## \-\-- Day 4: Ceres Search \-\-- \"Looks like the Chief\'s not here. Next!\" One of The Historians pulls out a device and pushes the only button on it. After a brief flash, you recognize the interior of the [Ceres monitoring station](/2019/day/10)! As the search for the Chief continues, a small Elf who lives on the station tugs on your shirt; she\'d like to know if you could help her with her *word search* (your puzzle input). She only has to find one word: `XMAS`. This word search allows words to be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, written backwards, or even overlapping other words. It\'s a little unusual, though, as you don\'t merely need to find one instance of `XMAS` - you need to find *all of them*. Here are a few ways `XMAS` might appear, where irrelevant characters have been replaced with `.`: ..X... .SAMX. .A..A. XMAS.S .X.... The actual word search will be full of letters instead. For example: MMMSXXMASM MSAMXMSMSA AMXSXMAAMM MSAMASMSMX XMASAMXAMM XXAMMXXAMA SMSMSASXSS SAXAMASAAA MAMMMXMMMM MXMXAXMASX In this word search, `XMAS` occurs a total of `18` times; here\'s the same word search again, but where letters not involved in any `XMAS` have been replaced with `.`: ....XXMAS. .SAMXMS... ...S..A... ..A.A.MS.X XMASAMX.MM X.....XA.A S.S.S.S.SS .A.A.A.A.A ..M.M.M.MM .X.X.XMASX Take a look at the little Elf\'s word search. *How many times does `XMAS` appear?* Your puzzle answer was `2378`. ## \-\-- Part Two \-\-- {#part2} The Elf looks quizzically at you. Did you misunderstand the assignment? Looking for the instructions, you flip over the word search to find that this isn\'t actually an `XMAS` puzzle; it\'s an `X-MAS` puzzle in which you\'re supposed to find two `MAS` in the shape of an `X`. One way to achieve that is like this: M.S .A. M.S Irrelevant characters have again been replaced with `.` in the above diagram. Within the `X`, each `MAS` can be written forwards or backwards. Here\'s the same example from before, but this time all of the `X-MAS`es have been kept instead: .M.S...... ..A..MSMS. .M.S.MAA.. ..A.ASMSM. .M.S.M.... .......... S.S.S.S.S. .A.A.A.A.. M.M.M.M.M. .......... In this example, an `X-MAS` appears `9` times. Flip the word search from the instructions back over to the word search side and try again. *How many times does an `X-MAS` appear?* Your puzzle answer was `1796`. Both parts of this puzzle are complete! They provide two gold stars: \*\* At this point, you should [return to your Advent calendar](/2024) and try another puzzle. If you still want to see it, you can [get your puzzle input](4/input).