion %} {% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %} - {% if not bulk %}Add a set{% else %}Bulk add sets{% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block main %}
{% if not bulk and not config['HIDE_ADD_BULK_SET'] %} {% endif %}
{% if not bulk %}Add a set{% else %}Bulk add sets{% endif %}
{% if not bulk %} {% else %}
{% endif %}
{% if brickset_owners | length %} {{ accordion.header('Owners', 'owners', 'metadata', icon='user-line') }}
{% for owner in brickset_owners %} {% with id=owner.as_dataset() %}
{% endwith %} {% endfor %}
{{ accordion.footer() }} {% endif %} {% if brickset_storages | length %} {{ accordion.header('Storage', 'storage', 'metadata', icon='archive-2-line') }}
{{ accordion.footer() }} {% endif %} {% if brickset_tags | length %} {{ accordion.header('Tags', 'tags', 'metadata', icon='price-tag-2-line') }}
{% for tag in brickset_tags %} {% with id=tag.as_dataset() %}
{% endwith %} {% endfor %}
{{ accordion.footer() }} {% endif %}

Progress Loading...

{% if not bulk %} {% endif %}
{% with id='add', bulk=bulk %} {% include 'set/socket.html' %} {% endwith %} {% endblock %}