Working on 2015/11

This commit is contained in:
FrederikBaerentsen 2024-12-09 14:16:56 +01:00
parent 032678593b
commit c049c52d46
2 changed files with 116 additions and 0 deletions

2015/11/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
## \-\-- Day 11: Corporate Policy \-\--
Santa\'s previous password expired, and he needs help choosing a new
To help him remember his new password after the old one expires, Santa
has devised a method of coming up with a password based on the previous
one. Corporate policy dictates that passwords must be exactly eight
lowercase letters (for security reasons), so he finds his new password
by *incrementing* his old password string repeatedly until it is valid.
Incrementing is just like counting with numbers: `xx`, `xy`, `xz`, `ya`,
`yb`, and so on. Increase the rightmost letter one step; if it was `z`,
it wraps around to `a`, and repeat with the next letter to the left
until one doesn\'t wrap around.
Unfortunately for Santa, a new Security-Elf recently started, and he has
imposed some additional password requirements:
- Passwords must include one increasing straight of at least three
letters, like `abc`, `bcd`, `cde`, and so on, up to `xyz`. They
cannot skip letters; `abd` doesn\'t count.
- Passwords may not contain the letters `i`, `o`, or `l`, as these
letters can be mistaken for other characters and are therefore
- Passwords must contain at least two different, non-overlapping pairs
of letters, like `aa`, `bb`, or `zz`.
For example:
- `hijklmmn` meets the first requirement (because it contains the
straight `hij`) but fails the second requirement requirement
(because it contains `i` and `l`).
- `abbceffg` meets the third requirement (because it repeats `bb` and
`ff`) but fails the first requirement.
- `abbcegjk` fails the third requirement, because it only has one
double letter (`bb`).
- The next password after `abcdefgh` is `abcdffaa`.
- The next password after `ghijklmn` is `ghjaabcc`, because you
eventually skip all the passwords that start with `ghi...`, since
`i` is not allowed.
Given Santa\'s current password (your puzzle input), what should his
*next password* be?
Your puzzle input is `hxbxwxba`{.puzzle-input}.

2015/11/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import sys,time,re
from pprint import pprint
sys.path.insert(0, '../../')
from fred import list2int,get_re,nprint,lprint,loadFile
start_time = time.time()
input_f = 'test'
part = 1
# #
# Part 1 #
# #
if part == 1:
letters = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']
def findpairs(text):
pattern = r"([a-zA-Z])\1"
matches = []
i = 0
while i < len(text):
match =, text[i:])
if match:
i += match.end(0)
return matches
def validate(password:list):
valid = False
for i in ['l','i','o']:
if i in password:
return False
for i in range(0,len(password)-2):
idx = letters.index(password[i])
if password[i+1] == letters[idx+1] and password[i+2] == letters[idx+2]:
valid = True
if len(findpairs(''.join(password))) <= 1:
return False
return valid
instructions = loadFile(input_f)
for i in instructions:
i = list(i)
if validate(i):
# #
# Part 2 #
# #
if part == 2:
print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))